..w,,. & apKMiiwwiir" THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, APRIL 22, 1913 EVENING EDITION. fcffigatiByii (ine& s tt yyjp y - Ratlin fiicse aie the specially desirable goods for this season. We have .them. We haven't said very much about our Men's Suits and furnishings, but just the same we have them. New Spring styles and at prices that will surprise you. Our prices tell the story. Ask your neighbor, The Golden Me Broadway and Central. R. A. Copple. Nyal's Pino! Comp for the Cough Price 25 Cents Money refunded if not satisfactory. For sale at the Busy Corner. Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. "THE BUSY MAIN PHONE ORPHEUM TONIGHT Kino i-'Ki-rr ok xkw imcturks. ".i)Vi:.vrriti:s ok couxtkrkeit him' drama kkatuh- l(i .M.U'RICK COSTKLLO. "I'lICCV A.l Till: OLD SCOUT" A (iUOl) WESTERN' story "MISFORTUNES OK MR. AXR MRS. MOTT TAHITI AX I'I'A ll'l KAXCi:" COMEDY. "iii:Qrrn:n love" society drama. FIVE PICTURES ADMISSION" 10 CENTS. BUR INVITING DISPLAY l! UMtS. ll(lllllii mill iififloliifiu "HM It (llllv it iillimtliin (if i.lmnn. ft hlch oti would prefer flint. ! are nil of choice grade and tho mi InesjieriiMiri'tl housekeeper can wttie In perfect conHduueo tlmt ) 0D8 rOlllll lll'll.'.. ti m.Iu.i,. uolo.illmi .... ,.,.,,.v- ,. 11 DVI PVIUI ", rnr her inept cheaper. tURSIIFIELI) CASH MARKET. FOURIER BROS. Mflrtd TolothoiuH Xorlli Rend -J Two Market 51 HY NOT HAVE YOUR SHOES FIXED RIGHT? Ve Ciiarimt,.,, i. i i. , .- v" "in nuni iu uu iiaW "' l" "IWKOt. WO jo- v. " "''""'aio machinery niul mkz: : "!'.," ."':?" .,. iiiuHK uuu lopiiiriui; J we mado us competent. -..,, au iS0U. Knc "" KllllPk II. .If !..!... .. 3ite... Jtrproof' betweoii 'soles 'fr'ecfor a'i hih , "" B!U0 ir uo0' loT..fk b,u,,u Ul08a suoea, sold Mtan.V?ul,!y for $300' wW,B -e of u . " "" A'80 a boi Icet i .11, ""es t reduced ntL," ' " " !" yon to look tliem -i v.uou t'ootweiir and a oijuitro Deal." AUGUST OLSON -,d outli Hiondway. 'oodrum's Garage hrmc of tho CADILLAC and FORD Aul Supplies for All Makes of Cars i'1 Cen,'l Av. i.0o iiTSUT, Hu, Wa0Uorffl3b Panting done t office, rauckc iFI CORNER." 298 US irrT-Jrci? . It ' CTV .1 r tr.i v' M TONIGHT at The Royal Hxlru Prosnun Till: IAI1()X llOVS of Kansas In three Reols, showlnj; the Lights and Shadows of tho Daltons. Tlireo Other Xew lMetiire.s Including (1000 1'eet of lectures. Tho Iloyal Is always tho best show Don't fall to see Tonight's bill. I'rltvs: Italcony 10c. hiiHcr Kloor 1.1c. Madge Horsey and Company at the Star North IJond Thursday night. vi; okkkh vor Wellman Canned Sweet Potatoes at -Oo lVc Can. With each can reclples for: Wellmnn Sweet Potato IMo. Wellman Sweet Potatoes can dled. Wollman Sweot Potato Tonst. Tho above nro dollelous dishes concocted by famous cooks. phono us your orders. Stauff Grocery Co. Phone 102 Maskey's "andles. !W H :-a .i Mil HI - I wi,ii i ls3 n fit? VSffi3r Wl SiSin APIllli TIKI'S. lU'low 1h given the Hmo and height of high and low water nt Mnrshfleld. Tlio tl.los nro p'lnced In tho order of occurrence, with their times on tho first lino nnd holghtB on the second line of each day; a compni iRon on conRecutlvo heights will IndlcAto whother It 1b high or low water. For high water on tho bar, 4nliutrnct 2 hours 34 tnlnutps. L'LMirs.. :,.in o.r.7 i.n n.sr. Kt... 0.8 0.7 r..l! 1.4 23IIIIU. 3.17 10. LM r.,01 10.00 iKt... 0.7 0.0 l.!t li.O 24iiiiH.. t.20 n.oii r..r:i io.fi l Kt... O.r, 0.4 4.0 2.3 ss'iii'M. . fi.oo n.r.i) o.r,2 ii.ifi !Kt... 0.1 0.0 4.4 2.7 2ti'Itl'S. . fi.r.O 12.53 7."i7 0.0 ' Kt... fi.7 0.2 4.2 0.0 27 Ills., (l.fill B.r.l 1.1!) !).()7 Kt... 2.0 fi.l O.fi 4.4 2S His.. 2.1 I 8.04 2.4!) 10.07 iKt... 2.S 4.7 0.7 4.0 2!llllH.. 3.32 S.80 3. IS 10.fi7 'Kt... 2.S l.r. 0.7 4.S 30 lirs.. 4.3!) 10.30 4.41 11.37 Kt... 2.3 4.4 l.l fi.l Will liciive. O. A. Howard and wlfo are planning to move to Califor nia, where they will locate. ltuys Audi .1. H. Flanagan Is tho latest addition to the auto owners, having purchased an "Oakland 40" touring car for himself and family. Xew Ki'init. The building occu pied by the II. S. Tower Jewelry store and owned by Ncls Itasmussen Ladies When Down Town Shopping Drop In at the WhiteJHouse Bakery (Formerly Lultl's) Kor u Cup of Afternoon Tea. A Full Line of Dellcntessen Goods, WANT ADS. KOIt SALi: ItoomhiK house. Nice, clean place In excellent location. Can be bought right. Seo Coos Hay Realty Co., opposite (Ira nil Theater. Phono 204-J. KOIt HUNT Klve room bungalow. Seo Coos May Realty Co. Phono 204-J. Opposite (J rand Theater. WAXTKD (Jlil fur general house work, (lood home, light work, plenty of time oft. Phono 318-.I. WAXTKD Purcliaser for four lots In Hunker Hill uenr Squire's store for $1050. 75x110 on corner of Fifth and Johnson for $1,000. Also owner of ludy'H nice silk iim hrella left In our olllco nnd "too good to keep." Title Guarantee Abstract Co. LOST Motorcycle pedal hanger and sprocket on Second street Inst Sun day. Please leave nt Times olllco. Reward. KOIt SALIC Complete housekeeping out lit for 5 rooms. Modern house can bo rented by purchaser. 475 Dennett Ave. WAXTKD To borrow .SI)II0 on good security for three years at 8 per cent; 200 acres laud. Address W, caro Times. ,OST Open fnee golil watch lit race track, or between high school and town. Klglu movement. Rowaid for return to Times office. KOIt HALK. Complete housekeeping ouint ror r. rooms; a modern house and garden; can he rented hy tho piirclitisor only. C. A. Howard. 173 11th St. North. Phono 343-.I. WAXTKD A lady cook. A. 11. , core Times. Address KOIt ltKXT Modern four room house, partly furnished; furnish ings for sale. Dr. Leslie. WAXTKD Sober, honest, Industrl ous young man with family wish es to securo n steady position; good references; not particular as to kind of work. Address W. R. Dent, C2G Kontuck St., Vnlle Jo, Call. WAXTKD Good nillch cows; If you havo any call Phono 401, North Uond, KOIt ItlCXT Comfortable room with stove and bath. Phone 23C-J; 70S North Second St. KOIt ltKXT Kiirnlsheil housekeep ing rooms with gas. 240 N. 4th streot. Phono 242-L. WAXTKD A small tract of acreage, part under . cultivation. State price, i tornis, location nnd Im provements. A. E. Ilalllday. Ilox 759, Marshflold, Oregon. KOIt SALE Orj- wood, tlr find ai der, at Campbell's Wood Yard, FWrv lnnrllne Plinwn ifis.T DAIRY AXD STOCK KAItVS. If you want n good Dairy or Stock farm seo KItzgerald or Phono im, Marshfleld. Kor the Iloniesceker Ho can show you some of Hie best In tho county for salo. WIJATII Kit KOItKCAST. Hy Associated Press OUKGOX Kalr tonight nnd Wednesday. Heavy frost to night and cooler In east. North westerly winds. I.OCAIi TKMPKItATCltH " ItKCOItl). Kor tho 2 1 hours ending nt I: 13 a. in., April 22. by llenj. Osiilnd, special goveinnienl me tenrnloglci'l observer: .Maxlinuum fifi Minimum 3fi At 1:13 a. m 35 Precipitation 21 Precipitation since Sept. 1, 1012 fiS.lt Precipitation same period last year 49.fil Wind: northwest ; partly cloudy. Is being overhauled and having n new front Installed. Xew Suit Itcgiiu. Harry Hoy went to C'oqullle yesterday to attend court, lie has begun a new suit for Andrew Ilecltl against tho Coos Hny Liquor company for about $8,000 dnmages on tho old llrowury saloon trouble. Itnnil Concert. Director Kenton of the Coos liny Concert IVaml an nounces nnother concert will be giv en next Sunday afternoon. If tho weather Is favorable It will bo given In the park nnd If It Is unfavorable, the conceit wll bo given at tho Ma sonic Opera house. Will llulld. Walter llutlor Iuib re iclvod n note from W. S. MeFnrlnnd. formerly cnshler of the First National Rank here but for tho last fow years witli tile Southern Counties Gas com pany nt Los Angeles, stating that he Is building a Hue home In Los An geles nnd will have It ready for oc cupancy soon. Catches Dig Klsli. Hans Krugcr Sunday caught the biggest llsli or the season, landing an eight-pound trout near tho forks of tho river. Ho caught It with a small troll. Tho trout wnB about thirty Inches long and was one of tho largest ever taken. Captain Kruger, who went out with his son, thought the fishing would be better farther up si renin hut he failed to get one while Hans lauded four teen nice ones In nddltlton to the big trout. Open Xew Iledford Addition. The Southern Oregon company Ih arrang ing to put Now Iledford Addition, or Knob Hill, on the market. Mrs. A. II. Stutsman stated today that already forty-two had reserved lots there. Manager Armstrong, of the Southern Oregon company, has informed her that they expect to have tho caso of the Davis heirs, for n part Interest In a big tract, settled with In a short time. Only part of New lledfonl ad dition is In the tract Involved. Enjoy Outing. Sundny Frank Smlth.superintendent or tho' Coos River hatchery, entertained a small party of friends on uu outing. Among those In tho party were J. W. lllldon brnud nnd family, llnrry Ilradlleld and family. Perry Dodsou nnd fam ily. Sylvester Jones and family, W. K. Schrocder and wire, J. G. Kinney and family, R. N. Feuton nnd family. Miss Edith Illldenbrnud nnd Arch Jo Johnston. Tlioy caught about sixty nice trout nnd enjoyed a picnic din ner nt the hatchery. Ooml Klshlng. Tho oxrollont llsh lug Is taking many parties out to tle hnunts of the tinny tribe and nil brlhg back tho same story of good catches. The fishing Is better than it 111111 becii ror lirteen yours Is tho statement of 0110 veteran disciple of (smile Walton. Commenting tomorrow, tho tides will bo Just right nnd the next week will be the best of tho season. A party consisting of E. W. Kammerer. J. D. Tower, C. K. Perry and tho Tower hrothors or tho Orpheum, lcavo In the morning for a day's llshlng on Coos Rlvor. STAGE OVERTURNS AGAIX. Passcngcih Spilled on Slusinw Road, Hut Xune Is Injured, FLORENCE. Ore.. April 2:'. A. Phllgren nnd W. H. O'Kolly nnd fam ily arrived nt Florence to resltlo. They say that the stago turned over on the way In, spilling tho load of six per sons but Injuring no one. THINK IMfS, TALK LITTLE; LOVE MUCH, LAUGH EASILY; Work hard, give freely, bo kind, nnd buy your Candies and Ico Cream nt Stafford's and you will bo happy. Flowers! Flowers! Now lot Just in Wonderful Values ,15q, ' Now lot Rlcenot ono-ploco Hats tho Latest 15c. Straw Ilrald tho hunch 15c. "ALWAYS SOMKTHIXfi XEW." Peoples' 5-l(M5c Store Parasol Covers ALL SHADES OK ALL COLORS ut the Marslifield Cyclery Dayton Agents. Phono 158-It 172 llrondwny PERSONAL NOTES DAN STENNON is In town today from Allegany. MRS. ROSS, of North Inlet, is a town visitor today. WALLACE CROUCH, of llnynos In let, Is In town today. V.. T. SIGLIN. or Isthmus Inlet, Is In town on business. CAPTAIN EDWARDS, of Allegnny. Is spending n few days In town. JOHN MORGAN, of Empire, was a Marshlleld business visitor todny. MRS. JOHN MICIIELRRINK Is a visitor from Allegany for the day. MISS IDA RHEIR. of llayues Inlet, Is spending the day iu town shop ping. MRS. 1IOYD LATTLV of South Coos River Ib spending u couple of days In town. C. E. LKGOETT. a lesldent or Tom pletou, is in .Marshlleld today on husluess. MRS. .. T. THOMAS, or Allegnny. Is spending the day in Marshlleld on business. SUPT. A. O. RAAIJ or the North Rend schools was a Marshlleld business visitor yesterday. CIIAS. CURTIS or tho Union Meat company Is malting a trip to Co qulllo Valley towns. REV. FATHER SPRINGER will leave tomorrow morning on tho Drain stage ona visit to Florence. J. T. CONLOGUE and KATIIERINE CONLOGUE of Lampa are spend ing 11 few days In Marshlleld. JOHN I) .GOSS returned to Coqulllo this morning to utteud the ad journed term of circuit court. MR. nnd MRS. J. It. 1IOWRON. of Istlimus Inlet, camo to Mnrshlleld this morning on n business trip. MI 1.0 SUMNER went to Coqulllo on a business trip this morning. Hu will return on tho evening train, MRS. WILSON, representing tho new Louise Home of Portland, Is In Mnrshlleld soliciting funds ror Its mnlutounuce. ENGINEER F. A. HAINES has re turned to Myrtle Point after spend ing Sunday here. He reports good progress on tho Smlth-PoworB Hue. JOSEPH FELTWELL. presenting n Milwaukee hosiery house, left on tho Alliance yesterday after u short business trip In Mnrsh lleld. MRS. T. A. PATTISON expects to leave with her family next week to Join Mr. Pnttlson, who Is superin tendent of n lumber mill nt Linton, near Portland, Oregon. I). A. CUR RE Y. tho harbor, expects to leave about May I on 11 pros pecting trip to San Diego. Ho plans to move to that city and liii;e his lioine at ll I'tter date, FRED TUTTLE and family passed through hero yesterday en route from llaudnn to Ten Mile whoro they will visit with Mrs. Tuttle's parents, .Mr. nnd .Mrs. It. .M. Wfetlor. E. .1. LONEY. or the Port (Moid bunk, Is In Marshlleld on husl uess, Ho reports Port Olforil very prosperous nnd Hint tho out look Is ror 0110 or tho best years Curry county has known. MRS. A. S, ELDRIDOE or Sonttlo arrived In Mnrshlleld via Drain and will visit with relatives on the liny. Mrs. Eldrldgo is a daughter of Mr. ami Mrs. A. O Rogers or South Coos Rlvor and 1 sister of A. O. Rogers, Jr. MRS. L. J. SIMPSON, of North Seeds That Will Grow WE HAVE 'EM! SEED POTATOES Urn bank mid ('old Coin. GRASS SEEDS All that nro need- cd In this section. GARDEN SEEDS OK ALL KINDS KLOWKR SEEDS of every wanted kind to beautify your home. Prill nml Innl? nvftr rim nvti'ii lfiriro assortment It might remind you ot something you havo overlooked. We also carry a compfoto stock or Fertilizers Wo can save time and monoy for you 011 Seeds. The Bazar "Store of Quality." Phone 32. ' I - TUESDAY L. O. O. M. Installation nnd soclnl. Ladles' Episcopal Guild with .Mrs. W. A. Toyc. Royal Auction Rridgo with Mrs. C. F. McKnlght. Eastern Stnr Social. WEDNESDAY Jolly Dozen club with Mrs. W. S. Squire. H. P. O. E. card nnrtv nnd I dance. THURSDAY Social Sewing club. Mlnnle-Wls club with Mrs. Win. Perkins. A. N. W. club with Mrs. S. Lnudo. Local Parties Have No Word but Think it Is Progressing May Delay Trip. No word has been received from Portland relntlvo to tho Klnnoy Wllsey deal hut It is expected that everything is going satisfactory. Parties on tho liny who aro In closo touch with It say that they do not expect to seo It consummated until after Messrs. Wllsey, Rrunough and Kinney roach hero, which Is expect ed to bo some tlmo this weak. How ever, It Ib posslblo Hint they may not come until a llttlo later in or der to bo horo when Judgo Hnrrls of Eugene is holding a spoclal term of court at Coqulllo to hoar cases In which Judgo Coko cannot preside. Ho will bo horo In n week or two and It tuny bu necessary to havo tho court pnss on somo matters In con nection with It. Tho appointment of W. J. Rust as trusteo for tho Kinney properties will expire April 24, tho dny alter tomorrow. This, it is bollovod, will not have nny bearing on tho deal, tho withdrawal of Kollock, Wnlto ami others from the trustee agree ment altering the situation some what. Whether tlio rocolverslilp Idea In to bo entirely cllmlnntod will prob ably not bo known until tho donl In concluded. nend, was tho guest of Marshflold friends todny. ,, E. N. SMITH, of Ilnndon, Is In .Miirsniioiii on business. J. E. NORTON Is hero from Coqulllo on tiusiness nnd pleasure W. H. KENNEDY hnB returned from 11 business trip to Coqulllo vnlloy points. CAPTAIN EDGAR SIMPSON, of North Rend, was n Mnrshllold business visitor today. W. C. 8ELLMER. tho Handon mov ing plcturo magnate, Is In Mnrsh llold op business apd pleasure, GEORGE WINCHESTER rotumoil last ovening from Coqulllo whoro ho was called as a witness boforn ho grand Jury In tho case of forger Edmunds. , DORSEY KREITZER of tho' First Nntlonnl Hank went to Coqulllo this nftornoon to tostRy boforo tho grand Jury In tho enso of Guy Lombard who Is charged with forgo ry. CASHIER ED RACICLEFF of tho Rank of Myrtlo Point, wna n Mnrshlleld business visitor todny. Ho reports that Myrtle Point Is booming. Everybody thnro tlilnlcs tho Smith-Powers rond Is to bo a link Iu tho const lino. MRS. LLOYD W. .TACOIIS nnd llt tlo son nro horo from Spoknno to visit nt tho liomo of hor parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Forry. Mr. Ferry Is recuperating from his recent llluoss. Jnmos Jerry, Jr., went north to accompany thorn hero. THOSE RAILWAYS. Tho nous that another rnllnad Is being projected Iu Wostorn Orogou Is refreshing. It has been sovoral months since tho last 0110 was an nounced, says tho Eugono Roglstor. Editor Jenkins evidently bus not boon rending' tho Coos Hay oxchanges. WHEN THE JAPS GO TO WAR Tho fist place thoy will want to tako will bo Coos Hay and tho uoxt plnco will be BARTER'S bocauso tho light will ho so hot thoy will require n refreshing drink nnd everybody knows tho best fountain drlnlts 011 Coos Ray aro at SARTER'S. Get a BLOOD Purifier df morlt hy Insisting on UrownV Famous III00U PurHlor. Spring Is heie and now Is tho time for purlfjlng your system. '". O! P. VINi'OW Us'fteWIMaiii SOCIAL CALENDAR I o - . i NEWS OF KINNEY DEAL .y.-sra