THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, APRIL 22, 1913 EVENING EDITION. KQUH'l'KO WITH WIRKLKS3 Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME. SAIM.VO 1-MtOSI P0RTI,AXR, AlMtlL HI, UiJ, HO, M Y .", HI, IB, SO, UB AM) SMI AT 8 A. M SAIMN'CJ FROM COOS HAY, A1MHL Hi, HI, U, MAY 2, 7, It!, 17, UH AND 1!7. Tickets on Mile to nil Knstern points anil Infoi niatloii as to routes anil rail's clict'if ully furnished. Phone .Main .'SB-L. I'. i. STHRMXd, Agent. 66 Our Personal Guarantee (o all Skin Sufferers" Kcd Cross Drug Store, stHeEaE SPEEDWELL (APT. K. ROSKXIIIjATT, .Muster. Sails for San Francisco, from Coos Bay About April 24th T1IH fil'KKDWKIJi In speedy nnd hits excellent passenger accom,) nioiiiitioiiH, large clean ana airy rooms nnu electric lights una wireless. For freight nml passage, apply, A. l' Kstnbroolc Co. Tltlo Gunrnnteo ud Abstract Co., 01H-017 Snutii .Minimi llhlg., Han I'ranclsco. Mar.iliflold. We liavo been In business In tills town for some time, uml we ute looUing to 1 mild up trudo In ahvii.vH uilvlxlncr our I tit runs rJjrlit. flo wlirn we toll you tlmt we haw found the eczema remedy and that wo Ntmul tuck of it wltli tlie inuliufflcturer's Iron cljd guarantee, bached liy ourselves you run ileciciul upon It Hint we Klve our advice not hi order to sell u few bottles of meillclne to sliln sulTererx, but be rune we know liow It will help our business If wo help our patrons. We Iteep In stoelt nnil sell, nil the well known sldn remedies. Hut wo will say this: it you nn HufTerlnt,' from any kind of sliln trouble, eczema, psorlnsls, rnsli or tetter, we wont you to try u full size bottle of 1), l. 1). Prescription, And, if it does not do the work, this bottle will cost you nothlnir, You alono to Judge. Again and again we have seen now n few UropH of this simple wash applied to the sklu. takes away tho itch. In stantly. And the cures, all seem to bo permanent. t 1). D. D. Prescription made by the I). I). 1). Laboratories of Chicago, Is composed of thymol, glycerine, oil of wlnterKrcen and other healing, soothlmr, cooling InKrcdlents. And If you are. Just crazy with Itch, you will feel soothed and cooled, the Itch absolutely washed nwuy tho moment you applied this I). D. D. We have mad fast frUndt of mora than one family by recotmnendlnc this remedy to a skin sufferer hero and there and we wnlit you In try It now on our positive t'uoruntec. Ilod Cross Drug Store ALL OVERg; A113DF0RD Preliminary Heaver Portland Cement eompuny. JOHN DAY A feverish g(),i stampede liny Just been started liy a strike on Canyon mountain, made by an old-time prospector, Dan O'Slien. HKPPNKU Reports from the northern part or the county u(. cato a loss of at least llfto'i) head of sheep In lust .Monday nlght'H Btorm, FAST AX1) COMMODIOUS Steamer Redondo Equipped with wireless and submarine bell SAILS FROM MARSH FIELDJYor SAN FRANCISCO WEDNESDAY, APRIL 23 AT 12 NOON All PsMenircr Reservations From San Francisco Must lie Made at HOB Flfo litilldliig, or Lombard utrcct l'ler 27. All reservations must lie taken up H 1 hours before Hailing. IXTKR-OCEAX TRAXSPORTATIOX CO. PHONE 44 p. p. McOROROE Agont. S. S. ALLIANCE KQUIPPKD WITH WIHKLESS SAILS FROM COOS BAY FOR PORTLAND THURSDAY, APRIL 24, AT 1:30 P. M. ROUND TRIP, $18.50 OUNNKCTINO WITH TIIR NORTH HANK ROAD AT PORTLAND NORTH PACIFIC PTICAMSI1IP COMPANY. ,',,on I O. F. McGEORGE,. Agent. Till: RECORD PHOTOGRAPHING' AIISTKAC1' COMPAXV . "n.vo I,li?.t.0Brnpl,lc coples of n" "cords of Coos County to date, abstracts of titles, present owners, or any other Information relating to real estato furnished on short notice b IIUSINESS OFFICE: 117 North Front St., Murshfleld. Phone 101J W. J. RUST, Manager GET YOUR JOB PRINTING DONE AT THE TIMES' OFFICE. The Ideal Light For Young Eyes The soft, steady, mellow glow of Tungsten (Mazda) Electric Light prevents eye strain, For reading or sewing at night anything that requires concentrat ed use of the eyes it is a boon, Electric Light can he turned on or off by children without danger, It has no fumes or odors to poison the air, It is clean and healthful, Make Your Home Attractive Tungsten (Mazda) Electric Light gives an atmos phere of comfort and good cheer and the artistic fixtures and handsome lamps will beautify your home, Electric light is labor-saving it requires no attention and does not smudge the walls and ceil ings, Your family should not be deprived of such an inexpensive luxury, when your home can be wired so quickly and cheaply, Telephone 1 78 and we'll be glad to submit figures, , Oregon Power Co. Second and Central PUIlTliAiMJ koiiiki utility of selling bitttur which weighed only 31 ounces when It should hrm weighed 'J'Jt ounces, tho manager of tne union .Meat uo. was fined $an THE DALLES Alfred Smith. farmer, was Instantly killed by be ing caught underneath a wagon that upset. UV. T ... .. . upon the construction of u SuOO.Oou inm .. u'Vc,IIU, Z" cement plant him been begun by llielthi- ... ,et of ,.'?tl !!!"! ". d, '"'" was drain ie 'to! I'OUTUKh k '0,l"ty court f ,. :!!!:! Staton1 fS ""1'iiort nf i,. nt muiitha-o,! lr ' lf, """"iscr of ,,' " W- ,fr'U"nV ,l" ll"'cie ihrourt" v"!H -- vrt i , W't'T." IIKXD. l"" -iwvrn nan V ' '"npiftuij. ,,.,.,-;m tfi "-"; 111 thtisiSTfeH Horllllinl.- I..i..'?6,0l MB: trestle. "" b!fl ?!SSfrr VL!!"cla!??ico "iilhllliK the n.J ,.,w1 the " '"""It MAKER Alphonso I.ogmi, nn Italian, was arrested hero liy Deputy United States Matshal V. . cit-ir-flth on tho ehargo of violating (he federal white slave net. PORTLAND P. (1. (Inntenbelii and F. A. Perkins, who were on a motorcycle, were sorlously Injured when they collided with nn automo bile driven by J. Henson. UNION Hy the sliding orf of t. part of the load of grain upon which ASTORIA A Wonderful Tonic That Aids Digestion TliouumtLi aia unablo to difrrif nr thin klsda of rood. In moat cases It it not tht fault of tho food, nor tho atom, ten. It la probablo that tho stomach bai been abused. Many resort to pro digested foods and various kinds 01 medicines to set roliof from dypepsia, Indigestion and heartburn, but without permanent benefit. If TOUT Stomach Was In nerfert rnn dltlon, you would not need medicine to digest tht foods you eat. Jarno'a Tonic Vermifuge Is a stomacn regulator. It geu tho stomach in such a condition that It will digest food without other assistance. It overcomes the acidity and stimulates tho contlnir nf ti,.. stomach and Intestines so that they will properly absorb and aaahntlato the nutriment from the food oaton. Suf feren i from dyspepsia and lndlgostion will find parmanent relief In a short time after beginning tho uso of the ftnlc. T children, tho addition of a littla sugar will mako it most pala table. Many forms of supposed Indigestion 5" J JH"1' ot Intestinal parasites, for which Jayno's Tonic Vermifuge la unsurpassed. Insist upon Jayne's; ac cept no other. Millions have praised It for aoro than eighty jroars. Sold by Sflftl yfTT711"' ' JynB Bon. PhUadelphla, Pa. f . .L Will l,.l, - .Lri"l n... u, IUB j..,. "in nml Scacoait rillroiT '"re ,, Scaiue ffi I lew ilnjs, ASTOItIA Ole M. .1 Htatitly the St. iiStal lg. by it loKcriishlnoitltt IM.M)l)VI.Ml 1, J" . ..... ,..,,u I ICDIiDtr 1 til I Pi-mini nuiup, nich vu I'omiiletutl. but not tarwd oh 1 lie foiiirnctors, raugbt, tirt e I '1,111)11 IIIHH, SALIC.M The Marios ctm ITOIIUIU I'd. Mill ,(.fa c ueie hoiiii. SAI.K.M "It In reiKirttJi hiiuiiierii rnriric comMtil; over the liulopeiidenre k V raiironu. MKDKOItD-Ilnrrr WmJ ColTeeii (i Price, plutnoitii ly htirneii nliout his foreiruJ n itiaiillty of gasoline In ttoni pioileil. MICDPOItl) Frederick I renter here on a charge ott ceny, Mild that hunter lj I Meal fur the first time la Ml mid he wax released tr JJ Judge Lou Vclle and fooiiii Hon. MHDFOIU)- SherW Sutcjttl huiitliig for Mrs. KUlra Clay. li wanted oa a complaint, tu that she Is unfit to teat friends bellovliig that she I "Learn One Thing Every Day" LCAUN ONL THING A EVERY DAY A THE PLAN IS SIMPLE In The Times every day you will find a brief, gripping story giving vital 'facts about people, events, places and pic tures. Once a week you will get "THE MENTOR," an illustrated publication containing an article, by an eminent authority, on the subject of the week, together with six beautiful pictures in intaglio-gravure or in color. ITS SCOPE BROAD This plan of taking in valuable infor mation by a simple and attractive method has been carried out so far as to cover all fields of useful knowledge. It will give you a broad acquaintance with the treasures of the world in Art, Literature, History, Science, Travel and Adventure. It is a liberal education, easily and agreeably obtained. ITS AUTHORITY ABOVE QUESTION The plan has been warmly endorsed by hundreds of distinguished educators throughout the country, and it is con ducted under the counsel and super vision of an Advisory Board made up of eminent men, each of whom is a recog nized authority in some field of knowl edge. What you learn will, therefore, be worth while and trustworthy. T ECOT1 ' yay ?v A4MQ I'll LEARN ONE TH1N0 A EVERYDAY SBaSBaSBasVsVwEvaAJiB' SbVssbB. iaSBaSBaSBaSBaSBaSBaSBaSBai 1ICN1U I.OflFRU.civ tan 1 lav uud iUiu fmv one of w of our bo loveil p'cts that Mr Hamilton Mable tells us uliout most a llKht fully In The Mentor. Tho plo tiiriw are uuniitirul portraits, ntul Inuliido, bostdo KaBttthK:,,r HrVlU,, Ml "'"- We Began This Week The subject of the week is "Scotland, the Land of Song and Scenery" and every day there will be a crisp, vivid story of one of Scotland's beauty spots in THE TIMES. "The Mentor" for the week will contain a delightful talk on these pictures by Dwight L. Elmendorf, the well known traveler and lecturer. Order the First "Mentor" Today The Times Office Ten Cents sasasasasasasasasasasasasasasasasaSBSBK isbsbWB8B ' ' jSBSBSBSBSBa sasasasasasasasaHrlBsaHiKi '' "HssaH ssasasaSBHr'HiiBBsasai aaaHO&W f"IBP ': 'liSiH saWfBlM sBsasar X'V rMate HsbW alisisisisisisisisisisisisisisF SfbW 'SmfUm SIsbibibibibibisibibw LsssssssssssP? VferJaSEifcaiB SBlBlBlHf -:: VlHsBlBBlSBfllBH iV ItiBHBlBlBlKfBlBlBlBH BslV M ?SSBSBSBSBlHIllSBSBSalH SbHU ' "5 SBlBlBlBlBlBlBSBnPBSBlBlBlBlBH BBBBmI .IsBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBlBBBHlOUsalBBBBBBBBH MADAMK LB RRl'X AND DM'aTER nf the s' A portrait of tho artist by herself, one 01 iot Pictures Illustrating tho numuor ot rop80n on "lleautiful Women In Art, J- Willing, writer on art subjects.