:-HL' iWif .mrxa--st -fi , - vKvyw-t a.H-a THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, APRIL 22, 1913- EVENING EDITION. PR a DWER Wet Conditions LftiPorlland- f Quotations. )r0re.. Aurlt 21 Tl.o i: . . i.il, ilrntltlCil ; ., SS lu . ..milrv llllll II Crthe curVcnt butter "" ."'. ;.7v short li a V.-.7 !..k Iho U iv Hliort el for no llllt Imvo tH, to ii void illtpilt, nor, the longer nt mii'iil ublu ; hcnvl t..M Itnnll II wt""'nzn; Mia. "'","?: . . ..niiirii f'1"'0: '; .ntinir nntl tntiH .: i. T 10 o Q llivu. - .III. .rn HIT M.nl to nil "I"1 It bold much nel. . .. ..... .mlnlraum ior m . i.. ...ftflnl I 1.S.IIMII I Mill IICL ' K, over-loailoil ami i general mm'"". .:. f.i,n i.i.i. in Entitles of the proil W ...-...... tfliftrfl I BI0 liuriti: " " - Iforilx muntliH or In Itltlon annul? " " Li. .,! tilcli iirlci'H, pi, ..... "- t. for a ween in " cnrjthlnR possible E.v.t fnr rhev wore V . ' .!.. in utnri prices uw " - hl POSAII'lli " '"! . t . i t null ii' to oe .u"'h '"y e nun """""" ,, Ifrtlt'i prlfw. :lfl (,,-',,tH i ... . ..miu r oaott" ii "" -". sen i all on tlit Ihuii UC'I It Hlg I'llKUII rinv in t mx nragi lng ivuy cnH- n n foi lire of tho greatest In L tmlt mnrkct HiIh wool lot In strawberry offer Kmlt atniidx lire prottj j.hh Ijiiilslnim berries irlmdi of tho fruit bnv Is this neck, lint nt 2 or two fur :i.i. Htrnw I In the luxury IIhI IriMire In evidence In I Into boxes for a iiunrtor IproUblr bo fair Hiipiillei kiln the innrKei mo eoin fcd the tirlceu am expertoe Ik to a lower level. rfrnlti there In nnthlni fci. Ben oranges nn eljr it 50 to iii) eontH i ! Florida urnnefriilt o E;li available at two fo I Applet are going In ( pi; it the low prlceti tlin I ior neeKB, lint tiio in refon'i ilnple fruit Ih wiui lublei tho present mnrke it iwui tne nest Keen tuu won. Asiiarni'iiH of llm iJtred at 7 1-2 to 12 I-: ::t0, rhubarb at to km from the smith nt twi ; i quarter, lienil lettuei IS centl. now nntotnns ni i pound ami local eaull It 10 20 fentH ii liniul. (u -t tlll a rarity, tho lies it a quarter apiece. k Hlinon are now solllm.' a pound, linllbut at tw ttl and snln nt tlin unm. :toon trout IihIiIh m r ImI tea nercli nt tn. imr. t for 25 centB, wliltollHl f j oiaeK bass nt :io ant lt 12 1-2. Slinil retail. Ki roe slinil nt ir. tin. going at 10 eenta i r rirfoa. nHn ....1...4 .,- . ,..m. ulu Biniiuiillllllll) u Hose of last week, Iiobi r-t-t. 1-. rri ih a nounc .'l It1,l fri.o ... ..r :.. . ., I mt.L;:.r'.v"S" "" ,u " 4 r,",i .iiiiiKet. F'mwck quotations, fol- r. prime, ?8.00oj SfalVii,nXV;".S'':.MJ qi iiv;:." "u u.: l:"w: llil Mr.."""' SM.GUQJ -- t.vVU .UU, &tirvj': owc?- iso. i;,;;. "."' k,.- ' v T"l lwi IMS S fon.Tiox iS Chun. iTh- 9.re- A',,n 22 ; m the Coiiunorelnl nini. A t ''r11 with edi . f ' .dietary Seott W the trees have been sot lltar f".le fe,l0WS w" p n'f"1.1 "'la summer. Jese nM i !ni,Bon wll e peach trees, mates !K,d.!arf vnr,oty of nn v.T8 fe srafted lntr, ti, ,a'fJ must be grafted 8tI,,iakR tiiii ha. TTT!Tr u- "'teria, April 22. Vvt th0TaneB lllote' by PwceMi.Pncharmy. r- TITANIC VICTIMS SEEK DAMAGES Omiicis of Vessel Held lUvspoiislliIe I'or Disaster. Illr Anoclnlfd 1'rrn lo Com llajr Tlmrn.l NI3W YORK, April 21. The fed cral district court dismissed the pe tition of tho ownerB of tho Tltnnle for a limitation of liability. The court hold that tho company's liabil ity Ih to mo determined by tho law of a rout Hrltaln, which would innko tho owners of the Tltnnle liable for about :i, 000,0110. Blx Hundred and llfty-ono claims for iluiiMKcfl, nKKroKiitltiK $ 10,000, 000, linvo been llleil In tho federal district court horo iiKnlnst tho Ocean ic Htuntu and Navlfiatlon company for the loss or life In tho Tltnnle dlsan-tor. MKTS XICW ItlCCOltl) . koii ito.vi:iiiti:.Ki.(i PASADHNA, Call., April 21. Miss Hollo SnniH, or Pasadena, holds ill bonelireuhliiK records for south ern Cnllfornla. Whllo washliiK dishes nt tho kitchen Hi n Ic she dropped it soup ourcoii on hor foot, btoakliiK u bono In hor too. Kho nttinupted to jelzo the sink to break her fall, but itruck Its corner and broke a bono ii her forearm. Miss Hams roll to tho floor, InndliiK In such a pool- Ion that one or her Ici;h was broken. ADVIlltTlHi: OX HAY. Coitillle Valley Towns I'laii to l.'iiTt Wit Nli;n llw. Tho Co(iilllo Sentinel In a wrlioup of tho Commercial club thorn miys: "Mr. I.nml) presented the inntlcr or olacltiK n hIkii In tho mud lints on 'loos liny, bollovliiK Hint many travol rs would he directed to tho Coiiilllo Valley thereby. He thought that such a Kulde would not only prove valuable "(Kliilllo but to llaudon nnd .Myrtle Point ns well, and HtiKKcstcd that the matter bo taken up with tho com iierclal clubs If those cities. .Mr. Cary looked fmnrnbly upon tho prop isltlon, aiuf moved that a committee ')e appointed to take the plan up with the neighboring towns, which motion 'irevullcd. The president appointed ih Hiicli committee, Messrs. Cary, Harrows and Nlles. "Mr. Hurkholder HiiRKcsted Hint In isniuch us tho county was ab'itit to reel a hospital at tho rnnn or refimo Mie citizens of Coiiulllo should Inter im themselves In tho matter nnd ro u re the Institution for this city, be MovIiik U would prove u convenience o many oulsldu or Coullle. Dr. Cullu "inB received a letter from Dr. Mlnnus if MarHhlleld, In which ho thought It would bo prolltablo to Coiiulllo to lonnto a site for the hospital, No ictlon wnB taken. VO .MOItK "POUT" on "STAmiOAltD" IX XAVV I'n is Must Hereafter Say Left nnd Itluhl, .lust I, Ike Orillnniy IiiiiI Kiililieis. WASHIXOTON, I). ('., April 22. Two bits or sen talk dear lo the 'learts or all old saltB woro con lKiied to Davy Jones locker In in irdor Issued by Secretary Daniels abolishing tho designations "port" iiicl "starbonrd" and roplachiK them with "loft" and "rlKht" In the averydny parlanro or land lubborH. Tho ehaiiKo wuh Indorsed by tho N'uvy Oonernl Hoard, which, In a ttntemeut explaining tho reason for ho ehnngo, said. "It is thought if i search Is made for terms that will ndlcate oxuetly whnt Ih to bo done uid Hint nro fniulllnr from ehlld 'ood that nil that may bcronio Hteers len. more appropriate terms thnn Ight or left cannot bo selected. Wheolrlghi or wheolloft or. simply ho order, light to loft. In n direc tion to tho man at' tho wheol which ca'n bo Instantly and accurately exe cuted. These orders also accord with tho motion of tho arm nnd baud when used In conning ships." Llbby COAT. Tbo Rind YOU him UAVAYS USED. Phono 72, Pncl' Mvrry end Transfer Comnny. ira'turnbrb disease, which roqulroa trentmont. Tho OltUINB trentmont enn bo used with nbsoluto confidence. It destroys nil desire for whiskey, boor, or other Intoxicants. Can bo glvon in tho home. No sanitarium ex pense. No loss of timo for work. Can bo given socretly. If after a trial you rail to get any benefit from Its uso your monoy will be refundod. ORUINB Is prepnred In two forms: No. 1, secret treatment, n powder; ORRINB No. 2, In pill form, for those who desiro to take voluntary treatment. Costs only ?1.00 n box. Como In and talk over tho matter with us. Ask for booklet. Owl Prescription Pharmacy, Contrnl Av Phone 74-J. Note that word 'pre scription. Marshfield-North Bend Automobile Lines TO OUR PATRONS: Automobile tickets nre now good on both lines between Marsh field and North Uend. GORST & KING TWIN CITY AUTO LINE BANDON BY THE SEA THE CITY OF THE FUTURE A l-'KW TKX AC1U3 TRACTS TOUR SIIIjKS SOUTH OX COUNTY ROAD 9J15 PKR ACltKs $100 CASH, IIAhAXCK TWO YKARS, NO IXTMRICST, XO TAXICS, KINK SANDY I.OA.M, MWIHi 11KXCII IiAXD. By One It Will Make You Money Donald MacKinntoslh KKAL kstatk and INSURANCK. IT IS HinTKR TO OPIJN A HANK account now with yol'r idm: moxkv than to spk- l-'KIt TUU KKOHKT THAT YOU DID NOT DO SO, WIIHX TIIK DAY OK WANT COMICS. TODAY IS OPPORTUNITY DAY AT thi: first National Bank OK COOS HAY. STATEMENT OP CONDITION OP FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK MARSHFIELD, ORE. At tho closo of business, April -1, 1913. RESOURCES. Loans nnd Discounts fcllM.G9G.23 Hanking Houso C0.000.00 Cash and Sight Exchange 233,074. 1C Total J777.770.38 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock Paid In ? 50,000.00 Surplus nnd Undivided ProIU G9.1G3.GG Deposits CCS.C00.73 Total ,.., J777.770.38 C. A. SmithJI Lumber & Mfg. Co. RETAIL DEPARTMENT LUMHER, LATH, SHINGLES, MOULDINGS. SASH AND DOORS. ROOFING PAPER, ETC. CUT THE FUEL HILL IN TWO IY USINO OUR WOOD. rnoNE 100. 18a south uroadway Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. """""""" HENRY SENGSTACKEN, Mgr. Coqullle Office Phone 191 Platting Lands a specialty. Farms Timber Coal and Marshfleld Ofllco H-J, General Agents "EASTSIDE." niC.OD.8""1l'tlonmay,bo i the T !" ,,mt ''ansa CTu?.dcheckB' :i itinrti,,nnamed ,nom- 'e Sm, e"8 th0 lunB8- eit S,l?orf' Oa-says: 1 Tr uh which Foloy's l7i-ola"-Pa'-sonB Drug For That Morning After the Night Before ....DRINK.... Corona Blend Coffee Ccos Bay Tea, Coffee & Spice House O'CONNELL I1LDG. 184 Mnrket Ave. Phono 394-J. I HAVE MOVED Into my new store with a now lino of goods and now fixtures Come and see me. FOR QUICK WORK, FOR PROMPT WORK, ' FOR GOOD WORK, Telephone the old reliable Coos Bay Steam Laundry We always deliver the goods. Phone 57-J Marshfleld AUG. FFJZEEN W. S. BROWN $ A. II. nODGINS Marshfleld Paint (Sb Decorating Co. Estimates Furnished. Phono 187-L Marshfleld, Ore. Thi Star Transfer and Storage Co. Ii prepared to do ell kinds of haul!n on short notice. W meet all tralnt and boats and we also have the late?) style Reynolds Piano Mover. W guarantee our work. L. H. Heisner,ProP. Phones 98-R. 120- 'fl-L. Unique Pantatorium THE MODERN DYEI18. OLHANERS, PRESSER8 and HAT RENOVATORS Agent for Edward n. Straus & Co., Fine Tailoring, Let ua make your next suit. 805 CENTRAL. Tuone 250-X FOR A GOOD WAT' H I OR FINK .JEWELRY! E.C. BARKER I JEWELER I Fine Wntcli and Jewelry Repnlilnjs. 2(n Front St.. Mnrshflelil. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTOR tSenjamin OSTLIND, -" CoiisiiKIiik Engineer nnd Architect. Phono 10:t-L MnrHliflelil, Ore. J.M. WRIGHT, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER Estimates furnished on request Plans and specifications furnished If desired. An honest Job gunran teod. Phono 124-R. r LI VIA EDMA.N, Mcchano'Tlicrapist Scloutlflo Swedish Massage, Medio Gymnastics O'Coiinell Apartmeiits Phone 10." TOEL OSTLIND, ) Piano Tuner and Repairer. 4 lb S. Sixth Street. Phono 103-L pERL RILEY BALLINGER Piu'iilst nnd Teacher ftcsldonco-Studlo, 237 So. Uroadwa) Phono 18-L. J G. CHANDLER, Architect. Roonm 301 nnd .102, Coko Building Mnrshflelil, Oregon. DR. W. MORROW, Dentist. 171 Grimes Building, over Granr Theater. Ofllro Phono J120. w M. S. TURPEN, ARCHITECT Marshfleld, Oregon. rR. A. J. HENDRY'S Modern Dental Parlors. Wvj aro equlppod to do high clasi work on short notlco at tho vorj lowest prices. Examination freo. Lady attendant. Coko nidg., Opi Chiuidlnr Ho'ol, phonf 1 1 -.1. Fisher Auto Service Win. Fisher, Proprietor. Phono ordors to Illllyor's Clgnr Stand, Phono 18-J. Aftor 11 p. m. phono C-.T. Night phono 181-R. Marslillclil. Oregon. New and Second Hand Furniture hold on the Installment plan. HARRINGTON, DOYLE CO.. M01! Front St. Phono fMO-L Marshfleld, Or. Bowling Alley! :I7.1 NORTH l-'RONT STREliT Tuesday Evening Especially for Ladies First Class Weaving promptly done nt . Gardiner's Rag Carpet .Factory Cor. Union and Montana Stroot. Phono 131. North Rond. Or Low In price, high In quality. Electric Irons We lme a few Pecoml-hanil Irons In good working condition nt St.7.. New Irons, .;:i,fi() up. Coos Bay Wiring Co. Phono 237-J 1C3 N. Broadway You Can Git West Marshfleld Lots for $350.00 J SI minutes wnlk from post ofllrc within :tOO rt. of lots selling for $1,000.00 Wo have hut two left. I. S. Kaufman (Sb Co. The WMtte House ResftaMirainit NEXT DOOR TO BLANCO HOTEL You nre Invited to try our service. Wo aim to uso only tho host or everything nnd plcnuo our patrons. MANOS BROS.. Proprietors Cnll and Seo Us. You Auto Call Foote PHONE 1 1 1-.T NIGHT AM) DAY Stand front of Blanco Billiard Purler TWO NEW CARS After 1 1 P. M. Phono 1(10-L Residence Phono .8-J. Careful Drivers : Good Car Union Storage Company W. A. Heard, Mgr. Export Packers. Cnrpets Cleaned. Purnltiiro Packed, Shipped, Stained nnd Repaired. 382' Front St. Phono 190. Lcavo orders at Going & Harvey. JUST RECEIVED A large shipment of Electric Cut Glass Shades, Call mid sea our stock of glass ware Wo also have somo of the latest dcslgiiB In shower fixtures, from two light to flvo. Everything In electrical supplies. Barnard & Langworthy White Duck Button Shoes for Children. Also now Patent Leather Button Shoes fur Ladles' and Misses', nt Tho Electric Shoo Shop FAMILY DINNERS In our now location, wo nro es pecially prepared to cator to family trade. Regular tneala or short or dors. N Open day nnd night. MERCHANT'S CAFE. Broadway nnd Commercial Mfld, , COOS BAY PLATE AND WINDOW GLASS CO. J. A. Goodwill and W. E. Snwyor. Plate, Art and Window Glass, Mir rors, Prismatic Glass, Mall orders and phono ordors glvon prompt attention. Estimates fur nished. Phono 70-L. 727 So. Broadway. Marshfleld. Be Up To Date Order your Suit from Tppvr The Tailor nnd lJUU Dress Expert 278 Front St. Upstnltn. A modern DncK . uildlng, Electrl: Light, Steam Heat. Elegantly Furnished Rooms with Hot and Cold Water. HOTEL COOS O. A. Metlln, Prop. Rates: BO cents a day and upward Cor llmmlmv and Mnrlr City Auto Service Good Cam, Careful Drivers and reasonable charges. Our motto: "Will go auywhoro at uuy time." Stands Blanco Hotol and Blanco Cigar Store. Day Phonos 78 and 4tf. Night Phono 46. riARKRK GOODAI.K. nmnrlrforn. ,Y S.-r JS" .V A AsV o .rS JC C& ... V " x.V J? oS A NV J Singer Sewing Machines Wo Imvo thorn lor ront or for salo, Machines Repaired. Supplies and Needles for Salo. W. J. R1TZ. I!U Pnrlc Ave. Miir&lifleld. Phono 280-X. ? ST A Pictures & Framing Walker Studio R. J. MONTGOMERY Real Estate and Insurance 244 North Front Street. Parker & Leaton Real Estate, Rentals nnd Insurance Lock hurt Building, Over Hub Cloth ing Store, Marshfleld, Oro. NOTICE OF BANKRUPT HALE. Notlco Is horoby glvon that bids will bo received for the entire stock of Arthur S. Blanchnrd Llvory busi ness consisting of eight cnrrlago horso and 0110 heavy tonm, carriages, harnesses, etc,, Irom April 1C to April 24, ineluslvo. Make nnd address blda to Georgo W. Wolstead, Trusteo, MaiBhlleld, Oregon. GEO. WELSTBAD. Trustee. Have That Roof Fixed NOW Bee OOliTHELL , PHONK 8121. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notlco Is horoby glvon, that tho undersigned has bton by nrdor or tho County Judgo or tho County Court of Coos County, Orogon. duly nppolnt eil administratrix or tho estnto or L. K. Halllngor, deceased, and lottors or administration Imvo been duly Issued to hor. Now, thorororo, nil persons hav ing claims against said estate aro hereby nodded to prosent them with tho proper vouchors within six months rrom tho dnto or this notlco, to tho undersigned at hor residence, 237 S. Brondway, Marshfleld, Coos County. Oregon. .... Datod this 7th day of April, 1913. PERL R. BALLINGER, Administratrix of tho ostato or L. K Halllngor, deceased. First publication, April 8; Inst publication, May 3, 1913. J. -iviy'f t ,-y. .