THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, APRjL 21, 1913-EVEINQ EDITION. EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME. SULI.(! FROM POHTLAXD, APRIL HI, 'M, HO, MV n, 10, 1.1, HO, 15 AM) HO AT 8 A. M SAILING FROM COOS HAY, APRIL 11!. I, . MAY U, 7, IS, 17, UU AM) 27. Tickets tin sale to nil Eastern points mill Information ns to routes mill rates cheerfully fiiniMicd. Plume Miiln .--!. ' STERLINO, Acnt. JSJZ SPEEDWELL ( PT. 1C. ROSEXIILATT, Muster. Sails for San Francisco, from Coos Bay About April 24th THE SPEEDWELL Is speedy nnd linn excellent passenger ccomJ moilutlons, huge elcnn anil mry rooms nnu ntuuu wireless. . , 1'or freight anil pnssogc, npply, A. V. Kstnlirook Co. Title Cunriintcu ami Abstract Co., 01H-H17 Smitii Mm Inn lltrig., Sun Francisco. MnrshflolU. FAST AM) COMMODIOUS Steamer Redondo Equipped with wireless nnd lubmarlne bell SAILS FR.OM MARSHFIELD.for SAN FRANCISCO WEDNESDAY, APRIL 23 AJ 12 NOON All Passenger Reservations Prom Snn Frnnclsco Must Ho Made at 805 I'lfo Hiilldlng, r I.omhnrd street l'lcr 27. All reservations must ho taken ui 24 hours before sailing. LNTLR-OCEAN TRANSPORTATION CO. PHONE 44. C. F. McOEOROE Agent. GET YOUR JOB PRINTING DONE AT THE TIMES' OFFICE. S. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED W1TI1 WIRELESS SAILS FROM COOS BAY FOR. PORTLAND THURSDAY, APRIL 24, AT 1:30 P. M. ROUND TRIP, $18.50 CONNECTING WITH THE NORTH HANK ROAD AT PORTLAND Phone 44 wnrrrii iMDIPin HTKAMSIIIP COMPANY. O. F. McGEORGE, Agent. THE RECORD PHOTOGRAPHING ABSTRACT COMPANY Have- photographic copies o f all records of Coos County to unto, nbstracta of titles, present owners, or any other Information rotating to real estnto furnished on Hhort notice DUSIXESS OFFICE: 117 North Front St., Mnrshflold. Phone 151J W. J. RUST, Manager AVIATOR KILLED SATURDAY Union Storage Company W. A. Heard, Mgr. Export Packers. Carputs Clonncd. Furnituro Packed, Shipped, Stained and Repaired. 382 Front St. Phono 19G. Leave orders at Going & Harvey. JUST RECEIVED A large shipment or Electric Cut Glass Shades. Call and sec our stock of glass ware. Wo also lmvo bouio of tko latest: designs In shower fixtures, from two light to flvo. Everything In electrical supplies. Barnard & Langworthy Be Up To Date Order your Suit from TVrr The Tailor and IKJUU Dress Expert 27H Front St. Upstairs. City Auto Service Good Cars, Careful Drivers and roasonablo chargos. Our motto: "Will go anywhore at any time. Stands Dlanco Hotol and Dlanco Cigar Store Day Phonos 78 and 41 Night Phono 48. It AUK Kit nOODATJC. nronrlfitom Ottie W. Brotly Drops 45 Feet With New Machine in Chicago Test. (llf AmodilcJ Pith to Pool liny Tlmn J CHICAGO, 111.. April 111. Ottie W. llrodle. n professional aviator. whllu trying a new muehlne, was HiHtnntly killed wiien ll roll from ,1 height of 45 foot. 10 IE White Duck Button Shoes ' HAVf MOV&u llllO Illy HUN niuiu .TiWI u .I.J.. of goods and now fixtures Conic and see me. fnr rnillilnin. Alnn nnw Pntont I,nnthnr Till t trill Shoes for Ladles' and Misses', at The Electric Shoe Shop AUG. FIUZEEN CELI.'IIRATES HIS HHRI) ANNIVERSARY On April !, Sam Colvlu, of llini torfl creek, cojohrutod his 83 rd birthday, In a wny that fow men or his age can boast. Ills sou recent ly purchased a farm a fow miles dlRtant on which stood ouu of the oldest orchards of the country or which many trees were an Inferior (utility, Mr. Calvin and wife, who Is only his Junior by a few years, visited his son on this memorial day, the old gentleman taking IiIh pruning snonrs nun grartlug kuire along. With tho action ami ease of a man of forty Hummers, the old gentleman climbed those trees, pruned and grnfted them us Inn few young men could do. .Mr. C'ol vln Ih ono of the oldest settlers In theBe pnrts and for IiIh ruggud henlth and. strength ho attributes all to tho balmy elltunto where be hns spent ho many years. Cold iloach (llohe. Llbby COAL. Tlio Rind YOU hav ALWAYS USED. Phono 72, Pad'' Livery nnd Transfer Company. Hnvo your Job printing ddno nt ' Tho Times offlco. SOC. Lnnn lien ,' Cuivation J "v-uiupmeni oji "' "0fl(Ji,M . w SHIUT0V n n ' "' Vnt and dM1.,.1.1 wvw'ffi.w; n ( :.. ."-.o.- !Z Wnul.l......... . huni ho k tl-HAM' th'iueiit of reclaim! Ttc "rgely 11CrS J lfr "n l tho spirit of the,,," iti:i:Lur,MI)0 I III) Pnnii III. n. .. I ",l na etniilm, ,' 'M " leier wlion ti,. ' "V'U ...... ' . ",u cw t . v, 11 1 i.t construction. mi,t 'hi not enjoy a very k Mtlnn, pay thoso t,hV."1 STADDEI ALL Kivim nf imriTv... WOltlf, llromlde KalaJjl l.'...l,.l- I..!..,.. 1 l ...Minn 1 limning, ETIM "Learn One Thing Every Day 1 HNmHmMHHEI ,t isbbLbbbbbbbbbbbibbbbbbbbbI HHBHHt fJHsMiflliiiiiiH sHIIIIIIIiIIIIIIIIIIIHk J iillliBflSillllllllllllllllllllllllB K ' KSdiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiH iiiiiiiiiiVW" iHiiiiiiiiiV wr - ?wk -iviiiiliiiHI One Tim ten THE OK OF INNOCENCE II) Sir Joshua Iteyuolds this six grnvuro pli'tuies that como with utiir on "lleautifiil t'hlldron In Art," wrt (liiHtnvo Kobhe, the well Unown art ciltle. IV OT simply the little things of the day, but some bit of valuable information; so that you may come to know the world's big men and women; big events and big achievements what they were, who they were and how they came to be. 6 " zrt LEARN ONE THING A EVERY DAY A LEARN ONE THING A EVJ2RY DAY A the lxocoon (jropp Tint, u ono of Sl Statues With n Story.' whleh l.i'iinlo Tuft, the lolebnited stulpior, describes in nu earl) number of Tho .Mentor, The Btorles nro fasiluatliig, and rover tho Uioeonn, I)) tug Oliulla tor. pursuuH, and other great iilubtde statues In a new am) (tiptlvatlng way. We offer you a plan by which you can get such knowledge simply by devoting a few spare minutes a day to reading interesting matter and looking at beauti ful pictures. The plan has two features a daily human interest story printed in our columns, and a weekly publication, 'The Mentor' containing a delightful article on the subject of the week by a writer of authority, and also containing six rich intaglio-gravure pictures. THE TIMES will give you day by day and week by week the service of the Associated Newspaper School. This means that you will learn, in a pleasing way, just the things you have always wanted to know, and that you will be gat hering at the same time a large collection of exquisite pictures of art value. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiRd 1 rW BQB illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllW t Ti TS obH 121 isiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiK' JWnffr sWmtnUBM iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiv ijjjW w$j A tiiiiiH iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHB Wf iiHiliiHB iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiS0iBa4Ki ttv JiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiV YICI.I.OW'STO.N'i: FALLS Ono of tho great Nat ma Woiideff J ArelM DwlKlit h. Elmondorf, tho well known nnd lecturer, tells about bIx 0 f tbij , BconeH In Tho .Mentor, and his Intcrw 8 Is accompnnloa by six omiuIsHo rauro jm iiiiiiiiiiiiiiBJjJPMj ' B SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIBH'fiAttJ".- 'BIB iiiiiiiHRK:'',2ayiliB'I SJ&IHiiH BBBBBBBBBBB11SBBH& !1B ste& JhIBBBBBBBBBBBBBb iBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBlllBiBBHBnKMHflilBBBBBBBBBBBI RICHARD WAGNER , nortralts r ..a . n tf iinni 1 vii iii - UIIU OI l. UHl'"-"'" " that I in W cruviuu r-- . t Al K L "- . with nn article on ".Moste.s 01 snd ttn Mentor. Mr. W. J. n. "J jar ; means a perfect article for ll muslc In Henderson Knows now " -, to mako It easily unuei