SffiBHMaZ THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFjELD, OREGON, MONDAY, APRIf. 21, 1913 EVENING EDITION. ft OF NEARBY TOWNS ff'Wffil.ndUercd, Ale? ".. i.wlliro i$.;VrV.t.m r.V below; ;- Vot tho Blncr ta i hi.pk the line rtbhlcknmln..ul,ly " , "as left ycr bi1iio; .Mho lnml. of laitKhter trout b ll"' mc' It lie rivers rlPI'lo l.t.lA - in ITIMTL a .Yi n.u uli'lilliff inn in i o---- tllO IlltllC w Si lam yellow kI(I. '.?i .llr. flirill UK ti of vefdn.it mol.1 . . it, have left ycr noggin Sin is ??' ick jour trnnK "" '' fer Myrtlq. I'olnt. rhenor, I" The isntcrnrisu. f point "roi.NTKiis t-MKT (Wiii1" VMi,y n" kr TllO IIIIU'IPH , vl ri situ Tuesday to visit III' red, and note progress 01 , contract the McLuui ire on tne nunm-i .. illroad. uimnr vwnuu tlsnd from Grants' ras badly hurt wmiu worum ttbenson camp near "" The firau iwcik i-mnr ini him In tin- arm, alsc tripped uroimtl IiIh body dion ftcru wmi nun u where lie iook tin lr to Portland, tneiico tc "' lbert caino fiotn Eugew , and, accompanied ty iiii fViltcr, 83 jonrs of age m resident of Co(iilllu 3 DC noiIH'wiiiu jinn iiu; joc I.alnl orcompanioc lo Rosebiirg. C Warner, who Iiiih beci the winter months Ii California, returned las Burning via, Itosobiirg iwadlns n fi'w ilayH will I, Mrs. Matt Xyxtrom, won lit on the South lor I;. cult court, he had just as well stayed at homo as far rm Riving any of the litigants any rollof fy concornod. With .the oxcoptlon of ono or two cases wliero there was no iipponrancp on the rart of the defendants, the entire docket was continued until the. next term. The enso ngalnst Curry County by tho Pacific Iiorax Co. for n i eduction of assessment, although all wit ncBBOM had ueen summoned and wero on tho ground, was continued. What excuse. Goorgo M. Ilrown, ls trlct Attorney, hns to offer for not bolng here 1h yet to ho learned. Whon public HcrvantB fall to serve anything but their persona! con venience, It Is tlmo tho people .were railing thorn orf of their cxnltud thrones. : I NEWS OF ALLEGANY. (Special to Tho Times) Mrs. P. 1). Larson gave uu after noon to tho Indies of Allegany, Tnomlny. The weather being fine thero was a largo turn-out. A dain ty luncheon was served. Mrs. El more nsBlsted Mrs. Larson In entertaining. llUmpton of Arngo, had i tov etcapo from lire Id fire from the grnti tto a lot of clothing, muk kaie smoke In the roon , and Mrs. (Jeorgo Hump ilttDlni: with their votini The talio made a hoIh luened them Just In tluv fbtmielvca ami E. K.I lamp lfe ho stent unstalr tould not probably hnvi Let this bo ii wnrnlni SK (iKOUfii: ItllOWX l; Taper Roasts IIIiii fo liitMIni ('limit Cmii-f. Vi Beach (Hobo roasts Ms m7 George M. Ilrown fo ire to try some count i ewDiini; Judge Coko t won of circuit Court, say fi Judw Coko ramo dowi "pretense af holding cli- TIioho Invited wore: Mrs. Illcli mond nnd daughter, narbarn, of Co qulllo, Mrs. G. A. Gould, Mrs.Clnr enco Gould, Miss McCluy, Mrs. 'A. T. Thomas, Mrs. Elmore, Mrs. M. A. Oago nnd son, Hilly, Mrs. C. B. Ed wards, Mrs. J. J. Otto, daughter Doris and son Hniold, Mrs. Stem mormnn, Mrs. J. II. Prlco. Mrs. B. Terry nnd daughter, Blsle, Mrs. C. A. Itodlno, Mrs. C. I). Piper and son, Jnck, Mrs. Hillings, Mrs. Lnr son and daughter, Adeline. ' Miss Bmlly Hlnko and Miss Hazel Peterson, of Mnrshfleld, nre visiting Mis Hloko's sister, Mrs. B. Terry. Mrs. Richmond returned to Marsh field Thursday artor several days' viHlt with hor parents. Miss Mlj drcd Oould accompanied her. Miss Carrie Itodlno came to Al 'egnny from Portland. Miss Itodlno will hnve cbargo of (lleini Junction school this summer. C!OM IlKACIl.NKWS fit IT)' County Seat Invents ns Told liy The Olobc. Tho Hustler arrived hero from Mnrshfleld Wednesday afternoon with a full load of morchandlso for Gold .Hunch merchants. The Hub 'lor brought In the mouldings turd other finishing lumber for the In terior of the Court llouso and the "ontractors, Stafford & Hauer, hnv been rushing work tq got the room rendy for Circuit Court. W. A. Hlshel, who purchased nn into truck rccontly In Portland, ar rived homo Sunday, coming from Pistol rlvor by team. Me brought tho enr with difficulty as far as Pltsol river whero ho put It Into cold storngo until the ronds dry up. ittimor Buys tnoro is to no n sal uou cannery on this Bide of the Ivor In tho near future. Mr. Moffat, an experienced met illurglst from Portland, Is looking JVer Agncsfl with n view of estub lulling hlmsolf hero. It. Ii. Mncleay, of Agneks and Weddorburn, loft Friday for Salem In tho Interest of tho Rogue river wagon road. Jlief for Bowel.TKoable !a laxative not n nurcntlve but a oleasant. easv- eMt 'hat tastes Just like candy, ,that children like, 1 Ideal for Invalids and aired nersons. We guarantee It f tort you a penny If It d"ocs not satisfy you. Don't doubt r-is-niaKe us prove It. MUlt Your Doctor Eife W. doclor "I" te'l Clut, W per cent of all 7, ' wairecuv cutd by ttlr,?,,'',teiw'ri- you J" bit nutltion h. ,l.n- W,S.thlffl"'"A' i rtiuhrl WTW boweli art not ntut. rvnlediurk il... . u tuur.ir'7.1?'" iii,n..-y - " oi in i-T" m aty kin -c.-i " w"i ootiiB nud w . Vft won't ik you to tlan knytlilng or obli'ite you in uy wy. Vour mero requett will bring return of your money. You JAka no risk what ever. With thli aiusraatee, titer ii certainly no reason ,wtiy you ihould heiitate tq try Itemember, w are dolna butinea right here .where you Ifv. Ypu r aoquainted with us or you1 u pos sibly a friend or a neighbor.," W would not dare to pjake a ueh a state ment were we not poaitiys that Hex all Orderlies, juitlfy evtry claim we make for them. If your tongue Is coated, if your breath ia bad, if your food does not timti. if you are bilious, if you are irritable, If you aufTrr headache, just try llexall Orderlies btvus the chancea are that you are simply suffering constipation. sStMf1 "rcl" ud a Ei..crn,.'UDc ,h rrce If It niic !.'' so aurh f.ni. ... Ijll.,1. . -Ill III 1VCXBII E.Mwl' 0't depend. iwiHO-m. nuleteat rtln K'.wwuguy good remedy digeit eaxily. If you feel diny at , .j ' we oner them I i'"W Com n,l ,.t . Ord.rl.ea today" hi. "..r ?' tear (n mind that Tteiall Orderllea are not aold by all drus W7fi5r.irn"Jl 9"lerlie only at The Reiall Storea. '' s f neiiii Orderliea in thla community only at our stole: KHART PARSONS DRUG CO., ? 3te2ssffi sn ft,. i?.IaJPJ'1y STery town and eltr in tha Dnitl St.t.. n, """Wed . ."?:"? v,".,u..nl. (Of. nerly er.ry ordinary hi m 4i uariiniiii in a.i-v. iai. t i - ""11 Stores are America's Greatest Drug Stores Rexftll Orderlies roroe in conven ient vest pocket tin boxea. 12 tablets, 10c; 30 tablets, '.'to; 60 tablets, 40c. ID i OREGON aoada and uman Ul Bill llQrnme Night Before DRINK.... ?fcnd Coffee ' KSJJ?& Spice Hous ; nw0, .' wii. 6 a 8 J I Ut l.i Bt,nt''B done t mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmM Marshfild-Norxth Bend Automobile Lines TO OUlt PATltONS: Autqmobllo tickets are field nnd North Hend. now good on both lines between MarBh- GQRST ;& vKINQ TWIN CITY AUTO LINE "B4ND0N.;:BY rTHE ,SEA THE CITY' OF THE FUTURE A.FKW TUX ACItK TiaOTS FOUIt SIIIJLS SOUTH O.V tJ.v:NT.Y,.,,l,2AW..35 PMB A0UKs 100 CASH- "AIsANOK ?)J.PYJ1v.N9 2PfiltIST, NQ.TAXIM, FINK. HANDY . liOASf, liBVKI, HBNCIt LAND. iiJ By c.One-rlb Will-Make You'Money Donald1 MacKintosh ItRAIi K8TATK and INSUHANCK. Success' Comes' Quickest to tho mnii v. ho bus n clicchininccoiint vtltli a good bank; Ilccnum) lie lias n constant Inccntlvo to incronso his bnlnnro nnd develop Ids resources, nnd becnuso lio lias tho co-opcmtloii of the bank In doing no. A checking account opened nt thli bnnk, nud conductetl with (Innn'clnl betterment hi view, Mill help put you in the successful clniss. llrshi now, even with ninodest sum. 3R i First National Bank, Of, Coos. Bay BTATHMKNT 01 CONDITION -a OF FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK MAHSHF1KLD, ORE. At the close of business, April 4, 1913. RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts $494.09G.23 Hanking Houso CO, 000. 00 Cash and Sight Exchange 233,074. 10 Total J777.770.38 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock Paid In 4 00,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profit 09,103.00 Deposits 008,000.73 Total 1777,770.38 C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. UJHAIIj pKPAITMENT 5 t LUSHER, , LATH, 8IJNGJVESr MOULDINGS, SASn; AND- DOORS. ROOFINO PAFER, BIO. s CUT TnE FUEL niLL IN TWO DY USING OUH WOOD. PHONE 100. 183 SOUTH UROADWAY j ; Abstracts, ReaL Estate, Fire and Marine insurance ! wil Title "Guarantee and Abstract Co. MtHENRYtENGTACKENMgr. Coqullle Office Phone -191 Platting Lands 'a specialty. Farms Timber Coal and Marab field Office H-J. General Agents "EASTSIDE." sc FOR QUICK WORK, : FOR PROMPT WORK, FOR G00DvW0RK, Telephone the old reliable Coos Bay Steam Laundry Wa always deliven the tgpodl Phone 57-J Mnrshfleld Wf. S. DROWN ,g A- l DQDGIN? Narshfield Paint, (8b Decorating Co. T& Star Transfer and Storage Co. la nronarcd to da alLklnda of haullua cm short. riotlcek W meet all trains and boats and we. Also; have tbe IatMl 8tyletn7B9ldsl, Piano, lforer. ,W suarant&a'our work. Li HHtisner; Prop. Phonea98-R. 107 8-L Phone Estimates 187-L Furnished. .HJtrabtleld,, Ore, Unique 'Pmtfatorium TUE MODERN, DYJERfl. CLEANERS, PRESSER8 ud UAT RKNOVATOR8 Agwt for KMwsurd DT. Btntasw Co., Fine Tsdlorlfl Let us make your seat salt. MO CENTRAL. Phoue.850-X FOR A GOOO WATt.H Oil FINIi JEWELRY E. C. BARKER JEWELER Fine AVatch. and Jewelry RcnnlrlnR gfl Front St.. Alnrshflolil. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORS DKNJAMIN OSTLIND, vwsw 'LJ Consulting EiiRluccr nnd Aicliltcct. I'liono lo.t-L Mnrshfleld, Ore. T Al. WRIGHT, J CONTRACTOR AND HUILDER Estimates furnished on request Plans and specifications furnished If desired. An honest Job guaran teed. Phono 124-H. QLIVIA EDMAN, ) iMcclinno-Thcrnplst Scientific Swedish Massago, Modlo GymnasticB O'Conncll Apnrtineiits Phono -lor, JOEL OSTLIND, " Pluio Tuner nnd Repairer. 41b S. Sixth Street. Phono 103-L pERL RILEY HALLINGER I'lunlst and Teacher Residence-Studio, 237 So. Droadwa) Phono 18-L. "G. CHANDLER, Architect. Rooms 801 and 802, Coko Dulldlni Marsliflcld. Oregon. DR. W. MORROW, IlftnfU. 171 Grimes Rudding, orcr Grand Tlieatcr. Ofllco Ilione flliO. WM. B. TURPEN, ARCTUTEOT Marshfleld. OroRon. Low In price, high In quality. Electric Irons Wc have n few second-hand Irons In good working condition nt 91.70. New Irons, $3.,-,n up. Coos Bay Wiring Co. Phono 237-J 103 N. Uroodway You Can Git West Marshfield Lots for $350.00 12 minutes walk from post oHIcc within .100 ft. f lots selling for $1,000.00 Wo hnve but two left. I. S. Kaulman (8b Co. The White Hoose . RestaTuuramit NEXT 1)(M)R TO HLANCO HOTEL You are Invited to try our service. Wo aim lo uso only the best of everything nnd plcnso our patrons. MANOS IIROS.. Proprietors Cnll nnd Sec Us. DR. A. J. HENDRY'S Hfiul.M. !..,, n.fHU ".i i.uii isnura. TCv aro equipped to do high clan work on short notlco at tho vorj lowest prices. Examination free Lady attendant. Coko Dlds., Opi Chandler Hotol, phono tir-J. Fisher Auto Service Win. Fisher, Proprietor. Phono orders to Hlllyor's Cigar Stand, Phone 18-J. After 11 p. m. phono fl-J. Night phono 181-R. Marsliflcld. Oregon. New and Second Hand furniture sold on tho Installment plan. HARRINGTON, DOYLE & CO.. 802 Front St. Phone 340-L Mnrshfleld, Or. Bowling Alley! U75 NORTH FRONT KTREET Tuesday Evening Especially for Ladies First Class Weaving promptly done at Gardinei's Rag Carpet Factory Cor. Union and Montana Street. Phone 131. North Rend. Or You Auto Call Foote PHONE 14W NIGHT AM) DAY Stand front of Dlnuco llllllnrd Parlor TWO NEW OARS Afler 11 P. M. Phone 200-L Residence Phono .O-J. Careful DrlTers .;. Good Cars IN THE CIHIVIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON, IN AND FOR COOS COUNTY FAMILY DINNERS In our now location, wo are es pecially propared to cater to family trade. Regular meals or short or ders. Open day and night. MERCHANT'S CAFE. Ilronilwny and Coniiucrclnl Mfld. COOS RAY PLATE AND WINDOW GLASS CO. J. A. Goodwill nnd W. E. Sawyer. Plate, Ait mid Window Glass, Mir rors, Prismatic Glass. Mall ordors and phone orders given prompt attention. Estimates fur nished. Phono 70-L. 727 So. Droadwny. Marshfleld. A modern Bricx . uildlng, Electrl: Light, Steam Heat. Elegantly Furnished Rooms with Hot and Cold Water. HOTEL OOOS O. A. Metlln, rrop. Rates: BO cents a day nnd upward Cor. Ilroariwav and Market Singer Sewing Machines We have them for ront or for sale Machines Repaired. Supplies and Needles for Sale. W. J. HIT, 131 Park Ave. Marshfleld Phono 280-X. Pictures & Framing Walker Studio R. J. MONTGOMERY Real Estate and Insurance 244 North Front Street. Parker & Leaton Real Estate, Rentals and Insurance Lockhort Dulldlng, Over Hub Cloth ing Store, Marshfleld, Ore. Have That Roof Fixed NOW See GOltTHELL FHONK 8191. Merchant Land Company, n corpor ation, Eugene O'Connoll and A. M. Crawford, plaintiffs, vs. Thomas 11. Wheeler, Albert U. Up ton, and Mell Upton, his wife, defendants. . To Thomas II. Wheeler, tho nbov. named defendant. IN THE NAME OK THE STATE OF OREOON You aro hereby required to np poar and nnswor thu complaint filed against you In tho above untitled cause within bIx weeks from tho dato of tho llrst publication or this summons, which first publication Is on thu 10th day or .March, lyin, and If you fall to appear nud an swer suld complaint on or bofor the 21st day of April, UM3, which Is tho day or the last publlcatlou or this summons, the same IicIiik the tlmo priwrlbcd by the Court In Its order for publication of sum mons herein, Judgment will bo tnk eu against you for want thereof and the plaintiffs will apply to thu Court for tho rollof domanded In tho com plaint, a succinct statumont of which Is ns follows: Iho iisuul decreo of foreclosure against the defendant of a certain mortgage doted Juno H, 1911, from defendants Albert II. Upton and Moll Upton, his wife, In favor of Thomas II, Wheolor, by which mortgngo de fendants Albert II. Upton and Mell Upton conveyed to Thomas 11. Whee ler tlio s Vi of the SE. V4 and the 8E Vi 8V Vi of Section 33, Tp. 2'J B. of Range H W. of Wlllnmutto Meridian to securu thu payment of two promissory notes each for tho sum of IGG5.CC, dated June 14, 1911, niacin by Albort II. Upton and Mell Upton In ravor of Thomas II. Whee ler and which said mortgage Thomas II. Wheolor usslgnod to these plain tiffs to secure thorn In tho paymont of a cortalu promlsory note mado by said Thomas D. Wheolor In fuvor of tho plaintiffs of dato Juno 14, 1911, for tho amount of $900,84, with In terest nt tho rato of eight per cent por annum and also to secure thoso plaintiffs In the payment or the sum of $03.82 duo and owing these plaintiffs from defendant Thomas U. Wheeler with Interest thoroon nt the rnto of six por cent por annum since Juno 14, 1911; nud that said mortgago promises ho sold in tho iisuul manner by tho Sheriff of Coos County, Oregon, and tho pioceeds of such salu bo applied to tho costs and expenses of such salo and this proceeding, next to the satisfaction of the two notes given by thu de fendants Albert 11. Upton and Moll Upton to Thomas II, Wheolor and now hold by theso plaintiffs, und If any balance, it to be paid to tho Clerk of this Couit for said Albort Ii. Upton nud Mull Upton his wife or their legal representatives, and for such further and other relief as may he just and equitable In thu premises. Service) of this summons la made by publication pursuant to nu orrter herein of the Hon. John S. Coke, Judge or thu Circuit Court nt thu Stnto of Oregon for Coon County which Is dated March 10th, 1913, which order proscribes tho defend ant Thomas I), Wheolur be required to appear herein und answer tho complaint filed heroin within six weeks from tho date of tho first publication of this summons, which date of said first publlcatlou Is the 10th day of March, 1913, and said order rurthur proscribes that thl summons shall bo published once a wcok for six successive weeks com mencing on March 10th, 1913, to and Including April 21, 1913. Dated at Marshfleld, Coos Coun ty, Oregon, on this 10th day of March, 1913. ARTHUR R. PEOIC. Ono of tho Attorneys for tho Plain tiffs. First publlcatlonn March 10, last publication April 21, 1913, 1 i