IL... THERE IS NO GREATER FOOL ON EARTH SffffiaWPSBSB WITH A CORKSCREW J ,ST ARTICLES " Ty , t f...l.Jl.r..ftl. Times II Illl'tS IIhJTHT tea NOW IS VOt'R TIME. A small nil hi Tin Times mint column may bring ,iiu results im mediately. '1'ry one. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED I'UKS w tm .1 mr ' rv- v .nrajOT.TnnfHrbTMn I rcCESSS" ,,Vlll Established In 1878 VOL. XXXVI. a, TIii, Conor ainii. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, APRIL 21, 1913 EVENING EDITION SIX PAGES. A. Cunxolldntlon of Times, Const Mall and Coos liny Advertiser. No. 236 iloliriF DIRECTLY AGAIMS ENACT BILL I uaioritv in Legislature to Mai?I L.n niimr Nations t lllllld' "- From Anti-Alien Law. fiOVERNOR JOHNSON IS 5HIU " " ' - Exact Wording to New Bill to n. nnfnrminorl I linn DU uuii-i " -i Some Time Today. m kr,c Uirl I'nrJ to -n lUT TlmM 1 ...nuii'VTn rnl.. Am-ll 'J I. A finite tuireeiiient I" ,n('t ll,"11- .lien nm iiw inrcni'i " ,,........ - !'..'" i ..vniniil tic nil till' for- Zeii c1ISi'' rllUsiMiHlilp Hi the " . ....... t...t Kiinti rnnniinii mi ll) eti nui" """ "" ; Jordlnc to niiiioiinroinent todny by lenders In III Cnllfor Sh IcRUlamn and wll b. urrloil cat thlA week l Ih understood lt Ihh ioiir.0 Iuih the iiiprovnl of Coiernor Jolmson and Hint bo will ilgn tint III" immediately upon Ita 1 It Is Hi puled policy of the hia- ,.ll.. nrlv lit t 111 leulMllltlirc to l'l'- ll il,n ulnt,, ntl linvllli: fllll light III 'he matter mini n ih ucii'riiiiiieii mu-i rlscliv Judalnl decision. The ox-i UoriUngof Hie n w bill will proli- ,'lr to fiiimuimcii nororo nigui. WAIT OS CUJI-OKXIA ALL III? None of the Militant Spirit of Populace in Evidence Tries to Block Law. Iltjr AmocIiIM I'rrfi In Coon IK, Time TOKIO. April 21. Tlio chiiKrlii mul disappointment mul woiimleil pride of .liipnn which IiihI week wiih vented In angry militant talk by Ir reH)i)iiKlblo peoplo Iuih hocoino some wlint modified. The en tiro .Inp anoso nation now waltH with Intense mid evident anxiety the oiitroinu of the dellherntloiiK in riiforeiiie hi the Cnllforuln nllen liiuil holding bill now proceeding nt Sacramento. The government mid commercial forces of JnpiineHo are using their utnioHt oertloiiH In endeavoring to restrain unthinking ugltnMon here. lml(1ciit Wilson Opposes Disci iiui- nation tgnlnst .Japanese. T; " i ' ,v",, "' Tlmon wasiiivc rnv i) c. Anrll 21.- r.e I'liniUtn orlslne lioin the pend !cj alien Innd lewa In Cnllfornlii In "Kllrall.v uiitiitiiiKi'd hero today ltd officials In Washington are mllliiK ilrv(iiiiinentH In t'allfor til. I'ri'lihni WTIhoii told eallerH t:o talked on the Hiihjci't that hit ihole limn lit n Unit there should no ill iiltniiiii'loii unnlimt the Jipanc Tie Iiiwh embodying fen irts of t e km ailed Somite bill' ptnilliii; In Smraiiieiiio hnvc been In 'orce In . rloim Htut n mid have not r:t anv tliui tloitH ehrelofmo. WHO W WTS A .IAII.7 ICixiullli' Will I'resenl One to (be I riit pillrnut. I 7 ? Con Hi i'l miivm: All' r-on, nr iu'ruihr, Irrespectlvo of s;f, color, creeil, polltlcH, or jtrovl coi fomlltliiii, who Ih denlroiiH of be nialnc iohjtciI of a Jail a rem I .'ill. cuarnntppil fn lie uKrntin ttrnof -nuyhaio their wIhIi granted wllli- m money and without prleo by np p'jIor fnrtliwlth to the common (Oandl nf tlio illv of Oonullle. The only eondlllon lii'pnRi'd Ih 1 it thd stinetiire ho reniovod wlth- n unneeessary delny from tho Blto uotr otrupioH. The city having a c Jail, splek and span, doonn't t It. There's lots of good lum r ami perhaps other things In c Dunaing, BATTLE S ON ai mm WOULD ANNUL ENGLISH TREATIES Senator Chamberlain Propos es New Way of Getting Around English Objection to Free Panama Tolls. Ilr AMiulnirl I'rm lo l'oo nr TlmM 1 WASHINGTON. I). C. April 21. Abrogation of the Ilny-Paunccfooto treaty an the Dayton - Hulwer traty, which preeeCud It, !h the ob ject of a Joint resolution which Sena tor Chamberlain of Oregon, prepared today for presentation to the Senate, and reference to the foreign relations committee. Upon the Ilay-l'nunee-fote tieaty. Great Urltaln liases her protests against the free pnssage f Anierlian ships thiougn the Panama canal. Chnlrmuu Alexander, leader In the Rrnnte for the free tmssnun OITKIIS TO DO.VATK SITI' CoquUle Lund Coinpany Would (Jive ii imp i oiiuty Hospital. The Pnnnllln c...l..i .. 11 ouoni. representing tho Coqulllo fit Coinpany. hns offered to give -lie free of charge to tho county hospital purposes, provided the "aty court will erect tho building "won now lonlemplnled for tho w farm. Mr Kolsom tcllK Tho - umi nis company will do- ,"'Sn acr. or more If necessnry. g''h of the tescrvolr southwest of "a and n.,0llt ,mJf R m()o from buslnehs center, and furthor 2'-, U l8 tl10 Purpose of the wT, , I.'anrt Col"l'iny to plat SO ; - mud owned by It In this "WHS n nn,i .. .1.- .1...1 it i i. -""ii no uiu iiuiuur iiieru t i..rm?,V(1 b th0 Coqulllo Mill t?.WUo fomiinny. which will -' oo next spring. LOCAL OVERFLOW. i. ... I- ...,i,. iv Heco,.(ior Butler tlroL'l'V ',.0,ln Alle n for 'i itreet ?,,,C lnt0 th0 n,ll,(,1 c,f "oiuniiiy uvening. Ii 'Til .Ullnv 1'lsll Vonrlv nit nf i..: .; .... . Saw,. 'Is'iPrmen on Coos river A50st f-..i "v " "IK caiciifa, ieoitM Jelf n"rt otherB d,(l nl" I''.E. A limi'iTT o.i urn. "4 ton i. """ """ ouu, Keff "' t0 Vl8U rdn- Iiie jot.vt UP tb Curry county. S ltitii..." . . " Wle'wn lofv today for Co- 1 l'nes 1,P wns 8,unin01,el ns atinds '"!. rorger iiu- IS I aMflAshS ,wont t0 Coqulllo to 4 "sn'ng license. ..'tb Vn. .TT . .. ' Times offl PrlnilUE dono at e' Want Ads bring results. Mexican Rebels Resume Bom bardment of Town Fed erals Secure Aid. I iir An, imccl fn m r nr TIiiim 1 NOOAKICS. April 21.- Tho nom linrdment of (luuyinus was reiiuined today, tho state troops using can non. Tho firing was soon discon tinued. rnlted Stiites army officials here today received orders from Hie War Department tit turn oier tho nip tilled federal arms and ammunition to AKiillnr lluerta, representing tho lluerta goveriinienl. Alarmeil ovor the possible results residuals horo are preparing to protest to Wash ington. The federals at Ciunyinas have re ceived fresh supplies anil ammuni tion mid the response to the bom bardment which later was rimumeil liv tho stnto troops across the bay from Umpalnie Ih growing hotter, rnmum IhiIIh ami bullets aro falling thick In Kmphalnio and AmorlcmiH me keeping well under cover. The cruiser California Is keeplnk closo watch on eventB and boats aro kept ready to aid AmerlcaiiH In escaping from the zone of the flro. UECOTTAGES ON COOS RIVER Arthur McKeown Turns Ca- vour Helmig over to the Authorities. Arthur McKeown today picked up Cnvour Helming and turned him ovor to Marshal Cnrtor to bo tnken Into Jnvonllo court on tho charge or breaking and entering tho McKeown ... i.. nt Tim in7o. Ilolmlmr Dlllllllll'l iiuiiiu ........ . ,---,; is about 15 yeurs old and la out on parolo. having neon nuioiu .iuh Hall a fow weoks ago on tlio J'bnifio '. i.ii.. i Mm theft of chlttum bark from Honry Seiigstackoira wnrehouso and selling ii i" -. -Dow. Yesterday Mr. McKeown caught the Helming boy and another lad red-handed In his cottage. lho had taken nearly everything mov able out of tho place. Mr. McKeown says. Thoy first claimed that a coiiplo of men had looted tho place but ho pinned thorn down and found out otherwise. Then ho got back nil tho goods ho could and locked til hovs In tho basement of tho Rutfpno O'Connell summer bouse but thoj broko out. walked down to tho forks of tho river and camo homo and this morning the Helming boy was picked UP. They gained access to tho McKeown cottage through a window. . ... It Is likely that an oxanuno i. . ...! nt Hm lnd on account of tho petty pilfering horo and along the river. Mr. McKeown having dis covered that Helming was responsible for many of them. Another boy Involved In the affair named Epperson will bo turned over to bis parents ror punishment and may not bo furthor prosecuted. abrogation of tho treaty tho easier abrogation o ftbo treaty tho easier and quickest way to get to the bot tom of the nffalr. Abrogation of the ticniy Involves Joint action In both houses of congress and approval of the president. The result of the Introduction of the resolution will probably be to hasten a dclliiHIoii of the attitude of the administration toward the whole question of exemption of American shipping from Hie tolls of tho Panama canal which it Is un derstood Wilson Intended to keep In the background until the tariff legislation had progressed toward a conclusion In the House. Chnmberlnln'H resolution was re ferred to the foreign relations com mittee. 1 SI OSOWS BIGGER Claim That Over 500,000 Men Are. Now Out Acts of Violence Rare. IIl Iwni Imm I'ivm lo Com liar Time 1 HIM'PSICI.S. April 21. The gon einl Htrllto In Belgium ontiH Its sec ond week with the rankn strength ened by recruits, bringing tho total nearly to 500.(100. accoldlng to tho St)cliillst' computation. Acts of vio lence continue rare mid in most cases arc attributed to other causes than the strike. A large number of telegraph poles and wlrus havo been cut, however. MERGER CASE DELAY SOUGHT Southern Pacific and Union Pacific Ask Until July 1 to Submit Dissolution. Ilr auki ImM I'mm In Com liar TlmM I ST. PAI'li, April 21. Federal .lodges Hook, Snnborn and Smith took under advisement today a mo tion of .ludgo Hoborl S. I.ovett rep leseutlng the Union Pacific lUill road ut the time of submitting a plan of dissolution of the merger of the I'nlon Pacific Southern Pa cific be I'Xlondcd until .Inly 1. The Judges heforo the decision will nsl; j the United States supreme court wnotner they iiuvo uuinoriiy 10 per mit such nn extension of time. FEEBLE 1INDED ! YOUTH A TOOLi PLAN TO MEET IN ME lliinois People Suspected of! 1 1. ,:..,. u:.,,i u:, i:n I nctviuu niiuu nun iu iiii Family of Three. I Ilr Am lulls I l'rr.. In root IM, Tlm" I'l.filV. til Ain-ll 11. IlKiiiinn ........, ..... .... .. ..- . -- Coppes, Ifi yenrs old, a youth of extraordinary low mentality who was paroled rroni tlio hi. inarieH reformatory and who confessed yes terday to the murder of Mrs. .Maud Sleep and hor two children, was hnl.l tnitnv in llu L'nlllll Ini'V. The apparent nbsenco of n motive and nn Investigation along certain lines Indicates that relatives or tue vic- tlmu innv linvn lllilliced till) hov to commit tho crime for a monetary I consideration. l'OI'K l'll'S SITS Vl. PontllV Considerably Metier but Jlust Me Cmefiil. flf AmocIhIcI riii lo coo. lux TlmM ' HOME, April 21,Ppe Plus this morning wiih much better In spirits and felt stronger. He still suffered somewhat from coughing. The dny was sunny nnd ho wns allowed to rlso and sit In an arm chair in front of n closed window. PhysldaiiH and attendants nro taking great precau tloiiH to prevent him from making any exertion Just now as any activity on his part Is still regarded danger ous Do Ypa Know Where to Buy Pure Food So much hns been said and written on tho subject or pure food that It Is safe to assume every careful housekeeper Is In terested iu tho subject. Do you know where to buy puro food? Look at the advertisements In THE TIMES for the announce ments 'of stores that handle re liable foods and of manufactur ers that produce tho trustworthy products. Heudlng the advertisements In THE TIMES, ovory day should ho an Important part of the household programme. Whether It Is something for tho table, a needed article of furnishing, or a porsonal re quirement, you aro suro to find sonio valuable hints among the dally announcements of tho up-to-date stores that uso THE TIMES. Annul thn nil. lftnillllL' habit. It's worth tho time it takes, and Next Convention of Epworth League of This District to be Beltl Here. 'lite annual convention or the Coos district of the Epworth League closed yesterday at llandon and most of the local delegates returned today. The convention wns a most HiiiTt'SHful oiio Ironi ovory stand point. Next yonr's convention will bo held in Marshlleld. Tho follow ing offleiu s wcro elected: President 1 L. Suuiuer, of Marshlleld. Vice Presidents Miss Latoiirotte, of North Bond; Clay Church, of Murshlleld, and Miss Sweet, of Co qulllo. Hecordlng Secretary Miss Vera Nelson, of Bandon. Treasurer Miss Phllpott, of Myrtle Point. EUROPEAN POWERS' ULTIMATUM TO MONTENEGRO IS PRESENTED fs ii i inn b inrn i iLLHW ' WHITE SLAVERS! Sensational Story of Wealthy Men in Los .Angeles Prey ing on Young Girls. f tly M' lalrj Vrrr in Coo llajr Tlmn.I LOS AXOELES. April 21. The unnies of -II girls, all under 21 years or age and most of them not past IS, were given today to the county grand Jury which was asked to Invostlgaate a case In which a number of millionaires arc said to have systematically lured girls from homo and placed them In n "Pro tected resort." The nllldavlts of four of theso girls were obtained and state that tho mllliunalros In volved had u complete organization for trapping girls. There woro ca dets In their employ nnd a well known attorney here who besides being Involved In actually enslaving glils also Is alleged to havo spirited away one young woman who ie vealed the nlleged factH of the tabe after she was threatened with proso cutlon for attempted blackmail. Announce That They Land Troops at Sev eral Points. MUST QUlfsiEGE OF SCUTARI AT ONCE Balkan Allies Formally Accept Offer of Mediation Di vision of Spoils (Ilr UifJ I'itm to root u, llmci'l ANTIVAIM. .Montenegro. April 21. An ultimatum wiih sent to Monte negro todny by the commander o tho international fleet lilockadin the const. Ho declares that utiles Montenegro Immediately withdraw Us troops from Scutari, they wll land troops at Antlvarl, Duliigiio and Sau C.lovantl Do Medls. An Of ficer was landed at Cattiuo mill conveyed the ultimatum lo Cettlnjc: ACCEPTANCE OK BALKAN TARIFF BILL UP IN HOUSE tUr AmUII I'rfM lo fool IU, TlmM.I WASHINGTON, D. C, April 21. Tho Democratic tariff bill as amondod by tho Houso caucus was reintroduced In tho Houso today and will bo called up for general debate on Wednesday. Tho Houso Rules coiumltteo Is con sidering n resolution to limit tho tinio of discussion and a number or amendments aiming to put tho bill through to passago as rapidly as pos sible. Tho resolution offered In cau cus would limit tho debate to eight legislative days, tho numbor of amendments to each schodulo to two nnd pormlt only an amendment to the bill as a whole. With tho relntroductlon of tho bill today, tho views of the minority at tacking It woro prosonted to tho Houso by Representatives Payne and his Republican colleagues of the Ways and Means Committee. They maintained tho hill Is uncalled for, that Its provisions already havo alarmed tho country and that should It pass It would bring down wages to a levol with thoso of forolgn countries. RAILWAY HEWS OF COOS BAY Johnson Porter Will Leave To morrow After Looking After Affairs Here. Johnson Porter of Porter Broth ers will leave tomorrow, aftor hav ing spent n few days here looking lifter tlielr affairs at this end of tho lino mid getting ready to expe dite matters as much as possible. Mr. Porter was a little surprised that some should hnvo Interpreted bis lemnrkit about tho work on the load as Iu any way criticising Chief Engineer Hood or tho Southern Pa cific. Ho says that Mr. Hood has been hastening the Coos Bay lino as much as possible and tho Southern Pacific is anxious to got It com pleted Into Coos Bay at the earliest posslhlo date. Mo says It Is a big undertaking to build the lino and that tho Southern Pacific Is co-operating with them to the fullest ex tent' In expediting the work. However, a big tiinnol like the ouo at Ten Mllo which will take possibly IS mouths at least to com plete, will make It Inndvlsablo to do work near It, which can bo started later and can bo completed by tho time the tunnel Is. Nothing to Humors. W. I'. Murphy says that thoro Is nothing to the rumor that was cir culated on tho bay Saturday about n company which ho Is Interested In letting contracts, etc., and that tho Mr, Leo connected with tho project Is a man of mystery. He says that thoy nro working on tho project and aro trying to put It through In good Hliape mid In good tlmo and that cortoln ones havo boon trying to embarrass and Impede them my clr ciilntlns erroneous reports. Merely Want lo be Henri! on III sioii of SpolN, lllr A wo. Iiinl I'riM lo Coo. lujr Tlm I ATHENS. April 21. Tho reply of tho Balkan allies was presented to tho European powers today. It Is a gonoral acceptance of tho offer of mediation between Turkey and tho allies with tho reservation thnt the questions of the disposal of tho Islands In the Aegean sea and a do llmluntlnn of the frontleiH of tho Province of Trace and of tho future state of Albania shall bo left opou for debate between tho allies and powers during the negotiations, FRISCO f CHOOL CHILDREN SAVE CHANTS PASS LINE more. I Along the Waterfront. I 4 Tho Nairn Smith arrived In -torday and sailed aguln today, load ing In about 21 hours. Tho Speedwell arrived In at Ban don today from San Francisco. The Hardy Biillod from hero to dav with lumber. The Flflold sails today from Ban don for San Francisco. Dr. Reddy Siijn There Is Nothing New About Road to Crescent City. Tho Grants Pnss Couiior says: "Dr. Roddy roturned from his trip to Portland Friday morning, and left on the afternoon train for Mod ford. Tho doctor says that thoro Is no change In tho railroad situation, Mr. Neolnnd having roturned to Snn Francisco nnd Los Angolos Tuesday, and word from him and his associ ates Is expected In tho near futuro logardlng their success concerning tho Grants Pass-Crescent City lino, and whether or not they will suc ceed In financing tho project." BITS SI'lilNCFIKM) LAND Southern Paclllc Plans for Shops for Cws May Line. PORTLAND. Or.. April 21. For ty-two acres In the city llmltH of Springfield are sought by tho South ern Pacific for shop and ard facili ties In accordance with plans out lined by officials sovoral months ago. A small round-houso probably will bo constructed thoro. but ox tonslve shops will dovelop only with tho growth of busluoss. It Is planned to mako up the trains for tho now Coos Bay branch In tho proposod yards. Tho South ern Pacific already owns somo property adjoining that which It seeks to condemn. As Springfield also la one tho lino 9000 Youngsters Have Saved 592,999 in Less Than Two Years. The school children of San Fran cisco have hoarded up nearly J100, 000 since Angus' 1, 1011. Tho to tal of 0000 accounts of school chil dren depositors opened slnco that date Is $02,000, according to bank figures made public recently. Thoro aro more than 10,000 puplle Iu the pity's schools, and officiate of the school board estimate thnt one In every three of tho rogiilar nttoudauts ban opened an account. The ages of tho depositors range from (i to H years. Interest at I per cent Is paid on the deposits, mid the children ro celvo legular instruction suited to their years In tho theory and prac tice of hanking, In addition to tho 0000 accounts nlioady opened, 2.100 children havo purchnsed stumps with which to opou accounts when tho required number has been acquired. Coloaol Power told of tho caso of a newsboy pupil who had boon In tho habit of spending his money as fast as ho earned it. "All his Hchoolmntos woro saving money undor this plan," said Col onol Power, "and so ho began. He soon had an account of ?12. Thon his mother bernnio 111. Hor ro- soutces were low nnd sho needed medicine mid could not afford It. Tho boy drew his money from thft hank and it provided ror ins bick inothor very nlcoly." COUNCIL TO REDUCE HATES. Mason Clly to Haw Cheaper Electric ity and Gas. MASON C1TV, April 21. Ono of the first things to bo dono by the i By council which will bo tho adoption of two now ordinances re ducing tho cost or gas and electricity Theso ordinances havo boon drawn and call ror a. reduction of gas from $1.30 to $1 and reduction of elec tricity from 17 cents to 10 cents, with approximate reductions at each turn ing point. Thoro wll bo no objection to tho passage of thoso ordinances by any tnomber of tlio council nnd It tho opinion that tho United Light and Power coinpany will comply with tho ordinances with resistance The gas ordinance Is based on tho Cedar Rap ids ordinance while tho electric Is vory much of conformity with the Mnrshnlltown oidlnnnco. ALBANY damns Conn, a mora bor of tho G. A. R dlod at the agt OfL wvSSW of tho Natron-Klnmath cut-off, which ovontunlly will bo tho mail, lino of the Southern Paclllc. It ha been decided convenient to locntt thoso improvements there. It H probable that Springfield will l made a division point after tho Iron-Klamath line Is completed.