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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (April 15, 1913)
I j MOST ANY MAN CAN SUCCEED 'Affiff GOOD SENSE fffi GOOD NATURE wiitV ARTICLES m .ju.. Tim- w, I 1 2 XOW IS YOUR TIME. A Miinll ml In Tin Times mint column niny lii hit; you result mi- mmtz mediately. Try otic. I MEMHKH OP THE A8HOOIATKR PHE9 att i1,!! tun JJtllM .. . I.U.I...I Iti 1MTH i .iwtil I;sIn",1"" " .. I0L.aAAVI.u, The Coast mini MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, APRIL 15, 1913 EVENING EDITION SIX PAGES. ! MMvvwwinaanvHBnMMnMnMnwMnMnK'v ilSlinciL's run i in SL-P. 6IMDES SiUlBiTIED A. Consolidation or Times, Const Mull Mild Coos Hay Advertiser. No. 231 .position Agreed xo Labi Niohtand Forwarded to Chief Engineer. LyOR SIMPSON HAS PLAN TO IMPROVE CITY ih Portion of North Bend to fbe Contoured Whole City in Two Big Districts. Imror U ' Simpson 01 .rui h a tonfcreiire with Engineer : of tin' Southern Pacific rel it to nn nilJiiHtmiMit of Iho rull ,1 cradcd nml tlio street grades In . -i w-il. Il.inl Al n liuit. CUT Ul OVinn ... - - of the North lli'iid city council i .i....illlnn iixiu . .! 11 tiW.1W.ull Will WIIH --Hoi to which will ho Hiibtnlttcd Engineer Hood for Oils approval. r.,uAi- IMi1iiiiilufitl wllfl lllrtlllll'fil :;juni ihuimi'i -i - -. -plan. uperlflcntloiiB unci grntleR f til mtiiilrlpnl uipravoniiMitR In ftorlUMi 01 .Minn .(Mm norm ui I.M. fil-Alllln linl llCl'll 1'IlllflMI'Illir I S. CmiiIIij fli P'lf.lflf. nlllflllfHil'14 It li Weil Hull nn iiiljustiuont IMnmcKij leiniicii. lit matter Is a illfflcult problem tbt railroad grade win iiiiiko ii iyH(I iliniii'n In till) L'HIfleH of Xrnla, Vlrglnl.i Washington and istos. Mayor Simpson mild Unit loptd inc iimpnsmon agreed 10 ill. Mintwill ti'iiiljl I'ltunlt III tlwi i!f being mnilo to eourorin wlth- Krioiitiy niiccung mo property. Jutuhat the difference In grades tit .Norm iieiui omiiais nro not i!t( out, 11 h It would probably u Innumerable objections from nainy wnall properly owners In Hlitrlct Man Ills: limip'iiciuclits. llijor SliiipMin h:i.h that North ill now pliiimlin; to niako some (tilvt Improvements, It l hoped to put In nhont 20 n or nnra Miriaco pnvlng this 'I Tlio Protect will lio started -l i:il an i.'lijun. iiifiiii. in I'ni asder av soon UrangeincutH are also lining mode r imjirovinB all of that portion of ' my norm or Virginia nvonno. lo this llinst ornnrimlfiillv nml t It It iirnniikKil in iinwtiiii fhn ;th Ifcnd rlinrlxr kii HimI (Ii ,.n. "1 for tlio wholo Kortlnn ran lio loare. Tlio on tiro Hcctlon will ttrOTn Into dim lmiirnvniiwiiit ilia. 1 nd every lot In tho dlstrlet wj lor uio iinpioveniontH. The Wtmenla uin ........ MHO but when, prorated, It will iki noni't. nuui.n..... .. I --- mvmij iiDnf-onillt'lll. "Outer RlrlinrdHon has proparcd U plana, Bpoelflcallons. grades, ,'. ete, iieconsary no that tho '"tiurvniiK reqiurod will lio a 3 to ItinprvloA !.. ti. r.. .. ill .1 . . " JU ' "i '" " onre. hlg contrnctorn will ""u io ma on It. .-.,....,,. nuiiui roriioii, ':!t i ,,e!ia lty ro"cl' ,nst r..i ""iifii mo coiuraei .uTs hiiinard nnd Rlohnrd- Zi. pa"" 'u Pinna nnd r r improving nil that 0 North HoiiiI uniiM. f in huSK-i? I,lnt A and Tortor. Ia th inatmctod to jui. i -y,"ki niifoiB bo rnr as ' nt If necessary In rontonr- Cfuvf 'troo.t ',,,0! TI,B "tbili anorninn IVl'J0 nmkp thl8 Improve. Wttr R Phnwlen Ill .-. ItdrV.i -own nin mm i WnuB0nro n,ul lmvo lIa Pl-0' i ,, "? f0",ll for npprovnl rHter inp,n completed 30 FRANCHISE TO W. S. CHANDLER ' order t0 carry nut this project rt' V",WP"1?J' ' Utn nn I "'" tllU UllllIU rot.S ,n,Provomont district taler lllRl' ,10'"K t"0 work :, tr one contract nnd at one ViS,slalr,''M.iip.ov,Miiont. ( SouthernP r,' 8,nte1 n'B0 tlmt 54 loDrov.m ;u,p ancl Non r.?lB w, b "'"1 tll den-i 10 Proposed wldon TtPo7n'iR of the harbor, "king f0' ,C,,0S n!,y Commission LN'0ft BenltIfi:?i,n,?.b,?in. PPP"I 1 la hi,Ket,tW0 or three other ? tO dn IS Sl(1S tho (lr0(lBO H, So7k tho work. f tt. J." Poelflp plan is to ?amDinrm, tho blB cut pdoid i ,i , ." i"Priy ana to HU in "Ifc (,relRlnBs from tho d " the station grounds to 3LC5 "s meetlns of tho -,vAX"r2iLwa8 n rather ICoau Council Votes to Give Him Right for Heating System Alone Long Discussion. Tho Inrsliflolil city council hmt ovenlng niter inoru or Ichh iIIhcuhhIoii voted to grant W. S. Clinmllcr n tlf-ty-yenr hentlng frnnchlHo for tho down town section of Mnralitlolil. Tho heating franchlHi' wiih grnnted after the provlHloiiH allowing lilin the priv ilege of fiiriilBhlng giiB, electricity and water In tho Biinie dlHtilct had been eliminated from the frnnchlHc. Tho original franchlBO hnd been ainended by City Attorney (Johh ro qulrlng that all of the bci-vIcch be fiirnlBhed within a year or tho fnin ehlHe for the oiioh not UBeil would ' bo void. It alHo Hpecilleii mat uniesH I the entire district wns covered within I II vo yenr, tho franchises on the I Htreet not then iikimI would expire. Couucliuinii wiiiKier wild unu no wiih opposed to a llfty-year francblso nnd thought that twenty-live or thlr- lt. ftlllu t'flu IIU lull fr llu flllfl ullfllllll lln '.' ,v...r ...... .... .....n "o ".. ..w 1 griinteil. If It was to bo longer, ho wanted tho peoplo to vote on It. lie said (hut bo had a letter from the attorney general Baying that extreme rare should ho used In granting frnu cIiIbch. Councilman Albrecht Bald that ought to bo a provision whereby tho city would get an Income from tlio rinnchlse In Inter years, a ono per cent groKB Income tax on It. Ho said that tho city hnd not provided such ni Income tax on Its old franchises and that the only revenue tlio city linn except taxes Is saloon licenses, 'tainted money,' he termed them. Councilman Allen wild that this would be cut off within live yenrs. C. II. .McLaughlin nroso and Bald Mint If a fifty- year francblso was grunted for nil thlngH specified he would (Imitate a lerereuuuiu peti tion against It. Councilman Merchant wild that Mr. Albrecht was a little Into with his gross Income tax Idea, that It should have been applied to the ter nriniil Hallway and similar franchises. Mr. Albrecht said that In grunting tho Terminal Uallway franchise, ho thought ho was offering an Induce ment for railroads to como In hero and tho community would derive n great benefit from It. Ho said Mint ho thought that It wns a common user nnd iib hmcIi would bo available to the two or moro roads which prominent men told mm woro coming. Aiiywaj ho snld that the Terminal Hallway wniili! niiw bn oneratlng cars or Its francblso revoked if tho franchise hnd been left ns bo voted to grant It. Councilman Copplo said tlmt be thought tho heating frnnchlso wns n vory good thing for tho town. Ho snld the mnlns would bo undornenth tho street nnd not Interfere with nnythlngj Ho Bald that ho thought It would ho a decoded benellt to tho town. Ho said that heat wns some thing which would have to bo fur nished roasonnblo or tho usors would throw It out nnd uso stoves again. Ab to a voto on It, he further said tho francblso only afTected a certain area nnd ho thought tho peoplo In that area ought to linvo tho say nbout It. Ho suggested that a .provision In tlio franchise for furnishing cold wn tor bo eliminated ns this might pos sibly Intorforo with tho city in caso tho lattor should Instal a municipal syatom. City Attorney Gobs and othera said that It wns doubtful about tho lattor being any especial honollt to Chandler becauso thoro wns no Bourco of water supply in Mint nrea. Mr. Cobs said that somo cities had threo water supplies, ono cold wa ter for drinking and ono hot water and the othor water for gpnornl us uges. However, tho cold wotor was with drawn. Messrs. Winkler and Copplo dif fered nbout tho peoplo being particu larly Interested In tho francblso be ing only thoso In tho nrea affected. City Attorney Gosa said that It was unusual to imposo an income tax on a heating francblso. Mr. Albrecht said that ho did not caro about Im posing It In tho beating frnnchlso so much ns on tho others. So far as competition wns coucorned, ho Bald Mint ho did not seo It In that light. Under tho now law which regulates rates of public utilities, bo claimed that tho Railroad Commission fig ured the money that a company paid out for a rival corporation as part of the orlglnnl Investment on which tho Income had to pay lntorest and profit. He said that Portland was example of this. Instead of trying to got a competitor, he thought that tho rato situation would bo hotter handled by nn appeal to tho railroad commission. . , . City Attorney Gosa said tnaine I F! EVOLT TO SPREAD AGAIN Victorious Sonora Forces Will March Against Guaymas and Rebels Plan to Consoli date Forces. tlljr Aoilitlrl I'riH Io ioi rujr Tlmm.J NACO, April I,'.. "Within sixty days tho constltutioiinllsts will take .Mexico City," declared today General Atvnro Obregon, commander In chief of the Sonora Insurgent stnte troops which on Sunday took N'aco, Sonora. "If the federala don't leave Guay iiiub, we will be Joined In the cam paign by 11000 troops from Sliinlon state nnd 21)00 from Topic territory, under the commnud of Colonel Mar tinez Orunzu, -1001) under General Zenpata from Morelos nnd Hi, 000 from Coiihiilln under Governor Car ranzn. With this foico and with CniTimxn us our commander, we will march tii.uinphnntly Into the na tional capital. Cnrrnnzn doubtless will be tho next president." The suite troops opposite this point num bering nearly 2000 are recuperating from the Nnco campaign before de parting toward GuiiymaB. They will lene within n week. SITl ATIO.V AT fUWVMAS Rebels (Mini to Attack MViwn With Force of ."1100. Itljr A.fO Mini I'rfM to Cutis lut Time 1 NOGM.KS, April 15. Tho Guay mas garrison coiiBlstH of less tliiiu fiOO men. while the stnte troops have begun the mobilization or nearly fiOOO troops to iiHwault tlio lower California gulf port town. TAX OX COM) l-:XIOltT Ten .,.,. Mexico Pimm to Impose Cent Duty on It. lllr Amoi Ute! ir. to eon ruy TlmM ) MEXICO CITY. April lfl. A measure Imposing a tax of 10 per cent on exports of gold from Mexico todays received final approval from tho Chamber of Deputies and was sent to the Senate for consideration. I'KIIIIHAI.S MOVK TOIIAY Hvaeunte Kuipiiluic Today nml Will i Move South. tn AmopIiIisI Pitm Io Coo liar TlniM.J NOGAI.HS, April 15. All tho fed eral forces evacuated lOiiipaluie early today, and lire moving ncross thu liny to (iim.uiHiH. while the stnte troops occuily the town, iiccordlng to n di rect advice received here todny. It was reported that the federals were prepared to depart by boat for the smith, leaving the constitutionalists In full possession of the state. WS ' WVSNWN'SSW RAILWAY NEWS OP COOS BAY PORTERS HILL SRIP ENGINES '"ued oa Pag Two.) Want to Send Two Small Lo comotives Hei;e From Portland. Poller llrotliers are planning to ship lu two or moro IS ton locomo tives from Portland here soon for eoiihtruillon work. Representatives of the company had tho matter up wllh Capt. Macgenu of the llrenk waler In Portlnnd lnsr week. Capt. Margolin and Supt. Miller decided that tho llroakwnter could not han dle such Inrgo pieces of machinery nnd It will probably bo necessary for Porter Hrothera to aecure u spe cial Bteifm schooner to bring tho lo comotives In. Porter llrotliers nro also figuring on shipping lu some additional equipment bore. Whether it means that they are going to ubo them In construction on this end of tho road or thoy nro to bo reslilpped from bore, no ono on tho liny knowa. Thoy hnvo n small engine nc Gardi nor now for work on tho Copenhagen contract. It mny mean that thoy nro planning to get the work be tween tho and Sluslaw un dor wny, or It may menu that thoy nro figuring on rushing tlio work between the bay and tho Ten Mile tunnol. . , Terminal Railway Deal. No definite nows has been re ceived from Sim Francisco rolntlvo to the Tornilnnl Rnllway-Soiithern Pacific negotiations about tho Murshllold franchise, h. J. Simp son of North Rend who wiib In Mnrshllold .today stated Mint ho un derstood a letter hod been received from San Francisco about tho mat ter hut ho had not Been It nor was ho nblo to any what stage the nego tiations had roiiched. C. A. Smith Is expected here shortly from San Francisco. Ho Is going to Portland first and will come here direct from the Roso City, possibly on tho next Rrenkwater. Tho Southern Pacific-Terminal Rail way negotiations will proimuiy not reach a definite stngo until nfter his return to San Francisco from here. IRILE POINT LINE RUS JAPAN MAKES LAST APPEAL W V' E PIUS IS BETTER TODAI Pontiff Had a Good Night and Ambassador to Convey Views of His Country on California Land Legislation. Symptoms Are Now More Favorable for Recovery. tnr Anorlalrt I'trii lo C001 lUr Tlmpn.l ROMi:. April 15. The Pope's condition appeared practically un changed today. Tho morning hullo tin follows: "The Holy Father was tignln without fever this morning. Ills temperature was '', his cough has diminished and expectoration has become easy and copious. The pontiffs general condition lias al ways been satisfactory. Marchlafnva, Amlcl." Tho dealing mi of tlio wenther today Is taken ns a hopeful augury for the recovery of tlio Pope. SUFFRAGETTES CONTINUE FIRES Willett & Burr to Bring More Equipment Twelve Miles to be Done by July 1. Messrs. Wlllet & llurr, contractors of the Smith-Powers lino beyond Myrtle Point, nro planning to bring lu another steam shovel for rushing the work on the line. Tho new one will bo forty-two tons, iimaller than tho ono brought on the last Redondo. They also have another largo one, 8lmllnr to tho one brought on tho Re dondo, but they lmvo not fully de termined to bring it liorc. They nro also oxpoctlng somo horses from San Francisco to bo used lu tho grading, They originally planned to bring 50 or 100 horses hero hut may not require that ninny. Their contract cnllB for the com pletion of twclvo miles of the road by July 1, and tho balnnco by Sop toiubor 1. Thoy hnvo nbout threo miles of rails laid and with good wea ther coming on ami the constant In crease In tlio forco of workmen em ployed, thoy expect to bo easily ablo to comply with tho terms. Twelve miles of road will bring the lino up to the first stretch of timber which tho Smith-Powers com pany will log nnd A. 11. Powora Is ar ranging to hnvo n camp started and deliver logs Just as soon ns tho road Is completed. W L M E L RAILWAY FOR fiOVKUXMKXT 0VXKI18IIII Merger of l'ostolllce Department and Interstate Commerce Commission. """(nr AmocImM I'rM lo coot Pit lime. WASHINGTON, D. C, April 15. Consolidation of tho Interstate Com- iimr-i-n PnnunlKHlon with tllO Postof- flce Department was proposed in a bill introduced ny uepresumauvo ueiu; of Connecticut. The consolidated departments would bo empowered to extend tho postal business of the Uni ted States to cover all public trans portation nnd through leases to se curo control for the government of all such railroads ns In the Judgment of tho department might bo needed for public use, Hnvo your I3VES KXAMIXRD nt ItKI) CROSS DUUO STORK. RETURNS of the ANDKRSON RROWN fight RECEIVED by HOUNDS nt MAT'S HITiLIARD PAR LOR TONIGHT. Lots of FLOUR at HAINES. Supt. Miller Arranges for Fill ing Trestles and Ballasting for Roadbed Now. Supt. W. F. .Miller of tlio local railway Is making plnns for exten sive Improvements In tho road this Biiinmer and already has some of them undorwny. A largo amount of trestle will bo done awuy with by fills and tho roadbed will ho re ballasted for most of its length. Now a 1000-foot trestle near tho old Johnson'B mill Is being replaced by n fill. Tho track Ib being moved back furthor from tho river. It Is nlso proposed to fill about 1500 feet of trestle near Schroder's. Tills will require somo stoainshovel work and Supt. Miller Is today fig uring with Mr. Wlllott of Willett & llurr on this work. His plan Is to havo tho stonmshovel widen tho cuts In some places on the road near there and Ubo tho dirt to fill tho long trestle. Tho ballasting may not bo started until Inter but tho Coqulllo-Myrtlo Point section of tho lino will bo first bnllasted and the balance can be done even in rainy weather. Chicken TAMALES will bo on sale nt the Methodist church WEDNKS DAY afternoon, April IC, after i o'-o'clock, England Prohibits Public Meet ings There Destroy Country Mansion. Illy Ao IhickI l'rr lo r.i.n ny Tlm LONDON, April 15. -A stringent order prohibiting the Woman Social and Political Union Militant Suffra gette Society from holding meetings In' Hyde Park, Wimbledon Common and other open spaces lu Loudon wns IsiihciI todny by Reginald McKcuua, This step Is taken announced, "As u tho recent dlsor- TOKIO FEELS BITTER ABOUT ALLEGED INSULT Expect to Make Appeal to the United States Supreme Court. tllr Amo UIp.1 Pith io Coon liny TlnlM.) WASHINGTON. I). C. April 15. President Wilson has arranged to meet the Japanese Ambassador at tho White House todny. It Is be lieved that tho Ambassador sought the Interview to convoy to tho Presi dent the Inst views of his govern ment on tho chuiiges In the nllen land laws of California, since ho called on Mr. Wilson two weeks ago. tnr Awo. Itlivl Pm lo Com llr TlmM ) TOKIO. April 15.-i.Tlii JnpnntMo In official circles are now Inclined to believe Mint nothing they can do will hnvo any effect lu nvertlng tlio projected hind ownership legislation of Cnlifornin. As soon ns tho bill has passed, however, application will he innile to the federal government of tho United States for extension of lint unitization rights to the Jap anese. Otherwise, tho bill, It Is claimed, will he discrimination against Japanese. Public meetings or protest and rcpreBoiitntlloiiB to Mm American Embassy here nnvo been Innumerable but the feeling or hope lessness Is pronounced. Newspapers rail attention to the "Humiliating Insult to n nation which, though high spirited and proud, hns gone out of Kb way to maintain most friendly relations with the United StlltOB." homo secretary, tho government consequence of dors." CUT TELEGRAPH LINES SulViageltes Sever Lines Near Hlg Tunnel. (Iljr Ai.ocl.IM prrwi lu Coot IUj TlniM.) RATHE. England, April 15. Militant suffragettes cut all tele graiib nud telephone wires nt the entrance to the Roe tunnol on Great Western Railway. the DESTROY FINE .MANSION .Militant Sullnigettes Set l'lie to Country Place. Illy Aocli!r1 I'rr.i to Coot liar Tlmtt.l HASTINGS, England, April 15 Mllltant suffragettes destroyed the handsome seaside mnnslon, Lcon-nrds-Ou-Scii, belonging to Arthur Philip Ducros, the unionist membor of Parliament for Hustings, Tho women not only set fire to tho house but plnced oxploslves In ninny rooms, WILSON'S VIEW OF CANAL TOLL President Opposes Exemption of Coastwise Shipping From Panama Tolls. (lly AioiUle. I'm. lo Cooa lly Tlmff WASHINGTON, I). C, April 15. Whllo President Wilson has never expressed himself publicly on tho question of tho 1'nnamn canal tolls, ho has Informally Indicated to friends that ho bolloves In an Inter pretation of tho treaty which would niako It Improper for the United States to exempt lta vcssols In coast wise trade from paying tolls. Ho also Is iindei stood to take the posi tion Mint tho exemption as now pro posed Is lu effect a subsidy, and ho always has been opposed to sub sidles. The Inforence of Wilson's frlonds, nnd in official circles of London the roport Is that tho PrcBl deut has seen fit to Informally indl cuto to England that a favorable ad justment will ho forthcoming, so ns to forestall oarly roprosootutlvos from Great Hrltaln All correspondence betweon tho United States and Columbia relat ing to the, latter a claims for tho par tition of Panama Is called for, to bq I submitted to tho Senate by a reso- GALL HALT IN BALA W Armistice Arranged Between Turkey and Bulgaria and Also Between Others. Illy Awoclal.. Prna lu Cooa tliy Tlrava.) CONSTANTINOPLE. April 15 There Is a persistent roport hero that a ten days' armistice beginning at six yesterday evening has boon concluded botween Turkey and Hul-gaiia. Three RALKAN WAR TRUCE lletweeii Rays Aiiulstlce Wait lug NiitloiiN. njr Aaioclatxl Prna io roo riar Time.) PARIS, April 15. A threo days nrmlstlco has been arranged betweon Turkey and tho Ilalkau allies, ac cording to a semi-official dispatch from Constantinople. Iiition Introduced todny by Senator Hitchcock. RRVCi: IN CONFERENCE Hiltlsh Aiiiliiissiuloi' (i'Iu'h Views on Panama Caunl. Illy A'o lain I'rrta 10 Cooa ILy TlmM LONDON, April 15 Tho roport sent by James llryco, tho HrltlBh Ambassador to tho United States on tlio results of his recent conversa tion with President Wilson foro slinitowB, It Is understood, a favor able termination of the controversy hotwoon the two countries over tho question of the Panama canal tolls, Tho Manchester "Guardian" under stands that the President will short ly mnke an Important statement on the question. WILL KEEP REPI'IH.ICANS Democrats Will Not Oust Post mast el's for Political Kcrn-oiis, Ily Anaoilatnl I'rraa to I'ooa Hay Tliaea. WASHINGTON, D. C April 15. Postmnster Gonernl Rurloson an nounced todny that the administra tion's policy would continue all Re publican postmnHtoiB now In offlco to end their terms, provided thoro woro no ohnrgos sustained ngntnst their offices. This policy nppllos to all clussos of postmasters. Your old STV1K lEXSES roplacod with TOHICS at HER CROSS. RETURNS of the ANDFHSON IIROW.V light RECEIVED by ROUNDS at MAT'S HILLIAHD PAR. LOR TONIGHT. (Continued on Pago Six.)