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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (April 14, 1913)
f h J THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD. OREGOH, MONDAY, APRIL 14, 1913-EVEHING EDITIOW. . r . LEAVE TODAY Ifj BREAKWATER Steamer Sails This Afternoon for Portland With Large Passenger List. The Drcnkwnter sailed this after noon for Portland with n capacity list of passengers anil u good enrgo of freight. Among those sailing on the Hrenk wator woro the following: L A. Green, Mr. Illcklinmor, A. H. Collvcr, Mrs. A. II. Collver, .1. Skhnn, O. Folvlg. Mrs. L. Hale. W. M. Ornnt. H. Amerniilt. V. W. WII lots, D. Davidson. Mrs. I). Da vidson, It. V. Miller. L). L. Atkinson, I). L. Ooodell. P. lltinl. .T. Cllbhons, II. L. Anderson, Mrs. 11. L. Anderson, A. Hurch, Mrs. A. Hurch, H. Dlvnll, H. Coats. 0. J. Hawkins, SlkezRame, F. Alden. Mrs. F. Alden. Miss C. llrlggs. Carl IJrlggs, 1' Ander son, L. Moo, .1. Anderson, Fred Tren gen, A. Jensen, Miss D. Wyntt. F. Struffert, Mr. Starr, O. II. Itowe. Flo ra Foreman, O. S. Wood, L. Uhlman. P. Strol, W. A. Cash. Mrs. H. Ander son. Mrs, Hucchlcr, Holit. Leslie, I'. O. Donubrnke, II. A. Golden, Mrs. II. A. Golden. A. Itolierts. C. Noland. Mrs. C. Noland. K. Collver, F. II. I'ogo J. H. Glol, C. W. Adams. I). Kampher, W. Sweotlnnd, J. T. Ferry. J. W. Simmons, F. II. DuIIols, W. Ilalley, G. K. Harrington, J. II. Urnner. Chas. Smith, II, Schwanhach, C? Isaacson, I". PniuuiB, .1. AnniiulBt, K. Silver, S. Itajo, II. M. Olson. A. Govehe. J. Wells, S. Klboy, II. Sundqulst, C. Johnson. M. Huntley. S. It. lllrdsall. W. .1. MeMlnpiny. T. Crecdcn, J. Mllldre, M. Shlck, C. Denny, G. Swan son. L. D. McMillan, M. Mlnnro. T. Ketones, J. Papnns, J. Opcstal, G. 11. Pierce, G. 13. Kllay, J. .1. Packman, J. Slokh, J. Calunas. C. Gorran, D. L. Rood, T. Hance, L. J. Lent, Dan llan koiach, A. K. Crouch, II. L. Cole man, Mrs. II. I,. Coleman and X. fitaukovlch. ' ' .Many Anlw On llont. Tlio nroakwntoi arrived In lato Saturday afternoon from Portland with a largo cargo and nearly a ca pacity passenger list. She had a rough trip down and then tho ex perience of waiting outside tho bar for nearly H bonis. Among thoso nirlvlng on her wore. II. W. Unison, Mrs. II. W. Uni son. Tom Shlto. .Mrs. Charles Sea fuse, Henry Korstlc, .1. II. Foster, Miss Johnson, W. ii. Miner, O. B. Soger, Tom HoIand, Mr. A. L. Rich ardson, Mrs. A. I.. Richardson, Mr. Sterling, Mrs. Sterling, James Win ton. Mrs. Wlntou, it. II. Shiiltz, Stanley llonewlck, Mrs. J. II. Thor Eon. D. It. Harden, F. L. liean, 11. E. Poaso. J. It. Wagner, ,C. P. Cole man. F. A. Clark, A. It. WIIIh. Mrs. A. It. Wills, Helen Wills. Sidney "Wills, Robert Clemmonth. A. II. Pot ter, Mrs. MattHou, John Mattson. Jim Poturis, A. J. Howie, Mrs. A. J. Howie, Mrs. O. T. Tunease, J. C. Bergen, John Paulson, Tom Paulson, S. Lyon, A. Lyon, P. Lyon, (5. G. Dewey. Robt. Plerson, II. C. Dlpplo. Mrs. II. C. Dlpple. M. C. Lewis. Mrs, M. C. Lewis, Kva Uwls. Edith Lewis, Lloyd Lewis, Knill Nelson, Mrs. J. W. Niiilorson. R. II. Rozell. Mrs. It. II. Rozoll, W. F. Harmon, L. Van, Mrs. M. Price, 11. K. Knorr. Nels Torp, Lowls Neldorhelmer, II. Ryke, Alfred Johnson. K. F. Miller. Poter Becker. William Lohmlor, W. K. Fiihriuaii, J. C. Hutchinson, K. O. Kruggor", Mrs. H. ArmstroiiK, Miss Armstrong, Mrs. Aunlo Ulster. Ornu Itlstor. Miss Armstrong, C. Keuard, Jirs. F. ICenard, Mrs. H. It. Nofflor. Mrs. D. C. Rondon, ICsll Lewis and sixteen steerago poijengorH, Passion Is a nnptha launch, nov elty a lunoe, In which mokt people embark on the sea of Matrimony without even tho precaution of tak ing a life-preserver along. I jl JL Talcum Majestic Violet 25c Majestic Lilac 25c Rest In tho world. (Wo also enr r Colgate's, Williams', Iliidnuts and Squlbbs' Talcums.) The chafing winds aro blowing now ami ou will use lots of Tnl cuuw to protuct tho skin. Get a tun of this dellcutelv por fiuiHHl "Majestic" Talcum- Try It If not naturae tor we'll gladlv e- cimiiBU. Red Cross Drug Store Phone 1U-J-J Motorcycle DelUeiy. I . .. AAamam lllBIITn COAST LEAGUh UUHKAU WAD lb iSEBALL SCORE Portland Ties Oakland First Game and Is Shut Out in Second New Series. I STANDING OF CLtltS. j W. L. Pet. J Los Angeles S S .Olfi i Ooklnnd 1 -1 S 5 I Portland ' -"00 I Venice " -uJl I San Francisco . . . r ( .li 1 I Sacramento ",u I I Itlr AMotlilrJ i'rrn lo Coon lljr Timet 1 jntiTi..wn. Dr.. Anill 11. Oak- Innd after tielng Portland In the first gome yesterday Mint out tne nose City visitors In tho second and as ti result last year's champions are now close to the top of the latter. Todav Is moving day In the Const League and tomorrow a new series opens with the teams playing as fol lows: Los Angeles at Portland. Sacramento with Venice at Ver non. Oakland at San Francisco. Sunday's games resulted as fol lows: At Oakland It. II. I- Oakland - 2 - Portland -13 a (Second game.) Oakland I 3 1 Portland 0 7 3 At Sacramento It. II. E. Sacramento ti - Los Angeles 4 t 1 At Vonlco It. H. E. Venice '"' - San Francesco 1 -I 3 (Second game.) Venice " It San Francisco I S 1 Saturday" (iiiiiu's At Oakland It. II. I Oakland I ,! Portland 0 " 0 At Vonlco It. II. E- Venlco 3 ! 1 San Francisco . . . . 7 II - At Sacramento It. IL E. Sacramento 3 8 -1 Los Angelos S 13 3 MANV WOMEN VOTE. .Myrtle Point Siillragcttos Tinned Out I'm Election. Tlie Myrtle Point Enterprise says: "At the city election last Mondny was the Urst chance that the ladies of Myrtlo Point bad to tako ndvnn tago of the frauchlso of Biiffrngu and an even hundred nnines of the fair voters aro to bo found on tho poll sheets of tho recordH of Mondoy'H bal loting. Only four In tho hundred were llustercd, as Is evidenced by tho four handkerchiefs forgotten In tho voting boxes. "There woro only '1 1 more of tho mnlo voters out than last spring, when 130 bnllotn ware cast. How ever, n number lost tholr voto through being under tho Impression Hint tho polls were to be kept open till 7 p. m. "The result of the olllclal ennvns of tho votes shows tho following llg urcs: Mayor, one elected for two-year term: L. A. Roberts 1 1 1 P. L. Phelnn 10S Councilman, two elected for thrco year term: J. S. Whltaker 17." J. D. llarklow 1'Ofi C. C. Carter tlS For Recorder: E. A Dodgo 1711 A. 11. Mender CO For Treasurer J. M Vrrlngton 2H m O Powders A FINCH SE ! Marshfield Man Will Ask Thirty-Five Year Grant From Coquille Next Week. The Coquille Sentinel says: "W. J. Conrad, of Mars.illeld. represent ing a number of capitalists, will ask tho Cltv Council nt its next session for a franchise to light tho city of Conttllle, and to supply all consuin- ......... i..ti . l, r'mirnil u'nrt ers oi eiiiuiiii.. ..... --- In Coiiullle yesterdny afternoon and In an Interview wun ine ncimiiei said a fninchlso for a period of 3fi vears would bo asked for, and that if granted tl:e company represented bv him would establish ti service uiieiiualled by any In this section of the country, lie said tho present plant and, the complete system would be tnken over In caso tho owners desired to part with It at a rea sonable price, but that It could not be considered at tho llguro now placed upon It. Ho told The Sentinel that It had been Investigated to somo extent, nml was not worth the prlco sot upon It. which ho claimed to bo $10,000. His people would, he says, consider It at J 10,000, mid at that llguro would take It over, provided an extension of tho franchise was obtainable. "Mr. Conrnd expressed tho opinion that tho franchise holders, provided u lranchlso bo grnnted, would bo will ing to furnish llghtH at tho now pre vailing prlco la this city, mid that tho service would bo continuous, meaning a duy mid night service, for llghti mid power. There would bo no limit to the supply of current available for any and all purposts." Marshfield Knights of Colum bus Initiate Eight at Meet ing Here Saturday. Marshflold Council of tho Knights of Columbus Saturday evening init iated another largo ehus of candi dates at tho Odd Fellows Hall. There was n good turnout of members to see that tho now additions woro prop erly Indicted through tho mystorleH of tho order. There was no banquet or spoech mnklng but following the business mid Initiating sessions, mi Informal good tlmo was enjoyed. The candidates Initiated woro: W. J. Murphy. J. F. Llegal. J. S. Jacobus, Chas. FarroII, Joseph Whlto and Patrick Daltou. I dm; I'ou nxjriM.K. Messrs. K. I). Sperry. C. It. Harrow mid P. M. llnll-Lo-wls, comprising a committee from 1 tho Coniniorclal Club, waited on 1 tho county court on Tuesday i for tho purpose of Inducing mi I appropriation for agricultural demonstration work In tho Co- ' qulllo valley, and woro assured I that $1000 would bo forthcom- lug. Coquille Sentinel, Ilavo your job printing dono at Tho Times office. Singer Sewing Machines Wo havo thorn lor ront or for salo. Machines Ropalrod. Supplies and Needles for Salo. V. J. HIT.. I'M I'liik Ave. Mur.slifleld. Phono 280.X. Pictures & Framing Walker Studio You Auto Call f oote PHONE MJ-J NIGHT AM) DAY Stand front of Itlunco lllllinril Parlor TWO N13W OAltS Artec 11 P. M. Phono 'JdO-L Itesldcnre Phono .K-,1, direful Drivers : Good Curt New and Second Hand Furniture Mild on tlio installment plan. HAHHINGTON, DOVL1J & CO., tuts i'ioit St. Phono .140-Ti Marshfield. Or. R. J. MONTGOMERY Real Estate and Insurance 244 North Front Street. Parker & Leaton Heal lStnte, ltentaN and Insurance LocKhart Uulldliig, Over Huh Cloth lug Stole, Marshfield, Ore. TAKE IN NEW CANDIDATES Bigger Better Grows Our Business THE BEST KNOWN STORES The "Hub Stores" A Word As to Our "Store Policy" OWE PRICE: All prices arc marked in plain figures, as low as it is possible to sell merchandise of this quality, One person's dollar will buy as much as an other's at the "Hub," Every customer receives the same fair, impartial -treatment, "One Price to All Meniw n Lower- Price to All." CHARGE ACCOUNTS mean loss of interest in money invested; mean expensive bookkeeping, expense and loss in collections, "MONEY TALKS" Every Suit purchased from Hub Stores must give entire cost be $15,00 or $40,00, We stand behind you, Hub Clothing and Banclon. City Auto Service Good Carfl, Caroful DriTcrfl and ronsonnblo chnrgoa. Our motto: "Will go nnywhoro nt nay tlmo.' Stands lllnnco Hotol and Dlnnco Cigar 8toro. Duy Phonos 78 and it Night Phono 46. IIAIIKKR A GOODAIjK. pronrlriorn The i i White Moose j Resttamiraimlt ni:.t noon to ijlanco iiotiil You nro Invited to try our sorvlco. Wo nlni to line only tlio host of ovorytlilug mid ldonuo our patroiiH. MANOS IlltOS., Pionilotors Call nml Sco l's. Low in pilcc, lilgli in finality. Electric Irons Wo lmvo n few socood-lmnd Irmm In good working condition tit !1.7.i. New irons, $;i,ft() up. , Coos Bay Wiring Co. Phono 237-J 153 N. Ilroadwny Be Up To Date Order your Suit from TTiniS The Tailor and IKJULs Dress Expert 278 Front St. Upstair. Union Storage Company W. A. Hoard, Mgr. Expert PncKcrs. Carpots Cleaned. Furniture Packed, Shipped, Stained and Itepnlred. 3S2 Front St. Phono 19C. Leave orders at Going & Harvey. W. S. imOWN JJ3 A. II. HODGINS Marshfield Paint i Decorating Co. Estimates Furnished. Phone 187-L Marshfield. Ore. Unique Pantatorium BWTBBHHWBiBgMMlglHBBMMaKByrWWWMiMgHBWBMiMWWMIBi THE MODEHN DVE11S. CLli,NEHS, PltKSSEHS and HAT HKNOVATOH9 Agent for Emviird II. Strauss Co., Fine Tailoring. Let us make your next suit. MS CBNTKAL. Phone 250-X In Coos County- kre MARSHFIELD. KQIIIPI'HI) Steamship Breakwater N ALWAYS ON TIMK. SAIM.NC 1'ItOM I'OltTLAND. APHIL 1(1. !KI, . JIV . I". " !0' 'M AND ill) AT H A. M SAILING I-'IUMI COOS lAV, APHIL IS. H, M M.W SJ. 7, 12, , till AND '-i". Phone Mnln ItrcL. FAST AND Steamer Redondo Kqulpiwd with wlrelwn and aubmarlno bell SAILS FROM COOS BAY FOR SAN FRANCISCO MONDAY, APRIL 14, AT 4 P. M. All Parngor IUrvnUonH .om Sim VnclHco Md ' 805 Fife Ilulldlng. or Lombnrd street Pier a.. AH rcsen must 1m tnkcu ill) 21 hours beforo sailing. INTKH-OCEAN PHONB S. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITH WIBKLKSS SAILS FROM MARSHFIELD FOR. PORTLAND MONDAY, APRIL 14, AT 3:30 P. ROUND TRIP, $18.50 CONNECTING WITH THE NOUTH BANK KOAI AT ! NOBTII PAOIFIO PTEAJISHIP MlAia- .t ..... t'llUHO -l 1 CAPT. K. HOSENlUaTT, Master. Sails for San Francisco from Coos W About, Apru tfuiu , THE SPEEDWELL la BVeeOy and hw "a. $ lights modatlons, largo clean nnU airy rooms nnu cm irl.nlnfi6. . For freight ana passu-. ' n,i AWra5;,r A. F. K-tabrook Co. Title aurrtco una M. I1.I17 Santa Marina llWg.. San Francisco. . .'-.-"J. . nnnr. . ... IIU You Can Get West Marshfield Lots for $350.00 12 minutes walk from post oillec within 5100 ft. of lots selling for 81,000.00 "Wo havo but two left. I. S. Kaufman (Sit Co. MJI'f "tlL )l " tV I n w l$&fe Bnarn.ln Clolej satisfaction, whether the Shoe Co. Myrtle Point. WITH WIKICIiKSH p. n STKItMXC!, .pcnt. COSLMOMOU8 TKANSPOIITATIOOO j FOR QUICK WORK, FOR PROMPT WO K, F0R GOOD WORK' Tolenhone the old reliable CoosBaySteamU Have That Roof Fixed NOW See GOHTEELt PHOTO; 8121. We always deliver 0 Try Tho Times' Want Ads. rnunu Hi- A