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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (April 14, 1913)
i2rx2! THEC00S BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, APRIL 14, 1913 EVENING EDITION. ADS. & """" "Trii comiH-u-m iri for house ,T. c ood home, light work. ..I' IH, ..,1- l'hoii rrrr; Ti.i rooster n'"1 f,M,"' K'1' iT.-rmii flocks. IIohiIIii KS AP.-I.V HBO, North rientl ' rim.1 mid Market on llromlwny. n nUli alligator ptirso contnlnlng 'Snip ulM.lUMl.lom-cli.tH. Find- fklmlly retain to U. 8. C, euro Times oIlli'P TJT'H Two regular roomers, r'nmfortnblo front looms. Stove gdbnth I 1-2 WkH fro... I'. O. 237 North llromlwny. ThTt--(iolil handled hIHc umbrella. Finder please bring to Tl.o Times and get reward. Volt SUiK 7 loon, house mill SI lots '84x1 BO. In Nusburg's Addi tion, $2500 If taken soon. Phono 316X2. FOlt SM' Household fui'iillurc In llrs't class condition. 11. 1'. I.old, 473 Hennelt street. jOll RENT Furnished rooms mid housekeeping roon.H. 1121 South "roadway- mil HUNT liMWt well furnished, room wltli bath. Five minutes' walk from business section. Ref erences, Imiulru 7C8 North Sec ond street lOlt HUNT Tn. good housekee. lag rootiiH with gus rungu, Imth nd electilc lights. No children allowed. 23U South Hrondwuy. KOIl SAW J Three ranches, l'lionc 504X1, J It. Price, AllcRnny. I'Oll SAWv One launch 2(1 feet; 8 II. P. Kuqulro M. G. Coleman, North Ilcnd. FOK SALE Orj wood. Or nnri ai der, at CaniDboira Wood Yard, Ferrv landing. Pboo 1PS-L. IIAIIIV AND STOCK KAItMS. If you mint it booiI Dairy or Stock farm see Fitzgerald or Phono Ilir.I, Murshficld. For (lie llomevekcr Me can nIiiiiv yo.i wnip of the host In the county for wile First Class Weaving promptly ilono ut Gardiner's Rag Carpet. factory Cor, Union and Montana Street. Phone 131 North nond. Or If you havo anything to soil,' rent, tnde, or want help, try a Want Ad. IWANT E0R SPRING TONIC USE ARCH SARSAPARILLA C0MP. Just the Thing You Need Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. "THE BUSY MAIN PHONE 1 !! sORPHEUM TONIGHT Woo ij.:kt 01i, XKW, ,,iri,ullKS TOxmnT. ' Si :'tV W 0A-s Mi-uiiK fli-mtin. 'rS,:U'S M'STAKK--A story of the sea. "I'nit roxsc,,'XOIi: JUSl'OUT Ol.' COUJIGK" Comedy. i.J."ii!,,,),': W,TU NITIJO-GLYCUIHXH" A great picture of the COM iv "f ,,,ls rt,,lKt'" ex Plosive. Sm,;VI':SIWVXlcllT-1,B tH it't'l featurcv "OltOTTO OF --- v. ur.,-- ADMISSION 'l3 m:oi:ivi:i, CUs simdol,,,ll,,e,,t f K,cct,',c Cxli 5e" M.a Seo 0,lr 8tock of glass !st ill.? also. havo 801o f tho boia tu' ?",8. ,n wor fixtures, 5222d&J Langworthy Star Transfer a Storage Co. tl h.; ". l- We meet all trains 'W RetnrMWo a,so havo the latest hrSnld8 P.,ano Mover- w iee our work. "fw. P rop, Phone 98.R, lzo,j 1 19-1 i?ic$2 ' V 1f Vtr, y i J I . V, I r l i m y Copyright Hut SbalTnrr It Mm VOUNG men's suits such as young men want are ready here. Hart Schaffner & Marx make them for us and for you; if they weren't best for you to buy, they wouldn't be best for us to sell. They're not "made-to-measure'' but they're tailorcd-to-fit, which is better. (loud ones at $25; nnd some less; and somo more. Woolen Mill Store This 8 t o r e Is the I. o m e of Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes. CORNER." 298 US 10 CUXTS. Parasol Covers ALL SHADES OF ALL COLOItS at tho Marslifield Cyclery Dayton Agents. Phone IrtH-H 172 Hroadway Wo carry the highest grudo of DRIED FRUITS In stock that can bo obtained nnd wo aro still selling "COIIOXA HLKXD COFFEE.' Remember to savo your cash cou pons for premiums, Coos Bay Tea, Coffee & Spice House O'COXXELL HLDO. 1S4 Market Ave. Phono 304-J, WGML APRIL TIDES. llelow la given the time and height of high and low water at Murshtleld. Tliu tldea nro placed In the order of occurrence, with their times on tl.o II rut lino and heights on the second lino of ench day; n compai- boii on consecutlvo heights will Indicate whether It Is high or low water. For high wntcr on tho bar, niiftrnrt 2 bourn 34 minutes. MilllH. 1.31! .r.i 2.5 s 0.3 4.00 0.4 10.18 I.I 11.12 l.S I Ft.. IB 1 1 Irs. Ft.. :t.o 3.1." 2.8 r..:i y.'jo c.t weather forecast. II y Associated Press OREGON Showers tonight and Tuesday. Southerly winds. LOCAL TEMPERATURE RECORD. For tho 24 hours ending nt I.: 13 u. in.. 11, by lieuj. Ostllnd, special government me toorologlcal observer: Maximum 57 .Minimum 31! At 1:43 a. m 37 1'rcdpltntlon none Precipitation since Sept. 1, 1!M2 r.7.2fi Precipitation same period last year IS.2S Wind northwest; clear. On Dialu Stage. A. II. Devers, (leorgo A. Cable and C. A. Met lit. are out-going passengers on tl.o Drain stage tomorrow. I! Property K. N. Smith of Flagstaff has purchased the W. (1. Lawhorno property nt Hunker Hill Tor $1500. They bought It simply as an Investment. Visits Finland. Charles Nahb, who returned this morning fro... a visit with the family or William Ahlskog will leave this afternoon on the Hreakwater for an extended visit to his old home In Finland. Council Ton lull t The Murshflcld city council will meet tonight to take up street Improvement matters una other business Including the exten sion of tho territory covered by W. S. Chandler's heating franchise. Suit Transferred A porsonnl Injury case of Coleman vs. the Smith Powers company for $10,000 for per- 1 sonnl Injuries sustained In an acci dent In one of the camps has been transferred to the federal court. Kxpcclcd Here Karl Samuolson, an oxpert mechanic, arrived here last Saturday direct from lledemoru, Sweden, to Instill sulphate machinery In the Coos Day Pulp and Paper com pany's plant. The' machinery wns manufactured at the Hedemora Ma chine shops In Swede... Wanih l)h nice. Mrs. -Fred Wil son has begun suit for divorce, charging many and various offenses against her husband. Wilson was formerly In the "shlno" business here, later operated an automobile and was In Kurcku when last heard. of. He was known us "Slim. Will -Lowrey Owen re ceived a letter today from August Rlckwoitl. saying that Alex Wilson, who recently went to I.auo hospital lor treatment for paralysis, was get ting along very slowly and suggested that It would he better for him to return to the bay. Arrangements will probably be n.udo for hi... to return within a few days. Settle Case The damage suit of C. .1. Ilruschko vs. K. A. Conkright. over the claim for $125 homestead locution fee. has been sottled. A jury In Justice Penunck's court awarded llruscke $50 and ordered him to pay the costs amounting to about $30. Ilruschko threatened to appeal aitd later they settled, Conkright paying tl.o verdict and part of the costs. On Irfii.g Cruise, August Carlson of Coos Hlver was In Maisnllelil Sat urday. Ho reports that It Is uncer tain whether his sou, Milton, who Is a cadet at the U. S. Naval Academy at Annapolis will bo able to visit horo this summer. Milton will go on n three mouths' cruise n.ld this will cut down his time so that It will bo difficult to make tho long trip horo. Lecture Tour. Dr. Joseph K. Shafor of tl.o department' of educa tion. University or Oregon, Is mak ing u lecturing tour of Coos county this week, According to schedule his services are avallablo to Marsh Held Friday, April 18, when ho will speak at 8 o'clock In tho evening at tho high school auditorium but ore patrons and nil Interested in school and educational inovoiuents. There I AM MOVING Into my now storo with a now lino of goods nnd now fixtures Como and seo mo. AUG. FRIZEEN Pure Maple Syrup Guaranteed 65c Per Quart Just the thing for those Buckwheats, Stauff Grocery Co. Phone 102 Muskey's "andlea. will he no charge for tho lecture. ur sinner is at .North Bend today, will Hpeak at llnndon tomorrow. Myrtle Point Wednesday nnd Co Uiilllo Thursday. Moving Today August Frlzeon Is nioMng today Into his Did stand, but new store on Central avenue, which has been entirely refitted with new fixtures. Injures IIiiiiiI. Cleorgo Sinltli. a son of Mrs. M. It. Smith, suffered Berlous Injuries by getting his hand caught in the engine of his launch while fishing in the lower bay yes terday. It wns stated today that It would probably bo necessnry to am putate one of his fingers. Alaska Murder ('use D. L. Hood left today for Portland nnd will probably have to go to .Juneau, Alaska, to testify In tho McDonald murder case. This murder occurred about 1 1 years ago and tho accused man was recently arreBted In Texas. Operation .Necessary. Mrs. P. A.: MoNnbb, of Milllugton, Is going; norm on tne Alliance to procure treatment for her little daughter, ers camps. Expert Hydroplane V. C. Oorst Is expected homo on the next A. M. Simpson with his new hydroplane. I which he bought at San Diego. The , A. M. Simpson goes to San Pedro this1 trip and he nu.chlno will bo taken . on there. It Is expected that E. W. Steele, formerly an auto export here, who has been taking Icsboiih In avi ation, wll come with the machlno to opornto It. To I'll I Mill Slough A telegram from Washington, says: "Senator Chamberlain introduced a bill grant ing tho town of Mnrshflcld authority nl.r,. ... ni iim n.i a nn.... i..... A. 1'. .lUlliNhUN. TOUil nvni'Rnor nf i. I i n .1 T mi V Ti . . ' Lakeside lu In tnwn nn tiimltinaa " ProVOIllOntB 111 tl.o plllllt, J.ClUd ng P tul In Portland. The bridge of tho, cv' ' e- ' ", )V,"" b "8'"cnSB;o I the Installation of much now mnchl chtlds noBc was broken and has A T.A IN, '' (fr ''' "SA1 7n' nory and labor saving devices. In oV.eTon,,nieBarvimlr,PMcVabi: 'T' ' UUY lofr tWor" PoBrth .id '"f P? "Jtentlo., will bo ra 'scaler " the Sm.tKoS , V.-!,.?.0"1' ' wcokB-' S Sn&SS fntUrC8 "nd "" to cIobo Mill Slough and lilt It up.", . 'Ml,nnVA,n n ,, ,, There were many rumors here tymavkSS'ln MnrS Meld on thnt soma cltlaons besides F. M.I ,', , " .. K' IH '" J1r8lllluII on l..l...ll . Ifl.l. ...! ...I i-1 iuiiuuik, ..iiun iiirmiA mill tiiuuin nnd others iiuilill lilivu niL'iiD ill fiut;ilt lliu iiiuiif; w.1 M!!or!5 .e property ,v,y 'I' of the Slough unless the thus created went to tl.o of the abutting property owners, nwiiiu iiiuiwiiiiiik tn tit uiuv iiiuii itutu I tup with Senator Chamberlain nt Meat Sl.ortaue Some of tho loci! .mil miirkoiH w..r nrniilmllv ..nt f all kinds of meat nearly all day Sat unlay. The bulk of tl.o meat Is now shipped in here from Portland, the delay of the arrival of the Hreak water caused tho shortage. The price of meat has been steadily go ing up nnd the meat markets are pay ing thirteen cents per pound for dres sed beeves and hogs, and fifteen cents per pound for dressed calves, making the rcnll price to the consumer much greater. Some aro suggesting tl.o. elimination of tho diet and bo coming vegetarians. NORTH BEND NOTES. The gold und silver medal contest will bo given Tuesdny evening at the North Hend Presbyterian church. Those contesting for the gold modal will bo Chas. VanHo, IIHdur Soland - or, Shirley Peterson. Hannah Tru- man, llesslo Haines and Leoun Smith Those contesting for the silver modal will bo Paul Welling. Win lleld Woodbury, Merlo Chapolle, Les ter Pulllu, Lottlo Ulchmond and Itutl. Van Zllo. Hov. C. A. McLeod will deliver it short address nnd n few . ......I....1 ...I'aII...... ...Ill !. .....l.-.....l . lllliniuill nuil-l-lllfll lll liv iuiiiiui vii. The little son of Mr. nnd Mrs. M Q. Coleman Is finite 111 at their home, Oll bhermnil aVO.IUO.. , Miss .Stolln Wlcklund of Ten Mllo visited her sinter, Miss Alpha, on , Saturday. Mr. nnd Mrs. C. H. Worrol will en-' tertnlu at dinner, tomorow evening in honor of Mr, and Mrs. Vanderpnnl, ' who nro guests at tho Ceo. Mandlgo home. i Miss Illnnch Williams nf South ' Coos river visited her sister, Miss uraco Williams. Sunday. .iiihh .M-iiiu nuiiiKU uiiii .inn, win- f I..,. hth r.. .. .... .1 -.... mnn were guests of Mrs. Everett of Sherman avenue on Saturday. , I I Along the Waterfront. I Tho Adollne Smith and A. M. Simpson sailed early this morning for tl.o South. Tlio Haudon. Kllzaboth and Filleld salled from Haudon todny for San, Francisco, A very rough bar delayed shipping there yostordny. Tho (llenner and tl.o tug lloscoo nrrlved In from tho north yesterday. It Iu expected thnt the Hnscne will tow tho Hugh Hogau, loaded with 300 tons of coal for Johnson and An derson at Florence north ut once, The lloscoo did not como from Flor- once, having como direct from Yukl- mn. FLOl'U, FLOl'lt, FI.Ol'11, nt IIAIXKS. Trv Tho Times' Want Ads. TONIGHT at TSe Royal Return enauuemcut of KDWARDS and MKRIUTTS' MUSICAL COMEDY COMPANY. 15 -PEOPLE 15 lu u musical farce comedy THE IIIXDO DOCTOR. . .This is a real funny number and well worth seeing. Resides this there will be a photo drama by fiumontl r If. OJ-, Film Co., The Vengeance of Egypt, WheHlCr It 1(91118 U very strong uiaiiuiur ii-mmi. , .This is tl.o best show for the mon ey outside of the huge cities and better than some lu the largo cities cities, I'rlces Halcony U."e Lower Floor !l."c Children 10c. Tomorrow night The Inauguration of President Wilson. A reproduction of the scenes and address of our present president taking oath of olllce at (he capltol. Don't .Miss. This, PERSONAL NOTES CHAS. WILUMIIi. of Allegnnv Is In town. I Hll.MS SHOUT Is In town todny ; from Lakeside. CHAS. I,A SKI.LA of North Inlet is1 in town todny. I JAMKS WATT went to Coijullle to- ftrtt' mi litlulHnun him'.is shout is iii fro... Ten mho ,!?: 0il11bS"CM; . J UtAMv QUANT of Camp ." spent yesterday In tow... CAPTAIN W. C. HAUUIS Is a visitor frmn Ktltniwit Inrtnv ' MUS. JOHN MKS8KUI,K of Catching iniot U in tmiMi (,.,.. "-" " - --'-... j M1SS KDNA WKIDKH. of Lakeside, spent Snturdov In town. MUS. W. A. LUSE, of Coos Ulvcr, Is n Marshlleld visitor todny. MUS. N. 15. DAOOETT of Allegany Is a town visitor for tho day. MUS. WM. SAUNDKItS or Kn.plro . Mn..i,n..i.i ..i.,i... ..i.. """ ""'"""""" '" "" i". business for tho day from Sumner. Jl 1' ." V'i'Vtlrn 1 Tl In , li i?m MItsP lOsJjPI ST UFI CII i.i...IlnS "$' J,. 'V-' .T,, fmm Vorth I ,.K . "A0 nwvk .!!.,i,l .A i?iu A,a ' .L.l1 lc .crA 1 V''L8 J. M. CULLEY of Catching Inlet Is Sumner homo on South Coos Ulvcr. OSCAU JOHNSON of North Inlet Is a business visitor to Marshlleld to day. MISS T. O'imiEN loaves today on tho Hreakwater after a stay In Mnrsh lleld. EI) YAU110UOUGH left for Camp (5 today aftur a day spent In Marsh- neld. vniviv 'utimw r.ii..i i III1BII1UMN. MIITOV 11 I TOTT returned to 1 S(),,th ,li,ot ,0,,n' nf,L''-n fow ,n,a I Htoy here . N. HUAVIS, of Contain, left this' O. UlViVVIO, III Ullll-llll, lull HUH morning for homo after spending o..t.l.... It. ..... 'c.Vuck-. representing Com.. & "oli?'!!?.,l:.or .?.nn Vrnl ls '" .nnrHiiueiu caning on iruua Mil. and MUS. AHTHUU McKEOWN and children spent a dny's outing on South Coos Hlver yesterday. DIl. HIHI) CLAUK of North Hend re turned from n visit at the Chas. Solandor home on Catchl.iK Inlot. MISS DESIUEE WYATT loft on tho Hreakwater this afternoon for Portland where she expects to lo cate, n. K. KNOUH has returned from Portland whoro ho took tl.o body of his daughter, Krmn, to be cro- i mated. E. S. SIIHIHEH, of the Shrlber real estate compnny, of North Hend, wns In Mnrshlleld this morning on I business. QENE (1HANT of Cnmp 7 returned the last of tho week from a two week's visit to a sick brothor In Portland. ukhqy VAN and his sister nrrlved , t,0 iiienkwnter and nro look - lug for n location to opon n Hhont - lug gallery. PETEH SUNNKSON and family aro moving from Hny City to a now. homo In Hay Park, noar tho Phil-' lips residence. W. H. IIIIUQHAOEN will lenvo today, or tomorrow for Myrtlo Point and t from there will go to visit a daugh- In, .mm. ll.tlln.i.l ... L.. u.l.-.lxl.j.'.lJliiVIVIJ IH 111 IIIWI1 Ull I MIlSi K yi5Il r(mo ,Iown rrom'waR highly esteomod by' nolBh- nnnlulu rroot tnilnv Willi Mr. IU-. bors died nt thn lmA .,f l.. tii or, who left for Medford to re-, sumo his work there. UEV. Q. LE HOY HALL returned IV, to Marshlleld this morning from oporatlon for appendicitis, which Sumner, whoro ho held sorvlces was followed by tho forming of nn yesterday In tho Haptlst church, nltscess and tho development or tu MISS HELEN SMITH returned to borculosls, from tho effects of which town last evening, after spoi.dli.B ll0 lnHc'l away. Ho was agoil 31 Sunday with her parents. Mr. nnd iJ'cnrs, and leaves a wlfo and two chll- Mrs. W. II. Smith of South Coos Hlvor. nta itrtnnn micnn i- i.. in...., . i ... , brother and his " "J J, "" ,'i" . ' r",,l '"V H after a stay at tho Wasco homo! on Coos Hlver. JAMES PAHKEIt of Loon Lako Is I 'ho eight aununl session of tho n Marshllold buslnoss visitor. , CoOH Jiih-Dlstrlct .Ministerial Assocl JAMES SELANDEU Is also horo!""011 "l Kpworth Loaguo Conven fro.n Loon Lnke. They will return ! t,(m ,IU,,,8 ut the Methodist Eplsco homo tomorrow. P"' church, of this city on April 17- E. J. MASTEHS and two sons. OENE nnd AHHOTT, of ditching inlet nro In town todny. Tl.o boya nxnert to leave this oftornoon for McMlnn- vlllo to visit tholr mothor. DAVE Hl'NCH and wife roturned to nnnlll.M frn,,.. vnutiirilnv tiftnr spending Friday and Sntnrday lu : '.'r." . i " town. Mr. Hunch is employed In tl.o McDonald a Vaughn camp MUS. WM. CAHDELL and children, who havo been visiting with Mrs, Cardell's purents. Mr. and Mrs. A. I). Hoone, of Catching Inlot, ro turned to Marshflold this morning. MRS. JAMES COWAN. Jr., spent Sunday with hor parents, .Mr. and Mrs. Frank Howron, of Lakesldo, returning home this morning. She wns accompanied by hor sister, Ruth. CARL HHIGQS and wlfo left on tho Hreakwater this aftornoon for Portland for a week's visit. Aftor tholr roturn they will resldo at Camp 1, whoro Mr, Hrlggs is engi neer. O. A. METLIX will lenvo on tl.o Drain stago tomorrow morning for Tnlmngo, Ohio, lu response to a letter telling of tl.o serious Illness of an only brother, Thomas Mot Iln, whom Mr. Metll.t has not soon for IS years. Ho oxpoctB to bo absent a month, Tomorrow or Not Sartor's will servo refreshing fountain drinks. Warm and nour ishing If It's cool, or cool nnd re freshing If It's warm. The finest and most sanitary fountain on Coos Hay. Also plenty of Puro Cuudlos at Barter's. in piiiinniFiA LAUNDRY HERE Manager Jones, of Coos Bay Steam Laundry, Plans ?- n l A n rum ooncreiA! cuniiing. Manager Jones of the Coos liny s,tonm '"'"'ry Is making plans for tho erection of a line two-story lnun- j (lry "lhHi.g at tho southwest corner ,f 81xth nnd Dennett, whore he pur- Phased some property from AugiiBt i Carlson sometime ngo. Ho Is now W0,r n SLl'i.0 )rol,mlnn,1:108- ", ?i.' fur,nff ". rccIt,nR a ,con" ' Vmm.lrv V.ireclnV dCiJie1 f?r lnundry purposes. In addition to ti, i,it,ii i, i ..i....i .. .',, iiu ,n 1MUIIIIII1K Ull IllllII He Is also flcurlnir nn Inntnlllnir n lunch and rending room for tho em ployes, it is not certain whether ho will bo able to got It under way this summer but plans to have It ready by next spring nt tho latest. 11UYS COHXEIt LOTS. I', !:. Wilson and It. X. Teuton Se- riiro Property and Seventh and Dennett. F. E. Wilson nnd It. N. Fenton hnvo purchased tho southeast corner of Seventh nnd Dennett streets, 100 feet sqttnro from tho Marshflold Uo alty and Trading company. Tho pur chaso price Is understood to bo In i the neighborhood of S2.G00. The '"nrsuiiold Ucnlty and Trading com- !l!,'l!!"r S,. A- 5mYh ubsldlnry compnny handling its local real ca- ",1?lIl,Jl'c"8r8' Y"Bon Bn? Ronton ,,,1. . i " . , --- b,, 'n.B "" InvcBtmcnt, but may opened soon. (J(M)D FISIIIXO SL'XDAY .Many Coos Hlver Anglers Make Kino Catches Willi Fly. Fly fishing on Coos Hlver Sunday nrtornnou was said to bo the Dost It has boon In a long tlnio. Many Coos Day anglors tried It out nnd Drought homo big catches. II. J. McKeown. J. D. Gobs. I. It. Tower nnd J. II. Tower caught 72 flno ones on tho North Fork. August Fnrloy, Harry HubbIiib nnd Edgar Farley brought homo CO nlco ones from tl.o North Fork. Lloyd Hoso and party of friends landed about GO, James Cownn nnd n few friends caught 42. I A. P. Owen nnd Al Hnles returned XM morning from tho Owens' plnco '?" ?nutn Co" ulvr n' report good I luck. In ithn morning tho fish wouldn't rlso to tho fly, halt gotHng !80"10 n'I tho troii.aoino, hut In nft . ornno tho fish up to tho fly In flno nhnpu, death of name nuxcir. . Prominent Dora Itaucher Passes Aivny Lust Wednesday. Tho Cociulllo Scntlnol Bays: "Clnrk Hunch, for something over twolvo I Vlinm fl rntllllnilf fit Mr... l.nMA 1.- lonbock In this city Wednesday night, after an Illness of nearly a yoar. Nino i ' - -' -- " . ju, ,.,iiu ' "um,"s "Bo Mr. Hunch undorwont nn dren. MEET IX DAXDOX. ! Annual .Session of Eimnrlh Lcnguo There This Week. Tho Irnndnn World snys: ! -v Soven charges will bo ropro- Biu. ino woninor permitting a beach picnic will be kIvoii tho En- worth Loaguo on Friday aflornoon. PAXTIIKH AMOX CALVES. i .... ... . . ' rmenii h rosso .itien.piN to j.mato Animal, hut Falls On Wodnosduy, .Mrs. Powers, who resides on a ranch about four miles from Coqulllo. telephoned Doputy Sheriff dago that a panthor was In the posturo with tl.o calves, and re uuestcd that ho como and "run it off," Mr. Uago mustered nn nuto mnbllo lond of braves and, taking a dog, rouched tho scono of tho dls turbnnco with two hours nftor re ceiving tl.o message, but the dog could not get tho scont nnd tho pu-ty returned with an ompty sack. Co ijuillo Sentinel, .MEAX OLD Til IXC! , 0 (From Coqulllo Sontlnol) Unprecedented things aro hap- I polling the world ovor. Hut do I not got alarmed. Some things I nro Just ns before. For Instance tho railroad Is still headed I toward Coos Hay. I cured by using DERMOL. A pleasant, refreshing, nn'I"rptf, and cooling cream. Poisoia Oak r