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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (April 14, 1913)
THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFJELD, OREGON, MONDAY, APRIL 14, 1913-EVENlNG EDITION. COOS BAY TIMES M. C. J1ALO.VEV Editor tmtl I'ult. I1AN E. MAI.ONKV Xt-us Editor Official Paper of Coos County, j I her homo in Rlvortun Inst week aft- i mltlpo to nrrmiRo for n profirnin for r -i pleasant three weeks' visit with! the next niectliiR. which will oreur relatives In lOnstaltlo. Hunker lllll. WudiicBclny. Mny 7. Tho business Afars'iilplil nnct North Rend. ! epwortii iagch SOCIETY NEWS A 4 SOCIAL CALENDAR TUESDAY I Ladles' Episcopal Guild with Mrs. J. A. Matson. ' Hoval Auction Bridge with ' Mrs. V. E. Duiiriiii. ' HAND CONCERT A pleasant beginning of tho week's soclnl ralondnr was tho concert by tho Coos Day Conrurt Hand yesterday afternoon In the Masonic Opera House. To n well flllod lioiiso tho hand ills eo.urfied a well tlollnod proKrnm of nilmlc, which was appreciated by all aresviit Tho moat popular number -wan "Mlsorer." a selection from Verde's 11 Trovatoro the solo parts toelnK by II. 0. Howard and Hoy Car penter, which received a Renoious en core. Tho mnrcli, "Willow drove." which was well handled under the Baton of Director Kenton, was also encored. Tho program In full was as fol lows: starch, "American EiikIo" . . Hoohnio Ovorture, "Nnbucodonosor" Verdi Spanish Serenade, "La Palomn".. dradler Selection from "Lucietla Morula" Donbetta Duot "Mlsororo" from "II Trovn- toro" Verdi (II. 0. Howard, comet and Hoy Carpeutor, trombone) Operatic Potpourri T)lmnl March, "Willow drove" . Sorrentlno (Hy Itvitucat) Star Spangled Ilanner I'lw. Knu-nrHi T.oncue of the MetllO- ulst church held an Infornial social last Wednesday evening at the par sonage. After a business meeting the young people spent the evening In playing games and having a gen eral good time. At the business mooting delegates and alternates were chosen to the dis tant tho place of meeting will be an nounced later. Those present Wednesday evening u ei e : Mrs. W. S. Chandler. Mrs. W. O. Chandler. Mrs. E. Kelley. Mrs. Mc Cartv. Mrs. 0. L. Ilucklngham. Mrs. I.angdon. Mrs. V. S. Dow. Mrs. A. 11. dldlev, Mrs. M. A. Sweetnian. Mrs. H. II. Corey. Airs. Harry Xasburg. Mrs. I). A. Jones. Mrs. Storey. Mrs. M. C. Maloney. Miss Nan Urownlng, Miss Ksther Silverman. Miss Elizabeth Top Ding. Miss Armsby, Miss llaldwln, ! Dresser - CIU'RCII SOCIAL I INFORMAL Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Mac.Murphy of South Inlet were In town and at tended tlio mnrrllage of Miss Clarice Lltklo to Carl L. Ilrlggs, Friday even lug. Mr, and Mrs. Ijonnnrd Masters en tertained a paity of young people at their new home on Catching Inlet., urar Sumner, last Saturday evening. Mr. nnd Mrs. doorgo Myers and son Stanley, left Saturday for an over Sunday stay at the home of Mr. nnd Mrs. Myers' daughter, Mrs. James Landrlth, of South Coos Itlver. Mr. and Mrs, dordou Smith, Mrs. Nottlc Harry and Miss lleatrlcc Smith were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter HobertHon, of Enstsldo, Thursday oonlng. Miss Cnia Marsh Is expected homo oon from Cardlner. where she has Boon visiting MrB. Frederick Hrowno. Miss Violet Henderson In a unto to friends says that she and her un cle, Hugh llrowu, now havo a cosy apartment at Oakland nnd that she has a good position In San Fran cisco. I. H. Tower entertained a few friends, Including H. A. Werulch. It. K. Ilooth and John I), doss nt a uncholor dinner Tuesday evonlng. Mrs, Ward M. Illake and sou, Mul If 11. nro planning to spend part of tho auminer with her parents In Minne apolis and with relatives and friends At other points In tho east. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene O'Connell. A. P. Owen and a few friends and .1 number of others were unable to re-! slat the lure of Coos Itlver last week' and left for their summer homes. I Mrs. H. J. Montgomery of Enstsldo and her sister. Miss dunhlld l.uud. were quests at tho Victor Wliktunn I liotne on Coiiiillle last week. ' Mr. and Mrs. Curl SiiuhIIioi-k enter-! tallied Miss Mamie Mahonev ami Messrs. Waller llutier and Mali- Dauo over Sunday at their ranili home on Catching lulel Mr. and Mn. Herbert I,. Colemiin and little son. Jack, left todav for Spokane, where they will make their homo. They have been speudlug a few months at the home of Mrs. Cole man's parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Savage. MtH llomtlo Itoborlsou returned ( ...I-. ..,,, I. tlilf.h l.j tfl lit, liplll In Uandon next Friday. Saturday and Miss Dodge. Miss Larson, and Miss Sunday. The delegates are: Clay Church, Evelyn I.angwortliy. Ralph nishop, Leslie Isaacson. Hattle Hansen. The alternates Roxle Hall, Ilertha Davis and F. L. Sum ner. - RECITAL I Mrs. A. IJ. Ctldley and Miss Edna Larson gave a pupils' recital on Tues dav evening at the home of .Mrs. Ctldley. each pupil having the priv ilege of Inviting two guests. At the conclusion of the program light re freshments were served. The program was as follows: 1. Piano, Toerntellu. Opus L'O.. . Dupont Miss Mary Kruso 2. Vocal solo, Last Night . . KJeruls Miss Bessie Douglas II. Piano, Polish Dance. Opus .1 No. 1 Xnvlor Scharwenkn Miss Rolgard L Vocal solo, Shadow Clouds, Rogers Mrs. E. L. Robinson r. Plnno, Swedish Dance, OpiiB nil, No. 1 . . . Agathc Uackor drondahl Miss Mary Kruse 0. Vocal solo. Drink to Me Only With Thine Byes Old English Melody Miss Ilesslo Douglas 7. Piano, Etude Novelette (leva Horvath Miss Rclgard S. Vocal solo, Spring Waking. . . . Huntington Woodman Mrs. K. L. Robinson 1 college women. The College Women's club met last Wednesday evening nt the Swedish hall for their second meeting, at whirl) the constitution and by-laws of tho organization were adopted This society bids fair to outnumber any other club In this vicinity, as nearly every woman who Is eligible has signified lie- Intention of sup porting the association by nt least an associate membership. About twon-ty-llvo were present Wednesday even ing and listened to n very Interesting address by Stato Senator I. S, Smith on the Opportunities Open to Women through tho Franchise. Opening his speech with tho salutation of Fellow Citizens, he emphasized the responsi bilities entailed by tile franchise and urged all present to nripinlnt them selves with the political problems of the day especially those pertaining to women, promising his hearty support to the organization whoso main work will bo tho study of civics and the betterment of civic conditions In Mnrshlleld. During the evening he reviewed the different departments of government, dwelling particularly upon tho legislative side and describ ing tho way In which the bills for the betterment of the laboring conditions were presented to the legislature mid Friday night the Mlzpah nnd Chris tlan Endeavor Societies of North IVend united In a social evening at Loggle hall giving nn Impromptu pro gram of orchestra music and vocal solos. About seventy-live members of both societies were present. Among them were: Mr. and Mrs. Covey. Sr.. Mr. and Mrs. Clnrenee Covev. Mr. nnd Mrs. N. C. McLeod, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Smith. Mr. nnd Mrs. V. Waters. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob son. Mr. and Mrs. Wnun. Mr. nnd Mrs. Wilcox and son, Mr. nnd Mrs. A. II. Iinhoff. Mr. and Mrs. II. (I. IniholT. Mr. nnd Mrs. Geo. D. Mnn dlgo. Mr. nnd Mrs. deo. Ilazer and son, nernnrd, Mr. and .Mrs. Hnrvey Russell, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Fnrlss, Mrs. I. II. Hartle. .Mrs. Wells. Mrs. Holster, Mrs. Jacobs, Mrs. Monde, Mrs. Holmes, Mrs. Moore, Rev. Mc Leod. Peter Loggle, Mrs. Rood, Mrs. II. C. Dlers, Goo. Hlnsey, Mrs. Land enburg. .Mrs. C. Smith, Wnlter Mc Leod. Melvln Jucobson. Harry Hor (dier, Harry Conro, Lloyd Conro, Carl dreen, Charley Peterson, Lester Bat on, Harold Perkins, Tom Waters, Al ice Waters, Naomi Smith, Ksther Iin hoff. Tom Stora. F. Nlckerson, Mr. Laxton, draco Williams, Hesslo Im mol, .Mildred Rood. Mr. Rlchnrds. Ted Klssnm. Paul Welling. Mnrjorle Swearlngeii. Roy Carr, Freda Holm and Matilda droves, preceded tho serving of refreshments. Among those present wore: Mrs. deo. D. Mnndlgo. Mrs. A. K. Vnnderpool. Mrs. L. F. Falkensteln. Mrs. C A. Smith. Mrs. R. C. Holmes. Mrs, J. .Monde. Mrs. Virgil Waters, Mrs. Anna Larson, Mrs. Wnun, Mrs. Walker, Mrs. Josephine Jones, Mrs. Ilevenor, Mrs. Tompkins, Mrs. d. Holster, Miss Hayden, Mrs. Jacobs, Mrs. D. Moss, Mrs. A. Smith. .Mrs. Wilcox. .Mrs. dreenough, Mrs. T. Kennedy, Mrs. Surbeck, Mrs. d. Tay lor. Mrs. Dean. Mrs. Elmer Russell, Mrs. Clarence Covey, Mrs. Geo. Ilt17.ur Mrs. E. Coffolt. Mrs. Fish. Mrs. II. O'Mara. Mrs, W. R. Simpson. Mrs. N. C. McLeod. Mrs. Kate Rood. Ray mond O'Mara. Mildred and Helen Russell, W. Wilcox. . ANDON BY THE SEA THECITY OF THE FUTURE A FEW TEN ACHE TRACTS KOCH MILES KOt'TII OX COl'XTV ROAD :W PUR ACRE: 11 00 CASH, HALANCE TWO YEARS, XO INTEREST. NO TAXES, FINE SANDY LOAM, LEVEL HENCH LAND By One It Will Make You Money Donald MacKnmitoA ItEAL ESTATE and INSURANCE. IIIHTI1DAY PARTY -U Mr. and Mrs. Harry Russell of North Rend Wednesday evonlng en tertained Walter Russell and family nnd Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Russull at dinner In honor of Harry Russell's birthday. - Allium DAV CF.LF.HHATIOX I Friday afternoon the North Rend high school and grado pupils celebrated Arbor Day on tho campus with a tree nlautini; and oxcitIhoh. ! I.Vll fllflllllllll mill In., lln.'l. ..,.. .... the inlluence the women had upon' tlio (irntloiiai f,.- the Senior and Juu- """ i"K!'. ii'iL-i mis noun no mr classes. Kacli grade was renro- dlscussed the Mlnlmiiin Wage Hill, sented by a fancy dance or dill In ho F.lght Hour l)ny. the Mother's t1(. assembly room gVo. b a Pension Law. the Ten 1 our Day. the large crowd or parents ami friends. Appropriation for tho Home of Do-I , , lluiiient Cilrls, tho Kmployers Llabll- XOIITII IIHXI) SOCI l 1 Ity Act. and various lontperance mea- . ' '.!' 4 "Taior. Mr. Smith ...ustruted the dulrttrt l.uffll'good simplicity of the ballot. lvlnK a short ,,,wi, V Th. w la, ornm. . S w'1 1V.B r::s a?!!1 -""" " ""- THK ntmosphero of a bank should bo as democratic as that of tho streot feel free to como In nt any time, oven It It Is only to get change. Somo time you may wish to deposit or borrow, buy n draft or rent a Bafety deposit box. Wo Invito you make this bank your bank, and let your wnnts bo known wo shall bo pleased to Bervo you. 1ho First National Bank Of Coos Bay STATEMKNT OF CONDITION OF FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK MARSIIFIULD, ORE. AC tho close of business, April I, 19 III. RESOURCES. Loans nnd Discounts $l!U.G!ifi..:! Hanking House . . . 00,000.00 Cash and Sight Exchange L'au.OT-l.iri Total $777,770.:tS LIABILITIES. Capital Stock Paid In ? BO.000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profit G9,1C3.0B Deposits OCS, 000.7:1 Total $777,770.:S l.l''rv o?nl Tmnwfer f'onnmnv. McDonald's Auto Line be 11 factor in the life of the ill v Ills speech was greeted with hear ty appliuiho and u rising vote of , thanks was toudeied I1I111 for Ills address. ! A short business session followed To Hunker lllll, Hay Park anil with the City Librarian. Miss Eliza-. l'lagitaff. both Topping presiding. Mrs. Harry Hourly trips with passengers pnek Nasburg. Mrs. R. 11. Corey and Miss, ages nnd freight Leavo your bun ha Dresser woie appointed a coin-idles at the Husv Corner 'liont' oiileiN to either H:J.R or 21)8 ou ds We arc In Imsliiess riplit here where you live. Yon are on nanininlunce, neighbor or n friend of ours. This money-back-If-uot-satlsfied offer should prov the sincerity of our claims. WIihii n Ky wo lwliovo wo hivvo tlw lhNt tiu.itivu nnd bnrlc up oar MHtfiiifiit witlionriinnnliliwl pruai Im to return without UMtiin or furinultty tlm inom-y pniil 114 for it, if it diMw not prove cntiroly mtU ,'tory to you, wo liclitno wo ur en t(tll to your roafidoiu'o. Our buiiiipiw hucpph nnd projtlKo rilifiid uimui your confitlpnco ia in. Wo know wo imct bccuro nnd hold your ooiifiilcnoo in order to uet nnd Kc-p your patroiuK, Tlifrefori. wo uuld not ilnre nmkn this offer it ua re nut positively rrrtnlu that wo uuu prove our claims for Our experieneo with tliem nnd tho tvmny rriiorts wo lisve rooeivnl from tlo who Ihwo iiiwl ilivin proB tlutt tlioy ro really tlio most pIcniiuK nnd wui.t.iclory Uiwel rcinody Vuoh of. lleviill OnlprllM tnnto liVtt randy. They urn wHitliioc mid enny 111 netion. Thv don't euo KriniiK, ikiiitea, IturgiiiK or I'leoMivr lmMi)ew, a do tint iitml ilivic or laxutive. Itexall Ordcrliei twin to net ai u toum fUuuitlveuei' upon the iwvtM ami wtuteletiof tlielHiHl. They prompt- CAUTION- ly relievo ronntlp.ttion. They apt to nverrouin the etuii of conlipatM:i. They tend to eiimiimto tho chuj of nlpk lirndarhe, bihousneiM, bad brmtti. iiPrvoiuiiMH mul other ills uttuiidaiil u)oti innctivo bowel.1, Alakc Us Prove This Wo want you to roino to our stor nnd Ret it parkneo of KpxiiII Order lioi. I'so n feu or lli-o up tlio vntirit Ikjx. Then, if you nro not entirely Hivtifled, roino bark nnd tell u nnd o will promptly return the money )ou paid im for them, You prninito nothins you sisn notliiiiK j ou obligate yourself to u in no wny whatever. Wo nroept jour mere word. Don't you now Iwlievo that Rei.ill Orderlie m worthy of a tmlf Could uny offer Im more fair? Try Them at Our Risk Wepiirtieulnily reeonmiond Rnll OrderliM for eluldren. iirwI prron nud for delieato people. ltexall Orderlitm come in vct IMK'ket tin Unv. Vi labletn, 10c: 3(1 UWels. Mf. SO tii, AOo. Umiul ioe ouo tablet. STADMN ALL KINDS or IMIOTOCiHAIMUC WORK, Hroiuldo KiiInrgliiK and Kodak Finishing, Bowling Alley! :173 NORTH KROXT SIREiri' Tuesday Evening Especially for Ladies FAMILY DINNERS In our now location, wo nro es pecially prepared to cater to family trade. Regular meals or short or ders. Open day ami night. MERCHANT'S CAKE. "roadway and Commercial Mfld. )N- l'leaiiobear in mind U1.1i llotall Or.lurlUu u,.. .,. ..,t.i 1... ..11 .1 .'. ' "iy iUxM Order!itf oul at Tho lUxall htoro. 1 ou eau buy Uoxali OrUcrlic in thid community only at our store: LOCKHART PARSONS DRUG CO., r MARSHFIELD Tfl0 .gM, Store OREGON neh MiwcUlly dlul tor tho pmtiouUr Ul tor wfilch it U rtcumuiVna'-J. Tho Rexull Stores uro America's Greatest Drug Stores COOS HAY 1LATI-: AND WINDOW CLASS CO. J. A. Goodwill and V. 13. Snwver. riaie, .l ami Window Glass, Mh I tors, Prismatic Glass, (Mall order and phone ordeis given 1 prompt attention. Kstiniatea fur nished Phono 70-L. 727 So Rroadwnv Marhlifleld. A. modem nriex uiidtug, Rloctrl" Light, Stoani Heat, Elegantly Furnished Roonu with Hot and Cold Water. HOTEIi OOOS O. A. Metlln, Trop. Hates: BO cents a day mid upward Cor. llrodwfty and Market C. A. Smith; Lumber & Mfg. Co. r.irr.ML di:i'jstmi:nt LOIIJint, I1.VTII, SHINGLICS. MOULDINGS. SASH AND DOORS. ROOKING PAPKR, 171'C. CUT TDK FUKIj IIILL IN TWO V USING OUR WOOD. I'HONI-; 1(). 1H2 SOUTH 1IROADWAY TIIK KKCOItl) PHOTOGRAPHING AI1STRACT COMPANY Havo photographic copies of nil records of Coos County to (Into, nbstracta of titles, present ownorB, or any othor Information rolntliiB to real estate furnished on short notlco. HUSINKSS orKICK: 117 North Front St., Mandifleld. Phono I.TIJ W. J. RUST, Manager Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. HK.VRV 8KNGSTACKKN, Mtfr. Coqulllo Oillco Phono 191 Platting Lnnds a specialty. Farms TInibor Coal and Marshflold Ofllco 14-J. GenornI Agoats "BASTSIDB." MARSHPIELD NORTH BEND AUTO LINE FARE One way, 15c. Round trip, 230. 20-ride coiniuutalion books, $2.00. Tavs leave every 20 niiuutes i'roin 7 a. in. to 7 p. in., ai'tor 7 p. in., every halt' hour. Leave I'roin Chandler Hotel. CiORST & K1XG, Props. MOH . .& S- jCT -- V x vpS A . o ff. v sr v ?J & $ $? .? ,4 it . ci v professional7 rJTr-flm M '"1TII MU-Ki -.. WU. ,. "'1l''i.Ml, r as?i J. ""'- lu.i. i, . wTFirinrc::ils l''T.wnii ..... I'lnnn n,i .. N on ... If dcBlre' TC1 'ca'ns f B (J'-'ia i:imiAA( Scientific Jlr..,!e'il tvt, OymnaZ' M "ii"-M -M'artnicnt, . T('' os-FEim 5 J I'lano Ti.,i 1 " B Sixth Street V I Min. iH...;rrrr-LH iin.i,i n..,.,.M,lt nnd lv.. 1'honn i., 0l Bri X.aANIILST T -I Archlttct, Rooidh aoi ,! a0L ,.. "'. )Tftt n11, W. MORItow! 171 Grlimvs lli.ll!ltD"U'0,; - w""c 'Til" !ttf). tVT.M. H. 'ri!lM...., W Altrrirn-fn Marehflelil. Orn. D A. J. IIKNrmY.ii , !!!!',WIa work on sliort notice ttli,tt Ladr ;;;.;, r inndlnr Hn..." nr!?.c':5l "1 -' Lad Ghn Fisher Auto Ser3 win. iislicrHI,roprisior. Phono orders to IIIIr'i rv Stand. Phono 18-J. Ifflf phono G-.J. Nlsht phonm. .iiiitiiiii-i(i. wrrgoii. White Duck Button Shoes for Children. Also now Patent Leather Rutton Shoca for Ladles' and Misses', at The Electric Shoe Shop 1 KOlt A GOOU WATf.ll If you havo anything to soil, rent, trade, or want help, try a Want Ad OH FINh JEWKLHV E. C. BARKER JEWELER Flue Wntch nud Jewelry Repairing. 2(10 Frout St., Marshfleld. IN THE CIRCI'ITCOIIITOFIE!'i-. wi' (M(i;(,().. x iv. FOR COOS COL'.NTV Jlorchnnt Land Company, i w iiuuii, r.nKcno u uonneii mi j M. Crawford, iilalntllfi, VH. Thomas II. Wheeler, Albert B. n ton, and Mull Upton, Hi tjl dofendniitH. To Thomas II. Wheeler, At ilji nniiied defendant. IN THE NAME Or'THKSTATEC OKKG0X You nro hereby required to u pear and answer the roraplilst G- iihuilini. juii in iiiu uuuic cuur caiiHo within six wccki (roa ( date of the llrat publlcatloa cl tl utlllllilnnu itlilnl tlrti miK1lMAA miiitiiiuiini ll It ll l lie yuviiiuv i ou tho 10th day of Mirth, 111: and If you fall to appear i:di: Hwer unld complaint on or ttle tho IMat day of April, 1913, ili IH I III) llll.V 111 IIIU luit uuu of this Hiiiuinoii8, the lime V: tlio time prenerlbed ty the Co: (.. I... .. ....l.llAntltn if (r III 11M lirill'l 1U1 Jiiiumaiv vt - uioiiH horeln, Jmlcment will be tu en OKalnst you for want tbereofi: tho plalntlfiH will npplr totUOt for t' o rt'lef iffncnri h' r piillllt, II UIICUIIll tiaicucu ...1.I..1. I., m. fnllti'a Wllll.ll in im luiiun,, .i , .l.,A-A.. rtf fn.'lil iiiu usual urn " aKiilust tlio ilofendaut of i cu .." . .1 i T..., ii iiiui iH"h' iiiui-ii anil" , '., (leieiiiiauis rtineri n. i.i"-"-- ......... i.i trn l.. tnr filllll' upiun, llln nv, ih ! -. II. Wheeler, hy which niortppei fondants Albert H. Fptoa ltd V Upton conveyed to Thomai B. iw lor tho S '.. of the BR. i bH SE U SV h of Section . ' 2U S. of Ranee U "'"'"'ft .Meridian to securo mc i-'-"- IWII IMIIIUilW " .. ... Sinn of $605.05, dated June JU """'o. hy. iV..";'.n;;B upiou III unui ui '""., i lor and which said mW& II. Whoeler nwlsned to ttw K tiffs to secure tUem In the W; or a certain I"'''t ""in firor said Tliomns . Wheeler In w tlio!lnliitlfhofd.leJjMJit for oniiiouiu.V-5. f(t lerosi ni im' a,v. ". .i per annum and J?r Jj t plaintiffs in tho P"LV siiiii or ?u - u"v " ,.:. Tka- I'lalutlffH. from uerenaw. , ll. wneoier wiui '";- . tJ tho rate of six per ceU W slncojuuelj. U d0,K:. moriKiiBo ii" -- -h ,( ,p usual maniie- by u,0.fatl.t"'lDro County, Oregon. "'?,..,, the e? of such salo bcni'i"'"'',,, and expenses of such ' ilants Albert n. I P" ,, v Upton to "l""" ' nUlntllb. now hold by these P aU" , If any halaiu'O. w " ' Id j Cleric of this .Court for ' ineir ich" . .thar re1'" promises. ,,,. .,monj Is Service of n '".7 10 p hy pub icatioii i "', , jonn S. loroln of the j 30ZtI ci .Tnileo of tho Circmi - Stato of Oregon wr ",,,!, I which is dated Mc fc 0 which order Pres1 nnt Thomas H.l'ene'e ansr to appear "Plt' herein ltlUf' coinnlaliit ttti herein weeks fronv '!?. u'"vfflB1o publication o';'tl)1catloo ,! nt said firi i,u,,., .nl' 10th da-ofMarcn tM, jl lnii w psr -'ssnr lUt'lll'ilih y, nill 21. . fo nnd including APili. ioo Dated at i',, ,0th w ty, Orosoii. " March, 5BTIIC fc1 Ono of tho -""" t publication Apr" 2, or for may