The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, April 14, 1913, EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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    1 V"f
. , ilnnimli Times want
A siiinll nil In The Times mint
column limy bring yon results nn
mediately. Try one.
, di-lv;
1 Vt,e them! Thoy
flttfji L-AI.TfWM I! .1111 k .'gUis illgBgSWHr
vil Estnbllsltcil in in.o
WILXXaVI., ti,u Const Mnll.
L Consolidation of Times, Const Mali oon
wid Coos Hay Advertiser. Ut "u
impose to Appeal to U.S. Su-
f1 ... nu Mnnnn innG.
Are tMui im- -
PtN vviuouim ni-i -w
Lent Says That He Is Pcr-
...luclilfJ Trrr. lo Coo tlr Tlmra.l
i 4 i Wl.n Tn tin itrtQfi
I TOKIO. April 1 1 '"" "i'j-"
Luael KPorfetl lo the emperor today
l President Wilson's decision not
4ynM ., ti... California land
ainiereisiu ...... --., ., .
mniup icRw "."-"; ", "
irr for Japan " " " . ,"T
Siiiho inprpme rniirl of tho Unl
T&tltt, proving Hint Jupuncse nro
,A of Mongolian origin i hi "
iVnfore entitled to citizenship In tho
ItllN Oil""
wixco.mi: test CASH
Lictn Omits llni Held Amilnsl
... .--i. ...I W.B ii. rnoa Ila- Tlmia I
IJ a,wi-i "
WSIIINOTON. I) ('.. April II.--
i ....i.. i.. .. i. I'll.
ne generni mniinm m
n U that tho wlminlBlrutloii would
- -- I.. (In. u It 1 1 I'll lit it (Hill ft
Kronen u'i ' "" ""'', ',',.., ,
...,,., ,.r ilui iilli'llillll v or
ijMfie to niiliirullzntlon. So far
I drcltiom 01 ii'ioiu. iiiunuj ...
.- I I. ..I. I tlmt Till..
iTtri roiiii. iiv iiviii . ...!
swironot eligible to nnturullza-
'08, 001 UCIIl'I Hlll'll Wllliu
rptrionsof frlruu descent iih urn
niloncil In iho naiuruHisiitlon lawn
i Win; aione ougmiu in niimimiwii
o tltliensltlp, The Ibhiiii Iiiih never
.. ... I I., .1,.. uiiiii'iiinii 1. 1. net .if
it United States In direct form.
U Japanese iiiiiii'iiii mm im-j '
liUjin and Aryan Huongo mid con
Htly may fairly claltii to bo
milled ethnologlcnlly as whltu
nooi dm-rllicd In t'.io iiatiiinllu-.xiict.
iusixkss sii-j.v I'lax
III) mid San I'liiurl-co Clinmlu'if.
of ('iniiiiii'rri' to Art.
UfA-wUtfa I'fn lo Cuo tlu TlniM,)
I TOKIO. April 1 1. MoniliorH of
it ToMo Chamber of Connuorco nro
'wnln" hl-li nniireclnllnii of n
Hii:e from the Sun KranelBco
Uatxr of C'onuiHMTo anuoiineliiK
-it tbe two IkmIIch would coiulilno
m In opposition to the land 1)111
sing In the California loulHlnturo.
nj organizations hero eoutlnuo
t!(renee on the tdtuntlnn.
fIdnit Tries to Adjust California
Jnp Mtmitlon.
HrliwrUi-M I'ron lu Cuu ii Tlmni.
W.tSIIIW.Tnv n n . ...ii t.i
''Hldtnt U'lluilli,,il'tl..'.r li.rnrn.llllv
-.-... ..v.r(,
tyoothepemllni; lnnd leRlalntlon
Iftlfdrnlfl Hint lu Miiiiulriiii,! I... III..
.. it. . uiinii iiii j .....
Jfttejegovcrnmont hh orfoimlvo, In
ed that slnro IiIh last talk with
" JlDailOSrt nnili'iuwiwlnt nnmn
tu had been mndo in tho jiro-
iaB mnt miKht solve tho filtu-
"otinow Jaimn'H vIowh on tho ill
titlont. Tim ikw.ui.i,..t .,ni,i ti...
. . -- " 1'ivoiuvhv nti 111 intib
"It h find tin flfvlil in InlAKI'nnn
out the undoubted ronstltutlonnl
hi. T vaiornln, but tlmt nn nn
'"'y'WsrelatlnnB to forelRn coun-
-wiuai uiiico, a,, was at lllierty
, "un?i In Cnllfomla and glvo
ihil of wlat h0 t"0UBht would
".. IIM MIIIII .1111. t lit... Im...
'if to fin Ihi.t l.. .. ....... i
-til.! '.a! nH ho toul(l ""' wns
...uuui nope tlmt leBlalntlon
islt vni ' hy ,,lH ,'0"-''-0. IreB-
iiu.ii D""- l""1 ,,u "-"Kou on
W i as " ,m'al ono "' t,,nt
,ie,,r V "-- I10t resiird it na
MJIadeDhwt toCallfornln I.i'R.
Brta.fiS'-S'? .?'".'?. . .
i .. -.c- m i tow iuj Timei.j
LACRAMENTO, Cal., April H.
'hi,.l ",K "nulCBrain slBnod
, wej was rend In tho leclaln-
WtA.iPaneso m' Profoundeat re
!!... ..nob nlrit of America.
tti.Mi , reI-eatod tippenrnncea
" tWapancBe bill In your con-
-tpaissnlV.i1, cn",o8tiy you will
iJiMn" vb uul",-e America
" tho fi 'ouimont wns made
'UtoK ir.nml no meBsngo was
"W printed in tbn .Tmirnnl.
- " itiirri i fin
Spanish Ruler Narrowly Es
capes Bullets of Anarchist
at Madrid.
Iljr Amo, Uti. I'n-M lo l'oo liar TltnM
MADUII), April II.- KIiik Alfonzo
rouu tnroiiBli tlio parlc today and
warmly anluted crowdw who iioIrIIv
expresBed their Joy that ho had ;
caped tlio InillntH fired yoBPordny by
iiuarchlfi Itufacl AlleBio.
lean in mini Kevisiou counulttee
Surfers SHbIiI Itivnliilowii.
I Mr Amo la I r. ITim lu loo. Hay rinim.)
Chairman Underwood, or tho wnyu
niiil meaiiH eomuiltten, wns ordered
to bed today by pliyHlclaim- who de
elared liu had n hIIkIH fever and waa
lu dniiRer of a breakdown from hard
work on tho tailff. Ho niny bo eon
lined for several daya.
C. A. Schlbrcde Arrives Home
From Portland Date of
Conclusion Uncertain.
That evorythliiB l proKreasliiB fu
vornbly lu tho WIlHey-Klnney iiobo
tlntloiiH waa tho word brought here
today by C. A. Sehlbredo, who ar-
l rived homo at noon via lloHohuri;
mid Myrtle Point from rortlatid.
; whuro ho haa been with Major Kln
i iley for tho pnat hIx weelia. .luat
j when It may be concluded, Mr. Sehl-
Ult'ili WI10 llliuuiu itj niiiui nn nun iiu-
Iteiida on tlio time when .IiiiIbo Hro
uoubIi coucludcH hla examination of
tho aOOO piiBea of abatrnetH. Ilow
ovor, tho KiirIIhIi ayndleatu baekhiB
WllKoy la iitrIub UronoiiKh to facili
tate tho matter na much n poHslhle.
Mr. Wllaey waa duu nt I'ortlnnd mat
Friday iiIkIi! from tho eaat.
Itolatlvi) to tho report that Wllaoy
would uak Tor a reeolver to concludo
tho deal, Mr. Sohlhredc anld that
neither he nor Major Kinney hnd
been appriaed of auch a thliiK uud
ho doubtod It. liu nlrnt stated that
he hud not been Informed tlmt It
would bo necessary for JiuIbo Hro
noiiBh or others lo come hero to
concludo tho deal.
More Rumors That Porters
Have Taken Over Local
Mnny rumors nffectliiR tho local
rallrond sltnntlon were nflont today,
especially lu connection with Xorth
llond. but jione of them could be af
firmed. Ono rumor wna that Porter llrotli
cra hnd finally iiBreed to take over
the MacArthur Porks compiiny's con
tract for this end of tho line, or
rather than Chief Engineer Hood hnd
finally approved of It mid that a
Hteanishovel and other oonstriictlon
ounlpmont would soon he brought in
to stnrt the cut lu Simpson Park.
Another report was that EiiBlneer
lllnilniarsh and party would bo to
tho Umpriiin to do some surveying
I hero this week. This was discredit
ed by a local Southern Pacific offi
cial who said tho company hnd two
parties of eiiBlneerM on tho Unipqna
work now. Another report wns tlmt
Mr. Iliudmarsh would go to Snn
Frnnelseo to confer with Chief EhbI
ueer Hood.
It Is expected that the bridge
foundation testing crew mid engi
neers will go to Onrdlner this week
to start tho tests there.
Grades lu Xorlli Iteml.
There arc rumors In circulation
In Xorth Ilend about n "star cham
ber session" of the Council there to
approvo the Southern Pacific grades,
but this report was denied by Xorth
Hend city officials. It was further
stated that tho roport that tho
Xorth liciul docks would bfi raised
lo conform with the Southern Pacific
Bradca Wns untrue and Hint no such
nmeenient hnd been made. It was
stated that tin
Stanton but that this was far from
Itlchiirilsoii Hetui'iis.
Engineer lllchardson, of Portland,
who is prepnrlng plnns and specifi
cations for the municipal work there
returned on tho Hrcnkwater Satur
day. He has all his plans and pro
files ready for the streot work,
grades and sewn go system and also
specifications for the various kinds
of paving.
Terminal Hallway Deal.
Xo definite news has been re
ceived so far as can be iiRcertnlned
from Sun Francisco relotlve to the
status of the Terminal llallwoy
Sonthern Pacific negotiations. How
ever, It Is understood tlint it mny
"hang rire" for some tlmo yet.
Should there continue to be Indi
cations of n prolonged delay In the
negotiations or that they might not
go through, the Terminal will prob
ably resume Its construction work so
tlmt It could have Its Hues built In
the time specified lu Its franchise
TaoIi,v lliotlicis Have Some Dllllculty
In Xotl I tote.
The Eugene Guard says: "IlnvlitR
reached n point 18(10 feet from the
mouth or tho Xotl tunnel, Twohy
llros. roport thot tho nlr Is becoming
somewhat congested at the heading,
notwithstanding tho continuous op
eration of two largo air pumps. Tim
air Is not bad or foul, but simply
coiiBCsted or compressed. They are
figuring on putting In nn nlr Wmft to
the surfneo of tho mountain above the
tunnel. This will bo put In by a drill
from underneath, which holds the
roof of the tunnel Intact, which would
not be tho cuso If the drilling was
done from above,
About 250,000 Laborers Quit
Work Today to Force Equal
ity in the Voting.
f Ity Amixlalftl Trcta lo Cooa llajr TlmM
HIUTSSi:U,S. April ll. The vast
political strike planned by Ilolglnn
Socialists and trades unions began
today. At least 2iO,nou men laid
down their took during the morning.
There wero numerous exceptions of
the Bonernl wulk-out lu many dis
tricts. However, tho strike Is com
plcto In such plnccs us milling dis
tricts, but wns scarcely dlseornublo
lu some locations. Koports from
tho provinces tell of the nearly com
plete stoppngo of work at l.loge,
r.l. ...!.. tt...... t -t. i , I
viiiiiuiiui, .uuiin. i.iiitiiiYii'rc
Condition of Pontiff Late This
Afternoon Reported to be
More Favorable.
Unable to Take Nourishment
and Gives Little Indication
of Consciousness.
tnr Amoi lalcl I'rtM to Co flay TlmM1 1
UO.MK. April II. Popo Plus' con
dition tonight was still hopeful.
At 5:40 p. in. It wns stated that
the condition of Pope Plus wiib sta
tionary during the afternoon. Ills
temperature hud not risen and this
was considered certain proof of iio
trace of pneumonia and also us x.
(ortttlnty of the Pope'B recovery, un
less there nro new complications.
Early lliilletlu.
At !):3'i a. in, tho following bulle
tin was Issued by tlio papal physi
cians: "Ills Holiness passed it trim-
m,,!1 'It'll night. The bronchial symptoms
ins temperature is
v .....,. ui, ,iunn, .i,i,,ii . ii-i i- mill, - ... v .'
smaller cities. Tho Socialists claim ""l0 renHHiirliiB. Hla temperature
lin.OOO are out In this city. Parti ! a: , ('1 c-omllllon good. ,M
or the dock laborers ut Antwerp nll1p,ll"nv" A"1"c'1'
out. I rile Pope's temperature dccreni
Tlllit will r-ii.ntn i '
(1....H ii... inr. . . " ivv
noiiiiieiu incline, ilrnrt t lii-onirli llw. iiinm.l m nil tln.,,u
WOIIII COIIIorill lO 1110 CUV grade lO niiil IIIHIirn nnr.. n r i.nimlnnllv 'PI...
Washington and that poxslbly u four surroce of the earth Is nliont nlnet
or five-foot cut might bo mndo at r,.0t nbove the roof of tho tunnel. '
0 1
i Y
Admittance to Funeral Service Mexican Federal Commander
of Late Financier Is by
Card Only Today.
Surrenders to U. S. Troops
When Surrounded
Illy Amcn-UicI I'iim lo rona Mar Tlmi,l
XACO. Ariz.., April 1 I. General
i.. .r. si.mpso.v coxKinnxT ok
That tho United States Engineers
will report favorably to the coming
at 1 o'clock today to OS degrees add
the llwippearance of fevor Is inter
preted as nu Indication of no more
pnoi monin. Ills Improvement Is
considered most eiicouragliiB.
Last night wns the seventh slnco
his first rolnpse suffered by the Popo
mid the gravest anxiety hns boon
caused by the IncrcnsliiB weakliest,
ami malnutrition. If now appears
that tho action of toughing spoilt
suffered Inst night greatly relieved
tho pontiff and enabled him to ob
tain a long restful sleep. Homo wns
thrown Into depression by tho an
nouncement o ftlie nttnek of cough
ing and mnny thought the Popo had
reached tho Inst extremity until Cnr
dlunl Merry del Vnl reassured them.
Professor Marchlafnvn on loavitiR
tho Pope's npartments at l:lfi p. m.
uftor an cxanilnatlou said: "I now
Congress on the Immediate recon
Btruetloii or tho north Jetty or tho, trust that the Poiio'b Illness idll
entrance or Coos Hoy la tho holler have n favornlilo solution U It Is pos
of E. J. Simpson. Ho so announced Jslblo to Induce the patient to take
loony 111 a veruai ri'iwri hi iiio rori jiropor care 01 uiiuseii.
Trctj lo ioo ur Tlraea.l
I1 Wti.t,' Apr" H Whether
n!'.!" Chicago through
Wlcnffl,ii .'' 0,.ec,l0 money
fcrtoe rUni. n'ltted that thoy
-o-m, sum8 ,0 U)0 ponce.
J WftiiTTr""
Jt. ."'I'., a rolnHi.n , .-
,f.0reEoJetnurne.'I ioro from Du-
h.re0D ami 's Planning to lo-
Ulutok vi s b0 nvestlBntcd
ItthW lcc cn'lsalon. Rev.
"'! nr! ?"13 Ratified that he
'" hn y ,Wom(,n nnd soloon
Hj,. no had ndmlttn,! ii.nt i,v
Coiigrexsmaii Would Make Action Il
legal Henceforth.
Illy ,moi lal.I I'rc.a lo Cooa Hay Tlmiw.J
Tho secrot cnuciiB of CoiiBieBS will
ho abolished and It will bo unlawful
for n caucus or conforonco to bind
a loslslator to vote against his best
judgment, according to a bill Intro
duced today by Representative Mor
gan. An executive secret session
might bo hold by order of two-thirds
vote of tho caucus or conference
Strike nt Auburn, X. Y Costs City
Mlg Industrial Plant.
Ily AwoilateJ Trua Cooa Hay Tlmca,
AUHURX. N. Y.. April U. In
timidation by the strike pickets nt
the International Harvester Com
pany's twlno mill prevented 500 op
eratives from rot urnlng to work.
Aftor OS employees had struggled
throiiBh tho lines of tho mllltla and
entered tho mill, local offlcors of tho
company posted orders that thoy
would closo tho mill permanently
to dismantle tho niachlnory for ship
ment to Xouss, Germany.
Travelers There Must Have lUvn Yac-
cinated Wltliln I'lVf lours.
Ily Aiaoclale.1 Trwa to Cooa nt Ttmea J
Smallpox In Alaska hos caused the
public health servlco to decree that
nil travelers from tho United States
to that territory must bo vaccinated
or show a certificate not more than
live years old.
A logger named Gray or
Grnyce waa badly injured at tho
Smith - Powers Isthmus Inlet
camp today. Ho was brought
to Mercy hospital and It was
said that a leg and nn arm
would have to be amputated.
(Ily Amo.uiM Prcia lo Cooa My Tlmn.l (
NEW YORE. April 1 1. Tho fu
neral services of .1. Plorpoiit Morgan lIi-o OJdea, the federal commander!
was he hi todnv ut St. Georuo's Trot- at .mico, sonorn, who siirreimereu to
estant Eplscoiml church whero ho tho American border patrol yester-
hod worshliipud ror half a century, day aor an ovorwhelnilng rorco ;ir
Artorwards a Hpeelal train conveyed Sonorn stnto troops had dereated
the funeral today to Hartford, the remnant of the army with which
Conn., for the final services at tho ho had withstood a slego or five days
Morgan mausoleum In Cedar Hill Ih nt tho Mexican Consulate today.
cemetery. A vested choir or 250 Having neon roieaseu on purine, .nisi
voices preceded the runornl party . 14 I or the federal garrison reached
Into St. George's. Hehlnd tho clmlrf this aide of tho lino. .Many or these
walked tho clergy and then the pall-1 were wounded mid tiro belug cared
bearors mid Wteon hundred persons 'for at tho army medical corps hos
i.rmvi!nil Into the church. Admission Pltnl. All Is unlet at Xaco whero
was by card only.
1750 state troops are mobnlUcd,
American l'luutut.'oii Man hi Mexico
Is Shot.
ttly AmovUI4 Trfaa lo Cooa Pay Time.)
WASHINGTON, U. C, April 11.
Albert I.nwrence, an Amorlcan iiiunn
uer of n Mexican Sugar plantntlon.
who wns reported killed on April
1, is sun auve, mil is in a criucui
condition from his wounds.
.SulVrugcttes (Tiargeil Willi Attfiupt
On Hank of England.
tnr Auoclaird I'rrta lo Coot llay Time.)
LONDON, April 14. A milk can
filled with Biinpowder. connected with
nn electric fuse was round tnia nnor
Offenders Said to be "Cash
ing" Money in Advance
Several Are Arrested.
Mnrshnl Carter and the city
noon Inaldo tho rallliiB surroundliiB rials are trying to figure out a achonio
tho Rank of England. It was removed j of punishing drunks and disorderly
by the police. people who do not Buffer self re-
Smoko was Issuing from the can ' proach from boliiB conllned In Jail,
wiien mo policeman luuiui u. uu
lilunged it Into a fountain. When tho
enn was examined a clock work ar
rangement was found Inside. Tho
nttempt on the bank In eonio quar
ters la attributed to militant suffra
have no money to pay fines and who
are constantly showing up in pollco
Nlghtwntch Levi Smith has discov
ered that somo of tho loggeis who
mako their visits to Marshlleld tho
occasion of a big drunk or several
drunks have adopted a now scheuio
I of preventing tho city collecting lines
In case they me conllned in tho has-
Force Coos Ray I'liglllst Will Fight j tile Thoy "cucho" their money,
Knockout Hi-own Tomorrow. with the exception of a dollar or two.
Hy Aaaoolaled Prwalu Coot Hay Tlroea.l With 801110 Saloonkeeper Oil tllOU" ai-
LOS ANGELES, April 11. Mud rival In town and draw It out In
Andorson remains a 10 to 8 favorlto small buuib as thoy need It. Then
over Knockout Rrown for tholr seho-, In case thoy aro arroste.l. thoro Is
doled twenty-round match at Vernon only a few cents in their pockets and
tomorrow. Thoro apparently Is lit-, they claim thoy can t pay.
tlo Rrown money, and the odds nroi Homo have proposed that ho c
likely to lengthen unless Dumb Dan Ih doing Its own street cleaning. 1 at
Morgan, the Now York lighter's man- the prisoners who can't pa their fnes
Biser, brings backing for his man. bo turned over to Street Cominislon
h ' . . er Lawhorno to work thorn out.
i (Spoclnl to Tho Times.) '
' FLORENCE, Ore., April 11. I
I All tho freight has been re- I
I moved from tho Anvil. Sho Ib I
1 still on the spit and damaged I
! somo. , . I
There aro still somo hoped of
1 floating her, but the chnncea aro '
I slim. I
- i f riiiny lllgni, more worn uvun m
t i jail and only ono, Tom Corbott, was
nblo to pay n ?r. lino. Tlio mners
had to bo freed Saturday morning.
Saturday night, anothor big class
was rounded up. Two of them woro
old offenders and had boon put on
the black llfit by Marshal Carter.
They wero Jim Durrand nnd Louis
Englund. R Reed, Ed Green and
Martin Johnson wero also In Otto
Johnson of North Rend put up a cash
of Coos liny Commission nt Its regu
lar meeting on tho Cooa Hay delega
tion's trip to Washington In Janu
ary, liu was vory much enthuaod
over the prospects, lie loll that lu
view or this tho Port would bo fully
JiistHicil In going ahead with the Jet
ty on Its own funds and hasten It
that much sooner.
Tho Commission approved of the
annual report of Secretary John
.Motley. He outlined tlio plans of
tlio port ami what had been done,
He stated that 1150,000 was to he
used lu getting the reconstruction
or the north Jetty and about $150,
000 lu providing public docks,
deepening tho Inner channel to 25
feci and widening It to :I00 feet and
the construction or turning basins
near Marshlleld and North Hend.
Tho Port Commission also adopt
ed a resolution asking the C. W.
MeXeur. and company to furnish the
entire amount' of cash nt onco for
tho $300,000. W. S. Chundlor, J.
W. Hennott and representatives of
tho other Coos Hay hanks agreed to
handle It and pay the port about 3
per cent Interest on tho money, Tho
money from tho $300,000 bond Is
sue will bo available soon after
April 22.
John D. Gobs, receiver of the old
port, announced that ho had paid
all of the old hills mid had about
$1700 In cub n loft. Ho said thoro Is
now a question about turning this
amount over to the new port mid
also tho deeding of tho tract on
Xorth Front streot, bought for n
public wharf, to tho new port be
cause tho boundaries of tho port
wero changed In tho reorganization.
Ten Mile and other iproporty owners
In the old Port of Coos llay havu an
Interest lu this halanco and the land.
It Is a perplexing question and may
require litigation to settle It.
Captain W. C. Harris, of Sumner,
asked that something bo dono Inline
dlately to relieve navigation on
Catching Inlot. Ho said tho mall
was being dohiyod and the transpor
tation of about two tons of milk
dally menaced. Tho Port Commis
sioners said thoy had no money now
to do It but Captain Harris said that
Commissioner L. J. Simpson had a
dredgo that could do tho work and
that ho siiroly ought to ho nblo to
wait for his pay iitnll tho Port gots
tho money. This Mr. Simpson agreed
to nnd tho work will bo dono.
Delegations from Coostou about
tho controversy over tho Wlllaueh
Inlet channel wero present but ac
tion on tho mattor was dororred un
til tho port gots tho moiioy to do
tho work.
An application for Improvlns tho
South Slough channel was prosontod
by Mr. Wyan and othors but no ac
tion was taken on It.
"Although the Pone rested oulot-
ly this forenoon the phyBlclnns woro
Homowhnt concerned by his Increas
ing wenkuoss. His heart, howuvor.
showed no symptoms or valvulnr les
Honlng this morning, Tho pontiff
tool: II tt lo notice of those around
HAINES Is Btill in tho FLOUR and
FEED business.
Have your Job printing done at
Tbe ZJjB2-?mc.
Notorious South Slough Char
acter Held in Jail for At
tacking Jas. Barnett.
1M ii n lllucli, n notorious character
of Empire nnd South Inlet, wns
bound over to the grand Jury by
Justlco Sinister nt Xorth Rend today
on tho chargo of assaulting Jimmy
Harnett, of Empire, with n danger
ous weapon. Her ball was flxod at
$1000 which she was tumble to fur
nish. The afray took place Saturday af
ternoon at' tho Harnett place lu Em
pire. Tho 1 1 Inch woninn wns under
the Influence of liquor nt tho tlmo.
According to hor testimony nt the
hearing today. Harnett nttacked his
old Squaw wHo, who Is blind, nnd
thou threatened her nnd Bho atnrted
towards him with a knlfo.
Harnett clnlms tho opposite He
claims that the Hindi woman at
tacked his wHo mid lutor wont aftor
him with tho knife. Ills fnco wor
tied up to covor a gush In his chook
which It took ten stitches to closo,
and which Is said to have bared his
teeth. His hnnd wiib also badly cut
whoro sho Jorkod tho knlfo through
IiIb hand afterwarda.
Hnrnotr draws n pension as an In
dian war votornn. Ills wlfo recontly
Inherited a few thousand dollars
from a relative who died In Curry
county, getting It In Installments.
Tho Hindi woman makes serious
chnrgos against Harnett, Intimating
"whlto slavery" mothods lu Emplro
She will ho confined In tho county
Jail ponding tho action of tho grand
It Is Intimated that tho nfrny may
stir up Bomo new ovldonco In tho
mysterious dlsnppenranco or W. A.
Joynor and nlso In tho Jacob livnni
niurdor. two cases which tho offcor&
huvo boon vnlnly working on for
somo tlmo.
ROY RO.ELLE or Empire returns
Saturday from Illg Eddy. Oregon
whoro ho has been otnployod in tki
government work and will go to
Coqulllo to rosumo government
work on that stream
ball of ?G.00
" r