The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, April 12, 1913, EVENING EDITION, Page 8, Image 8

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ntlng The bride's parents, lior sis
ter, Miss Itiith Dyer, mid Mrs. Foster;
wcro the only guests. Following tho'
nuptials, tlie pnrty enjoyed u wedding
dinner nt the Wlckhum Iioiiro. The
young couplo went to Hnndon, where
they will enjoy their honeymoon nnd
after April lfi, they will he nt homo
nt their fine ranch on Daniels Creek,
Mr. Dyer, the bride's fnthur, will
leave Monday for Medford, whoro he
will resume charge or tlie construc
tion work, which 12. 0. l'erhain has
Tuesday evening nt tho home of
tho bride's mint nnd uncle, Air. and
Mrs. W. I Murphy, .Miss Florence
Eugcnln Schilling nnd Hay I). Dement
both of Myrtle Point were united In
Tho home was beautifully decor
ated In npplo blossoms, preens nnd
cut flowers. At 8:30 o'clock the
brldo entered on the nrm of her
fnthor, J. B. Schilling. They
were mot under n canopy of greens
by tho groom, whore tho Itev. It. K.
Drowning of tho Mnrshflcld Kplscopnl
church performed tho marriage cere
mony In tho presence of the Itnnic
dlato families.
Tho brldo was charmingly gowned
In n Copenhagen blue Chnrmuuse
Immediately after tho ceremony
a wedding supper was served In tho
Ohnndler Grill. Many beautiful glfta
In silver, cut glass nnd linen were re
ceived. Mr. Schilling presented his
dnughtor with a substantial cash gift.
Thoso present wcro:
Mr. nnd Mrs. It. C. Dement, Mr.
nnd Mrs. J. E. .Schilling. Mr. nnd Mrs.
TV. IV Mnrnliv fra 1? M W'l.ll., Ml.ol
Nolllo Dotncnt, Mr. Kills Dement. Mr.
LcBter Doment nml Rov. Drowning.
Mr. and Mrs. Dement, after u short
wedding trip to Pacific const points,
will reside on the groom's ranch near
Myrtlo Point.
Thoy loft Wednrsdny morning via
Drain on tliolr honeymoon tour.
Tho brldo wns bom nnd reared on
Coos Day nnd her chnrnilng manners
nnd accomplishments have won her a
host of friends here. The groom Is
tho oldest son of Itusscll Doment, tho
juyruo roinr, capitalist, nnd Is well
Woodmen's dance nt tingle's I
linll. I
North llend Library boncllt
dance nt Simpson Pavilion. '
Dunce at Arngo hotel, Km- '
pi re. I
i Coos Hay llnnd concert nt Ma- I
I sonic Opcrn House at 2: HO. I
I Ladles' Kplscopnl Guild with I
I Mrs. J. A. Matson. I
Royal Auction Hrhlge with I
Mrs. V. 13. Dungnn.
wednksday i
Methodist Ladles' Aid at the I
church. I
PrlBcIlla club with Mrs. V. T. I
Mnrshflcld Ilrldgo club with I
Mrs. G. V. Knufmnn.
Social sowing club with Mrs. I
Geo. Ayre. j
A. N. W. club with Mrs. M. C. I
Ladles' Art club with Mrs. I
William Ilunglaud.
Messrs. George nnd Kills Selnnder,
Chns. Van .lie, Lylo rhapelle, Wln
llold Woodbury. Miles Richardson,
Robert and Jay Richards, Karl Clln
kenbenrd, Nell Watson. Ray Norton,
Hnrold Hunt and Arthur Nelson.
4- fr
St'ltPltlSK PARTY.
A delightful surprise pnrty wns
tendered Miss Alice Tlckell last Tues
day evening nt the home of Mr. ami
Mrs. Alvn Doll In South Mnrshflcld.
tho event being In honor of Miss
Tlckell's hlrthdny. Many pretty nnd
useful gifts were showered upon the
honored guest.
Interesting gnnics followed the mu
sic, both vocal nnd Instrumental, nf
ter which, dainty refreshments wcro
Those of the party were:
Rev. A. F. Hassford. Mr. and Mrs.
Geo. Ayre, nnd Robert Ayre, .Mr. nnd
Mrs. C. II. Marsh, Mr. nnd Mrs. Alvn
Doll, Mrs. John Nagle. nnd Curtis Nn
gle. Mrs. M. Ogren, Mrs. G. LeRoy
Hall, the Misses Alice Tlckell, Mnmlc
Gulnvson, Helen McLnughlln, Loin
Montgomery, llessle nnd Kllznheth
Ayro, Alpha Matizey. and Messrs. Dr.
Leslie, Kmest Moshor, Georgo Doll
nnd Cecil Doll.
4- 4- O
tod with all due solemnity, Cyrus
Happy, Jr.. presiding over the cere
mony, and the event will precedo tho
spring dance announced by the club
for that evening. At S oclock th"
112 gowns, three score nnd more of
picture hats, tiaras and aigrettes, will
he offered for Identification nnd it Is
expected so complete is the metamor
phosis that few of tho gowns will b
recognized nnd those not Idcntllled
will bo retained by tin? club for tho
next play to he put on. With the re
modeling and refitting of (he pretty
partv gowns loaned by society women
to the clubmen for the play little re
semblnnce Is maintained to tholr for
mer dignity. Tho Spokesman Re
view. ... .j.
Moil.ut "Front Laced" Cor
M'ls tf.l.OO to
Shoes $;t.,0 to
, ".r,,'''?i.oo
" $5.00.
I'lie l-ndles'
"Hie ,(iii,.,.i
Owing to the Muck's of Mrs. George
Ayro the Soclnl Sowing Club wns
postponed until next Thursday nf
ternoon. 4 4 4
TlllMltLK ClAMt
them nil the Joy nnd prosperity that
time can bring.
4 4 4
Miss Klna Selandcr was hostess at
a house party last evening nt tho
homo of hor pnrents, .Mr. and Mrs.
Chns. Solnnder, on Catching Inlet.
Tho event wns In honor or Dr. Ittrd
Clark of North llend, who expects
to leave tho first of Mny to tuko up
her residence In tho northern pnrt of
tho state.
Tho Selnnder homo wns beautifully
decorated for tho occnslon and pre
sented n lovely scene.
Tho evening wns spent In games
of nil kinds. There wns also vocal
and Instrumental music. At midnight
a sumptuous banquet wns enjoyed.
Tho guests wero:
Dr. Illrd II. Clark. Mr. nnd Mrs.
Chns. Selandcr, Mr. and Mrs. Leon
ard Masters. Mr. nnd Mrs O. N. Wll-
4 ,
Chnrles Frodellus entertained nt
tho home of Mrs. John Nngle Fri
day evening nt an old-fashioned
ehndy pull and they had a good old
fashioned time. The candy may
havo been sticky mid flint's why
everyone "stuck" mound but no one
wns "stuck" up and Hint's why eve-
, ryono was merry.
Those present were: Misses Ks
ther Nelson, .Myrtle Nelson. Ivy Hill,
llessle Flnnngnn. Joe Schatt. Fred
Hill, Harvey C'nrllsle and Charles
Tho Junior Harmony Class enjoy
ed n pleasant deviation from their
regular work last Saturday at the
homo of .Mrs. Kffle Fnrrlngor In tho
form of a taffy pull. -The pupils
played games while tho candy wns
being prepared nnd afterwards thcro
wcro n number of muslcnl selections.
Thoso enjoying tho hour wero:
Kmmn Douglas, Knthryn Nichol
son, Doris Scngstnckeii. Mnrlnn Hors
fall, Kvolyn Fourier, Dorothy Hyler,
Dorothy Painter, Mnrjorlo Drows,
Knthcrlnu Swearlnger nnd Helen
son. mo .Misses Hosslo Ilaln, Ollle
Richards, Shirley Petorson. Anna Tu
man. Ilesther Norton. Jessln Vnrinn
Mnli.,1 Mlllu '..., o.... .....I
known In Mnrshflcld. A inrJn Jr' s nn wT ""n.Z1' """
Mrs. Roscoe I Inzer will entertain
the Thimble club next Frlduy at her
home on Union uveniie. North llend.
4 4-4
i). m. c. ri.uu
Tho D. M. C. club wis entortulned
bv Mrs. Robert Simpson nt her homo
Iti North Rend Wednesday afternoon.
At the conclusion of n most enjoynblo
afternoon, refreshments wero served.
Tho next meeting of the club will bo
with Mrs. Jnck Wallace Anrll 2:1.
Among thoso present Wednesday
Mrs. L. A. I.oomls. Mrs. Walter
Russell. Mis. Chns, WIlllnniH. Mrs.
N. G. llnnies. Mrs. Harvey Russell,
Mrs. Jnck Wallace, Mrs. Roy Hrnln
mil and Miss, Kmmn Johnson.
A "clnlm" party Is announced by
tho University club for Thursday ev
ening, when formal rites will ho ob
fcerved In tho restoration of tho
gowns loaned by society women to
meniboiH of the University club for
tholr recent presentation of "On a
Roof Garden." nt the Auditorium.
Gladys under tho direction of Donald Mc-
Tho Mlnnie-Wls club wns entor
tulned Thursdny nftornoon with Mrs.
John Dnshney nt hor home on South
Fifth street.
The house was prettily decorated
In yellow and green that sehemo
nlso being carried out In the refresh
ments. Tho afternoon was spent In nee
dlework mid music, tho Indies being
favored with n number of vocal se
lections by Mrs. ti. K. Kelley. after
which tho hostess, assisted by Mrs.
Ilaldwlu, served refreshments.
Tho club will meet again April
21th with Mrs. Win. Porklns.
Thoso present nt tho Inst meet:
lug were: Mrs. Chns. Davis, Mrs.
F. II. Dresser. Mrs. Helen Ilaldwlu
Miss Inez Ilaldwlu, Mrs. 1). A. Jones,
Mrs. W. F. Ilrown, Mrs. Win. Hong
Innd. Mrs. Chns. LaChapelle. Mrs. E.
K. Kelley, Mrs. Mnry Thompson, Mrs.
K. L. Robinson mid Mrs. Haywood.
The Lure of the Tailored Suit
For Ladies
Juniors and
, Splendid Values
$15.00, $16.50, $18.00,
$20.00 and Up to
Shown lii nil the nmv materials
In I In Hums .Vm-folks, Cutii
way mitt Plain Tullnivil I 'fleets
in ChcekN, Series, Bedford
Cords nml Poplins In wliltv
nml t'vorv fitsliloiiuble color.
I it a ' W
Vl13 V7' vTl
W i 1
fc ' ''
In1 r
Mot Build
Tho Ferndnle Sowing Circle wns
iMitertatned Friday nfternoon by Mis.
R. Hnll at the home of Mrs, Win,
Spndo. Sewing nnd conversntlon
preceded refreshments, Mrs, Spade
nsslstlng the hostess In serving. The
club will meet with Mrs. ThotniiH
Lenet next time.
Those present yesterday were:
Mrs. W. Richards. Mrs. W. Spado,
Mrs. J. II. Hansen. Mrs. Ross. Mrs.
J. II. Iliirns nnd Mrs, Jos. llousor,
nnd Misses Susie Mnlcnlm, Klsle Lar
son, Torn Lund, Jennie Johnson mid
Mny Hnll.
The new Ilnlkmi KlVecfs new Hclfcd Ideas lliilgailnn Noulllr.
All the new materials All the new colors, Including the fudilon.
black anil vililto checks. A matchless m-oun at
$15.00, $16.50, $18.00 and Up to $37.50
O'Connoll Buildin
Phone 361, j
Mr. T. V. Bennett's advisorv sipticle in Fridnr's;
Times is true, timely ami to the point. .His plan for se
curing needed buildings is sound anil we propose to give
it a trial. AVe own Lots 9 and 10 in Block Ai Bennett's
-Addition to Mirshtield; we propose to ercet a three
story windy factory on thorn to cost between S000 and
jpSC00, and to bond the property for tfSOOO to cover the
bulk of the cost of the building. The bonds will be is
sued in $100 denoininat ions so that the small investor
may own one, or more. They will draw S per cent in
terest, payable semi-jinnually. The rentals of the build
ing will be not less than $150 per month and will be paid
to the Trustee to insure the payment of the bonds, both
principal nml interest. Details of the plan may be seen
at both banks in MarshHold. This is an opportunity to
help secure a permanent homo for a growing ninnufae
luring: plant, obtain a good rate of interest on ample se
curity and at the same time, secure ONE of the much
needed buildings. Subscribe for a bond and help things
BO IT NOW! ... rt i ,ui
. i.W -J S.'ilt
Mrs. K. MIiikuh entertained the
memhors of the Auction IlrldKo club
on Wednesday nfternoon, Mrs. W. M.
Hlnko wlniiliiR the honors for IiIkIi
score. Mrs. J. A, Matson will en
tertnln tho club next on Wednesday,
April 2:1.
.j. .5. .j.
1 a
Bradley Candy C,
Tho Ladles' Art club met yester
day afternoon with Mrs. A. L. Ilnuso
worth, when a very pleasant after
noon was spent In sowIiik, Mrs.
Dorsey Krelter, who wns n uuest of
the club, nsslsted the hostess In serv
ing refreshments.
The club will meet next Friday
with Mrs. William IlmiKlnnd on
South llrondwny
The club members present nt yes
terday's meetliiK wore:
Mrs. John A. Rlatt, Mrs. W. U.
Curtis, Mrs. James Cownn. Sr., Mrs,
Ivy Condron, Mrs. F. M. Five. Mrs.
J. W. Hlldoiihrnnd, Mrs. F. A. Harris,
Mrs. J. 0. Kinney. Mrs. K. D. MeAr
thur, Mrs. Nols RnsnniKsen, Mrs. F.
H. Storey. Mrs. W. Ross Smith and
Mrs. Win. llnaKland.
decided to hold u social nfternoon
uoxt Thursdny at tho homo of Mrs.
C. M. Hyler, for the purpose, of ns
seniblliiK the ladles of tho church
In social seslon. Mrs. Frank Frnmo
wns chosen to net as scerotnry In tho
place of Miss Kdtth Horn, who was
imablo to serve. Refreshments wcro
served Mesdnines L. W. Travor, (Juo.
Kveiltt,,Johii Leiiiion, L. K. Hubcock,
C M. Hyler. I. II. Hartle. Hurry
Huntley, A. K. Morton, nml S. Len
noii. Miss Lenu Kru ho and Ruv. R.
K. Hrowuliii;.
Tho .Murshfleld W. C. T. U. mot
Inst Monday afternoon nt tho homo of
Mrs. Fnnnlo Wheolor on South Third
street. Tho meetlnu; oponed with
Mrs. C. II. Mnrsh In tho chair. . Tho
meetliiK time wns chniiBod to tho
first .Mondny In tho month. A com
mltteo consisting of Mrs, Downs nnd
Mrs. Frank Hluck wns appointed to
arraiiKo for u silver mednl contest
ninont,' tiio Murshllold younir peoplo.
n inoetliiK Tuesday nfternoon at lie
North Horn! Presbyterian church.
.Mrs. I Inzer presided and Mrs. Mtcbti
opened tho program with n scripture
rending. Mrs. MiCnnn dellrcrfd
tho Invocation. Tho principal ad
dress on "OrcKon School"
dollvored by 1'rof. J. F. Orubbs, which
wns followed by a Konernl illicnulon
of the freo text book system. It
htnted that llnndon now has the only
school district or tho first claw la
Coos county. Mrs. Nellscn dellrcrcf
tho eoncludliiR prayer, rrof. CruM
will nualii address tho V. C, T I
tho llrst Tuesday In Mny on raunlcl
pul matters.
Those present Tuesday were
Dr. Hlrd 11. Clark, Mrs. co;',?r
Mrs. Win. Nollson. Mrs. (Ico. iroUtw,
Mrs. Woodbury, Mrs. Florence Cbilj
man, Mrs. R. K. Kmory. Jin. M.
Kohoo, .Mrs. L, Anderson. Mr. t
Nowklrk, Mrs. Illckcy. Mm. ,
MeLeod. Mrs. L. Rltclilc. J rf. B.
(Jlndmnn, and Mrs. IMtvr,
l'ho meetliiir ml loomed tn mont I iniinnnvu. enriHTV XCT'S ON"
Mny nth. with Mrs. Wheolor. ' l'Afii: FOUR.
me .orin lionil v. (J. T. U. hold
C, W. 11. M.
Tho C. W. H. M. met Inst Tuesday
nfternoon nt tho homo of Mrs. ,. O.
Downrd with Mrs. Inimoll mid Mrs.
Howard as hostesses. Tho meeting
opened with a short business And
devotlonnl session, nfter which tho
proKinm In chargo of Mrs. K. L,
Hopson was successfully carried out.
Vocal duet Mrs. Oeorgo
Coleman and Mrs. John Motley
''"Iter Mrs. Oro McCaitv
lMnno solo Mrs. John Motloy
PnlHT Mrs. Orn McCarty
Tn'k,( Hov. Howard
After tho proKrnm refreshments
wero served to Mrs. W, H. Cox. Mrs.
Harry l'ulntor. Mrs. K. L. Hopson,
Mrs. K. c. llrows. Mrs. j, c. Jones,
Mrs. Tope, Mrs. L. w. Trnver. Mrs.
pra McCarty, Mrs. W. A. Held. Mrs.
John Motley, Mrs. Imniel. .Mrs. Isnncs
Mrs. Hendryx. Mrs, Yntos, Mrs. Mnt
tle Hlaln mid Mrs. Oeort;e Coloman.
The Altar Guild met Thursday
w Hi tho new president, Mrs. Archie
l lumps, with n Rood ninny members
put, Threo now members wore ta
ken Into tho club. Mrs. Harry Hunt
ley, Mrs. A. K. Morton and Mrs. Sel
don Leiuion, nil of whom wero pres
ent. At tho business meeting it was
Get Out Your
Spring is here and the bright sunny days will call
you out into the woods or up the river.
Take a Kodak
Wherever you go, for it will add much to yol,r P,e2
Kodak the baby from time to time Keep a picture d
record of its life,.
Kodak and Kodak Supplies
Red Cross Drug Store
Phone 122-J
Developing Printing.
Motor Cycle Delivery