THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, APRIL 12, 1913-EVENING EDITION. HMHMSMHHHIHiHHHHHHRiHIIHHHHHNrHHIHHHnHIHfliHHBBHHKHIHMIB "The Proof of the Pudding, Etc." I mil writing this advertisement for the benefit of tlmt man who said that advertising is all that sold so many Dayton Bicycles in Alnrshfield. I Want to Sell You a Bicycle, Sir! 3ly friend: Advertising does not SKLL Dayton Bicycles. Advertising calls your attention to the good points of these wheels, and to the service we give. When we SWIjI'j a bicycle we give you the equip ment you wish and we give you the benefit of our experience in the bicycle business. ' You choose exactly the frame, brake, saddle, handlebars ami gear that suits you best. You get my promise to take the bicycle back and refund your money if you are not satisfied. You get the Marshfield Oyclery Guarantee that everything on that bicycle MUST be first class. You get replacements right here, out of my store, without delay. If I sell you a wheel, I refer others to you. Would T stultify myself by referring to some one who does not like his wlicel? Your Money Back If You V Don't Like Your Dayton No More Coos King Bicycles Till Next Week SOLD POUR Could Have Said More SOLD ONE WEDNESDAY ifiHadTHcm THURSDAY WANT ADS. I.O.ST (.'did handled .silk umbrella. Kinder please bring to Tliu Times and got reward. Poll SALE 7 room Iioiimj iintl it lotB. Sixmo, In NnBburg's Addi tion, $1T)UU if taken soon, l'hone .'llCXl!. icOfaar r AlMtlli TIDES. FOR SALE Household furniture In I Mnrshflold Ilelow is given the tlmo and height of high and low water at i Hi st cIubb condition i u Dennett street. II. 1 Lcld. Tho tides nro placed In tho order ! of occurrence, with tholr times on the first tllio and hnlirhtn nn thii FOR RENT Two nicely furiiNlicd second lino of each clay; a coinpai-l rooms with bath. Reference re- Ison on consocutlvo heights will quired. Vl, Curu Times. indicate whether It is high or low water. For high wator on tho bar, substrnct 2 hours 34 minutes. WANTED Work Ity (lie day hy o porloncod woman. Housework or nursing. L'ii cents an hour. Ap ply Hunker Hill store or phono li 17 FOR SALE Siclllliiit IniUcrcupM; !ji:t per setting; fertility guaranteed, i .drs. E. Don MrCran. ! FOR RENT Modern furiiMiecl him galow, West Marshlleld. Itittnlru Airs. Karrlnger, 128-R. 12 His., n.ll 12.411 V.r.l 12.00 Pr... r..!t 0.0 1.2 2.0 lauirs.. i.4s s.r.n o.o iKt... l).:i 4.2 0.0 Hillrs.. 1.II2 7.54 2.r.8 10.1S IKt... 3.11 r..3 o.:i 4.1 ir. iirs.. t.2r. i. oc 11.12 Kt... 2.S r..i 0.1 4.S ROYAL BAKING POWDER Absolutely Pure The only Baking Powder made from Roy at GrapeCream of Tartar NO ALUM, NO LIME PHOSPHATE i WEATHER FORECAST. I WOMEN A money maker. Guar anteed Hosiery to wearer. Our proposition heats all others, $10 per day. Write Immediately. Quaker City Mills. 110 So. Kith' St., Philadelphia, l'a. Ily Associated Press OREGON ltnlu In west to night and Sunday showers In east. Cooler In east. South erly winds. FOR RENT FuriiMiecl rooms ami , Housekeeping rooms. 321 South Uroadway. LOCAL TEMPERATURE RECORD. I WANTED Competent woman for general housework, l'lione 31S-.I or cull IS 02 Central Ave. l-'Olt SALE Practically new Under wood typewriter at sacrlllco price. Call evenings. .Mickey Dldg., North Mend. WAXTKD Girl for general house work. Mrs. L. V. Truvur. Phone 311-.I. POR RENT liUige, well furnished, jooin with bath. Klve minutes' walk from business section. Ref erences. Iiutulro 70S North Sec ond street. Kor the 24 hours ending nt 4:43 a. in., April 12. hy HonJ. I Ostllnd, special government ine- rl teorologlcal observer: j. Maximum r0 , .Minimum 42 I At 4: 13 a. ill 45 Precipitation 14 I Precipitation sincn Sept. 1, ! 1012 r,7.02 Precipitation same period Inst year 48. 2S I j Wind southwest; cloudy. j ItOltX. 'ported thnt tho deal will shortly be , concluded. Perry Laid Oir. A costing broke I on the Kerry Transit this nftornoon, I which will necessitate a lay-off of I four or lives days until a new one can j bo made. .ludge Hall stated this j afternoon that Is was not likely that any oilier boat would bo put on the run. Ilreukvtntci- In Late Tho Urenk wator crossed In at 4 o'clock this af ternoon, after standing olt tho bar since nbout 1 o'clock this morning, waiting for it to smooth down suill-c-lently to cross In. Sho has about r.oo tons of freight and nlnety-threo passengers nbemrd. The bar has been very rough since yesterday. liaise Phono TMtes. Tho Coos Hay Home Telophono Company has liuulo application to tho Oregon Hall road Commission to raise tho rates of the farmers' line between Co qulllo and Hlvertnu from $7.20 and $0 per year to $12. A hearing on It has been set for June. This re quest lead to a report that the com pany had decided to Increase thi' rates In Mnrshneld and North Ilencl but no steps have been taken In tho latter direction yet. Timber More Valuable. Tho ran NOAH To Mr. nnd Mrs. Oeorgo Noah, at tholr homo on Coos Rlv-,ld Increase in tho vnluo of timber la er this morning, a ten pound boy. t shown by the advance In tho prices OERDINa To Mr. and Mrs. Ludvlg'of tl.10 Menjisliii Woodomynro Com Oeddlng of Gardiner, at tho home , nnJ' " reniicHiH. Recently Sturdl of Mr. and Mrs. Kred Holllster. Inivn,lt ""J1 c:-m"j 'J10 Coqulllo log North Ilencl, this morning, a son. I R?,",1 ottcrea $25,000 for 100 acros i of tho company s timber but were (Jets Xew Auto K. K, Everett, tho turned down, a price of $35,000 bo irth Rend nlmrnnirlnr. litis inir-ilnir asked. Tho eomnnn' Iioiil-IiI i-uii M.ijh niree rum-lies. Piione c-hnsod a now Studebakor 25, through ;Uio same tract a couple of years ago roil RENT Tho good IioukcIcccii lug rooms gas range, hath and electric lights. No children allowed. 230 South llroadway. - North Marshfield Cyclery Agents for DAYTON MOTORCYCLES 172 N. Brondway Agents for DAYTON BICYCLES Phone 158-R 30-1X1, J. II. Price, Allegany. tho I. II. Tower nuto agency. Xew Autos Coming Oeorgo Good for $8000. Manager Dlminlek. of tho North Hend Lumber Compony, lias been negotiating In vain with tho company for some timber land a I "in no c-iinuoi uuoru io pay wio dor, at Campboll's Wood Yard, Fnrrv landing. Phoin 15S-L. FARM FOR SALE it1 UjlvT7nY lm U(l feet: 8 ,, ltt 0XI,0ctlng a now soven pas-.- J ' I'alro M. G. Colonian, 8ongor Cadillac- on tho llreakwater fc "end. t0li.... f(ir I,,..... Klnnev. Also a ., U.T ' . ;; T '""I'ci delivory car for Carl MntsoirfliprlceH thoy are asking. I-OU SALL Jrj wood. ,llr mid al. vorlll ,.,. ' ,. ...., llrc-akwatei- Sails .Miiudiiy. The llreakwater will arrive In so late this afternoon that It will be Impossible for her to get away tomorrow and the sailing date has been changed to Monday afternoon nt 3 o'clock. Itiillcllug New Home.-.!. W. Mitchell, of tho Klxup, has Dairy, stock nud fruit farm con aiming of 518 acres, between 35'nud PERSONAL NOTES 10 acres of rich bottom laud, eight meiiced the erection of a beautiful acres of bench land sot to npplo now homo on his lota In Plat 11. trees and fifty acres more thnt can Tho lots nro beautifully situated, easily bo cleared for orchard and overlooking the bay, and one of tho balance good grazing Innd for cat- finest views on nil Coos bay and u (In nlienn nr irnnlH I'lim wlto fni- n lioino. Twelve head good dairy cows nnd Kinney Deal C. A. Sehlbredo ls .10IIN POUTER Is a visitor from Al iogany today. com- L. I). SMITH, of Danlols Creek, Is In town today. WILLIAM KING, of Mllllcomn, Is In town on business. IRICNI-: HOLM, of Catching Inlot, Is a town visitor today. MISS DKSIRKI-: WYATT will leavo tomorrow for Portland. wi.afT-K, rtcos l,Tt KiKWSflSi www llwvi'cPlFiiTtntm, k TTJ I1RAOC fT?5et-L filftiMtmit i)J OHU P80M?TEd JATUct OANDV Ttscar ORD ftNWAY iNOV iHkYite tVMowot Ins SPICO& i-Viv PRICU i V.-. ' .. '. Z The Building of a Drug Business Square Dealing. Why h It that this store deserves nnd wins your preference? Here U the answer In a nutshell. Uecaubo we give you a square deal la eve- Mng you buy because) we look at Drug Store keeping from jour fcur.-palut. You find that out every time you trade here. , , , , AYe bellcvo in doing things a little bit better than ordinary, and t to 1Y doing things a little bit better than ordinary that our business building is accomplished. There's a difference, between the ordinary and better-than-ordlnary tore, Just as there to a difference between the "cheap" drug store and n" fair priced "drug otore. The "cheap" store or tho ordinary store is dangerous store to patronUe, especially If It is n drug store. Your doctor mows that, and your tiottor also inert that this ttore it a lit tittirthan tht ordinary drug forv thst It to reliable that wo will sell on V drugs nd medicines that are pure and fresh, and at the same time we sell every, thing at a fin-price. Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. "THE BUSY CORNER." PHONE MAIN 298 US ORPHEUM TONIGHT: 3000 FEET OF NEW PICTURES Good Drama and Comedy ADMISSION 10 CKXTS. nil farming Implements necessary. expected homo today from Portland. CHARLICS MAHAKT-'Y, of North Located on West Korlc of Coos coming In via. Roseliurg. It Ib j Coos River. Is In town. River, one mile from postofflco, stated that Major Kinney and JudgOiMRS. P. I). lll.AKK Is a visitor to- school nnd bontlnndlng. llronougli and possibly W. .1. Wllsey day from Catching Inlet. lluv direct from owner. and others connected with tho Kin- ALKRKD HPNNKLL Is In town to- l-'or further Information, cnll or uoy-Wllsoy deal will probably arrlvo day from Catching Inlot. writo: W. A. GAGK. Allegan v. Or. hero within n day or two. It Is ox- MRS. K. L. IIKSSKY and clilldron ' ' spoilt tho day In Mnrshllohl. i MR AND .MRS. .1. A. WARD are In town today from Mllllcomn. .I. 9. MASTHRS. of Catc-hlng Inlot, Is a Marshlloid visitor today. 'ClIARLKS SPOONKR Is among tho Catching Inlet visitors today, l-J. V. GI1PTIL of South Coos River was u Marshlloid visitor today. MRS. KLI.A WIRTII. of Mlllfcoma Is in town today on business. C. K. NORTON Irf a Marshlleld visi tor today from Sumner. CIIAS, L1TKIH of Camp 1 was a Marshlloid visitor yesterday. G. A. nONIOIlRAKi:. of Rosh Inlet.t Boat Supplies We Have the Largest stock of ship chandlery in Southern Ooregon. Red Seal Dry Batteries. Hobo Storage Batteries. Greyhound Multiple Batteries. Edison Battery Supplies. Carburetors, Timers, Spark Plugs and Spark Coils. Brass Pipe and Fittings. Brass and Bronze Shafting. Michigan Speed Wheels. Anchors, Steering Wheels, Etc. Lightscomplete sets all classes. Wire, Cotton and Manila Rope. Yacht, Deck and Copper Paints. ! Valvoline Lubricating Oils. H!when you bl!yp Is In town toatty on business. HARRY Rt'SSHLL Is a business visi tor from Catching Inlet today. JOHN MATSON, of Catching Inlet. Is In town on business today. JAMK8 STOCK, of Sumnor, Is in Mnrshflold today on business. E. McDUPPKK of Conledo is in town for treatment for an Injured foot. l-'RKD, MKS3EKLK. of Catching In lot, Is spending tho day In town. MISS FLORA A. KORKMAN, who has boon teaching school at Don mark, will leavo tomorrow on tho Urcnkwater for Portland. W. N. MOI1LKY, of tho creamery, Is In town on business for tho day. LEONARD WALLACE, ot Ross In ot Is a Marshfield visitor today. MR. nnd MRS. Wm. 8TAUPP of Camp 1 'wore visitors in Marshfield today; MR. nnd MRS. GEORGE GOIT of Cnmp 1 spent tho dny shopping In Mnrshflold. MRS. MARY KRICK nnd daughter, Gladys, aro in town today from Coos Rlvor. PriILIIr ILANDRITH, tho Myrtlo Hank school teacher, Is spending today In town. LOUIS AND E.MIL STONE nro business visitors from th'olr Catch ing 111101; home. JACK RAKER, Luther Judy nnd R. N. Duckotr wore In from Loon Luko this week. AUGUST CARLSON, of tho Rock Qunrry, North Coos Rlvor, Is la town today on huslncBS. MR. AND MRS. W. H. SMITH nnd daughter, norths, of Coos Rlvor, aro spending tho dny In town. JORDAN AND GEORGE SCHAPERS of Fall Creok country nro In town for n few days on n business trip. MISS ALMA KOLSTAD, who Is teaching school nt Myrtlo Grove, Coos Rlvor, Is In Marshlloid to day. TONY STRUPFERT will leavo to morrow for Portland to purchnso another team for his transfer busi ness. MR. AND MRS. J. E. NOAH, of North Coos Rlvor, r-nmo to town In tholr launch this morning to spond tho day. MRS. EMMA HILI10RN. of Mllll comn, Is In Mnrshllold today for tho day, returning homo on tho nftornoon boat, I). DAVIDSON and wifo. of Alnskn, who have boon spending a wook or so hero looking over tills sec tion with u vlow of locating, will lenvo tomorrow on tho llreak-wator. If you havo anything to soli, rent, trndo, or want holp. trv n Want Art. Whether It Rains Tomorrow or Not Sartor's will servo rofreshliiB fountain drinks. Wnrm nnd nour ishing If It's cool, or cool nnd re freshing If It's wnrm. Tho finest and most sanitary fountain on Coos Hay. Also plonty of I'uro Caudles at Sartor's. M .7. Leo Brown, Ph. 0. Robt. . S wanton, Ph. C. Slremigttlhieini Yoot11 piitiro system by taking Brown's Famous Blood Purifioi' made from Sarsaparilla, Yellow Bock, Cnscara and other valuable ingredients combined in a scientific manner so as to cleanse the system grad ually J'rom all impurities. Now is the time for puri fying the System by Gdttinug a bottle of an Kffcctivo Blood Purifier such as Brown's Famous Blood Purifier, which will also prevent and do away with that tired Spring feeling, pimples, sallowness, blotches and other symptoms of impure blood by getting : -Ridl of Impurities After taking two or three bottles of this scientific and pleasant medicine, you will i'eel like a different person. That tired feeling has disappeared, jour appetite becomes healthy, your breath sweet and your complexion clear. The store for Quality (Joods and Penslar Remedies. mammmmHMmmKmmmwmmKmGmmmmMmmmmKaaezsEBmaeK IZSkJ i I