COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD. OREGON, SATURDAY, APRIL 12, 1913 -EVEHIMG EDITION. A THE COOS BAY TIMES M. C. MALONKV Ktlllor and Pull. PAN K. MAI.QXHV XetiH Ktlilor Offlclitl I'npcr of Coos Count. . IXKOItMAL LOCAL OVERFLOW. Will Holtl Itevlval The M. K. church Is making preparation for a revival, which will bo commenced about April 20. laundry I'liiiiiK-. Knrl Powell of North HimkI announces that he Is ar ranging to tiiko over the Twin City Launtlry. purchasliiB the balance of Harry II. Heun'H IntereBt inlt. U'UVs lluki'i-y Sold Flnnl nego tiations for the sale of hold's bakery wrco L'oncluilod yesterday and the business taken over by Win. DarniilRe .Mr. and Mrs. Uld will ko to San Diego, whore Mrs. Leld will Join her sister and remain fur some time In iho hone of hetientlim her health. Mr. Leld will then return to Seattle and Join his brother-in-law. Mr. Robert son, and they will proceed to Johan nesburg, South Africa, on n business trip. Mr. Uarnldge will rename the bakery, the "White House" bakery and will continue the delicatessen department, which has proven so pop alar. Mr. Ilarnldge has had twenty-eight years' experience and prom ises the pcoplo of Coos Uay a ilrst class delicatessen and bakery. Mrs, A. T Lagerstrom Is expected home next week from n visit with rel atives In Los Angeles. .Mrs. Fred Barnard left today for Sumner, where she will spend a few dnvs at the home of her mother, Mrs. Wilson She wns accompanied by her sister. Mrs. Fred Selandor. of Coos Iltier. who was a guest ot the llarnnrd home tho latter part of the week. ... Mrs. F. K. Oettlns and son will be over Sundiiv guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Hussell nt Heaver Hill. Auto-Graffs llehm liiiiTo-Him Hits of (iosslp Almiit Outline Cms In Cien cinl and (ooilruin's in Particular. Along the Waterfront. I Walter Robertson, of Kastslde. Is constructing a new gasoline launch for his brother, Robert, of Haines Inlet. It promises to be a speedy craft and Mr. Robertson may enter It In tho exposition races at San Francisco In 19 Hi. Tho Alliance crossed out yesterday afternoon at 1:30 for Kureka. i NORTH BEND NOTES. ! 4 There will be a regulur service every Sunday afternoon at S o'clock nt St. Mary's Kplscopal church, North Ilcnd. The church Is located lb tho Myers building. ItllMU.K. Why should an owner of u line modern bungalow, with splendid lot nu Seugstacken's Addition, want, to sell for $2,000.00, nud on n payment of only $.'100.00? Wo have the un swer, and can deliver tho property. I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. knights of coiiU.miujs Nona:.' Initiation Saturday night, April 12. important business and social time. All come. Uy order of Financial Secretory. M'CK doesn't count but LOW PRICKS do so try HAIXKS. "I expect my first carload of Ford autos on my second allotment for Coos county this season, will reach Portland from the factory In time to catch the next Hretik water." remark ed (leorge Ooodrum today In talking over the automobile outlook. "I also have two more carloads now on tho way. making n total of three cars In transit at one tlmu and all for Coos county. This fact as much as anything Illustrate the rapid growth of the automobile Industry. Three years ago tho arrival of a single automobile was an event. Now we are getting tnein in canoaus. This will probably be a Coos county record shipment for years to come." Tho Ford company Is making many remarkable records these days. They built and shipped during February. lfi.474 .Model F's and tho total value or Ford cars built and shipped In February was $!t,000,000. "More Fords, by II.OOO. built and sold this year. In tho first three months thnn were built and sold In the llrst nine months last year, and Coos county is rnklng her share." "I ntn also having a large number of Ford partB shipped with theso cara to Increase the elllclency of my ser vice department. "Mr. (loodrum's front olllce Is now decorated with a novel auto clock sent him by the United Stntcs Tire Co.. of which ho Is general agent. The face of the clock Is the hand some, smiling auto-drlver. who re marks that he Is "Tlre-ly. Satisfied." mid his smiling countenance proves It. The new clock is worth seeing. Mr. (loodrum Is expecting his new car tho "Paige 30" most any day and he says it will bo well worth wait ing and watching for. ; The Increase III the sales of autos Is the legitimate result of meeting the requirements for morn perfect cflpu ntiil linttnt. flnrvlft.i Thnf'it tint constant aim and ambition of tho Cloodrum flnrage. SOCIETY NEWS Hooks Reels Lines Creels HALF Till: .JOV IX FISIIIXG CONSISTS IX HAVING Tin: IIIGIIT KIND OF TACIil.K. OCR TACICLK IS TIIK IIKillT Kixn so auk on: assort.mkxts so ari: oru pricks. oru assortment of rkixs, nous, fuks, spooxs. and i fact i;vi:rv otiiiui kind of fishing tacki.k is i:x- r.PiioxAi.iiV coMPi.irrK. wh try to iiaxdi.i: oxi.v tin: REST OF Fl:ilVTIIIX(i AXIl PICK OCR STOCK WITH A (Ml IK AXI SKIM. THAT ASSCRK SATISFACTION" WITH KVKRV 1'1'lt ( II ASK M.I)K AT OCR STORK. COMK IX -KOMH TI.MH AXI LOOK OCR TACKI.K OVKR. WK'RK ALWAYS (iLAI) TO "SHOW TIIIXGS." Wi: PAY PARCKI.S' POST TO ALL PARTS OF SOITIIKRX OKFGO.N. THE GUNNERY "Sportsmen's Headquarters" FISHING T ULI VI' WIIOI.rSM.i: XI) RKTAIL. tamstrnsmmimKtmsaKMmmmmmmm XORWK(ilAX LAIMKSAII) I The Ladles Aid Society of the Nor wegian Lutheran church at Marsh Held held Its monthly business and so cial meeting at tho chapel parlor Thursday afternoon, and n very en joyable afternoon was spent In mu sic, conversation and sowing. The hostesses were Mrs. (1. Steen and Mrs. W. Nelson. Those present were: Mrs. Jueobsen, Mrs, II. lingo and Mrs. Llllebo of North Rend, and Mrs. O'Connor. Mis. Froellch. Mrs. Snow, Mrs. Stromberg. Mrs. A. Frlzeen. .Mrs. Isaacson. Mrs. Moore, Mrs. C. (5. Magnus, Mrs. T. Krlekscn, Mrs. Kntid Krlcksen. Mrs. 11. Miithlsen, Mrs. O. Nelson. Mrs. W. Nelson. Mrs. O. O. Lund, Mrs. .1. Johnson, Mrs. .1. Han sen. Mrs. C. Peterson. Mrs. .1. Teller sen. Mrs. .1. Pitman, Mrs. Anderson. Mrs. O. M. Johnson. Mrs. O. Steon. Miss Klsle Larson. Miss Jennie John umi MIhi Alice Mathlscu. Miss Stella Magnus. Rev. and Mrs. R. O. Thorpe. Mr. Oliver Larson. Mr. II. Slverson. Tho aid will moot again on May 8. with Mrs. J. Tello;son and Mrs. T. Krlckson as hostesses. VOIWG LAIUKS SOCIAL. ! - The Young Ladles' Aid of the Nor wegian Lutheran church mot at the home of Mrs. R. O. Thorpe on Thurs day evening for Its social and busi ness meeting, and a most delightful time ws'f. itpent In music, gn'nies and refreshments. .Miss Hnnmt Sonde was hostess, Those present were: Tho Misses .Mabel, Corn and Alice Mnthlson, Jennie Johnson, Klsla Lar son, Dlnn lljelle, Thca Larson. Ilanna Sunde. Mrs. N. Nelson, Mrs. R. O. Thorpe. Rev. It. O. Thorpe, Mr. Om mel. John King, Olaf Klrkrelt. Mr. O. Nelson, Palmer Nelson, Oliver Larson, K. O. Mellem and II. Slvort scii. At the next meeting the young la dles will be entertained by Mrs. R. O. Thorpe. : : KASTKRX STAR SOCIAL I Doric Chapter. O. K. S.. n week from next Tuesday night will enjoy another of the series of monthly so cial sessions which are proving so popular with the members and their families. Mrs. K. Hon MeCrnry Is In charge of the program for tho next one. The now floor in the banquet room Is one of the best in the city, making the Informal dancing mom delightful than over. The Past Matron's Association of the Kastern Star will be entertained next time by Mrs. C. II. Marsh. ! V RAITIST SOCIAL. Class four of the First llaptlst church Sunday school enjoyed a party at the church parlors, last evening. The teacher. Miss Alice Tlckoll. was ably assisted by Mrs. John Nagle, who had charge of tho refreshments. Many various games caused tho pleasant evening to pass far too rap Idly . Delicious lefreshmeiits were served tit the close of the evening. T.ii.m' undent i'iv: Mrs. Waller Richardson. Mis. O. L. Hall. Mrs. John Nagle. Mrs. Swln ford. Mrs. Cowan. Jlev. A. F. lftiss ford and tho Misses Alice Tlckoll, llnycl Pioviit. X.oe Dolnu. Rattle Roll fold. Hazel Cowan. Margaret Wise man. Xelln Swlnford. Alice Richard son, Lillian Cook. (Tussle Cowan, and Messrs. Curtis Nagle. Whltford Hall, and Ralph ItlchardMtu. i K HYDRONA The Key to Good Health Whnl every woman should have is health, and the cheapest way to save a doctor bill is to USE HYDRONA remedies. Hydrona Tonic, 16-0z. Bottle, Only $1.00 Hydrona Liniment, Per Bottle, Only 50c Hydrona Stomach Powders, 25 K3?e" 50c We Deliver Free of Charge. Hydrona Chemical Co. i MRS. S. HODGE, Manager. 1261 Laguna Street San Francisco, Cal rjssxmmfBMmmmammmBsamdamuBBSwmmmmmmmm MAHRIKD. 9 .. . .p Two popular young people of Smith Powers Camp 1. Carl L. iiilggs and Mrs. CIhiIsso O. Utklo, were mar ried aht u oiling by Rev. .1. K. Ost ium!. The ceremony took place at T:;!U li. in. nt tho nnrsoniiLm In Mm presence of the bride's father. Chas. Lltkle. and Mr. and Mrs. 1). T. .Mae Murphy personal friends of tho bride. The bride was uttlred In a silk gown or black and whlto striped inc-s-sallne. After the ceremony a quiet wed ding dinner was enjoyed at tho Mnrshlleld Restaurant. Mr. and Mrs. Ilrlggs will leave Monday on a north ern honey moon trip, going as far north us Seattle, whore the bride's sister, Mrs. Kuiiua Lltkle (llbson re sides. The young bride eamo to Coos liny one year ago and has lived with her father at Camp 1 where she has niodo many warm friends who are tender ing congratulations and best wishes to the young couple. .Mr. nd .Mrs. IJriggs will reside at Camp 1, where the groom holds n responsible po sition as an engineer. The young couple went to Coiiulllo JTlday and were the guests or .Mrs. h. McDulTeo ror the iluv. ' ' LIRRARV RKXKFIT OAXCK Tho dance to be given tonight nt North llend by the North Rend Li brary Association ror tho benefit or tho library promises to be a well at tended affair. In spite or sllghtlv In clement weather. Numbers from Mnrshlleld as well as a large turn-out from North llend are planning to bo present. Tho pavilion has been nr tlstiuilly decorated for the night by a committee composed of Mrs F Frame ami Mrs. C. M. llyler. Mrs' I.. F. Falkensieln Is head of the re freshment fourtulttep. Mrs. Windsor of that on ueneral aiiiiugements. Aiiioiik those named as patronesses are Mendnmo W. II. Paluter, n V Wornlch, 11. K. llurmlster. W i Rest. (loo. Mnmlliio. j. y, uardiner O. K. Mortou. C. S. Wlnsor. c M llyler. Frank Frame. L. J. Simpson; P. N. Reburs;. A. J. Davis. Ann John sou, Nell Hunks and I. n. Iiartle, and the Misses Lena Kruso, Laura ond Thea Kruso, and Oertrudo Mandlgo. The Library Association has fur- Yam Probably Kiraw Tlun "JP HIS sioro hiis nlways stood I'm- QimHt.v and L,i;a. bllity. When you sco it at. Maj-nos & .Mntson's tho quality is right, tins style is right, and tlip )Vvv is right. That is tho foundation on which this business has Ihhmi built. Our showing this Spring all over the store exvm previous efforts. Until you have seen this remarkable collection of dainty, sensible smart-looking Spring ami Summer attire you can have no idea of its bcaulv and extent. The most desirable materials the clever combina tion of trimmings the perfect workmanship the ir reproachable qualities -combined with absolutelv au thentic styles are the factors which enable us to achieve the highest results yet attained in the displav of attractive Suits and Coats. fashion's latest edicts are reflected in a common sense, practical manner, so that you see beautiful, fresh, original designs, offering unrivaled possibilities for the selection of dependable merchandise. All our regular customers are familiar with these facts. Become one of llicm. There is saving and sat isfaction in it for von. Magmies & M atsi Fishing Tackle For bait casting, fly casting, trolling, still fishing or any other kind of fishing. We Are Headquarters for Tackle OFALLKIXDS. Poles, Reels, Lines, Hooks, Spoons, Nets Til foci mivfliinir vnn iiiwwl AVo njivi'v nil ilin mliiihln lllilkos. AVllCll WI start, don't go "Half-cocked." Drop in and let us show you our large and complete assortment oL the best tackle you ever laid eyes on. Norton & Hansen Ml rwo STOKES nlshed rooms In tho Myers bulldliiK and Is piiiwrly awnltliiK tho arrival of a new order of books. loijiV i)ozi: ! Tho Jolly nozon club mot Wednes day with Mrs. .1. Ihoekmlller of Hun ker Hill. After a short buslnoss hour there was a social meeting presided over by Mrs. It. Hush, then followed sowlnu nnd refreshments. Tho noxt meeting will be April 23. with .Mrs. W. t Simlre. Mrs. llroekmllloi-'s miosis woro: Mrs. L. Chrlstlanson. Mrs. II. M. Albeo. Mrs. R. Hush. Mrs. W. Hah', Mrs. Snow and Mrs. A L. Ilutz. ! Frank H. Cohan and wlfo will shortly occupy ono of the now Nlch olbon apartments in North Marsh Held. John O. Cow will occupy an other of tho apartments, which have Just boon completed. : ;. Mrs. Louis dorr arrtvod home yes terday from an extended stay In San Francisco and other California points : Mrs. Jano Ilutcheson of San Fran cisco, a former resident of Coos Hay, arrived on tho Kedondo for a visit with relatives. Her doughter. Miss Grace Ilutcheson. has been dolnii soino very sucessful literary work this Inst year and has been writing for tho Overland Monthly for sover al mouths. DAXOtiS I This ovoniiiB, tho Modorn Wood men will glvo nnother of tholr do llKhtful series of dances at tho Kugles hall. It is .exported that there will Pure Maple Syrup Guaranteed 65c Per Quart Just the thing for those Buckwheats, Stauff Grocery Co. Phone 102 Maskey's "andics. bo aii unusually large. flH Tho faswiu "," , tbelrl U W iciv j,...,..-- TONIGHT St The Roy ..nnv.- SOILE .iiuw." -;:, rt Tenor ami i mu'.lw" V rial 000 feet of a" J'-YuHlctfl thi:li:ssua Diniiia. u'ivtKD-'w VK11V 1IWV "- Tll.llSlVO"Aa" et. if.lfstit. wixM'-" ,'0SIT;t--ttr .ft- ",f,!i'r i"-rs r' 1 V.1" .... h u: HI' . & DOC " tV- 'Till' lll,v C0I1IC1) i"