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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (April 12, 1913)
W! ,, ' HARITY OFTEN COVERS A MULTITUDE OF SINS THAT OUGHT TO BE EXPOSED (Eons a tm? NOW IS YOUR TIME. A Miuill nil In Tlic Times want column in:iy bring yim results mi mediately. Try one. s -.fn,.II.Hl''H'!.TI"",W " rfi!i . ..... .,., rllt. linn J -'" ""' ' member or tjie associated pres .. . In 1H7H MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, APRIL 12, 1913 EVENING EDITION EIGHT PAGES. A Consolidation of Times, Const Mull hihI Coot) Hny Advertiser. iftifi iiSi,,,,,v" ,. No. 229 M.AAAVUg The Const iuiui. tfoAii I gtiCSSi I0NER ANVIL HIGH ON BELGIUM FEARS SPIT HEAD FLUHLNCt IUUAY A GREAT SUE ,-.. nmt i nsns Rudder y Is Driven on Beach at Mown oi QKiaiciw. LLHOPETOGET ; VESStLL urr iuuhi L Inst ill Disaster Late Uy-Vcssel Had Ar rived rtom Banuun. (Special (o Tlio Times.) ,ppvcp nr. Anr 12.--Tlio .toichonncr Anvil inn aground . .. I'.l.ln., nfllMllflOtl lllSluO aoutb of the Sluslaw river. Sho ... .AAr. nun H HOW ll'lllK u North Spit about hIx hundred 'I below tno enii oi uiu ju-ii. .... I.'ti ntnl ili'V lit lOW ,t and Is dose "to lno l),uco ., the IlerwicK was wrccHou f jfir OB". le impiiin iiicmi"K -i tbli morning and Pt an -P ant from tins Imat toward thd r ehicnet. 'e cargo Is being tni.on oir nnn !'.. .Ill l,i. in.iiln III floilt till! VCB- italih tide. Tlu Anvil In rost ttij on the sand nml not lenk- BW. he piueiigcrH left the liont InHt lu was riut.M baxbox i 111 Until Iir1 This Tilr ruiiljihi Siijilcr .Master. P.eAnTll wag eii route from Ban- u rortlaml, Sim stopped In at iBiybi' Friday while on route : PortUnil in lluiulon, owing to norm off tlio roust. Shu ro- :tilm mitll M on ilny nml wont Pinion ami loft llandon tlio day t JMfrilay. Sliu linn been :!i direct to Ilnnilnii nml then is; ay portH on tlio return. M roiuhlorahlo Portland k-t aboard lior for Florence, Irtiv- Uc orders from tlio houses rop- RieJ r V. K. Allen, 11. W. prand other Coos liny men. f.eAntllwai liullt In fiim l'rnn- Ib 1905 nml for n lone time 1 la Alaska waters. Sho wiih t M feet Ioiik. Captain l.ovl !r, a former Coon county mini. tr of lur, Air Barnes, who formerly ninto on tlio Alllnnco liter on tint 1 1 lea It water, wiih n -W of Hie crew of eight which tirriei ill li one of tlio most serious iierleinf nielilentK on tlio Slus- Mr The Wllhelnilnn wnn lost Idea month ngo. the Iiik Kos- it a barge nml :tU0 toim of ' MI foal licIoilKlllts to Andor- uUohnioii. the Jotty eontrnc- twte recent lv. mill thn niOmim. iMUnd lost her rmlilor there a " ago. I VERM'S 1L IS READ IWWIIO.V. A VUiRintmt. as $iofNi. .i xi Kn: .miss lwi iumtows. cjins HAi- ng to last will of Mrs. Ann . the IlavlH SloiiRh plonoor, ilea t coi, .,., ..... ..... -(llhf tl Ann ... .. .. '.. m h "slsteil her ilurlnR her Intl. Trio l,nl...... . . ?.. 'Mice, Mrs. llarrowB, who died ftin... "v'v rom rorimnu ?tbM ,,er' T,, W,U Pr0' Ow iiT ' l,n"r0WB "as ini,';"' "'uiiiprs siinro anouia ck!rrugltcr' Mlh8 Mabel, who 5(j"e- Jne other relatives and tEd' ."""soly. Kot noth- 11.10? valued at $5,000. tf ' mad0 n 8llort tlmo be' fja " "8 iaKen to tlio 1G ROW II EMPIRE k55LAHUiwri:i,TOi,Ai. tr Tr... ,v ox nnni iuk- niie ; " T0,UY 1CKin .' oadlv i.inci.a.1 i ... Xe today. Ednajl Cb'acler f Empire STAGE UPSET, Twu 0 Contractor Johnson, of Flor ence, and R. M. Buttle, of Seattle, Badly Hurt. (Special to Tlio TIiiioh) OAUDINHU, Or.. April 2. -It. M. Iluttlo, u Seiittln trnvolliiK man. hiik tiiinod u lirokon anklo. nml K. T. .lohiiHon, duo of thu SIiihIiiw jetty ooiitrnctorH, HiiHtnlneil a tllrtlocnteil hip when Hid Draln-Cnriliner hIuho upBut, near ScottHlnirK. lato yester flay, Tlio two Injured men wcro liroiiKlit liore. thin moriiliiK' nml nre heliiK cared for. Mr. Iluttlo In well known In HiIh Hoctlon, IiiivIiik trav eled throiiKh hero for a wholesale hosiery house for some time. There were nine hi tho hIiikc hut none of tho others wero Injured, nlthntiKli all wore more or less Hhnken uji or bruised. A. II. DoveiH, a Portland travel liiK niaii, was one of thosu In the nccKUml nml went to Mnishllold today. (iOlXd' .MISSED IT. C. C. (Joint; of (loliiK & Harvey ar rived homo today and narrowly es enpe'd lieliiK In the hIuko wrerk, wlilrh huppened II vo miles east of Seolts InirK. near tho lliirchard jilaro. The HtriKii was over erowded, so hu and '2 othei-H had to rldo horsehaek. They were a few hourH ahead of tho hIiiko. OwIiik to tlio awfijl lomlltlon of tho road, (ho stiiKO wan rollowliiK the IiIIIhIiIo nml trurk a rut ami turned over. Tho driver, "Tom," IniniPdl utely Htopiicd tho tenm ami although ho was nulto liadly Injured hlmsolf, ho Hiived tlio othei-H from miii'h more HorloiiH harm, Thero wero no Cons Ilny people III tho accident, Mr. (loins says. Tho Mnpleton-KiiKoiio stage fell down .n thirty-foot emliiinknieut In to the rlvur yesterday, niiordliiK to reportn reacliliiK here today, but no ouo wiih icporti'd hurt. JAPAN ENTERS BIG PROTEST Cllt- Ilincli. lire and vujiifrK - -! vi ti ttm,, " under nrret for It. H critical Cl IIIs condition llljr Am Ulcl I'rrM lu Tool ll7 Tlnim J TOKIO, April 12. Viscount Chin da, .Inpaneso Amliassador to the United States, lias neon Instructed by tlio forolKii offleo to mako u for mal representation to Washington in reitnnl to tho nntl-.Iapanoso lo iBlatlon In the Suite of California. Irritation over California land Ior Islatlon Is luireaHliiK throiiRliout the country. All political parties have Bent doputleH to tho Proniler to to tlio foreign nilnlHtor asking them to adopt incnsurcH to protect tho .lapancBo treaty rights In Amorlca. Tho Con Btltutlonal party Iihb proposed a Cali fornia boycott and tho Chamber of Comniorco here telegraphed to sim ilar bodloB in San Francisco, I.oa An geles and olsowhoro assorting that tho result of tho legislation will bo disastrous for trade between United Statea and Japan. WASHINGTON'. I). C. April 12.--Sccrotary Hryan was non-committal wlion ho wna told of the Japanese govornmont'H Instructions to tholr nmbnssador , as recorded In tho news dispatches to mako formal represen tations regarding the California land legislation, which thoy construo as nntl-Japaneso. Ho expressed only tho aontlniont that It would bo tlmo to consldor tho formal representa tions after tho laws In question hnd been passed by the California Legis lature and woro under consideration by tho govornor. Roprosontntlvo Raker told Presi dent Wilson today that ho had a tolegram from Senator Sanford of California, containing assurances that tho alien land blll.when finally passed, would not hnvo any provisions, to con lllct with nny treaty obligations be tween tho United Stntes and Japan. WOUIC XEAK (MltlilXHIt. K. L. UobliiBou roturiiod yestor day froih Gardiner whero he has hnim unmifiliiir n week. He reports that Coponhagens nre rushing tholr part of tho work and gottlng addi tional workmen constantly. Tho Larson dredge Is changing tlio course of the creek there so that only one bridge will have to bo put In. The bteamshovol will later cov or elm lilir nil that will bo thrown up 1 by the dredgo. So far hand work Is 'being dono on the north end of tho 1 tunnel nnd only preliminary work is I being done on the Botitn entrance. Employers and Wealthier Classes May Assist Work men in Struggle for Equal ity in Voting. tllr AmorlulM ttcm to foot tujf TlmM 1 11UU8SELLS. April 12. A singu lar variation In scnHiiicnt lias been developed, both In the Ilclgtnu capi tal and In tho provinces In connection with tho present strike for manhood suffrage, which Is expected to In volve oOO.OOO, out of the 800,000 Hol glau worklngmen, on Monday next. One strnngo phenmncnoiii Ik the sup port, active nnd tacit, ulven by many I employers to the movement. Some of them hnve oven decided that they will continue the workmen's wnges during the strike, while others have contributed to the strike funds or of fered to take caro of thu strikers' children. Clerical papers insist that rich liberals are privately swelling tho strike funds, while the liberal nnd radical clubs in the various cities are openly supporting the movement by subscriptions. Tho minister of war Is transferring all troops from posts where they have been stationed to other places, wlioro soldiors hnvo no ncuunlntancOH, so they can bo usee more clllclently In case of dlstur- uances. RB ALASKA JUDGE C. L., of Mcdford. and Will R. King, of Oregon, Given New Appointments. tlljr AtanrUlr.1 t'rrii In Com lly TlmM. WASHINGTON, 1J. C. April 12. Robert W. Jennings, of Juneau, Alas ka, Ih to bo nppnlntcd United States Judge in Alaska. C. L. Reams of Meford, Oregon, hns been solected for United States Attorney for tho dis trict of Oregon. Will It. King, former Supreme Court Judgo lu Oregon, has been ap pointee! n member of the Hoard of Appraisers lu tho Now York Custom olllce at u salary of $0,000 per year. FIRE DAMAGES PUN T SWEDEN WILL FURNISH RULER Prince William Second Son of King Gustav Slated for Albanian Throne. Illr ' ll, TrrM to Cio Ilr TlmM. I VIENNA, April 12. Prince Wil liam, of Sweden, the second son of King Gustavo, will be tho first occu pant of the throne of Albania if tho wishes of the triple alliance, Ger many, Austria-Hungary and Italy are inrrled out. Tho announcement wnw inndo today by tho Neur Kielor l'lVHse. M PS T OUT ON PAROLE Suffragette's Hunger Strike Finally Wins Temporary Freedom in London. nr ,o. UtM l'rri to too. Ujr TlmM T.nvnnv. Anrll 12 Mrs. Klillllo- llno PnnkhurBt, tho suffragette lend er, was roleasod from Holloway Jail this arternoon arter uomg on a uun- utrii.-n Rlncn slm wnn sentenced nlno clays ago to three years' penal servitude. Mrs. Pnnkluirsr was released 011 irnlintlon under tOl'lllS which Bill) must roport at frequent Intervnia to tho police, in caso sno coiuiuiih any inlbdoineannrs, alio Is liable to Imme diate arroBt without warrant nnd must then servo out tho full term. It is tho Intention of tho authorities to allow her to he froo until sho re gains her strength. Her condition Is described by friends as Doing very gravo. Sho was removed at once to a sanitarium. Phyllis Brady and Mllllcenf Dean, the girls who wero arrested as "Biif fragotto flro-brands" wero sentenced to six weeks' Imprisonment each to day. I AJIOXtt THE SICK. I Walter Hill, olectrlclan at tho Smith mill, Is confined to his homo with an attack of pleurisy. Mrs.. Led ward, of West Marshflold who has been suffering from a se voro attack or la grippe, Is reported Improving. P. Edgerton. a Smith mill em ployo, underwent an operation at Morcv hospital today and was re ported to bo getting along nicely. Mrs. Duncan Ferguson, who has been qulto III, is reported much improved. Mrs. C. c linages, wno umioiweui n serious operation at Mercy hos pital yesterday. Is reported to bo getting along nicely, Mrs. E. M. Erlckson, who has been qulto ill, is reported improv ing. MODERN WOODMEX DANCE at EAGLES HALL SATURDAY Night. Michigan State Penitentiary Twine Factory Damaged Over $700,000. inr amwuim vm o coo njr tiwm.i LANSING, Mich.. April 12. Fire which started in a twine plant nt the state penitentiary from an explosion under a motor, spread with great rap idity to several adjoining buildings, llvo or which wore destroyed. Thero was no panic among 11 hundred pris oners. The loss was $700,000. The women's coll house caught lire but was soon extinguished. The women were removed with more or less disorder. FLOWERS COVER MORGAN COFFIN Remains of King of Finance Lie in State in Former Library. Tlr mo. IIM I'itm 10 IWt liny TlniM J NEW YORK. April 12.-Almost burled lu roses and twining Ivy, tho triple coffin thnt contains the body of J. Plorpout Morgan, lies In the li brary which holds his hooks and many art treasures. Thero It will repose until l.'OO friends pay final tribute to his memory. The funeral services will bo hold Monday at St. George's church. Only members or tho family and a few Intlmato rrlouds were admitted to tho library. MOTOR CYCLE CLUB MEETS Plan Series of Runs Will Try to Stop Speeding New Officers Chosen. At a meeting of tho Coos Bay Mo torcyclo Club last evening, prepara tions wero mado for an active sea son. A series of runs to various parts of tho county, nnd possibly furthor, nro being considered for the hummer. They will bo started as soon as tho roads will permit. It was also decided that tho club should endeavor to stop speeding nnd see thnt tho members comply with tho stnto law and city ordi nance governing speed. There, nro about 40 motorcyclists lu Marshfleld now nnd it la expected that all will be enrolled as mem bers. Tho following officers wero elected for thn coming year. President William Ekblad. Vice President John L. Koontz. Secretary and Treasurer Joo Wil liams. Captain Dr. Horsfall. First Lieutenant Georgo John son. Second Lieutenant Bon Ostllml. Directors Ed Johnson. C. H. La Chapollo and D. F. Barnard. POPE PIUS SUFFERS RELAPSE, CONDITION IS VERY CRITICAL BLAMES BOOZE FOR OUTBREAK ijr msi Pontiff's Fever Goes Up to 103 and Much Alarm Is Mani fested at Vatican. WAS MUCH BETTER EARLY THIS MORNING I). A. R. POLITICS BRISK. Many Ciiiiilldntes for Olllce Mnko Session Lively. (Fir AtiocUieJ Pith to Com Vty Tlmr WASHINGTON. D. C. April 12. Hundreds of women nre pouring Into Washington to attend tho an nual convention of tlio Daughters of the Ainerlcnn Revolution which will formally open Monday. In tho mean time committee meetings nre Humor ous and political conferences of the rivals for the various offices are keeping the delegates busy. Three candidates aro In, the Mold for presi dent and brisk rivalry marks the rare for other places American Consul Says U. S. Sailors at Guaymas Were Drunk and Disorderly. tllr AMO-llrd I'itm to Cool lit TlmM. MEXICO CITY, April 12. Report ing on tho killing of two sailors nnd tho wounding of others at Guaymas, American Consul Gullfoule nt Her moBsllo, says of the Incident, "It wnB duo to the sailors being Intoxicated nnd very disorderly." Tho coiibuI buses his report on the statement of an eye-witness, adding that tho troub le In nil likelihood would havo been avoided had the consular agent at Guaymas notified tho commander of tho California, SAILORS ARE BLAMED. Refugees Censure CoiiniiIiii Agent for Ills Negligence. Illr AmikIiIM I'm, to moo lr TlmM.) NOGALES. April 12. Amcrlcifh refugees nrrlvlng hero from Guayinns are Inclined to place upon Amorlcan snllnrs tho responsibility for the street clash In GuaymiiH In which two Americans woro killed nnd a number of American sailors and police wound ed. They state that Ilfty Beamon wero on shore. The American residents rearing a race clash warned Consunr Agent C. D. Tnylor. who declined to tnko nction officially, notifying Ad miral Cowles. RAILWAY NEWS OF COOS BAY New Trouble Develops and Specialists Fear for Outcome. 1 FEVER IS HIGH. J (By Associated Press) f ROME, April 12. The Popo's fever reached 10.1. The Pope's condition Is be coming uteadlly worse. Tho ' Vatican Guard was doubled to Insure that no ono won Id enter. S. P.-Terminal Railway Nego tiations Are Delayed More Workmen. Thero woro few developments In the railroad situation today. No dcllnite news lias been heard from San Francisco but It is rumored that tho negotiations botweon tho Termi nal Railway and Southern Pacllle may not tornilnato as quickly as was expected. Northing ofllclally hns been given out concerning the mnt tcr. C. C. Going, who arrived today, Bald that the contractors wero bring ing many laborers via Drain. Forty or firty came In a day ahead of him, nnd tho day ho loft there, about forty or llfty more wero waiting to start in. Hr AtiocltlrO I'rrti to Coo II, r Timet. ROME, April 12. The Popo has suffered another relapse Tracheal bronchitis has developed. Hoiio Is eiitcirtnliied by physicians that the bronchitis Is dun to urnomlc acids settling In the upper part of the trachea, Instead of infectious In flammation, A group of people hnvo gathered on tio steps of St. Peter's gazing nt the windows or the Popo's apart ment. It Ih noticed Hint thu blinds or his bedroom are closed this art ernoon. Observntoro Romano Vatican, tho official newspaper, published this evening tho following bulletin, "On April "th. Pope Plus roll III with a relapse of Influenza with symptoms or tracheal bronchitis; tlio rover stopped three days ago but returned today with aggravation of cntarrah lu thorax: there nro no symptoms to cniiBc alarm. Mnrchlafava, Amlc," Tho condition of tho Popo Is ro gardpd as grave, especially on ac count or his weak state. This caused tlio rear to arise that ho will bo unnlilo to overcome) n now attack. Tho relapse Ih not yet generally known, even among Vatican officials. Only tho sisters nml ulece of tho Popo wore notified of It. Thoy drove hurriedly to tho Vatican. Proressor Mnrchlafava today pre dicted a relapse when ho hoard that contrary to his Instructions the Pope was allowed to grant private audi ences. He said, "If you want to kill him, this Is the way to do IL" POPE PIUS BETTER. Pr Auclilfj !'fM lo coo. IUy TlmM, ROME, April 12. Popo Plus is now considered fully convalescent. Ho slept tranquilly nil night. Early to day ho received Archbishop Koppcs, of Luxemburg, In private auilleiiie, urgent mnttoi'H being dis cussed. Tho audience lusted IIH minutes. Although the Pope was very weak, he showed wonderful ciearnesH of mind. RRFFH! Fa SR ARRIVES DERE 100 Father of Accused Man Came Via. Myrtle Point Much Grief in Family. G. A. Grcenlenf, father of Guy Greonleiir, who Is confined In tho Coos county Jail on chnrges con nected with tho suicide or Erma Knorr, arrived hero today. Ho ennio In via. Roseburg and walked a largo part of the way from Roseburg to Myrtlo Point, owing to boing unable to got a rig to bring him through. Ho spent most of yesterdny and Inst night with his sou nt Coqulllo. Ho came hero today to confer with It. O. Graves, wno Is looking after hla ton's case. Ho cannot bellovo tho charges mado against his son hnve n foun dation. Mrs. Guy Groenleaf nnd lit tles Bop started hero but had to ro turn to Contrnlla owing to the boy being takon 111 or scarlet over. Two brothers or Guy Greonlenf i,,. nk imnii ill nf tvnliold fever. Guy Greonlenf has lost two bablch ami his mothor-In-law within a short time. Air. Greonlenf Ih n contractor. Ho snys hla son lort Contrnlla only n row montliB ngo. Ho did not want to mako any statement nbout tho caso today but he evidently was pre paring to fight It hard, 10 ACRES CHEAP 40 acres near Ross Inlet. Good land. $30 an ncro , Snap. I. S KAUFMAN & CO. ii mmm-flW.' .MASSACRE OK CHRISTIANS nr AuoclilM l'rm lo Com liar TlmM. I ATHENS, Apjrll 12. A body of iiirks from tho coast of Asia Minor hnve mnssnereed nil tho christians among tho Inhabitants or tho Island or Kustoloryzo, southeast or Rhodes, according to a dispatch today. No details are given. LITTLE CHICKS Spark From E. S. Barzee's Pipe Causes Near Confla gration in North Bend. Ono hundred lives wero lost In a Bio in North Bend this morning. Tho victims wore threo-dny old chicks in the brooder room or E. S. Barzee'a poultry yards. The Bro was extinguished before It had spread from the straw on tho floor to tho building Itself nnd tho smoko was tho causo of the untimely death of the chicks, Tho fire Is supposed to have boon started by a spark from Mr. Bar zee's plpo ob ho had beon smoking while attending to tho chicks this morning, About ."00 young chicks lu anoth er part or tho building woro saved from suffocation, A flro alarm was turned In but tho blaze had beon oxtlngulshod boforo tho department got there. "PUZZLE. How wo can offer for $2,000.00 t. flno, level lot on Sixth St., lu South Mnrshflold, when lots so much farthor out aro soiling for moro. I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. .MODERN' WOODMEN DAXCE EAGLES HALL SATURDAY Night. TELEPHONE our" order HALVES for FLOUR or FEED.