THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 11, 1913-EVENING EDITIOW. COOS BAY TIMES M. O. MALONIJV Hilltor mid I'iiIi. OAN K. MALONKV Xows Kditor Official Paper of Coos County. OFFICIAL PAPLH OK TIIK CITV OK MAltSiri'IIOIil). eiiiiuiuu ut tho postorflce nt Mnrsti Hold, Oregon, for transmission through the mallu ns second clus audi matter. suhschiption hath. JlAlIiV. no year IG.bO Per month r0 WKF.KLY. Ono yenr Jl.uO When paid strictly In advance Hie subscription prlco of the Cooa Day Tlmoa la IG.00 per year or $2.50 for lx monthn. Dedlcntdd to tlio sorvlco of the people, that no good cause Bhalt lack chnmplon, and that evil shall m hrlvo unopp 'sod. Address nil communications to COOS HAY DAILY TIMKS. MnrHMIdd :: . :: :! ! Orcco.i BREEHLEHF NOT I and they do not relish bolus called New Mexicans. Till' discussion " reached tlio point of numerous sug gestions for u suitable and dignified bstltuto for Now .Mexico. The names of some of our states, to say nothing of many towns, show u wonderful poverty of Invention There should have heen only one Carolina and one Dakota, and more never should have heen a West Vir- glnln nor a Now Mexico. The other states hnve good distinctive names. Father Of ACCllSCfJ Yolltll May many of them mennlng something. pnmn ,, PrnnliAirnr Among the million that huvo been OOfllC Oil til GaKWaier offered as a substitute for Now Mex-1 W(q Rorv SflOCked. lco the best one thus far Is Lincoln.! """ unglJ which according to the Santa Ft? New : o. A. Oreeuleaf. father of Ouy 01 BUI TEI PLAN WELCOME 10 SIMPSON North Bend Commercial Club to Tender Informal Recep tion Monday Night. The North Hend Coninioniiit Club In n minim: u "Welcome Home for Na ARRESTS lilt IN Bf CASE PASSES! Mexican, was ilrst suggested by tno ortMilfnf. now In the county Jnllils planning a welcome nome 101 Ohio Journal. The memory of the ..miing the action of the grand I .Mayor L. .1. Simpson next .Monday great President ought to he honored. ju,.v (), ,ht. ,.i,Hrgos against him lu I evening. The reception will bo In- aml. If the people of New Mexico want t,0-lu.t.t0, Wth the death of Krinn , formal but It will he a most oti- n change, moy would nonor menisci- norrj ,u,j )u, m-rlve on the AIM-1 tnusinsiic one; .o iornini pi-ogium ves by accepting the proposal. Lin- m,0 y,.t.njn as was expected. It has huun arranged. The hand will coin has the right sound and It Is a H lti;mlmi ult M0 mj jji-b. Ouy be out and several speakers will eon name that menus nil reverence. (Jreenleaf are on the Breakwater. 'tribute to the welcome. It Is ex- It was reported hero todny thnt ' pecteil timt a numiier irom .uarsii- WOMKX AM) HAPPIXF.SS. (luv (Jreenleaf had declared that! Held will be present mid .Mayor TODAY IS AltHOU HAY. What Do We Plniil. "What do we plant when wo plnnt the treo7 Wo plant the ship, which will cross the Fen, "Wo plant the masts to carry the sails, "Wo plant the plank to withstand the gales, The keel, the keelson, and beam and knee: Wo plant the ship when we plant the tree: What do we plant when we plant the tree? Wo plnnt the houses for you and mo: Wo plant the rafters, the shingles, tlio Moors ; Wo plnnt the studding, the lath, the doors, Tlln bennm and siding, all parts that bo, Wo plnnt the house when wo plnnt the tree. What do wo plant when wo plant tho tree? A 'thousand things thnt ue dally see, Wc plant the splro that out-towera the crng: Wo plant the staff for our country's Hag; Vv plant tho shade from the hot huh free Wo plant all these when wo plant the tree. Henry Abbey. 1 1 Kill? should be n more general recognition and obscrvnuro of Arbor Day In Oregon. This state ones much to tho trees thnt contribute ho largely to Its prosperity. Whllo Coos county has never felt tho necessity of planting trees, be cuuse of tho lavish bestowal of na ture, tholr preservation nml protoc IF I had a daughter I wouldn't ' ( ((( , mL1(, 01 isimpson will bo nble to divulge iiioro have n homo of her own." declared M ' ' '' re oe ' f Either ' of Allele, Blood. , the . B..c,;essf u. actress Oom w A. flm nj. nljtr of woo is slurring '-'" l ". ...- i.,.m.,i ....... ... ,i. plrciilt Court !!"(" S "" " n-ntMSSlTm Charge or'helng'ln1. tilla WJUlllflirt NORTH BEND NOTES. Turn Cii u'vnf uri'lviwt frnin Run Anil yet every woman In real life Is KS'CA H Francisco this week to resume the too often anxious to change these ' ' "' "S'.V'J '"V"": North Slough-Ten Mile unto service, things for the lleetlng nleasure of '.V' "tl r day of or ' t.sba: ' p re- whMi ho ","1 '" J- Simpson operated fame and fortune, or for the bloated i' .luring the summer season n wear gifts of wealth. t Vj L' I, irief of. v s to r, nv for ""' ll(' r"K't Federal truck Hut the average success in any life1 .. . h So life iiwhIoiI iii-n " I wlUl """ ,uut ')liU18 ,0 "rra,1,;0 U f,,r of professional effort means sncrlllcos, -MntHltllolil to see the at t used man. cnr..1K Hxtoon paengerM. that everv woman should weigh rath or thoughtfully before she chooses ' them unless driven by necessity fath-' or than whim or ambition. The hnp piuess that waits at the llreslde Is the eort that means a groat ileal, not only to tho woman horsolf. hut to the I world nt largo, which looks to tne, I inri homo us n kind of shrine ami haven' I flnl-r away from a lot of hard and dlsap-l I HI 111 I iwilntliur illRlllllRlnnniKiit ballllwls PLANTS COST M hi: a.v opiimist. I,. A. Whlner and U. C. Wldnor were called to Auburn, Cnllf., by the serious Illness of their fattier. Herbert Korn of the Cooh Hay Manufacturing company Is nt Umpire recuperating from a siege of typhoid fever. o NIC of tlu; snurccH for PlerponH W. S. CII.WDMIlt SKIT I IKS KST .Morgans pucuomeuai iiuauciaii Paul Dlunnlck, mnunger of the North Hend Lumber company, and family have leased the Paul Schiller Htroni residence. success was this warning from , his father: "Any mnu who Is u bear on the future of tho United i Stntes will go broke. There will he i ninny times when everything will look dark, when ' every ono will I think there hns been overdevelop-1 incut. Hut remember tnat the .MATKS OX KQril'.MKXT KOI I Mi.ircrnic i.kiiit axh iiiiat- IX(J PLANTS WILL .MKAX K.V- PKXDITt'lli: OK .SIMI,(MM. W. S. Chandler has secured estl- T growth of this vast country will take1 mates on the line heating nml elect-are of It all. Always be a bull on trie plant which he Is planning to America." .Morgan took these wordH lni),, 80on lho ,.Lnr ))f tMU Cmil. i's iiih iiuancini eieeti nun oaseu uis every transaction on full faith In the future of his country. A DIKKK.HK.XT PHOPOSITIO.V. -i OM.MKNTINO on tho stntomont r,r ?:!::,iuiil, exclusive of tho lot and mado by Proresaor Carver of building. A double plant will have -' Harvard to tho effect thnt no to be Installed to provide Tor emer oue should be allowed to marry on geucles, n salary of less than $.' a day. tln, Mr. Chamller'H plant, us orlglnnlly New York Times observes. , plnnned before Herbert l.ockhnrl. 11. Perhaps Professor Carver In his F. Wllllnnm ami other Imlmmi tlnn from Hies iiIkhiI.i ! t, inntinr f lecture room can picture u society to consider the extension to the ser- srave concern. m) wo" dragooned that nobody lcci to their buildings, would have It Ib fortunate that tho largest tlm- wiiultl marry on less than $r. a day. cost less than $10. (ion, thnt Ih to fur- ber operator horell Mr. C. A. Smith. n,lt w" ""ll Hko to see him en- nlsh simply his own buildings, is so brained mid far hooIiii: that he f,,i'i' such a law or rather we The franchise for the services be- .'h making u practical implication of shouldn't; for the more he wns nble tween the buildings on Central nve- ler hotel. The heating plnnt with the dyiinmos. which would bo neces snry to furnish the buildings of his own nntl others who desire the ser vice, If he is nble to extend It In the The M. W. A. Forester team will tlown town section, will cost upwards , give u May Day dance at Fckhoff hall, Ous Ollbortsnn nml son, Kdgur, of Tncoina are guOBtH at tho A. O. KJel land homo and wilt spend the sum mer on the Hay. Chief Fiiglueor llliidermiirsli of the Southern Paclllc Ih quoted us stating that It cost tho company about $1 per lineal foot for clearing tho right of way across Simpson Park ami near there. The cost of clearing and burning the brush was $l0:iJ.!i'i. L. C. Reynolds wntt hero from Co qulllu this week on business. Strange Actions of Unknown Woman Only Clue Found So Far Officers Active. Coroner Wilson nnd the local tilll cerH have been unable to secure tmy tlellulte cliu.'H lu connection with tho lludlug of tho hotly of the Infant un derneath the dock yoBtordny. They are still Investigating. The child was of p rein at tire birth, being of probably live montlm' development. The ofl'ohsu Ih n serloiiH one. Last evening, Olllcer Donne (Uncov ered what was thought to he u clue In the case, hut which has not work ed out. An unknown woman upent sometime on tho dock, north of the city hall, iiellnK strangoly, but sho disappeared before the olllcers could ascertain her Identity. FAIL TO A6BEE BASEBALL Miss Pauline Doweesu underwent un operation the other day for nn Injury to her hand. John Kentuck, an uncle of Clar ence Lewis, who was one of the bondsmen to secure the hitter's re louse on the burglary churgo. was fined $10 yesterday by City Itecorder Derbyshire for Intoxication. The Coos Hay Oroeery ami Carl reforestation to his timber lands. It to enforce It the more complete "He I" which Mr. Chandler Is Inter-1 .MiMkoii expect how Foril delivery menus much both for the present niidi would he the demoralization of the 'le(I wiih secured some mouths ago future of this Miction. 'community through the diversion of nnd to extend the service to the Wll- Thu following is a tribute paid to human Instincts from tin. creation Hums. I.ockhiirt and other buildings a tne by lllder Haggard, the famous of homes. Higher wages nnd pro- the urea covered by the branches English nuthor: i lection to workman from the com- w" simply enlarged. "I do love a good tree. There It petition of Ignorant nml under-paid Mi: Chandler figures that Hie com Jtuiidtv so strong nml sturdy, and yet labor? Hy all menus. Hut foiled f "lam ami bulliliiu and tlu- 10 bountiful -a very type of the best ' them to lend natural humnu lives lu f"1' of Installing the conduits would fort of man. How proudly It lifts order to work a "chano In tlio com- mean the expenditure of tonslder- Its baro head to the winter Monns. plevlon of economics?" Ho might b!.v over JltiO.Ot.o, ami wiin wmu a run Heart It rejoices, as well try to Increase tho food sup 'hun the spring has come ngalniply by forbidding tho people to eat. How grand its video Is. too. when' There Is always this i!lffleult It talks with the wind: u thousaml when It comes to government regit aeollnn harps cannot t.iiual tlie beauty Iiitlou of strlctlv personal and pil of the sighing of a great tree In leaf. . vate matters. The growth of ed"- j-wi nay n poiiiis to lUDMituMiiiue. ami union and moral Hontlinonr will XKW SCHOOL LAWS. Among the more Important oduen tloiuil bills passed by the last Legis lature, are the following: i. Districts iiiiiv. liv ii tnuifii-ifv ii rii I iic vote, at a regularly called mooting. ' "''"'"d Hold meet at Fiigeno on May Ideals of authorUe the mIiooI hoard to pur-i'''' Harbour will try ior the shot all night to the stars; and thus nas-l imwi m iii-ims niw.nt t,. i,.il,..,,i ,. ,, similes, and jet full of life, it en-1 the development of pronor Ideals c fllMIVltl F 1 1 fit III 1 1 f In iiiliifLm ..!..,. i. . .. . . . . . . ' . . . . . . "" M ...i- ..'t.n- ...,..,. living, nut tne urtmciiii restriction 'iniw nooks ami furnish them free of at ii in. come shine -draw lug Its sits- or arbitrary standards Is likely to 'barge to all pupils attending school tomuiro from the bosom of Its moth- ,.xttlvii,rnu,-lUo evil It seeks it. cor- In the district. K ronilh. and. i.h the slow yearu roll I ,.,.,, , .'. Arier September 1. t!.-, i Vy, loHiiiliiK the great mJ-uiorloii of, i,i.u,u i.. ., .-... ...'..' . " " rmvth nn.l .Inoni. ..,i.. i .... .. " ..,." "''"" "' "'urem COP " '. .......j. ...... b.i .mi .inn .. ii i.'ii i ii i li.nii'i ii. .'in. .,.ii f.,i luiu. u lines miisi cars on tho Hrenkwnter this week and Ciorst & King are expecting u new seven passenger Cndllluc The North Hend high school Is liU' nn Arbor day program this uf- U't'llOllli. Prof. Jos. Schafur or tlio rnlversltv or Oregon will deliver an address oil "Futures of Fditcntlon" licit'. April II. Ho will make a tour of i.ll the Coos county towns. loo Harbour nnd Fremont Hudson. two North Hend high school athletes, urn planning to enter the Oregon high have completed two put and Hudson lu the broad lumti and probably other events. Mrs. L. .1. Simpson will return on the llreakwater from Astoria where sho has boon visiting en route home rduafsVmT "" l" "'' w" "!. i.- ; work In an accre'dlted hlgi, """, li landNPHiiu It' mloriM m.T ,l,Ily', l8 ,,ut th,) ono w,1 at ?'Um1 ,uul '!"""' teachor's train- " -- itiirJ." Iniinan home and waits for Prince Chnriulng '"If '"' ' least six weeks. This act ! "dructlon relativu to the nature A XKW XA.MH I'Olt m:v .mkxico. TIIIiUK Is a dlsposlllou on the part of many rltlxcus lu the newest state hut one. New Mex ico, to change IU name. The recent hUtory of Mexlto has not Increased to touiH rldlnif by. but the one who will not apply to tenchers wlio imvn I Hi'oh. goo out nml trips up IiIh horse. i ""d six moiitlis' experience nrlor to I HoronftPr danger from their pride lu the name of their state1 Tha Times olllca. September . l'.n: The II rut sign that a man Is so- " Provision Is nuide for ubstl- riously In love with a girl appears to tilling n three weeks stininior school be lilt, propouslty to pick Haws In t"i" the annual Institute. Tho county her. i superintendent shall, on tho petition I f ten teachers, submit to the leueh- uave your joti printing dona nt l,,M V1 ,m 'imMi' the qiiohtlon of nil school districts na Hooks Reels Lines Creels WALK TMU JOY l KISHIXtJ CONSISTS IX IIAVIXCJ TIIK HKiHT KIND OK TACKLK. OIK TACK I. K IS Till: HKJHT KIXD SO AUK oril ASSOHT.MKXTS SO AUK OIU PUICKS. Ol'U SSt)UT.MKT OK IIKKI.S, HODS, KL1KS, SPOOXS, AND IN lrv KVKUY OTIIKH KIXD OK KISIIIXO TACKLK IS KX t OPTIONALLY COAIPLICTK. YK TUV TO IIAXDLK ONLY TIIK HKST OK KVKHYTIIIXC AND PICK OCU STOCK WITH A CAUK AN'D SKILL THAT ASSl'IIK S.VTISI'AtTlOX WITH KVKUV Pl'U- 'II SK AIIDK AT Ol'U STOUK. may provldo for nlirht Hclionls Nono or tho laws will go Into effect before Juno 3rd. anil nnv nfiinn in. hum by the district, or by the touch- fir oi any county, will not bo legal and nny action before that tlmo will huvo to bo taken again. Yours very truly. L. R. ALDKHMAN, Sttpt. or Public Instruction HOCSK DKMOCUAT CAl'CL'S. win. tli,-... .... ..... ....Al I. . . .. . -.. ....! ,.r ii. , i niii'ii nriioillti SIlllM Uf bold. All teachers of tho coimtv must nttend unless they have had at least twenty-seven moiitlis teaching experience, eight t.r w filch shall havo been In Oregon, or nr i?iiiiinntu nt nu accredited iionmil Hfiumi . n... I"r Ao-tif,i it to coo ny TimM i touchers' trnlnlug class In an nccred- WASIIINflTON. D. C. Am-il n - ted high Bchool. When tho teachers Tho Ilouso Democrats mot In euu havo once voted for tin. ..,,,. ens today on tho li-nn m.,i ut...,i ..... school therearter such school 8hnll bo w with tho prospect of a light over nuKiir tuai wouiti break hoforo the held In lieu of tho annual Institute. I Provision was made whereby Krauuaies oi non-standard colleges can take nn examination for high school certltlcnte. h fi, Provides penalty for nni-nn..., ,.,. '"sliiB to kIvo the name and age of ..ii uiril end of tho day. AMONG THi: SICK. llr. Pna Vim. f x ii. .... . . ll!,, .,. .1. ...".. .''1. "'"., l,""l '..' Ul DH ilUllll 18 ......... .....,...,, , ii-iiaus iiiKer. ii'iHirieii very in. o. llerenrter all schools hall havo - ogular tire drills and suitable in. Try Tho Tlmca' and sultnhlo In- Try Tho Tlmoa' Want Ads. I SATURDAY SPECIAL SALE I t'OMi: IN SOMK TI.MK AND LOOK OCU Yvirui: ia s tiiai) to "siioyv TUlis.,, TACKLK OYKU i: PV I'XUCKI.S POST TO ALL PAHTS OK SOITIIKHX OHCt.ON. THE GUNNERY Spoilsmen's Headquarters" risiiiNt. ' m r t wnoirsvn; hi til. Large Siilml Howls, reguliii' .-c values, now .,,, (ViM'ietl Sugar Howl, regular u.v values, now . . . . i i,. Cowml Huiter Dlsli, legiiliii- ;iv values, now J J,. ( leameis, legular UOc nines, lww " Spoon Holders, ieBulnr Oe values, new ... ! , Foot etl Cuke Saheis, it m.,, legular nliuvs," "iu.w , ,!.' liioiitl liuii Dish, o huh. legular JI.-.C values, iv. . . . jni Pilflicis., ifuiiliir Jhif wiin, N mm I, yimi'l Jims, levular il.le allies, now , lu$ Tiimblfis, MnUr 7c values, w , Hluwii Tiiuililerc it'guhir Hi,, wilue.s, now ! M !.'.'!.'!!.' " (u. HOl PUKIS SVITHDW ONLY M,is S'lmethhu New" Peoples5 S-1 0 1 Se Stoire Coquille and Myrtle Point Re main Out of Coos League. Henry Korn, president of the Coos County Unsohul! league, mid W. K. Hhrock have returned from Coiiillle. whore u meeting wns held In u fu tile attempt to straighten out the tangle. Very llttlo wnn done at the the meeting, and Cotmllle ami Myrtle Point were given until Monday night ut ll o'clock In which to notify the mnnigement im to which, If tit Iter, would come In, nml make It u four tcntu league. It was also decided to limit the Imported players to three. Ilatitloii had about a dozen at the meeting and ulso held the Murshllolit proxy. In couseiiience, Myrtle Point nml Coiiulle did not have a voice lu tho meeting. On tlio iiiestloti of whether It should be n live tenui league, there were to noes and ono yes. If .Mnrshllelit had Imcu persotiully represented Instead of by proxy. It might have been Hint something j would hnve been accomplished ut the iimotlug. ! It. K. L. Hedllllon, (leo. Ltilrd. W. r.. Host nnd Mr. Pngo were among the Uaiitlonltes present. Manager Hedllllon of Uiiiidou said that If It iviiH necessary, he would or ganize a fourth team around Pros per nml Hnmlolph nml havo It play nt Ilandou so us to make u lour team league. It Is likely that If neither Coiitlllt or .Myrtle Point comes In by next .Monday, tlio present nssoclutlon will be disbanded nml un attempt made to reorganize. Tho North Hend team has Just re- elw'1 thtir m w "tills. Tl't." J" gray with u stripe of green, with dark green socks. Huvo your Job priiitlnc dono it If you havo nnylhlnj toU.p m... n.1. mi I . . . t.-i ... a Wilt "u 1""t;a oiuco. irntio. or wani iipip. ' ' C00S R.nv D!ft.- a,T Dloneei ,.r f.... .?.' Al"ie Ver. was taken Iohh ll ,. al herii 81. a. b,.V.t , T'a'H- Imi'iii and hn.i C '0.dMl Mrs. .-..(..i im b l W r Coos liny for E i." "or late liHHlraii.iV.. ?' w J " with ,-oai ml, VU ""? eaves raiislilotnlilo ,,., there will u. h. i'M"7 t. t'liiglo about it V.6."."!! lU'fl U'lllu ... "v lf'l tV. . ,..,.. . ::.. ,.u r. mid, ,t ngo. There I, n n .."..' W (Other property. c,,u,cll She left no ililldnin IimIiii.!...! ,... .,.".'"?n 'Pti , "" " tbu Homer t has a niunber of nlecvii . . . I" Bngtami. 3 :"& ajf Hreakwater a feiv month J", en route here from Knjtlani , l.or !,,,,,,, nm ,raughf Jim. iirimii " ' l "(INK WAY TO IIIMlTirr: , rrt I IK Kiigeno Itculster In i ,1 ssiie MayH n few nordifon iniiiitiiymK or Id du i same Ideas nn. unni, Jm. Marslilleld and wo therefore t J ffl... ...1 1.....I.. I .. .. 'tMr ....- viiiiiiiiui ir ioiiowi: "A beiiiitlfal cltv U Inn..!..,.. suit or a hnniionlotiH comMtiifci small Improvoiiionts. Ijrr. ,i enterprises, such na iavtiif, lu nimie piiuiic iiiiii(iuii;i and vtllb parks, are Important, but their tM win he lost if tlio Indlvldnat 1 owners tin not tlo their part I proving tholr properties. "One Utile Item that adds i moiiHly to tlio nnnearanfe f i city Is welt kept parking btliij tho siiiowalk nnd the curb. Ail stance of this Is to be teen ci i most recently pnvt'il ktreett. IM is ono stretch or parking that U t feotly kept. It In smooth isit set to grass. Tlio effect Ii rwr nhly pleasing. There are nut; t. eiH that are well kept, but the it Is marred hy ninny etrlpi ttiti permiiteii to go ttncarcd for "A ciiinpalgn forthelmpr of tln ii!irl;lni!8 inleht nell I ed. The results would be morel! worth the efrort tlmr woaid u i ponded. A street with piu t lint nre allowed to now u weetls Is as iinkeiit In arwirtvt a woman In a Mother 11 dress.'' Most hiiuliniulu nppfir to k translated tlio wedding Mrm read: "Love, honor nnd adoowi Wliiil uiinii. iiMiitt call "lou nothing hut scx-iiiitnironlini. " with a tuiu touting of pawon.y with novelty and tied vrltb a t: Htrlng or curiosuiy. Eat Suapplies: We Have the Largest stock of ship chandlery in Southern Ooregon. Red Seal Dry Batteries. Hobo Storage Batteries. Greyhound Multiple Batteries. Edison Battery Supplies. Carburetors, Timers, Spark Plugs and Spark Coils. Brass Pipe and Fittings. Brass and Bronze Shafting. Michigan Speed Wheels. Anchors, Steering Wheels, Etc. Lights complete sets all classes. Wire, Cotton and Manila Rope. Yacht, Deck and Copper Paints. , Valvoline Lubricating Oils. i ! , I ( VoHH S When you bu 3F7TWCTT II IIIMIIlllTr--lJT'UmiV-TllEJiai na