: THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 10, 1913 -EVENING EDITION. w InM I 4f uii COOS BAY TIMES5 WITHTHETOASI M. C. MAI.OXKV Ktlllm- nml Tuli. ! AND THE TEA ' n;N K. MAl.OXHV Xt't Ktlltor -H i i '" ii ' ""' A Official Potior of Coos County. OFFICIAL PAI'hll OK TIIIC CITV , 4 OK MAHSIII'II'M). (iooo i'vi'nixc. A TIIIIIST I'OU IWI'NTIO.W In fliu vast complication of liumnii hw extreme liberty sometimes corrects the abuses of 1 liberty nml extreme democracy 1 obviates the dimmers of domoc- racy. He Tocnuevllle. COOS HAY Ik developing n nuni lier of Inventors. Have Hol clon's pulleyniobllo and John Koontz'B railway BtKiinl are but two manifestations of the Inventive spirit. Harry Mann Is at work on a diink-nilxlnj? niarhlne. and 0. N. Bolt hns it number of Ideas he Is working out. The ninazliiB piopreHH In mechani cal Invention and sclentlllc research linn been far from satisfying the de mand for now Inventions, for new discoveries. ltnther by innkiiiK It seem possible that genius can devise anything needed or find anything wlidied for. the inventors and re- What would searchers have been called upon to dear? increase the products of their J I surely wish I knew, brains. If you and 1 were models here. The April Issue or "Popular Me-, What would the gossips do? rlianlcs" lists n number of things so; much desired that large prizes are If I went straight upon my wny olfored for them prizes that are Nor ever swerved aside mere bonuses, quite aside from the ' if you austerely every day wealth that would pour in from the 'look duty for your guide marketing of the Inventions or dis coveries. For Instance. $100, Dim if I should ne'er temptation meet will be given whomever first finds if you should pleasure flout n cheap substitute for gasoline tins 1 if you and I were most discreet. ARRIVE TODAY ON ALLIANCE ACHIEVEMENT 46 nisQi'ii-rriM possiiumtv. Where would the gossips get their cue If you and I should go To doing what we ought to do Just as wo siiouui, you Know? If we should leave no thing undone, No duty unfulfilled, Hur worked from morn to set of sun With patient ardor thrilled. the gossips do, my in America; In Knglnnd he will bo given an additional $10,000. In England' also Ih u prize of $2r00 waiting the person who devises n more perfect cnrliureter than nny now In use. A Colorado corporation wlirprcsent $10,000 to the one who Invents a machine for pulling and topping sugar beets, a Louisiana as sociation will give $L'000 for a nia chlno that will harvest sugar cane. (Ionium mining Interests will give $ir.O to the one who makes 11 mfl'ty miner's lump that really Is itafb; For mechanical nppllnnces for Rnvlng- life nt sea. u French society offers $i"0,000; for establishing com munication with Mars another French fund or $1!0.000 exists. The ago Is gluttonous for material betterments. It Is 11 golden nge for those who have the gift of invention or the turn or originality which can "IIiiipho and trace the hidden wujh f nuture. I WT 1.1 1 ATI'S OF MOItd'A.V. TIIK New York newspapers are at baud with varying estimates of the career and character of Mr. Morgan. There Is tills to be noticed in what nil have to say of him: not one speaks of him In unqualified terms. Although he was born of the best in American llueago, the tuherlter of wealth, enjoying every advantage of education and travel, his recognized ability and his commanding position in business have not won for him n single whnle-liearted encomium. It Is easy to ascribe this to n natural envy of success. He who surpasses or subdues mankind "must look down on the hate of those be low." Hut Is there any hiicIi envy In the American mind? Would It be un thinkable that Mr. Morgan should have beon it great banker nml yet n mini whose denth would be sin- j cerely mourned by nu entire people? Whatever the answer to this ques tion one thing is sure, posterity has novel awarded lecognltlon to nny man who bus devoted time mid ml cut to gratifying merely his own tUHtett and sntlHf)luK merely his own ambitions. Mr. Morgan lived for Mr. Morgan. If ho rendered miv public service It wn not primal II v liccauno ni' the public. Kveu though every one of his grout financial trnimui-tii-int should stand Hie tesi of time, still all his rinnticliil wUdom would not win lor him one xvllnble of the praise that Iihm made fume menu more than money since time began. .Mr. Morgan's muiie Is linked with that or llHrrimau. It In In that as sociation 1 Inn he will be reiuem berod. They lived In period of groat development' Perbap their goultm IiniI something to do with fronting that period. Per Imps ihe merely snw earlier than others that such a period wiim at hand. Ii lm been the billion dollar period and they had billion dollar minds. Hut neither Morgan nor lliirrlman will bo long nor affectionately le nienibered. The took their lewnrd in cold cash. What would folk talk about? What would rolk say to those they meet, What would they talk about. If jm and I were most discreet? That I can't figure out! -K-tt- There are things that oven "con scientious" effort cannot acomplisli. The hnrder some Coos Hay men try to slug the worse it sounds. I Till: QUINT OIISNItVNIt SAVSi - ! - "The man with n hnntirul of trumps never develops n suspicion that the deal Isn't square." (icorge Ooodrum says: ".lust as soon as a iiinu thinks thnt he under stands, women a new variety "hows up." And Just think whnt a racket there will be when the Daughters of the Mexican Revolution begin to hold conventions. Hortonso McOce was fair to see. "No rough-neck spouse," she said, "will over get my hand, you bet: I want a party bred to ways refined, who Is Inclined to poetry nml art. No sordid roll will e'er control the dictates of my heart." And soon. In truth, alio found a youth with lovely curly hnlr and hazel nyes: lie was n prize with a complexion fair. And he would piny by night and day upon a light guitar, cut llgure eights on roller skntes and run a motor car. Oh. chapter two Is soon run through. The honeymoon was brief. The lawyer man explained. "You enn, of course, obtain relief." Her traveling suit was smartly cute. Above the din there roared n sweet it-frnln: Toot:" Toot!" "This train for Heno! All aboard!" taki-: caki: of Tin: l.riTl.i: IMU'STIHI-'S. T WIIKV YOl III V A FIXUP SUIT YOl lU'V SERVICE SI'llVU'i: WITIIOI'T .MAH OH ,l.lti WITIIOI'T l'Oti OH CMX.'jTHi; SI'.UVM'i: WITII OI'T SI.KillT OH SLIP; Till SNUVIPN OK CNHTUNTIKS. Guaranteed Service The Service of Satisfaction Suits $8.50 To $25.00 FIXUP Marshfield -North Bend AKN care of the nlckles nnd dimes nml the dollars will take care of themselves. The same of little factories. There Is 11 moral obligation of the people of Coos county to give support to the little Industries. Help them get started and then heli some more by patronizing then, whenevor possible. With the factories already started In Coos County and wlih the Im mense resources for further manu facturing Industries. Mnrshtleld and North I lend will Invariably be the most Important manufacturing center on the coast. Cheap coal and water power, un limited limber, mining and ngrlt-ul-tu re resources and transportation by both boat and railroads spell "future" for Coos Hay. Hut take care of the present little Industries. "If Qiegon people do not support Oregon IndustrK-s, who Is going to do to? Coos county has live cigar factor ies using same grade of tobaccos as eastern cigars are made of yet how many men smoke these cigars? Coos county factories make "good candies." yet how much eastern sweat shop candy do you eat? Coos county has n spring nnd mat tress factory, yet how ninny sleep la uoots county neits: Coos county lias a broom factory, yet wero the labels pulled from the majority of household brooms, the tnnrk of an eastern prison-made brand would bo there. First class butter Is churned by the tub-full, yet look ut your next buttor wrapper. Heverages of soveral kinds are bot tled here yet eastern products have the greatest sale. North Horn! has n rag earpot fac tory and is to Install Huff-rug machi nery; Hnndon a woolen mill; Marsh Hold a now factory producing ba nana crates porhaps you cannot pat ronize thoso Industries, hut u boost to n man with Inltlntlvo enough to start n now entorprlso goes u long way toward adding nnothor person to the payrolls of tho county. Payrolls mako n city tho neonle employed mako payrolls and ir the Industries with payrolls are patro nized the pnyrolls will increase, your tnulo will Increase nnd your city is bound to Increase in population. "Patronize Homo Industry" Is ns old as the World; campaigns Intuitu- era oie nave uoen pushod, some to failure, others to success. Taeoinu Is one of the lwl examples sale of 1 "Mado-ln-Taconin" products Increas ed twenty-live percent as n result or I her publicity work. Loyalty to 'Made-lu-Coos-Counly-Oregon," eau do as much for your ilty Times' Want Ads bring; rulU. ST NAM Nil IN liATK THIS AKTi'H- NOON I'HOM POHTIiAM) ANI WII.Ij SAM, TOMOItltOW FOH Nl'KNKA. The Alliance arrived In this nfter uoon from Portland witli n good car go of freight and a good list of pas sengers. Captain Lofsted reports a good trip down the const. She will sail at " o clock tomorrow for Kureka. Among those nrrlvlng on tho Al liance were the following: .1. Oiirnee. dene Ornnt, K. O. Samuels, O. II. Dotson, Mrs. 0, M. 'ihrnitb. Hnti. Ualbrnltli. Vera Os ter, Mrs. J. C. Ostcr, L. Vnndcrmart, A. limine., er, O. II. Stuhlrd. (!. A. llouck. Mrs. F. A. Vnnderpool. F. A. Vnnderpool. O. I.. Uoodell. I). H. Atkinson. It. V. Miller. F. 10. Mid dlekruut. 11 N. Fisher, T. S. Hoggs. F. I.utz. Nd Williams. F. Holmes. C. F. Sobastlnn, Oeorge K. Snnford, .lennle Harmon, A. T. lingers, A. H. Cullen and Mrs. W. Hockott. HASKHAMi mi:i:ti.(. I.lkcly to Form Five Club League In Onw County This Vein. The Mnrshlleld baseball fans did not send any delegate to tho Coos county baseball meeting called for Coqullle today. They sent word by President Kern thnt whntovor was agreeable to the majority of the fans present would be agreeable to them It was stated that the mooting would likely result In forming a live team league and the restriction of three hired players Instead of live outside men. The llve-elub league will necessitate double-headers In or der to prevent one team laying off each Sunday. TIMI'LV TOPICS. I -- During nil this excltomcnt about spring Moods the Coos Ittver tins been behaving very nicely, thank you. r'vcu In the matter of Hood news, enough Is quite as uulllclent as plenty. Cheeilng thought: April Is nnothor month without u Friday the Thirteenth. The man who pnys taxes ought to pay attention. That Russian aviator who commit ted suicide by dropping S0O feet with his aeroplane didn't enre how much the scenery might get mussed up. Kvery mwly-mnrrled cntmle can't help wondering If the rest of the peo-i pie In the world can possibly bo half as happy as they. ' It's fun to fight when ou know you're right nnd your heart is In It. too. ' Though the frny be long nnd the foe bo strong and the comrades you have are few. Though tho buttle heat bring but defeat, nnd weariness make you reel, There's Joy In a life that can know such Htiil'e, and tho glory nnd thrill you feel! When the wise ones pant that you simply CAN'T, It's fun for a fighting man To laugh and TRY with 11 daring eye nnd prove to tho world he CAN. And If you stick till your heart Is sick, nnd lose when tho gniue Is done, It's fun to know that the weary foe paid dearly for what tlioy won. It's fun to dure In the face of despair when the litst one ehanco seems gone And to see hope rise In the angry Hkles like a promise of rosy dawn; For victory's sweet when it crowns defeat, and you learn this much Is true: "It's fun to fight when you know ou're right, nnd your heart Is In It, too!' HKRTON HRADLIOY. noi'HNi:iivonci: cask. Former Oregon Senator's Wife Sues For Decree, PORTLAND, Ore, April II. MrH. Lillian Kliznboth Hourno llled suit for divorce In this county against Former United States Senator .lohathnu Ronnie, Jr., alleging cruel and In human trenment ns her general grounds, Spcctllcnlly shu describes tho luhumnn treatment ar. consisting of applying vllo epithets to her, de clining to Join her In entertaining guests, refusing to talk to her and, though occupying the same apart ments In Washington, he has to nil Intents nnd purposes lived apart from her. She alleges also that she lived in "fear and teror" of her husband and thnt In August, 1011, he ordered her from their apartments nnd ho frightened tier that she telephoned for tho police. Tho records do not show whether Mr. Ronnie, who lu now In Wnslilng ton, will contest the case. Tho coup le wero mnriied lu Chicago, on Feb ruary S8, 18SCJ. Property rights have been set tied out of court evidently, as the court Is nut asked to allow alimony. TONIGHT at THe R.0Vfll SVK A.V11 u,.y 't ::" "ii.p IIKII'.I'... . . - "I u Stineii. uTrV'""nlto ti (101)0 " auperli SlnKln t I .. , Also "ivn am Kiij,,.. ;,'" "iftUI urn e.,Kau,lm.m " lly,h HI, onenlnir uin i.'4 On DOCTOR." "IK 1IIM.J SATURDAY SPEaALSALJ ULASWAKK Uuge Snlail HowN, regular ar,c viilues, umv IVll'iiKiul S...r.... II.... I ....! .... ,w . .. .--... v .. ..,.H... ,,..., khiim .(- values, noil' t oveieil llutter IHsli, legnlnr :We values now Creamers, icgubii HOc vnlties, now Spoon lloldei-s, regular liOc values now Fooled Cnke Salvers lJ4 inch, regulm- :i.5e 'aV;.L 'V I'ooteil I'rult Dish, I) Inch, regular ;j.-t. uiUnZv Siuit Pitchers ivgulnr :! viiIiikn. mm- now uuri .lugN, regular :We vnlues w Heavy 1 uniiileis reguliM- 7e values, now , Hlovvn Tumblers regular Kic values now ahovi: PltlCFS SATt'RHAV OXl.Y "Always Something New" Peoples' S-lO-ISc Store -IV ..ii ..n( ..ik ..ii A ...u !c The lown deaf mute who tied his wife's Iinnds so his wife couldn't talk back to him must be given credit for resourcefulness. A clever woman Is one who makes tho other woman think herself clever. Stafford's Camdy Is the Best )&?&KibyS o o o EVERYTHING IN BEDDING $ 32 Shoes t Soap, water nnd a brush are all that Is needed to keep the outside- of an Ostennoor Hf.ii - - . ... """""j biycci uuu tic.iii. 1 ne instae never needs attention. Costs nothing for repairs. An occasional "outing" In the sun keeps It fresh and new, became It is built (not stuffed) of clastic, fibrous Osternioor sheeU. It cannot sag, lump nor nack like hair. Make sure you cet the genuine Ostermoor. Note the label put there to protect you against worthless Imitations, We sell at factory prices and Invite oancciwa, aTjC 1 " ' , . -"""" 'jrJ"" T7r"1 '1 r"vr"lr'"' "",," -s f ? V (7wx (yir B5(f?5 tttrw j'"; . ' sJZZ!, ' 'V'''-'ynf'';ca?g'',rf- V YOU CAN WAH N MTi1E MATTRESS f BEARING THIS LABEIA Queen Quality foolwenr displays the ideal com bination of distinctiveness and durability supple ness and style good material and good work manship. The Queen Quality trademark stands for all that is best in shoe mak ing. Our present assort ment includes everything new and novel as well as the staple and standard. a Sole Agency The Golden Rule l'liL National Hank Hulldliig. I r 1 $? (r a 0 1 N 1 IWk Vir ''vi jis OpowII Electric Appliances Are Used in Modern Homes Homes on joying the advantages of "Electric Light have not reached the highest point of domestic officieney unless they are equipped with one w more handv electric household applianccs.( J sides saving time and labor, tasks avo l'tor"!j: hotter and with that perfect sense of satisfacuw which comes of knowing that vour work is "f well. YoiiiCan Depend on Getting The Best Here Always Going & Harvey Co. Lessen Household Labors KU We Sell It for Less An l.'U.,;..: . ir ... nt j.,..,d flini'OU and quickly. It does not stir up geiw-l(le"i;. as a broom does. It avoids the back-breaK-ii,, bor of sweeping. An Electric Sewing 3incw rotor enables vou to do a great deal inoio w than you can accomplish with foot-pom chinos and saves time and strength as wen. owe it .to yourself to investigate. Purchase from vour dealer or telephone 1S G Oregon Power Co. Second and Central iiiivt, llUVt Vm St- fe 0Jp fcB