The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, April 10, 1913, EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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00a latr tea
now is vorii time.
A small ail In The Times vtnut
column limy bring ynii results im
. .. rmitid llii-oituli 'limes viniit
Mewi- -; ..
Iimil "1-1" L tsc "lc"" "lty
mediately. Try one.
. ..I.II.I...1 In iUrH
VQLXXaVI. i',0 Const Mall.
-- ,
A. Ooiualldntlon of Times, Const Mull
Mill Coos liny Advertiser.
No. 227
1 n!...luA lliiinn
ihv Arrange to mssuiyu umuu
Paciflc Merger.
Bourt May Not Bo Able to Ex-
KUI .' I Clvnr h
tena imi '-1""1 """
U, S. supreme oum 1.
... .... i.i.i iveti tn (Vhm IUr TlmM.I
WISIUXOTOX. 1). C, April 10.
L... i. ,. iirnlmlilllty of tlio gov-
Lgtil taking "J, ,no I""1"
Him mi ..!.. it,.,.irt nitil Hut
IrllHOI we l'",u" "" V- " ' "
kmthern raciuc mcium mi h -
r. l, i ii... II... I KInteH i-mirl - :....,:
ilSt Louis docs not approve 01 me
' ulin Of dissolution Wlll'll WII8
. .'. ... i. .......... Ilnmiriil 1e-
piiioMi. U developed toclny that
' . .1 .I....I.I nlllillllf lll.l
I... .. .1... !.... ..Mill. Ill flf .Till.
clKMii oi "" ' . V. . i
tm u to tltf power of too 8f. Louis
'""' ..... .1.. Hi. .11 ..!-
rt to cxieini mo mm! num. H-
.. ik o. .i.i'. .mil I'lllirl U'ltlllll
ii py mr nii.. ..I. ... --
tllcb to accomplish Hio dlslntcgrn-
.( lll.....iiiiii lrllt 'Plllt
M under l IIO niiciiinui "
rjlroidi liavu mini May i i i
,( i tilsn of illHHolutluu ncropt-
iVe to the court.
ISenatc Committee Decides to
Act On Evidence Gathered
Last Winter.
If A-ullltJ ITf.'i lu ('una IUr Tlmrn.l
WSHIXCTON. I). C. April 10.
Tie it.te limine committee Iiiih de-
(ralneJ not to havo liearlngB on the
'irWblll. Manufacturers of ninny
in have appealed to Clinlriniin
nzcom and oilier members of tliu
'ttoilttfe for an opportunity to pre
litird.ici'a 1.,1111 i the rates pro
wed In the Underwood bill. Tlio
nu romuiitti'o taken the poHltlon
i ice Marines or the House WnyH
I'M mini committee In .lununry
e iiiflldently thoioiigh to imor
'wwi mi tlio point tlio Hewitt)
KrJlto mmliler hi connection with
'teUriff r vision. Tlio Senate was
in kmou today
IW llnile. nniiii.npiil.i l.n.... itnimlii.
fii ivimui i inn iu4i? iii;iiiiiii-
!i'd that a cooil wmkliiL' niiitor-
7 1 lupporlllli! t'hilli'innii Uniler-
'oliDd the WnyH it it d Mciiiih eoni
. m tills neenm to Imllcnto tlio
wmiii ratify tlio Heliuiluli-a an
Mtt per cent on KiiKiir, wlth'n pro-
'Xfjfl Ml" I ..l ... .. .. .
,-- u huiiiK on uio iroo iihi in
"ff JW. Tlierii urn iiHunrnnenH
vfr. that Much n.8it xv 1 1 1 not
"toniuiwii',1 without n light.
WPAX wim, in-: tiibri:.
Ial Not Withdraw IMilhlt Frrnii
lt' MUIM Frrit. la 1'iwti II. w Tim. I
OKIO. Anfll 1ft. nni,.lr,i !..
,,,..' w. -uniiiiiin iiuiu
r-'UDat l):lrlli.....lln.. l... ii.. i..
3u .. I'iwii u lliu UIHI"
lie r. r,1.mont '" t l'nnnma ln-
. -Lilian Win not bo with-
Nentative MurdoqkWould
-h uiommg rvianu-tacturers.
;C Vo M,"-aock, tho pro
4tto., ' Wnn,B PtnB mnn-
th "mrk thei" "nH W001"
12,1 '" aro not, fined nnrt
bi . !.P.ut ln a bill today pro-
'8"nn."-"c?..0f labols rnngliig
'"'aiouliiV ,, t0 "mixed goods."
'"Josilbi. , oI(l tl,Q mnnufncturerB
Mlei, J!.or tho proper labollng
""""Wo T , Jho Penalty ranges
ItriL." t0 1.000 lino nn.l n vnr
V Lvws l'ltninci.M
I14 to n- --
-' uotlilng Xntloniil
Iiu., "ailk Loans
L Wabii,v. ' " ' ,0 ' flr Times 1
rtrtntattil0X,'.D- c- April 10.
I ? bill J'oeR hns intro-
to a,,.? J,0 an money on real
i... 'i .enL or tii pnm.
i ijuiivur. wi'Hi.
Marty Important Bills Intro
duced in House Probes
Are Planned Now.
ttlr Ai llil l'rm to tUxn llr Tlmcu 1
WASHINGTON, I). l. April 10.--ItopruAtititnllvp
StoplieiiB. of Callfor
nln, Introduced a hill dlreetlng tho
I'nnnmn Itnllwny Coinpaiiy to efltab
Mk!i a Pacific Htontimhlp lino connec
tion with the Atlantic lino.
Mnnn Introduced n hill for a tar
iff hoard of five nioinberH.
llohson Intrjiiliiceil a Joint rertoln
tion for u eoiiBlltutlonal amoniljiiunl
for tho direct election of I'rt'tmlunt
for a hIiirIij Hovon-year term, and
llnrthnldt one to idnll the Presiden
tial tcmiro to two four-year terniH.
Necloy Introduced one to provide for
popular election of United StatoH
HlHtrlct .IiidgoH every hIx yiturn.
Hnrlholdt' Introduced a resolution
for coiiiiiiIhrIou to fix the liotindnrleH
of North and South American mi
tloiiH. Clark Introduced a rcsoliitlou
for u Kpeelnl eoiumltteo to; InvoHtl
f!nlt tliu varloiiK loitlHlativo and ix
ei'iitlvo coiiiniKlneH and Aimlln one
to Inveiitlgato tho tobacco pool at
lleuilomon. Ky. I.oborK Introduced
olio lo InveHtlgnte tho prlccH paid by
the govorninent for elovntore.
The PrcHldent would ho authorized
to Invito foreign natloim to partici
pate In the naval parade optpilug the
I'nnnmn Canal by n ri'Holiitlpn Intro
duced by Copley.
Plan to Have Federal Govern
ment Pay One-Third of Cost
and States Balance All
Governors to Direct it.
' tnr AnoMilnl I'rrtt lo Coon Ilr Tlrnm 1
WASIIINdTON. 1). C. April 10.
A Lincoln inemorlnl hlchwnv from
llnHtOn to San r'ranelRro was nro-
poscd In n bill Introduced In the
House by Tnylor of Colorado, It In
to be controlled by a highway com
nilHtlnn, composed of the govemora
of oil Htatcn lu the union. Two
thirds of the cost In to bo paid by the
HtateH through which It would pass
and ouc-thlrd by tho federal govern
ment. It would run via New York,
wiimuuKiun, apringiiciu,! Jiiinoin, ami
uuiivur, wrm.
Prison Authorities Do Not Try
to Forcibly Feed Mrs.
tllr AwotUlnl I'rrtt te Ooot llr TlmM.1
LONDON, April It). .Mm. l'anli
Imrm Ih showing the effecta of hov
en days' hunger snike. No nttcinpt
hnH been made by the prlnon uuthor
lt leu to feed her forcibly. It seems
likely that she will thus bo unable
to fulfil her promise to attend a snf
frngeLtc meeting tonight.
Direct Election of President,
Vice President, Judges and
Term Limits Proposed.
jr AMu.Ulr.1 I'rrtt lo Cuot llr Tlmrt )
WASHINGTON, U. C. April 10.
Four constitutional ninendiuentB were
proposed today In the House. Ono
by Hobson provides for tho direct
lioctlon of tlio president and the vlco
president, that candidates shnll bo
nominated by tho direct primary and
elected for a slnglo term of soven
years. , ,
Anothor by Ilartholdt would limit
tho tenure of tho president to two
terniH of four years each.
iviiim iirnnnHod n constitutional
nniendmont giving congress tho pow
er to grant, protect, ami rcguiuiu
and tho exclusive right to adopt and
uso trade ninrks.
Neoley proposed nn amendment to
provide for the popular olectlon of
United States district Judges every
six years.
Industrial Uprising in Belgium
Against Present System of
Suffrage There.
tnr Attocitted rrttt la I'oot llty Tlmrt J
nUUSSELS, April 10, Troops oc
cupied today most of Hiq Industrial
conters of nolglum In preparation
for a genoral striko ordored for Mon
day, when 300,000 or 400,000 men
will quit work. Tlio strlko la an at-
...l. ., 11. n nrneoill HVHtom Of Oltiral
voting In Ilelgium, whereby tho elt-
Izens navo one, iwo ui ""V? '"'V
nccordinK to tlielr station in lifo. The
strikers demand that all male citizens
shall liavejono. and only ope oto.
Porter llitis. llrliiR In More Men ami
Supplies. .
Tho Foreneo'West says: "Tuesday
aftornoon the launch brought some
horses down friini .Maploton and land
ed them nt Glenada. Tho horses
wero brought in from Eugone nnd
wore taken to the railroad camp near
A party of ubout fifteen men ar
rived from Eugene Tuesday to work
in Porter Dros.' railroad camp near
Point Terrace. They have a crevf
of sixty or seventy men employed
Annie Pierce of Baker City
Slain by George Uchida
at Oakland.
(Iljr UlrJ I'rrtt to Coot lltgr Tlmrt )
OAKLAND, Col., April 10. Tlmt
George lichliln, tho Japanese iiiiirI
elnn, murdered Annie Pierce nnd
then tool: his own llfo yesterday, was
the decision of the pollco today set
tin:r at rest the theory that the girl
could liuvo been killed lu a due, A
telegram was received from M. Plorco
of linker City. Oregon, a brothor of
the girl, stating that he would hnve
the remains cured for. That Uciiiiia
deliberately planned to murder tho
girl wa. evidenced by six farewell
messages to .Innniicao rolatlveB. "To
die for loco, Ih to have truly loved,"
was tho llnal word to friends ho ad
dressed in his letters.
Women Threaten to Boycott
Fifth Avenue Shops if Big
Parade Is Prevented.
)lly Ami). Iilr.1 1'rfM lo Co.x 1U Tlmrt
NUW YOltK, April 10 If the wo
man suffragelten loso tho right to
parade on Fifth avenue, they will
retaliate with a boycott on Fifth nv-
etiuo shops, according to threats that
wero made today by many prominent
women surfrngctto workers ut tho In
stigation of the Fifth aveuiio asso
ciation, nu ordinance is pending be
fore the board of aldermen Becking to
stop many of tho numerous parados
on tho aveuiio every year, Among
those excluded ''o the women auf-fragettes.
Cashier Held Up and Forced to
Give Up $2000 Then
Locked in Vault.
IUr Amih ItlrJ I'rrtt to Coo ntjr Tlrnm,
SPOKANi:. Wash.. April 10.-Lee
Merry, cashier of tlio Citizens State
Hank at Priest Itlver, Idaho, tele
phoned to a local newspaper today
that while In tho bank at 10 o'clock
he had been held up and robbed of
2000 and locked In the hank's
vault, lie said that after being In
tho vault IS minutes ho worked the
combination and released himself.
Posses have been organized to search
for the robber who Is armed.
Great Britain and Germany
May Agree to Defer In
creases in Naval Strength.
Jllr At.oilt4 i'rrtt lo Coot Hajr Tlpirt,
11EHLIN, April 10. Tho British
government intends, nftor tlio con
clusion of tho Balkan trouble, to ap
proach Germany with a detlnlto pro
posal to stop tho naval aliln building
programmes of tho two countries
during the llscnl year of 1011-1015,
according to tho Taegllcho Ihiud-schnu,
Jack Lewis Who Wed Several
Women Tries to Cut His
Throat With Tin Cup.
' mr AttoilateJ Trttt to Coot Itif Tlmrt.)
CHICAGO, April 10. Islng tho
jagged edge of a handlo torn from
tlnqup, "Jack" Lewis, charged with
tho thoft of diamonds In Portland.
Oregon, from a. womnn ho Is alleged
to havo marlred In a mock ceremony,
and later desortod, And at Milwaukee.
Wis., from another woman, attampted
to commit suicide today. The at
tompt was discovered by a detective,
who went to seo him ln tho cell. Lew
Is Is also know as Weaver II. Clark
and was also Identified as E. C. C
Vonkloln. The wound is not sorl-
Lator It was. announced that tho
story of Lewis' attempted sulcldo was
E. II Howard, sales agent for Na
tional Cash Register, is at THE
CIIANDLEH HOTEL until Tuesday,
(Ily Associated Press) I
HOME, April !). Physicians I
continued tho report this aftor- I
noon of tho Improved! condition I
of tfio Pope. Their1 only fear I
Ih complications from lack of 'I
nourishment Effort) will bo I
niniln to nilniiiilstor : artificial '!
I nourishment. , J , 'I
flli- Ammn, lalml Prrti to Cool tliv Tfmftl.1
HOME, April rq.--At'nooh tlio
condition of Pope Plus was much bol
ter but tho weakness of tlio heart
and intermittent pulse aro still cann
ing nnxlpty. Tho doctors pormlttej
him to eat an egg with broth but tho
patient waB able take it only with
dlinciilty. Tho Pope rojolod (o
seo the, morning bring a change In tlje
weather. A splondldlsiiu str.oamqd
through the ample Window of his
bedroom. Although this seemed jo
encourneo his spirits, he continued
to feol nauseated and nyorso to tak
ing nourlsjuaont, Tlo physician
snid he considered tho t unchanged
condition as arguing well for tlje
better. His only cpecllleapprohep
slon Is about heart weakness. In all
tho churches In Homo, special prayers
wore offered for tho'reenvory of tljo
Pope. Howevor, some of those lip
mediately Burrounding the Pope aro
In deep seclusion. They assort tl)o
examination by a specialist showqd
tho inesencoof ten to twolvo dosrees
of nlbumon.
Don't think loss of your town '?
causo U I8 smnll. Tho biggest owjn
ln tlio world'a history was Ilethlolnip.
So far as babies aro cona-ined,
you know what you think it your
baby You ought to feel tint way
about your town
Does .MONEY look GOOD to YOU?
If so SAM'J some by trading at
Prominent Lumberman and
Shipowner of San Francis
co On Visit to Bay. '
Captain Dollnr, head of the Dollar
Lumber company nnd Dollnr Steam
ship companies, arrived hero last ev
ening from tho lower Coiiullle, whero
he hns been spending n few days
looking after Interests there. He
wns accompanied by H. M. Lorbor,
who acts iir his niislstanl and who Is
also Interested In tlio business. Cap
tain Dollnr today Is Inspecting tho
C. A. Smith mill and will depart on
the Nairn Smith for his home. TIiIh
Is his 11 rat visit to Coos Hay nnd
Coos county.
Mr. Dollnr Is now seventy years
old but tho only Indication of his
three score years and ten Is the w'hlto
heard and wjilto hnlr. Ho Is still
very active. Ho snld last evening
nt The Chandler that ho had long
been wishing to visit Coos liny nni
Coos county but hnd not beon nhlu
to do so. 111b son, dipt. Mclvlllu
Dollar, who principally looks nftor
the ships of the compnny, visited hero
when the Grace Dollnr nnd the other
big vessels of tho company took on
the three shipments for Chinn hero.
Mr. Dollar formerly operated lu
Michigan, founding the lumber town
of Dollnrvllle, Mich. Ho nlao oper
ated along tho Ottawa river In Can
ada nnd In northern Mlnnesotn, nnd
last evening hnd uulto a visit with A.
11. Powers about old times there. He
cnnie to tlio const thirty years ago
ami engaged In business here.
His compnny now operates twelve
vessels, seven lu tho Asiatic trade and
live In tho coast trade. Nine of
I ho vessels nre owned by tho com
pany and named after meniboiH of
the Dollar family. The other threo
vessels nre operated under charter.
The company ships principally to
Tien Tsln, Chlcan, where they havo
big yards, Hunkow, Hhnughnl nnd
Captain Dollar said that the Grace
Dollar, tholr newest boat, was built
for the Coiiullle trade and will con
tinue to operate there. They han
dle tho output of tho Lyons and John
son mill, the Randolph mill, tho Co
nulllo mill and Mercantile compnny
nnd tho Kruso Shlnglo mill at Pros
per. Besides the Grnco Dollar, thoy
havo somo schoonors operating out
of the Co(iillle. Tho company owns
an Immense tract of timber south of
tho Cnaiillle and this is furnishing
the logB for tho mills stnted above.
The company built the ten miles of
logging road to tho Seeley & An
dorson camps, tho latter handling tho
logging for them. Captain Dollar
snld that ho greatly regretted tho
accident on tho Bear Creek brldgq
sovoral months ngo. Whllo at Ban
don ho wont to the Bnndou hospital
nnd visited Rol Anderson, tho sole
survivor of tho seven who went
through tho bridge with tho train.
Ho snld that tho grit and norvq
shown by Anderson nftor tho wreck
In summoning aid was llttlo short of
Captain Dollnr Is n gront ndmlrer
of C. A. Smith and refors to hlm as
tho "real pioneer In tho lumber busi
ness," becnuso of tho devices that
Mr, Smith has secured Is practically
revolutionizing the lumber buslitess,
Ho said that there are always people
who say so and so can't bo done, but
tho real man Is tho ope who maps
out a plan or program and then goes
nhond nnd accomplishes It. After It
Is accomplished, the peoplo who knew
It could not bo done are tho ones
who nnlto In doprecntlng tho achieve
ment and declare anyone- can do that,
Captain Dollar says, that whllo tho
Panama Canal will moa a great devel
opment to the coast, ho docs not
lqok for any startling boom Imme
diately aftor Its completion. Ho is
a great bqllovor In the development
of tho Asiatic trade. As to what
can be dono in It, he points out that
twenty-Blx years ago, the Pacific Mall
was tho only trnns-Paclflc lino nnd
then Its largest vessel was a 3,000
ton craft. Now there nro a dozon
and tho smallest vessel la about 10,
000 tons,
Ho deprecates tho trouble with Ja
pan and the action of California
against tho Jnpanese. Ho says na
tions should bo more- llko nolghbors
than they are. Ho attribute much
of tho troublo to union labor agita
tors. Captain Dollar says that Coos Bay
Is destined to become a groat place
nnd ho is anxiously looking forward
to tho time when tho Coos Bay bai
ls deepened so that they can send
tholr biggest vessr Is In hero and load
direct for tho Orient. Ho says tho
peoplo here can probably raeuitaio
this by active co-operation with the
government nnd ho is ready to do all
Pedro Ojeda Expresses Deter
mination Not to Be Con
quered by Rebels.
State Troops Reported to Have
Received Ammunition and
Supplies to Renew.
Illr Ainoiltlrcl I'rrtt lu Coot tltr TlmrtT
NACO, Ariz.. April 10. "I will
cut off my head with my Bword be
fore surrendering or crossing Into
the United States," whs tho statement
of General Pedro OJodn today. With
his ranks depleted from killed and
wounded he continued In dcllnncc of
the assaults from nearly 2,000 Btntr
troops besieging the Mexican bordor
towns of Naco, opposite this point.
There was no lighting during the
night or early today. Tho Btnte
troops remaining nt somo dlstnnce.
It Is reported that large quantities of
much needed ammunition woro re
ceived Inst night by tho rebels and
that tho attack will be rcnowod soon.
Secretary GiiitImiii Says Firing Into
United Stuffs Must Cease.
tllr Atiorlitr.1 I'rrtt lo foot t'tr Tlmrt
WASHINGTON, 1). C. April 10
Secretary Garrison hns ordered Gen
eral Bliss, In command of the troops
on the Mexican frontier, to warn tho
Mexican federals to direct their lire
so as not to endanger the American
Celestial Troops and Hill Men
Attack English Force on
Burma Frontier.
(I If Aoltll I'rrtt lo r-iMii lit, Tlmrt,)
CALCUTTA, April 10. A ilotnoli
nient of Chinese troops attacked to
day a batnlllon of troops attached to
a British surveying party ltfi the
frontier of Burma. Hill mon of
considerable numbers Joined forces
with the Chinese. Tho British col
umn lepulsed the attack but bus
tallied u few cnsiialltles. Among tho
wounded were Sir Charles Bernard,
head of the surveying pnrty.
Young Boy Makes Ghastly Dis
covery Underneath Dock
Near Central Avenue.
Herman Glossop, tho young son
of B. A. Glossop, of tho Antiseptic
barber shop, wlhle playing along the
wharf this morning discovered the
dead body of a child about five
months old under tho whnrf noa)
tho soutli end or tho A. T. Humes
Coronor Wilson was Immediately
summoned and took charge of the
body. Tho authorities aro Investi
gating tho case. J
Dr. Housoworth, who was calle,
said that the Indications woro thqt
the body had been cast undor tIo
dock Bometlmo early this morning
nnd that the tldo had not again coh
ered Jt. Somo thought that tho body
might havo come from tho sower or
been washed ln there by tlio tldo. !
A thorough Investigation will prob
ably be inado.
Amonia Tank Explodes in Flo
rida With Fearful Results
Firemen Overcome.
Illy Alio, ule' Pr' i to'oot Dty T'mr' )
PEN'S COLA. Fin April 10
Four men wero killed in un explosion
of nn ammonia tnnk containing 2,00.0
gallons at the Moore Re Works Th
fumes of ammonia oiertnme sivor
t ..i