LsSAl t tf THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 9, 1913 EVENING EDITION. . m V vy fl bt lint Si-biiC"" i Mali YfOUNG men want the new sack suit styles we're showing this spring; we've never shown better models than these. The fabrics are all wool, chosen for young men; the designing done by young men for young men. Nobody but Hart Schaffner & Marx does it just this way; we've brought these goods to you because we want you to have the best. Suits at $20 and $25 arc best for you; we'll show you some higher and some lower. Look at the $20 and $25 goods first. Woolen Mill Store IhU More Is the homo of lliu-l SclmlVncr V- .Mur.v clothes SPECIAL o.v Hand Painted China AT TIIK BUSY CORXKR. come and let rs coxvixck vor that vor can Save atjLeast 30 Per Cent DURIXG OUR SPECIAL SAM-:. Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. "THE BUSY MAIN PHONE ORPHEUM TONIGHT Tup'.HI1' IH'WI'ST WE ARE HHPEATIXfi "TIIK LINTER TO TO MItYV,:SS'" XO' fl lS TI,J: S,:,u,:s 01,1 "WHAT HAPPKXKD '55 !""M' J'',:OT ol" XBW lMCTl'UKS. HIV, TWO RUXAWAYS" A WKSTKH.V DRAMA. Xy rOMK1',''S,,,OXK, ,,'''1KKXT" v THOUSAND FT. OV FUN- Cm!' .'Sl,l;u,n"s INHKHITAXCK" WKSTKH.V DRAMA. UV( s,)OX "GROTTO OP TORTURE" SPECIAL FKATUHK. ADMISSION 10 The Sign of Good Candy Always Have Yomir ft D Doime at Times' Office SALE CORNER." 298 US CKXTS. COOS KING BICYCLES $.10.00 COOS QUEEN niCYCLES $28.50. Marslifield Cyclery . Dayton Agents. Phone IrtK-R 172 Hroodwoy PrietEiniff APRIL TIDES. Rolow is given the timo and height of high and low water at Marshflold. Tho tides nro placed In tho ordor of occurrence, with their times on the first Hub and heights on tho second lino of each day; a compar ison on consecutlvo heights will Indicate whether It Is high or low water. For high walor on tho bar, iiUiotrnct 2 hour 34 minutes. iMirs.. :ud 10. is r..oi ills l't... 0.1! 0.0 I.S 2.1 10 Ills.. 1.20 lO.r.'t d.l 10.19 Ft... (5.2 0.1 4.n. 2.4 ii in-H.. i.r.- c.i i lo.r.o Ft... 0.1 0.0 4.2 2.7 12 His.. 5.41 12.411 7. ill 12.00 Ft... :..! 0.0 4.2 2.0 WEATHER FORECAST. ' ! I I By Associated Press I OREGON -Full- tonight ox- copt rain In northwest. Thurs I day fair In east and showers in I west. Southerly winds. LOCAL TEMPERATURE RECORD. I For the 24 hours ending at 1:1;! a. in., April S, liy HenJ. OBtllnd, special government me teorological observer: Minimum no Maximum :ir At 4:43 a. m ' 117 l'reclpltntlon 02 Precipitation since Sept. 1, 1!12 Precipitation same period lust year IS. 01 Wind northwest; clear. j HORN I r Y.VATT To Mr. ami Mis. Carl Myuatt. at their home In North Bend this morning, a hoy. Is 111. Mrs. E. M. Erlekson Is re ported quite III at their home on Donnelly avenue. Meet Toniomiw. The North Hund Altai- Guild will meet with Mrs. Arc I ik 1'hllllps tomorrow afternoon at her hoiuu In Porter. Social Sat in day. Tho Yoiiiik Poo plo's Society of tho Norwegian Luth eran ehuicli will give u basket social at tho (Impel parlor next Saturday night. Leave Tomorrow ('. II. Kreemnn, Miss Evn Selmer. O. C. Shaw. S. II. Goldstein and .T. .1. McKluuou arc registered to feuvu on tho Drain stage tomorrow. Ladles' Alii Meets Tho Ladles' Aid of tho Norwegian Lutheran church meet nt the church parlor tomorrow nftornoon. Mrs. V. Nol sun and Mrs. G. Steeu will' ho host eitses. Doulde Shift Tho C. A. Smith company expects to have the shluglo mill, which they moved from Hay City to Just south of tho big mill, ready soon. Night and day shifts may he put to work soon. Birthday Parly. Miss Alice Tick ell was giiest of honor at, a birthday party given by a crowd of friends lust night ul tho home of Mr. ami Mrs. Alva Doll. Full particulars will appear In Saturday's society col umns. .Move to .Mm sliflcld. Paul Ster ling, new agent or the Ilreakwater, yestordu, moved his household ef fects from Coqulllo to Mars.ineld WANT ADS. FOR RENT Two nicely fiirnlsbcil rooms, with bath. Heforonco re quired. "11" Coro Time. FOR HHXT Furnished housekeep ing rooms, (las. 2IG N. Itli St. FOR HKXT Furnished linusekcep Ing rooms. 1024 Elrod Ave. I'OH SAWJ Klectrlc Vibrator, cheap If taken at once. Phono 27S-J. WAXTKD A'mtoikI baud Incubator. 1), caro of Times. FOR SALIC I'Tuo large draft Iioim. Guaranteed sound, gontla nud true, J. C. Doane, Phono 3:tl-H. FOR HKXT Xew ."5 room bunga low, madam conveniences, splen did view; no children. Phono 190. KOH SALE Two new strictly mod ern five-room bungalows con bo bought on eusy terms; $300 down, balance monthly payments, same as ronr. Or would accept n small er paymont down If doBlred. Ex clusive listing. See Coos Day Realty Co., luU Front St. Phono 2C4-J. KOH HKXT Two good lioiisekeeji Ing rooms with gas range, bath and olectrlc lights. No children allowed. 239 South Broadway. I'OH SALE Three ranches. Phono 304X1, J. H. Price, Allegany. WAXTKD Experienced miners at tho Llbby mine. FOR SALF One lanncli 110 feet; 8 II. P. Enquire M. G. Coloman, North Bend. FOH SALE frj- wood. Ilr und . dor, 'at Campbell's Wood Yard, Ferry landing. Phono IM-I, DAIHV AND STOCK FARMS. If you want n good Dairy or Stock farm see Fitzgerald or Phono :il."l, Murslificld. For the Hoiuescpker Ho can show you some of the best In tho county for fnlo. where he will make his future home. Mrs. Sterling enmo from Coqulllo yesterday. Mereen Coming Arno Mereen, general superintendent of tho C. A. Smith company, Is expected hero next week from Oakland and Hay Point, where he has been spending a few weeks. Need Houses Justice Pennock says that the demand for modern houses and apartments hero contin ue to he great. During the past week, he has had a dozen appllcantn for houses and was not able to fur nish a one. Dig Shipment During the month or March. San Francisco reports that lO.Stti.OOO feet of lumber was re ceived from Coos Hay ports, con siderably more than was received from any other three ports along tho Pacllle coast. Dairy Increase If. E. Ilessoy of the Coos Hay Creamery reports that tlie ranchers along the river are now supplying about S.000 pounds of milk per day and ho expects to Increase this to about 25,000 pounds per day later in the season. Hrcakvwitcr Friday. The Break water, which has been on tho dry dock, will leave Portland at S o'clock Thusday evening nud will arrive late Friday night or Saturday morning. Returning she will sail from Marshlleld at 1 o'clock Sunday afternoon. Did .Vol Sign. Mrs. E. Kelly called at Tho Times office to state that she did not sign tho Norton pe tition as presented to tho Council Monday evening. If her name was on the petition she states It was placed there by some one without authority. Bridal Party Leaves. Hoy II. De ment and bride left on this morn ing's stage for Pacific coast points where they will spend their honey moon. Following tho ceremonies nt the W. P. Murphy home last even ing, the Hev. It. E. Browning offi ciated, at which a supper wos enjoyed at Tho Chandler by relatives of tho contracting parties, Meet Tonight Senator I. S. Smith will deliver nn address an "Oppor tunities Opened to Women by tho Be stowal of tho Hlght of Franchise," be fore the College Women's club nt a meeting at the Swedish Lutheran church hall this evening. Plans for organization will be po; Touted and permanent olllcers will bo chosen and other business attended to. Xew Agent Here. Supt. W. F. Miller has foi mally announced tho appointment of Paul Sterling as the .Marshlleld agent of the Breakwator to succeed J. C. Miller, who has re turned to his old homo In the east Mr. Sterling has been agent for the local railway at Coqulllo for several years and his appointment' hero Is a promotion In which his many friends will rejoice. Widow's Pension The application for a widow's pension of $17.50 per mouth Tor Mrs, L. K. Ballluger and two children was presented at tho session of the probata court .Monday. As tho law does not go Into elfect until .Juno, tho application was laid on the table until then, by Judge Hall. It Is stated that Mrs. Bal lluger Is planning to go to California soon to make her home. Case on Trial. The rnsn of C. J. Bruschke vs. E. T. Conkrlght for $12." fee for locating tho latter on a homestead north of Coos Bay Is on trial before a Jury In Justice Pennoek's court this nfternoon. Conkrlght claims Bruschke located him on SO acres Instead of 100 acres and that Bruschko did not show him the corners. George Cook, Hoy Law horue, Alex Johnson, Fred Wonvor, J. E. Wynne and Alva Doll consti tute the Jury. Xew Auto Delayed. Isaac U. Tow er, local agent or tho Studebakor. received a telegram this morning stating that owing to tho flood, the now Studohakor "3.1" will not reach hero on tho Broakwntor this week. This Is tho ear that many nutolsts huvo been looking for, as It Is de clared to bo the hit of the season. Mr. Tower Is assured It will ho hero next week mid Mr. Tower has ar ranged to gtvo It a great try-out for nutolsts ns well as prospective nutolsts. Judge Hauls Coming Judge J. S, Coko has nrrongod with Judge Har ris of Eugeno to como hero tho lust of this month or tho llrst of next to hear a number of cases In which Judge. Coko cannot preside owing to tils personnl Interests or becouso no had been employed ns nn attorney prior to his elevation to the bench. Judge Coko will first dispose- of all tho Jury cases and othor court work at tho regular April term of court. Ho will leave soon for Curry county, where ho will hold the regular spring term of court, which will probably lust only a few days as thero are no Jury cases, SATl'HDAV, APHIL 10, tho LA DIKS of ST. .MONICA'S will hold a COOKKD FOOD SALK in tho Ten, Coffeo & Splco Co.'s rooms In tho O'COXXKLL HLDG. . If you will Investigate HALVES' prices you will surely buy. Have your job printing done Tho Times office. Pure Maple Syrup Guaranteed 65c Per Quart Just the thing for those Buckwheats, Stauff Grocery Co. Phoue 102 Maskey's "andles. '- I - SOCIAL CALKXDAH WEDNESDAY Jolly Dozen club with Mrs. V. F. Squire. Auction Bridge club with Mrs. E. Mlngus. College Women's Club nt Swe dish hall. THURSDAY Mlnnle-Wls club with Mrs. John Dashney. A. V. N. club with Mrs. K. Mlngus. Social Sowing club with Mrs. George Ayre. Young Ladles' Society of the Norwegian church at the par sonage, with .uIbb Hannah Sum do hostess. PERSONAL NOTES FLOYD COFKELT Is In Marshlleld today from North Bond. J. E. EDMUNDS made a business trip to Coqulllo yesterday. MRS. FHANK SMITH Is a visitor from South Port today. DR. HOPKINS of Beaver Hill won a Marshlleld visitor yesterdav. W. II. STULL. road supervisor of Allegany Is In town on business. MRS. CHAS. GETTY of Empire Is a Mnrshlleld visitor today. MRS. FLORENCE JOHNSON, of Ainxwcii, Is visiting In Mnrshlleld today. MR. COWAN and son are In town today from the Hennessey coal mine. CLARENCE GOULD and wife of Al legany nro spending tho day In town. CHAS. PHILLIPS of Coqulllo Is In Mnrshlleld on business for a few days, HENJ. ROBERTS of Temploton Is a business visitor to Mnrshlleld to day. JOHN STE1NLECHNER and young son are visitors from Tompleton today. GEORGE GOODRUM returned lost evening from a business trip to Bnndou. MR. AND MISS CORDELL. of Coos City, are spending the day In Marshfleld. J. B. 7.IEOLER will lenvo shortly for Gardiner nnd Florence on business and pleasure. D. M. GRAY, a real estate man from Redwood City. Calif., Is In Marsh lleld on a business trip. E. J. MASTERS nud sons, Gene nud Abbott, nro spondlng tho day In town from Catching Inlet. CHAS. BAKER of Norway returned home this morning after a short business trip to Marshlleld. ALFRED STORA. who lives on the east fork of Coos River. Is In Mnrshlleld looking after business Interests. MISS PHOEBE LARSON returned to her home today after a short visit with her sister, Mrs. W. II. Ken nedy. REV. McLEOD of North Bend re turned this morning from u visit at the F. B. Rood homo on North Coos River. H. P. McCOLLOUGH or North Bond wont up North Coos River yester day arternoon to visit at tho V. B. Piper homo. MR. PERRY arrived hero today on the Noun Smith to visit his sou, A. J. Perry, who Is purchasing iigenl at tho C. A. Smith mill. J. J. CLINKENBICARD of Daniels Creek returned homo this morning ufter visiting Ills slstor. Mrs. V. B. Piper on North Coos River. MISS ALMA KOLSTAD. who arrived on i ue nisi iiroait water iron) Colter d'Aluue, Idaho, will touch a tornrof school on lower Coos River. MISS WHISTLER, of Conor d'Alono. Idaho, who arrived on the Inst Breakwater, has accepted a posi tion In the North Julet public school. C. B. ELLIS, n Socialist organizer and speaker, Is expected horo to morrow on I ho Breakwater to as sist the local Socialism In u mem bership campaign. GUS ALLEN, n brothor of John Allen, hns arrived hero from Kansas nud wll take charge of tho latter's shining parlor, whllo John Allen tokos up railroad work. MRS. RICHMOND and her sister, MISS MILLIE GOULD, of Coqulllo uro visiting their parents, Mr. nud Mrs. G. A. Gould, of Allegany, go ing up tho river yesterday after noon. J. J. MURPHY, who hns been spond lng the winter with his father, William J. Murphy, in Mnrshlleld, left Inst night over tho Coos liny wagon road for Seattle, whoro ho will locate porniiinontly, O. HIBAROER. n contractor from North Yakima, Wnsh., arrived hero yt'slorday via Myrtlo Point nnd is looking over this section with a vlow of locating here. Ho Is an old friend of E. I). Joiiub. FRED GETTY, of Empire, nnd his wife havo returned from Euroku, whoro Mr. Potty has been employ- TONIGHT at The Royal MOOX AXD SOULK Tenor Contralto In a Superb, Singing Ravorlo, Fea turing their Beautiful Double Harmony. ALSO 1000 Fret if AH Vew Pictures "HER NEPHEW FROM LABADOH" Tliaulioitscr. "WIXXIXG OF HKLEX" Majestic. "W II I L K .M It S. M e F A D DE X LOOKED OUT" Tlianliouser. "MT. RAINIER NATIONAL PARK" Gaiiiout. Practice Day, ALWAYS THE BEST. PRICES: Any Sent lOe. Return Engagement, Monday Apr. it KDWAHDS AXD MKKKITT'S Musical Ciniedy Company 'TIIK HIXDO DOCTOR" IS LI ON TABLE Proposed Change in Service Does Not Meet Approval of Judge Hall. That the plnn of having the Ferry Transit ply from the mouth or Mill Slough to a new Blip at Eoatsldo near tho mouth of Isthmus Inlet Is con sidered Impracticable by Judge Hall, one of the county commissioners. The potltlons for tho chnngo wero presented to the county court nt Co qulllo yesterday by Councilman Al brocht and the commissioners sim ply continued tho mnttor. Howovcr, no contrnct was u warded for repair ing tho long wharf from Eastsldo to tho present ferry landing. Judge Hall snld today that It was asking too much to try und havo tho Ferry Transit ply such a dlstanco, or to nccommodnte tho mill men. He said It would ho almost ns rensonablo to ask the county to provldo ono bo tween here nnd North Bend. la addition to this, ho said that tho Transit would be almost unmnnngo nblo nt times on such n run ns is proposed botween Mill Slough and the mouth of Isthmus Slough. He said thnt If Eostsldc would build a slip directly opposlto tho mouth of Mill Slough, It might bo chnnged. Judgo Hall was undor tho Impres sion that tho application was to op erate tho Transit part of tho tlmo on tho present run nnd part of tho tlmo on the new course. Thoro wasn't much also of Impor tnnco boforo tho commissioners ox cept somo routlno road matters. J. J. Bums wns awarded tho contract for plunking 3,700 feot of rood along tho North Coqulllo In Supervisor Hol vorBtott's district. Tho commissioners nlso nwnrded tho contract for printing tho fore closure notices In the delinquent tax salo mnttcrs for ten cents por de scription nnd ten cents por lino for each publication. ed on tho Jetty work undor Engi neer M. L. Tower. Thfey will muko their homo for tho tlmo bolng nt Empire. DAVID NELSON, cOBhlor nt tho C. A. Smith mill, nnd wlfo and fam ily arrived homo on tho Nnnn Smith today from a few wcoks' vn cntlnn trip to the San Joaquin Vnl- lev mill Atlfrnlnu DR. JOHN CALLOWAY of Rosohurg, uui wuo mis neon nt .Myrtlo Point recently, nrrlvcd In Marshflold yes terday for a short visit with Dr. Leslie. They uro old eollego chums, having attendod school to gether In Klrlfvllln Mn C. W. DALY, ono of tho proprietors oi uio uigiu unro, nos gono to Portland und friends hero hnvo been apprised that on April IB, ho will wed Miss McGovorn. Thoy will mnko their homo In Mnrsh lleld nnd will bo wnrmly wel comed by tho friends ho has mudo bore. JAKE I1ILLSTROM enmo In today from his homestead In tho Roclc Creek section, nbovo Brldgo. It wns his first trip homo In about six weeks and Chnrlos Stnuff says that If the hnmustoad will rulso producets ns fast as Jako Hns raised whiskers In thnt tlmo, it will bo tho best over. MODERN WOODMKX DAXCE at EAGLES HALL SATURDAY Night. CASH REGISTER AGENT HERE. E. II. Ilowuid, suIoh agent for Na tional Cosh Rcglstor, Is at THE CHANDLER HOTEL until TuoBdny, April 15th. Buying a Typewriter? If so, It should bo nn Underwood. Tho Underwood holds all tho world records for speed, nccuracy nnd dur ublllty nnd thoro are mora of them In U80 than nil other vlslbles com bined. That Is why tho U. S. Gov ernment, tho Western Union, U. S. Steel Co,, und othor big corporations buy Undorwoods oxcluslvoly. (J. L. STOCKLV, the Undorwood man, Is nt 1'ho ("handler, nnd would bo pleased to give, you a demonstra tion. The Speed Limit Will Be Tested But It requires no test to provo that you can got tho best candles and fountain drinks on -Coos Bay nt Sar tors. That has boon proven already. Headquarters for Colgate's Ribbon Dental Cream The Store for Quality Gc'ids and Penslar Remedies. F Iff