THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 9, 1913 EVENING EDITION. i i : I i At' fin ffi D 1 U.S.TBEATMENT News From Nearby Towns Claim That Californians Han dle Them Worse Than Thev do Negroes Vent Feeling. Or Ai'oclllM rran 10 Cooj tlr Tlmw ) TOKIO, April S. The hollowness of the American advocacy of equnl lty Is tlio subject of nn ironical ell torinl In the Asaslil, the loading In dependent newspaper of Japan ulilcli says tho Callfornlnns propone to treat their neighbors across the Pa cific wonso than negroes. Tho nrtlclo continues. "Tlio ami Japanese agitation will Impress iik with a keen sense of humiliation which will require innii yenis to efface. Americans must be prepared for a cool reception when they visit or sottlo In Jnpan." The paper nd vocates tho withdrawal of Japanese support from the Panama Pacific ex position and the exclusion of the Americans right of ownership In Japan. gigantic MXKit launched Can Carry Tiitnl of 10.10 I'iihscmki'Iy and Has Crew of 1200. HA.M1IUHG, April ".Tho largos' liasscngcr vessel In tho world, f00( torm bigger than tho linperator. o' tho Hamburg-American line, t which it nlso belongs, was liiuiirlie' hero recently and christened tin Vntorland by Prince Itupperecht. oi flavnrla. She rarrles 83 lifeboats, 70 o which ran bo launched from eithe side, so that they may be utilizer' even If the ship Iuib a heavy list o during storm. In tho TO boats nr rommodatlons nic provided for nl' the 40G0 passengers and 1200 crew Two of tho life boats aro fitted witl motors. Two other similar vessels nro t bo constructed by the snmo com pony. I - Aivi:iiTisi:i letteiik. -4 I -4 List of unclaimed letters remain ing in tho Mnrshtleld, Oregon, pos olllco for tho week ending April 8 19 III. Persons calling for the same will plenso say adverlsed and paj one cent for each letter called for, Akren. flea.; Hnxter. II. A.; Hon Jamln, V. II.; Hrooks, W. II.; Ilurr. (leorgo; Ilusklrlk. ChnH.; Kelly, Kd.; Lee, Esses; McNabb, Clinton: Mar grlor, ThomaH; Itnelno, Chrlstenn. Itnlns. C; Itussell, Oeprge; Schoff J. N. Holilbredo. Thomas; Smith. Win. H.; Vance, S. L.; Wardlaw, Elmer: Wells, MIhh Myrtlo; Welch, J. A.; Wharton, C. C; Wheeler. M. 12., Walter, Hubert; Ynrosz. Charles. W. H. CURTIS. Postmaster. planting tiii: oiiciiauds. Apples, pears and peaches all 1 pretty well upon tho same soli. Frill' growera In this section gradually sei out their orcbnrdH nccordlng to tlu following plan: Apple trees nn planted .It! foot apart, poaches be tweon or 18 weot from each appb tree except at tho diagonals, where n pear treo In set. Tho short lived peach trcoH beai their live or slv crops and nro re moved when tho pear trees begin tc produco fruit. When tho apple treeh nrrlvo nt maturity, tho pear troof iiiivM nuoui outlived tiieir usefulness Somo good farmers still furthet economize space by planting rows ol blackberries or raspberries between tho trees and then set strawberries between tho rows of canes. Ono of the boasts of a successful fruit grow er Is that ho utilizes nil the spneo n bis command nt all times. -(). ' llendrlckson, In Farm and Homo 1 SUM GlltLK IX W1IITI2 TO in: rage this si:an. NEW YOKE, April 7. Tho sllu girl Is tho proper thing for at least ono season more. So says M. Jac ques Worth, tho Parlsluu costumer who is a visitor in this city. Tin fashions for the coming siinimor wll be thus and so: Prevailing coloi will be white; tho prevailing ma terial will bo crepo do chine; tin stylo is ono of draped effects; loop trailing "angel sleeves" will bo miiel worn. The skirt will bo lonp enough to show the toes of the shoot when the wearer wnll.B. Tho slashed skirt Is to bo con demned. piiefekential tariffs. WASHINGTON, I). C. April 0. -A prmlblon designed to upbuild the Amorlcaii merchant inarlno is under considered by tho Ways and Means Committee, which Is preparing tlio trrlff revision bill. It Is proposed to provide n prcrorontiai rate for nil commodities affected by tlio tarlif carried In American bottoms. This proposal has been ttntntivoly agreed to In committee and will be sub mitted to President Wilson for his consideration, Llbby COAT Tlio Kind YOU hav ALWAYS USER. Phono 72, Pad" Livery and Transfer Company. Have, your Job printing dono at Tho Times offlco. NEWS OF SI US LAW. Kvents of Mnpleto'n anil Vicinity as Tolil by The Pilot. Word has been received by Over ton Howell, Jr., game warden that the south one half of township lfi; 11 west and all of township 1C; 11 west was sot aside by the last legis lature as a game reserve and will be known ns Grnss Mountain game pre serve. It Is located nenr Saddle mountain north of Florence and wns made primarily to protect tlio oik in that vicinity. The Southern Pacific Hospital, which Is now located near Wild Cat, is preparing to move to n location on the ltlcbnrd Clow ranch Just below Mnpleton. Mr. Clow Is to ex tend his water system so ns to furnish tho liospltnl. Work on tho road nround Cape Perpetua will begin early in this month and will continue until the appropriation Is exhausted. The schooner Oaklnud brought In n large chain for use on a buoy out side the bar, which will enable In coming schooners to tie up Instead of drifting around when there Is no tug to low them In. Tho bargo Nehnlem Is expected In Wednesday with a load of hay and grain for Porter Ilros. Jack Gil more Is rushing the wnrcliouse building and expects to get It ready by the tlmo tho bargo gets here. The freight teams nro tied up as there Is no liny. The loggers nro happy, as the freshet Saturday brought down near ly all the logs they had In tho river. A steady stream of logs passed by Maploton for about flvo hours. Extrn teams aro hauling men to work on tho railroad. Tho hotels md retnurant served moro than one hundred nt supper ono day last week. Tho town Is full of strnngers. Porter Ilros. Bhlpped In lino bunch jf steers from Portland for the camps. Stnnloy and Newman will 'niteher for them. I). Southmayd Is building two barges for Porter Ilros. on tho old lock cast of tho mill. They nro IS xlflxfl feet deep. Read What James J. Hill Says About Women Shoppers: Every woman tries to got tho best value for her money. That Is natural and proper, but the In discriminate hunt for bargains spells trouble. "The tendency of tho average woman," says Jnmes J. Hill, "Is to buy everything ns cheaply ns possible. That Is tho worst kind of economy. If is difficult to convince n housewife of this fnct; but when she onco realizes It she Is on the true road to making money. The same principle that governs n railway In buying steel rails ought to goverrathc house wife In her purchase of beefsteak not how cheap, but how good." "Not how cheap, but how good for the price." Head the adver tisements of tho merchants who advertise In Tho Times with that end In mind and your purchases win givo every satisfaction. The best Is the cheapest. curry is prosperous. Prospet-tN Are for an Unusually Good Year In That Section. Tlio Gold lleaeh Globe says: "There never was a tlmo In Curry's history that looked more favorable 'or a prosperous yenr than dees the iresent time. There has been little f any loss of stock so far and the ontlnuod cold backward weather has kept tho fruit trees from blooming int. Tills will Insure a bumper crop f fruit. A now era has dawned for ho mining Industry which promises liuch development nlong those lines. I'ho llshlng industry will be revived his season. Tho lumbering business s being exploited by the llrooklngs leoplo In the southern portion of the ounty. Tho oil men of tho north Mid of the county aro being encour- ged by their prospects ns tho work irogresses anil ninny heretofore Idle farms are being converted Into dairy nnclies, which will greatly Increase ho tonnage of the dairy product hroiighout tho country." CAItRWELL SEES" GRAND OPERA s "NIGGER" SHOW HIS CHOICE xow. Nobody would have over bub ilcloned It, hut "IIIH" Cnrdwoll, one if Uosoburg's best known exiiound- ers of ninckstono, acknowledged this iioruiiig in tlio presence of respon sible parties tnot Including a nows taper reporter that he slipped down to Portland from Saloni the ntimr day mid feasted IiIb eyes and ears mostly eyes on Grand "Opry." "I hud heard and read n great en I about Mary Garden's wonderful osiiiiiich, nud naturally I was curi um to pt n peep ot them; bu vhen Mary canio out on tho stage I'll take an oath that about nil she wore wos u diamond necklnen mwi a pair of silk stockings," 1)111 ronfld ed to a bevy of listeners this morn ing, without the faintest suspicion of i blush mantling bis innocent hooks. "And Totrnzlnul. Hill continued, "Is broader ncross than she Is high, hut she is somo warbler, (leorgo A. Crane, Pert llrown nud inysolf nil went In on ono ticket that cost soven bucks. Ono would stay In u while, hen lonio out nud let ono of the Jthers go In. For us it was Just Imply to look at. Tho singing was all done lu some foreign jnrgon tint' wo didn't understand. I'm satisfied now that I've been to grand opera, but I'd rather go to n 'nigger' show any oiii nine. HASH T.1 CENTS! TALK AIIOt'T COST! "In Day of Old. In Days of Gold, in Days of WO," They Paid for (.'rub. PALO ALTO, April -I. Proof thnt the cost of living has gone down considerably since the early days of California Is produced by 12. V. Welsshnar, of this city, who has unearthed n bill of fare provid ed the gold miners in 1849 by the 121 Dorado Hotel, Plncervllle. Among tlio delicacies mentioned are: Dean soup, $1 a plate; sauer kraut, $1; hash, low grade, 75 cents; hush, IS karat, fl; roast beef, plain, $l; with one potato (fair size). $1.25; beef, tamo (from the stnteB), $1.50; roast grizzly, $1; two potatoes, medium size, 50 cents; two potatoes, peeled, 75 cents. A notice nt tho foot of the bill of faro tells patrons that meals nro payable In advance, and that they will find gold scales nt tho end of tho bar. WOULD CHAXGK DATES Xew .Schedule for Inauguration mid Convening of Congress. (llr AMortilrJ I'lMt lo Com ll)r Tlniti.) WASHINGTON, D. C, April 8. Senator Shafroth introduced a i ('so lution to chnnge the tlmo of be ginning of Congress to the first Mon day In January after National elec tions nnd tho Inauguration of tho President to the second Mondav In January. In tl-o House Itopuhllcnn Loader Innn submitted to the ways and moniiB committee his recommenda tions for Hcpubllrnn members of Im portant committees. Representative Sims reintroduced n bill abolishing the Commerce Court nnd a bill to repeal tho American coastwise shipping toll exemption elniiso of tho Pannina act. i:i.i:tiox AT flohenc An WILL WILD HOUSES. Owners of lots who want modern residences can hnvo same built on their property by a pa.wnont of $300 to $500 down and balance In monthly rental payments. Deferred payments bear 7 per cent luieroht You select your own plnus. If yon do not need tho houso the other fel low will be glad to rent it from von and thus pay for your own house for YOl You can help tho com inunlty by helping yourself. Work win begin as soon ns ten appllca City orilcinN for Issuing Vonr ( llOSt'll. I he Floience Pilot snvs: "Tho annual city election for city dads to serve the peoplo of Florence for tho iieM year resulted In tho election if the following officers: President Hoard of Trustees, A. O. Knowles, David Criiteher, George T. Schroed or and F. 12. Myers; Recorder. D, 12. Sever; Marshal, C. I). Moioy. Quite a good denl of merriment was occiibloned by tho number of tickets which enmo Into tho field the morning of election, some flvo or sl Independent tickets beside tho regular caucus ticket were sprung.'' For Dyspepsia If you uffcr Stomach Trouble, and you try our ramedy, It won't coit you cant If it falls. To provs to you that Indlsaatioa and dyiptnala can tx thoroughly re lieved and that Iteiall Dyipepaia TabltU will do it, wo will furnUh the medicine absolutely free if it fails to give you aatiifactiou. The remarkable iucctu of Rczill Dytpepala Tablets U due to the hJib, decree o( tclentlfio ikill uied in de iilni tbeir formula ai well ai to the rare exercised iu their manufacture, whereby the wcll-kuowu propertiM of HUmuth-Sulmitrate aud rpaia have been properly combined with Carminatives and other agents. Ulsmuth-Subnltrate and Pepsin are constantly employed and reeof niscd by the entire medical profes sion as invaluable in the treatment of indigestion aud dyspepsia. Thsli proper combination makes a remedy invaluable for stomach relief. We are so certain that there II nothing so good for stomach itli at ItexallDyipepilaTabletsthatwaurie ou to try them at our risk. Three sites, 25 cents, 60 cents, and 11.00, You can buy Tlexall Dyspepsia Tablell In tills community only at out itoit; L0CKHART PARSONS DRUG CO. The Husy Corner Mnrshncld T JImm sttn Oreon There Is a Iteiall fitors la nsarlr s-arr tamm ir .c"eTin,,li,Jinl 8u"sVV-as3a a"3 litaedy for warty ,, ordinary hu&anlU-. ch ffWl" ie.!goJ for the partlculasUI for which It Is reeonunsmUd. "" Th IW11 8.,M AmrWe CUu Drue Sterae COALING AT ISTHMUS. SAN FHANC1SCO. April 0. lie sides the InUorato coal plant which the government Is preparing to lay down on the Isthmus, mechanical eiiulpmeut, and so forth, the two col liers for which provision has been made by Congress will bo most ef fective carriers. They will bo of more than 10,000 tons and will each cost $1,100,000. II HM .. " .. I with n WI,.,i:L..Y0"vo -erta.,i natural ab..teS Coinnifr u. 1 1 Viiinn " u your town certain natuia nd- commerce at onco vantages Mnko tho most of both. To Her Honor, the Cook: Does your husband nnd family cnll your bread "Punk" after you have exhausted every effort to make I right? If this Is the case, give them n pleasant surprise nnd show them that you can bake bread that Is "Hread" by using WHITE RIVER FLOUR Sold by Coos Bay Tea, Coffee & Spice House 1S1 Market Ave. phone 394-J. FOR QUICK WORK, rUK PKUMPT WORK, ' FOR GOOD WORK, Telephone the old reliable Coos Bay Steam Laundry We always deliver the goods. Phone 57-J Marshfleld The White Hotmse Restaurant VISIT TIIR .ii NEXT DOOR TO BLANCO HOTEL You are invited to try our service. We aim to use only tlio best of everything and please our patrons. MANOS BROS., Proprietors Cnll and See Us. BANDON BY THE SEA THE CITY OF THE FUTURE A KKW TEX AGUE TILU7IH JKOUIt MIMCS SOUTH OX COUNT!' ItOAl) 9513 Phil ACHE; $100 CASH, 1IALAXCK TWO VEA1LS, NO 1NTEUEST, NO TAXliM, FINE HANDY I.OAM, LEVED 11KXC1I LAND. Buy One It Will Make You Money Donald MacKintosh HEAL ESTATE nnd INSURANCE. 1j i "owung All, J I, i. . In . . "'HI ""Ulllll n.,,1 .,, 'r lh. Jwm Sumber ,' , l,rt'" lneMMID. Tuesday Is Larjiej. E '"""'InBlw rriii.K.. ' -v.iUXI, ; """ iu;i.i, . I .M. ivinEET-SaS J COXTiiwyto 1 lIUlMiri lVDl rmimntcs Jurn uV I 'fed. Plinnn i,7ut,'Bll . '!. O '',VIA rjisiA" Sc.entlrIc'Z'ffte SSll Apt T')KIi OSTLtsir J 1'lano Tnn ... . 41b H. Hl.ii. oTr"."!.l ' '" " Pits pMUi IHLKV BmnS t....... "1 llfilll..n.0....?.U,"IJ -"luuio, 2)7 Eo.1 Phnn lit -- -U T HE.atmoanliero of n bank iibould bo as democratic aa thnt of tho atrcet feci fret to como In at any tlm, even It It la only to net ebons. Somo tlmo you may wluh to dcpoalt or borrow, buy a draft or rent a safety deposit box. We invite you make tlilu bunk your bank, nnd let your wants bo known we ehnll be pleased to erv you. W0. CIMXDLBl, flOOIIIH 801 AtlA flM r.i J Man.hfM.1. tA ) W. UOItROW, 171 firlmts rinlMi.. ... Tlicatcr. 0fflcriKiJ WM. 8. TUIU'E. AIiaiilECT Marsbfleld, Ortrctl TEf First National Bank Of Coos Bay n''J.inixnnfs - 1A ti. . v.uucra unim n u nro equipped to dot Work on ahnrl nntU .1 loweat prices. Eiib!w i-any attendant. Celt K Chnndlnr Hn'el. ohnm i STATEMENT OF CONDITION OP FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK MAnSHFIELD, OltE. At tlio close of business, April 4, 1913. HESOUHCES. iCi!? an,a, DlBC0Untl1 , H9.coo.2n rn.h ' L .Uw W'i G0.000.00 Cash and Sight Exchanue 233,074.15 Total v J777.770.38 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock raid In . r.0,000.00 ," nnJ Undivided Profit G9.103.CG x,ePa,,a ; ,. 'CCS.OOCS Total , 1777,770.38 C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. y vy C .T M Fisher Auto H Win. Fhhrr, Tropri Phono otiitn to IUC. Stand. Phone 18-J. Af-'l phono G-J. NWt pli Jlnrslilltld. On R. J. MONK Real Estate and In 244 North Front I RETAIL DEPA11TMENT LU5H1ER, LATH, SHINGLES, MOULDINGS, SASn AND DOOHS. noOFING PAPER, ETC. CCT THE FUEL RILL IN TWO I1Y USING OUR WOOD. PnONE 10. 183 SOUTH DROADWAY TTe Star Tn and Storage prepared to do aM nd boat- and wetj atyie itoyBw" --- wiiirnnirauui wv. L. H. Heisne Phones 98-B.U TIIERECORD PHOTOGRAPHING ARSTRAOr COMPANY abstracta 0 tK.Lc,oplM of aU recorda of Co0fl County to dato to , real esat f?,A,K?"?nt arB or nny other Information relatlnc tlUfliVFna JSJ5lrt'd on Bhort notlce. nuSINKSS OFFICT:: 117 Nwth Front St., Rlarshfleld. Phone 101J W. J. RUST, Manager Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. Coaulll nm ENRY SENGStACKEN, Mgr. S1'0"?'?"' Wl-Ptattfag Land- a -peclalty. Farms-Timber-Coal and Marshfleld Office 14-J. General Agenta "EASTSIDB." LL KINDS OF JOB PRINTING DONE AT THE TIMES' OFFICE rr. .....t'lviri Jl'KT "'.i.r.t"- . .j A InrKO nu'""' - Call and see w war.-. We also tort i ln,c-t designs m . lirrnr iu ' from iwo ib -.. i ..wtrica urPIIel HI W1V.- 1 BanjaraJfB rur Auto ..? r.n. Cartel ItWUU --..,,. I reasonaDio w- ,t "Will W'Sttl 1 riirar Store. P?fl" Night Phone . FW"1- Hourly trIP n ty a?e9 and freis" Ccr. dies at tin " fibrtj iiimne Q"llgg -T.1L, u'E ""r.Mll for each &nti Bent us. HW c zrM Stones. Mii1m "vSS &"" .a:W SOaCbeatnu- inn 1 I, 1 itj NBi-J III Til TO AI. "Tl M XV "Tl CO)