iiii THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, APRIL oewmg Machines J ...It or for salo. .i.m lor -. Repaired. BffWFB ... f- ' "' jhinMMcl. t"' on.T I W"''". arker & Leaton .. n.ni.ls mid Iniuri m ...V- n.o- Hub Cloth- inmumst ". : 9, 1913 EVENING EDITION. 25?li;;;T"T8,i ' in n co Srfi ' jlaHiflchl. Ore. iCTO-V CMond Hand Furniture ,1,, installment plan. DOVI.K CO., Spring Realty Snaps ALL OVER OREGON ou x loo on corner of -itli ond Hall with good dwelling, renting for $10.00 per month. $.1000; half cash, bnlnnce cany terms. In terest C per cent. Lot 10 x 100 on Hall near -4 tit. with good dwelling for $2000; $1000 down, balance long term. Interest C per cent. 502 IVonl SI. Mnrsinicui, "' ktf Call foote ,i.jiniITAMDAY '... m.nco llllllnrd Pnrlor HI .4 ... r. tfC! P Plump ttflO-I. I I,'" ... Ul Itnce mono .--. MOUfl Mil rfftn ifCs&Framing hiker Studio 100 x 100 on corner of Johnson and First Sta., 200; terms half cash, balance 1 year Interest 0 per cent Lot on llroadway near Johnson $800. Terms ?G00 cash, balanco u nioiiiiiH, lnierest c per cent. Two lota on llroadway near Hall, GO x 140, for $2400. Mock 8, Solicitor's Addition, 200 x 200, with now modorn Bungalow, ?4 7G0; $2500 caBh, balance one year. Interest 8 per cent. Don't overlook (his, It la a snap. Hutcheson HlocTT running from iront to Pino, about f.3 feet front ngo on Front St. Oood Income I'M"1: . ,,ricc 5.000; torma $1500, balanco In threo years at C per cent. 2 Lots with now 2-story house on First St., Kastslde; fine Day View, $2000. Half cash. 80 acre Farm on main Peninsula, about C miles from Marshflold, $3200. Terms $700 cash, $500 In and $1000 In 24 montliB. Interest C per cent. 4 0 ncres bottom land near CoqulMo City, $4000; this Is a snap. 7 loom House, corner lot, 70 x 90, in Wear Mnrahfleld for $28G0. 3 Lots and 5 room house, EnBtslde, $1400. 2 Lots and 7 room dwclIlnB, East sldu, for $1200. hat Roof Fixed sow GOHTUELL PHOTO KI81. 2 now BungulowB at EaBtsldo, plas tered and modern, $1G00 and $1GG0; terms $300 cash and $26 unit .v pur moniu. 35 Acre Hnnch on Isthmus Inlet, about 4 miles above Marshflold; 27 acres high marsh and 8 ncres bench, $200 per ncro. Terms ono third cash, balanco one nnd two years. Interest C per cent. Lots G, 7 nnd 8, block 40, Clement Plat, $C000. Hnlf cash, balanco on time, 'ntercst C per cent. 4C x 100 on fith nnd Donnelly with dwelling, $3000; $1000 ensh, bal anco In two years. Interest 7 per cent. Rooming House. 39 rooms furnished, rent $7G per month, $3000, on Hroadway and Contral. AG acres of find at Ten Mile Lako, $3500. Terms half cash, balance on or before 5 years. Interest ti per cent. CORVALLIS Hector Mcpherson and William Starkweather, mm mis. sloners to study European marketing uuu mrniing inetnouB, will leave for Europe nt once. PORTLAND Educational oxperts engaged to conduct tho general In vestigation of tho public school sys tem in Portland will begin their In vestigations somo time this weok. SALEM A delegation of 10 or 15 Salem Democrats hns visited Gov ernor West, asking that ho appoint a Democrat as County Attorney for Mar on. Clovcrnor West said ho would look over the candidates and endeavor to get tho best man. VALE Miss Dorn Slupe, tho 1G-year-old daughter of a rancher liv ing near Harper, was seriously burned by her clothes catching fire from a stove. Lota 90 x 100 In Songstacken's Addition, on improved streot, for $1100. Terms half cash, balance one year. Interest G per cent. Lots 1 nud 2. block C5, Porter Addi tion to North Ilond, $1000; half rnsh, balance in one yenr nt C per tent. Lots in EnstBldo from $7G nnd up; your own tcrma. bllLY DINNERS i hi location, wo arc cb KureJ to cater to family Eiflhr meals or short or- U d; and night. BCI1ANTS CAKE. i ud Commercial Mfld. City Laundry (ORK-GOOII SERVICE In; ComMuc. I boon work for minion. Ilpot! tall an) where. Phone 2o:w. Lots III Sengfltncken'H Addition from $3G0 up; your own terms to home liulldorH. 2 good business lots on Second, be tween Highland and Central, $5750 and $10,000. 1G00 ncres Coal land at $C0 per acre with 1 mile Water Front. aero Hlorlt In Home Aililltlnn in Eastslde for $1000; easy terms. 2 5 ncro lotH ln Lobree Park for $2500; terms $1G00 cash, balance ono year; Interest G per cent. This in about one mile from Marshflold P. O. and n good buy. 120 ncres Fruit land on North Coos River for $1200. Terms $300 rash, bnlanco In 1, 2 nnd 3 years. Interest G per cent. 20 ncres about l mllo from Marsh field, suitable for platting, $7000. Easy terms. 2 Loin In lllock 4, Plat A, 60 x 120 each, at $G00. Ono lot In lllock 3, Plat A, GO x 120, $000. CO ncres Fruit land on Coos River for $1000; terms $250 cash and $250 In 1, 2 nnd 3 years. Inter est G per cent. 9GG ncres Loganberry Land closo to North Ilend at $40 per acre; easy terms. 164 acres platting land nt Point, $225 per ncro. Rocky an Git West lots 350.OO walk from pest office plOOfUfliilii selling for iweluve but tuu left. Kaufman Co. 2000 ncrca of Coal land on Isthmus Slough, on ship channel, $100 per acre; also timber land from $1.00 per 1000 up on tide land. 200 acre Ranch on Ton Mile, 25 aeroH bottom, bnlanco bench land, with 1G cows, 2 horses, farming Implements, $0000; $4500 cash, balance mortgage on place. LotH 12 nnd 13, block 28, North Ilend, $1500; hnlf rash, balanco ono yenr, Interest G per rent. Lots 2C and 27, Dlock G3, Porter Addition to North Rend, $1000. Hnlf cash, balance 1 year. In terest G per cent. Lots 12 and 13, lllock C2, North Rend, $4200. Torms half cash, bnlanco ono year. Interest C per cent. One block of S lots, 60 x 100 each, In Schcttor's Addition, opposite O'Conncll residence, $3200. 1G0 acres of land on iRthmus Inlet, 3 mllea above Mnrshfleld, with halt mllo of deep water channel frontage, suitable for mill nnd fnctory site and plntrlng purposes, connected by railroad and wngon road to Mnrshfleld. Price $175 per acre. Terms one-third cash, balance ono nnd two years. In terest C per cent. PORTLAND E. 11. LmiKford hns Hied ii declaration of bin Intention tO become n cnildldnto fni- fn.nlnn- tlon for Councllmnn-at-lnrge. LA GRANDE Railroad CommlB (doners Atchison and Campbell have heard tho final arguments In tho telophono hearing, whoroln the local company In endeavoring to force a farmers' line to rnlse Its rates. ALRANY Sheriff D. H. Ilodlno last week doposlted tho largest sin gle sum of tnx money with County Treasurer W. W. Frances that hns been mndo during Mr. Frances' torm of office. Tho amount was $127,- UUii.4, i 1,RT1J"VNn Two complaints havo been filed in tlin li.nti ,,.. against the manager of tho Union Meat Company, who Is charged with selling short weight butter. PORTLAND Cutting the glnss or a largo French window, thieves broko Into tho homo of C. A. War ren .and stolo trinkets and Jowels valued nt $150. PORTLAND Hernnrd P. Mediu ms has disappeared from this city and bo far tho police havo been uu ablo to secure any trace of him. EUGENE Vernon Motchoubach, eador of tho Oregon nfflrmntlvo do oming team, has left for Salt Lako City, to fill tho placo of David Pick ett, who Is Blclc with mumps, In the debate with tho University or Utnh. ALRANY After serving 50 days In the county Jail and paying n flno of $C60, J. D. Kennedy, tho con victed bootlegger. wnB released from custody by Sheriff Rodlne, under bonds which were furnished by himself, HUNTINGTON News has reached horo of the death of Dan Gallagher, ono of the best known men In Raker county. Southeast corner 9th and Elrod, 100 x 100, $4200. Torms half cash, uaianco mortgage, interest 7 per cent. S. E. corner Date nud 9th, 100 100, $1100; a good site for summer and sheltered homo. 15 acre Itnnch on Catching Inlet, suitable for Truck, Fruit, Berries, Hogs and Chickens, on main chan nel, $150 per ncro; half rnsli, bal anco on or before 6 years. In terest C per rent. Lota 1 nnd 2, lllock 1, Pint A, 100 x 127, with n Panorama Roy View. $1500. This Is one of the choic est residence sites In North Rend, 3G ncro Farm on South Coos River, opposlto Goodwin's Summer Hotel, 36 ncres, $5000; good land and suitable for nlco Summer home, 5 acres In Fcrndnle Park for $4000; terms $2500 cash, balance $500 per yenr. Interest G per cont. 50 million timber on nnd tributary to tide wntor, from $1 to $1.60 per M. CORVALLIS Tho Hflllnr pinna nl O. a. C. will plant a row of Ameri can elm trees nround tho east quad rangle of tho college campus to serve as u memorial of tho class. COTTAGE GROVE Plans for the establishment of a cannery may be formulated nt the grange meeting wnen me joint committee of the grango and Commercial Club will report. MEDFORD To now city omrlnis, suggested by tho Mayor nud np provod by tho Council, arc: E, ,j, Runynrd, mnrkot nuiBtor; J. F. mu tton, chief of police, and O. Arns- pigor, city engineer. MEDFORD Nearly nil the chll dron of tho city attended the funornl of Ed Root. The deceased, who was an old plnymnto of tho children, died of pneumonia. SALEM President Fletcher I Io nian, of Willamette University, was tho recipient of n check for $50,000 from James J. Hill, completing tho endowment of $300,000 for tho university. MEDFORD Cecil Townsond, the Ashland promoter indicted by tho grand .juiy on tho chargo of obtain ing uionny under false pretenses, was found guilty In tho Clr.-uli court. Storage Company A. Heard, Mgr. IKl Camels ninnni.,1 . Picked, Shipped, 4 Repaired. ft Plinnn inn .i l , 4fU, vioing & Harvey. n A. H. IIODGINS eld Paint ratme Co. al FurnliliM. H MM.t,tl..l.l .r. - "n.-ni. ijrc. The above are some of our good investments for April. Come and see us or phone or write us for further information. Phone 14-J. Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. HENRY SENGSTACKEN, Manager. Opposite Chandler Hotel, Marshfield. Ifontatorium ! UVEIW. ra.mwnn g, Let u. .""Unit. Phoue 2BQ.X EQUITPED WITH WIRELESS Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME. SAILING FROM PORTLAND, APRIL 10, I, J10, MAY .1, 10, in, 20, 23 AND J10 AT 8 A. M. SAILING FROM COOS HAY, APRIL 12, 10, 20, .MAY 2, 7, 12, 17, 22 AND 27. Phone .M;iin 'M-U P. lu STERLING, Agent. If, lush i ....... i - 'jimmy, tac Irons " few . . IW WOAIn""-"""' b uiiiijiuon $3.30 up. Nrinefn IW 181 J? ' " llroadway la Bunker Hill road. n. ' H50, -vunuiiy bw l(tlon -Marshfleld &TEAvrr- "MSS m" .MOW FAST AND COMMODIOUS Steamer Redondo Equipped with Hlreltna aad rabmri beU SAILS FOR COOS BAY FROM SAN FRANCISCO TUESDAY, APRIL 8. All PMMBjrer ItMerrftUoei from San Francisco Most De Made tl 805 Fife Iluildlng, or I)inbnrd street Pier 27. All rservatlons must be token up 24 bourn beforo sailing. INTKR-OCKAN TRANSPORTATION CO. rilONE 44. O. F. McQEORGE. Agent. S. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS SAJBLS FROM MARSHFIELD FOR. EUREKKA THURSDAY, APRIL 10, AT 1 P. M. ROUND TRIP, $18.50 OUNNBOTING WITH THE NORTH DANK ROAD AT PORTLAND NORTH PACD7I0 PTEAM8BIP COMPANY. Phone 44 V' MctiEORGK, Ajfeat. MARSHFIELD- NORTH BEND AUTO LINE FARE One way, 15c. Round trip, 25c. 20-ride commutation books, $2.00. Cars leave every 20 minutes from 7 a. m. to 7 p. m., after 7 p. m., every half hour. Leave from Chandler Hotel. GORST & KING, Props. PORTLAND Cecil Courttioy, 17-year-old bon of Patrolman w. t Courtney, nnd a Btudcnt nt Lincoln nigh school. wn struck bv n mnlnr car horo nnd died nt the Good Sa maritan Hospital. EUGENE Word from Howard Zimmerman, ono of Oregon's deba ters who aro to debato tho Universi ty of Utah, states that his colleaKiio, Duvld Pickett, Is sick with tho mumps nt Salt Lako City. CONDON Mrs. William E. Raw on was arrested by Tom Swonncs, a detective fiom Portland, on the charge of stealing G00 worth of Jowolry from a Portland saloonkeep er. Mrs. Ilowcn says that tho koihh were a gift. SALEM An 8-year-old boy, Lee Cronn, throiiKli RIh Kunrdluu. liim filed n diuiiiiKO suit for $ur0( UKaliibt J. J. MuthlH, as u renult of nn nuto arcidcut. SALE.M Petitions for the recall of City Attorney i'neo are belni; cir culated by some of bis political enemies. SALEM W. L. Pray nnd Mrs. L. II. Osborno were thrown out of a buggy and oulto seriously hurt when Mr. Pray's horse ran away and at tempted to pns8 between an automo bile and nn express wngon. SALEM A protest against tho an nounced Intontlon of P. K. Lane, the now Secretary or tho Interior to re vlvo Indian uiuhIc nnd nrt, wnH mndo by Dr. Carlos Montezumn, n Chicago physician nnd full-blooded Apnrhn Indian. Tho dortor says the work of tho whlto man Is to clvlll.o the In dian nnd not to engngo In sentiment al efforts. MEDFORD Honrv Loreli. flin tioi. ond-hnnd denier nrrested ncro on n chnrgo of receiving Htolen kooiIh ami ncqultted on tho first Indictment, him neon released from Jail on n $300 bond. GRANTS PASS More than hnlf tho capital stock or tho Rogue Val ley Creamery that Is being organ ized In this city, has been subscribed. PORTLAND-R. II. Crozlnr, gen crnl advertising mnnogor of tho S. P. & S. and Oregon Trunk lines, has been promoted to tho position or as sistant general passenger ngont of tho lines. PORTLAND Mrs. Ida Darling and Mrs. Sadie Leathcrmnn were li.n uunu UJ u UUIUUIUUIIU UUU lUK- I i:iih VA 1 .I.ISi "in r A n unm. )on to St. Vincent's Hospital, whoro mor session stnrts Juno 10 niiil will McMINNVILLE Tho debating team of Mc.Mluuvlllo College dofont- eu tno ropresoutntlves or Pacific Collego nt Nowhere ln tho college chapel. Tho question was: Re solved, that capital punishment should bo nbollshed In Oregon. Tho wlnnors had tho affirmative. thny uro In a critical condition. w THE I. W. W. PliAGUE AND ITS REMEDY'. White Duck Button Shoes for Children. Also new Patent Leather Dutton Shoes for Ladles' and Misses', at The Electric Skoe Shop co. m Miii.."' E. Sawvr 1 hiB.r' Claw. Mir. WiK? "''. p Estimates fur- 4,r;"uue 70-L, -ranilelU. J? Date i 'sS SPEEDWELL OAPT. K. ROSBNnfiATT, Master. Sails for Sam Francisco from Coos Bay About April 20th TUB SPEEDWELL U speedy nd has excellent passenger accom modations, large clean and airy rooms and electric lights and wireless, Ftor freight ad passage, apply, A. F. Estabpook Co. Title Guarantee and A be tract Co., 013-017 Sauta Slariua IUdg., San l'Vaucisco. Afarsltfield. FOR A GOOD WATf.H OR FINE JEWELRY E. C. BARKER JEWELER Fine Watch and Jewelry Repairing. 2in Front fit., nlarsbfleld. First QassWeaving promptly done at Gardiwr's Rag Carpet. fidory Cor. Union and Montana Street. Phone 131. North Bend, Or A modern Drlc . uildlng, Electri: Light, Steam Heat. Elegantly Furnished Rooms with Hot and Cold Water. HOTEL COOS O. A. MetllB, Prop. Ratea: BO centa a day and ap wards (From Tho Tlmborman) THE Industrial Workers of tho World aro again offering a threatening menace to tho log ging and lumber industry of tho coast. A steady and consistent pro paganda of their dcsplcablo and vic ious doctrine of sabotage la being stealthily carried forward with what success cannot yet bo definitely ascertained, Tho leaders of tho I, W. W. movement openly boasted that a general strike would bo attempted In the lumber industry on May first, From information, It Is believed nn effort will bo made to cause an In dustrial disturbance about April first, unless their plans miscarry. Tho spread of the virus of tho per nicious I. W, W. doctrlno should bo prevented nt any cost, and tho under lying causes ascertained and remed ied If possible. It is only a superficial remedy to hold In check the plaguo and allow industrial prosperity to bo blighted. Tho average normal working man has a most decided repugnance to the doctrlno and practices of the I. W. W although ho Is often temporarily deluded Into joining this band of or ganized conspirators against tho pub lic welfare, by smoothsoundlng but fallaclols argument. An Industrial ar my requires no general to command that skilled tactics aro non-essential to success in the Industrial battles; that mob rule, unbridled and un leasonable passion alone should hold sway. The whole scheme is so an archistic and at variance with the fundamental of success, that it out rages every sense of moral decency and Indicates a stato of moral tur pltude that Is simply appalling. Nevertheless these are the condi tions which have to be met and It Is un to the generals of Industry to clr cumvent theso destroyers of Indus trial peace. Taking It for granted that tho av erage working man Is at heart dia metrically opposed to tho principles of the I. W. W. movement, then It would seem that a vigorous campaign of education and remonstrance last six weeks. WWWtfWWWVNi by tho foreman of each mill and camp, augmented by such other as slstnnco from outside labor sources as can bo secured. Tho leaders of organized labor nro tho bitter oppo nents of tho I. W. W. propaganda. Organized labor If it bo true to Itself, will uso ovory effort to provont tho sprond of this pornlclous doctrine, which only leaves a trail of devasta tion and industrial ruin In Its wnko. Instilling just nnd snno Ideas In tho workers' minds will bring nbout a revulsion of thought that will for ever banish tho microbe of Infamy sought to bo Implanted by tho urrh enomles of honest labor, and tho banner of Industrial peace and civic righteousness will tako Its place. Every Inducement to retain the good will of tho worker should bo put forth. A system of bonus pay ments is being carried forward by some lumber companies, Tho re sults havo bcon very satisfactory, both to tho company nnd to tho men, Closely allied with ovory logging camp should bo a Y. M. C, A. preach ing tho doctrlno of a purer nnd bet ter life for tho men. The powor of solf-respectlng manhood Is tho bulwark of a nation, Thoro Is no sot of men with moro genorous im pulses nnd who yield more readily to any uplift movement than the men In the woods. Throw around them healthful nnd cheerful surrouudlngh; apply tho bonus system to tho heads of tho various departments nnd grad ually extond Its benefits to tho crow. It might, however, bo well to mnko a condition that tho bonus shnrlng plan only applied to tho crow who re mained a stated length of time, nnd by this means encouraging,' tl clr stay ing with tho Job. CUTTING OFF PRIVILEGES. Nebraska now has a law providing a heavy penalty for a person who misrepresents a horso for tho pur poso of making n salo or trado, mid Texan Is about to pnss a law making It unlawful to circulate a faluo 10 port on a person who Is n candldnto for ofllco. Our privileges nro going, gentlemen going gllmmorlng. if wo can't He In a horso trado or on tho follow wo want to boat for ofllco ! O'- r e !o i- n. 10 s- 3 ie-Id-IP 11 - s- P- 10 or r- "i x- J. ctr'- k it- - id c- itx 1 ,- ko ' ; nt '' ! P-- 31- " on a- ii- ;- I nt ra- i" ?r. , 'go to- " irs to vo ,' ho ', toy Bh- '-' r'ol- ' ido' I . lay-" iclc 80- J inBW; . It V', hi zht. UK. Na- 'iii; Iny, ir? i nd. orld oin-3ov-. S. Ions 'ood )iild itrn- t that and Sar- mdy. m nnd g iwtali. GET YOUR JOB f RINTINI