'.. . ' i.-M-' THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 9, 1913-EVEMIHG EDITION. COOS BAY TIMES M. C. MAI.ONHV Kdllor mid Pub. PAN V.. MAI.OXHV Xous Kdllor Offlclnl I'npcr of Cihh County. OIWICIA1. PAIM-.K ()!' tiii: CITY OK MAItSHKIIXP. , Tin: ito.Ki:it. THAT sturdy old philosopher and patron saint of coramonsonBO, Honjnmin Krnnklln, In chapter i ot his autobiography tolls of an Incident that Is most applicable to Coos Day today. We nil know tin- Individual. or rather a descendant of the Individ ual that Wen Franklin so graphically describes. Ho is now here on Coos Uny nnd history Is certain to repeat itself when the Coos Hay Croaker gets ready to buy his house. Here is the excerpt from Krunklln'u auto biography: "There nro croaker In every coun try, nlwnys boding Its ruin. "Such it one lived In Philadelphia: a person of note, an elderly man with SENATORS BY " DIRECT VOTE (Continued from Paso ) that tho legislature of any stnte may empower the executive thereof to make temporary appointments until the people fill the vacancies by elec tion as tho legislature may direct." The amendment primarily trans fers the power of electing Sonntors from the state legislatures to the iteonlo at the noils. To effect this change It was necessary to alter the machinery for the filling of vacan cies In the Senate. I'or more limit tit) years proposnts have been made to change the Con a wis., look and a grave manner of , hiittiiion so as to provide ior w.e m- spcaklng. This gentleman, a stranger itcct election of Senators. It was to mo, stopped me one day at my door , ". however, until June a I. 1011. nnd asked If I wero the young innnthat the Senate was Induced for tho who hud lately ( 17'J7 opened a new j first time In Its history to give its printing house, llelng answered In 'consent to the change. On that day tho alllrmntlvo. he said he was sorry.lt voted to submit to the states the for me. because It was an expensive ! proposed amendment. The resoltt ttnilertnklng and the expense would I Hon to submit had nlready passed )0 lost. ( t lio House In a somewhat different "Philadelphia was n sinking place. form. Ilefore adjournment of the tho peoplo nlready half bankrupts or i session, both Houses agreed to the near being so. nil appearances to the ' language to bo employed, and the contrary, audi as new buildings and i resolution was deposited with the tho rise of rents, being to his certain Secretary of Stnte .May HI. 101 a. for knowledge fallacious. They. In fact, I distribution ninong the states, were ninong tho things that would I The original theory In establishing ruin us, ( tho choice of Senators was that they "Then he gave me such a detail of represented tho states, whereas the misfortunes, existing or soon to ex- members of the House represented 1st, that ho left tne half melancholy, the people of their districts. It was Had 1 known him before I engaged j bpenuse of this theory of the state in this business probably I never, ns a unit that nil states, large and should have done It. small, were given equal represontn- "Thls person continued to live In Hon in tho Senate. Hhode Island this decaying place nnd declaim In.hnvlng the saino number ns Xew the Bnnio strain, refusing to buy a house because all was going to de struction. At Inst I had the pleasure or seeing mm give live times ns much York or Pennsylvania, lu the theory of the Constitution fratnors this en tity of the state was thus innde more distinct under the federal system for ono ns ho might have bought It nnil tin. stnte legislature was regard- for when he llrst begun croaking." led ns the suitable medium for ex pressing this stnte entity. I.nter It tt WITH THE TOAST AMD THE TEA l OOOD KVKXIXfJ. I It seems Indeed one of the deepest of moral laws, thnt un der the stress of trial, men will strongly tend at lenst to he whatever, lu quieter hours, they hnvo innde themselves. Dean Paget. but this time the friends of the reso lution won by a vote of 01 to 2 1, or five more than the required two thirds. The House had passed a resolution which made It clear the federal gov ernment was not to Interfere with senatorial elections lu tho states. Kor weeks the measure wns lu con ference. Klnnlly the House con terees receded nnd the House agreed to the Senate measure by u vote of 2:17 to 30. Previous to this time, the several Btntos had taken the bit lu their teeth by enacting Inws which In ef fect did not- wait for a constitutional amendment on the subject. Prob ably the most successful of these was adopted lu Oregon. It virtually directed the members of the legisla ture to elect the person who re-, eel veil the majority vote at the regu Inr election, when the pint-lug of the name of a candidate for United Stntes Senator upon tho tickets was authorized. Tho control of legislatures by great corporations was assigned by Senator llrlstow as one of the main reasons for the demanded change. "With the development during re cent times of the grent corporate In-' terests of the country," said he. ! "and the Increased importance of legislation relating to their affairs. , they have tenaciously sought to con-, trol tile election of Senators friend-1 ly to their Interests. The power of these great financial and Industrial Institutions can he very effectively used In the election of SonntorH by! legislators, and they have ninny times during recent years used that ' power In a most reprehensible nnd scandalous manner. They have spent ' enormous amounts of money lu cor-; ruptlng legislatures to olect to the Seunto men of their own choosing. ' Special Drapery Offering AT PERRY & NICHOLSONS "VfiM A.VMJItSOX IX WOOD SHAPI.. was contended Hint state entity would still be preserved If the peo ple of tho en tire state. Instead of the legislature, chose the Senators, nnd this view lias now been accept ed iih tho basis of the new system. In 1 S20 the flrsf action was taken In Congress looking to a chnnge. In that year IloprosPiitntlvo Storrs. of Xew York. Introduced a resolution making Senators elective by the peo- tpie. Aiiotner resolution of slmllur Itud Is Hack to l.os Angeles From Trip to Mountains. LOS ANGIOMAS. April !. Weigh ing I -10 pounds nnd looking to he in perfect health. Hud Anderson, the Vancouver. Wash., lightweight, re turned to the city nfter a ten day's stay lu tlic mountains. Anderson has opened his training enmp nt Doyle's Vernon quarters In preparation for his return 20-roiiiul battle with "Kayo" IVrown. scheduled before the Pnclllc Athletic club for the night of April 1". A huge delegation of the California sporting fraterlty went out to Vernon to meet him. "Anderson never before knew what perfect condition meant." said Mnn uger Dick Donald. "Our stay In tho mountains worked wonders for tho boy. and I feel free to predict Hint ho will stop Drown sure this time. Wo Hemstitched Scrim Cur tains, ready to hand, at the very low price of $1.50 Per Pair Hemstitched Scrim Cur tains, with real hand lace edge, at the special price $2.90 Per Pair Cream Scotch Madras conventional or flowered designs, price per yard Only 30 Cents Colonial Draperies for Chambers, in blues or yellows, price QrAti ic roni Remnants of all kinds of Draperies, suitable for sash and door curtains, at only ONE-HALF PRICE Come in. and enjoy seeing real good artistic homefumishings at very reasonable prices. We make terms easy. mm PERRY & NICHOLSON ammEi Iminrt wns Introduced liv Popreson-' have got to beat Drown In order to A ItlSCIPK. Wive Wright of Ohio. In 1S20. In is:.n Senator Clemens, or Alalmnin. 1 Introduced the first senntorlnl direct election resolution In the Semite. Nothing resulted from these niove- ! inputs. ' I It was Andrew .IoIiuhoii wlm re. T 7. I 1 . ," .7; vlved congressional agitation for the (.no liny wives might try this on direct elqi-tlou of Senntors. As n uir iiumoiiiium: ' .,,,..., I,.... r II.. r II iiiviii.i.-i in mi injur! in ui-jii iwii- I tit Ives, he Introduced two resolu tion for (lie chniiKc. and lu ISi'.n re newed the agitation tut it member of the Semite. In lsiis, us President, lie sent a special message to Con gress ndvocntliiK the measure, nnd then repented bis rHConiniHiulntlnns lu his nuiiiial uicftHiiKo. I lie subject was revived lu 1 S73. tholr husbands: "Dear will you plonso follow di rections while I rend the recipe?" said Mrs. Wnlbronk In her obedient liustmiid. lie took the nan while she road aloud: First you ink h lien leu btitler. Then you take 11 11 eurtheu platter, lial tho batter In the platter Without dinner, clash or clatter: Stir It gently while you waiter .Milk and tiUKur till the batter lu the platter urow miidi fatter. Pour It lu h dish tliHfH Hatter Than the tlrat and earthen platter, Tin will do: It doesn't matter So the fatter batter's Matted Then. Coiitly lining up tu. latter Klattnr platter, pore tho bailor With 11 percolating patter In tho former earthen platter Without clatter, idush or splatter. NOW. Once again In hitler platter Scatter fatter Halter batter- - "Catch your wife ami throw It a I nor, wore the last words or Mnrinlou for Hie poor mini was dead. -w-tt- A lot of Cons Hay men nro too busy sowing wild eats to pay much attention t tiuwer gardens mid' the city bountiful. -K-tt- lumstly nonsense! A cynic re mark that men eunie from inonkevg and go to the dogs, -tt-tt- Kow of us Imve tho courage to point out our own mistakes. That snows bow hrnve our neighbors nre. One way to save money Is to run when you see u friend coming -M-tt- You eiui't fool all the people all or the time, but If you can fool half the people half nf tho time, you will soon break Into the predatory rldi class, -tt-M- How absurd to ml like a fool and then become Indignant when atten tion Is called to it! give foundation to our claim Mint Dud Is a real championship contend. or. Drown has been doing light train ing for several days. He will begin his regular work at Venice this week. XOItTII IXI.K'I xi:ws. (Special to The TliuotO Captain Frank Hamilton Is 011 the sick list with a bud cold and hi grippe. Cnpruln Arthur flotty went home on account of sickness. He Is cap tain of the seow Turtle. W. .1. I lowa. d Is building u horse ffij iNii:. Ism; and lsss. l.m without 'success. In IS!):: the I louse nmeed I barn. to the proposition, as It did In the .- ... , succeeding Congress, mid still hkrIu I Mllo Plerson has u wow-loud of In isus. tiion nnd lfiny. The pro-! lumber Ht tH0 landing for a new posed change on none of these nrcn-l warehouse at l.nkeslde. sinus won a favorable report from . committees lu the Semite. John Yiiuliiiriier has tun four. With the House thus arrayed year, horse tennis huullug railroad sup- nuer year in favor or tne cIiiiiik. one in Ten .Mile for Portor llrotli- the Semite became the battleground. 1 or. Sonntor llrlstow. of Kansas, took thel Work oil the new rond Is crippled 11 llllle for the want of teams. Tho lead lu advocacy of mnciullng the r,..,uiii ,. .1 .1 . 11 ... -... 1 wiiniiiiiiiiin iiiiiiik huh line. ill ue-i ceuiber. l!Mii. he Introduced his llrst 1 third bridge Is nearly completed. iiTMiiiiiiuii. . jciir iiuer ne on-i - luliied a report from the committee. me Ladies' Sewing Circle will but u feature had been tacked onto 1 meet wltJi Mrs. Spencer Small on his proposal which brought on a l Thursday. tllf ll ff III till. Klltlilt. tlll-..Ilt.tll.wl 1.1 kill the entire proposition. This lu terposed fenture was to mucin! oth er provisions of the Constitution so ns to deprive tho federal government of power to supervise the stnte reg ulations as to the time nnd inunuor of election. The votes of southern Senators tlireaieiied to defeat the 11111I11 proposition If the federal gov ernment was given this power. Son ntor Hoot made a speech. In which he criticised the method employed by southern stutes In depriving negroes of the right of suffrage. Senator lliicon replied that the federal gov eminent was lining given the power once more to enact "force bills" and semi armies and marshals into south ern stntes to Intimidate voters. On February 28, Just before the end of the session, the resolution wns de feated by four votes. Senator llrlstow reintroduced tho resolution lu the special session Im mediately following. The fight of the preceding session was refought. Domrtt Forget The Big D aoe At Arago Hotel, Empire Saturday Nighty April 12th LAPSES FREE! Gentlemen SOc School opened on Mondiiy In Dis trict No. 5 wllh Miss loin Whlsler ns tenciier. WO.MA.V WAXTHH I'or oue-lialf day every week to do washing. Ap ply M. W.Cnrojof Times. lu a lecture on "What Is tin. Mat ter With tho World?" ll flili-nim in declares that Hie old globo always nas been In trouble, and nlwnys will be. However, that's no renson wbv any of us should be In u hurry to ieuve u. xotici: to Tifiri'riiuc. A report has reached mo that some person Is trying to danuigo my niisliiesH by going around to the owner of tho building I nm putting up and making false statements to the effect that I have been dishon est In my dealings with some per sons I have been building for. Es pecially one on Central avenue tluu 1 built last winter. 1 would like to say that this per son does not know whnt ho Is talk ing about, or else ho Is like my, dog, just barks to have something to bark nt. I have ninple proof that theso reports are all a blank falsehood, or (lies, for short 1. Any one that Is interested, please go to any one I have built for and see If l have left unpaid labor bills to the extent of IS1C.00, as reported on this job on Central avenue, or jf they can find unpaid labor on unv other Jobs, If such reports come to mv hear ing again l wtll'proced to have these parties prove tholr statement. The following are some I have built for: (leorge K. Cook. Kerndale. William Asplund, Kerndale. Claude Xiisbiirg, Wireless Hill, A. .1. Drews, Central avenue Mrs. Jennie Landrlth. two houses. Hnstsldo. ti. II. Myers, two houses, Kastslde, I am Just starting two houses nt Kleventh and Central for John Mcs serle. C O. OOS.S'KY, Dulldlns Contractor. STUDEBAKER "35" Four Cylinders, 4 1-8-inch bore x 5-inch stroke, 116-inch v.hcelbasfc With Six-passenger body. Luxurious upholstery. Electric horn. Electric lights. Electric self-starter. Wide Tool Box. Crowned fenders. Silk mohair top. Speedometer. Extra rim. 34 x 4-inch Goodrich Tires. Studebaker Jiffy Curtains. Clear-vision windshield. t Three-quarter elliptic springs, Full floating rear axle. Tire holders. Pull Qor nf Tnnls. Detachable, demountable rims. - $1201 r. 0. B. FACTOW WAIT FIVE DAYS And see the wonderful electrically lighted and started six-passenger STUD "35." The most sensational car value ever offered. We expected to recei the Breakwater tomorrow, but the following telegram is sui w. car on Portland, Or., April 9, 1913. Mr. Isaac R. Tower, Marshfield, Oregon. . Floods and washouts have so delayed freight movements that shipments in transit have not arrived. Will surely be here before end of week. Writing. Portland Branch Studebaker Corporation. ISAAC R. TOWER "The Gunnery" Studebaker Repp esentati