K THjM ARE TIMES ifg BETTER TO HAVE A POOR OPINION THAN NONE AT ALL tfWT ARTICLES MmtB Qkma Jmt NOW IS VOl'lt TIME. A miiiiII ml In 'I'lii' Times wnnt coliiiini tuny lii'lna on results mi mediately. Try one. -T,',l,..n,l I'M' tllflllt Tl.oy ot re""i MEMBER, OP THE ASSOCIATED I'KES .. . I.H.I.,,1 1.. 1UTU MARSHFIELD. OREGON, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 9, 1913 EVENING EDITION SIX PAGES. VOLXaaVI'iw TIio Const Mull. 4. Consolidation of TIiiich, Const Mall and Coos Bny Advertiser. No. 226 i PRESIDENT WILSON WILL NOT DBF ERE IN CALIFORNIA NOW . -1 II- UCII Mnt Announces i na nu ui A tempi io oiuii uuy.o, tion Against Japanese. STATE RIGHTS ARETmipucn IMUl IU Dt iuuoiilu Representative Raker bays PeODlC WOIIIU uvuiuuu nu- fusal of Legislature. ,Aiililr4 I'rni l Coo 'X Tlmra. I ...siiivfirnw I). ('.. Amil 9. Jr.li... viifin li'i It Ik known to il that the Federal Government c7.u .,( lim-rfero With Pending "filiation In California by which .... ....a .liiiiliiini.l til it ft jTi who nave ii"i "' ; " jBMlonor ueooiuiiig mmm" ' " ..i,,n pillions nro prohibited naonliiK Intul or proper! v Ho communicated Mils decision Inform- ilV to Representative miner. 01 m-iTornla. Though flic measure ih niniou pn eirllr at the .hiimnoso. tho fact that i. ..,. n n iiHirliniiiiitloii au'iilimt itjfjceln Its contents ns well iih tho tcilre ot the President nit to In ttrfcre lth the sovereignty of tho rile, haa precluded any action hy tho fral gmcrninonl at thlH time. PreatdeDt Wilson wiih told hy linker ,lil Ida CVill'iii-tilil lllnllln U'Olllll Oll- icti few, through tho lultlatlvo and tftrendum If tho legislature ro- rud. He ilrrhiied that tho Htmtl- irntlifhn In olio III fllVOI' Of till) 'it, Prealdent Wilson's poult Ion has wn merely innt or an inquirer ior laformatlon. following tho protests ty the Japanese government. Tho jmldent'a decision, linker wild, wold And approval In California, Wl'ioa told linker that tho wholo titloa touched tho sovereignty of ittidtennil that ho left It to Cull torali to make such lawn an It deom 'Jidvliabte for Itself, with tho hopo, toVtrer, that no law would ho punned lttA waa In ,iinlllt ikIIIi n,t. Ifntito --.M ., 111MI. I lllll ll I , Ulll J rXMr.lln nf tin. ?...!,..... I imi.i..i 'ut.iiuu ui mr iviii'im h11" llliu'iu, lili believed Hint tho protest of thu Jiauet government will ho hold In tie Kite department until (ho logls Moah actually missed. Thou, tho wimuiionaiiiy may ho tested In the t rated States supreme court hy thu "Ptttie residents of California. vn:v of .iapan DAY'S DOINGS IN CONGRESS WILL OPPOSE MERGER'S PLAN Minimum Wane Bill Is Pre sented in Senate House ivieet lomorrow. tllr AMOilatftl I'rraa Io Com Ilay nm-a I WASHINGTON. 1). C. April !). -Senator Chilton Introduced n hill In tho Semite todny to Ilx tho nilnlninni wngo for women. 'A hill for tho Inspection of coal mines wiih Intro duced hy Wnrln. Senator Macon In troduced n hill for tho purchiiHo of homos for American diplomats. A hill to prohibit Honators and represen tatives from nctlni; us counsel for In terstate commorco corporations was Intiodiiccd hy llorah. Tho House Ih not In sosslon, lint will moot Thurs day noon. Tho V.'nyH and Moans committee decided to hold meetings dally during tho discussion of tho tar iff hill In the House. Tho Demo crats met In n caucus. ItnsliicsH In Semite. Tho Sennto Foreign ItolatloiiH coin mlttee approved tho Mcl.otui rosolu Hon requesting that the president proposo an International convention for migratory lilnl protoi'tlon. Sena tor llorah Introduced n hill provid ing for tho acceptance of a deed to tho Lincoln birth cabin from tho Lincoln farm association. Tho tar iff hoard of live mombors wiih provid ed In the hill reintroduced hy I.odne. A hill to prevent Interstate railroads from HmltliiK their liability on lost shlpmentH was Introduced hy Senator Cummins. WISH OK HIIMITINKS Attorney General McReynolds Against Dissolution Scheme. tnr Aofi 'rr! Io Coon nr Tlmn.1 WASHINC.TOX. D. C. April 0. Attorney denornl Mclteynolds dls approved totln of tho nuw ilan of dlHsolutlon of tho Union Pacific nud Sonthorn PacltlH merRer recently sub mitted to him by Robert S. I.ovett, chairman of tho Union Pacific board. Tho Fnlon Pacific nevertheless will submit tho plans to tho Tutted States court at St. l.ouls so l.ovctt has nilvlHUil the Attorney liencrnl. DENY THREATS BY SDFFRAGET IE RAILWAY NEWS OF GOOS BAY Viat Vadium to Slop Aiitl-lnpancso IjM.I.I . Ij... I.. ...Il (. .-Kl-I..lll IH I IIIIIIHIIII. B AUttllt.l Trt.. In f'n. II. w TImh 1 TOk'Ifl A ..-II 11 ,,.. "' "i'lii .'. i mi ).criiii(i 'Mlttee of the national liberal -J i"vii a ichiinmoii today urn- CC luA Pninriimniilu .. 1. . I. ..... ii-ii-iiiiiiviiin III , nun -United htntes to piovont tho pas- Qf. Af I.H 1..II. t . . ic uuiiirmii uinii ownor WIUhIiib to tho sorloiiH offoet 1 llll h.lvo ,., III., I. ..... .,.,.. ..r !. ' "tlona ami their rolatloiiB. MTO.VS Wllili l.'ii.Kii. '"Jftfij Uemi Aduilinl Iteip.eatl.e.l ! Imt S(ini) to Wldmr. iw.nr,1M .r, , too, ,y 1(lnr j in. r'1'.11""- April . Tho ,,;"" Admiral Josojih (!. Kt . "?If Ms estate with tho oxeon- '""l trial on tho rlinrso of hnv- Kd''' The value of the - v hin.il. Kl'STAXDAHIXH'T. f ' MJor Vetoes mil i,llfyK Bf22S? lccivo. S.W.TV. Mo.. April 0. i,m rju u,,," voioo'i " Ma7Vn K .V10 H'umlnrd Qll onriin ,",,l,n-" business Jn , Jin spite of tho ouster decree ""'"hi ruuil, I0RS BY 1ECT VOTE TKtu., flUinn.vo ,lli:AMKXI)M,WT tttfW "" TIIK I'oi'uraii S?nJ.m,,sl,nBAXCiI J22H&.?:?-.. April o.- s, fo. ,:""""-ai io tno Constl St.S l'I"ilar election of S. ,d0,),c, reads: 'He S nVi.,th: Vnlte.1 States "fhatal i l lwo Senators Mheof f!,.f,ec,el 'y tho peo :or ghali .8lx venrs: each T " heari, . ono voto- T,, laC0"8 ,,rnnch of th0 ;rej,al'icancles happen in tho ;?'e:"ati lta.lv!?.ec.tlVO authnrltv nf L1? fill W'i l""6 writs of olec- . "lat on . ""I'I'CII III IHO y th. V!. nv "tate In the ate L"u auol, ,1 ",uo ol 0'cc- Xjvancics, provided CoaUau ed oa Pago Two.) Mauds' KeleatcK Cine WIKon (o (rant Tlioni I'nily Independence. ll)r Aua.Ulr.1 '. In Cuo lt Tlmm.l WASHINGTON, I). C. Apt II !. DoU'Kiiti'K ICariiHhnw and Quezon, of the Philippines, have asl.ed tho President to nlvo attention early to tho PMIIpplno'H ludoiiondonco. Tho Piesldent o.xprohsed tho hopo that their Independence would bo at tained ns soon as possible and prom ised to Klvo tho subject his enrly consldoratlon. IMtOKKKSSIVES (HIT IM'V. Aiiihiuo Ia'kMiiIIvo I'roKcaui nud Will Introduce .Measure. (Iljr Aoi.tlrt 1'rr.i lo Coo IU; TlmM. WASHINGTON. I). C. April !. -The lcKlslatlvo conimlttoo of Houho Caueiih of tho ProKroBHiveH got down to work todny followltiK nn confer ence with inoinborH of tho loKlslnturo committee of National ProRrehulvo party. Tho legislative commltteo Is headed by Itopresentntlvo Keller or Pennsylvania and. Iinmodlatoly took up tho work of drafting bills and Borne of them will bo Introduced in the Houho at nn early dato. WILSONliES OP TARIFF BILL Confers With Leading Mem bers of Congress About Measure. tar AMo,uij ivc" to coo. nr Tim I WASHINGTON. I). C. April 0. President Wilson wont Into confer ence promptly at 3 o'clock today with ton monibers of tho senate 11 nance commltteo. In tho prea dents room nt tho capltol. They will dis cuss tho tariff. Tho Ways and Means comnuueo majority determined to hold meet ings every day while tho tariff dlscus- slnn la mi In tlln IIollKO. SOVCral members of tho commltteo expressed tho view that sonators woutu no hh posed for tho sako ot harmony to agree with tho House bill. NOTED IKIUfiATIO.V CASE. KlKht of Goveriinient to Collect in Advance from Entryincn. lly AsioilaleJ Tmt Co Coo luy Tlme.J wAsnivr.TfiV. f). C. Anrll 9. Tho right of the Interior Department to collect assessments from ontry men on reclamation projects through- oit tho west ror iuo; Kiuimi" and other operations of Irrigation systems beforo they havo been com pleted is up for consideration today In tho United States supremo court. Hundreds of thousands of dollars will bo collected annually by tho govorn .t.onf t tim r-niit-t imiinhls tho valid ity of this rule adopted by tho de partment. Try Tho Times' "Want Ads. iy Southern Pacific to Complete Bridge Tests Early Next Week. It Is expected Hint the Until testH for tho piers and approaches of tho hildgn ncrosH Coos Hay will bo com pleted by the Southern Paclllc en gineers by nbout next Monday. They are sinking the twelfth tost hole now. They nr? going' down nbout eighty feet and ho far havo only struck nnnd and gravel. They nro boring the test holeH pretty well ncrosH tho mud Hat ho that they will know every Inch of It. When the drilling Is completed, tho llnnl reports will bo made to Chief Engineer Hood. Ah soon as the work Ih done hero, It Is understood that they will go to tho tTmpqun to make tests there and will possibly go from there to tho SliiHlnw unless another crew ImH completed tho Sluslnw tests by that time. Itrlugs Steam Sliowl. Tho Nann Smith arrived In this morning from Hay Point. She brought tip seven cars and part of n Htcani Hhoel for Wlllott & Ilurr for their nil I road construction near Myr tle Point and some other railroad supplies. The lledondo will bring tho rest nf tho big steam shovel. A report that tho Nann Smith brought up a largo number of horses for rail road work here was untrue. Ah wns nnnounced In Tho Times a week or two ago. Wlllott and Burr nro planning to bring ,r0 or 100 head of horses liore for tho grading aH booh iik tho weather Ih favorable, unless they nro nblo to secure more tenmn nt m oro reasonable tonus than they aro now able to secure In tho Co- qulllo Vnlloy. Mr. Wlllott, of tho firm of Wlllott & Ilurr, nlso came up on tho Nann Smith. His partner, P. J-. Ilurr, is now nt Myrtlo Point. (inide In North lleud. It is stated today that tint Southern Pncllle grudo through North llcnd, ns agreed upon by the engineers, I" nbout three foot six Inches above the present grade of tho streets and that contomplntcd by the city. To ngreo to It will inonn thnt the North Ilend docks will havo to bo raised about four feet. Mayor Simpson and tho Southern Pncllle engineers went over the ground thlH morning. Tho Southern Pncllle engineers nro trying to got tho mobt economical grade possible, not only for first construction, but for oporntlng trains. It Is said that nbout tho only dock thnt would havo to bo raised would bo tho North Bond public dock of nine hundred feot. This will soon havo to bo redecked and ropalrod. It Is claimed to ralso It would nqt bo very expenslvo ns tho next time tho dredgo operates along thero, 'the nroa can ho tilled ngnln. Tho fac tories In tho area nro said to bo In tho now grudo, although tholr docks oro not. The Porter dock Is said to bo already to to that grado. Tunnel .Man Hero. Mr. Fleck, ono tho tunnel superintendents of Porter Bros., with headquarters at Lakeside, Is in Mnrslifleld today on business. They hopo to havo tho work well under way at tho south entrance soon and havo quite n forco employed there. Twenty laborers also arrived on tho Nann Smith this morning for Wlllott & Dtirr, English Women Declare They Did Not Send Letter to Judge. Illy AMorUttil rrrt to Coo liny Time.) LONDON. April P. The British suffrngettes declare that they ure not responsible for tho unon.vmous letter threatening death to Jimtlce Sir ChnrloH Montague I.uhIi, the Judge who sentenced Mrs. Pnnkhurst to three years Imprisonment. Secre tary of tho Militant suffragettes or ganization said todny. "Huninn life is uncled to us ns much so ns before the sentence of Mrs. Pnnkhurst. EXPECT WILSEY Llij Purchaser of Kinney Properties and Others Coming to Bay to Conclude Deal. W. .1. Wllsoy, Judge Bronough nnd Major Kinney will arrive hero from Portland nbout April K for the purpose of concluding hoiiio of the detallH about tho sale of tho Kin ney properties to Wilsoy, according to II. C. Dlers. of North Ilend. who wiih hero todny. Mr. DIoih Htated that ho Iiiih received word thnt Mr WIlRey wiih tt leave Now York Apili u for Portland and thnt soon uftei his nrrlvul there, tho pnrtlcH can- corned would como to tho Hay, Mr Dlers states that Wllsoy haB deposit ed all of the money to close the deal In Portland and tnnt It will he avail able Just as soon as the final papers are signed, which will probably ho soon. E PIOS CRITICALLY ILL; S 0 OR I 10 HOT AHE LAYING STEEL. Southern Pncllle rushes Construction Work Near Eugene. Tho Eugeno Guard says: "Steel laying was resumed today on tho "Willamette Pnelfie railway. Thoro Is only a small gang at work and that only occasionally when not need ed for tho storing of materials as It arrives at the yard. Tho Idea Is to lay tho track as far as Camp No. C, nbout two and a half miles from tho yard, by tho tlmo thnt the cut at tho camp Is filled. When that is filled and graded, the track can pro ceed to Camn No. 10 and thence to Camp No. 12. When the cuts at! IS DISEASE VICTIM W. W. Borden, Chicago Multi- Millionaire, Stricken in Egypt by Meningitis. I Mr AiioiUt Prrt. to Coo n) Tlmn CHICAGO, April !). William W. Borden, tho U't-yonr-old inultl-mll-llonulro who put aside a life of lux ury to become n missionary, died to. day nt Cairo, Egypt, of splmtl meningitis. NINE CHINESE ARE INDICTED Heads of Warring Tongs in San Francisco Accused of Murder. n? AMOrlalrJ I'm I lo Coof nijf Tlmra SAN FUANCISCO, April 0. Nino Chinese who wero Indicted last night by tho grand jury for murder aro fugitives from Justice, Including the president and secretary of waning Blng Kong nnd Suoy Sing tongs and tho secretary of tho Six Companies. Efforts to servo them with war rants proved fruitless. Detectives liollvo thnt they loft for tho east last night. How tho Chlncso, under in dictment, got word beforo tho war rants wore sworn to, before tho morn ing papers with tho printed news wero Issued Is a mystory which may ho Investigated. BUSSIA STOPS MEETINGS. Takes Steps to Prevent Any 1'nrtlier Demonstrations, IPr Aiocllel rr to Cooi nr TlmM.l ST. PETERSBURG, April 0. Tho prefect of pollco Issued today a dras tic order prohibiting meeting of all kinds and also street demonstrations likely to disturb public tranquility. Ho is determined to suppress any more of tho pan slnvlc and nntl-Aus-trian demonstrations of tho last fow d ays. n r r r ri r nrnrrr.Lrn thoso throe camps aro filled ns thoy will ho with a month of tine weather, tho road can bo pushed to Portola, as tho tempornry work on tho bridges Is ready. Twohy Brothers aro again engaging men to send to Fuller ii Bain at cump G. MODEKV WOODMEN' DANTE at EAGLES HALL SATIBDAY Night BATTLE STILL ON IN MEXICO Rebels and Federals Fire on Each Other at Long Range. ! I'NDEIl MARTIAL LAW. I Illy Amoi lm.l I'n.H lo Coo Uny TImM . I NACO. Ariz., April !). This I , place Ih under strict martial law i for the protection of tho popu- I I Intlon. I lly AMorltil I'rMn lo Cn luy Tlmi I NACO, April !i. Mnchlno gun llro between tho Federal garrison or Na co, Sonora, nnd the Constitutionalists forces opened at S o'clock this morn ing. .The uttncklng party, however, remained nt a dlstnnco nnd thu reb els were uppiircntly not eager to re new tho lighting arter tho encounter or yestordny. At noon, Ojedn Iiiih been vigorously shelling thu positions held by tho rebels under CiiIIch and Brncnmcnto. Thu rebels replied with mnchlno guns ror a row minutes nud then retired under the galling llro or the rebels. Calles and BrncamonteH hud ndvnnc cd their forces close to tho town. A retreat of tho thoso troops Is looked upon hh nu Important backset for thu robots. TO PROTECT AMERICANS. Bullets of .Mexican Endanger People In Arloiiii. lly AmocI.Ii-I l'fi lo Cimh I iky Tlinn, NACO. April P. Colonel Gllfoyes. commanding tho ninth cavalry, sunt n courier to General Obrcgon's camp today requesting thnt more euro bo taken to avoid tiring over tho Inter national lines. Three hullots'plerced tlllfoylo's tout during the night. While Captain Whlto was Heated In his tent u bullet broke the log or his (hair. KING TO QUIT HB1URME Nicholas of Montenegro Will Abdicate if Powers Use Force Against Him. y Auoilit) ITfi. lo Coo. luy Tlmra.) LONDON, April 0. King NlchohiB or Montenegro bus definitely arrang ed plans to uhdlcato Ik throne If forco Is employed by tho Europenn powers against his little kingdom. This an nouncement was mndo todny In olll clal Montenegrin 'circles hero. Ar raugementH for this action woro mndo by King Nicholas whllo In consulta tion with King Peter of Sorvln. Tho agreement provides thnt Nicholas shall abdicate and his family quit tho country. Montenegro will then effect a union with Sorvln whllo Nich olas and his family will bo given an appropriate provision from tho civil list will resorvo tho right of suc cession to servo tho .Montenegrin throne. s A wooneiioi'PEU SHE IS A CHAMPION. .Massachusetts Woman Does tho Work of Husband, Who Is III. HANOVER. Muss.. April 9. Be cause sho can cut three-quarters of a cord of wood In eight hours, Mrs. Lydla Clark of this town believes that sho Is tho champion wood cutter or Now England and Is willing to do rend hor titlo against nil comers. Sho can nlow. sow. plant nnd mow ns well as sho can cut wood, and, In cidentally, sho manages overy week to earn money to support her hus band, who Is 111, and their two children. Sho does nrnctlcally all tho work about hor ten-acro rami hero, and finds tliuo to keep ovorythlng neati and clean In hor hutno and do all tho cooking for the family. Sho says that sho can cut twenty flvo cords of wood in ono winter and look after tho stock farm, "I hnvo beon ut It ror nlno years," sho said, "and I am going to keep right along until tho two boys nro old enough to look after my husband and mo. When ho becamo HI and It looked as if tho town might hnvo to caro for us, I decided that I would prevent suih a thing happening If I had to tut wood, and havo beon cut ting wood ever since. It was sort of hard work at tlrst, but 1 rather like It now. Pontiff Reported to Have Been Unconscious for Two Hours This Afternoon. VATICAN PHYSICIAN SAYS HE IS BETTER Unable to Talk Today but Merely Smiles Recognition When Relatives Visit Him. Ily Amcv lalM 1'rr.a lo Coo. Hay Tlmin.) I HOME, April 9. Tho olllclnl Vatican newspaper Obsorvntoro I Romano says In Its evening odl I tlon todny: "Wo aro glad to bo I able to give assurance that after I the relapse on Monday evening I the condition or tho Pope Is cou i Htantly and notably amellornt I Ing. Illy AwoclalfO l-rrra lo Cooa llr Tlinra.) ROME, April 9. The condition of Pope Plus wns much Improved todny Professor Mnrehlafavu, tho Vutlcan physician, made a inlnuto examina tion of tho Pope today and declared afterward thnt there iih a nntlconblo Improvement of the general condition but ho stated that the relapse ho suf fered yesterday did not yot uppeur to bo on tho decline. Thrco thou sand pilgrims gathered on tho Piazza Dl Sim Pictro In front of tho Vatican under tho open window of tho Pope's npartinont nud prayed for his rccov orry. Pope Plus dozed a short tlmo this afternoon. When ho uwoko ho ap peared to feel too weak to tako much notice of thoso around him. Ho smiled, however, when ho wiih visited by his sisters and niece, who sat quietly In the room ror somo tlmo without disturbing him. Ills tom pernturo wiih 99 nt D o'clock thin afternoon. HAS FAINTING SPELL. Itepoit That Pent I IV Was Unconscious! For Two llouf-H Today. tlly AxoilalvJ I'roaa lo Coo. Ilay Tlmra.) LONDON. April 9. Tho control news dispatch fiom Homo says tho Popu wan suffering from a fainting lit lasting two hours this uftornoon, nud It wiih rumored In tho lobbies or the Italian chamber or deputies this afternoon Hint tho pontiff wns ex tremely weak. Tho Pope's physi cian continues, however, to assort Hint thero nro no grounds for anxiety. RAILWAY WILL ISSUE STOCK Pennsylvania Line Directors Vote $45,000,000 More ttf Old Stockholders. Illy Aaaocal4 rrtta lo Cool Ilay Tlmra 1 PHILADELPHIA, April 8. The directors or tho Pennsylvania Rail road passed a resolution todny au thorizing u ten por cent stock Issue, amounting to nbout $45,000,000. This means tho present stockholders hnvo a right to subscr'bo at par ror tho new stock to tho extent of ton pr cent of their holdings. "Don't Forget the Best" Thoro Is a German fairy story about n shepherd boy who found a mnglc flower growing on a hill side. Stooping to pluck tho flowor. tho lad saw a great cavo. Entoiing. ho found a rairy guard ing a wondorful trensuro house nil ablnzo with precious goius. Tho fnliy bade tho boy holp hluibolf to tho treasure. As tho Ind was departing, laden with about all tho jewols ho could carry, tho fairy cried, "Don't for get the best!" So tho lad took moro gems and started out again. Again tho fairy callod, "Don't forget tho best!" But tho lad could not carry any moro. so ho departed, only to find IiIb tronsuro turn to dead loaves as ho i cached the mouth of tho cavo. Ho had loft bohlnd tho magic flowor that was what tho fairy nionnt by "tho best." Nowspapors. llko THE TIMES uro trensuro houses of Interest and Information nd If vou lay THE TIMES down without read ing the advertisements tho magic nower 01 uppuruiuuy i you surely will havo forgotton I ' tho nest ' 1 I n 1 J