The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, April 08, 1913, EVENING EDITION, Page 6, Image 6

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American Lady Corsets . . $1.00 lo $5.00
"Niagara Maid" Silk Gloves . 50c to $1.00
Modart "Laced Front" Corsets $5.00 lo $8.50
Sc,bV S10CS $3. 50 to $5.00
. .
1 ,!r
Former Marshfieltl Man Sends
Interesting Epistle to
Senator Smith.
Senator 1. 8. Smith lias Just re
ceived a lotter from M. C. Morton,
formerly of .Mnrshlleld. but now of
Marriage of Miss Eugenia Some More Interesting Statis-
Schilling and Ray B. De
ment in Marshfield.
Miss Kugenln Schilling nnd liny The recent tmblloaMnn In Tho
II. Dement, both of Myrtle Point. Times or -egg-1nlng records has de-
will bo iinlotly married here this veloped Into nil Intoiestlng contest
iivniiliiir. nulv linniptllnto relatives ntnmiir the noiiltry raisers The
tics Concerning Poultry
I'ntllnr Illllff. Mo.. Which Will be Of ...m ,, ' ..,,,',,,. .mm Mm xni'iniinMV ll'lm,,., i.iilitluluul n mmilinl- Hntltl-daV
. . . ... .. r !!.. I " "Will lllnu."-. ....,.., --
mieresno me many v.u . taking plnce nt the home of Mr. nnd
of the. Horton family. Mr. Horton Mrg w p Mn,i,y. undo nnd mint
Is now bend of ' 'V?Xn .1 "f tl,c brl,c' on North oilwu nt
Bluff, which hits $G1 1,00-1. 30 do- g 0viock
posits and surplus and prpnts of ?GG,- ... sehlllliiK Ib tho daughter of
2C3.0G and ncnpitni or ?i uu.uuu. in Mf nn(, Mr8 r ,., Schilling! form-
JiIb letter to Mr. Smith. Mr. Horton pr,y rog,(,ont8 of Mnrshflold lint now
Bn's,; , . . . of Mvrtlo Point. She wns born nnd
"Your kind letter of Inquiry ns to onrc,-, m Co()B ,lny nil(1 lmH H)Plll
""ft of her life In Mnrshtlehl nnd
tho effect of the storm on my family
nm myseir receivcu. j won for iicrsclf a hoBt of friends
"I am sure you luivo learned ere ;.",?
this that ever since Wilson wns In- Mj. t , of , Mol,
nugurnted things havo been greatly D ' ,. , we kn0W1 M (,
exaggerated, nnd while wo mny feel , . ' L , ,. , cnnrKP f
thnt wo should hold tho present nd- ' 'wt ' "" ' , lu ' c c
ministration responsible for nil of tho J",f, "' hn d 1 Is Ire win
calamities visited upon uH during the " ! ,e ' ""', " 'ir" , "
SS2"2?"!Z1& ffiM hf.P. dLde of 1 ami one
XrZ'nil? Z XtXn u tho most prominent young men of
nation of the Ilopubllmns, tho "In
terests" and tho Hull Mooscs mid
should throw tho mnntlo of charity
over Woodrow nnd IiIh follow conspir
ators, consider tho source of these
onlanintoiiB reports nnd bo skeptics
until wo nro "shown."
"No, wo had qulto n tornado but
tho main forco of It did not hit tho
city, nnd while considerable property
"was damaged, there was no loss of
thnt prospects nro sd bright for Coos "' llopt,1 "nation I" Inillniin. She
Bny. I t.iko tho dally Times nnd "i1 " l,oggnrs deser p ton ni d de-
Myrtle Point.
Sir. nnd .Mrs. Dement will leave
tomorrow morning overland on their
honeymoon trip which will ombrnco
most of the cities on tho coast.
Scores of friends In Mnrshfleld
will unite Iti extending best wishes.
mntlnn In contrast to that stricken
Krcd Hnckmnn hns Just received
a letter from his mother tolling of
clnres that everyone Is aiding In tho
relief work.
read each Issue with Interest nnd
keep pretty well posted on the local
news. Pleaso accept my congratu
lations on your lino record as stato '
nnnntAi ntnl u-milil 4iii1l.ii frnm tlin ' I
cordial reception tendered you on ,, ., . ...,. ...,. ...
your roturn thnt you received tho' ,.,,"' "mon,c; ' ,rlabl " f "' !
onconlum 'Well done ' Part of tho 'rttlrnllr "I nt his homo In Suin-
ns nro boarding as wo have not gono ,U11,-N'
to housekeeping since our return,, ,. .. . r, , . ,
but expect to bo settled in our own , Mrs. I-'rod Messerh; Is roporloil !
homo In a few months. ' lnK lto ill nt her homo on Cntch-
"Wo often think nnd spenk or '" ln,l!t-
Olir MnrHll(lil(I frlnnilu nml Iwim, In - .
spo them ngiiln Kometlme. If onlv for .lnmes Trncoy, onglnooi- of Smith
n visit. Powers cnuip, Diiuker Hill
"Mrs. Horton Joins mo In
personal rognrds to yourself
who hns
kind ,H'en stirrerlng from a scvero nttnek
mid " miiusy. will hnve a minor opera
, Hon on his tlirout this afternoon.
i ltov. l-'nther Springer of North
Ilepd Is coilllned to his homo from
pahknts wi:m-: maiiOoniid.
l)orsy Kielt7ei-'s Katlier mid .Motlu-i-
l'll.on lop Moor or Home :t Days . .Miss Julia Holms, who has been
Horsey Kreltzer yesterday recotved HI for sonio time, wits reported In a
n letter from Tliuyor Orlmesll, now rather serious condition yesterday.
nt Cincinnati, saying ho hud Just re-'
turned from Hnyton, Ohio, where ho
Si. "?.? ',f,!' ii!.H,.,., '"i1 ' r "H-t I WORTH BEND MOTES. !
........... ... .ui. uinun h iiirt-lllH.
Mr. (Jrlmes snys that tho Duvtmi
"Snlrey Gump" A Hen That
l.ulil 'J 1 7 Kggs in n Year.
Ill the poultry department or the
run out Insue or I'mni nnd Fireside
appears un nrcounr of "Snlrey
(lanip,"' a hen famous for her steady
production or eggs. Following Is an
ovfi-iii-l fi-nni Din iii-IIi-Iii-
.-..i ... I ... ' . .
as woro first reared. ,'i' fl"'L " .". Y' . ' " V . ',"::. I .. ""' """'I' lt ' "t
Mr. Grimes nys that Mr. Krt-ltzer'B "iJ, "' A..."V;V, V,'.... '"." ."' ' ".l ' .""" -v"ni or liroiiuciion. itun two
ftnmi -..u iu. '.. .. 1....1 ... ..' .:. " . -iit.vr I., .i. nimpsou
wmT . n'r. ". . ..,B" """: from Ran I-ranclsco on tho A
Jlfo and tho lire was imtas dl.,s7,o, , "ZTVT?
nu wiirn flrut f.... m,..1 ' ,ll. V. II.1 Hill
V. l-'ahy. at Hiillards. hundred and sovonteen eggs dlstilb-
IfllllllUMIi uiimit Cmi.lni. I . - . .
nnd since then two more have nr
rived. This paper would lie pleased
to hear from owners or other hens
with records. The rollowlng me tho
last that have been received
Heiw Aii'iime HI llgg- In Mnivii.
llcv. .. O. Howard reports n rath
er remarkable record from bis 10
hoiiB during the month of March
when tho production reached tho
hlgh-wnter mark, or rnther tho high
egg mnrk or 330 eggs, nn nvernge
of 21 per hen. These Inyers are
White Leghorns nnd White Wynn-
Aiicoiim Pullets Pi.-ulnctloii.
Marshfield. Or.. April U. 1013.
Kdltor Times:
I hnve noticed several egg records
in your pnper of lute so I will send
you a record of my 1- Anconn pul
lets nntl one hen. The pullets be
gan to lay In October, r began to
trnpnest them on November 1. In
November they laid IM eggs. In
December 10S. In January 201. In
February 2.s". In March 303, nnd
up to this evening. April 0. they
have laid fill eggs.
Yours resneetrtillv.
Mom: i:gg !ti:roi:is.
Udltor Times:
I notice In your paper two egg
records which are very good, but
will tell you or n bettor one. John
T. Olson, on Kcntitck Slough, has Til
it'hlto Leghorns mid for the month
or Mnrch collected 127S eggs, or
lOfi t, dozen, making nu nvernge or
a little hotter thitu 2." eggs.
Tuesday, April 2. they got 10
eggs, although two hens nro now
Yours truly,
North llond.
coos ihvhk i:ggs.
Mrs. V. 11. Piper or North Coos
Illver Is another aspirant for tho
poultry record. She has n Hock of
llfty-llvo lions nnd during the month
of March,- she received 11 SO eggs
from them. They nro tho White
Leghorn variety and she siiy tho
record they mndn is n third greater
than tho one made by the llar.eo
Tho flood descended nn n.-ivinn ,.u
a perfect wall of water when tho
big loveo broke, thoro being no warn
jjiB, or opportunity to escape from
Warren Itachtel. formerly of
Jlnrshllnld, but who Is now located
Jn Alabama, has sent papers to
Xlnrshile d friends giving alt the do
. '. f.tl10 ""n,, 8ltuatlon buck there.
Indicating that Coos Hay has raised
another notch In Mr. Hati-hol's estl-
OHTLANl) Louis (Inif. mm nf n
wealthy tobacco dealer at Tnnina.
In., ami MIks Charlotto Flslim- tin.
daughter of a woll known railroad
man. woro married by Judge A. II.
J roauwell. Tho parents of the
A New Display of the Finest Suits and Coats
to be Seen This Side of Portland
at $15.00, $16,50, $18,50, $20.00, $22.50, $25.00 and up to $37.50
We present an extraordinary selection of exclusive
modes styles that wore not brought out for fashion
shows, but for the use of refined Americans seeking
harmony as well as the uncommon in dress, Wc
are rightly proud of these garments,' they represent
the finest values ever shown in this city,
A Word As to Our "Store Policy"
ONE PRICE: All prices are marked in plain figures,
as low as it is possible to sell merchandise of this
quality, One person's dollar will buy as much as an
other's at the "Hub," Every customer receives the
same fair, impartial treatment,
"One Pi-Ice to All Menus n Lower Pi-Ice to AIL"
CHARGE ACCOUNTS mean loss of interest in money
invested; mean exponsive bookkeeping, e-xpense and
loss in collections,
l'li-xt pi Ice your Mill, coat or lres at n More doing; u credit
business then price It ut the Hub Dry Goods Co. and m-o for
.MHiiM-ir what you net unity m,.
We can and will demonstrate to you that
Huh Dry Goods Co.
O'Connell BulldintT.
Phone 35I,
............ nuo iHiiiHiiii-u inim rues-, i i,.,... ni
day until Friday In tho second Moor V i (;,, Z ''no tor i , "' """"" "H r""W8:
bard on thorn, they aro now Karoly lo-, jVoh or Chai el on Co m Tllv r whl W 23
?KS , 'U ,teJ,55?"?.." .. W" .!. fKontes'las ro" tS'nomost go!! 22
In fw i.i m,u :,.. "".""." ,V "". "VT medals. Tho .1, ,. '" .":,
trlet and lb,, water V. L Vviti.,. VVM ('"rrj' " ,row,l frniu Sumner ami iiv 73
fS1 inches IJnho aL ' blUI"" " ! R?.. Hl'!" -Ill gather ,, crowd from ft,,;.- V ": .' ! ! ! ! ! ! '. '. '. 7
V. V.'. V. !!.'.'!.' ! Is
October . ,
rl L tj
(Is 2T, per cent stronger than other
A hoiiKuhold remedy: used for Lac
erations, Pliers, Hums, insut.t Hltes,
Sore Throat. .Mouth Wash. ote.
Should bo kept In every house.
4-Ouncc Bottles 25c
Pint Bottles 50c
We also hae other cheaper brands
but locoinuienil tho nboe.
Red Cross Drugstore
Phone liii'.l Motoivjcle Delivery.
'As tills Is written. 'Salrev Gnum'
young couple were not nolined of o lu"! !,rn,c,1,".v mplou'il hor molt
event until It had taken nlace lmX .loolH l'"llK for her fourth
. ' t year b work. She Is as sprightly nnd
I'ltL'SH TK.'Y. 15 ns Lit to- vlgorouB as n pullet.
morrow nt LI-AVIS' mid-week sale i. "'"01 PX1H't production In her pul-
ivu nun mi wiiu yeniH was noi re
corded, but she hns probably lulil
moie t linn sl hundred eggs, perfect
ly shelled nnd of normal size, dur
ing her three years of production,
"This hen has each season laid
steadily up to about December be
fore molting, then rapidly grows
new feathers and Is again on tho
I egg Job. 'Snlrey Gump' has a direct
I line of descent from the Malno ICx
, porlinont Station stock bred by Pro-
fessor Gowot during his inmous
I breeding experiments conducted sov
eial years ago."
How t.t Double Your Kgg Produc
tion. Ill tho current Issue of Kami and
Fireside, n contributor snys thnt
poultry-raisers can practically double
their egg production ir they persist
ently itho the trap-nest. Following
Is an extract from his- article.
I "For the benefit of those who are
jnot acquainted with the trap-nest I
win explain m detail Its purpoho.
Tho trnpnest Is n nest bo contrived
TKe Royal
Hint when tho hen enters she springs
a 'trap' which closes the door mid
holds her captive until she Is re
leased by tho attendant. Tho nest Is
or sunn-lent size to allow the hen
plenty of space lo move nrouinl in.
or sho would bo npt to break the
"By taking tho lions of highest
trap-nest record and uniting them
with males descended from henvv
Inyers you will lay the foundation
or n good strain or heavy layers. Ily
cnrerul trnp-nest culling and with
the snmo rnro in breeding, year nrter
year, you will build your riock up
lo n high stato or efficiency.
"It Is not at nil llllt-nnimmi Oi.
flocks thnt are trap-nested to aver
age ISO eggs per hen por year. At
the same time theso Hocks not In
frequently contain Individuals Gmt
have a record or 200 to 230 eggs
ouch per yenr.
"Tho lntest figures nt hand from
the Department of Agriculture de
claro that tho average farm hen lays
less than SO per year. Slxtv eggs
per hen per yenr would probn'bly be
overestimating the nvernge, uncared
for farm hen. At any into, the
great difference between 200 to 230
eggs and tiO or SO eggs Is enough to
think about seriously."
Some Gieut Itet-onls ."lude by He
luarliiible Hens,
III the current Issno or Farm nnd
Fireside there nppenrs In tho "Poul
try ' department nn account or re
ninrkuble records made by exception
al hens. One hen, Lndy Showyou.,
laid BJi eggs In 50 consecutive dnys.
Dor production for tho yenr wos 281
eggs and sho wos recently told for
S00. A group of tivo hens exhibit
ed in the Connecticut egg-laying con
test laid an average or 213,8 eggs
each during the year they wero test
ed. Another group or flvo hens ex
hibited In tho Connecticut egg-lnylng
contest laid SI.', eggs In a vear.
and sori.i:
l-hiteilniiieis In
Musical mid Instiiiiiieiitiil Specialties
I nwio fi:i:t of nkw Picnin:s
"Till: MOSAIC LAW" Two Keels
Kny Dee.
,'Tlir, KITFK miTKX" Malestlc.
How the ".MM KIT OK 7(1" was
. painted Pilot Films.
I Muays a Good Program
jKetiii-n Kiigngoiiiont, Monday, Apr. I
Musical Comedy Company
"Till: 111X1)0 DOCTOK"
Notice is hereby given, that the
undersigned has been by order of tho
County Judgo of tho County Court of
Coos County, Oregon, duly nppolnt-
v miiiiiiiiHinuris or tile ostnto of L,
K. Hnlllnger, deceased, and letters of
.nu iiiiisiraiion navo been duly issued
to her.
Now. therefore, all persons hav
ing claims against said cstato are
hereby notified to present thorn with
the proper vouchers within six
months from the date of this notice
V?.-"0. ""'lerslKiiod nt hor residence'
.... S. Hrondway, Marshfleld, Coos
County. Oregon.
i mm u. li.4ui.UHK,
Administratrix of tho estate
1-1 . Il'1,Kv,nlHnsor, deceased
Hrat publication, April 8; last
rubllcntlon, May 3, 1913.
Klaumtli Ihilei-prlse Sells Pelts Tlial
Coiiiinanil .si.-t to 85 Kneh.
KLAMATH FALLS, Or., April 7.
A skunk fnrni Is not entirely n
now thing, but it Is now to this
region. Alox nnd Itobort Choyonn
liuve ono a fow miles from bore, and
have boon selling tho skliiH during
the pnst six months, bringing In
three wngon loads In that time. Tho
prices ran go from $3 to $", each for
good polts, ami tho hoys estimate
they have G000 growing now. Xo
outsider has dared go eloso enough
to dlsputo their word as to tho number.
Thoy keop them In n wlro mesh
foiico being hurled deep cnotigh to
prevent their burrowing under.
They are red on Jack rabbits u
mud hens, mid refuse mca'8 bnJM
ut the butuhor shops.
President Wilson liiictlfratlns thr
Callfoinlii I'glslntloii.
lr Am lle. ,'ti lo Cool 1UJ Tl-I
WASHINGTON. D. C, April 7.
Presldent Wilson took up today u
formal protest by tho Japanese gov
ornment ngnlnst tho nJIcii land I i
pending lu the California lfgWj"":
Ho arranged to meet Senator Wortj;
of California, to learn the statas M
tho bill and sought Information fron
Secrotiiry Lano of tno inienur u--
enclosure, the lower edgo or the mont. who is a native or Callfomji
Dear Girls:
THIS morning we received quite a lot of
answers to our conundrum'WilY ARC
all of them very nice and complimentary
but none of Ihem correct.. Now, wc want
to give 25 boxes of candy and wc want
25 correct answers, so we are going to
give you another chance and extend the
time until Thursday. Think of all the
rhymes and jingles you ever heard, and
get Mamma and Papa to help you, and
you will surely hit the right answer. You
will KNOW when you get it right.