THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, APRIL 8, 1913 EVENING EDITION. 5yJKXSX& 1 -c::PwMaw -zj & Shoes 5-2 Queen Quality footwear displays the ideal com bination of distinctiveness and durability supple ness and style good material and good work manship. The Queen Quality trademark stands for nil that is best in shoe mak ing. Our present assort ment includes everything new and novel as well as the staple and standard. I V JIXJfJrt!!n Sole Agency I tVy - -ri The Golden Rule First Nutlonnl Hunk Rulldlng. j AW&&J&'y& SPECIAL SALE ox Hand Painted China AT TIIK Itl'SV CORNER. comi: and M-:r rs coxvixck vor that you tax Save atfLeast 30 Per Cent ix'itixr; one special salk. Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co, PHONE "THE BUSY CORNER." MAIN 298 US ORPHEUM TONIGHT: iimm fkkt or xi:v picti'rks. "IT .U.I. CAME i'T IX TIIK WASH IVA'S CHRISTMAS" Vila featuring ".John lliiiniy." "Tin:iti:ri:mx(: tkllkr" a strong iti-uum. "howtiii: iii'kk op i.Kisrui-: kkachkd ins wintkr" A Comedy of llolio l.llV. "ItV.VAMITI It I.OVK" 1 01)0 Feet or Funny Comply. IWI r(iK'l to mi "(Jrolt or Torture." II ulll bo lieio mmiii. iftt t REPORT OF TIIK CONDITION OK First National Bank of Coos Bay AT MAKKIIFIKLD, IX TIIK STATU OK ORKUOX, At the close of business April -I, llllil. , RESOURCES. wans ami Discounts I ft weiirwl nml unsecured ..omI.8 ' hW'uro circulation Chi, V0 ." t0 Bt'('"ro 10H,ul Savings Deposits 23.7no.00 h.h.. " t0 Hm"' " S. Deposits 2a,7C9.00 Ben i?Z" !,.:..? on,, li'nw. ,'.Uh?' "'"ittito mid Fixtures' '.'.'.'.'.'. Due frn, MU,101ml Ranks (not reserve ugontB) no"i u" "mi rrivato uuiikh and uniiKors, Trust uom- Uu ??J a,1(l Savlniw Dunks 3,401.48 ChefV. " ?""rove'l Rosorvo Agents 1 30,1 07.1 1 Xol !nd otller C'H Itoius C74.S0 Ytmin,1 ,ol.her Motional Hanks 7,025.00 SdmIa ' ai)or Currency, Nickels, and CentB 203.10 rvue ...,.,.. t'ln Q1 ') or. rwtenuer notes in no 33 0" S raption fund with u. S. Treasurer (C'r of circulation) ... 5,000.00 Tota S771.S05.G3 Cl... , LIABILITIES. 8wdIbi ft0ClS lml,1 ,n $100,000.00 I'fidl ia nA 8,500.00 V. i ii?f d Pro fl t b. less KxDo'nVea'and Taxes' naid 3,715.78 k. . " aill Notes outstnndlnK .'. 97,750.00 - " otner Vfitimmi n....i. $310,001.77 . 1,002.81 100,000.00 750.00 37,124.98 80,000.00 2C.95C.23 Iu8? v AIMtIL TlltKS. Hclow tt given the Unto and height of high and low water ut Murshfleld. Tiio tides are placed In tho order of (icrurrencu, with tliolr times on the (lrnt line and heights on tho secmid lino of ench day; a coinpai iRon on consccutlvo heights will Indicate whether It Is high or low wntor. For high water on tho uar, anlistrnct 2 hours 34 minora, 8 I Irs. 'Ft.. . 0,11th.. Ft... 10 Mrs.. il-'t... llllrs.. I Ft... l2Hlrs.. ,Ft... 3.2 1 0.1 3.1!) 0.2 1.20 0.2 4.57 li.l 5.41 5.9 9.39 0.0 10.18 0.0 10.59 0.1 11.10 0.0 12.43 0.0 I.I I 5.U 5.01 1.8 5.4 1 4.5 0. 1 1 4.2 7.51 4.2 9.23 1.8 9.48 2.1 10.19 2.4 10.59 2.7 12.00 2.9 WKATIIKK KOKKCAKT. lly Associated Press ' OUKCtON Prohnhly Talr to night and Wednesday, North' westerly wltulH. LOCAL TIOII'KltATL'HK ItKCOItll. For the 24 hours ending at 4:13 a. in.. April 8. hv lluiij. Ostllnd, spuelal government me- teorologlial ousorvor: Maxinuiiu 55 Mhi I inn in 3 1 At 4:13 n. in 43 Precipitation uouu ' Precipitation sltuu sept. 1, 1912 50.80 Precipitation Hiune period last year 4 7.99 Wind: HoutliwVst: cloudy. y uoitx. I . , ARNOT To Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ar not at their homo In North Uend, April 5, u 11 1-2 pound sou. SANDINK To Mr. tuid Mrs. Chns. Kiindlne at their home In North Ileud, April 7, u 7 1-2 pound son. He is the llrst hoy, following live sisters " ml Joy reigns supreme In the Saiidluu hosehold. Plan lleceptlon. Invitations are out for a reception to Dr. Illrd WANT ADS. KOIt SALK Klcctrlc Vlliriilor. cheap If tnken at once. Phono 278-.I. WAXTKI) A M-toiiil hand luculialoi'. 1), euro of Tlnies. I'OIC SAI.I-: Klnc largo draft Guaranteed sound, gentle and true. J. V. Donne, Phono 331-11. FOIt IIKXT New .T room iMiuga low. modern conveiilenccH, splen did view; no children. Phone 190. I'OU SALK Two new Mildly mod ern llve-iooiu hiiugalowH can ho hought on easy terms; $300 down, halauco monthly payments, same lis relit. Or would accept a small er payment down If ileHlred. Kx cluslvo llBtlng. See Coos Hay Healty Co., l..o Front St. Phono 20 1-J. KOIt SALK Henry K. Miller Unity (rand Piano, with stool and cov ers. Now cost $700. Have sold furniture and am vacating house. $350 cash huys It If tuUeu ulel(. Mrs. Kettring, 471 Klrod St. KOIt HALK Heifer cahes. K. II. Hood. Phono 3015. 1'Olt IIKXT Two hou.cKee lug roouiH with gas range, hath and electric lights. No children allowed. 239 South llroadwuy. ijilH.OI! WKKKLY Laily or gentle man as Hold represontatlvo solicit ing subscriptions to leading fash ion publication and appointing suh-ngonts. Nntlolial Sales Asso ciation, Los Angeles, Calif., 503 San Fernando Hldg. Clark and Miss Hcssle Hnln at tho Charles Soiander home on Catching Inlet next Frldny evening. Conceit Sunday. - The Coos liny Coiice-t Hand will give a public con cert at the Masonic Opera llous" Sundm. April 13. at 2:30. Pi Ice (ilwii Tho price paid by' Mi. Craig for tho Hurghagen prop erty at Hunker Hill was $2100. Thtough a typographical error, the price printed yestenlny was erron eous Improve Camp Foremnn K. L. PI rce of the Tar Heel camp of the Simpson company is busying himself making Improvements there. He Is not getting out logs for n few weeks, while getting things rcnily 'for a big run. Kninlly . Arrives. Manager Paul Dlininlck of tho North Hend mill re turned yesterday from Gardiner, where he went to meet his wife nnd father, who arrived from Kurekn. t'nl., to Join him. They will reside in North Hend. Huys Logs It Is understood tlint Manager Dlininlck of the North Hond mill. which Is being rebuilt, has contracted for about 2,000,000. feet of logs from Henry Hoeko's camp at Smith's basin. lie Is now figuring on buying sonic other tracts of tim ber on tidewater. Sells llnkery H. P. Leld is dis posing of his interest in Lcld's Hiik ery to his partner, Mr. Hnrnnge, who will conduct the business alone henceforth. Mr. Leid will leave soon for California, where ho will spend some time In hopes of bcnellt ting Mrs. Lcld's health. Visit Pioneer Mrs. Kennedy nnd daughter, Miss Hoso Kennedy of Hnn don, arrived here today to visit Mrs. Kennedy's brother, John Golden, tho well known Mnrshllcld pioneer. Mr. Golden is now at Mercy hospital In North Hend. This is Mrs. Kennedy's llrst visit here in iiulto awhile. It Is possible that Mr. Golden may accom pany her home nnd make ills home with her In Handon. Spewlvtoll In Tho Speedwell reached San Francisco safely yester day but no details of her trip have been reclved hero other thnn wore given In The Times yostordny. Agent Seugstackon was untitled from Hnn don that she was safely In port. Jnck Carter received u telegram from Chief of Police 1). A. White of Sail Francisco saying his llttlo sou, Jack, had reached there safely and would leave on the Speedwell yestordny for Sim Pedro. IteliiriiN After Vears. This morn ing a stranger stepped Into Tom Hall's olllce. Mr. Hall thought he knuw him hut could not call his name nnd when the stranger told him It was Herman Klnhn. Mr. Hall remem bered him although Klahn left hum In 1879 nnd has since been at Port laud and Astoria. Ho camo to Gar diner to look after property and while there learned that his brother. Fer dinand Klahn, had died at Kinplro a few mouths ago and came on down here. Ilullil Hotel I). II. Keller, who has Just returned from a business trip to Florence, reports that Georgu Schroeder, formerly of this locality, has organized u stock company to build n 3-story modern hotel there. Tho lumber Is on tho ground ami It Is hoped to have It completed before many months, Thero will he eighty guest rooms, some In suites and with baths. Mr. Schroeder Ih now opera ting the old hotel and the new one will ho Just above It. Mr. Keller reportH that tho Sluslnw country Is booming. Tho bad weather lias been handicapping railroad work. PERSONAL NOTES ! WAXTKI) Hoy nt Lew Is prefer one 18 to 20 years old. WAXTKI) Girl or woman at Lewli Must bo 18 years old. KOIt SALK Three ranches. Phone 304X1, J. II. Price, Allegany. It AY WHITTKD was a visitor from Allegany today. JOHN LONGSTAFF Is In town to- day from Sunnier. J. C. KKNDALL loft for Coqulllo on tho morning train. MltS. JUDD MILLS, or Sumner, is visiting in Marshfleld. W. 11. JKNXIXGS, of Haynea Inlet, Is In town on hiiBlness, W. II. STPLL, of Allegany, was In town today on business. JOHN 11 10 A It mndo a husluoss trip to CiKiulIle this morning. It. K. HOOTII loft today for Coqulllo on a short business till). J. H. DAVIS of Coos Itlvor was a business visitor In Mnrshlleld to day. MISS HILDl'U SELAXniCR. of Catching Inlet, Is In town for the day. ROCCO AND JOHN 1IIASCA are business visitors from Coo River today. DR. HOPKINS left this morning for Doe in c . r ""nal Hanks i.7a.'.3u IndirM. ... aua 1'rlvato HankB nnd Rankers 21,874.44 ft S XK'f: : ::::::::::::::::::::: SB:S SaSSS?.".' """ :::: S8!? a?;si .:.:::::.:.;: : :::::: : : : ; ; : : ?js Total ,$771,805.05 State of Oreu'oii" Pn!n',i,' V nr. ' 1J .' twea'r nlTy K,oltzor, Cashier of 'the above-named bank, do solomnly find belief "1,OVo 8,0ter"ent '8 tr"o to tho best of my knowledge Correct s . DORSKV KREITZER. Cashier, bribed and sworn to before mo this 8th day of April. 1913. ANNIE SMITH, Notary Public ror uregon. Mtest; W. S. CHANDLER, JOHN S. COKE. W. TJ. DOUGLAS Directors. WAXTKI) Kxperlcncetl miners at tho Llbby mine. FOR HALK Ono launch 20 feet; 8 II. P. Enquire M. Q. Coloman, North Hend. FOR SALE: tin wood, ttr and al der, at Campbell's Wood Yard, Perry landing. Pboie 15I-L DAIRV AX1) STOCK FARMS. If you wniit ft good I)alr' or Stock farm see Fitzgerald or Phono illM, Murfchficld. For tho Ilnnieseeker He can show you somo of the best in- the county for snln. Times Want Ads. Bring Results FARM FOR SALE Dairy, stock and fruit farm con sisting of 518 ncres, between 35 and 40 acres of rich bottom land, olght acres of bench land set to apple trees and fifty acres more that can nnuiiv im dftiirnii for orclinrd and balance good grazing Jand for cat- Twnlvn head cood dalrV COWB and all farming Implements necessary. Located on West Fork of Coos River, ono mile . from postofflce, school and boatlniidlng. Buy direct from owner. For further Information, call or write: W. A. QAGE, Allegany, Or. HOME GOODS KXAMIXK OCR HO.MK GOODS window axd see wrr.vT .?, JfO AXIt 15 CENTS WILL RtT. "ALWAYS SOMETIITXO NEW." Peoples' 5-l(M5c Store That Peculiar Lightness and Flavor f Noticed in the finest biscuit, rolls, cake, etc., is due to the absolute purity and the accurate combination of the ingre dients of the Royal Baking Powder. The best things in cookery arc always made and can be most readily made with the Royal Baking Powder. Hence its use is demanded in the most cele brated restaurants, in the homes of the people, wherever delicious, wholesome food is appreciated. Its Sale and use extend to every civilized country in the world. The only Baking Powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar NO ALUM NO LIME PHOSPHATES I SOCIAL CALENDAR TUESDAY Episcopal (lulld Willi Mrs. E. (i. Pcrhnm. C. W. II. M. with Mrs. Downrd Royal Auction llrldgo with Mrs. R. K. Rooth. Private Masquerade ball at Finnish hall. WEDNESDAY Jolly Dozen club with Mrs. W. F. Squire. Auction llrldgo club with Mrs. E. Mlngus. College Women's Club at Swe dish hall. Ilcnvor HIM, after a short stay In, Mnrshllcld. MRS. J. CRONK Is In town today from South Coos Rlvor. MRS. JOHN MESSERLE Is In town today from Catching Inlet. M. C. MALONEY wnR a business vis itor to Coiiutllo this morning. MISS CRACK SANKORD, of Sum ner, Is visiting In town today. CEORCE ROSS of Catching lulot Is n Marshllcld business visitor tody. S. S. WILLIAMSON nnd wlfo nro In town today from llaynos Inlot. W. I. IIONEIIRAKE nnd wlfo or RosH Inlet are Mnrshlleld visitors today. MRS. C. II. DUNCAN and daughter of South Coos River tiro town vis itors today. F. E. ALLEN left this morning for tho Coiiulllu Valley on a short business trip. MR. anil MRS. FRANK HODSON of South Coos River are In town vis iting relatives. ATTORNEY VRER HOLLISTER of North Rend made a business trip to Couulllo today, MRS. IIYRD LATTIN camo to Marsh fleld this morning from hor South Cons River homo. S. I). HARPER left this morning for a business trip to Coqulllo, Han don and Myrtlo Point. FRANK LIRKNRT of Ansln's Camp, near Coqulllo, Is spending n weok's vacation In Mnrshllcld, J. K. PAULSON, local grocory sales man of Coqulllo, is in Mnrshflold on a fow days' business trip. MRS. W. A. LUSE of South Coos River Is spending tho day In town on business nnd pleasure. J. .1. CL1NKENREARD or Dnnlols Creek was a business visitor to tho Marshfleld Creamery today. FRANK LAYTON returned today from n three weeks' business trip through tho Coqulllo Vnlloy. II. E. RULTMAN loft on this morn lug's train and will visit custo mers In the Coqulllo Valley. MRS. LEONARD MASTERS and daughter, Olllu Richards, of Sum ner, are In town on husluoss, MRS. L. II. JUDY, of Loon Lake. Is Pure Maple Syrup Guaranteed 65c Per Quart Just the thing for those Buckwheats, Stauff Grocery Co. Phone 102 Klaskey's "andlea. Stafford's Candy Is the Best COOS KINO RICYCLES $.10.00 COOS QUEEN RICYCLES 28.(0. Marslifield Cyclery Dayton Agents. Phono 1RH-H !72 Ilroadway The Sign of Good Candy Always visiting In Marshfleld today, th guest of Mrs. Wllllnm Egonhoff. ARCHIE JOHNSON, local hardware snlcsmnii, will ho a passongor on tho morning train for Myrtlo Point. R. M. SARTER hns tnken a position with the Coos Ray Steam Laundry and Is now handling their auto de livery service. JUDGE HALL left mi tho morning train for Coqulllo to hold a special session of tho county commission ors. MR. AND MRS. W. II. SMITH and dnughtor, Mary, of Coos Rlvor, nro spending tho day In Mnrsh flold on business nnd pleasure. CHAS. FREEMAN, representing tho Irwin, Hudson Printing Co. of Portland. Is In Mnrshlleld this wook looking after business inter ests. J. M. UPTON nnd son, ARTHUR, re turned on the noon train today from Curry county, where they hnvo been visiting Mr, Upton's par ents. MR. AND MRS. CLARENCE HAR rls, of Sumner, tiro moving their huiisoliold effects to town today nnd will ho domiciled In West Mnrshflold. MART MARTELLA and brldo of Santa Cruz, N. M a brother of .Mrs. Rocco Rlasca of Coos Rlvor, will leavo this week, nftor a two weeks' visit hero. A. II. HATFIELD, who Is leaving Coos Rny for Truckee, Call., pur chased a now Indian mntorcyclo from Will Kkblnd and shipped It to his now hmno. Ho did not know that ho could get ono thero nnd to niako certain secured It "hoforo loavlng. KDOAR MAUZEY and CHAS. IIICK OX hnvo returned from n hunting; trip to tho mountains near tho Julius Larson ranch. Mr. Mnuzoy killed a wild cat. They were un nblo to Had any trnco of tho pan ther, which wiib soon a week or so ago at tho Larson ranch. Buying a Typewriter? If so, It should ho nn Underwood. Tho Underwood holds all tho world records for spoed, accuracy and dur ability and tiero nro mora of them lu uso thnn all other vlslbles com bined. That is why tho U. S. Gov ernment, tho Western Union, U. S. Steel Co,, nnd other big corporations buy Undorwoods exclusively. C. L. STOCKI.V, tho Underwood mail, Is at Tho Chandler, and would ho pleased to give you a demonstration. The Speed Limit Will Be Tested Rut R requires no test to provo that you can get the bo3t candles and fountain drinks on Coos Day nt Sar tors. That has beou proven already. We Keep All Sorts But Recommend nshr u. j t wi .racnM Kidney Pills We know what they will do PRICE 50c m W