THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, APRIL 7, 1913- TUESDAY, APRIL 8, 1913- '.4 mmimmtmtm,atmtmahmtatar-0t9'Mmimm;r0mmmm)mmrmmmBmtmmmmmtmmmmmm B5; 20 ftGRE RULE PLAN TO FORM NOT EFFECTIVE UUP P PORT Important Change in Home stead Law Made by Last Congress. Tho HoseburR Review says: "An amendment to tho homestead lnw that was )assud by Confess luHt mouth durltiK the rtmh period In preparation for President Wilson's ttimurnffiHriii tipnvtilna tlint n luitnn- stcader who has lived upon surveyed Uovcrnmont land for five years nia mako final proof ntider the old law. Instead of under the new one re quiring cultivation of at least -0 acres out of 1 GO. As the law Mauds now, proof of general Improvement of the land for permanent habitable tiitrimtina tiOtntlinr flin pnlt I vntffl area consists of 20 acres or less, Is NUfficlcut to secure a patunt. This newH will be hailed with Krent pleasure by affected settlers who, like the land office, remained under the Impression that t!ie could not hPciire a patent until they had cultivated not less than L'o acres of tliulr homesteads. .Mnn llnftlnuf Ofiilo u'lilMt linvn lutiitl firetl. pled by tha same settlers for t lit statutory period of five years and some of them even longer do not Include that amount of cultivated land, yet their Improvements other wlbu Justly entitle the settlers t patents. Under tho homestead law of re cent date which permitted Htm! nrnnf nfter three venrs resiilpure. 1 was ruled by tho general land offlci that settlers who had been llvluv on unstirveyed lauds, or who lint filed under tho old law, must maki final proof under the new law. Tlili ruling worked n groat hardship ot many homesteaders, and In numer ous Instnnces these pioneers linvi literally been forced to nbnndot their claims, A telegram Just re celved by Mr. Jones explains (In matter nnd confirms the posittot taken by tho local laud office offl cluls. It reads as follows: "Tho genoral deficiency bill np proved March, 191 3, contained t paragraph allowing claims inltlalei upon unstirveyed laud prior to Jim o, 1912, to bn perfected under elthe tho threo or five year law. liiHtrtic tlons will be Issued within a shor time.' PROl'DPIT. Ass't Comiu'r. FIRST TO MAKE Tltll' ItoM'lturtt View of Slilegelmlll I'urty's Voyage llmwi riupqiin. The llosebuig Itnvluw says: "The Kchlegelmllch party of hovcii personi who left Itoscburg In a hoiiKeboa' on Sunday, Match 111, have complet ed their Journey down the I'nipqur river to (inrdlnor, a distance of I2i miles, without accident. This Infor matlou cnint) this morning to 10. W Crane, n member of the Soldiers Home and a friend of the family It was conveyed on a postal card reading as follows: " 'Just to let you know Hint we made tho trip without u single mis hap. Still, I would not advise r "greenhorn" to tnko the (tip. Will best regards.' "if the voyagers reached theli destination on tho date of the posin card It would record time of l" ilny In making the Journey This is If days longer than the two men In Hit party calculated it would take when they were preparing for their trip Thus pahsos Into county history i feat never before accomplished' oi the I'mpijua river. Few persons be lleved that the boat could survlvt the series of wild rapIdH on the ilvei or that the voyage would be coin pleted without loss of life "Man's Ingenuity and courage however, has conquered the wild and treacherous stream, mid. as a lesult the Schlegelmllcns are ahead HO tho difference represented in the eos: of un overland Journey wltl household goods J"r. and the rot, of tho houseboat and piovlslons 3G. Special Election Called for May 27 Leave Out Drain and Upper Part Valley. IinHHIitritn. Or.. Amll 7 Under an order made b) the county court it conn Mil ftlnnt In it tut tint I mmrwtifnr Imii of the proposed Port of t'ntpqun will Iip lielil fin TiipmiImv. Mnv "7 Onlv three precincts, (Inrdlnor, Scottsburg nnd Elkton. will bu concerned in this coming election, while in tno ro niter attempt ten precincts, or parts there of, were Involved. Ilesldes thoM mentioned, there were Uinin, Pass Creek, Comstocks, Yoncitlln, Kol loggs, Oakland nnd Cnlapoolo. The territory Included nt that election, held in 1011, wns about twice as Int-i'it na flint In Mm ttrnimnt ttrnttnunl and embraced practically all the northwestern part of the county, up 10 within a mile or two of the town jf Oakland. In the present instance the eastern boundary is only about live miles east of ICIkton and the eolith boundary Is four miles from that town. In llui ni'i'RiMit illxtrlfl tin, nm. sesseii valuation or property witiiin the proposed botiudntles is $4,337, Hi,, ns against tin asscsed valuation if $!M::3,Gttu in the district em it raced at the former election. Thai 'lection was lost by n large major ity, but n different result Is looked ior this time. The purpose of forming this Port if I'mpqun district Is to Improve the .'iiirnuco tutu iinrour at tttc moiiiu if lite L'mp(iin river. Ily taltlng the ulliaihe in the matter the resl lents there believe the V. S. Gov lrument can be interested In the natter of building a Jetty that will e of grent benefit to the growing omiucrce of that port. This Includes a maximum of a tit le over six townships from east to vest and five nnd one-half town ihlps from north to south and em- traces aiiom is lownsnips, or nearly 150 square miles of territory. The lotindary runs about five miles easl tttl four miles south of the town ol Slktou. West of there tho boundary toes about seven miles fnithor soutl ml Includes the l.oon l.uke district )n the northeast the lues roach .itiiiu aiiotit two miles of Wool ley and Citiittor hut do not Include either if those places, Gardiner. Ueeds iort and Scottsliurg t n other owns Included, nnd uenrlv all the liiilth Itlver and Scholield territory s enibracetl lit the proposed Port orrltory. Kellogg Is left outside by i distance of about four miles, CHECKS FADE I ONE NIGHT PORTLAND. Or, April 8. Chnmeleou bank checks which ap pear to have perfectly tinted faces but which turn white in n single night, leaving not a figure or a let- tn. ti iltutlnirtlluli tlintii from nil nr. dlnary piece of paper, nre invading the West, nnd United States Secret Qnrvlf.ik nt'iititd In tlln nmtllm ,if tile Trcnsury Department nre still at loss to account tor lite mciuou empioyeo In making them. Steve Council, Se cret Service operative in Portland, has been warned that the bad check men nre coming to the Pacific Coast from Nevada and Idaho. The chnugcalilo checks, which have been traced to a number of Wiiutinii linloln In Vni-niln mill lilnhn. are patterned after the mirages of the Urent American desert, but as yet the hotel men hnve not solved llui mittlimt nt miiLIni' tint iilnlf mill blushing check fade to tho pallor of .-mow. They only know that n breezy, persuasive individual, dash ing off n bold signature on the reg ister us representative of several big Knstcrn houses, lias passed out hecks for $50 and $G0, Inscribed on delicately tinted slips with some nice bank name engraved thereon, nnd that delicate tint, bank title, penned amount, payee nnd slgunture have utterly fnded, like the snows be neath ii lint' Rim. tlniH doRtrovhic tjvldenco in n good forgery cobc. Now York bonlfttces nnd Western Secret Service men ate wondering how one can detect u mirage draft r check at first glance or how a 'ouvlctlon can be secured when all Mint the Government can show the ludge Is a slip of perfectly good .vhlte paper. r.tssixu op MQroic si:i:. Kltiiiuttli Judge Predicts Woililultlc "Urolith" In l!0 Veai. KLAMATH PALLS. Or, April 7 "Within 20 years the wholo world will be riding on the water wagon." This was tae declaration of Judge Henry L. llensou. from the bench In tho (.Ircttlt coiut heie. He dt. dared that liquor was to blame for most everything from dandruff to divorce. "Even Emperor William, of Ger many, is trying to force tho relch stag to pass dry laws." he declared. "Ten yeats from now, Oolong tea will be the stronger drink one will be nblo to Hud In Oregon." Other Mates nUo will bo parched by that time, says Judge llensou. ANOTHER K;; STORY. Mrs, L. S. Lnw horn, of McKlulov. was in Coqulllo on Monday and loid Tho Sentinel that she could beat an egg story yet published by It. Mrs. l.uuhoui lu.s Plvmotith Hocks, and the other day took an egg measuring IV x 7'i from a nest C'oqiillle Sentinel. Llhby COAL. The kind YOU have ALWAYS USED, rhono 72, I'cl' Uvwr and Transfer Company. (.ami: warden arkesti:i toMiiiiig; (irriclnl Cnuglit I'Miluji Without a'ciisc. ROSKUntO, Or.. April 7 Geo. t'nlley. n deputy flxlt wiinlen, of "ortlnnd. wits anested nnd nr ulgned before Justice R. W. Alurs ers in this city on the c! nrge or Ishlng without n license. The com. ilnlnt was sworn to ami the an est nittle by II. K. lliirclifleld, siiperlu 'endent of tho power station ut Wln liester nnd a recently comiulhsloued leputy sheriff. Tnlley plead not tullty and his tiial was set foi Monday. The act complained of by Ilurch Mold Is alleged to lm,. het'n (oiu nlttetl at Winchester. "Tnllov has eeu very particular In seeing' that other people obeyed the fishing laws' it Winchester." said lliirclifleld this moinlng. "While was Hshlng there ho other dn he made me exhibit uy license. At another time he omptdled a crippled boy traveling ibout tho country to cease fishing etause ho had no Ihense. Then I tedded to satisfy myself as to Ahether Tnlley lad a llcem-e. 1 tsked liim to produce one when 1 aught him fishing, and when ho fulled lo -show me' i put him under arrest." The pennlty for fishing without n license Is n fine of from $25 to $150 or ImpiUoiiuient In Jail from in my a to tlneo months, or both. H.VXDOI.PII AT GOLD IIKACII. Notwitlistnndlng the tunny knocks the Iloguu River bar received from the Del Norte nnd Coos County pa pers In the past years, It served as a refuge for the Rnndolph Inst Satur- ilitv Tlin rtnnilnltih I (in ii ml with some heavy machinery for Crescent my coiini not got wiuim a nine ot Its dock Friday, returning north she put Into our harbor late Saturday ev ening to avoid the heavy weather out side. She will stay until such time ns she can get to the Crcncent City dock. Gold Uoach Globe. Ittvommcnricri for n Good Reason, C. H. Grant, 230 Waverly St.. Peoria, HI., says. Rackacho and congested kidneys mako mo suffer Intenso pains. Was always tired nnd Hoatlng specks bothered ine. Took Foley Kidney Pills and saw big im provement nfter third day. I kopt on until entirely freed of all trouble and Buffering. Thnt's why 1 rec ommend Foloy Kidney Pills. They cured me." For salo by Lockhnrt Parsons Drug Co., "Tho Busy Corner." If YOU ARE A DRINKING MAN You had better stop nt once or you'll Into your Job. ICvery lino of buslneia Is closing Its doors to 'Drinking" men. It mny bo your turn next. Uy the nld of ORR1NR thousands of men have been re itorod to lives of sobriety nnd In dustry. Wv are so sure that ORR1NK will benefit you that wo say to you that If after u trial you fall to get any benefit from Its use, your money will bo refunded. When you stop "Drinking," think of the inonev vou'll envn- sober men nro worth more to their' employers aim got Higher wnges. Costs only $1.00 a box. We have an Interesting booklet about OR RINK that wo are giving awnv free on request. Cnll at our storo and talk it over. Owl 'Prescription Phar macy, Front St Phone 74-J. Noto mm wuru 'prescription Parker & Leaton Real I'M tile, Rentals and Insurance LiHkhart lluildliii:, Over Hub Cloth. lug Store, Marshfleld, Ore. - New and Second Hand furniture bold on Uio Installment plan. I1A1UUXGTOX, DOYLE CO., .102 liVont Bt. Phone 840-h Morshfleld, Or. Pccvifh Children Suffer With Wormi Don't t anfT7 wlta jew chfJd b I wu b or the U continually IniUbla. In nlfiatr-nlna out of on htmdred cuti yon win find that tnt tronolt li worat, Anions th common lynptosui of tnt prMno of round worm art atrrom nM, which often leads to eptleptt form attack: diiiine, Tertlxo. caw. dons ippttUa, rMtleii dtep, ltchlnf of tht eyes and noie. naiua and ntm nynia. Bound worms aro aororal Inches In length and Infest the stomach. Occasionally several hundred art found In a single person. Thread worms aro smaller, often not longer than a quarter of an Inch. The symptoms denotlni their presence are about the same, bnt In this case the child has no appetite. Jayne's Tonic Vermifuge la unaur-1 5nidnJem?JlnKrora- Not only will It destroy them, hut 1U tonic effecta yrWztHoT the stomach to healthy ae .nty. Aa Jayne'a Tonic Vermfrnga seldom purge, the lndlcaUona of lta beneficial effeota will be the ImproyVS condlt on of the person un j10 llUllons of parenu hare praised thla medicine for more than eighty yeua. Insist upon Jayne'a Tonic Vermifuge; and accept no other. Sold by dgglita Slip's!, ? Dr D- Jyne ovf EK Goodrum's Garage home of the CADILLAC and FORD Aut6 Supplies for All Makes of Cars a 17 Central A v. Phono 373.L To Her Honor, the Cook: Does your husband nnd family cnll your bread "Punk" nfter you have exhnusted every effort to make It right? if this Is the case, glvo them a pleasant surprlso and show them thnt you can bako bread that Is "Rread" by using WHITE RIVER FLOUR. Sold by Coos Bay Tea, Coffee & Spice House 184 Market Ave. Phone 394-J. FOR QUICK WORK, FOR PROMPT WORK, ' FOR GOOD WORK, Telephone the old reliable Coos Bay Steam Laundry We always deliver the goods. Phone 57-J Marshfield Singer Sewing Machines We have them for rent or for Bale. Machines Repaired. Supplies nnd Needles for Sale. W. J. RITZ, 131 lik Ave. Slnrshfleld. I'hono 280-X. The White Hoese Restawamift - ' NEXT DOOR TO BLANCO HOTEL You nro invited to try our service. "We aim to use only the best of everything and please our patrons. ANOS BROS., Proprietors Call and See Us. BANDON BY THE SEA THE CITY OF THE FUTURE A FKW TK.V ACltK TltAtTH KOUIt MILKS KOL'TH ON (X)UNTY llOAI !W I'Kll ACItKi 9100 CASH, 1IALANCK TWO YKAIIH, XO INTKKKST, NO TAXKH, FINK HANDY l.OAM, IiKVKIi 1IKNC1I IiANI). Buy One It Will Make You Money Donald MacKibtosh IlKAL K8TATK nml IN9UIIANOR. T11K atmosphere of a bank uhould bo aa dciuocrntlc oh that of tho street feel fre to coma In at any time, even It It la only to net changr. Somo time you mny wish to deposit or borrow, buy a draft or rent n oafety deposit box. We Invite you mnlte thla bank your bank, and let your wanto bo known wv uhnll bo pleased to nerve you. Thi First National Bank Of Coos Bay STATEMENT OP CONDITION OP f LANAGAN & BENNETT BANK MARSIIFIRLD, ORE. At tho close ot business, April 4, 1913. IIESOUIICES. Loans nnd Discounts $494, GOG. 23 Nanking House GO.OOO.OO Cash and Sight Exchange 233,074.10 Total J777.770.38 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock Paid In S 50,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profit 59.1G3.G5 Deposlta GG8.G0C.73 Total 1777,770.38 C. A. Smith) Lumber & Mfg. Co. RETAIL DEPARTMENT 1UMDER, LA-TIL SIIINaLES, MOULDINGS, BASn AND DOOnS. ROOFING PATER, ETC. CUT THE FUEL HILL IN TWO nY U8INQ OUR WOOD. PnONE 100. I 1M S0UTn DROADWAY THE RECORD PHrvrnr.ntmv r0r, ,. t ...r iib.tmrfl n? HH0?rapIl,c c.op,ea of "oorda of Coos County to date, to real ea.i i?,rVP.r,e8?nt TB' r any other Information relating io real estate furnished on short notice BUSINESS OFFICE; 7 N.rth Sont'st., Marshfield. PhoBo IBM W. J. RUST, Manager Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract C6. n .,, DKNHY SENGSTACKEN, Icr. pZ eT?,Ce Pnne 191PJn8 Lands T specialty. Parms-Tlmber-Coal and Marshfield Offlco 14-J. General Agents "EAST8IDE." 'iui Z7 5I ' ""i THE Bowling Aiy .'J73 XdiiTii 'l Sw... o ; tnesnndDrl..., Sweet Hlninbero chn,,lBi ''''red llualni... Man. h004tott Tuesday Is Ladies' D, M jgEN.lA.M OSTMNiT''''1 i'MHi,m,lg KnRl' Aiehllcct? '" I'hono 1o;m, T, .. 5!lftj J " H'ltKlllTr I'IV... . """.MO'MSD Rutl,.,ni.. V"".'".ll pia78i,;;rss;a?vr """ 1'H. O LIV'A KittiAa, f ...!..- R.. o-...w- ,ft;""0iacranl. I TJI O'Councli Apml,c(8 pH TOICL OSTLI.M). " m s.'fcfc"!. "" "" in Pitli IIILKV IIAmsaS W 111. .. S . RMdenctuferrsVa, l'honn 18.t. ""' Y7 G. ClIAKDLEIL Architect ooiiih 001 and 302, Coke Bn '""""'"CIQ. Uffgnn. n' W. MORROW. DenUit. 171 GrlniM Itniiiiu Theater. Office 1'honimM Y7M. 8. TUHl'EN. W ARCIHTEOT MarshflolJ, Oregon. riL. A. j. Hi:Nrmr8 futnim I1a.1iI Hl. V?vj aro equipped to do Mjb c!ii nuiiw uu Hliuri D0UC8 It til tM lowoei prices. KiatnloiUott Lmlv nttonilonl PiV. tin, n Chnndlnr Hn'cl. ohnpg ll.'j. Typewriters We sell, rent, exchanctuir pair, an ninKcs, new and iw hand. Rlhhon Guaranteed. Cur lion I'aper Gaangtt Call up TYITAVRITKIt ILXfllANCE MHTIiY CO. Phone 4 1. Alliance Docs Fisher Auto Sert Win. Fisher, rrorrlelor. Phonn orders to Illllftr'l ( Stand, Phono 18-J. After lljj.1 phono 6-J. Night phone 111-B.I Mursliflcld. Orepin. R. J. MONTGOMERY! Real Estate and I nsufi 244 North Front Strati Thi Star Trans and Storage ?!?.fe,l,.e!S on Buori uuuio. ... - .j-i stylo Iteynoim n .: i nn. vnrk. r.RHeisner.P -- . . ,u. Phones 98-R. WW J ..y.irir. JUST Hhl-ftl." - A Inro hhlpment of B ware. Wo also taw JJ 'atc3t ''f S " f e. &Wi irom iwo "b"' i oloplrlrnl BtlPPllf'' Barnail&j5!!SB nu Anfo Ser nS Cars, Carefol Jj roasonablo cbargo. t will ko anywnert wn Standa-Dlaneo - Z Cigar more. - - - NlgM rnou" ... nARKERAOS ALL KINDS OF J01 PRINTING DONE AT THE TIMES' OFFICE McPqnAjlj TO IIUIIK. -... . , '"!" ..Mltlh' Hourly trip. ' ages uu" ?.. corn". dies at the JgE Phone orders Jj!Sg win.JfSa for each he'8tvp,c PJ broken Jewelry B Money Sent W- m.ii.. smelting t'- 803Chenu 8UP I We will by 'SVtW1 maw nriLCD "--- Ti I ( I c t I' I' l I D H CI .V Ft I! C, Sui l'n t Do. Do, lea Dw. Tin Cer Cm ft8 e. tnd