THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD. OREGON, TUESDAY, APRIL 8, 1913 EVENING EDITION. v -" HAVT r.iAi' )?:. .. wnri: I" UD .- 1.A niranKe 0Ul "n nnlv the W jS 2! .to-date e iiiuuiii"-'j , "' ...o jti pony y'D ioto "X U5C nuking . .a PI ig ami iui""o roninctt-nt. ice i" Y" "u.if U" ' z .:.i 85c i"1". ' ..Bite S"00' ii.lf s'c" r,k,. Snow V v. , . riwn. IICCJS- , . nf ril between so- krn( 8aIo 15 dozen Dress for IB.OO, while A Ion n nood 10 (10, r'-Trtij l(cu'Vi, Shoes it nt reuuucu 11 to look them ..where. lttlHP I. .. kmlne C mi luw wiw ear n I l "." I1A-. Siuare i'" ..-lieT ni..?nN jiterthi'wr AntoMZall foote 1 .infn A?. 11 nV "."" mii Parlor raVOAiVB d rnoiH" 200-L H1'" nl.... .R-l h.JnrA 1 IIUliv " -" InJwrt ! Good Cam i r uresaiicimi"5 lalker Studio Thai Roof Fixed NOW COHTUELL phost Jttai. .luirv ntVVHHM nit location, wo aro cs- mptrM 10 cam i" ..., Btpiur uicoia "' ..-. 1 rtf anil nluht. fPTIIANT'S CAFE. ? ud Commercial Mfld. City Laundry I0RK-GOOU SKRVICE . rnmlillin I boon work for women, jpois CAM IWlJWmTO. mone sikiii. tan Git West Id Lots 11,00 !uttmlk fnim ioht ofllco iJOOfLof lots selling for ISO We hare liut two left. Kauiraan Co. Storage Company IL Heard. Mef. ICttn. Pflpnntd PlnnriAil w Packed, Shipped, wa ma jtepaircu. it EL l)l,r.n , nn j it Going & Harvey. ""N S A. 11. HODGINS Held Paint, Hating Co. "tea Fumlshnl. F'L Mms.iirioiii - """i .,? Pantatorium W hVKlLS. I'm A Kiraa "Ut nENOVATORa rm it. Straus ft uonng. let M 'oiiult. . Phono 280-X Wgh In quality. cMc Irons "' I few .., ...... I W Horklnc condition H.50 up. Bay Wiring fn 153 N. nrnnilmno Sat BlinLor Hill l.tcjit, -A . ... lt,M" Nation gg; Mnrel.n.,1.1 cfi'n WINDOW Mvii Sawyer. cnnt.rde Blven iJty,, "one 70-L. -maunCIQ, UnT.7 .Lu ute ,K J, l f,,oni 'Tailor and " expert Vptalr. Electric Appliances Are Used in Modern Homes Homes enjoying the advantages of .Electric Light have not readied the highest point of domestic efficiency unless they arc equipped with one or more handy electric household appliances. Be sides saving time and lahor, tasks aro performed better and with that perfect sense of satisfaction which comes of knowing that your work is done welt. Lessen Household Labors An Electric Vacuum Cleaner cleans thoroughly and quickly. It does not stir up germ-laden dust as a broom does. It avoids the back-breaking la bor of sweeping. An Electric Sewing Machine Motor enables you to do a great deal more work than you can accomplish with foot -power ma chines and saves time and strength as well. You owe it to yourself to investigate. Purchase from your dealer or telephone 178. Oregon Power Co. Second and Central OUR INVITING DISPLAY of mcatH, poultry and provlHloiiH uiahva It only a queBtlon of cIiooh Ini; which you would prefer first. Thuy nro nil of choice j;rndu and the most Inexporlcnccd housekeeper can purchase In perfect confidence) that no one could make a wiser solectlon or buy her incntti cheaper. MAIU3HF1KLD OAfiB MAHKBT. FOURIER BROS. MnrsliflcM Telephones North Ilnd 221 J Two Market Bl FAST AND COMMODIOUS Steamer Redondo Equipped with wlrelesa and rabmarliie bell SAILS FOR COOS BAY FROM SAN FRANCISCO TUESDAY, APRIL 8. All PMteBjrer ncorvaUoni ftrnm Son Francisco Miut lie Mdo l 80S Fife Ilulldlng, or Lombard street I'Jcr 27. All reservations must bo takt'ii up 24 hours before willing. INTKIt-OOKAN TRANSPORTATION CO. PHONE 44.' O. F. McQEOIlOR. ARont. EQUIPPED WITH SEgggfcfr Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME. SAIMN'O FROM PORTLAND, APRIL I), 10, 2.1 mill .10 nt 8 A. M. HAILING FROM COOS DAY, APRIL fl, 12, 10 mid 2(1 t Service of Tide. Phone Mala 80-L. 3. O. MILLER, Agent. S. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS SAILS FROM PORTLAND FOR. MARSHFIELD MONDAY, APRIL 7, AT 6 P. M. ROUND TRIP, $18.50 CONNECTING WITH7 TID3 NORTH BANK ROAD AT PORTLAND NORTH PACIFIC dTBAMSHIP COMPANY. Phone 44 - p MqGEORGB, A feat r&E SPEEDWELL CAIT. K. ROSENBLATT, Master. Soils for Son -Francisco from Coos Bay About April 20th THE SPEEDWELL la speed .. ..., . iMH n.. alw inouniiuiii), mrgu cicjui tn ..j . -- - -wireless. , For freight and passage, apply, A. F. EsUbrook Co. Title Guarantee and Abstract Co., 013-017 Santa Marina nidg., San Francisco. Marslifield. First ClassWeaving promptly done at Gardiner's Rag Carjxit. factory Cor. Union and Montana Street. Phono 131. North Bond. Or A. modern Brlc . uildlns, Electrl: Light, Bteam Heat BleganUj Furnished Rooms with Hot and Cold Water. HOTEL COOS C A. MetDa, Prop. Rates: BO cent a day and opwards dor, Broadway auid Market "fW WIRELESS and has excelUnt passenger accomJ vAma Ami ilMrlf llohfil Anil I White Duck Button Shoes for Children. Also new Patent Leather Button Shoes for Ladies' and Misses', at The Electric Skoe Shop FOR A GOOD WATCH OR FINE JEWELRY E. C. BARKER JEWELER Fine Watch and Jewelry Repairing. 200 Front St., Marshfleld. News MYRTLE POINT POINTERS. News of Upper Coqiillle Valley an Told by The Enterprise. Dal M. KIiik. son of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. King, of this city, was n mem ber of the Oregon University debat ing team which defeated the Stan ford University team Inst week. Mrs. Chester Lee, ncconipnuled by Miss Cccllo Miller, left last Satur day via. the steamer Ureakwnter for Portland, where they will visit friends and relatives of Mrs. Leo for a month. While there they will Bee the Chicago Opera Company In Lucia tit- i,ammermoor. Anseu Bros, nro running C000 logs out of the North Fork River. 0. C. Hnrry is driving stago from Sitkum to Sumner. Saturday night he saw a huge panther on Fulrview mountain. A large Bllde mine in on the Brewster grade and ninny other small slides were caused by the late rains. Mrs. R. C. Dement-, accompanied by little Russell White, went to Marshfleld Tuesday for a week's visit with Mrs. F. M. White. J. K. Fitzgerald and wife and II. 1C. Bcsscy and wife enmo from .Marshfleld last Saturday to attend l ho meeting of tho Pomona Orange. Contractors Thomas Dickson and Charles McCrackcn hnve about fin ished the rarponter work on the Ornndy building. J. B. U. Miller, whoso bakery Is to occupy the low er floor, Is already at work instal ling his oven. Hay Wyland has bought of J. L. Lntrd one of the E. M. F. autos used on tho Myrtle Polnt-Hoseburg run last year, and is overhauling It preparatory to operating It In a scheduled auto servlco between this city and Coqullle. Born Saturday, March 29. to Mr. and Mrs. T. Moon of OiIh place, a daughter. Born Sunday, March 30, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sturdtvant, of Mc- Ktnley, a son. PORT ORFOni) OFFERINGS. Ni'WH of Curry County ns Told by The Tribune. For tho enlightenment of our northern contemporary wo will say that the coming Agate Carnival will bo tho third annual event of tho kind to bo held nt Port Orford. The 1911 Carnival was a full grown en joyable affair. Tho 1912 affair was one of tho biggest "events" over pull ed off In Curry county overy town In Coos being represented by from one to a dozen automobiles, filled with people who had a good time and went homo advertising Port Orford. The 1913 Agate Carnival will be well como and see! Tho steamer Chatham, when pass ing Capo Blanco last Sunday, was In communication with tho wireless station there, nnd said they were los ing their dock load of lumber. Wo have no further particulars. A heavy swell was running Sunday as n result of a heavy south wind Satur day. Messrs. Stafford and Bauer havo been at work finishing up the inside work on tho new court houso. which they would havo rendy for this term of court had material been received promptly. Tho building 1b showy on tho outside; well arranged and roomy on tho inside, and all that tho pooplo could ask for In overy way with tho exception that tho plaster on tho wnlls and celling la not hold ing as It should. This may bo a result of the wet climate, but whatever tho causo, tho fact remains that ugly cracks and breaks aro marring tho rooms almost as soon as they uro completed. Beach combers have been watching for tho lumber that was lost off Cape Blanco last Sunday, but as yotjiono lias como ashore in this vicinity. A CARD. This is to certify that all drug gists are authorized to refund your money If Foley's Honey and Tar Compound falls to cure your cough or cold. John Bernet, Tell, Wis,, states; "I used Foley's Honey and Tar Compound for five years, and It always gives tho best of satisfaction and always cures a cough or cold." Refuse substitutes. For sale by Lockhart-ParsonB Drug Co., "Tho Busy Corner." . MARSHFIELD NORTH BEND AUTO LINE FARE One way, 5c. Round trip, 25c. 20-ride commutation books, $2.00. Cars leave every 20 minutes from 7 a. m. to 7 p. m., after 7 p. m., every half hour. Leave from Chandler Hotel. OORST & KINO, Props. f Nearby BRIEFS OF BANDON. News of Clty-by-thc-ScH ns Told by The World. L. I. Wheeler has under course of construction n now boat forty feet long with a nine foot beam, which will draw three feet of water. Tho boat will carry a forty-llvo horse-power englno and will bo launched about May 1st. Claude Adams has resigned his po sition It tho Hotel Clnllier and will go to San Francisco. A deal has been in nil o whereby C. A. Mcndo turned over tho stock of clothing at Lnuglols to Walker & Hedges of that place and has return ed to Bnndon. Mrs. A. D. Morso reports having dined on asparagus and radishes from her own garden on March 31. J. A. IlaBmussen has built nn ad dition to and otherwise Improved his cottago on Second avenue. John Cook Is erecting a dwelling on the corner of Abernethy nnd Sev enth streets. Jack Nyrol will soon commence the erection of n rottngn 24x32 on Ills Main street lot. Greenville Blnkc, nn Indian war veteran, aged elgthy-slx years, Is seriously 111 at the home of his son In East Bandon. Tho rainfall for the. month of March wns 4.09 inches. Days rainy nnd cloudy 24, clear 7. The rainfall for tho snmo month In 1912, wnB 2. 79 Inches, a difference of 1.30 Inches tnoro this year. Moss Averlll and Chns. Hunt have resigned their positions with the Life Saving Crow. Miss Winnie Spires, of Myrtlo Point, was n passenger on tho Eliza beth for San Francisco, where she will spend the summer. NEW BOX FACTORY. New Plunt nt Bullnrtls Nearly Ready For Operation, Tho Bandon World sns: "Representatives of the World vis ited tho factory of tho Couuillo River Mfg. Co., nt Bullards, Tuesday, and found that model institution almost ready to commenco operations nnd by the time this story reaches our renders tho wheels will bob turning. "Tho factory Is 52x100 feet, well nnd substantially built and the In terior filled with tho most compact and modern machinery mnde for the manufacturing of boxes, which will bo driven by motors of approximately 120 horsepower. One of tho com mendable features notlcenblo Is the convenient arrangement of tho whole plant, no unccssnry handling of ma terial and no blocking of runways or passages. "Tho mill will havo a capacity of 20,000 feet of lumber per dny nnd will furnish employment for twenty men. Tho company now hns 800, 000 feet of lumber In Its yards and n market has been found for the en tire output. A practical outlet for tho refuse of tho factory hns been arranged. A bulkhead has been built around land adjoining tho plnut and a conveyor carries the refuse Into It, whore It will bo leveled by the action of the tide." ELECTION IN BANDON. City Council Will Submit Waterworks And Other Question June 0. The Bandon World says: "An ordlnnnco was passed calling the special election Juno 9th, to vote on special measures. An ordinance Incorporating one of tho measures to bo submitted to tho people nt the coming election was declared by ordlnnnco and Is ns fol lows: To authorlzo tho city coun cil to Issue and sell interest-bearing bonds In the amount of $12,000 to e(ulp the city of Bandon with nde auato llro fighting apparatus. A resolution was passed appropria ting $300 for the purpose of erecting a llro houso directly across tho street from the city hnll. .MORE SKIN GRAFTING. Loggers Contribute Fifty Pieces for Rol Anderson, Tho Bandon World says: "Yesterday fifty pieces of skin wore grafted on Hal Anderson nt tho Emergency hospital. Vic Brouer, Non Anderson and two of tho camp boys, whoso names wo could not learn, were tho willing sunorers, wno took tholr medicine without anes thetics." WILL PLANT LOGANHKHIUKS. A. A. Tcnnlson, who has ten acres of land on Rink Creek, two miles from Coqullle, will plant five neres to loganberries, as will his brother, M. M. Tennlson, who has ten neres of land ndjolnlng. Coqulllo Senti nel. Have your Job printing done at The Times office. Stop That Itch! I will iuwuiU jou la (lop Out itch la two Mcoocb. A 25 cm! bottU will prot It, No remedy that I have ever Hold for Eczema, Paorlaals, and all other dlaeunea of the Nklu has Klven more thorough aatUfoctlon than the D. D. D. Prescription (or Eczema I guarantee this remedy. Red Cross Drug Storo. ANNOUNCEMENT TO THE PUBLIC Llndberg & Rosborg havo opened their now store In Bunker Hill with a complote line of stationery, bread, candy, cigars and tobacco. Pool hall In connection. The public is cordially In vited. Lindberg & Rosberg Phone 301-L. Twiny Cl'LLINGS OF COQUILLE Coos County Sent News us Told by The Sentinel. Machinery for tho Charm, n now river bont, hns arrived anil the craft will be rendy to cut tho waters or the Coqullle about May 15. P. E. Drano received n telegram from his daughter, Mrs. H. F. lcnee, whoso homo Is nt Indianap olis, saying they had escaped the ca lamities which had befallen thnt section. J. A. Colomb, of l.oulsltinn, ar rived in Cocjulllo this week nnd will spend some months In tho logging camps of tho Smith-Powers company In this vicinity for tho purpose of gaining n knowledge of tho Industry. Mr. Colomb's father Is an extensivo manufacturer of lumber In tho southern state. At present the young man is watching the modus operandi of Scaler Kelley. Oeorgo Herbert, a veteran of tho Civil Wnr, is In tho (Irnyco Hospital in this city, suffering from n compli cation of physical nllmcnts. He Is In his S3rd year. If Is supposed thnt tho old gentleniun has a brother re siding somewhrro in tho Wlllnnictto vnlley, and nn effort Is being inado to locate lilni. DOLLAR AT COQPILLE Prominent Lumberman Wants Han don Harbor Improved. The Coqullle Sentinel prints the following concerning u talk made before the Ko-Keel Kluli there by Cnpt. Dollar, of the Dollar Stenm-V ship nnd Lumber Company. "Speaking of tho Panama Cnunl, Mr. Dollar considered thnt Its com pletion would work Incomprchenslblo good for tno development of tho Pa cific Northwest, putting It, practi cally Hpcakiug, In direct touch with the Atlantic seaboard and European markets. But that which most di rectly Interested Coqullle liver peo ido from tho standpoint' of naviga tion, wns Mr. Dollar's opinion con cerning the creation of n Port Com mission for tho Lower Coqullle. Ho thought this n decidedly Important stop, nnd promised to lend his In fluence In securing nn adequate ap propriation from CongreBs for deep ening the bnr channel, removing tho plnnncle rocks from Inside the har bor entrance, and dredging tho riv er. The depth of water on the bar 's now ten feet, which permits of 'nklng hut half a lend of lumber by tho ( I rare Dollar from tho mills. Worn there 12 or II feet on thn jar tho Coqullle river business vould bu grently enhanced, nnd of tho timber which ultimately nust go out vln. Cons Day would go by this route. 'Olvo us 20 feet of water on the bnr,' he said, directing Ms remark to Mr. K. K. Johnson, nnd wo will send to your mills our Chlnn Vessels.' Which means that wu would ho placed In position to ihlp direct to thnt country. Mr, Do! ar urged the erentlon of n Port 'Jommlsslou without delny, showing ho advantages to ho gained by Hiich in nrgnulzatlou." BASKHALL IN VALLKY "oqulllo and Myrtle Point Concede to Three Imported Men. The Coqullle Sentinel says: "fhoro has been n sort of got-to- tether nnd Coqullle Is prnctlcally as- Hired that It will lie taken Into the fold on u compromlsu proposition, It nnd Myrtlo Point grnntlng thnt three outside players bo allowed those teams thnt desire to enter thn out- Elde player business. A meeting wns Hold at Myrtle I'oiut lust .Monuny and nlso In this city nnd this was agreed upon, both towns being de slroiiH of getting into the league. North llond wanted two, or nt the most, three players, and there Is no doubt that upon reconsideration thnt city will ho with tho valley bnlltos sors. This will loave tho proposi tion up to Murshfllold nnd Bandon, which are In the minority. Owing to tho great expense attached to visiting Bandon, tho transportation facilities not being tho best for thn other towns, there would bo little sorrow woro this team lost In the shuffle." WIIIIRi: IS HOWARDS? Agci! Mini Suddenly Disappears Front Coqulllo Hotel. Tho Coqulllo .Sentinel snjH: "A well dressed mnn, ngol AC or 70 yenra old, registered at tho. Hotel Baxter on March 25 as "I. A. 1M wards, Klamath Falls, Or." On tho 28th ho disappeared and has not been seen or heard of fllnco. Ha left considerable hnggngo at tho ho tel and nlso a complcto cook's outfit of knives, cloavors, nprons, eto. Tho hotel pcoplo, fearing that some mis hap had befallen tho old gontlomnn, would appreciate any Information concerning his whorenboutH." FOR BIG CELEBRATION Coqullle Making Plans for Celebrat ing Glorious Fourth. Tho Coqulllo Sentinel says: "In dependence Day will probably bo ap propriately observed In Coqulllo this year, and from present Indications Myrtlo Point w"1 iin ln dolnK tno proper. .Mayor Morrison hns re colved assurance from our neighbors that If Coqulllo Is going to celebrate It will forego that pleasure, Inns much as It hold tho boards on July 4 of last year." Try Tho Times' Want Ads. There Is no caso on record of n cough, cold or la grippe dovoloplng Into bronchitis, pnoumonla or con sumption nftor Foloy's Honoy and Var Compound has been taken. Tho gennlno Is In a yollow package. Re fuse substitutes, for saiuuy j.ouk- hnw-Un.onilll lllllt' I.U..KKVnJJUE UUil'l WIWM..R '. 0 'Ji Corner." i til