II OUNCE Of DONE IS WORTH MORf THAN A TON OF GOING TO DO ,Mcr AKTICMilM xow is vorn time. A Mimll ml In The Tlmcx vrnnt ttttf. . ., r..ntl ti.iimiili Time" want SisL-11 T""y column nmy bring ymi remits im- j mediately. Try one. MEMBER OF TUB ABSOCIATEI) I'RHS " .. . ... 11-I.-.1 In 1H7H OL. XXXVI.m'8tiio conwt ainii. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, APRIL 8, 1913 -EVENING EDITION SIX PAGES. A Consolidation of Times, Coast Mall Mid Coos lluy Advertiser. No. 225 (002 a 11 SAYS w IS TO BE RUSHED ALL ALONG LINE rfi Bend Mayor and Lum Sian Says He Is Harbin ger of U00O wuwa unij. ...tuprM PACIFIC GIVES ORDERS TO MAKE HASTE smith and Vice President Calvin Negotiating About lernunai niijm. lu.onnthlne Imt kooiI news." I, www that I- J- Simpson ". ... ... mi Imitlh'V IIH III Wllltt I'f IMJ). l " ".',-, , Llopod in mo nu'i i miiinnw... cinMon U-turned ii uu'iuui, - ' .. ........... ?...... Out. .V. 1 U M IIIIMJII liwill .7UH iwIkj l)Wo lit bus been since ... uhen lu H-tHllied f 1(1111 'illjrton where lie was assisting ICOOJ HSV lll-ICU'llIon III Its lll- ,1 lor Moral nlit for bar lm- ("i3l. iookiiiB nncr minus in Slapjon Lumber Compniiy In tlio ;i otllcei. tiBtni work IH going to 1)0 ;'.(j ill along Hie 'I"1'-" continued ani.mil. Tl( HOUllloril I'll- .. I. I.. I. on ..It. .11 I ttul tltf I c o iiu.ua iiuu ,-n ,. ,.,,- at ir the load to loos liny no ipViod as ipilcKh an possible and the ork lio prosecuted vlgor i r all along the route." In ia i-.li.it wiia to be done In h ITenJ rlfilit nwn. Mr. Slmp- nu t little letlreut. not being tUdltlllKl' me iiiioriiiiiiiun nun i to him In tills report. 1 tin ',-Morli will soon be nniler way, ir:n after Hie soundings htivu i roapletcil, Trrinlii.il .V-giil lilt Ions on. W'r, Slmpion said (lint C. A. i la Iwlialf of tlio Tormlnnl hit Conui.iny Is negotiating 1 lie Southern I'nelflc about the it c( ay tliroiiKb Mnrshllold. hPrtil.iont Cnlwii tettirned fniin llijton ami New York, where hid I'fen on nmtteis connected ll ttf dlixoliilloii of the South- iPsdlknml I iilnii Pacific nier- IV day .Mr. .Simpson loft tlio ind Mr. Smith had an I nt r- I'tllh Mm Hint dnv. It Is ex it! tbat the matter will bo nnlck- Iisd anhalily adjusted, possibly Mt ( MfotlntloiiR. It In understood, 'i . !!te fur tbe h Hum, ami not for tlio electric Xii Other Yens. rWe It no other rnllrond news w Diy today There are not I mw rumorii even I: !i undemioiMl that the blue. J! of the survey In Marshrioltl ' wth Rend. slmwiiiK tlio crudes. irOUtM. etc. will In, iocelvi.il W Knullieer llnnil nt Snn ;aI0 TfrV R0OI1 mill lln M ''"d Mr. llOOd Mill l'm n'vor 'It once. Kollowliiir thlH unit tad agreement on the Torinliinl "fa Pacific iienntliitliniB it lu "ded that iIir iinni uiintiii.... ...in 3 be clarified. HEY DEAL IS S ED DIRECT ELECTION U.S. SENATORS Thirty-six Statec Have Ratified wn,8 rn,1,,i ' tho aenerai Assembly iiuii . Amendment to Constitution Connecticut Is Last to Approve. tllr Mx laird I'rrw lo Tom War Tlmw.) IIAIITKOUIJ, Conn.. April S. The proposed ninendinent to the federal constitution nrovlillnir fm H,,. ...,. ''tl'' i of I'll jleil St a tes senntors WASHINGTON. 1). C. April 8. Dlrect election of tTnltcil States sena tors becanio ono or tlio iirovlslons of tho constitution today by Connecti cut s rntltlcatlon of tlm ninendinent to that effect. Thirty-six stntes,, the requisite three-fourths, hnvo ap proved the chniiRo and It only re mains for tho Koveniors of all tho stntes, which have ncted favorably, to formally notify Secretary Urynn nnd send for him to issiio tho proeln- imuon iiiiiiouncini; i lie cliniice Report That Money for First Payment Is Available Balance Ready Soon. It was slated todny that Fred llol llsler. or North llenil. had Just re ceived word I hat W. .1. Wllsey had made iirrniiKcuiuiitn for the first pay ment on tho purchase of .Major Kin- nev s properly on Coos liny. Also that tho biilanco of tho money would soon bo available and placed on de posit In tlio Portland fluauclal Insti tution for payliif? off the approved debts of Major Kinney. This Is thorn-Hit to Just precede the final iinuounceuient that tho Klunoy-Wllsoy deal has been closed. .1. M. Kildy, local repiesentntlve of W. .1. Wllsey.-stated a few days iikh Hint .Mr. Wllsey was Ht III In Now York. Whether Wllsey has empow ered .IiiiIko llrouoiiKh ivixl his other representatives to close the deal be fore Wllsey'H ictiirn Is not stated. FATAL END OF A rap German Lieut. Expedition Under Stranz Meets With Disaster. PLAN TO AG! ON FRANGRISE IE ARTICLES I COAST LINE rto Dispatch Savs Thnt loaJ Is to be Rushed From inere to Coos Bay. CpaMnlrlhcr nativity of tho , " raclf i n i, ii... ' hi ,Vr.VuJr nf whlcli has "" COmillnlml !. r 'id Eureka "l"t:un woos froniih. . l0 recn Mil- ihtSrad offie,aiB re d- !,.!W1 In tills rltv Vh.io i.. f. iiAe.?l?al .of o projected if pn"n0 ' Sn" Pran" 4i-V!liam(,,0-Pnclflc vntl. ' ot S.B,B. ,iry com. 1 ptland u-ay ,Ptwpen Eureka Humboldt . , .broel't out in te.f'.wPerlor court n fow oflhV rJ0" '"volvlng a ' in way." Cty ?.U"le 0,!ay to ask tho for R,,ram,l38loners for a trans r'nglS ll,Bt power W. ?iSslon wires of tlio .'tSeUMrtf Ketwcen nunker ltheHant at ft"'?, l e'ctrlcity L"ivsiv- ,A ri.oi'it ajinr; W. S. Chandler Writes Letter to Council Showing Motives of Attack on Application. After rendhiK the application of W. S. Chandler for an extension of tho territory ombraced In Ills old franchise, the Marshlleld city coun cil last oveuliiK decided to make the matter u special order of business for next Monday chmiIiik. .Some minor chaimes In It wero again hiikkomIoiI by Council mnii Winkler nnd Allen ami will be taken up by City Attor ney (Joss. P. S. Dow. HiirIi Mcl.nln and oth ers nnd Councllinen Copple and Al brcebt sjioko In favor of KinntiiiK tho franchise as a public benefit for tlio city. A featnro of tho consideration of the frauchlso was tho readliiK of a letter from W. S. Chandler explain ing tho request and also warmly iin HWrlni; nn attack on tlio frauchlso by a Marshfleld organ. Tlio following Ih n copy of tlio lot tor as rend tiy Hocjirdor Ilutlor: Marshlleld. Or.. April 7, lUta. To the Mayor and City Council, Ocntlomon: "So tho pooplo may know," per mit mo to call your attention to an nrtlcle appearing on the nth Instant on tlio editorial piiko of n newspaper nubllBlicd In Maishllold known ns tho "BvonhiK llei'onl," said artlclo bohiK entltlod "Do Not (irnnt It" and linvliiK roferouuo to tho applica tion of tho writer for tho prlvllcRo of InstnllltiK a plant for furnlshliiB bent, olectrlo light nnd tolephono eorvlco within a portion of tho busi ness district or Mnrshflold compris ing approximately flvo blocks squnro. And first, let mo assure you thnt unless you shall feol satisfied that tho bonoflf to tho city would bo greater than any Injury which might follow (If any such Injury Is vobbI blo) tho grunting of tho privilege, 1 would profer that you rofusu to grant tho rights asked, If, on tho other linndK aftor you hnvo fullv considered the quostlon. you feel that tho city would bo bene fitted and tho danger ironi nres re duced or a snvlng to tho citizens se cured by the Installation or ono central heating plant Instond or hnv Ing n sepnrnto furiiaco in ouch build ing nnd also that tho grnntlng or tho right to furnish electric light, gns or tolephono sorvlco would tend to securo to tho citizens hotter ser vice or cheaper rates for these ne cessities, thou and only In such event I would ask your favorablo action upon tho application. I nm rorced to the conclusion that tho editor or tho "Kvonlng Itecord" In publishing tho nrtlflo mentioned wns not so much actuatod by an un soirish. Interest in tho public welfare as ho was by n purpose or Inflicting nu Injury upon tho writer of this lotter for his refusal to grant tho demand of the "Evening Itecord" that ten dollars per month bo paid for nn advertisement to bo carried In tho "Kvonlng Itecord" in favor or the bank of which I am an offi cer. I am forcod to this conclusion from tho many circumstances oc ciirlng during the past and from the policy of tho "Evening Record" (Continued on Pago Two.) 111 Ami lain) ITr lo Com IUjt TlmM.J CllltlSTIANA, Norway, April S. Failure has overtaken the Ocrinnn Awtlp expedition under I.reuteimnt Schroeder Stranz. Most or the mem bers, It Is believed, died from Ico exposure, scurvy and tho command er In chief Is missing. Four of the men succeeded in returning to Ad vent Hay, Spltzonberg, and two oth ers are probably safe at Treiiren berg liny. Tho aviator and tlio cook died or starvation. Nothing tins been henrd or Uoutoiiiint Schroeder Stranz since ho started on a sled expedition nlone on August or Inst year. Experience in polar work was almost entirely lacking and tho equipment wns said to be very poor. .MAititi.wn: i,ici:nki:s. COQl'lIXE. April X. Marrlago licenses have been Issued at tho coun ty clerk's olllco to: Hay II. Diluent and Floronco E. Schilling or Myrtle I'olut. Tims. Edward Willie and Eliza beth Eugeno Wlngo or Mnrshflold. TRY TD BLOW UP OLD CASTLE English Suffragettes Attack Ruins of Historic Dudley Palace Today. (Iljr AwotlalM 'r,n lo Coo liar Tlmn.) DUDLEY, England, April X. Militant siifrrngottcB early today at tempted to blow up tho ruins or his toric Dudley Castle, parts or which dato back to tho eighth century. In habitants or the town were awak ened by tho explosion. Police in seaichiug tho surrounding grounds round chemicals and blasting pow der. Most or tho powdor failed to explode and tho dnmngo douo was not serious. Two old siege guns weighing a ton ench wero thrown out of tho ombrnsures nf tho castle by tho explosion. "Votes for women nnd dninii tho consequences" wero painted on ono cannon nnd "In hon or of Mrs. J'nnkliurst" on tho other. E PIUS IS VERY ILL SOW Pontiff Suffers Severe Relapse ana much Anxiety Is Manifested. Illr Wit. li-. 1-itM t eo4 lur Tlrnm HOME. Apill S.- Pope Plus suf fered a severe relapse last night, lie wns very feverish. Physlclnns were with him nu hour. After a thorough Investigation physicians Insisted that the Pontirr should take a complete repose nnd rorebado him oven to re ceive the usual dally report or Vati can nf falls. An olllclal state or the Pope's con dition published in the Osservatore Romano this evening says: "Since yesterday evening tho holy father has been Indisposed with a relapse or Influenza. Ills condition Is caus ing no anxiety but he requires much rest. Condition In Critical. A coiisultutlon between Proressor Ettoro Marchlarava ami the physl cans In atteudanco on the Pope this "veiling Is reported to hnvo proved the Pope affected with nophretls or lullamatlon of the kidneys and it Is said the grtatest anxiety Is felt. PISIDEN I WILSON WAITS 10 KEEP CLOSE TO THE PEOPLE 10. BULLETS RIT U. S. IN lll WRECK NOT REACHED General Ojeda and Rebels in Three-Hour Conflict at Naco. Illr AMOrlnlcJ I'rrn to Coo. luy TlmM.) NACO. Mexico, April 8. Meeting the advancing state troops nearly ono mile below Naco, Souora, f!en eral Ojeda and his federals fought today for three hours. Bullets sprayed over the Arizona town or Naco. wounding four negro troopers of the Ninth Cavalry Herder patrol and one iirmy teamster. None lire expected to die. Tho federals re tired to the town but wore nor pur sued by the constitutionalist forces. Ojedn had .'100 federals nnd the Btnto troops are estlmnted at 2000. Operating two of tho ledernl Held pieces wero two American negroes, deserteiH from the Ninth U. S. Cav alry. This afternoon heavy cauuonndlng wns resumed with tho stato troops pressing forward. FOURTH STREET TO CD AHEAD No Bodies Yet Recovered From Oregon Coast Disaster No New Developments. tlljr Ai IHI rn-M lo Cooi Iter TIi.im, HAY CITY, Or., April S.Nu at tempt wns made by any one to roach the wrecked Herman bark Mlnil to day. Except for a search of the bench for bodies or the vletlniB or the dlsnster there aro no develop ments ami no bodies hnvo como ashore. Captain .1. Westphal, or the Miml, and Captain Charles S. Fisher, or the engineering Company which nttompted to salvo tho vessel, have departed for Portland, sriTRA(;irm:s stim, iirsv Resume Destruction or .Mlnil In Lou don Ilexes Today, (11 AuorltleJ rr'" lo Coo. Ilajr Tlmra M.ONDON, April S. Another cam paign or destruction wns stnrted to day by militant Biitrrngottes ot Lon don against mall boxes. Hundreds or boxes wero rendered useless nnd much mall destroyed by tho use of acids, Ink and burning rags. ONE KILLED 6Y HYDROPLANE U. S .Officers at San Diego Drop 100 Feet With Ma chineOne Is Dying. tnr AlocltJ rr to Cooi C Tlmei.J SAN DIEGO, 'April 8. Lloutennnt Rex Chnmblor of tho const nrtlllery corps, U. S. A wns Instnntly killed and Lieutenant Lewis H. Broreton. U. S. A., was badly hurt today by a fall from a hydro-piano Into the bay. Tho accident occurred near Fort RosecranB. Boats put out Immedi ately for tho dead and the Injured man was hurled to tho Fort hospital. Efforts to revlvo Chambler failed. Tho machine beenmo uncontrolalile when ono hundred feet In tho air and plunged Into tho bay. FRESH TAKPV, in CTS LH. to morrow at LEWIS' mid-week sale. CANAL TOLLS IS UP AGAIN Senator Root Wants to Repeal Exemption of Coastwise Ships From Levy. (Iljr Admitted I'rf lo'Cooa Hay TlmM. J WASHINGTON, D. C April S. The Panama canal toll quostlon has reappeared In congress. Senator Root has reintroduced a bill ot Inst session for tho repeal of that section of tho Panama canal law which wduld permit Amorlcan constwlso ships to enjoy freedom from tolls. Tho measure was referred to a com mittee now bended by Ogormnn of Now York, who led tho fight In the last cnngress.agninnt Hoot's proposal. MAKE SENATE DEMOCRATIC Deiuoci-uts Want to Dest Commit tees of Much i( Tlu-lr Power. (lly Ato. latot -rraa lo C004 liar Tlmea ) WASHINGTON, I). C. April S. Changes In tho rules or the Senate advanced by the Democratic leaders of that body as designed to mnko tho Senate more thoroughly "Demo cratic in fact" wore tho subject for consideration for a caucus or partj members caned for late todny. Chnnges ns prepared by Senator Kern, tho Domocrntlc loader, proposo to divest committee chairmen of much or their power of control over legislation uud to glvo to tho ma jority party in tho Senato a general control over tho selections of com mittee members. City Council, After Much Dis cussion, Decides Not to Change Plans. The South Fourth street nnd race track question came up beforo tho city council In severnl different phases last evening and a few rather warm tilts resulted from tho discus sion of It. Ilowover, nfter tho dis cussion the council decided to ndhoro to Its original order for Improving the street through to Coal Hank In let. Coupled closely with It was tho Johnson avenue matter, somo of tho residents there petitioning for a change In tho grade as originally es tablished by the city engineer. To mnko the change, would cause a cluing In tho Fourth street project, because n two root deeper cut would have to be mndo on Fourth street. Tho Fourth street matter was brought up by u petition from F. P. Norton, asking that tho Improvement of the- Btreot bo from Elrod to Kruno only. The petition was signed by Chns. Montjoy, F. P. Norton. Mrs. Fnnnlo Hazard, Mrs. Mary McKnlght, tho Southern Pacific, A. E. Seaman, I. S. Kaufman, Win. Rarkas, Mrs. Mary lfttrkas. Hugh MrLiiln, Roscoo Johnson. II. Lecocu and Mrs. E. Kel ly. It represented nbout two-fifths or tho abutting property on thnt sec tion or tlio street, wlilcu Hub a total rrontngo or MOO Geo. Raines Immediately entered a protest ngalnst tho petition, declar ing thnt tho council had already do clded to open the street further and thnt tho only thing thnt could bo considered would bo a protest. F. P. Norton snld thnt tho petitioners did not wnnt to protest, that thoy wanted tho streot Improved whero It would do any ono any good nnd consequent ly had so petitioned. Mr. Haines de clared that anyway thero wasn't n majority of tho property represented and Norton claimed otherwise. C. F. McKnlght snld that ho had not protested becaiiBo It wasn't time and thoy did not want to, Ho said tho Southern Pnclflc owned both sides of the streot between Kruso nvenuo nnd Conl Rnnk Inlet, thnt It wouldn't benefit anyone to hnvo It opened now and Just ns Boon as It would, tho company would open It. Chns. Lowroy, E. L. Plorco, Jus. Ronnott nnd Mr. Burrows expressed themselves In favor of opening it through to Coal Rank Inlot. Geo. Rnlnes said thnt If It wasn't opened now, tho people would lose their right nnd tho Southern Pnclflc could tnko Its own sweet tlmo to open It In. Supt. W. F. Miller said that tho Southern Pnclflc would hnvo the street opened and improved Just ns soon ns thoro was any wish for It. Mayor Straw bad been showing signs of Irritation during tho discus sion and snld that ho thought it whs about tlmo to drop It. Ho snld thnt other pooplo hnd rights to tho attention of tho council and that they could not dovote all tho tlmo to tho South Fourth street matter. George Raines snld that so rnr ns thnt wns concerned tho Fouith street proporty owners had a right to bo hear1? .when JheywlBludandiio (Continued on Page Two ) First President in Many Years. to Read His Own Message Direct to Congress. SAYS PRESIDENT IS NOT TO BE HELD ALOOF Unusual Sight Attracts Great Throng at Meeting of Congress Today. tllr mIII PrrM lo Cnna U TlmM'l WASHINGTON. 1). C, April S. President Wilson reverted today to the custom or n century ago re viving the precedent by which Con gress I10i.nl from tho lips of tho Chief Executive of the country Jil mossngo to the National Legislature. The President's nu-seiige was nbotti 1200 words long when ho first pre pared It, but In view or tlio rhnjigou clrciimstnnces he added a preraco. The entire message, howover, re quired less than If. minutes for rending. Roth Houses or Congress met In Joint session In the House ot Representatives to hear tho message. President Wilson opened his ad dress to Congress us fallows: "I nm very glad, Indeed, to hnvo thin opportunity to address the two Hoiiscb directly nnd to verify for myself tho Impression that tho Presi dent o fthc United Stntes Is person and not n mere department of tho government, hulling Congress from somo Isolnted Island of Jealous pow er, sending messages, not spenklng nnturnlly nnd with his own voice, that ho Is n hitmnii being trying ( co-operate with other human bolngt In n common service. After this pleasant experience, I shnll feol quite normal In nil our denllugv with one another." President Wilson was cheered nn he mounted the rostrum and shook hands with Spcnker Chirk, Tho renewal or a custom that tho century had abandoned uud now sur rounded by such wldo differences ot opinion among members or congress Itseir, attracted to tho capital an as semblage 110 less distinguished Hum the company which attended tho president's Inauguration, though nec essarily a 1"bs number. The gnller les were packed with national tlg ures, Mrs. Wilson and throo daugh ters and two or tho cabinet clrdo being prominent among them. A moving picture machine machine wns Installed to preserve a record df the historic event tor tho governs ment' archives. Tho president wns escorted to n rostrum In tho house where Speakor Clark sat on one sldo and Vlco Presi dent Marshall on the other. Presi dent Wilson, spenklng In his usual clarity or tone nnd notable diction, read tho message, while the company that actually packed Into tho chum ber, gnvo the closest attention. WONDER AUDIT CHINA I'liltcd States Only Nation so Fur (o Kcoogiilo New Republic. Illr Aaaoclai.! ITmk to Cooa liar Tlmm.l WASHINGTON. I). C ..April 8. Recognition or tho now Chlneao re public by tho United Stntos and oth er world poweis enmo to a point to day witn tlio scheduled meeting ot tho Chinese constitutional assembly. No word wns forthcoming nt the White IIouso or Stato Department enrly today as to what tho United Stntes purposed doing, it wns tnkoa an sottlcd thnt neither Grent Rritnlu nor Japan thoro would recognize Yuan Shi Kill's government nt this time uud there was some doubt It other powers would before furthor evidence or stable republican gov ernment was given. VESTED FOR ROBBERY CLARENCE LEWIS.VOI'NO NORTH" HEX!) MAN, CHARGED WITH lU'Rt.'LAHI.INC; HOCK MEAT MARKET AND OTHER TILLS. Clarence Lewis, a young North Rond man, was arrested Inst night on the chnrgo ot robbing the Dock meat market till of M.r.0, Ho Is nlso suspected or having robbod Fourier Bros.' market or ?5 lust week. Last night nbout 2 o'clock, Mr. Rock who llvos In tho roar or his shop, henrd somo ono In tho mar ket and started to Investigate. Tho burglar got senred and Hod, leavlnr an umbrella but ho took tho cash. Lowls was later plckod up and IiU track Is Identical with that noar tho market. Ho Is having his preliminary hear ing bororo Justlto Sinister this aH-ernoou. Have your joti Tho Times offlco. printing done