THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, APRIL 7, 1913 EVENING EDITION. iSntadsJ J,JS to "l t ' b'Tl "ml ,er,. nn hind f-'o- AnHWorB ffJSKoS!w'MB3Sorl7B- er" I o e: by terms; $1100 down, Inilfht O'l L""i ...,lu uillllll SSc! ,'T K, St. Phono 'J - rrr.ii. I ulrl f nimii to stay !---CbuT' IliMiiy K. ."MlHcr Baby "S.. l'iaiio. with stool nnd coy- . NOW cost ?7UU. imvo sum f iti .w and run vncntlnt; Iioubc. ft cash H 'f lkcn "ull:k- "-rrp.,.f,.r calves. !'. It. r0p Lj 1'i.ono :10m. JJrtTTu: I'rarlii-iilly new Undor- 'u".l'i .inwrltor at snerlllco price. SlTwenlngs. Mickey Hldg., North nr.J. mn IU'Vr Two good linilokcc- ! , Ioohm with K"H rniigo. bnth ud electric UkIiIh. No children allowed. 23'J s"th uronuwny. H8.00 wi:i:ki.v ijniy i- Kcntio- m,n us llclil representative solloll- iQ. lubBcrlplloiiH to lending fiiBh on publication nml appointing lab-agents. Nntloiuil Sales Asso ciation, Lob Angeles, Calif., r.O.'l Sjn Fernando Uhlg. ff.LVTKI) Hy t Lewis' prefer mo 15 to u years "in. WIXTIM (Hrl or vminnii at Lewis' Mint lo is yearn om. WANTKI l'litltloit as llrenuiii or Janitor. Address lock ijox ;si, North lieml. 1011 SAI.IJ Tliivc ranches. Phone 301X1. J. It rneo, Aiiogiiiiy. I j,iXTi:i lluierlencod mliH'i'N at me wuujf imiiiu. fOlt I1K.VT l-nrgr, well furnished room with iiatn. rivo nunuies nlk from business hoc! Ion. ltof trertces. Inquire 70S North Sec oil street. TOR SAM: Om lnuncli 20. feet; K H. P. Knqiilro M. CI. Coloninn, North Bend. Fort SALK urj- wood, (lr nnd nl- in, it Campbell's Wood Yard, Ttrrr landing. Phono 15"M, rHIUV AM) STOCK 1'ARMS. Ill you mint a good Dairy or Siwk farm sec rit'gcruhl or I'lionc :il.-, MnrsliNclil. Fop the llomoiHcr lie can show you Miie of Hie bc-t in tlio county W wle. . . kf.f.p aiiu rtisixg ami i ahvi:iitisix( wii.i, keep vor. - r Rain or Sunshine It makes no difference, our messenger boy is al ways wait hi"; to deliver your order. Call up 29S" The Uusv Corner for anything you need in the drug line. Proscription filling Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. "THE BUSY PHONE MAIN SORPHEUM TONIGHT Nni ma ItKKIi8 0K ,,ICTi;ill.:St n T"l'S.X) frot oi-' LAUOIIT1CU AND TWO TIIOL'SAXD mrr OP STItOXH DUAMA. AIlIRSIOX 10 CENTS. l!'IN0 S00N'. A Ilia TWO 11KICL SPECIAL l-'EATl'ItlC, TITLE "orro of TouTuuu." W Maple Syrup Guaranteed , 65c Per Quart 'Jst thDe thin? for those Buckwheats. T Grocery Co. Phone 102 Ji"ke,.8 aaieat niril(M lltti vlnlTii.r & Mir VOU ought to look, A especially this spring, at our blue serge suits; we have a partic ularly good line of these goods; and no fabric ever made gives such general satisfaction as blue serge; always looks dressy, always looks and feels cool. Hart Schaffner & Marx put ihe style and quality into them; ailored to fit. A very Brent vnluo hoio at $25; some for loss, some fur inore. Woolen Mill Store T h I h h I o ni I h tlm h o in e o f Hart Schaffnor & Marx clothes. is our business. CORNER." 298 US FOR QUICK WORK, FOR PROMPT WORK, ' FOR GOOD WORK, Telephone the old reliable Coos Bay Steam Laundry We always deliver the goods. Phone 57-J Marshfield Singer Sewing Machines Wo have them for rent or for sale. Machines Repaired. Supplies and Needlns for Sale. w. J. ritz, till Paik Ave. Mnrshfleld. Phono 280-X. april tiiiks. Below la bIvoii the timo and height of hlsh and low wnter at Marshfield. The tides nro placed In tho ordor of occurrence, with their thnea on the llrst lino and haunts on tho second lino of each day; n compar ison on consecutlvo heights will tndlcnto whether It is high or low water. For IiIkIi water on tho bar, ouiistrnct 2 noiiri :i4 ralntttns. 7Hr. 2.55 1.09 n.3.1 D.OO 1.0 lKt... SIHrs. Il't.. rilrs. Ft.. 10 Mrs. I Ft.. 1 1 'Mrs. fi.O S.2 1 0.1 3.10 (5.2 1.20 15.2 1.57 0.2 !i.:to 0.0 10. IS 0.0 10.5!) 0.1 11.1(5 0.0 12.43 0.0 5.1 t.ll 5.0 5.01 4.S 5.11 4.5 0.41 4.2 7.51 4.2 2.1 10.19 2.4 10.59 2.7 Ft... (!.1 12HIIH. . 5.11 12.00 2.9 !Ft'... tt'KATIIKH KOItKOAST. n.v Assoclntod I'ress j OUi:OON Showers In west tnnlBlit and Tuesday. Fair in I east tonlBht and Tuesday. South erly winds. I.OCAIj TCMI'KUATUItH IMCCOItl). For tho 24 liourn endliiB at I: III n. in.. Anrll 7. liv lion I. I Ostllnd, spuclal Boveriuncnl me- teoroloBlcal observer: t Maximum 51 I Minimum :i2 I ! At 4:48 n. in 311 I Precipitation none I ' Precipitation kIiicu Bept. 1, 1912 50:51 ' Precipitation Hiinic period Iiibi year 47.99 I Wind: Southeast; cloudy. I Council Tonlnlit The .Varnhlleld city council will meet this uvoiiIiib to take up various matters, lurludliiB a nuinher of street Improvement matters. Two Are KIihmI (lnrBo Ilorron and Win. liiBorsoll were lined $20 apiece this inornliiB by City Recorder Ilutler for llBhtliiB in the P. IC. sa loon Saturday nlcht. IiiBersoll Is from Ten Mile. Hoth paid tho line. ai KIho Dance.-Tho dance given bytorlll 0tvnhMuwml.vZmmx?. .. ,. li . " M,Vv."f "l l,,u ,'-Ti i - "! j i. "--; i suciess. I hero were about i.0 , couples present and this with Rood inusle mndu tho affair most enjoy- ame. Coining Willi W'lfe Mrs. Petrol ineux has received word that G. A. Greeiileaf, father or Guy Gieenleaf, who Is how In the county Jail on charges In connection with tho death of Emm Knorr, will arrive here on tho Alliance to morrow. lie Is ac companied by Guy Orcenlonf'B wlfo and chllil. Xchk lo Scngstiicken Tho Co qulllo Sentinel Inst week printed a Hldge section. This case Is sliullui story to the effect that Henry Seng- to tho one wherein they seek to re stackeu Is behind a project Tor erect- cover tlio E. Soiunnn property at El lug n llrst class Il-story hotel there. rod anil Fourth, it soenis that adjoining the Farmers' and Merch-i Judge Hall, iih administrator of the nuts' Ihiuk. Mr. Sengstacken, whon I Fletcher estate, sold the 100 acres askvd about It today, said that the J or timber to I). C. McCarty and Mr. story wns all news to him. Hutchison for $000 and they later lluys Property W. 11. Ilurghngen sold It to Miner, who sold u half In today sold his Hunker Hill property jtorost to Worden. The tract Is now through tho Stutsman agency, to W. , quite valuable. The overruling of C. Craig and wife, wuo conduct uiomiio demurrer holds the udmlnlstrn Hunker Hill boarding house, for .112. Mr. Crnlg recently bought tho Ilourke property near It. Mr. HurghiiROii expects to leave soon for Unlnler, Oregon, whore his daughter hns bought a line ranch. Wed In Oakland Mrs. Swansea of Eastsldo has received word that her daughter nnd husband hnvj Just returned from their honeymoon trip and will mako their homo in Onklnnd, Miss Esther Swansoii, formerly n clerk In Stafford's, and Gary Doty wore marlrcd Fobrunry 17. Mr. Doty travels through this section In tho Interests of n dental supply house. .'n iocs Home Mlllicoum. A. E. Pollexren, well known on Coos Hay but ut present a resident of San Francisco, Is building n beautiful bungalow summer homo nt Mill Val loy, Call., which ho has named MIIII coma. Tho nnmo was tho result of ii suggestion of E. W. Kammerer, who has just returned from a trip to Snn Francisco. Whllo thero ho mot Mr, Pollexfon who told him of tils now homo mid said all these summer places wore named and asked Mr. Kanimoror for n sugges tion and Mllllcomn was tho result. Who Is He Marshal Carter today received a letter from D. G. MocLean, probation o III cor at Salinas, Calif., asking Information about a young nmn Iflm Willi tnl.'Oll till 1-PpnililV fOT .......,.,,. tl.i anva tlm In, I lino hlien goiiiB there by tlio namo of Frank on California nvonuo between Thlr Mooro. but In a letter found on him teenth and Fifteenth streets; A. II. from his mother, he is addressed as Lewis, Lot -I In Hlock 18, on Mon "James." Tho lad won't give his tana avenue between Southwest Hon namo but tho letter Indicates thatllovard and Thirteenth street; John his father is an invalid, his mother F. Sticknoy, Lot 17, In Hlock 11, on subject to heart failure, and a sister ' Oregon avenue, betwoen Southwest Is about to bo marlred. Tho family Moulovnrd and Thirteenth atreot. We Are At Home Again At the old stand on Central Aventn Call in and see the improvements We know you will like it better than ever. Yours truly, McCrary s Idea! Pharmacy Ib said to own a ranch In this vlcln ity. Marshal Carter hnB not yet lo aned mo parents. Tlio boy is said to he about eluhteon vonrs nlii nml to have left Oregon about AuBUst j-i. in i .. No DiiimiBe. AlthotiBh driftwood lodged aKiilnst' tho long troBtle of the Smith-Powers road, near Myrtle Point, no particular damage Is re ported to have been done by It. Chief ICiiBlneor- Haines was unable to come home yesterday on account of the high water, remaining to watch the bridges. Tlirce Arrested. Mnrshal Carter yesterday rounded up three loggers who insisted on celebrating too boisterously. They were Aluior Oreen, who put up $10 cash ball, and Mike Link and Walter Smith, who put up $C apiece. All of them failed to show up today and their halls wore declared forfeited. Dies In OmiuIIIc Word has been received here of tlm ilnnth nf Mm 9.23, Daisy Holland, formerly Miss Wlck 1.8 I ham, of consumption, at Conulllo, 9.4S! Saturday. Her sister. Mrs. Edward . .Moeiiier. res i es n Marshilo il Mra Holland's husband, tho late "Hud" Holland was for a number of yenrs connected with tho IJlanco bar. ItllM'Imtl .AIlM'Hllir I'l'Kulilunt ICr., or tho Coos County lluseball league has called a meeting to be held In Coinillle Thursday at 1 1 o'clock. It Is understood Hint the Hay towns in iei i-oMumu, Myrtle Pi5lnt and Dilution light out the controversy over tho number of hired playors. It Is possible Hint u four team league nioy bo agreed upon. Dredge for Itnllwny. Herman Larson s dredge on tho Sluslaw Is cutting n now channel there so that tho Southern Paclflo will have only one bridge to build at Acnio instead of two. There was a second channel which might have required a draw bridge but by dredgliiB the company will be able to avoid this. lOiiBlneer E. 1-. lloblnson Is nf Gardiner dolus Home survey work for tho other Lar son dredge and Is expected home Saturdny. Ilolilen's Ideii u Success J. L. Koontz yesterday tested out Dave Holden's sund pulleymoblle and found it to bo n success, climbing hills, running good over tho Band on the North Marshlleld fill. etc. It makes good speed but should have more power than tho 20-horHonowor In tho nuto It was tried out on. Next Sunday, a trlnl trip will be inudo to (Jardlnor. It now looks ns though tho machine would be a success In ev ery way and Dave Uolden will reap a big prollt from the idea. To Change Ferry Judgo John F. 1 1 ri 1 1 wiii ft rVwtiilil, .i i.. .i. .. '1 H',t,cl111 Hi'BBlo" of the county com- iiiiKHiouorB win uo Held to award 80I1U( roni, M1roVomoiit contracts. It ot uXpccted that the contract for repairing the Eastsldo approach to tho ferry will bo awarded, nwliiir to the strong movements to imvo tho ferry landings changed. The East side and Maishlleld city councils will probably consider tho matter tonight. Hotelier llelr Case. Judgo Coke has overruled a demurrer In the ease of tho heirs or the Into Charles W. Fletcher vs. Miner & Wordes. Tho Fletcher heirs seek to recover 100 acres nf tlmhorlnml In tli. llln.. tor s snlo void Tho Seamait enso differs In thnt the Fletcher property wns sold by Mrs. Young, who was Fletcher's second wife. STEADV GltOWTII IX KIICST ADDITION. It used to bo a saying among tho carpenters on Coos Hay that the building senson hero did not com mence until after tho fourth of July, but tho custom of waiting for tho rains to cease lias become obsolete. During the last few weeks uoltlior fog, rain, nor hall has caused tho bull ding under way In First Addition to Marshlleld to lag. G, M. Hluckc commenced building n lino modern bungalow two weeks ago, and ho and ills crow of carpen ters have not missed a working day since. The shingles woro put on during the last few days and now It will bo easy sailing. W. C. Mason is assembling mntor lul for a houso resldonce similar to Mr. Hlncke's on land adjoining Mr. Hlncko's, and work on this will com mence nt ouco, C. M. Connor has a lino eight room, modern residence under wny on Washington nvenue Just west of tlio Southwest Houlovard. Recent sales In First Addition are 118 follOWS! I. E. HCIldl'IX. Lot 4. Ill Hl0Cl 10, PERSONAL NOTES AOM WASSON of South Inlet is in town today. WM. CROSS of Daniels Creek Is In town today. M. J. 110WRON of Hcnryvlllo Is in town today. .1. S. MASTERS of Catching Inlet is in town today. MRS. THOMPSON Ib n visitor from Ross Inlet today. ALFRED STEVENS Is In town today from Hiiynes Inlet. MRS. ADAMS of Smith-Powers Camp 7 Is In town today. GEORGE McCOLLOCH of Haynes In let Is in town today. EVAN HODSON of South Coos River Is In town on business. ' WALTER STULL of Allegany is In town today on business. ALBERT WVMAN of South Inlet Is spending tho day In town. MRS. II. II. HAINES of Coos City is a Mnrshllold visitor today. JACK. HOWRON and wlfo nre visitors from Isthmus Inlet todny. MISS HETHEL STOCK of Sumner Is a Mnrshllold visitor today. FRED VERNING If Haynes Inlet Is In town today on business. ALF JOHNSON. JR.. or Coquillo Is a Marshlleld visitor today. J. E. PAULSON of Coquillo Is In Marshlleld today on business. G. W. SHELLEY or Myrtlo Point was hero over Sundny on business, C. W. ELMORE returned this morn ing from a visit to Allegany. GEORGE HLAKE is a business visit or from Catching Inlet todny. CHAS. MAHAFFY or North Coos River Is a business visitor today. MtSS ANNA CLINKENHEARD Is in town today from Daniels Creek. JOHN MORGAN and wlfo of Empire are spending tho day In Mnrshllcld. O. REAVIS left for Conicdo this morning after spending Sunday in town. HENRY AVERILL of tho Lire Sav ing Station Ib a Marshlleld visitor today. JAS. MERCHANT Is in from his Heaver Hill ranch on business and pleasure. HARRY ENNIS waB a passenger on this morning's train for tho Co quillo Valley. MRS. T. M. PATTERSON nnd MRS. A. ENZHLOM or Empire ure visit ing In Marshlleld today. CARL and RALPH CLINKEN HEARD or Daniels Creek ore In Mnrshllcld spending the day. MRS. JENNIE LANDR1TH and daughter, HLANCHE, are In town todny from North Coos River. JOHN SMITH returned to Conicdo this morning after spending Sun day with friends In Mnrshneld. RANCY HALL nnd wlfo returned this morning irom mi iivur ouimii iinii, with E. O. Hall and family of Sumner. LEO CALL Is in Mnrshllold today from Ilnyiies Inlet, where ho has! been visiting relatives. Ills Homo Is nt Lakeside. AUGUST ERICKSON returned to Mnrshllcld todny after spending Sundny witli Ills brother. Simon Erickson, of Hiiynes Inlet. I REV. G. Lo ROY HALL returned, this morning from Catching Inlet, ' whero ho hold Christian Services in Unity Chnpol yesterday. I MISSES ROSE MYREN and ESTHEIt JOHNSON have returned from Portland, whore thoy went to take In tho grand opera season. MISS MINNIE CARLSON of North' Inlet Is in Marshlleld todny en route to North llend to visit her ' sister, Mrs. Martin Ilnwkluson. MISS DESIREE WYATT will lonvo on the next Hrenkwnter for Port lnud, whero she has accepted a po sition with the Wonder Millinery storo. WM. ASPLUND and wlfo spent Sun-; day with Mrs. Asplund's parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Mutt Matsou. of Catching Inlet, roturulug homo this morning, MR. nnd MRS. HARRY A. GOLDEN of Denver, Colnrudo, nro In tho elty . Investigating the business pros-! poctB of Coos Hay with a vlow to locating here, . If you hnvo anything to soil, rent, trndo, or want holp, try a Want Ad. To Her Honor, the Cook: Does your husband and family call your bread "Punk" nftor you havo exhausted overy effort to mnko ( it rignt: ir mis is uio cuso, give them u pleasant surpiibe mid show thoin that you can bake bread that Is "llroad ' hy using WHITE RIVER FLOUR Sold by Coos Bay Tea, Coffee & Spice House 1S4 Market Avo. Phono 394-J. ANNOUNCEMENT TO THE PUBLIC Llndberg & Rosbors havo opened their now storo in Bunker Hill with a comploto lino of stationery, bread, candy, cigars and tobacco. Pool hall in connection. Tho public Is cordially In vited. Lindberg & Rosberg Phono 301-L. COOS ICING BICYCLES $:io.oo COOS QUEEN BICYCLES Marshfield Cyclery Dayton Agents. I'hoiie irH-lt 172 Broadway The Sign of Good Candy Always Hfe5dv - I - SOCIAL CALENDAR AtnMriAV W. C. T. U. with Mrs. Whee ler. Library hoard mooting. Progress club with Mrs. Tlod gcn. TUESDAY Episcopal Guild with Mrs. E. u. I'ornnm. C. W. II. M. with Mrs. Howard Royal Auction Hrldgo with Mrs. R. IC. Hooth. Private Mnsquerudo ball at I'lnuisn nan Mrs. Pappo of Ilnndon has been tha guest of Mrs. Oraof In Mnrshlleld tho past week. Saturdny evening, April 2G. a charity ball will bo given nt tho Eagle's Hall by Henry Hegdnhl nnd a bunch of other Marshfield fiood fellows as n benefit for tho Cooley family. McLAIX WILL LOSE. Claim Tlmt MnrMilloM Man Will Not He V. S. Marshal. According to a Washington dis patch In n Portland paper, Hugh Mc Laln nf Marshlleld will not land tho U. S. Mnrshalship In Oregon, as his friends horo had hoped. According to tho dispatch, Senators Lano nnd Chainborlnn have agreed on recom mending tho following appointments: IT. S. District Attorney Clarenc L, Rennics, Mcdford. Postmaster, Portland F. S. Myora Portland. U. S. Mnrshal John Montng, Port land, Collector of Internal Revenue- Milton A. Miller, Lebanon. Collector of Customs T. C. nurko, Ifciker. Surveyor General E. G. Worth, Portland. Appraiser G. E. Wolter, Portland Postmaster, Astoria Herman Wlso, Astoria. - I AT THE HOTELS. The Chandler. J. II. Goll, Portland -r Mrs. Garo utte, Coquillo; C. H. Hrown, Port land; A. Johnson, Jr., Coquillo: J. A. Colomb. Donaldson, La.; A. M. IIol llstcr, Portland; A. P. Matthews, Portland; G. W. Shelley. Myrtlo Point; Henry Hlock. Portland. Lloyd Hotel. G. Marstcr, Handon; Earl McICco, Portland; W. C. Cnnipboll, Snn Fran cisco; T. Ellis, Portland; Tom Mc Mnnii, Clovolnnd, Ohio. Hotel Coos. A. M. Drnko. Portland; P. Radford, Coos River; W. G. Ilessoy, Coos Riv er; J. Harnett. City. I NORTH BEND NOTES. Miss Joolla HoilBon, who under went an operation at Mercy hospital, has so far recovered as to have been taken to her homo on North llend Heights. Win. Kern nml dnughter enmo Fri day rrom Arcutn, Cal., to visit rela tives and friends. The Christian Endonvnr will hold a buslnoss meeting tonight at tho Presbyterian church. Miss Mildred Rood linn been nn ov er Sunday guest of hor sister, Mrs. Harry Russel of Catching Inlet. Tho W. C. T. U. will moot Tuosdny nftornoon at the Presbyterian church The buslnoss meeting will ennvono nt 2 o'clock nt which Prof. Orubbs will give n talk on Instructions to womon In voting. All women nro Invited to attend. Mayor L. J. Simpson, who hns been in various California points for tho Inst three mouths, will return homo tomorrow. Tho Presbyterian Ladles' Aid will hold a social Thursday afternoon nt tho church. Tho Jllzpnli class and tho Christian Endonvnr will hold a social nt Logglo hull noxt Friday evening. Buying a Typewriter? If so, It should bo nn Underwood. Tho Underwood holds nil tlio world records for speed, ucciirncy and dur nblllty and there nro more of them In iiso than all other vlslblos com bined. That Is why tho U. S. Gov ernment, tho Western Union, U. S. Stcol Co,, and other big corporations buy Underwoods exclusively. C. L. STOCKIX, tho Uudorwood man, Is at The Chandler, and would bo pleased to give you a demonstra tion. TIIKV HAVE AGREED TO MARRY JUNE 1. Just ns tho Sun Rises From BelUiul Tlio Eustern Horizon. "Mary, my doar, I havo com for nn nnswor yes or no." "John, I lovo you, but I must havo your promise that you.wlll pro tect mo and bo and bo as thoughtful after marriage as boforo and tako mo at least throe times a week to Sartor's for tholr delicious fountain drinks and candy." John promised, nnd thoy will bo wed In June. We Keep All Sorts But Recommend Kidney Pills We know what they will do PRICE 50c TfTQ AVgftB 1 LL9l nSm