? f' THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 4, 1913 EVENING EDITION. Your General Appearance IS sure to be right if you give us a chance to put the right clothes on you. The important thing for you is that we not only know what the right clothes are, but we've got them here. They're Hart Schaf fner & Marx clothes; and there's nothing you can buy to wear that will compare with them for excellence of quality, for style and smart distinction. These clothes are tailored-to-fit. Set hIiiiI Mf'll do for you at JjiiW. V o ii can !il kh'xI clothes here fur I r m n, o r for more. Woolen Mill Store T ll I H HlOI'fl I H t ll 0 ll II 111 U Of Hurt Sehuffner & Mnrx clothes. Rain or Sunshine It makos no (liiTorence, our ways waiting lo deliver your Call up "1M)S" The Busy you iii'cil in the drug line. Prescription filling Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. "THE BUSY MAIN PHONE The Farmers9 L Power Homise ll On Wheels . Tll GIBSON GO-Speed Gasoline Engine, made U !M and ; Horsepower, mounted on hand truck as shown, complete with line shaft, pulleys, pump Wk and belting. By changing pulleys (JO differ-. f"t speeds, ranging from 1(7 to 1,500 revolutions lr minute can be attained. W'liik of the eonvcuienee of power like this in a rWlillJlp Inl'lll. lllwnve vnnlir In lm iiirtvfi fimn flir jol) to ----, ... nil i n a. tllll "iiother wherever it Cqual to y work within its 1 a M 14 IIVaI Ilnes Want Ads. S When you WWd 1 4 dt W- messenger boy is nl- order. Corner for anything 9 is our business. CORNER." 298 US LVf tJKj lliuil.ll 4-.W... ..vj may he, and always power. N MUM Bring Results I MX !! B4Sfe Copil(ht Hart ScbilTncr te Mm NOTICE TO IIKI) MEN. All mmtt linpd n frt rfifinidi ml tt yrst miviiiuuid tti v a v;ii ni vil iw iuvll nt LMtttilult I. fill t.m.ln.. M.,H,.I. f iv iitllinil llilllf UWMUIIJ iMtlilll I . nt s o'clock i i- nivon it. h. I iM'-iiOK, C. of ll. ' Llbby COAL. The Kind YOU law ALWAYS USED. Phono 71!. Pact" I Livery nnd Trnnnfor Oomtmny. lliialnoHK of Itniior. ' ''ve roiuomiw i-aui .i. uiiu HiiBiiioss of impor- ,,,.,. ,, MrHi A M ,,:alJ, wIM ))L, Dayton Motorcycles It "Nothing Succeeds Like Success" WE WAWT YOUR BUSINESS because of the success we have attained. "Humbug" may succeed in tents and on street cor ners, but it takes quality and service to pull us through in brick buildings. ' We offer you Juvenile Bicycles with steel rims. Can you get them elsewhere? Our Coos Queen Bicycles at $28.50 are good enough to carry our trade mark. Our Coos King Bicycles at $30.00 are good enough and strong enough to carry any man in Marshfield. These Bicycles are made by the same factory which makes the Dayton. Have you ever heard of Dayton Bicycles? They average about six to the block in Marshfield. The Dayton Motorcycle is made by the same people and for power, simplicity and ease of handling, is said by many riders to be the best in Marshfield. Our Motorcycle expert is admittedly a REAL expert and motorcycle repairing will from now on be part of our business. WE NEVER EXAGGERATE, we never intentionally misrepresent anything and we try to treat our custom ers so that they will come again and recommend us to their friends. REPEAT SALES are what we are after. We seldom make anything on our first sale. That only pays for our advertising. 3 Wheels to O One Family La That's what we are after Marshfield Agentsgfor DAYTON BICYCLES Phone 158-R AI'KIIj TIDES. Hulow la given the Hmo nnd height of high and low water at Mnrshflold. The tides nro placed In the order of occurrence, with their tlmeB on the first line tind heights on the Heconil lino of each day; n compai iBon on consecutlvo helghtB will Indicate whethor It la high or low wutcr. For high water on tho har, duliofrnct 2 hours 34 tnlnutea. Mils. i.as 7. no l.u r..i 1.3 5.2 7.37 0.8 8. OS 1.1 S.37 l.n 11.00 Ft.. r. Ilia. il't.. U lira. I Ft.. 7 Hrs. ,Ft.. 2. or. ii.tS 2. no r..s 2.r.r. o.o s. or. 0.!) S.3G o.; 0.2 2.20 F.iii 2.C.S 5.3 3.35 5.1 1.0 WKATI I Kit FORECAST. l)y ABBoclntod Press OREGON Rnln tonight and Saturday. Southerly winds, high along coiiBt. LOCAL TEMPERATURE RECORD. For tho 24 hourH ending nt 1 I- 13 a. in., April A, hy llcnj. I Oatllnd. speclnl govornmenl me- leorologlcal observer: I .Maximum 5S .Minimum 4 1 Af 1:13 n. in 45 I Precipitation 33 1 Precipitation since Sept. 1, 1 1912 53.38 Precipitation same period laat year 47.73 Wind Bouthweat; rain. a ' . ... . ,. ... . out-going paaaoiigerH on tho Drain stage tomorrow. To Meet The V. C. T. IT. will meet with MrH. Fannie Wheeler on Monday next In the afternoon Instead r " bntiirdny. '''' ''' Tonight Tho regular Wheels to One Business Concern and what we are doing. Cyclery Agents for DAYTON MOTORCYCLES 172 N. Broadway SOCIAL CALKNDAU FRIDAY Thlmhlo Club. North Rend, with Mrs. O. F. Gothro. Forndalo Club with Mra. Hlcliarda. Minnie-Wis with Mrs. John Daahney. Ladles" Art Club with Mra. Illldenlirand. H. Y. P. t. social with Mlsa Resale Ayro, monthly meeting of the Chamber of Commerce will bo held tonight In the new quarters In the Coko building. .Meet Tonight A postponed meet ing of the Hplscopal church congrega tion will be held this evening for the purpose of attending to Important business matters. The meeting Is called for 7:30. Logger- Injured Ilnrry Grant sus tained n broken leg In an accident at Smith-Powers Camp No. 1 on South Coos River yesterday. He wns brought to Mercy hospital, where ho Is reported lo be getting along nicely. Son Is Horn Mr. and Mrs. E. Moohler. who reshlo In tho O'Connoll Apartments nro rejoicing over tho arrival of an eleven-pound Ron. Through an error. It waa stated yes terday that tho new arrival was n daughter. Will Moe Home. Mr. and Mra. Pete Sunneson, of Day City, are waiting only for tho rains to let up and the roads to dry off to movo their fninlly to their now homo nt Hay Park whero Mr. Sunneson has some fine lots. CiYtN Contract Mrs. E. 0. Porhnm received n telegram from Mr. Por hnnt this morning stating thnt ho had been nwnrded the enntrart for the now stool brldgo neroBa tho Hoguo River nt Grants Pass, tho largest bridge on that stream. Ho did not state what final action hnd boon tn ken by tho Douglas county commis sioners on tho bids thero. Mies Suit C. .1. Hruachko linB be gun suit against E. T. Conrlght for $125 In Justice Pennork's court, which he alleges Is due him ns n homestead location fee. Conrlght cininiH uiiu nrusciiKo located him on eighty acres of land Instead of 1C0 and that he did not show him tho corners of tho tract ns was agreed to. - I AMONG TUB SICK. n Mrs. v. k, sandlierir ins been Iqnlto sick nt tholr homo lioro tho last few days. .Mrs. Harry llriul flohl Is recuperating from a severe attack of In grippe. Knglneer Illndmnrsh nntl It. M. Stnnhrough, another Southern Pa cific engineer at North Ilond, nro re covering from sovoro attacks of la grippe. Hov. V.. O. Howard Is much Im proved after Ills two weoks' Illness and will he nhlo to occupy Ills pul pit at tho Christian church again Sunday. Mrs. M. I). Mucks Is coullned to her home hy tousllltls. County SHOUTS at HAIXIIS. WANT ADS. WANTHD Siiiull oil heater. Plume Wire Chief, Telephone olllce. W.WTKP Position im llicniaii or Janitor AiIiIioks Lock ilox 1'SI, North Ilend. I'Olt SAliK Settings of Slcllllan lliitten-iips or Hood I.uclc fowl $11 per HI; Plymouth Hocks. Uhodo Island Hods and Irrown Leghorns 11 per HI. Mrs. K. Don McCrnry. FOll SAM! Three ranches Phone an 1X1, J. II. Price, Allegany. l-'Olt SAI.B I'ho Phono ai I X 3, dairy cons, WANT I'D (.ill or uoiiinn for of fice work. .Must have fair edu cation hut lm oxportiicss In hook keeping Is required. Address In own hnnd writing, stating educa tion, experience) and references. 'Office," cnio Times. "Oil ItH.N'T 7 room house. Close In. Apply (iiinnery, phono lil-J. WAXTHI) Plain hewing, reasonable charges. Ilox 281 North Ilend. WANTI2D Second hand safe. Ad dress Ilox O. A., Times olllce. WAXTHI) Hxpcricuccd miners at the I.lbhy mine. l'Oll HAM Furniture- for 1 1 room boarding liotiso. Apply 207 North 3rd street. FOIt IIN.VT Imrge, well furnished room with hath. Klvo minutes' walk from business section, Ref erences. Inqulro 70S North Sec ond streot. FOR SALIC One launch 20 feet; 8 II. P. Enqulro M. G. Coleman, North Rend. FOR SALE Orj woocj. fir and aj. der, nt Campboll's Wood Yard, Ferry landing. Phoao 15SL. DAIRY AM) STOCK FARMS. If you want a good Dairy or Stock farm seo Fitzgerald or Phone itlftt, Murshflold. For the Houieseeker lie can show ou mmiio of tho best In tho county for sale. ORPHEUM Till. SCH UGHRU'V" A Dig Three Reel Picture Dion lloiiccl cniilt's Masterpiece Produced hy the Ivaleiu Compaiij, "HE SWORE OFF SMOKIXG HOW IIORSI slIOH ( P.SHT HAPP FUIILY" A Laughing Comedy. FIVE PierUHES TONIGHT. ADMISSION 10 CENTS. PERSONAL NOTES W. I. IlONKtm VKH Is in town from Hoss Inlet h. 1). SMITH, of Coos Illver, Is In town todn KOCCO I1IASCA Is in town today from Coos Hlvi-r. J OK SHIH1A, or Lakeside, Ib In Marshfield today. .MISS MAPI) .V011LH Is a North Ilend visitor todn,. KAY MARTIN and wife of Handon aer In Marshllehl today, CARL SCIIROHDKR la a business visitor from Lakeside today. MRS. I1YRI) LATTIN of South Coos Ilher Is a .MarshtleKl visitor. II C. IIIOtHNS of North Coos River Is In town today on bushiest. MRS. C. M. HLMORR of Allegany Is visiting relatives In Mnrahflold to day. JOHN HHNDRICKSON of North Coos River Is a town visitor for tho day CAPT. JAS. MAGHK. of Rmplre. mib a Mai oilfield visitor yestor , day. O. A. HONEI1RAKH Is down from Ills Catching Inlet ranch today on busi ness. NISI) C KICLLY. or Coqulllo. wns a Marshfield business visitor yes- tordav. C. A. METLIN lofr for llandon yes- terdny on huslncsi. Ho expects to lie absent a week. MR. AND MRS. EVAN HODSON nro upending the day In town today from South Coos River. CHAS. MAHAPY nnd NINIAN WEI1- STER nro In town today from their homo on North Coos River. L. J. HOTCIIKISS. of South Coos River, was in town Inst evening, returning homo this morning. MR. FLECK, contractor for Porter Hrothcrs with headquarters nt Lakeside, Is In MnrBhflold today. O. J. SEELEY. who has been hero n couplo of dnys on a business doal, will leave for his homo In Coqulllo tonight. A. E. MATTHEWS, of Coqulllo. ar rived here on tlio Ilrcnkwatcr yes terday from nn extended north ern trip. CAPT. WILLARI), of tho Coqulllo river boat lino, passed through horo yesterday on route homo from n business trip to Port land. TRUE SALINO returned this morn ing from n business nnd pleasure trip to Golden Falls. Ho is fig uring on getting a ranch near there. FRANK WITTE, of South Coos Riv er, Is In town today and it Is re ported that ho Is negotiating tho transfer of his ranch to a man named Leo. T. C. RUSSELL nnd wife nnd Mrs. J. T. Sullivan, of llandon, nro guests of Marshfield friends. Mrs. Russell has been visiting Mrs. Sullivan at llandon nnd tho Inttor returned with her for u short stay nt Reaver Hill and on tho liny. MILO PIERSON. who Is in from Ten Mllo, reports that Portor Ilrothora have about thlrty-llvo men nt this end of tho Ten Mllo tunnel. This camp Is about four miles from Lakeside. Mr. Plenum says they will drive tho tuunol, working from both ends, In u year. Pl'llLIC NOTICE. Notice to The Public, From nnd after (his date I will not he responsible Tor any debts contracted by tho Coos liny Uusl uess Colloge, hnvlng withdrawn from tho partnership heretofore ex isting. Should the school not pros per I shall return to Coos Day and under my own auspices carry out the plans which I announced when tho Institution was started. (Signed) A. E. STOSSMEISTER. Murshflold. April -I. 1513. , Notice". Rev. O. LoRoy Hall will prench at Unity Chapol on Catching Inlet at 11:00 a. in. nnd 8 p. m. on Sunday. TIIEV I1AVH AGREED TO MARRY JUNK 1. Just as tho Sun Rises From Ilehiud Tho Eastern llorl.on. "Mnry, my dear, I have como for an answor yes or no." "John, I love you, but I must hnvo your promise thnt you will pro tect mo and bo and bo ns thoughtful after marriage as before and tnko mo nt least threo times a wook to Sartor's for tholr delicious fountain dilnks mid candy." John promised, nnd they will bo wod In Juno. TRUSSES and Abdominal Dolts nro fitted by an oxport. Wo carry tho larg est and best equipped stock of Trussed in Southern Orogon, Of all tho different styles wo handle wo hnvo proved tho Truform Truss to glvo tho best satisfac tion. Reinembor it is absolutely necessary to have your (rues fit ted right, or olso you nro bound to be in danger of strangulated hernia nnd misery during the tlmo you wear it. Swantau will soo that you shall got tho best truss for your case. ;kav4 J MlltVW TONIGHT: i inl