MANY A MAN J irT ARTICLES found nnoimli Tlint's witnt if. .. ........I 'I'lm.. Itoul """ "- '"" ' .. . I.II-I...I lit 1R7H ..udl ',SW"iii""" " "" VOL. AAAVU.m I'jio Const Ainu. llrfj!! .,!. trl!l!!i: llll is FA AND1HER F RESULT ui-ml River Has to Rise Only "IS Inches More to Inun date City Second Time. MANY STREETS FLOODED HBY CLOGGED SEWERS Lower Ohio River Forces Through Levees Many Districts Waterswept. g,AMKllrt .-.v i I -Ton inni'p III- .i2Vfil'lii tin- Miami .River will a of alcr In tho Miami .River wll "iY,vi,m .mother Hood. A ten-boil n pour together with dogged Lr ntakes. II11 many Htroo h hit tilsht Much apprehension Ih Mt for Hlverdnle and Edgomnnt and riJIen and fltleim are keeping rem ditlslloti tin. levees. Telephone morn from I'Uiiin. Ilcllofoiilnlno. Tror and othor places north Indl nttd Hint there haH boon Incessant nig. of which Dayton will nut the is- m:iTii:i:.N ix xekr Nnrlr I."'" -'! Sufferers Xenr SIWHIH't'tOWII, III. (By A l" I ''" " ,'H'" "r Time I SHAVNKI:T0VX. III.. April 4. Xeulr a thoiin;ind flood refugees Icilnil hlllH line aro In serious iint of provisions. iin n i :. i c i:axsvi i.i.i: Our -Hit lliitiit's Inundated When avp llll'llhs. Hf AnorlaM I'rrii lo loo lla? TlrrtM.l I of EVANSVIM.i:. Intl.. April I. Ti Howell levee, protecting -'" tallies nr liigleslde, between Ev mtllle and Howell. gnvo way to ujind Hip Ihglesldu dlHtrlct Irt un itrilx to tea feet of water. Horole, iork for three days to protect tho kut failed, There wiih no loss of Me. me i,i:vi:i: ix daxoku. Ottr 2,000 Men at Work Xcnr Jlouth Of Ohio. IB) AuftluM lir. In Coo. Hay Tlnir.,) CAIItO. Ill . April . Flood wa in of the Ohio hegau to rltto iikiiIii dijr HrpnriH from tho Heolfoot !ee ilUtrlctH xald that tuoro than WOO men wore, working to snvo a Irak In tho I eve oh of that section, tktch Is well down tho MIhhIhhIppI. Abreak there, would lirlnn relief hero 'I'.hln an hour i.i:vi:r. ;oi:s out. L.hs if Lire lii Hood at IMrkmuii, Kentucky. U7uo,litt Vint la Lua lUgr Tlmri.) JIEUI'IIIS, April I. A telephone tMisefrom lllckninn, Ky., wnys that ' levee thero went out this aftor loonfloodliiB the factory district. No of life Is reported. U1TLE CASH Country Is Almost Without Funds as Result of Con stant Turmoil. IBj AnocUtcJ Trru lo Coo nr TlmM. J fiSP ClTY- -lr Tim tMr. .na,lce lnlHtor reported to "tress today that tho Imlnnco In tnilVV? nt tl10 cnl at Jnnunry tiriV,?;5,30,000 1H ?'r'9-J,500 mora nnh !m amonK l)08tal and tolo wph offices. -This amount," ho W J...V wll!)t rc,nla8 of tho bo cal Otthi. . fs .f tho .lexlcnn treasury, tor iUBi' 9'.000 la tho mono- bursedS f"nrt w,,,ch cannot Ol'KX .rV C.UMTAI. n clH.s"7iT,ke c. 1. Dla. is.. el1' l,0tliuaiteis. tHdilJ'TO. April 4. General tobeMuiif ,or xorthorn Mexico aro Dla" esi"slie, at Cludad Portflrlo "or . "f main body of Cnrnnza's scaih. rtl ""neiova, two days SffATT''-7iTuTTrKi) it 'io Tin: ciiicivkxs. ve fly ZVi; "7'ared that to bu ate nf B l e" swatted It was Turn ineriIV "'"been ..?.ter ovor ll'o Ay after ,. .5L!aed. advised Dr. Ed- Uii U to th V1 c,can Mm- Then '"SoVfoS0"8 fr Wh,ch H no m dS1'1,1' Cu1- A'ril 4 l"vhasLS in "f "Swt the lly" WLm ? ""Pl'lemented with this Dr i V ' o chickens." 13 nantl n..Wnras of Los Angeles, rn COMES TO A (E000 latj Wxmm MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 4, 1913 OF HEAVY German Military Men Whose Baloon Landed in France Detained. LEAVES KRAXCE TODAY. lllr Aollnl I'rrM tn i'om llnr Tlmni.l I Ll'NEVILLE, Franco, April I i -I. --The (Icnnan nlr cruiser i wiih Inflated ami dopnrtod for (leniiiin.v this i.fternooii. - - . .. (Il)f A.wwlilr.1 ln lo Coon liar TlmM I Ll'NEVILLE. Franco. April I. -Members of tho crew of tho Goriuun military air erulHcr Xcpplln four, who landed yesterdny on tho parado urouml horo In tho midst of n hrluntlo French rlllunien are virtually pris oners. Thoy have liuen requested to remain In Lunovlllo until tho In cident Is fully Investigated. RELIEF IS SENT. ('nrloail of Hydrogen Tanks Korwurit ill lo Slriiuileil Ale Crat't. (My ,iwo. laml I'riM lo l.w liar nimni FUKIDUIC'IISC'IIAKHN. Ccrmnny. Airll I. A carload of tanltH contain In,; hydrogen for the ulrslilp Htrand ed at l.uuevlllo will he despatched from hero today. IMYS KHKXCII llfTV. (Jei'liinn Aci-onauA .Make Sntlsfaclory i:pliiiintlon to I'liiuce. (lly AmwUIM I'riM lo Toon lit; I.UNIOVU.IilJ, April I. The land ItiK of the Koppullu airship wiih untlB factorlly explained to tho French hoard of Inquiry today. Tho Oer iiinii Koverument paid fL'.OOU eiistoins duty mid tho Incident wiih closed. wii.ii nis('U)si: si:cki:t. Adventure of lll llatoon Haiti on C'oriiiiin 'In i in-. Illy A.ix I4iiii li to Cuua luy TIium. llKHMN, April I. The adventure of the Gorman Military airship, which landed at I.uuchnIHo. It Ih Bald, will (IIhcIoho the guarded necrotH of tho construction on which Germany buses her clalniH. to the Hupremacy of iIkIiI nlrslilps. Warship Named for This State Not to be Dismantled Goes to Puget Sound. (ny ,Moclaln! I'ra lo Cooa najr TlmM J SA1.H.M, Oro., April l.-IiiHtead of helnj? dlHinnntled as wiih feared would ho hor fnto, tho United States lmttlo ship OroKon Ih to romaln a part of tho Pacific lleot at the IMiroI Sound nnvy yard, acronllnR to advices ro celved horo by Governor West from .losophiiH Daniels, Secretary of tho Nnvy. Sovornl mouths ago tho Im pression was gained from uows iIIb patehes from WnshlnRton that tho Navy Department contemplated dis mantling tho Hhlp and coisIbjiIub It to tho Junk mon. LEAD PARTY IBr Aaaoolalea PrM lo Cooa liar Tlmea WASHINGTON. D. C. April 4. Ropresentatlvo Victor Murdock of jvansas was unanimously olectod n tho Progressive party nt tho cauciiH hero today as Its candidate for Speak er of tho House. Tho thirteen rep resentatives attended tho meeting nnd tho nfllllatlon of four represen tatives who have not yet reached Washington was announced. Rep resentative II. W. Tomplo of PoihwI vanla was chosen permanent of tho caucus. , , .. Tho unprecedented spectacle of a party coucus open to tho public and nttonded by women was tho fcaturo of tho progressive meeting. Less than n score of mombors of tho now house wero on hand but Murdock announ ced that tho programme for today s conference included tho readlug of tho "Koynoto message" from the Roosevelt speeches by tho members of the caucus. Rfl AERONAUTS ARE NOW PRISONERS SEC. DAHEELS SAVES OREGON MROCK WILL BAD END AS A RESULT MKMRHR OK TIIK VOl'XiJ .MAX l-'HO.M POItTliAXII (iOIXt! fXDKIl XAMi: OK JACK LO.MItAltl) IWCI'.S TllltDK SKItl Ot'S CIIAIKiKS. Karl Klynii. alias Jack Lombard, wiih arrested this nfternoon by Mnr schal Carter on the charge of for gery and of robbing 11. W. Judil, another roomer nt tho Lloyd Hotel. Flynn was captured at the Cooh Ho tel and a stolen gun nnd other ar ticles taken from J mid were found Hcereted there. l'lynn Ih 21 years old. five feet eleven InehcH tnll and weighs about ISO. Ilu claims to bo an olovntor expert . lie ensued a cnecic at mo Ainrsn Two Probably Fatally Injured in Conflict at Auburn, N. Y. Two of the Victims Are Women. Illy Auoi-lalpit Vntt lo I'ooa Hay TI.iim APIll'RN. N. Y., April 4. Six strike rioters wero shot by tho po lice today during an attack which n mob or :iOO made on the plant of the Columbian Ropo company. Two or tho hIx were fatally Injured. After the shooting the situation wns so se rious that Mayor O'Neill called out tho lire department and local militia company. The mob wiih composed of foreigners. Chief of Police Roll and a squad of thirty men stationed at the plant attempted to nrrest ono of tho lenders nnd the strikers bo- SUSPECT HELD W. W. Leehan Lured From New York by Detectives and Arrested. ly A.iirlalfJ I'rna lo Coo. Hay Tlm-.) TOAMS R1V13R, N. J., April 4. B, Leehan, formerly prlvnte sec retary to Mrs. K. M. Horno, of Pitts burg. Ih In Jnll here charged with the murder of Mrs. Charles L. Turner or Lnkowood, N. J., who was tho wife of an employee on tho estate of Georgo J. Gould. On April LC, 10 11. Mrs Turner's body wiih found In the woods at Lnkowood. apparently hav ing been murdered whllo battling for hor honor. Leehan lived at Lake wood and subsequently moved to Whlto Plains, N. Y. Ho was trailed for slxteon months. Ono detective gained his confidence nnd lured him to Now Jersoy tor airest. Leehan collapsed, but denied bis guilt. SNEAK THIEF AT Arthur Blanchard of Marsh field Robbed of $25 During Show. Arthur Rlanchnrd. of Jlnrsliflold, Inst ovenlng was robbed of a purse containing about $25 during tho porformnnco of "A Night of Laughs" at Kckhoff Hall In North bond. Tho money was taken from his pocket, ho having hung up his trousers In tho rear of the stngo when he donned bis Bpeclnl costume for the net. .. ,, Marshal Anderson, of .Norm Rend, wns called In and nearly ev eryone on tho stago searched, but tho missing pocketbook could not bo found. Tho show was presented to a vory small nudlonco, only about 40 or 50 being present. Most of tho cast that presented 'tho show In Mnrsh flold wero present. Tho show wns not under tho nus plces of the Coos Ray Rand, being given for tho benoflt of Prof. Ennls. who merely paid the expenses of tho enst. Whether tho show will bo taken to tho Coqulllo valloy towns next weok Is not known. Capt. Tyler, who formerly was In command of tho AVilhotmlna and who Is well known bore. Is ulso an applicant for tho position of master of bar dredge. M13DFORD Forty miles of au tomobile road from Klamath Falls to Tulo Lake will bo constructed this summer. EARL FLYNK AROESIEO HERE TODAY FOR FORGERY AHDRQRBERY SI WOUNDED IN NEW Y NORTH A8SOOIATKI) PKES EVENING EDITION field First Xallonnl Hank here, signing it .1. II Price, and then had the bank mall the $20 bill to him at North llend. Tho fraud waB de tected before ho wiih able to get tho money. Another forged check that he had not passed wns found on him. Flynn's mother. Mrs. Thomas Flynn, lives at 1011 Fourth street. Portland, .lust when he enmo here Ih not known. MnrHhnl Carter says ho Ih In formed that Flynn wiih accompanied here by n woman whoso namo Is given as Peal Hall, of Sherldnn, Or., and tho latter tuny result In a more serious charge being preferred against him If evidence Hint Is ex pected develops In It came ugly. The prisoner wns res cued in a hand to hand lmttlo with the blue coals, and the blue coats wero getting the worst of It when tho chief ordered thorn to draw their revolvers. One volley II red Into tho air. did not deter the mob and the police were compelled to fire Into tho trowds. Six strikers, two women nnd four men dropped. One woman will die. Tho mob reformed and made another nttack. Tho strikers ob tained quantities or salt and threw It Into tho eyes or tho police, who dually to avoid further bloodshed, took up a position Inside the mill gates, The strikers then charged the gates. The police wero lighting ngalnst great odds when tho fire department was summoned nnd the strikers wero sub dued. The mtlltla was called out and ordered lo patrol the entire city. IN Noose Slips and White Convict Is Thirty-Six Minutes Dying. Illy Amo.Miis1 I'mi to I'ooa liar TIimm.J MONTGOMERY, Ala., April I. Two whlto men nnd two negroes, all convicted or murder, wero hanged today at the jail hero. C. Walter Jones, sontenced for the murder of Slonn Rowan, wiih tho first hanged. The nooso slipped nnd Jones wns not pronounced dead until IK! min utes Inter. Persons who witnessed It said that deputies were compolled to hold Jones' body away riom the floor. Jones wns white. Tho other men died easily. MKDFORD The hearing for tho ictentlon of Professor O'Gara, Coun ty Fruit Inspector, has been sot for this nfternoon. U.S. SENATOR IS Charged With Improper Con ductName Withheld Pending Charges. Illy AMOUtet I'ri.i to Cooa liar TlmM J WASHINGTON, D. C. April II. Chnrgen Involving tho mornl conduct or a Democratic senator or a western state linvo been presented to United States Attorney Wllbon horo, nnd ho Is Investigating thorn. A man seok Ing a redornl olllco charges that when his wire, acting in his bohair, went In onn Din aanntnr. Hid lllltOl' WIIH calling on n woman nt a hotel, where her husbnnd assorts ho had posted witnesses, Tho Senator declares tho charges aro blackmail nnd part or a plot to ruin him politically. Ho declares tho witnesses ngalnst him aro per sons who linvo been or represent bis political enemies In his own state United States Attorney Wilson will not confirm tho report that ho has presented witnesses to tho grand Jury. Tho grand Jury has no Juris diction ovor a Sonator atter Con gress goes Into session next Mon day. Tho nanQ of tho Senator' Is withhold ns no ofllclal action has been takon. SALEM Tho National Govern ment will match dollar for dollar In tho reclamation of arid lands, ac cording to tho word brought back by State Engineer John II. Lewis, who said that It was authentic, coming direct from Secietary of tho Interior Love. R 0 ALABAMA NOW ACCUSED 'Tt "GOOD FBIOW 4. Consolidation mikI Cooh OF I THEY 1ST HAVE mm is VERY BRAZEN Waves Manacled Hands as He Goes Up Main Street of Coquille to Jail. Constnble W. 1). Cox, who leturned Inst evening from Coquille. nfter hav ing taken Guy Greenleaf to the coun ty Jnll to nwnlt the action or tho grnnd Jury on the. statutory charge, preferred against 111 tit in the ease of Krmn Knorr. says the prisoner Ih a most lirnzen Individual. When they reached Coquille, Constnble Cox thought to save Greenleaf the Ig n o my or going up the main street with his hands mnnclcd. Instead, Greenleaf surprised him by asking to be taken up the main street to the jail. Not only this, but Greenleaf waved his arms everytlme ho saw someone ho knew, yelling, "How do you like my hrncletB." and "Thoy have got mo for n little while." Greenleaf would not tnll; about the case ngalnst him to Mr. Cox. Moro evidence Is coming to light In the case nnd It was stated today that Greenlenr's conviction was certain. Futlicr Rue Tomorrow. A telegrnm wns received today stating that Greenlenr's rather would reach hero tomorrow rrom Centrnlln, Wash. Nothing further has been heard rrom (Ireenlenf's wire, who Ih supposed to ho en routo to tho Rny. Justice Pcnunck stnted today that ir bo thought there wn sany likeli hood or Greenleaf getting the $2,000 bonds, be would be tempted to In crease It. He snyH It Ih bettor for Greenleaf nnd the community that Greenlenr be kept In Jnll.pendlng hlH hearing. The grnnd Jury will meet nbout April 21. Breakwater Brings in More Equipment for Tunnel Construction. .Tnlitiian.i Pm'ter miKKPil llirnillh Gardiner yesterday en routo to Drnln and Portland, having ar- rangeii to spend a wcok or two in I'ni'tliuiii whlln mm of his brothers goes to San Francisco on business. Hq had just returned from a trip to Florence nnd Mapleton to Inspect tho work along tho routo. En routo our ho Inspected tho work nt tho tunnel and at Copenhagen's camps. Some have Intimated that tho San Francisco trip may linvo something to do with tho reports ot Porter Ilrothers hiking over the bnlanco of tho contract from MacArthur Porks. No word has been received from Supt. Dixon since ho loft North Hand for Eugene. Porter Rrotbors nro oponlng three camps between Muplotou nnd Acme, the latter place being about two miles above Florence nnd tho point where tho road turns south to Coos nay. Tho Rreakwater yesterday brought In some additional railroad equip ment, rails, etc., for tho uso of Por ter Rrotbors at tho Ten Mllo tun nel. Are Rushing Work. F. S. Dow, who returned Inst ovonlng rrom a trip to tho Sluslnw, states thnt Copenhngens aro rush ing tho work near tho Umpnun, Tliov havo workmen strung along Schoneld Creek from ucousport io tho mouth ot the tunnel nnd tho big steam shovel Is making unusu ally rapid progress. Ranee Postponed On nccount of tho bad weather conditions tho dnnco at Emplro has been postponed. Tho date will bo announced later, when tho weather Is moro settled. .Meeting Postponed On nccount of tho Inclmont weather the meeting of tho Parent-Tenchors' Association, which was to havo beon held at tho Contral school this aftornoon. was nostponod until April 15. Professor Schnofor of tho University of Oro gon will give mi addross that evening and the business moetlng will bo hold after tho lecture, "STEVE" RROD1E, representing tho Sollg-Sehwab Shoo Co., Is In the city visiting Geo. Rotnor and sel ling him somo of tho Royal Rluos. Mr. Rrodle denies that he origin ated the saying, "I got you, Stove." RAILWAY NEWS OF COOS BAY xow is voir TIME. A xnmll nil In Tin' TIiiicm mit iiilii-nii imiv litlntr von icunlts mi mediately. Try tint. 1 of Times, Const Mall Itny Advertiser. No. 222 Little Country Declares That it Will Not Give Up Cap tured Turkish Territory. AUSTRIA THREATNS TO OPEN WAR ON BALKANS Claims That Russia Is Turning Traitor on Powers in At tempted Coercion. tltr AMoilatcl I'mm to Co liar TlmM, LONDON, April 4. King Nlcholnn of Montenegro Is determined to enp turo and hold Scutari, sayn a dis patch rrom Cottlnjc. Scutari will bo my capital In the ruttire," declared the king. "I unsure you that I and my people mean to keep the land wc have retaken during the war. We mean to take Scutari ami menn He keep It. This Is the domlnntlug im pulse or the Montenegrins who know too well It is far better to dio fightlnc than to go on living as wo nro dolnr; now." THREAT OK Al'STRIA. Claim Russia l Secretly Knvoilng .Montenegro In Trouble. Illy Am lalnl r.riu In I'ou lla) TlniM 1 VIENNA. April 4. Little Monto negro's dclliiiico or the powers wnn the subject or n scries or hysterical outbursts In the nowspnpors hero Thero nro Indications Hint Auslrlnu editors believe that Homo of tho pow ers are not supporting tho progrnmme agreed up for thu coer cion or Montenegro. Tho linger of suspicion points particularly at Rus sia. All papers published today ap parently Inspired the declaration an nouncing Hint Austria-Hungary ex pects to act Independently ngalnst Montenegro In ense tho naval demon stration by the powers is InsulllclenU It Is stated that In the recent lighting at Scutari thu Montenegrin and Sor vlnn besieging armies lost 2,000 kil led nnd the snnio number wounded. Rl'I.GARIA IS RETIRING. Troops Along Tchahilja Lines Retire I'mlcr Skirmish Cover. Illy Aorlalhl I'lr.a lo Cooa lUy Hint. ) LONDON, April 4. Tho Riilgnrlnt troops In front of tho Turkish Hues nt TJehatalja have begun to retire under the cover of a serleH of skirm ishes, according to a dispatch from Constantinople. Many Claims Filed Against Concern Which Had Leased Millicoma Mine. The affairs of the Mills Coal com pany, a concern from Portland, which some time ago took an optlon-lenso on the Millicoma initio of J. A. Ward, are In a had shape and considerable litigation litis been started about It Ward haH been planning to begin suit to terminate the option-lease becnuso thoy linvo not been working tho inlno ns they should have Yosteidny and today several suits wero Hied In Justice Ponnock's court against tho Mills company to covor claims for goods, labor, etc, Resides these claims, it Is understood that Homo minors and laborers havo se cured lions on tho property aggrega ting $300. Tho company conslsth of Ryron II. Mills and R. II. Morgnn Tho clnlnis filed ngalnst thoin are Herbert Lockbart nnd Guy Wnr nor. $50.15; Fourier Pros., $51.30, Gamble Estato. $10.45; Warren Eck les. $21.00; Ell Forsmnn, $25.00; J J. May, $25.00; Albort Roso, $25 00; Going fcHnrvcy, $7C20. I LOCAL OVERFLOW. ' Duo Soon. The Redondo Is duo horo next Tuesday from Snn Fran cisco and will snll from hero noxt Thursday. Xiiiiii Smith riiiingcs. Tho Nnnn Smith will not bring freight from San Francisco this trip ub wbh ex pected, the delay bete having neces sitated her coming direct up fiom Hay Point to make up her schedule Trouble Oier Typei liter. controversy between C. F. Mc Georgo nnd L. C. Smith Typewriter Company Is blattyl for hearing at tho next term of Clnult Court Mi McGoorgo was formorly agent for tho company nnd tho controversy i; over commissions which ho clnlin. are duo him on contracts for sales ot machlnoB, he refusing to glvo up the contrncts until sottlomont bus beer mado with him. Tho company a tnched his business yesterday but ho Immedlntclv furulshed bond nn released Hie attainment OW MILLS COAL CO. IN RAD STRAITS