-,-., V- -v- ? .t"" THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2, 1913 EVENING EDITION. ' " fgSfr -&...,. 'r- 7u Jn a f Jin r Kill' and ihui hvh. din mm ! HI) (nrt In o cliai ilorl hot thin a. di Mir. tlnns pojn law VOHtl nml (lint In alon tin) clinn dnnt r.i tot, tlonn (Iron I'D til turo Ho i Klorl tholr men! JIOHH appiu ITU I vulop torlni In our I iir c air o "WCHtC of tin a vlli bin n pallly an tli ilUCOl' t' w ,j - I How Itur Ono ( Now You K slim cam own Smr troulil A . flovori ly the ronu-B A H much HB HH HL u BBH wuf HSU HIHHHH HHHJi Entire Stock Unmercifully Slaughtered The greatest slaughter of Clothing, Shoes, Hats and Furnish ings, in the history of the mercantile world, will commena Thursday, April 3rd, at The Bazar Store. We are compellei to immediately slaughter these goods away. We must close out our entire stoc by April 15th. Thousands of dollars will be saved by the people of Marshfield an vicinity who buy at this gigantic slaughtering of Merchandise, Hats, Shoes and Furnisl ings to be piled out on tables, counters and hanging from the ceiling. The store is a para dise of Bargains that will gladden the hearts of many a family for months to come. here early Thursday and stay all day, and come every day after and buy your wearir apparel for months to come at such low prices that will stagger all competitors. We hav been using outside floor space to carry a reserve stock of groceries. And on April 1 5th w must turn our entire room into one big grocery store. Again we caution you to Com here and buy at this bier monev saviner event, it mav never happen again. Follow th crowds of busy bargain hunters who know a dollar saved is a dollar earned. Read ever item, we guarantee them all. The greatest cold-blooded slaughter of Men's Clothing the human eye ever witness ed. All Must go at monstrous bargains. $4.85 ...$6.65 ...$8.85 $10.85 .$7.85 .$8.35 $6.35 ...$.1.50 $2.50 $2.15 $12.50 SUITS Slaughtered at $15.00 SUITS Slaughtered at $20.00 SUITS ' Slaughtered at $25.00 SUITS Slaughtered at $15.00 RAINCOATS Slaughtered at $20.00 SPRING TOP COATS Slaughtered at $15.00 YOUTHS' SUITS Slaughtered at $3.00 PANTS ' Slaughtered at $5.00 PANTS Slaughtered at $3.00 CORDUROY TROUSERS Slaughtered at BOYS HATS AND CAPS Now slaughtered for a quick finish. All boys' nifty Hats for a moar pittance. $1.00 Hats, at 68c I $1.50 Hats, at 79c 50c Caps, at 15c I $1.75 Hats, at $1.20 Men's and Boys' Shirts, Hosiery, Underwear, Sweater Coats, Dress and Work Gloves and every item in this store unmercifully slaughtered and thrown out for a mere pittance. $1.00 Dress Shirts 57c $1.25 Monarch Shirts 77c $1.50Cluett Shirts 93c $2.00 Cluett Shirts.... $1.20 $3.00 Flannel Shirts... $1.89 $4.00 Loggers' Shirts.. $2.85 $3.00 Sweater Coats... $1.95 $4.00 Sweater Coats... $2.35 $1.00 Children's Sweater Coats 70c $1.50 Children's Sweater Coats 83c $1.50 Dress Gloves $1.19 $2.00 Dress Gloves $1.55 $1.00 Work Gloves 79c $1.50 Work Gloves.. ..$1.19 $3.00 Auto Gloves $2.20 15c Men's Hose 9c 25c Men's Hose 17c 50c Men's Hose 37c 50c Men's Underwear 33c $1.00 Wool Underwear... 63c $1.50 Wool Underwear... 87c $1.75 Union Suits $1.15 25c Boys' Underwear 16c 50c Boys' Underwear 37c 15c Children's Hose 9c 25c Children's Hose 17c 10c Blue Bandanas 6c A slaughter of Hats that will soon sell them out. Watch this place for gigantic bargains. 300 Hats that must be sold by April 15th. 79c $1.50 Hats, for only.. $2.50 Hats, ' for only.. $3.00 Hats, for only.. $1.65 $2.15 See the big Hat bin full $2.50 and $3.00 Hats All odds and ends Slaughtered for a quick finish $1.15 We are forced to close out this stock of merch andise by April 1 5th. Unheard of bargains will prevail until that date. Langhorn & Lutz, Sales Managers. The big slaughter in our Shoe ment has blown all the former Shoe eains clear out of sight. NOW THEY M BE ALMOST GIVEN AWAY. $2.50 Men's Dress and Work Shoes M Slaunhtered at f ' $3.00 Men's Dress and Work Shoes- Jj $3.50 Men's Dress and Work Shoes- $ ' Slaughtered at ; $4.00 Men's Dress and Work Shoes- J2j Slaughtered at T $5.00 Men's Dress and Work Shoes- Jj, oiduyiuuieu u ... $7.00 High Top and Loggers' Shoes- $4 oiauyiiiuruu ai $8.00 Loggers' Shoes Slnunhtnrpfl at ...... i !..n.. oioimhtprfid P' soys' bnoes an unmerciiuny 1o,ftH,,,",lin.tf should bring the boys here and save money. $1.50 BOYS' SHOES $2.00 BOYS' SHOES )u Slaughtered ati tfj, $2.50 BOYS' SHOES )V Slaughtered at n $3.00 BOYS' SHOES )l . Slaughtered at. ------ v --- v: and See the big bin of stetson, houbu '- n, and Packard Shoes All $5.00 and J, $6.00 Shoes Slaughtered at-. i THE BAZAR. THE PLACE TO SAVE MONEY CENTRAL AVENUE MARSHFIELD . n ;c the p'fl j :.. ho time. 11J i tz " r:n . aw come here first to W Store open evening'