1T.,P1 T " ?! Bwv tJ PV .! '." .5 1 fe.i2 THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, APRfL 1, 1913- EVENING EDITION. -U't-'V GOOD LOOKING ns our mutton, beef, otc, are, they nre even better tasting. Wo handle only the cholceBt ana bo even our cheapest cuts are tastier and tooth Bomer than tho most expensive cuts from Inforlor stock. Try thorn soon, today If possible. You'll enjoy tho experlcnco. MARSHFIELD CASS MARKXT. FOURIER BROS. Mtti'sliflelil Telephones North Bend 221-J Two Market 51 WAST AVI) COMMODIOUfl Steamer Redondo r....it.iui1 rolfh wireless and irabmarltin Iinll AXS FROM COOS BAY FOR SAN FRANCISCO ""iimcAN DJmRO MARCH 3C1. AT A. P M flPUtf-" . w i --- - .. .... Vu.tDgtr Reservations Fr cm Bun Francisco Must Bo Mad at u Vite Building, or Iombnrd street Pier 27. All reservations mUSl 00 IJIKVI1 "l' 1 UWWIW IMIIUU((l IpROKBjii INTER-OCEAN TRANSPORTATION OO. O. F. McOEORQB. Agent. GETTING READY FOR THE CANA I R. thMnew cmMTTYIAIM I Steamer Of MUXUMJ JCsLsL CAPT. DURTIS, Master. Sails for San Francisco from Coos Bay About Sunday March 30. THE SrREDWEIiL U speedy and has excellent passenger accom. portion, largo clean and airy rooms and electric lights and For freight and passage, apply, J, F. Kstsbrook Co. Tide Guarantee and Abstract Co., 113-017 DJIlim .minim iiii;., nan jrrnjiciacu. auirciuioiu. S. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITn WIRELESS SALS FROM MARSHFIELD FOR. PORTLAND FRIDAY, APRIL 4, AT 9 A. M. ROUND TRIP, $18.50 OUXSBOTING WITH TUB NORTH BANK ROAD AT rORTLAND NORTU PACIFIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY. I note i O. F. McGEORGR, Agent. M. Stocker Writes of Ships being Built for Pacific Coast Trade. R. M. 8tocker, a prominent attor ney of Honesdalo. Pnnnnvlvnnln. In n Breat believer In tho future of Coos Day and a consistent promoter of Its prospocts. In renewing his subscrip tion to Th6 TlmeB Mr, Stocker writes as follows: Editor Coos Ilay Times: Keep mo Informed and I will keep yOU Wild. I hftVn linllmltnit i-nnfMnnrn In tho futuro of Coos Uay. You have mo nnruor, tiio coal, tho timber and tho country back of you when tho railroads tunnol tho mountains and roach you, to sustain a large and ac tlvo population. When tho Panama Canal Is completed, you will bo able to ship lumber by water directly to tho eaBtcrn states. Your timber Is great, which Is very apparent, but your coal la greater, when It Is de veloped. Already, sovoral stcarn nhlps hnvo boon ordered from Cramps Hhlpyard near Philadelphia, for pas sengers and trade with tho Pacific coast as soon as tho canal la complet ed. With your coal to generate pow er, Coos Day should bo a manufac turing as well as a shipping port. Moro dredging of tho harbor and moro railroads will bring all tho rest. I noticed you buried tho hammer. I did not know as a western town had any knocker's hammer to bury beforo I saw about your hammer burying out thoro. You want neither knock ing, nor hot air booming, but a can did statement of the truth about Coos Hay, which Is recommendation enough to Induce people to locate there. Yours truly, R. M. STOCKER. ALL OVER OREGON LOGGING AT FLORENCE. EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS KtMrnship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME. UIUNGS FIIOM PORTLAND. Tuesday cvcnlntr of each week at I P. H. UIUXO FROM MARSHFIELD, Saturdays, March 10th, 12:30 p. ft Mirth Zi, 0 . in.; March l, 2 p. in. fkse Main OMi. J. O. MILLER, Agent. Typewriters Vtiell. root, oxchnnun nml ra. IjJ-ji H makes, now and second Wom GnArauterd. union Paper Guaranteed. Call up nwnrnm exchange & SUPPLY CO. Al H. Alliance Dock ' Cany 1 2 Different is Grade Teas fftxkudK you want any kind of MIXED TEA E'Lan!! tun len to .-. lamouu,. ,rIceB nro 8 SMvTea.Cuffpp X SniroHn.irn ELMtrket Ave. Phonn nu..T -.- .. v w. lW Price, high quality. Electric Irons cu,laI? fe"' secoud-lmnd MW3. """""If condition Jf ", 93.80 up. W Wiring Co. - o n, uroaaway Rr,Sewing Machines . lllfiitn.. " r "r ' .... I ft 7 . RITS5, ."jone aao-x. ' i0tSaf Rlinlor Hill 4TK " Contra' tJWew location Marahfleld 1 hown c ' ( La "' II0DGINS "'"new pa,nt, ' Marahfleld, Ore. Goodrum's Garage homo of the CADILLAC and FORD Auto Supplies for All Makes of Cars 347 Ccntrul Av. I'liouo 37-L Tho Florence West says: "Cecil and Roy Klrby have n con tract to log for tho Tidewater Mill Co. and am cettlni rnitv In linirln work. Tho timber will bo cut on i-ukc ureck about two miles from Dcadwood on what are known as the Potter and Athcrton places. now owned by L. E. Hean and Joo Fell man of Eugene. They will movo their engine out from Indian Creek and are llgurlng on buying another. They nre planning to put in about ten million feet of logs by tho first of next year." THE GUSTOGHAPH. EUGENE -The body of Philip F. Casterlin, who died at San Francisco at tho ago of 80, was brought hero for Intorment. Mr. CaBtleman was ono of tho oldest and most noted Ore gon pioneers. PORTLAND Tho Portland Teach ers' Club has been disbanded, part of tho members Joining the principals' club otherB Joining the Portland Ed ucational Association. CORVALLI8 Dr. Hector McPhor sou, professor of political sclcnco at O. A. C, has been chosen by Gov. West na ono of tho two representa tives of Oregon to bo members of tho commission which will Investigate social and economic conditions In Europe. MedfordPs Bested Boom EUGENE Miss Cnrlno Dcgermark of Portland has been chosen physical director of women at Monmouth Nor mal school. PORTLAND Miss Lilian Love baroly escaped death, wlien an au tomobile dashed around a standing streetcar and knocked her to the ground. PORTLAND in n fire In an apart ment buIUlng hore, the flames caused a damage of about $1,000. Tho feature of the conflagration was tho rescue of a pet parrot by an uniden tified woman. Tho firemen refused to ascend tho smoky stairs and hall way and tho woman dashed in and returned with tho bird. ALDANY An Inch and a quarter of rain has fallen here In tho last twenty-four hours. If tho presont warm weather and warm ratnB con tinue, high wator is sure to result. WE WILL MAIL YOU f 1 for each set of old Fatso Teet sent ub. Highest prices paid for old Gold, Sliver, old Watches, broken Jewelry and Precfoar Stones. Money Sent by Return Mull. Phlla. Smelting A Refining Co. Established 20 Years. 803 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. TO DENTISTS. We will buy your Gold Filling, Gold Scrap, and Platinum. High at pr!cs paid. Have That Roof Fixed NOW See COBTBELL pttotjx tai COOS RAY PLATE ArND WINDOW GLASS CO. J. A. Goodwill and W. E. Sawyer, Plate, Art and Window Glass, Mir- an IvtamJltln fllnss. Mail orders and phone orders given prompt attention. Ksnmaiea iur nlshed. Phone 70rL. 727 Bo. Broadway, Marahfleld. R. J. MONTGOMERY Real Estate and Insurance 244 North Front Street. New and Second Hand furniture sold on the lus tollman t plan. HARRINGTON, DOYLE CO., 80S Frnt St. Phone 340-L Mawhfleld, ' Or. FAMILY PINNERS In our new location, wo are es pecially prepared to cater to family trade. Regular meals or short or ders. Open day and night. MERCHANT'S CAFE. Rroadway and Commercial Mfld. (A Connecticut man claims to have invented n machine for producing on the palate the sensation of eating and drinking without the nctual prcBcnco of food or drink. News Hera.) When your stomach starts to grumble And your purse is rather light, And a men!, however humble, DocBn't seem to bo In sight, Get n gustograph recorder And tho renl sensation feel Of a steaming mado-to-order, Rut Imaginary meal. All tho luxuries and pleasures Of tho rich and haughty swells, ' All tho gastronomic treasures That are dally dished at "Del'a" I)y this wonderful transmitter Will bo placed within your means Whllo you revel Jn tho glitter Of transfigured pork and beans. Foreign wines that seemed expen sive Will bo always at your hand, Ancient Jags, howo'or extensive, Will react at your command. Every cocktail you can mention You may havo within your house Through this wondorful lnvcntlou Of the gustographlc souse. Soon tho man who dares to risk it With tho wife who wants to bako, Can havo gustographlc biscuit "Just llko mother used to roako." While the suffering dyspeptic At tho banquet hall or club Can fill In on antiseptic And Imaginary grub. James W. McGee. SALEM The Executlvo Commit tee of the Salem Municipal Leaguo have completed their plan for a cam paign this week for voting Salem dry. PORTLAND Alexander Slovjck and Peter Kosack, who shot A. J. Herr, on the Slnvin road last Mon day, have been arrested and will bo taken before tho Juvenile court. PORTLAND The Oregon Confer ence of the Unltod Evangelical church will conveno in tho Eugene Evangelical chinch, Thursday, April 3. to hold the nineteenth annual session. PORTLAND Tho Montavllla Sa vings bank will open for business about April 1G. The president of tho bank is Lee Arnott, formerly of Lin coln, Neb. RAKCR The Baker school board has offered J. A. Churchill tho samo salnry as the state superintendent's to Induce him to remain In charge of Baker's schools. KEEP ADVERTISING AND ADVERTISING WILL KEEP YOU. Recommended for a Good Reason. C. II. Grant, 230 Wnvcrly St., Peoria, 111., says: "Backache and congested kidneys mako me suffer intense- pains. Vfaa always tired and floating specks bothered me. Took Foley KIdnoy Pills and saw big im provement after third day. I kept on until entirely freed of all trouble and suffering. That's why I rec ommend Foley Kidney Pills. They cured me." For Bale by Lockhart- Parsons Drug Co., "The uusy cor ner.'' FOR A GOOD WATCH OR FINE JEWELRY . C. BARKER JEWELER Fine Watch and Jewelry Repairing. SM Front St.. Mnrabiield. Be Up To Date Order yonr Suit from Tpvrrv The Tailor and IVJUU Dress Exoert 378 Front St. Ppatahv. A modern Brick . uildmg, Blectrl: Light, Steam Heat. Elegantly Furnished Rooms with Hot and Cold Water. HOTEL OOOI O. A. MetHn, Prop. Rate: M cents day and Hpwarda Cor. Broadway and Market SALEM Gilbert Hedges has been appointed by Gov. West as county attorney for Clackamas county. C. V. Mullen of Astoria was appointed for Clatsop county. PORTLAND In an addresB to tho city and county health olllcers, W. T. Foster, president of Reed College, stated that Oregon leads In the mat ter of educational uplift of Its children. PORTLAND Dan Kcllahcr, stato sonator and ex-rouncllman, has en tered the lists as a candidate for mayor on the Progressive ticket. SALEM A movement to Invoko tho referendum against all tho stato university improvement appropria tion will bo launched by Attorney Parklson and others, who havo been fighting the university. PORTLAND Tho Washington and Jefferson Collego, of Washington, Po. has confererd tho degree of Doctor of Divinity on Chaa. W. Hayes, mlniatcr-nt-largo In Portland Presbytry. SALEM W. J. Phillips, division superintendent of tho Pacific Tele phono and Telegraph company, has asked pormlslson of tho Stato Rail road Commission to charge a toll of Ave cents a call between Milwaukee and Portland. PENDLETON W. L. Thompson, president of tho American National bank oft his city, has commenced a damage Bult against Henry T. Hill nnd James M. Johns for J8C00. PORTLAND A. C. Leavy, a realty pcrator, has changed bis plea of guilty, to one of "not guilty," to the federal charge of using the mails to defraud. PORTLAND Judge Tazwell, of th Mnnloin.il Court, announced that nil linMtnnl I ill urn In thfl courtroom would be arersted on tho charge of vagrancy. , WOODBURN Mrs. Lydla Llvcsay died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. S. E. Wood. wat.t.owa Professor Roy Conk- lln ainounced that a teachers' Insti tute for Wallowa county would be held hore April 11, for the purpose of, discussing the change in textbooks. VAT.E -tlan Rmlthson. OVCrCOmo by the hallucination that bo mo one ffim fnilnwlne him. waB arrested here. and will be examined as to his sanity. TnTTT.ANnrwnti Vincent, head of the S. D. Vincent Co., wbb unani mously elected president of the Port land realty board. FREAK ACCIDENT IN SCHOOL. Thelma, the nine year old daugh- . nf Mr nml Afrfl It R. BaV Of North Fork, had her arm broken last Fliday, She was taking part In some exercises at school and stood up on a box. From some cause she fell from the box and broke both bones of the forearm about half way between the oioow ana wnsi. Flor ence West. MEDFORD, Oregon, recently experienced a so-called land boom. While it lasted everything was lovely and everybody happy, n could not continue Indefinitely, however, and recently Medford has not reveled nnd rioted In the prosperity that provalled whon every one was real estate crazy. Whllo the memory of tho hendacho of tho InovitablQ "morning after" is still fresh, tho editor of tho Malt-Trlbuno of that city philosophizes on tho foolishness of It all and gives uttor auco to a row wholesome truths that oery community that Is threat ened with a boom should read and heed. Tho Times welcomes an era of enterprise that will result In tho development of tho resources of this great section. Accompanying such dovelopment there will be an inevitable and substantial lncreasa In roalty values. Such ndvanco as ia reasonable should bo welcomed. We should avoid, however, tho boom spirit that pins Ub faith on specu lation alone. Such a condition would bo a detriment to tho renl build ers and reat developers. We should jiroflt by tho experience of Mod ford and a thousand other American cities, largo and small, that havo headaches nnd horrora nftor the debauchery of one of theso specu lative "sprees." Tho truth' about Coos Bay and tho groat CoqullU Valley section Is enough. Tho real substantial values aro sufficient. We should try and confine oursolves to them. Lot not reason run riot. Ut common Benso control nnd thero will bo happiness instead of head aches tho morning nftor the celebration that marks tho day when Cooi uay s snip comes In nnd tho railway arrives. Here Is what tho Medford paper Bays: Oregon and the Northwest nro suffering from the effects of land speculation. Tho era of rapid development of tho past decade attracted In its wake a flock of speculators, whose contribution to prosperity consisted in Inflating values. it is doubtful If any form of gambling Is harder upon a country than land gambling. It upsotu nnd unsettles communities. Given a touch of the got-rich-qitlck magic of buying on margins today to sail at an advance tomorrow and the IndMdual is spoiled for the hum drum life of toll. Land speculation Is tho name in theory, farther reaching In results, n faro, roulette, poker nnd other games of chance. It not only demor alizes tho Individual, but the community on woll It retards rnthur than builds up, creates n fictitious base and supplants plodding development with feverish expectancy and anticipation, a hcctlo flush that couutwr felts real health. Land speculation not only withdraws Individuals from useful pro duction, but also land. No permanent prosperity can bo built upon tho process of swapping property, Increasing valuations or staklnc out town lots. The cltlcu who lives by a raise iu the price of property due to the growth of tho community fulfills no useful part In the community's existence la simply a paraslto upon It. Inflation of land values Is simply trying to discount today th development of tomorrow. The speculator Is trying to cash in adv&nca the industry nnd enterprlao of tho nuxt decado or two. 1Mb contribution to society is no more beneficial than that of any other gambler. Productive work is tho renl basis of prospority. .and ii worth Just what It can bo made to produce. Without labor It is unproductive and thcreforo valueless to the community. No one Is outltlod to more than he creates, but everyone 1b entitled to all that he creates. But what does tho speculator crente? Every section has to go through the land speculative era some times several succeeding speculative crazes. After artificial inflation hns had Its day, thero Is always tho reaction tho period of depression and tho community Is then In much better shapefl much healthier, much sounder. When tho artificial Inflation has been squeezed, and the pcoplo ceaso trying to live without labor, ccaso discounting the future nnd get "down to brass tacks," quit grafting nnd go to work, then tho community has tin assured futuro and tho sooner It realizes this, the better. Tho cntlro Pacific Coast country Ib going to hnvo n phenomenal development during the noxt decade, following tho completion of tho Panama Canal, the San Francisco exposition nnd the railroad and high way development In prospect. But caro should bo oxorclsed In ovory community to mnko prosperity permanont by prevonting lnnd specula tion and Inflation, that tho futuro may not bo too far discounted and that thore mny bo no prolonged period of depression following. I ABE .MARTIN SAYS: Th' suror you nre o' beln' right these days th' harder it Is t' go ahead. Whon a feller writes "Be sure an' Incloso bill," you kin git ready to wait a long time for your money. A GOOD SHOW AT THE ROYAL Tho King of Blng Bong, a musical comedy, presented by tho Edwards and Merrltta Musical Comedy Co. at tho Royal Theater last night waH In deed a hit. Tho show Is well staged and does credit to tho director, Mr. Reno. The musical numbers aro all bright, clean and classy and a glauco at this bevy of "dancing daisies" go ing through their Bongs, dancca and musical numbers will convince the spectator at a glance thnt they were drilled by an export in that line of work. The comedy rolo was handled by Mr. Confor and ho handed the thrcatro going public moro laughs than they had ever had boforo In tho samo amount of time. Tho Juvonlle lead ( a young army officer) was played byIr. Paul Reno. He looked very nifty in his well fitting uniform and delivered his lines well. Major Carrlgan, as played by Rov. Snider, is a good part nnd well handled. Tho French chef waa played by Mr, Sam Owens cleverly. Miss La Vera Reno In the part of Bessie was Indeed pbarmlng. She sang well, looked the part and captured tho audience at once. Miss Madge Confar made more than good in tho part of the widow who was In lovo with tho King of Blng Bong. Her looking glaBS number was a big hit tho vordlct of the audience. A dandy bIiow. Music under the direction of Prof. Dutchor. Tho King of Blng Bong again tonight by spe clal request. NEWS OF THE BIUSLAW. Events lit and Near Florence us Told Uy Tho West. II. L. McKco of Eugeno will start a clothing store horo May 1. Dr. Dutton, physician for Porter Bros.' railroad camps, camo down tho river a few days ago and wont on down to Gardiner. Ho camo bnck on Tuesday's stage. This wbb his first trip to this part of tho coast. Whllo working In the mill nt Flor ence last Monday, Joo Stoovo, an In dian, had n portion of one linger tak en off. W. Brldgeford, charged with boot legging, changed his ploa of not, guilr ,, 4 ty to guilty In Justice Wells' court. Ho was fined 1260, while his partner In tho crlmo, E. T. Bandwlck, who en tored a ploa of guilty, was fined ? 150. Tho men sold liquor on a bont on tho lower Sluslnw at Florence. The schoonor Sausallto arrived Sunday from San Francisco after a cargo of lumber from tho mill at Florence This boat has been carry ing lumber out of tho Coqutllo over since her last trip hero nearly two yearn ago. Captain Johnnninson Is still In command. She 1b now regis tered out of Portland instead of Han Francisco. The big barge which went ashore near tho mouth of tho river last wook Is still on the beach, the efforts to get it off not having been success ful yet. Some of the planks have ootened by the pounding and the barge now tills with water whon the tide mines. The government will Boon begin tho coining of hnlf cent pieces. This will give some of tho fellows who spend most of their money In poker games and other foolishness a chance to grant their wives liberal allowances. Doctors Use This for Eczema Dr. Evans. Ex-Commlssloner of Health, aya "There i alinont no relation be tween skin diseases and the blood." The ikln muat be cured through th .skin. The germs must bo washed out. and so salves have long auo been found worth le. The most advanced physicians of this country are now agreed on this, and ore preaerlblnB a waah of wlntergreen. thymol and other ; Ingredients for eczema nnd all other akin 3'ea8-T,Tnl81c,1 pound la known ns D.D.D. Prescription XPnClVoTme, the well known skin spe- for eczema as quinine ' UI2?J?riam jj, 2 l.aye teen prtacrioins; io '.f." ......., ,0W7 ourslv vouch for the D.D.D. Prescription for eczema And absolutely guarantee that It win take away the itch the instant you apply It. If you are suffering from any form of skin trouble we would like to have you oome to our store, for we have had the agency of this remedy for so many years that we can tell you all about U.D.D. Prescription and how It cures eczema. In fact, we nre so sure of what D.D.P. will do for you that we will bei glad to let you have a 1 bottle on pur guarantee that It will cost you nothing unless you And that it does the work. For that mutter a trial bottle for 2Bo ought to be enough to absolutely prove the merits of tho. remedy. Drop Into our store anyway nnd ye Wl tell you all about this great remedy, Red Cross Drug Storo.