iW' ,v Il..Ji,jM.'rj ' . j ' b THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD. OREGON, SATURDAY, MARCH 29, 1913-EVENING EDITION. 7 ' THE DANCING DAISIES t& t& y 'A-'- . -V:' . i The Convenience of Electric Light Tusl in-i'ss (lie billion and the room is instantly floouV'l with beautifully clear and steady electric light. Tlie flickcrless, soft light rests instead of strnini'ij? the eyes. j'or tin- sake of economy you should investigate elect rh' lig'd. Clean and healthful, it is' the ideal jllumiimnt. Electricity will brighten the home and lighten its labors in many ways. lave your house wired NOW. "Vo will bo glad to plan your wiring installation. Our advice is free and you will bo insured an economical installation. Telephone ITS. Oregon Power Co. Second and Central Marshfield and North Bend Auto Line CONST &.KING. I'rosrletoni. 8:00 8:15 9:30 10. IS 11-00 11:45 12:30 1:15 2.00 1!:4G 3:30 4:15 6:00 B:4G C:30 7:30 S:30 0:30 10:30 11:30 12:30 AltSllFIKTiT) LEAVE NOIITII 1JRXI). A. M. 7:00 A. M. A. M. 7:45 A. M. A. M. 8:30 A. M. A.M. 9:15 A.M. A. M. 10:00 A. M. A. M. 10:45 A. M. A. M. 11:30 A. M. P. M. 12:15 P. M. P. M. 1:00 P. M. P. SI. 1:45 P. SI. P. SI. 2:30 P. SI. P. M. 3:15 P. SI. P. SI. 4:00 P. SI. P. SI. 4:45 P. SI. P. SI. 5:30 P. SI. P. SI. ' C:16 P. SI. P.M. 7:00 P. SI. p. si. 8:00 p. si. P.M. 9:00 P. SI. P. SI. 10:00 P. SI. p. si. 11:00 p. si. A. SI. 12:00 P. SI. FARE, ROUND TRIP, 20 CENTS Iato North lU-nd Allen's News stand. Iavo MurMiflcld Chandler and Blanco Hotels and Busy Cornor. Buy Your Meats at the UNION MEAT MARKET . 'Phone 58 AndYou Will Always Have Pure Wholesome Meats. THE' BIGGEST AND BEST IN THE WORLD la the loaf of bread bought at this bakery. Try a loaf and you'll say you novor tasted bettor and soldom as good. And you'll marvel how wo can glvo so much for so little. You certainly cannot bako at home so economically. Coos Bay Bakery The place for good goodies. Market Ave. Phone 111-L Arties Desiring Monuments Erected D A M--. Would do well to call at PACIFIC MONUMENTAL WORKS South Broadway and make selec tion from the large stock now on hand. Sir. Wilson has in his employ the only practical marble and granite cutter in Coos County. And none but the best work is turned out. a&jIbbBbk iflaaav .."toa. law' Qv vr 4&ft I rftr&aM? rt4kmm. i 9?wflF i$ juSM&vCiilaaM' snvV mH.' H flaaflk- afareY k AcsaVaVeia'Bl kkkkkkkmti ESaVaTaTaTaTaTaTeTOf " aVafafaVafaYaripj I t&vhraVaVaiaEp'- IBpii ,.jUMt iVTfoW, TVLUhS . Pi f. XLLLW thmWU Hrl, At'i'j'HEjPv1 ?jH ''"-.,' v a, !pj idflB' (' tLH tmKBBS,' :t"'-l; BmBb aUeCaWalaftaaMlaaaaaBEjji .wteB-., .. .," arBTBTBTBTBTBTfl jaVBKaTBTBTBTalHBaTaTBTBTr aBBBKtaBHBBETCrc i. aTBTBTBEnVuMrwMBBHEB7BraTH9' . BTBTauBwMttBVHK.' IBhhbhhHh MH&VN. ". " y- - . . r":- VHfilT.,t' r - -r . Miggipn . ? Mi:.MIli:i(S OK TIIK CIIOIIUS WITH KDWAllDS .M JllJIt IIITT'S CO.MI'AXV THAT OIMCNS AT TIIH UOVAIj MONDAY, MAIL 1. You Can Get West Marshfield Lots for $350.00 11! minutes willc from post ofllco within :!( ft. of lots hollliiR for 91,000.00 Wo have but two left. I. S. Kaufman (8b Co. W. H. IIUOWN J A. II. IIODGIXS Marshfield Paint i Decorating Co. Kit dilutes Piii-iiIsIiimI. IMiomo IHT-f Mnrriliflriri. Ore. K modorn IlrtcR midlng, Uloctrl: Light, Stoam Ilont. Klogantly FurnlBboil Rooms with Hot und Cold Wntor. HOTKIi GO 0 8 O. A. Mctlln, rroji. Itateu: SO routs u ilny mill upwnnli Cor. Hrimdwav miii! Mnrkot New and Second Hand Furniture mi(1 oil (Jio liistnllincnt nlan. HAUHIXGTON, DOVLR & CO., J!0a Front St. I'liono lUO-Ti IMarshflcM, Or. Union Storage Company W. A. Hoard, Mgr. Export I'nclcers. Carpets Cloanod. Kurnlturo Pacltod, Shipped, Stained and Repaired. 3S2 Front St. Phono 19C. Leave orders at Going & Harvoy. Fisher Auto Service Wm. Klslicr, Proprietor. Tliono ordora to Hlllycr's Cigar Stand, Phono 18-J. Aftor 11 p. in. phono G-J. Night phono 1S1-K. Miirttlillrld, Oregon, Save That Bundle for Me A squnro deal and a clean shirt. IIOH SAltTKlt, Twin City Laundry Phono t!l.'!-.l I'll Cull. Pictures & framing Walker Studio R. J. MONTGOMERY Real Estate and Insurance 244 North Front Street. Picture a Bathroom whoro ovorythlng Is snowy whlto or gllstonlng nlckol. Tho very thought of such a room Is a luxury to poo plo of tho right kind. Wo can put such a hath room In your homo. Ask us about It and you'll find tho cost less than you fear, tho tearing up and general muss less thnu you dread, Willey & Schroeder 303 North Front Street. PIION'IS 77-J GOOD LOOKING as our mutton, beef, etc., aro, they aro oven bettor tasting. Wo handlo only tho choicest and so oven our cheapest cuts aro tastier and tooth Bomer than tho most oxpenslvo cuts from Inferior stock. Try thom soon, today If possible. You'll enjoy tho oxperlonco. UARSIIFIELD CASH MARKET. FOURIER BROS. Marshfield Telephones North Detul 2S1-J Two Market 51 The Woman's Corner Kdltcri Under tho Auspices of the Woiiu'ii'n ClirlHtlait Teiiipcriiuro Union of Mni'Milk'lri. Motto: For God and Homo and Na tive Land. "Aro you upon onrth's heights? No cloud In view? Go read this motto oneo ngaln "This too, shall pass away" fame, glory, placo and pow r. Tlioy aro hut llttlo huhblcH of tho hour soon Hung by ruthlcHH yonrs down In tho dust. Take warn ing and bo worthy of God's trust. ' Klla Whoolei- Wilcox. "In every action rollect upon tho end, and In your undertaking It, con sider why you do It." Jeremy Taylor. "Anyono can do his work, howovor hard, for ouo day. Anyono can llvo sweetly, patlontly, lovingly nnd pnro ly for one day nnd this Is nil thnt llfo over means." Robort I.nuls Stevenson. KNIlUltANCi:. "lleareth all things hopoth all things enduroth all things. What n broad scope for Christian activities nnd soul discipline. St. Paul was a living Illustration of this toxt, his own words: To hea, enduro, and hnpo all things (I. o. for God's glory, and his own ulti mate end) wns no small thing fori him, who linil but recontly been n learned and prominent porsonngo among his contemporaries, tho high toned class of tho times, tho Phari saical Jqwb. Aftor his most wonderful call, a suddon and decided chango was mnnlfcst In tho conduct of this hith erto porsocutor of tho Christians, i Now ho bocamo tho persecuted. Persecutions In every form Hint tho law allowed, and somo thnt It did not, followed; but ho bravoly withstood and lioro all, bollovlug thnt God was ablo to deliver, and that his word novor failed. And God . said to ono, "I will show him (Paul) what groat things ho must suffer for mo" not what groat wealth or Imp piness, not earthly famo, or oxalted position, or honor In this llfo, but tribulation sufforlng "What groat thlngB ho must sufUor!" If wo bollovo tho history of tho Saints and martys of theao strenuous A Message to Ituilroal Men. K. S. Ilacon, 11 Ilnst strcot, Oath, Mo,, sonds out this warning to rallroadors ovorywhoro: "My work as. conductor caused a chronic In flammation of tho kldnoys nnd I was miserable and all played out. ' From tho day I began taking Foley Kidney Pills I uogan to regain my strength, and I am bottor now than I havo been for 20 years." Try them. Lcckhnrt & Parsons, Tho Busy Cor-rar. i i n i i i i GMfMAV. r cW f J 3 WG2GNI. in cri'i'il "C90S BAY REALTY SYNMCATE. ffCALces utesAtavrs COAL C0LW1ZATWN. MM. ARM FDUIT. HIWMl . m in 0kSAHlZll6 OF mVSTRJAL COtMKXS A SPUWYso'' Goodrum's Garage homo of tho CADILLAC and FORD Auto Supplies for All Makes of Cars 317 Centrul A v. Phono 373-Ii The past has proven that Investments in small acre tracts near growing cities are the most protltablo. The C. B. R. S. has such to offor. Chas. J, Druschke, Marshfield, Ore. For GOOD SHOES and Good Itepalrlng at Right Prices, go to AUGUST OLESEN 315 South Broadway. " times, wo nro struck with the thought how no ono ever attained to great power anil nearness with God only by mirroring, sacrifice nnd often death. How can tho truo dlsclplo of Jesus expect to win the crown tho glory nwarded to tho righteous only by fol lowing tho way ho hns shown, both by precept nnd example. Surely, ho, who wishes to gain that sinless, happy home, when this short llfo Is past, will not llud his way hero strewn with roses and tompornl bliss, but thorns that piorco, nnd stones that brulso tho pilgrims' feet aro nil along tho wny. Theoo appear In different ways to different Individu als, To some, It Is scorn, hnte en vy and neglect. To others, poverty, sickness, hardships or loss of loved ones. In some form or nthor, nlUlc tlons besot tho paths of tho Christian of today as well as those of the ear lier ages. And tliono who are clamoring earnestly for tompornnco, tho abol ishment of tho liquor curse, nnd tho whlto slnvo trnflle, aro no oxcoptlon to tho rule. Opposition and persecu tions abound; hut let us keep stead ily on, not over losing our conlldenro In Him, who Is ablo to dollver. "Tho Mills of tho Gods' grind hIow," hut thoy lire sure; mid our God, has Ho not said: "As I llvo, nvory kueo shall how and ovcry tonguu confess my nnmo?" Ho tho overlastlug Fnthor and Ruler of all things. So let us work on, praying, hoping nnd enduring all tilings that coma to us, for already "All round tho world tho ribbon whlto Is twlnod. All round tho world, the glorious light has shlued. All round tho world our cnuso has right of wny. We'll ralso tho song, swell tho vic tor's chorus somo glad day." Perhaps everybody don't know that thoro nro nlno prohibition stntoa in our country and soven havo wo-nmn-Btiffrngo, Girl What nro you doing poking around among tho flowors so lung? Hoy I wns looking for tho whisky blossom, Tim Jones said dad had n lovoly ono, and I'd know It by tho Binoll Cnn't find It horo. Girl Woll, you won't over find It among roses nnd cnrnntlous, It's mostly a houso iilaiit. You Want BIG STURDY HEALTHY CHICKS d-'ii,. Hatch them in a "Mnndy Leo" 1913 "MANDY LEE" Incubator Heat Quickly, Run Evenly tnd hive the Lee Triple Automatic Control ThU keep your lncubtor light night or dy Est Level Ventilation Freth Oxygen l jlllraci U another exclusive Lea feature. SBF" Lee Incubators are guaranteed to hatch more and better chicks than any othtr incubator or tin mother hen. The new t'utt ie 120, 150, 200, 240, 300 and the new tjle teclion! 600 to 1200 egg. Our 1913 CATALOG of"DUmonilOulity" Poultry Suppliei lilting everything necetiary lor the prohublo production of poultry, and tho valuable Lt UooUeli Fit on juit. PORTLAND SEED COMPANY Portland. Ore. -XJnuN il&Wjr WltlTH TODAY for Catalog Xo. U2J. STADDEN Mill KINDS of PHOTOGnAPlUO WORK, Itromltlo Enlarging and Kodak Finishing.