THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, MARCH 29, 1913 EVENING EDITION. COOS BAY TIMES M. O. MALO.VKV ICtlllor niul Pub. DAN K. MALONHY Xews F.ditnr Official I'iiikt of Coo County. 0 13 official papi-.k ok tdk city of .makshfihld. ARRESTEDTODAY ltnn ltntiiiflftt In nvnnnfntl tllflt aprnnirnmnttlii titllt Iwi itwuln fi irtl(l ' a benefit performance of tlio Coos Hay band minstrel show next Tues day or Wednesday night as a benefit Tor Mrs. L, K. Halllnger. Oollnlto announcement will be mntle Monday. iiiMrniiiiiuirnn lf;nr.TRTV NF.WS HflnrawNnrnh i iiaitist ciintcn i ' ininnn nniiTrnT wunu mvm ivoro wns heard to ndvuntugo In this selection. A strong Hcrinun wbh delivered by ltov. itiuiuin;u whoso theme liertnlnud to tnu lie Hiiiioetlon, a- I . (I lltIS II A.N NF.KYICKS MANY PLAN 10 ' BUILD ON BAY Onii V. ertscn has sold an In terest in a comer at FJghth and Ccdac strcctB, North MnrslUleld, to hla partner. K. S. Ilargelt. and they srv planning to erect a building 1hero to be lined as n linKcry. Just when tliey will erect the building Is not deturmlned but it probably will be soon. They plan to iniitio It nil Ideal building. MIkb Nellie. Montgomery, former ly principal of the Alniuhflcld High school, is having some lotH cleared in Songstnckon's nuultlou and la Dimming to erect a homo there soon. George K. Cook Is figuring on erecting two or three, amnll houses soar hla new home In Forudnlo. the jatno being for rent. C. Llndgren, n well known Mnrsh Jlcld carpenter, la arranging to erect a houBo on n lot In SengHtncken'a addition which ho recently bought. Albert W. llagormelator, who la employed at Norton & llanaon'fl, hna purchased u hoiiao and lot near Elglith and Hemlock, North Mmsh field, from Henry Songstaeken and will occupy It a a a homo. fluorgo P. Parker, one of the own ers of the Cast lowood hiiloon. has purchaaed tho It. F.. Knorr property it the corner of Thirteenth mid Commercial for about $2. DUO. Mr. Knorr haa gone to (lold lleurh. Mr. Parker expects to build on some of llm lota aoon. (Continued from Pago Ono.) HHAHIXC MOXDAY. Fred Heed waa arrested this afternoon by Constable Cox and taken beforo Justice Pen nock. Ills arraignment waa set for 1 o'clock Monday. He furnished $1,000 bonds for his. appearance, Clins. O. King and dipt. Cdgar Simpson being his sureties. Ilcnd he and ltced had n drink there. Ho said he had a rather vague recollection of what happened. He said ne was taken slclc nbout 11:30 nnd went out to get some air Mrs. Le Roy Hall, Mrs. D. L Rood and Mrs. Allan Todd Victors in Band Program. First Prize Mrs. Le Hoy Hall. Second Prize Mrs. 1). L. Hood. . Third Prize Mrs. Allan Todd. These are tho awards made yes terday by the Judges In the "Mis spelled word contest" of the Coos Hay Concert llnnd program. The judges were Misses Lillian Hlmiiro, Agues Carpenter and Huth Wood ruth. Their task was not nn ensy one. Tho majority of tho answers ranged from 02 to 05, while the right num ber was nbout 80. Mrs. Hall's nn Bwcr was turned In first nnd se cured first prize for hur ns she and nnd dldn t drink nnv more. Ho anlil ho had too ninny drinks to bo ox-' Mrs. Hood had practically the samo nctly sober. Ho said that lie was answers. feeling rather hilarious but didn't Win. Ledwnrd won tho sneclnl remember any singing as they went prize of a $.'1.00 lint offered by the down the street. Ho snld ho was n. Flxup Clothing Store In their ndver- poor Judge of speed but thought tlsomcnt to the llrst person guessing ' erfnr9lf I. rt . r. ... n .r l..t ..,1..m .r LUIIUI.U; illU IIUIIIU Ul IIIU tlUllllll Ml tlio snylng, "Tlio American People Like to He Humbugged." Mr. Led wnrd guessed P. T. Itanium. WILL SHIP IN Mi! NORSES they wero running l." or 20 miles nn hour. Tho rear curtain wns up and he wns In the rear seat. Ho didn't roinomber any Jolting or In cident until tho nuto turned over. Ho snld ho wns too excited after It occurred to oxninlno the ground. in response to n question from Coroner Wilson, Mohltnnnn admit ted that ho was pretty well Intoxl- cated and probably didn't hnvo n very distinct recollection of Just what did happen. Ho snld ho didn't remember nnyono getting out. C. C. nana testified that he mot Heed first nt Shrock's saloon In North ilcnd nnd said that Heed drank a lemoiinde or lemon sour there. Then they rnme to Mnrsh flold. Ho said ho wns fooling good but wasn't Intoxicated during Vio night. Ho snld that the machine I LOCAL OVERFLOW. WKATIIKK FOKF.CA8T. I ny Associated Press OHF.GON Hnln tonight nnd I Sunday. Ilrlsk to high south- I westerly winds. Itahter was commemorated last Sunday morning at the Marshlleld First Itaptlat church by a large num ber of people, who listened very nt- tcntlvc y to the Mile address liy tlio pastor, A. F. Ilnssford, on the sub ject. "The Moaning of Faster." The Knights Templar were the guests of honor. The church waa beautifully deco rated with cMiuisltc bonnets of hast or lilies and hyuclntlis nnd drooping clusters of brake fern, whlcli lent an Faster atmosphere to the occasion, despite the Inclemency of the wontli er. The largo choir, under the leader shin of Prof. Ayre. did some especial ly good work, the anthems being rendered with both spirit nnd exprcs' slon. The soloists were: Mrs. Geo Ayre. Mrs. M. Ogren, Miss Alice Tic U oil. Miss Hessle Ayre, Krnest Mosh- er and George Doll. Organist, Miss Alphn Mntizey. I SWKDISH LUTIIF.KAN CIll'KCII There was no special music in the Swedish Lutheran church Faster Sundny. The edlllco wns appropri ately decorated for tho occasion by tho Sunday school children. Ho v. Oslund delivered a sertnon and the music was furnished by the choir. - MICTHOniST SF.KYICFS UOKX. JACOI1SON To Mr. nnd Mrs, (lus Jacobson nt their homo ut Em pire, Thursday. March 27, n ! pound son. The Naiiu Smith nnd Adeline Smith arrived In from tho south today nnd are loading nt the Smith mill. Until boats will probably get out In the morning. The Nn n n Smith brought u num ber of workmen Tor tho Wlllett & Burr work . on the Smith-Powers lino beyond Myrtlo Point. On tho next trip, the Nairn Smith will bring up about 100 head or Tiorsea Tor Wlllelt & llurr to bo used In rushing the Myrtlo Point line. She will also bring other c(Ulpiuent. A couple of steam shovels will bo brought In. The Nairn Smith will snll from Am Francisco next Thursday nnd will bring In freight for Cooa Hay 1n place or the Hcdoiido which Is iimklng n through trip to San Pedro i;nln. I ALOXU Till: WA'I HltFltOXT I The Adeline Smith Is due In to--sight from Oakland mid the Naiiu Smith will anise in tomorrow morn ing, The Itnliihnw was taken orr the ways today and was towed to Alle gany by ('apt l-Mwurds. She Ix be ing eiiulpped with an oil burner so iluit she will be speedier and clean rr for the fiiHi run In conjunction with the aulo Hue which Jem Kinney and W. .McDonald are plnu alni; to operate between Allegnm and SeottHhiirg or Drain this sum aicr. The Alliance Is due In tomorrow mil will sail at 0 o'clock .Moudav aiornlng for Furoka The Hcdoudo will aail at I oVlocK Sunday afternoon for San FiiiiuIhco Jiid San Pedro The Speedwell Is due lu tonight or In tlu morning from llamlou. and III sail at (! o'clock Monday morn tug for San Francisco. MONDAV IS LAST DAY. $000 will take handhome new bungalow balance on monthly pay ments. Price 2ri0 for Monday only. If not sold then It will be taken off lhe market I. S K A I' F.MAN & CO. , 177 Front St Are Crowded For the last few- was running 12 to 10 miles nn hour ''ays. The Cluuidler hotel lias been wiin tho party. Ho had no rocol- unuiiio to accommodate the larger lection of making the turn nt the number or guests, ns many na a dozen ratal curve or or being Jolted beroro lmvo ,,t-'" turned nwny dally. Hoom tho accident occurred. Ho thought '"K houses ure inking the overflow. Hint he roll the machine skid Just New .Masonic Order. S. It. Mosli beroro the accident. Ho said that or. or Kugeiie, arrived here this art he was thrown clear of the car. .1. ernoon to Install Occident Council. T. llnrrlgan wanted to know If It H. & S. M.. u new Masonic Lodne was possible for a car running only for Mnrshfleld this evening. Occl 12 or 0 miles nn nour to bo ilent Chapter Is being organized un thrown over the wny It wns but 'l,r u dispensation and will fill In Dana was not certain. Ho vigor- tu local .Masonic organizations, ously denied being lutoxlcnted. Itetnriis Willi Forger. Sherlfr C. L. Honobrnko said that ho was 'nK' arrived In this afternoon vin Just locklmr up to go homo, soon (- nllner with ICdiiionds, wanted lifter iiildulght. when singing or ''ere for forgery nnd passing bogus yells attracted his attention nnd he checks. Fdniiniila wns arrested at saw a car coming fast down Front Price, I'tnh. He did not fight ex- street. He said It sped by him at tradition. Ho Is very repentant mid the rate of at least rorty miles an 'h that ho was lutoxlcnted when hour. Ho roll that when thov lio did It. He will be nrrnlgnod at passed, something was going to hap- Coujillle Monday or Tuesday and pen and he watched them ns long will be kept In Jail here until Mim as he could see the cnr. 'ihen be lny. listened ami soon nftorwurds heard .Mnriied Here. Albort W. 1 1 In, a crash and he rode down after 1 Miss IMIth Scniiiinon were hem on his bicycle. Fn route he mnriied hero Thursday evening, met an auto coming back un town soon after the arrival of th in.. and while he didn't notice who the dondo which brought the brhlo here car neiouged to. he thought It must fom California. Mr. Illnz mid his nave neen i ucker coming after nM. "ndo rornierly lived In tho same He didn't recall seeing any machine ('allfornln towns nnd be came to going north after the speeding auto. Hnudon to tnko u position lu a He said when tho speeding cnr Ml liardwure store, lie was unable to the rough spots near Alder It K" to California now and had Miss seemed like "Shooting the chutes." Scniiiinon come here rir the cere lie snld when he reached the scene monies. Ho Is 20 and she Is 2!1. two were trying to lift un the nn'o Hev. II. I. Itutluiltrt. offlrlni...! ti... nnd told him they had sent for nupllnla Inking place at the M. K. uld. Soon after relief ciiuie. There parsonage. were few on the street then. He . snld that the oHIcers arrived later. MISS HUTU HOPKINS leaves on tlu lie said that the tracks or tho auto Hedondo tomorrow ror San Fran Indlcaled Hint tho first attempt to cIsco on an extended visit, turn the nuto hud been inailo after '-''.- It hit the Hand. He said that the lu the engine house talking to sand was plowed up by the machine. Charley Ilaxter. They beard nu lu response to a iiuestlon bv Alnv nntn un ... ,." '. .lohnson, Mr. Ilonebnike said that marked "There Is someone breaking the unto looked like It had turned the speed ordlniince." lie went n end over end nnd then fallen on Its tl e door but the nuto was out or "'"'!. . , . . , HlKlit and it was about 20 or :ifl Mghtwatc h Snoupo snld that minutes later before he went to the about 10 minutes after 12. he wp.s accident Help Yourself at the SANITARY CAFETERIA Just Around the Corner of Front Street on Commercial The new system has proven popular lu the cities. Como lu mid see how It works GOOD FOOD iti:som,i: pkicfs yrit k sKitviCK FRED KNUDSEN, Proprietor. Truthfulness in Advertising The ludlldiiality of tiuthfulness has becomo known noil has formed a nucleus that Mioner or later will be KKCOC NT.FD, IION'OltFD and I.OOKF.D VP TO. The Fl.xri' STOHi: In XFYHIt boastmi. It Is SKVKU envious. It lielleves in plain, iiiivaiulsheil facN. The cloth lug we aihertlse Is always as good or a little better than the iiespnHr statements. We alas try lo mold any suggestion or exaggeration. You never see $l!3.00 Suits ad xertlsed for $in.00 at lhe KIXUP. The first price Is the last price and the lowest price always. When we say There Never Was a Time When we wero prepared to show you as large and fine a Hue of . Quality Clothes Fine Furnishings Good Shoes s we are loday wo mean it. Come In and set'. This Mine l willing to be Judged for Just what It Is. AUU'SIU lClll. tHl'Vl'IY'l "NTm-Hi -Rmirl Fixup - The Fnster services nt the Meth odist Church wero entertaining nnd Impiesslve. The church hnd been beautifully decorated ror the occa sion lu Fnster lilies and ferns, there being iiuniitltlcs of both bnuked nullum me uuoir suiuii anil puipui mid baskets of flowers were hung! rrom the celling. The choir under i the direction or F. A. Sncchl gnvo two mulleins nnd the solo "Come' See Where Jesus Lny" waa sung byi Mrs. A. H. Gldley whose lienutlful The Fnsler Services at the Chris tian Church weio postponed on ue coutit or tho illness or the pastor Itov. iniwuni. Mrs. Howard gave a short Faster ...... ... ,i... U.....I.... ....1.....1 ml... Willi U IIIU (ll!llll,Y OIIIUIM. I 111.' program for last Sunday will bu ..i ti. i ..i. given mm "ui-iv. SOCIAL SIOWlNtJ CLUI1 Mrs. U. .1. Heos ontortnlned tho social sewing club membera nt her home Inst Thursday , Numbering among her guests Mrs. (leo. Ayre, Mrs. Oel Hhodes, Mrs. J. C. Swlniord. Mrs. Kvu tliimnilll mid Mrs. .1. C. Swnnson. I NOKTII HUM) NKWS. There will be na services at tho North Ilcnd Hplscopnl Church Sun day. The service In tho Episcopal church at North Mend on Sunday will bo postponed on account of the funeral service over tho remains of Mr. L. K. Italllnger, nt which ltov. Drowning will olllclnte. Halites- llettcr W. H. Haines, wlio was bruised lit) the auto acci dent, In which L. K. Hnlllngcr was killed, was reported getting along nicely at Mercy hospital. We Cany 1 2 Different High Grade Teas In stock mid If you want any kind or MIXED TEA Come In nnd we can mix them to suit your taste Our prices nro right. Coos Bay Tea, Coffee & Spice House LSI Mnrket Ave. Phono .in-t-.I. , Wo have IlVo besft ''''"iTv" biislnesa section n,,s'n tl,;1,; Prices ?7,no(i im lle n'U cor k 've agents. -'.OO.oo. ijj,1' WANT I'OU IHCNT Ait,,,,; J FOH ItFNT-Jl'w.i 1,77 . - ""Illl Ol.'1'firirl i. "it !ir"aH& ""'"hti; WOMKN iiioiii'v ,, nnteed Hosier T ta "fc c urniinulHn.. i. '. ..weirer. n,,. er" day ton" lnothM Quaker niiv ." Jlatdr St., Phlladel..hla i., U ft FOU halfii,.m. ,w.ijrr-r- 1250 pounds, suitable ft abo" on small f..... T10 '?r work mul Cold Storage Co" pff, f' F(m H-T-'ur.,lsuTrr7 rooms mid bnth iirn c' ' Klrod. Phone io-j. UtH i I'Alfl.'V in. wiihout;mT;-knr,i!r.:,,t1'' Itlnd. Call nt .1 i.. ," "7 Phono .'1151. '"Win, AVANTKD-Hecind hami sTT dreaa llnv n a m. "lr U- -"" " "., nines offlce. 1,()ST KhIiIIiik pockctboolTTrbr tors nililrnuu,..! i.. i ." ' Uownrd for return to Thno.X nnd Singer sewing mnchlnc. if taken nt iihi i.'n :.'. sm.M, i;..:.i .:.: ,u" " j wui.w! i nun Yillr, What The Other Fellows Say somi: i.vTKitKSTixrs co.vvi: ssatiox concfiinim; .motoii- CYCIiKS THAT WAS OVMtllFAUD lV OFIt DICTAOUAPH. 'Sv..-' ., 'W '. tmi' S ""- i " i riTrirt1"""" "- T. - .rizriXSaS- Henry Hello, .lohn sny. wo'vo got to do something If we sell mi motorcycles here, since that 11)13 Indian Is out. I've raked my noodle, and the beet thing we can do Is to claim that the Indian won't run. .lohn No. that won't do. lllln.l people can seo Hint thev are Mi bMi ruiineih of ilium all. Henry Well, let'a claim they gut ouf of order ijulcker nnd easier than tho others. John No. don't clnlni that for the people can nlso see Hint the Indian Is running and getting the long distance and continu ous run records while the others aro hung up along tho road or lu tho repair shops. Henry - How would It bo to clnlni that ours Is faster? .lohn- Oh. tliundor. no. Fverybody round hero who has watched tho speed of uiachliies hnve seen that nothing woiiM keep lu sight- of those blamed red Indians. That will never do. Ihlnk of something people can't seo. goodl,'","V Wl'"' ,llU" u,,Vi',,,,MI tll,,t tl10 "ow BprliiK rrnino Is no .lohn- Now- here, don't for gosh snltes stir up that spring SlMf Mm '.""V'T' ,"t "('- -r hat. Mr you' know hlnmed well ir thats stirred up some one will want to get on ono to seo l.m smMvr8,P": I'V'1, "V"1? J " ', as a rellow sits on tliut SPHLNC, FHA.MI-: ho will buy nn Indian. No, ror gosh snltus. don't mention spring friimc. think or soniethlug else. .J'S'thii! B0t " .'c'1'8 MX tho M,,,U Um 'o iiurlal used in tho Indian la 110 good, and they nro not well built. -,Vo can make them bellevo that the iiinnuMcturors nro u I . ch or S ,"". mV " PttIon .lon't Intend to stay long I 1 usl rseiSlitrtie'J SS'K? BBd J"8t " t.Wmh0K.t.,,er. u hey know- that they always win the ong ,H unco eve its mid ey won d know that the material must bo of th" very best o withstand that, and they have to bo tlio beat i ndo to ue over"o!: thboysv""" "W '" tn,,m,e, n,' " i'8to put tftS Henry Lot's toll the boys tho foct boards nro n hindrance. John Oh, thunder. Honry, don't mention tho loot boards for everybody knows they are tho only really con! ?ortab"o ''lidlnj po- Ihnn'a'ye'011' l0t'8 t0" ,hln nnywny Umt Uloy (,on,t ltl8t ,010 heroInVnshfkdd iR;",1 ,0,,,t ,ou! n "ubr ' InUlanH right In use. MnrM,fk,Itl tlint aro fr mul tlvo years old that are snll "oh.MSirW ,f ! knW WUnt t0 eta,n- : 1S.-5.00 UFWAItll For lnforin.Uo. end hit to Idimtm-nii... ". WJ ,.r ..nrii.:. .::".""" "' fl"i lino from m gnsolhio hm when same was at lu-r moorlnti under McPhersou & (Unser t IIIIIIMll. Clinu QI....II I'tlH I (!',. I hct ell IiKlm l,n... closo In. Fimulre Ilox L. o'. Times olllce. VATI-:i f.'hl for gem-rid hou. worn. Apply Jim. A, II. Pow. ers, phono yo WA.TI-:i) i:peiicnccd mlm-ni it me Miiiiy mine. KOIt HUNT l-'iiriilslicil hoimiwp. rooms. Dun l-irst mm lurch Sti. Phono :':i'.i-J or call nftcr 10 a.m. WANTFD nruhT for gcm-ral Imu work mid to assist with cllii rou. Apply mornings, Mn. B. m. uiciinrittfon. I-'OK ItKNT Modern InipwiM. furnished Hat. CIS Smith 11th Si Will bo vacated April 1. .Vo ciilliiren desired. FOH HALF Furnlliiie for tl mora bonrdlng house. Apply 207 North imjjiUTet. WANTIM) Sewing by cMicrlrnrnl dressmuker, spciinlty, tailored skirts and oue-ploie drcssfj. (II Donnolly avenue, t UIIODi: ISLAND lli:i) fgR Iw hntcnhig. IMipnoJSTJt MOXHY TO LOAX One. Ino tlireo years on farm nnd ton proporty. From $100 to flO.009. Addross Ilox A. II. Tlincn omct. l-'OK KKXT Large, well furnblirJ room with bnth. l-'lve minute walk from liusliiess section, inf erences. Inqiilie 70S North Sec ond stroot. . FOK SALI-: One liiuncli - f! II. P. FiKjuIro M. 0. Colemm. North Hend. , - Volt HALK lrr himhi. nr nnd fr dor, at Campbell's Wood YirJ, Ferry landing. Phoe M-i CRADLE SPRING FRAME iwssHK sir s?.Tsat as-s eUrTianedndt'liasoTulfor supplies the missing lolong souu lu tl e!T " V.'? n'"' H comfortable riding motorcycle "mke l)0Sslbl really FARM FOR SALE Dairy, stock and fruit farm wj slstlng of r.18 acre- between 35 " 10 acres of rich bottom land, elrt acres of bench lnml set to app trees nnd fifty nrres more that cJ enslly bo cleared for orchard balnnco good grazing laud 'or w Ho. sheep or goats, . Twolvo head good dairy nil farming Imiileineiits new'f Locntod on West Fork of ow Hlvor, one mile from postoKlce. school nnd boatlnndlnK. Huy direct from owner. For further Informa Ion. can w write: W. - "AOB. Alleffnw FOH SAIiM-Tlie Wy Cog', ncro farm t Forks of Com ' er. eight miles l-jj1 Including no ncre u,,)' j Mj rcnuilnder goisl beach !". some hill land. Mr fj g oiuililo price and easy en Herbert Itogei. """ eMUlt Yyatt Cotrclt "t'oiu?r,tnnf- at i ii ii nnini --T- ,!! !"!" ,.,r iMiU'i. DAIRY AXD S-luw -- w If you want n SfJ of Stock funn M rp,rth Phono .1151. Mi-1,fula',.L rou llomohccker-llo cn " some of tlio bet In i" for snie Typewriters We sell. rent, exchange 8tf pair, all makes, ne nDU hand. Call UP ...,.,T,rni7lf KX SUPPIA CO. i,ai Alliance Doc Phono 44. . - . -"Wt