THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 28, 1913. EVENING EDITION. I, What's the price of a good suit of clothes ? - TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS. You can buy our clothes for less than that $20, $18; you can pay more than that--we have very fine clothes at $30, $35, . $40. But $25 is a good average price; most men who appreciate good quality and style in clothes, good tailoring and fit are willing to pay as much as $25. Hart SchafFner & Marx suits at $25 will surprise you; particularly if you've been accustomed to going to a custom tailor to have clothes made to measure; more particularly if you've patronized the so-called low-priced tailor; most particularly if you're getting what you think are made-to-measure clothes at $25 or less. You'll get all-wool fabrics; trimmings, linings and other materials of a high grade; tailoring of a very high order the things that make a suit wear well, and keep shapely. You'll get the value of best style standards and originality of design; you'll get clothes that fit you well." And you'll gain from $10 to $20, cither in greater value at the price; or lower price for similar value I TIIi:S FOR MAItCll. I Hotter see how truu this Ih: when you see tho clothes. $L'5 Ih u price you can afford, and you'll suy so Hotter come nnd look nt the now Spring styles. Woolen Mill. Store This store is the homo of ITai'l Sclmfi'nor & Marx Clothes. Below la given tho ttmo and height of high and low water at Marshflctd. Tlio tides arc placed In tho order of occurrence, with their times on tho first lino and helghtB on tho second lino of each day; a compa. Ison on coueccutlvo heights will Indicate whether It Is high or low water. For high water on tho bar, sunstrnct Z hours 34 minutes !8 29 30 31 Hrs.. Ft... Hrs.. Ft... Hrs.. Ft... Hrs.. Ft... 0.03 2.5 1.05 2.7 2.31 3.0 4.00 2.9 G.32 5.S 7.32 5.4 8.48 0.1 9.C7 4.9 1.25 0.3 2.34 0.6 3.43 0.6 4.47 0.6 8.21 4.1 9.45 4.1 10.59 4.3 11.53 4.6 WKATHKH FORKCART. ny Associated Press OREGON Rain tonight and Saturday. Southerly winds. High In west. LOCAL TEMPERATURE RECORD. For tho 24 hours ending nt 4:43 a, m.. March 28, by Den J. Ostllnd, special govornmont me teorological observer: Maximum 50 Minimum 40 At 4:43 a. m 48 Precipitation 77 Proclpltatlon ulnco Sopt. 1, 1912 51.38 Precipitation same period last yoar 47.07 Wind: Southwest; rain. HORN. i EICKWORTH To Mr. and Mrs. Will Elckworth nt their homo In Mllllcomn, Thursday, March 27, a duughtor. Mother and child are doing nlcoly and Mr. Elckworth Is an proud as enn bo over tho ad vent of his sixth child. ANEST -To Mr. nnd MrH. Ancst of North Rend, Thursday. March 26, a Vi pound dnughter. For Sore and Tired Feet Use HALL FOOT POWDER Guaranteed to Give Satisfaction Or Money Refunded For Sale at Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. PHONE "THE BUSY CORNER." MAIN 298 US WANT ADS. I'OU RKNTFiirnlslicil house, (I rooniH and bath, Hrondway and Elrod. Phone. I5-.I. FOl'ND Puckiign r Mertliundlso In West .Mnrshllold. Owner please pay for this nd ami call for pack age at 131 1 1 Hi street. TAKEN I'P Two year old heifer, without mark or brand of any kind. Call at .1. E. Fitzgerald, Phono .'1151. WANTED Second dross Ilox O. A IiiiikI safe. Ad TIiiich olllce. LOST Folding pnrkctboolc or let. tent nddrosscd to It, (!. MastiirH. Ituwurd for return to TIiiiom olllce. I'OK KALE Household furniture and Slugor sowing machine. Cheap If taken at once, Enquire at 215 South Hrondway. s0RPHEUM TONIGHT TO Aln ,UT,(.NK - Jinan; wiw AND I.MPUOVK.MKNTK IV (M'lt 'I'lllC UK SO K.VIIIIHTIOV tiiik Watch for Opening Announcement 'J'OWKIt IIMOrt, .luWUIn AiIiuImIom, Ifw. Sovpt loot p. "" ' L ' '- -L. ii ujm l.1.00 lti:V.IM For Information leading to Ideiitlfleatloii of putty or partleH who remoted stern line fioiu my gasoline liiuiiuh when hiiiiio wan at her iiiouiIiikm under MePherson & (llnsur ware llOUMU, CIiiih. Htuuff. I'OK IIK.NT Hewn room houses Service Postponed Owing to tho death of L. K. Rnlllngcr who wns a members of tho Vestry of tho Epls- copal church, the mooting or tlio congregation called for this evening, will bo postponed. I Take Up Homestead Porcy Mc Donald started n fow days ago In ' company with C. 11. Loop, for Curry 1 county, whoro ho will tnko up n homestead. Thoy nro travelling by wagon nnd nro doubtless having a : hard trip, as tho bnd weather of tho I past week has made tho roadB very , bad. Mr. Leon goes along as locnt or. Eugene- Guard. ' Fire Alarm A falso flro nlnrm . . wns turned In yestenlny afternoon land ItcdB and Drown Loghorns $1 ' nbout 5:30. Flro unier ivoniing per 13. Mrs. E. Don McCrary. ' unld Hint n Hinnll blnso started nenr ' Tho Chandler hotel's sample room, ..., .,... c ... , ... .near tho old Tabornnelo. nnd that I-OU SAM'. Settings or wlilto nnd tmJ Hmt)(0 fr(lnl t alnrmod somo res Huff Orpingtons, $1.50 per 13. (lunt8 oari,y who turned In tho Mrs. M. Jutstrom of South CooBnmrni -r,0 nlnrm was called ofT Hlvor. before tho dromon got out. Thoro I was no daniugo. FOR SALE One launcli 20 feet; 8 u,.vlve Oil Company (Jeorgo P. II. P. Enqulro M. G. Coleman, Topping of llaudon, who was hero North Ilend. yesterday, roportH that tho stock- holders of tho Mloceno Oil and (Ins FOU SALE Orr wood. Or mid nl- company, which is now In bnnkrupt tter, nt Cnmuboll'8 Wood Vnrd, y. nro planning to assess tho moin Forrv landing. Phono irL. beis of tho coinpany to pay off tha I'losit In. Enquire Times olllce. Ilox I.. O., WANTED Oil I for ueiieml house, work. Appl) Mr. A. II. Putt' rs, phone 207 WA.NTUD Hieileinel iiilneis nt Hie l.lliliy inlliu .. I'OU IIK.NT I'lirnMiitl lioiiMkivp. i on in n 0U6 First Hint lllreh tils. IMioiiu Slti.J or call Mflitr Ml m hi W RECEIVED U-f.i, ...... Vlll, i, I Urn A . ' I I I .1, MUUIUH Vl- ff Grocery Co. Ii j i h .i COOH KINO IIIOVC.ltH 0.10,00 COOH QIMIIIN IIK'VI'MM Marlifield Cyclery Ihjlwi Aeou, I'lMillti TWIWliU) il iihihh I7ti HroiiitMNr1 i hi i I IIWH I'llMIMHldl Til It Blanco Hotel Dining Room Furniture MH4 tut lk Mr( Mfc fr tlkit It !( Mil. fU I' t- l,riTI.MlUinMca W. K, Wiseman III! ttU tnul M WAN'I'HH 1ImI for eioi lioiue. Hrk slid lw nsilvl v ! Ii rlilld rwn Apply woHilintk. Mtt II H lllnlisrdoii I'OU IIK.NT Modern ioipM.Hd", fNriifnliiHl Ami 041 KHt I lilt m Will l noMtMl Afll I K -MMljH iImIKmJ I'llll HIMi'urHluir lr M r'm hhhMhk Immhh Atftf f 'iM-Vil vTITJ'l hIh It '," litti l 4MH4iM MfMafoKr UltMN httU M4 Mini Hw .twm Clt It w H Y- Ih AIiiiiiIiiiiiii ware better than eieii lite best tluwaie? Ileeause tin I nothing but u plailng, a piece or sheet Iron coaled on bold hide with (In. Tin llseir, being sort, will wear oil', leaving Hie Iron exposed, Veaioor Aluminum waio is pure aluminum and will last for e er. WHY UtUlHti tLit tUh tuu I MoN(1 in I ,i.t Oh. im. r ptuprtH ! ! I II 444M MHI lrIM . . I . . Ik , . .1 . . . ' UAJt Tr T- " rouit In AIiiiiiIiiiiiii wiiio belter limit rimuieleil wares, een of Hie best grades ',' HcniiiM iiiiirl Is nolliliig mi tor less llmu glass, coaled our n dee of fheel Iron, 'litis sluvt Iron will Miirly Im-ihI miller n Idow, ami In ImiiiIIiik lr'l '" K111" "r "'. mNo. lug small IdU of glasH to inU wllli Hie rMMl. This Is why en. Miirlt'l null' I loiMleiiiiitsI liy ili)lrlans lli wot Id oer. Kf;Ur TtUt Sb'.n WHY Vw r M WcMixllwr AIiiiiiIiiiiiii m llie ll? Wsur U Hie rull "f rwilrnii In nliimliium .Mfmllirn, l.ivAllse II Is iIn HJlt'l) MII lMf(ll II Is (I ItaHleM nlisl of Mil)' Imn.Imhim Hir nwdo aihI hits tl MtMMllflrs rleli.isrmrnl .( N,f rrr)wlpiv Alumni ..feniili WIHTIHQ WJE AT THE TWES' DFFWE. Ii.ll MM w'llK 4 (iMttii lu"ti i tr ih U V I t l-sMU IMyav hllk HWM ' j rW t ''- ' . i. . 5, tr:: oUc C9 mIiHi llt wr Vl Indebtedness, umountlng to nbout $:i,000. and end the bankruptcy pro ceeding and reclaim tho nroperty, which he llgurcs Is worth nbout $1B, 000 Ho hopes to got tho oil woll under way again. Huh Store Kcunloii Charles I-'onsler. 0f the Hub Clothing Store, Myrtle Point: .T. T. Sullivan, of tho Huh Store, Hnndon. nnd W C. Fensler. also of Mrtlo Point, are nil in the city today holding n little conference nt tho main Hub store In Mnrslifleld. llnslness plans for tho season are being discussed Illg Panther Nenr. Chns Hlckox Inst evening received a telephone message from Ered Larson saying that tho blggost panther he had over seen In Coos County had Just been nt his ranch When tho boys went after the cows the shepherd dogs treed tho panther They cam homo for a gun but monnwhllo th llanthor escaped, Owing to Xlr. Hlckox's best varmint dog being down at the Oldland ranch on Soutk Slough, ho did not go out but h plans to leave for thoro soon. WnlkK to liny II. A. Mlllor, em ployed In tho engineer's department of tho U. S. S. Philadelphia, now a receiving ship nt tho U. S .Navy Yards nt Ilrcmcrton Navy Yard Ii Pugot Sound, arrived hero last night from Itosoburg. Ho nnd nnother mnn walked from Itosoburg to Myr tle Point In two dnys. Ho is on a lcavo of nbsonco nnd enmo down hcra at tho request of his father, who runs ' a big farm eighty miles north of Grand Island, Nebr., to look over this section, as tho latter wants to movo west. Miller has bocn In tho navy four years. Ho says tho road was very muddy but that thoy mad It easily In two days. :mz I Along the Waterfront. I The Washington, A. M. Simpson nnd Hardy with principally lumbor cargoes sailed at 5 o'clock yesterday for San Francisco nnd San Pedro. Tho Oakland Is still lying at North Ilend. Cnpt. Dent had hopod to hnvo her ready so that tho A. M. Simpson could tow hor to Snn Francisco but did not succeed. Just what will tow hor south Is not cer tain now. Sho has boon rigged with a Jury rudder to rcplnro tho rudder lost on tho Sluslnw bar. Tho Alllanco snlls tonight from Portland for Coos Hny nnd will reach hero Sundny. Sho will sail Sun dny morning nt C o'clock for Eureka. RAILROADS NOW BUILDING IN X you ono o four NEW DRINKS? who have been waiting so many yonrs. Hut speaking nbout building, hnvo you had us build you one of our .NEW DRINKS. H SARTER'S FOUNTAIN IB. (Lo tsjo weet LaYeedbr CREA M The iiiosl exquisite trt'Miralioii known for healing and beniillf) luu tlio skin. Cure rliitpped I liniiil. Ian, sunburn mid nil IitI- Inled Mirfarts. LADIES O ou lle It. .V K. Sweet Uiwiuler Cieniii )ou will iim no til her -it 'ifr'll) luu inless, dinnul mill niiliseplli neaiii, 11m store for 1,'iinllly Ooods mid IVii'lar lleiiieillisn ?lWSffilli?ff7Vi