THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 27, 1913 EVENING EDITION. SHIRT WAISTS Direct From the Trio Waist Co. of Philadelphia. Yesterday we received a big shipment of Shirtwaists and Middy Blouses, They are the biggest value and the most attractive waists we have shown for some time, You should see those priced at $1.25 and $1,50, Ask to see the Pongee Silk Shirts at $1,50, The Golden Rule Broadway and Central Ave, Marshfield, for Kidney and Bladder Troubles Use the ARCH KIDNEY REMEDY Just the Thing You Need For Sale at Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. "THE BUSY PHONE MAIN ORPHEUM TONIGHT owixk to ai,ter.tions and improvements in out tiii: ati:u Tiinn: will m: no exhibition this evening. Watch for Opening Announcement TOWER 1UIOS. Established Adiiiliiloii, loo, Never inure. JUST RECEIVED A fifth ,.i- ........I.... in.. fcUllam.: hV " '" (mh liiiniH, H'lan Hams. Wn Hums, wx Hams, AliO fl illnln.i t.. .. . U II.,.. ",u,v" ' I UUCOUB, l nml smoked riBii. Drup U IDd nnl- l. ' Stauff Grocery Co. Pliouo 102 Mnskey's "andles. loNfGHf- at lfe R.oyal Jor, cavil Trlik Violinist m. "!' .V'w Pictures THr ,,... ,n,lu''K; IS Cou,w; tlmt "l s the best '" Lower floor, lJSe. XniTlr " M',,,a' Uixls & k', OfEX ... "bll Comedy Co. S-WWIIPIKM), MONDAY I IIAvpT h. - 'viWIIASKD THE 7 Hotel Dining -'u rurniture Than Half Price SF Wiseman CfeP"ntSt. "" ea. Phono 166 CORNER." 298 US FOR SALE Thf Wynll irtIt mm acre f it nil at Forks of ('mis 1 1 1 v cr, eight miles from .Miuslil'lclil, including .10 aero bottom liiml, remainder good bench land ami some hill lauil, rur Mile at reus, cimlili' pilcf anil easy terms. Sri' llrrlirrl Roger. Administrator Wyall Couelt estate; nr enquire al Law Olllres of .1. W. Ilriuirll. COOS KINO BICYCLES 9:10.00 COOS QUEEN BICYCLES $t!8..10. Marshfield Cyclery Dayton Agents. Phono 172 H roadway WANTED You to. know that SITTSMAN CO. SPECIAL ill appear Just oner. Take udvnntugo of it. 9.r-acro Coos Hlvor farm. $2000 cash gets possession, Payments $100 first year. $200 second year. $300 third year. $400 fourth your. After fourth year, $o00.00 per year, Intorcst 7 por cont. payable soml annually. Con tract to terminate on or before 10 years. Will talto good city proporty up to $3000. A modern up to date now five-roomed Bungalow, com pletely finished, roady to oc cupy, around 37x100, best location, East Marshfield. $300 cash, balanco liko rent. Cood soveu-roomed dwelling on McPherson srroot, North Bend, closo in. around 45x 100, facing east; good home and investment. $o00 cash. Halanco $15.00 per mouth. Four-lots on Virginia ave nue Just at bridge. $120u. Do you mean business, Mr. Investor. If so, tuko notice of this, 90x280 leot ground, close In to business district of Marshfield, Improved paved street, good building, best lo cation. Do not look this up unless you have at least naif of $10,500. Two lots in R. R. Add. to Marshfleid, on Second street. Got them, $1500. CALL AT 13C DROADWAY. WCML TIDES Toil MAItCll. Uulow Is Riven the timo and height of high and low water at Murshflcld. The tides ore placed in tho order of occurrence, with their times on tho first lino and heights on tho second lino of each day; a coinpai Ison on consecutlvo heights will Indicate whether it la high or low water. For high water on the bar, rfiilmtract 2 hours 34 minutes. IIh. r,.u 12.25 7.06 0.0 Ft. . . ltrs.. Ft... HrH.. Ft... lira.. Ft. . . I Irs.. Ft... C.2 0.03 2.f l.UG 2.7 2.31 3.0 4.00 2.9 0.0 G.32 5.8 7.32 r,.4 8.48 5.1 9.G7 4.9 4.4 1.25 0.3 2.34 O.G 3.43 0.0 4.47 O.G 0.0 8.21 4.1 9.45 4.1 10.59 4.3 11.1)3 4.6 31 WEATHER FORECAST. By Associated I'reaa OHEQON Kaln tonight and Friday. Ilrlsk southerly winds In Interior nnd high souther ly winds along coast. LOCAL TEMPERATURE RECORD. For the 24 hours ending nt 4:43 u. in., March 27, by UenJ. Ostliud, special goverumcut me teorological observer: Maximum IS Mluimum 41 At 4.43 a. in 40 Precipitation 02 Wind: Southwest, cloudy. Precipitation since Sopt. 1, 1912 49.01 I Precipitation same period last year 40. 9C Leave Tomorrow H. C. Harmon and E. O. Perham nre registered to leave on tho Drain stage at 5:30. IK'iii'lIt Dance Henry Hegdalil and others are arranging a grand benefit dance for the benefit of the Cooley family to bo glvon nt Eagles' hall Saturday night. April 20. Tho tickets will read "Given by all good WANT ADS. I'Olt SALE Household furniture and Singer sowing machine. Cheap K taken nt once. Enquire at 215 South lfrouilwuy. .S.-,.(IO UKWAltD For liil'iiriiiallon leading to Identification or party or parties who removed stem line from my gasoline launch when same was at her moorings under .MclMieison & Gliiser ware house. Chas. Stauff. FOU DENT Seven room liuiise; closo In. Enquire llox L. O., Times office. WANTED Girl for general house work. Apply Mrs. A. H. Pow ers, phone 207. WANTED Experienced miners at A.VIKD i:peil the l.lbhy mine. FOU SALE Hoi'M' weighing about 1250 pounds. Suitable for work on small fnrin. Coos Hay Ico nml Cold Storage Co. Phono 73. FOK HUNT Furnished housekeep rooms. U95 First and IUrch Sts. Phono 239-J or call after 10 a. in. WANTED Maid for general house work and to assist with child ren. Apply mornings, Mrs. II. M. Richardson, FOU RENT Modern improved, rurnlslicd flat. G4 8 South Uth St. Will bo vacated April 1. No chlldrou destrod. FOR SALK Tno now bungalows with lots 37 1-2x100. Prices $1500 and $1550. Terms $300 cash ond $30 per month. Tltlo Gunranteo and Abstract Co. FOR RALE Furniture for II room boarding houso. Apply 207 North 3rd street. WANTED Sowing by cperlenccd dressmaker, specialty, tailored skirts and ono-pieco dresses. G34 Donnelly nvenuo. RHODE ISLAND RED eggs for hatching. Phone 187-R. MONEY TO LOAN One, two or three years on farm and town property. From $100 to $10,000. Address Box A. R. Tlmos office. FOR RENT Large, well furnished room with bath. Five minutes walk from business section. Ref erences. Inqulro 7G8 North Sec ond street. FOR SALE Settings of Slcllllnn Buttercups or Good Luck fowl $3 por 13; Plymouth Rocks, Rhode Is land Reds and Brown Leghorns $1 per 13. Mrs. E. Don McCrary. WANTED Cash Register, state price and number keys. P. O. Box 704, North Bend. FOR SALE Settings of white nnd Buff Orpingtons, $1.50 por 13. Mrs. M. Jutstrom of South Coos River. FOR SALE Rhode Island Red eggs. C. M, Conner, Phone 32C. FOR SALE One launch 20 feet; 8 H. P. Enquire M. G. Coleman, North Bend. FOU SALE: Dry wood, flr and al rtnr. at CaniDbell's Wood Yard, n Innlnw PhnVA IKll.Ti V BVtlJ wuu'ua. ww -ww follows for tho benefit of a worthy family." Dml h at ('oqtilllc Word was ro cheil hero of the death of Elmer F Chaso, a rancher, below Coiiullle, after a short Illness. Bought First Dayton Charles La Chtipollo has purchased tho first Day ton motorcycle, a nine horsepower miu'hliiu, from tho Marshlleld Cy clery. .Meet Friday There will bo an Important meeting of tho Congrega tion of Emmanuel Episcopal church on Friday of this week at 7:30 p. m. In tho church. All who nttond the church are urgently requested to bo present. (ago Coming Word was received here today that Sheriff Gage left Portland overland this morning for Marshfield with Edmonds, tho for ger, who passed a number of bogus checks here. Ho should reach hero tomorrow via Gardner. Edmonds was captured near Salt Lake City, Utah. I toys Bother Marshal Carter Is making arrangements to capture tho first lads offonulng against the or dinance prohibiting minors being out after 9 o'clock. Tho lads slnco tho recent order have been hanging around tho outskirts of town and will be placed In Jail. Marshal Car ter has also been having some troub le with some newsboys, who have been pestering peoplo on the streets In their etforts to sell papers and has notified somu of them to quit and go home. Married Here Mrs. Mildred Do land announces the marriage of her daughter, Miss Mildred, to Mr. An drew Nelson, tho nuptials having been celebrated at the Marshfield Methodist parsonago last Saturday levelling by tho Ilcv. 11. I. Hutledge. They will reside on Park avenue. Mr. Nolson Is a well known Marsh field longshoreman and tho friends of tho young couple will unlto in ex tending best wishes for their long and happy life. PERSONAL NOTES GENE LEVY Is a visitor from Alle gany today. J. M. CPLLKY Is a vlBltor from Catching Inlet today. , NINIAN WEBSTER Is In town today from North Coos River. i C1IAS. MAHAFFY of North Coos River Is In town on business. ROCCO BIASCA, tho Coos River rancher Is In town on business. MItS. CARL MATTSON of Catching Inlet was a Marshlleld visitor to day. ALFRED RODINE of Allegany Is a luminous visitor to Marshlleld to day. ( J. T. COLLVKR of Catching Inlet Is a business visitor to Marshlleld , today. CAPT. EDGAR SIMPSON Is plan ning to leavo Saturday for Port laud. I MRS. EMILY McFARLIN of North Inlet Is In Marshlleld today on business. MR. and MRS. FRANK IIODSON aro Marshlleld vlsltora today from South Coos River. TIP CORDES loft yesterday tor his homestead where ho will spend a few dnys. MR. and MRS. J. H. PRICE of Allo gnny aro In town today on busi ness and pleasure. MRS. JOE LARSEN of Eastsldo re turned this morning from n visit with Mrs. P. E. Larson of Allo Bany. (.illANK IIMATII. nnuilnvuil liv Smlth-Powors', who Is at present i stationed near Sumner, Is in town today. MRS. S. A. FARRIN leaves this week for n visit with hor son, Jesso, who Is now located at Tole do, Orogon. SUPT. W. F. MILLER will leave, on tho Breakwater for roruanu to supervise urydock repairs on tho Breakwater. E. O. PERHAM will leave on tho Draln-Gardlner stago tomorrow morning for Rosoburg and Mod ford on bualness. MR. and MRS." J. E. NOAH of North Coos River are In town this morn ing from their North Coos River home spending the day. GEORGE CLINKENBEARD of Dan iels Creek came to Marshfleid this morning accompanied by his sla ter, Anna, and will spend tho day in town. MRS. MAMIE O'TOOLE of Coaledo, 1b in Marshfleid on route to mi. Doan. California, to toko up a t nomesieau, one win jcuvu u mu Breakwater Saturday. MRS. R. M. WJEDER returned to her homo at Ten Mllo yesterday after a abort stay at Bandon with her daughter, Mrs. Tuttlo. Her llttio grandson was considerably improved when she left thore. Light Housekeeper aro doln' it Doln' what? Spending dollars for your light housekeeping outfit, whon your nlckols and dimes will buy it. Wo havo everything for your needs. "ALWAYS SOMETHING NEW." Copies' 5-l(M5c Store PORTERS SHIP IN EQUIPMENT Breakwater Today Brings in 100 Tons of Light Rails and Dump Cars. Tho Breakwater arrived In this afternoon from Portland after a rather rough trip down tho coast, a stiff headwind last night delay ing her. In her cargo she had about 100 tons of light rails and dump cars for Porter Bros. Agent McCollum of the Breakwater at North Bend stated this nftcrnoon that they woro for ubo in North Bend but as to their plans ho was unablo to learn as no representatives of tao com pany accompanied the shipment. Tho shipping of the construction equipment, ns was announced in The Times last Tuesday, bv Porter Brothers Indicates that they aro planning to hasten the work. Tho equlpmont wos at Portland last week but could not bo loaded thon. The Breakwater will sail at 2 o'clock Saturday afternoon for Port land. Tho had 109 incoming passongors nnd 450 tons of freight. Among those arriving on tho Breakwater were tho following; Mrs. F. Johnson, E. M. Eldrldgo, M. A. Moffntt, J. D. Trldall. II. F. Moiiner, Day Do Morrltt. Mrs. A. Stoogsberg, Theo Clinton, C. J. Greene, .1. D. Gobs, R. M. Wood, Mrs. A. T. Wllklns. A. T. Wilklns, W. K. llurbrell, P. II. McMlllon, Mrs. c. Callery. Mrs. K. Callory, Ruth Callory, Martin Callery, John Callory, Harry Murray, F. .1. Eneg velke, Mrs. F. J. Engcvolk, C. H. Platts, Miss Masters, Miss Ogdon, Miss Blanche Mooro. J. G. Biirch, D Hnrdce, A. L. Peters, Mlko Pol man, E. B. Morris, II. G. Schlosson, Mrs. A. McKcown, J. W. Dennett, Mrs. a. W. Lawrenco, N. Alter, II. E. Mnrko. R. A. Doak( Paul Reno, Frank Confer, Clins. Daktor, Ray Syiulort, Sam Owens, Mrs. P. Reno, Mrs. F. Confer. Mrs. C. Dutchor. .Mrs. R. Syndert, Miss F. Howard, Miss Jenno. Mrs. D. Drume, C. J. Hubbard, C. J. Smith, John Whn herg. 11. M. Lewis, W. II. Edwards, J. W. Honey, i.ilss E. Ciimmlngs, Mrs. W. O. Wlmmor. J. T. Tul lery, Mrs. Matthews. J. T. Hicks, C. II. Williams. F. D. Fordnoy, Rout. Ouartcrniiisr, Chas. O. John, Mrs. B. Lamphor, A. B. Lamphcr, Geo. Al exander. Mr. Do Long, R. A. Flynn, C. M. Wright. G. W. Wheeler. Paul Eilgerton, Orln Barrons, Miss Bess Wingo, Florence Wlngo, Ned Win go, S. K. Guilford, T. Wllley, W. J. Strong, 1). Webster, Mrs. A. C. Pelt.. A. C. Peltz. W, S. Dodgo. Miss Mnnrtol. Miss M. Mandcrvon, J. A. Roberts, Lizzie Roberts, Mrs. noberts, Chns. Nordstrom, Mrs. C. Nordstrom, W. G. Stowaston, II. M. Pease. I.ouls Cedar, O. D. Fassot and 15 steerage. T TO BE USED NOW Manager Smeaton of Smith Mill Plans to Ship it South for Fuel. Coos Bay will shortly bo furnish ing a considerable portion of tho stovo wood used in Onkland and San Francisco, according to present plans of Gonoral Manager Smeaton. In order to supply tho wood, It will bo necessary to put In another small mill to cut tho slab wood and rofuso Into cordwood nnd stovo wood lengths for shipment. In addition to tho slab wood from tho mill, it is understood that plans aro holng mndo to utilize tho largo amount of small wood In tho various logging camps,, pieces too small to bo raft ed to tho mill for lumbor purposes, but which will mako excellent tiro wood. in addition to tho profit In tho getting of rid of tho wasto wood, It Is said that It Is figured out that tho Nairn Smith and Adollno Smith can load a largo amount of tho stovo wood and cord wood each trip In addition to their regular lumbor car rying capacity, Btowlng it otherwlso In wasto spneo on tho ships so thnt tho cost of corrylng It will bo practi cally nothing. At San Francisco and Oakland, It Is said that thoro Is a big demand for tho wood nt $10 or so por cord. This plan with tho utilizing of much wnsto in tho now pulp mill will nffect a big saving and In fact mako money out of what has hither to be wasto In tho sawmill business, a wasto that has boon expensive nnd difficult to get rid of. With tho coming of tho ralroad, It Is likely that a largo amount of the sawdust wasto from the mill will also bo utilized by supplying It to refrigerator plants and packing houses, Times' Want Ads bring results. Stafford's Hs the Best!: ws WOO MEM MARKET TILL ROBBED Thieves Get $6 or $7 from Gamble's Union Market in Marshfield. Burglars gained entrance to th Gomblo Union Meat Market on South Broadway, Marshfield. Inst evening and robbed the till of $6 or $7 In cash. Whether they took any moat or other articles could not be ascertained. Entranco wos gained through th rear door, a skoloton key probably being used. The door was loft open. Things in tho shop woro not molested much. No definite cluo to tho thieves has been secured as yet. I AT THE HOTELS. THE CHANDLER H. C. Harmoa Portland; J. C. Marshall, San Fran cisco; C. F. StrausB, San Frnnclsco; A. W. Hlnz, Bandon; L. R. Woods, Portland; Miss Florence Oydon; Wm. Cnndlln, Coqulllo; J. N. Prln glc, Snn Francisco. LLOYD HOTEL Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Machon, Los Angeles! J. C. Jackson, Norway; Harold Mntson, Portland; I. J. Kolloy, South Inlet; J. P. Morgan, South Inlet. BLANCO HOTEL Mrs. M. S. Bunch, Coqulllo; Joo Speaker, Color ado. HOTEL COOS Ncttlo Adamson, Los Angeles; Dan Walker, Coqulllo; G. P. Gllnoy, Pt. Arena; Mr. Good man, Coos River; Lory Butllp, Coos River; Roy Garrett, Myrtlo Point; Geo. Hull, Granta Paaa; Fred Noah, North Coos River. NORTH BEND NOTES. ! Tho Young Peopjlo s Socloty of tho North Bend Norwegian Luthor nn church will hold their monthly social and business meeting nt tho homo of E. Llllobo Frldny evening. Mrs. Alglo Hansen and baby of North Inlet aro guests today of her sister, Mrs. John Freelund. Mliia Griirn Fulton nf Mnrshflold attended tho Presbyterian congrega tional meeting ami social at iorui Bend. Rev. Burkhart and Mrs. Burkhart nnd Mrs. Kcttrlug of Marshlleld at tended tho Presbyterian social hero. Mrs. C. II. Worrell Is spending a few days as tho guest of her sister, Mrs. E. W. Fnhy, at Bullord. Mrs. E. J. Coffelt Is quite ill at her homo in North Bend. Tho M. E. Lndlos Aid meets this afternoon In tho basomont of tho church. Mrs, A. II, Imlioff of Union nve nuo will ontertaln tho Prosbytorlau Ladles' AM this afternoon. Mr. Olson and Mr. Claudo havo moved tholr fnmlllos to old North Bend, whoro they will locate Miss Alpha Wlckluud was a sueot yesterday of Mrs. E. Geo. Smith on South Coos River. AMONG TI1K SICK. L. M. Nohlo Is roeuporntlng from n severe attack of la grlppo. Mazlo Cooloy, who Is 111 of appen dicitis, la reported much bettor to day and It mny not bo necossnry to operate. Mrs. Will Hondryx who hns boon qulto sick In North Bond Is re ported Improving. Mrs. C. A. Sohlhredo has been qulto sick tho last low days. Mrs. C. C. Bridges, who with hor husband, bus just- moved back to Marshfiold from tho Blufnrd Davis ranch on Coos River, Is reported sick. Havo your Job printing dono at Tho Tlmoa office. COUNTY ATTORNEY TO START CRUSADE Newspapors say liquor and other laws to bo enforced. Dry work, surely. But you can quench your thirst at SARTER'S weet LaYeodiW Keeps tho linuds and face soft and beautiful. A Imrmless scien tific preparation of merit. Vt i 4-Vl JM H M irtw &