Vi THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 27, 1913. EVENING EDITION. 4 DRESS 10 BE RULED BY LAW Ohio Lawmaker Picsonts Measure Piovidluf: for Commission. COLUMUTS. Ohio, Mnrch 27. DcclnrlnK tlitit tho Immodesty of tlit nttlro worn by women on the Btrcct and In public places Is tho cnnsc of tho Kreat "wavo of lmmornlltv now sweeping over tho counts y." Representative Louis II Cnppolle of Cincinnati Introduced n bi.i In tho lower houso of tho Legislature pro viding for tho appointment bv the governor of n rommlRBlon of three members to "pi escribe the fuBtiloiis to bo worn by the women In the Htnto of Ohio." Introduction of tho mensiue ro . suited from n charge filed with Governor Cox by a woman who did not sign bor name that "immoinlltv Ib practiced by married men In the ofllccB of tho State IIoiibo and elso whorc In tho Stnto of Ohio. Under thu provisions of tho bill thu proposed (omiiiIhbIoii would he compelled to fix limits on decol lete drosses so that "not more than two lncnes of tho neck bulow tuji rhln shall bo uncoered." Another elaiiHu of tho measure provides tnal Trunsparont stockings shall not In dlsplaed or worn In public places." Another provision of tho bill pro vides that it shall be unlawful t display or wear any outer garment trimmed or combined witn lace, lie seitlon or any kind of embroider) uichIi or net throush which the color texture of the skin mn be dlsIiiiKUlsbed without huvlng the laco or other transparent material barked with oinciuo material. Members of the proposed com mission, nre.nrdlng to the bill, would have to bu between .Til and 60 jenrs of age. ivot more than two of them would have to be married men and "of good inoiui character." Ono of tho members would bo an ordained minister, ono a patent ol not less than tuieii children and the third n social settlement w inker. in.MAi.i: nitnss light pieces. Atthe Shall Have Xu .Mine Aitlcli" Is Derive. CHICAGO, .Mai rh l!i- To he loin pletely diessed rrom shoes In hat tho fiisuloiiublo woman must weal just elKht articles or ilnmlng anil lousumo less than 10 minutes In putting them on. This startling disclosure w al iunde) by Mine. A. lllplo) at tin convention of tho Chicago Diess makers' clubs at the Auditorium. It met thu enthusiastic uppiovul ol thu membois. Fashionable uttlio consists of: One one-piece bit of sheer tin gerlo. Ono coiset I'Ntondnig almost tt knees but not appearing uhow' the waist line. One pair of silk stoeMngs. One pair of low shoes. One one-piece gown, slashed and draped, with twoa hooks and n sin g.o button. A soft ihapeau and coat fastened with two bullous. "I sigh when I think of bow lon! we havu been m riving at this slm pllclty," snld Mine. Ulploy. Vli we have been euiijlng the whiti woiunu'H burden of heavy clothe nroiiud for leuturlos " new game LAW mav hi: itr.rr.mtEi. SALEM, Oro.. Mm cli 27 That the gnpio code passed bj the lecent legis lature inny be subjected to the icier endiim Is the liitlmallou which with been dropped by .Indue Hewitt, of Albany, and A 'fussing, of Lebanon, who have been In the city .Senator Miller, of Linn declmed that unduuhtcdl) the game code would bo refeired to the people, mak ing this asseitlon on the llonr of the senate when the question was up fen passage. It Is nuclei stood that n lurgo number of people of l.lnn county nro strongly opposed to tho code. RURAL MAIL HY WATER. A petition has boon cliculated on North Fork of the Hluslnw asking that a rural delivery unite be estab lished from rioreuce up to the Por tage to deliver the mall to the people living uIchik the stieam. Tho peti tion asks for n til-weekly seivlce Floreneo West. .notice. All membeis of the rratemal Un ion of America mo requested to at tend tho regular meeting, Thurs day at 7 p in Older of Pi efficient, C W WOLCOTT Your Druggist Stops That Itch Jf you nro suffering from rcoioinn, PaortuBls or any otlur Kind of Km trouble, tlrou into our store for Insiitut relief. We will guarantee you to stop that Itch In two seconds. We liavo sold other remedies for sKIn troubles, but nono that wo could recom mend uh highly a IIiIh, a mild wattle of Oil of Wlnterjjnt'n Thymol uinl a ftw pther lnureillents that huvo wrought rUCll WUIluvriul (.Ultra an uu-t miv vuuii- This compound Is known as D.D.D. Prescription for Hczama and It will cool nnd heal tho Itchy, bunting skin aa nothlns: else con. A i'6o trlul hottlo will provo It. Of course all other druKb'Ists havu D.DD. Inscription ko to Hum if ou can't come to us hut don't accept somo lilK-prellt substitute. But If you como to our store, wo aro no certain of what B.IH). will dp for ou that wo offer you a full size bottle on this Rimrantee' If you do not find thu t It takes iiwsy the Itch AT ONCL It cost you nut u cent, i Red Cross Drug Store I Elbert Hubbard. n-w..,.. Wnnlinilv. tll LTCSlt Amtit'i can banker, had ono thing which will mako any mun or woman rich It Is something so sweetly beiioflceut that well can wo call It tho gift of the gods. Tho asset to which 1 lefei Is agree- ability. . . , , i .. Its first rcciulslto Is Blowing phy sical health. Tho second Ingredient Is honesty. Its third Is good will. Nothing taints tho breath llko a lie. Tho old parental plan of wusli Ing out tho boy's mouth with soft soap had a scientific baBls. Liars nniBt possess good memories. They aro fettered and gvveel by what thoy liavo said and done Tho hon est man Is freo -his atts reciulro nei ther explanation nor npolouy. Ho la In possession of nil his aimnmont. If 1 wore president of a college, I would havu a chair devoted to ngtec ability. I'ondoioslty, profundity and Insipidity may have thoir place, but thu ugroeablo man keeps his capital active. Ills soul Is fluid. 1 liavo never been in possession of this social nullum, so as to nnnlyo it, but 1 know it has thu power of dissolving opposition and melting hu man hearts. Hut so dollcato and 11 luslvo is it that when used for n purely sordid purpose, It evnporatcs into thin air unci tho arstvvhllu pos sessor Is left with only tho mask of beauty mid tho husk of peisonnllty. (Jeorgo 1'eabody hail agreeablllty from his l'Jtli year to tho day of his death. Colonel Forney crossed thu Atlantic with him when Poubody vvhb In his 71st year, and hero is what Forney siih. ' 1 sat on one slclu of thu cnbln nnd ho on tho other. Ho was reading from n book which lie finally merely held In his hands, as ho sat Idly dreaming. 1 was melted into tears by tho sight his Jovo-llke.Iiead framed against tho window. Mis faro and featuies beamed with high nnd nublo Intellect, nnd hlu oyes looked forth In the cllvliiu love. If over soul re foaled Itself In thu face, It was here. Ho was tho veiy Icing of men nnd 1 lid not wonder that In tho past peo ple hud worked tho apotheosis of inch." To thu clerk who would succeed, I sav cultivate ugrooublllty. Courteous manners In llttlo things nro an asset vs oi th iciiulrlng. You rlso when a ustomer approaches, you offor a 'hair, jou step aside nnd let tho cture'H guest pass llrst Into thu olovn- tor, these are llttlo things, but thoy mako jour work and youisolf finer. If your business Is to wait on cus tomers, bo careful of jour dress und vour appearance. Do your manicur ing before you roach tho store Den-1 al floss Is n good Investment. A talesman with a bad breath Is dear nt my pike. Let your dress bo (inlet, neat and not too fashionable. To havu a good appearance helps jou inwmdly mid helps thu business. (llvo each customer your whole at- entlou and Just ns considerate at 'entlon to n llttlo buyer us a big uic If asked for iufoimatlon, bu line jou have It befoic you glvo It. ' Do not assume that thu location or 'act Is so now becnuso jou onco knew i It so Don't mlsdliect. Mako your llrei tious so clear that they will be1 i real help. The loss you ieiiilro looking nfter, ho more ublo you nre to stand ulono mil loinplete jour tusks, tho Brenter vour icward. Then If you cannot on ly do jour wotk, but also Intolllgont y mid effectively dltect the efforta of otlieiH, jour tew aril Is In an UNiiit ratio; and the men u pcoplo you ill red, and the higher the IntelllBenco ' you can ngniiy lenii, tho moio val uable Is your life. The most pi u louts possession In life Is good health. Hat moderately, hi eat he cleeplj-, torelho out of doors mil get eight bonis' sleep. And cul tivate agreeablllty as a business prop osltlon. Attend SWCDISII Lt'TIILItW whin tw-rnvr sn-ii:it at the lunch hall Satuidaj. Mntch 20, eglniilUB at :. o'clock Tiy Tho Tillies' Want Ads. lolev Kidney Pills will reach vour individual caso If jou huvo mj form of kidney or bladder tiou )le mi baiknche. iheuinatlsin, tulc uld poisoning or Irregular and pnln ul kidney action. They nro strengthening, tunic nnd curative, mil contain no habit forming drugs. Lorkhart & I'arsous, Tho llusy Cor ner. FARM FOR SALE Dali. stock and fruit farm ron ilMIng of 130 acies, between 30 and 10 acies of i lib bottom land, eight uies of bench land set to npplo iocs and flft.v acies moie thnt enn usll ho eleaied for orchard and mlnine good guulng laud for cat le. sheep or goats. Twelve head good dull cows, n -pan of good horses and nil fami ng Implements necessary. Located on Wost Fork of Coos itlver one inllo fiom postoffice, ec hool nnd bontlundlng. Utiv dliect f i oni owner. Tot fuithei Information, cnll or mlto W A. (iAOi;. Allegany, Or. Till: Itr.COItl) IMIOTOCJItAPIlIXtl liavo photographic copies of abstracts of titles, present owners, to real estnte furnished on short lU'SLM'SS ori'lt'i:: 117 Xorth agheeamlity. Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. IIKXUY SKNC1STACKEX, Mgr. Coqulllo Oillco Phono 191 Plattlnc Lands a specialty. Farms- Timber Coal and Marshfleld Office 14-J. General Agents "EASTSIDE." Leather Sofa Beds Luxurious t t of the home that cannot be COmtOrtable obtained by any other kind. It is truly 'luxurious and the and Durable uality is, such that k wiU last a lifetime. The convenience of a sofa bed cannot be over estimated. During the day it is always a handsome piece of furniture that may be in constant use; at night a few minutes work converts it into a full size Bed of Exceptional Comfort You often need an extra bed for the guest. Why not buy it now? See this beautiful piece of furniture now on display at this store. GOING a MARSHflELD N0RTH BEND AUTO LINE Ono way, 1! Kouud trip, (2'h 20-i'ido coiinniiintion liook.s, $2.00. Cars leave every 20 minutes from 7 a. m. to 7 ). in., after 7 p. in., everv hall' hour. Leave from Chandler Hotel. ClORST & KINO, Props. Singer Sewing Machines Wo liavo them for ront or for Bale. Machines Repaired. Supplies and Needles for Sale. Y. J. IlITZ, till I'mk Are. Marshflcld. l'liono HO.X. For GOOD SHOES and Good Hopatrlng at Right Prices, go to AUGUST OLESEN SIS South liroadvvay. If j'ou have anything to soil, rent, trade, or wnnt help, try a Want Act. A11STHACT COMPANY all records of Cooa County to date, or nny other Information relating notice. Front St., Marshflelel. Phono 151J W. J. RUST, Manager HARVEY CO THE STOllE OF QUALITY AND LOW PJiTGKS. ihtmii Have You a Bank Connection? Wo feel sure that there aro quite a Rood many persons In this community who do not realize how urcat un advantage It Is to have business relations wltn a, food bank. Upon Buch persons wo wish to tirfjo the wisdom of Kottlntf acquainted with tho ofilcers of this rolinblo financial Institution. As a depositor horo, you will bo In a position to got a Great deal of valuablo advice and otheir assistance In your financial aud business affairs In addition to the use of the customary banking facilities. It will pay you In a great many wnjs to becomo n rogular bank depositor and customer. l First National Bank Of Coos Bay FLANAGAN & Capital and Surplus $100,000 Oldest Bank Interest Paid Taxes can be i ' C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. "l RETAIL LUMBER, I.ATH, SHINGLES, MOULDINGS, BASH AND DOORS, HOOFING PAPER, ETC. CUT THE FUEL HILL IN TWO rnoNE io. t x Times Want Ads. Bring Results Leather furniture lends an air of elegance to the furnishings BENNETT BANK in Coos County. on Time deposits. Paid at this Bank. DEPARTSIHNT TIY UBING OUR WOOD. 18a fl0imi uhoadway Coos Bay College llooKKeepliiK, ,i.i11)(, ,, ninnshlp, Spullli, '..'"; Law lluslness Jg sj'"1 """ '"i ij,Art! Positions wiiltln, r. Rtn(ltl1,M We Are Now Giving Away Homer Laughlln Hiiim Ituu, you to Investigate a Mr" prieeB and .,r , 1(! bui,Br Coos Bay Tea, Coffee & SpiceHouse ISA Mnrket Ave. phono 39.j, TEi Star Transfer and Storage Co. U prepared to do all kinds of haulln on short notice. W moot all tula' nu boata and wo also liavo the Utu uylo Roynolds Plnno Mover, ffi iuarnnteo our work, L. H. Heisner, P, I'nnnps N-it. i2n-j PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORF DKX.IAMIX OKI'MXI), - CoiisuKIiik Lnglnctr nnd Aiclillecl, Phono KKI-L Murolifltld, Oif. J.M. WltlflllT, COXTlLU'lOlt AM) ItUlMILIt Estlinatejs furnished on request. Plans nnd specifications furnliheJ If desired. An honest Job guaran teed. Phone 124-K ""VLIVIA KDMAX, - Alccluino-Thcmpltt Scientific Swedish Massage, Medic Gymnastics O'Coiinell ApiiitnicnlH l'lionc M JOKL OSTLIXI), Plnno Tuner and Ilcilrtr. tlb S. Sixth Street. Phone 10J-L pKUL ItlLLV HALM.N(li:it Plnulst nnd Teacher Resldenco-Studlo, 237 So. Broadwi; Phono 18-L. W M. 8. TUHPLN, AIICIIITKUT Mnrshflold, Oregon. DIt. XV. MOUUOW, Dentist. 171 Orlnies Ilulldlng, over Onid Theater. Oillco Plume 320. W. . CIIANDLLIt, Architect. Rooms 801 And 1102, Coke I)ul!dli Mnrsliflcld, Oregon. Dit, a. J. HHxrmvs Modern Dental Parlon. Wo aro oqulppod to do high elm work on short notice at the xerj lowest prices. Lxnmlnatlon free. Lady attondnnt. Coke Dldg, 0. Chnndlnr Hnol, phone Ut-J. WIIKN YOU WAXf A MISSEV GKIt HOY Something aeit rw or delivered ! II O X i: 12M' and wo'll do It. Charges reason- aoio. CIIAS ORAVnV. DAIRY AXI) HIOCK PAItV-S. If you wnnt n gexxl I,'r " HtiK-k fnrni mi. 1WW Phono ini, MnrnlirifW. I"r"! Hoinehcekei Ho can slio I" miiiio of tho best In tho for hnlo. FAMILY DIXNLHS In our now locntlon, we are es pecially prepared to cater to WJ trade. Regular meals or snori 'ra, , ..,, Open dny and I'lB1"' MKRCHAXT'S CAI'K. , ...... ,. .nrrl.ll Mli imtiiiiii ill' iiiiii itaain ltmTlJ ...... -- - .... . Parker & Leaton Real Kstnte, Rental; nl'J"5aX IXHkhart ItullilluK. 0w Hub ii Ine Store, Mai-bflem. 0 Twin City Laundrj; GOOD WORK I'1" " Not In any Combine. . 8 hours wk "LL Our Agents c )ll,,e' l'liono "'" j- TWO NEW OAIWne 260.l Af,cr JAJiw. Pbon. fia -..i nrirrn : - The Sign of Good Candy Always JMBL WW