THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 27, 1913. EVENING EDITION. 1. 1.. I. Ill MlllllllV. w In price i"K ' Electric Irons . i.itn n fMV sccond-linnd Jduo.klnS condition Vcff Irons .l..'.0 m. fnns Bay Wiring Co. rt0ne 237-J ' "road way SSSm t Klcclrlc Cut itl'co - '.,. of glass- ' nlsc ' sotlio - tn0 TC; taloV l''T flxturoH, ffliTlSb' Kvryll,I..B Jt electrical bupi Barnard & langworthy -77. til IVII U'lVIIOM' j a Goodwill ""' vv K- Sawyer. ii,if Ait '""I N '"'' (JlnsMi 5,lr- H.r, I'll-iimtlr !,'i', . ,ll orders anil '"' orders given wompt nttcnu. - KmlinnlM fur nlshcd. Phono 70-L. U So' Uruaibvn Mnralifluld. ion Storage Company W. A Heard. Mgr. rjpert Packers. CiirpulH Cleaned Furnlturo Parsed. Shipped, Stained ami ltepnlrod. Hi Front St. I'lionp 19C. Uvt orders nt olug fc Harvey Fisher Auto Service Win. I'lshcr, Proprietor. Phono orders to Ilillyer's Cigar Stud, Phone IS J After 11 p. ru. jIom W. Nlli'it I'1'0110 1 Si-It. Murshflt'ld. Oregon. Save That Bundle for Me A iquaro ileal and a clean uhlrt. lion s.itTi:it, Twin City Laundry none 20.1-J I'll dill. Pictures & Framing Walker Studio YouCan Git West MarshffelcJ Lots For $350.00 12 minutes milk from post ofllcc -IiMii.100 ft. of ih selling for 11,000.00 We luuc hut two left. I. S. Kaufman (Hh Co. FOR QUICK WORK, FOR PROMPT WORK, ' FOR GOOD WORK, Telephone the old reliable ffos Bay Steam Laundry "tdiways deliver the goods. g 57-J Marshfleld W Auto Service Z !M""' ' Drivers and Ml .- cusrgeB. our motto: hM-lV"'00 "t any time." P anywhere at any time." OiirRM.. ll0,1 ttnd Blanco Btn6f6.yPh0neB-78n(146 S2 GOOIiAMC. proprietors J'Mmowx . II. HORGINS ""uihjw.N Marshfi ield Paint Decon rating Co. Estimate mulshed. Mmshfleld. Ore. ChT.. "... Elegantly 'l Water IIot and HOt'pt. In V. ' v- w u a Cot nK...i "' nna npwarus -sJudway nnd Market Sfcltobtaium 'Elts.;,1 )1 ,,S' GLEANERS, Fine Tnii , " blrals PfeBuck Button Shoes tlillilri'ii. M uld.T Unthor Blltton That! ' "a MlBSe3'. I FirsrPiTr4 ,'-' . "" vass Weaving , Promptly ,iono at Q Unci's &, r,-.t r .,' and vnni.-. r.... jjj "uu oireei. North Band, Or. EANDON BY THE SEA Do not miss seeing the busiest town on tho coast, from Portlnnd to San Francisco; the town that doubled Its popu Intlon In three yeara of conservative growth. BANDON BY THE SEA Hensonublbo prices In hualncss mind rcsldeuco lots, forming and ranch lands within the reach of all. OoraM MacKintosh REAL ESTATE mid FAST AND Steamer Re don do Equipped with wireless and submarine bell SAILS FROM SAN FRANCISCO for MARSHFIELD MARCH 25, AT 3:00 P. M. All Passenger Reservations AVoni Son Francisco Mast no Mado t 805 1'ifo Building, or Lombard street Pier -7. All reservations in U8 1 bo taken up 21 Lours before willing. INTER-OCEAN TRANSPORTATION CO. PHONE 44. C. F. McGEORGE. Agent. THE NEW Steamer CAPT. I1UHTI.3, Mnstcr. Sails for San Francisco from Coos Bay About Sunday March 30. THE SPEEDWELL Is speedy and has excellent passenger accom modiitioiiH, Inrgu clean and airy rooms and electric lights and uirclcaH. For freight and passage, apply, A. F. I'Xabrook Co. Title- Uunrantco and Abstract Co., (Ilit-U17 Santa Murlnn llldg., Han Frnuclhco. Man-liftold. S. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS SAILS FROM MARSHFIELD FOR PORTLAND MONDAY, MARCH 24, AT 12 NOON ROUND TRIP, $18.50 CONNECTING WITH THE NORTH HANK ROAD AT PORTLAND NORTH PACIFIO PTEAMSUIP COMPANY. Phono 41 O. F. McGEOHGE, Agent. EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS SLea15Ls! Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME. SAILINGS FROM PORTLAND, Tuesday evening of each week at H P. SI. SAILING FROM MARSHFIELD, Saturdays, March lBth, 12:!I0 p. in.; March 22, O . in.; March 2t, 2 ii. in. Phono Main 85-L. J. O. MILLER, Afiont. Steamer Washington Sails for San francisco from Coos Bay, With Freight, only, V. S. DOW, Ageat. Two Lots at Bunker Hill on corner of county road. Centrally located. Only ?6G0. AUG. FRIZEEN at now location 1BO Front Str. Maraliflcld FOR A GOOD WAT' II OR FINE JEWELRY E. C. BARKER JEWELER Fine WatcTi and Jewelry Repairing. 200 Front St.. Marshfleld. Be Up To Date Order your Suit from Tpvrr The Tailor and lJLJU Dress Expert 278 Front St. Upstah-a. WE WILL MAIL YOU 1 for each set of old False Teet sent us. Highest prices paid for old Gold, Silver, old Watches, broken Jewelry and Prcloa Stones. Money Sent by Return llall. Plilla. Smelting & Refining C: Established 20 Yeara. 803 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, P. TO DENTISTS. We will buy your Oold Filling). Gold Scrap, and Platinum. Ulgu at prices paid. Have That Roof Fixed NOW Bee COBTEELL PHONV S191. INSURANCE. COMMODIOUS SPEEDWELL Occam Dock. Marshfield-Bunker Hill AHTf) LINE . FARE 23c. SCHEDULE. Leaven Marshfleld C:30 a. m. 12.45 p. m. 7:45 J:46 8:45 2:30 9:45 3:30 10:45 4.30 11:30 5:30 C:10 G:50 7:30 Leaves Hunker Hill 7:15 a. ru. 3:00 p. in. 8:15 4:00 9:15 5:00 10:30 Flagstaff 6:00 11.15 C:35 12:00 7.10 1:15 p. ro. 7:45 2:00 Flagstaff Every 45 inluutes thereafter. Packages Delivered F. McDONALD, Proprietor. Typewriters We sell, rent, exchange and re pair, all makes, new and second hand. Ribbon Guaranteed. Carbon Paper Guaranteed. Call up TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE SUPPLY CO. Phone 44. Alliance Dock Have your Job printing done at Tka Times office, WAR E OF BUTTERFLIES Pastor Hits GIkkIIiir Girls, ClKurette SmukiiiK Men and Claudes, tine MnriinijcH. COLU.MHUS, Ohio, March 27. Giggling girls, clgarotte-Btiioklng young men and clandestine mar riages woro denounced In no uncer tain terms by Rev. A. R. O'Connell, pastor of the Third Steeet Methodist church, In his sermon on "Court ship." Addressing himself to tho younit men, ho said: "Young man, you don't want a butterfly, hut a wife. After the dressmaker, tho hairdress er, the Jeweler and the master of cosmetic art have gotten through with a girl, (Jod only knows, young man, what your aro getting . More than one wull-incniilnc Hwnln linw in all sincerity contracted for good mat upon delivery lie found to bo decidedly not up to tho Baniple Young man don't want a giggling nononlty or a painted doll, who wants to ho 'Just a sweet little thlug' nnd tho height of whoso ombltlon 1b to look cute. You don't want a frivolous, gossiping gadabout or a bunch or artllldulltloB that leave you to wonder when the humbug ends and the ncttial woman begins." However, a warning, Just as un mistakable, was In storo for the young women. Row Mr. Conncll proceeded: "Young woman, you al so had better look before you leap. You havo a right to marry n good man, and don't you obligate yourself to anything short of your Just right. God help the woman who wakes up to the fact, wheu It Is too late, that Instead of a man she Is tied up to n spindle - legged, cigarette - smoking fool. Just as soon no you And out that tho young man with whom you are keeping company Is addicted to llouor, IB consorting with the kind of people that aro not (It for a de cent person to be associated with, or who Ib habitually out of a Job, you had better give him up. And do the samo thing with nn elllmlnato man, one of these things that smirks and simpers and glides, doing up his hair with curling tongs and wearing cor sets to Improve his shape, falling In love with any pretty face It sees and lit to 1111 hut oiio position, termed In Hoston n "hollormaker." Charac ter Is tho thing you want." SMALL COINS NET RIG profit to rxei.n sam Mint Service Cost Only $1,200,000 ami Earned $.1,052,000 In 1012. WASHINGTON. March 25.--The federal government made the enor mous profit of nearly in, 500,000 on the coinage of pennies and nickels, dimes nnd quarters mid halves dur ing tho llscal year 1912. George E. Roberts, director of the mint, niinounrcd thnt tho .'reasury earned a total of $5,052,00 i during tho year on an Investment of only $1,260,000 for tho operation or tho entlro mint service, or almost 500 per cont. Tho cost of tho nickel Is nn Index or tho government's profit on the coinage or minor coins. Out or one pound of a compounds, of nickel nnd copper costing about 23 cents, the govornmctn coins $4.55 worth of. 5-cent pieces. Tho seigniorage on subsidiary silver colim dining tho year was $3,5G8,i0u, whllo that on pennies nnd nickels was $1,819,000 MARSHFIELD DRUGGISTS DESERVES PRAISE The Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. deservo pralso from Marshfleld peo ple for Introducing here tho simple buckthorn bark and glycerine mix ture, known as Adlor-1-ka. This slmnle Gorman remedy first be camo famous by curing appendicitis nnd It hns now been discovered that A SINGLE DOSE relievos sour stomach, gas on tho stomach and constipation Instantly. It's quick action Is a big surprlso to people Goodrum's Garage homo of tho CADILLAC and FORD Auto Supplies for All Makes of Cars 317 Central Av. Phono 373-L New and Second Hand Furniture sold on the Installment plan. HARRINGTON, DOYLE & CO., 302 Front St. Phone 340-L Marshfleld, Or, R. J. MONTGOMERY Real Estate and Insurance 244 North Front Street. Parties Desiring Monuments Erected Would do well to caU at PACIFIC MONUMENTAL WORKS rgg! I RIDDY ON THE MARKET When visiting a large city poultry market oue Is reminded of the riddle, "Why does n lieu cross the road?" And the wine one answers, "To bo on tho other side." When n hen crosses tho road to the market she Is likely to he asked many Impertinent ques tions, upon the answers depend In what class sho travels. If she Is "simply on old hen" In New York, the chances are sho will be bid In and bought at 14 1-2 cents per pound If a light weight and 17 cents If carrying her maximum weight. If she Is only a "chicken," of course, sho comes higher nnd It makes a difference- of several cents on tho pound whether she Is "milk fed" or simply "corn-fed." Then again It makes a difference what road she camo across to get to good old Now York. Southern nnd western "birds" aro nut as popular as tho aristocrats from tho north and cast. Here again oinis or n fcatnor llock together. Tho man who operates tho egg route nnd gets tho eggs about tho country, buying them from tho far ners, Is sometimes looked upon by tho business men in the local town aB a benefit. They realize the farmer likes to pay cash for merchandise rather than trade In eggs. On the other hand, If tho peddler Is stocked with n wagon full of mcrchnudiso and trades at the farmer's door he does not receive a henrty reception In town, As long as merchants nrc ahlu to dlsiioso of their eggs on the "ease count" basis only by offering a few cents per dozen more In mer chandise, they could rotnln the great er part of their trado. Enforcement of tho "loss-off" system, however, Is working a slow but sure change In this practice. -f- 4 I FOWL PROIILEMS Tho answer to the first query Is Henrietta (Hcn-rye-Ettn.) It will be fun to find out the other answers. Can you do bo? 1 Add n hen to n common grain nnd n girl's namo, nnd find n queenly woman's name. 2 From thu center of a city In Greece and also In our own Georgia take n hen nnd leavo a tease. 3 Prefix tho beginning of the world to a hen and find a certain time. 4 A hen nnd a gruln, added, mnko n boy's name. 5 Add a hen and a kind of de struction nnd get a poisonous plant. 6 Add a hen nnd flve-sovenths of a rooster, mid get the poultry's sleep ing place. 7 Add a hen to hnlf a cent and get for nn answer "from this tlmo." 8 Annex n hen to a piano figure with 10 sides nnd get a figure of 11 sides. 9 Add four-fifths of a kind of red paint to n hen nnd mnko harsh or coarse. 10 Add four-fifths of cool or now to a hen and get to refresh. E. F. P. THE CARINET. Tho president's cnblnot now num bers ten olllclnls, doublo tho slzo of the consulting body that was presid ed over by Gcorgo Washington In 1789, when thero were n secretary of state, secretary of tho treasury, sec retary of war, postmnstor general and attorney geuoral, says nn ex change. In 1801 tho secretary of tho navy was created, followed by n sccrotnry of tho interior in 1849, when the pub lic lauds of the nation, tho Indians, nnd other matters had created very Important buslnesa. No further elinnge wns mndo In the slzo or tho cabinet until 1889, when tho agricultural department was raised to a rank which entitled Its head to a place In the president's council. In 1903 tho secretary or commerce nnd labor took bis scat at tho cabinet table, and tho original limit of five memberH had been wid ened to nlno. Now tho tenth cnblnet officer hns been created by tho division of the department of commorco nnd labor There Ib now a secretary of lnbor, the older offlco being continued as tho department or commorco. President Wilson started his term with Just twice as many cabinet offi cers as President Washington liau for a country which contained less than 4 per cent of Its present popu lation nnd spont less than 1 per cent ns much money. NOTICE. To all Royal Solect Masters, resi dent and visiting. A Council or Creptlu masonry will bo lnstltued in Masonic Hall at 7:30 p. in., March 29. All Invited. C. II. MARSH, It. and S. M. RAND DANCE at Eagles Hall, SATURDAY night, MARCH 20. Llbby COAL. Tno kind YOU bare ALWAYS USED. Phone 72, Pact'' Livery and Transfer Company. A .Message to Rallrond Men. E. S. Bacon. 11 Hast street, Bath, Mo., sends out this warning to railroaders overywlioro: "My work as conductor caused a chronic In flammation of tho kidneys nnd I was miserable nnd all played out. From the day I began taking Foley Kidney Pills I began to regain my strength, and I nm ueuer now man I havo beon for 20 years." Try them. Lcckhort & Parsons, The Busy Corner. South Broadway and make selec tion from tho largo stock now on hand. Mr. Wilson has in his employ the only practical marhle and granite cutter in Coos County. And nono but the best work is turned out. HUTS OFF TO y Decoying ltlrd, With Mirror tho iMHt Word, SAN JOSH, March 21.- Hal Mac Cormnek, well known In Salt Lako City as n holder of amateur bicycling records, Is probably ono of the most Ingenuous hunters In tho west. Mac Cormack unbosomed himself today for tho first tlmo In regard to his methods, and explains how ho has been nble to kill ducks on tho Bouth bay when other scullers nnd baited pond hunters havo come homo with empty bnge. "I hunt with a mirror," Hnl ex- Dlnlllnil. "UMinn r trot nut sir. ... bny nnd out of the slglit of the other fellows, I tnke tho mirror nnd tic It on the nose of my scull boat. It Is Just largo enough to cover tho front of the boat and It hasn't got n frame. Then I got down behind tho mirror and when I sight a bnnd of duckn It's easy work getting up close ou them, "All that tho ducks sec Is the re flection of themselves nnd an ex panse of water. The boat and my self are blotted absolutely out of sight. And say! Talk about easy! Why, tho birds aro decoyed almost up against the mirror by their own reflections. Then you know what happens." SOME PIONEER NEWS I (From the Coos Bay News, pub lished at Marshfleld, March 24, 1880. Slglln & Bennett publishers.) An exhibition nt the Academy next Friday night. Andrew Johnson wns married to Miss Victoria Summers, at Bandon. Born, In Mnrshfield, March 18th, 1880, to the wife of Cnpt. Chester, a son. Born, In Marshfleld, March 17th, 1880, to tho wlfo of Alfred Matson, a son. Died, at Charles Hlllborn's, March 22nd, 1880, Mrs. Sarah Dyer, aged 67 years. Mr. McLaughlin and bride gave a pleasant party last Saturday night at Coos City. A. II, Moore, of Coaledo, an old resident or Coos county, has gone to Cnlirornln, to regain IiIb health. Tho road from Coob City to Rose burg Is open so thnt tho mall Is car ried the entire distance oil horse back. Married, at tho Central Hotel, Marshfleld, Oregon, March 20th, 1880, by J. C. Bull, J. P., A. II. Daly and Miss Lucy Monroe. Married at the resldcnco of tho bride's pnrcnts on Coos river, March 20th. 1880, by Rev. C. C. Bailey, D. J. McLaughlin to Miss Amanda Mc Knlght. Tho citizens of Coqullle City, Irre spective of party, propose giving a froe danrc on tho night or tho 27th or March nt tho Odd Fellows Hall, All nro Invited to attend. Music by Clark Miller's string bnnd. The following named gentlemen nro floor managers: Fred Schroeder, Jim Monro, Amos Nosier and W. R. Wright. Tho strlko at Enstport has not yet been adjusted. Tho miners demand a dollar por ton, tho proprietors re fuse to glvo more than 87 1-2 cents, hence tho strlko. On tho 17th Inst, the minors of Newport to the number of about 25 went down to celebrate the day with the minors of Enstport, who were Idlo, taking supplies for their families and kegs of beer, and whllo thoy were having n "portty good tlmo" some of tho non-strikers, or black-legs, as they term them, applied some epithets more forcible than polite to tho strikers and got "licked." A number of arrests fol lowed. Mr. Lobreo received a telegram from Snn Francisco last week, stat ing that E. B. Doan & Co's. and Simpson's tugs could not be had to tow any vessel that might take deck loads of lumber nt Lobreo's mill. It appears that tho mills have entered Into a combination to keep lumber up and wages down, and Lobreo re fused to enter tho combination or union, hence ho must bo "busted." Tho tugs uro common carriers and If they refuso to tow any vessel thoy nro nblo to respond in damages. This bay needs an opposition tug. THE MAN WHO NEVER ADVER TISES. A MAN who nevor advertises said to the writer tho other day: "The people of this town know my storo well enough, and they know me. If tnoy wnnt to buy anything I havo they will como around and see me." It may be admitted that tho people who have lived here right along know of tho existence of this store, but what do thoy know about It.? The people all know about the cemetery, but they don't go there much except when bomo friend Is buried, People don't caro to bother much nowadays about stores unless they holiovo the owners thereof are en terprising men. Thoy want to deal with merch ants who seem wide awake enough to get good bargains and who have enough spirit of buttle to reach out for a large trado and thus reduce tho costs of rent, clerk hire, taxes and othor "overhead charges." The man who never sollcltB public pat ronago Impresses people as too pas sive to look after their interesta at tentively. PNEUMONIA FOLLOWS A fX)LD but never follows the use of Foley s Honey and Tar Compound. It stojis tho cough, heals tho soro and in flamed air passages and strength ens the lungs. The genuine Is In a yellow packago with beehive on car ton. Refuse substitutes. Lockhart & Parsons, The Busy Co( ner. 5