The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, March 24, 1913, EVENING EDITION, Image 3

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'the coos hit tub
MAitsnnixn, oukco.v, mono.m mohxixh, .maiicii '.m, iu
BETWEEN 100 AND afnl
Terrific loss of Life and Property
Omaha, Nebr. in Tornado Last
Night Many Towns in Iowa,
Nebraska, Kansas, Illinois
and Indiana Destroyed.
I Mr AMOilatH I'lt-n lo Cooi lloj Tlm.)
LINCOLN, Neh., .March HI. One
hundred lire dead mill twice us inmiy
more were Injured, Mime fatuity,
liy a death-denllnn tornado which
devastated OiiiiiIiii mill Its environs
early hot nlht.
I'miiii ill) to III Mocks or fie resi
lience section me snlil to have lieen
swept liy the' storm, liilllnn anil In
juring people liv hundreds anil lenv
ItiK hundreds of wrecked i-eshlenees
In the nt 1 1 of the storm.
A train which pulled Into Oma
ha at (I o'clock toot; n I ion id the
dead hodles mid many of the In
Jm ed.
The villages or llciismi, Dundee
and Florence, siihurhs of Omaha,
were wiped mil.
Itnlu after the tornado was all
that saved the wrerhap' and hodles
henealh it fivim being hiirned.
('overnor Mnrchend has ordered
several companies of militia to Oma
ha to prevent looting. The govern
or himself lert for Omaha In a spe
cial train nt once.
One railroad wire was left stni'd
In j.': mid this was not iivallahle for
press leporls and It Is therefore ini
l.ihslhle to give any details of the
eMii't situation, Iml the railroad
people admit the situation is very
..... ii..Lki.iiiriifh nrrlfinf
Hity lli hospitals me lull
i .i
U'.' ... fA YW
.uniiv iimna iu """
i. i minnlrf nnil IflKl ItS
U I lilt (! I ! I llltl'ui " ....
IV . i. iKJfl ifii
..iiiiiniiiu ri ii i i itiaB ui u
probably eviccil 200 M re
loHHim totalling niinioni.
OMAHA, (via lung ulitiW'
.. n.,ini-i- uina '
Otimhu iiml vicinity ti m
. .n.ii I...I stnrmlllc'
l'll IIIHIIHll " ----
tenliiy. liotli f c'flonlVi
which 8Hwl iii'siu ""
Ill llieir mint". . 1V
Fires which broke out l
the Wieckoil """"VS '"r,,,,
ndlo riKitres place UV
dead liotwceu 100 and !"
lenH tlmn i ' iJ"'ru'
. ... . ..! i, mil HIT,
- hIMeen are "",,. w.
1100 llijiimi. '"", ,, ffllllloB 1
Ini'H nro i iu a" "1 .rffrfi!
Hwopt over tins vw " A m
Th tleotli. "6t may
.1... inwPVrl llr !' "
ini '- '