Jffl VOL XXXVI. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, MARCH 24, 1913. No. 212j i'i Wimm 'if TEA! II BE KILLED II fTwmjrvnr-ffwawijjuiuu tjnnvuuneirerincuv"rraci;iAr I TRA! FIFTY 1 lTei; md iemi term h L! ! Large Section of Residence Section vasted and Many Nearby Towns 1 1 n a I r i Aitected Lightning Starts iLUIllL! Many Fires But Heavy J Ram Extinguishes Terrific loss of Life and Property inj Them. ?ra n m e 10 i,ooo injured 11 m Omaha, Nebr. in Tornado Last Night Many Towns in Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas, Illinois and Indiana Destroyed. I Mr A o Ulisl PitM to Conn IK; Tlmra. LINCOLN, Nch., Mm ill M One liiiiuhril arc ilrml mill twin ns iiiniiy iiiuii' were injiii'ril, some fiitnlly, hy 11 (lentli-denlliif; lorunilo which devastated Oinnlm mill Its environs early Inst nllit. I'roni :i() to 10 hlncl.s of ttn rc.sl ilciieo section mi' Mild to have heon swept hy (ho Ktoini, killing mill In .luring pi'iple liy hundreds mill leav ing hundreds of wrecked residences In (he path nf tin Moim. A I nil ii which pulled Into Oma ha nl fl o'clock took ulioard the dead hodles and many of the In luted. The i Hinges of llciisnn, Dundee mill I'lineiice, suhiirhs of Omaha, xi ei wljied mil. liiilu i-.fter the toinado was all th.it s!'oil the wreckiiKe and hollies licneath It li-nn helnu liui-ncil, (.'nvi-iunr Mnrchcnil Ims orilereil 'win! enmpiinles of nillllU, to Onm '.a to pi event hintliiK. The govern- i' himself left for Omaha In n spe i Inl train ut once. One ritllioinl wire was left (aud io. ' tuiil this v !' not iivniliilile for piisn leports n nd it Is therefore I f li ft 'sllile (n jrivr any detnlls of the i'Mi' t situation, hut the railroad penjle admit the sit iiallim Is very .tine. I'rtsM'iwrh nt'ilving here v the iih'(hN mo full of In Juiod. Many towns In Iowa. N'ohraska. I ml In 'mi. (lllnolH and Iowa wore hit hy oe'niioK and tilO loH of llfo will m nimbly eeed 200 with proporry luHfees to'allInK millions. OMAHA, (vlu long distance tola duino to Denver.) March SI. Omaha 11 ml trinity wub swept by two distinct wind Htoruis mto yiw ii rilny, both of cyclonic lutonslti. v Iilclt spread dent'.i aim destruction In tilr wakes. blocks wide, nml lay Just north of thu hiiHlnoHrt district nml Included two of (lie fUHliiniiahle roHliluneu" suc tions known iih t Knrimiii nml lloinlH I'lirli. I'raetlcallv all tho lllr Awe Inlcsl I'm) lo ro llay Tlmm ) TlJItltlO IIAUTK. Iml., .March SI. - With a known doalli lint or six teen, reportH brought hy mesHonxcrH on horseback froni thu Month pint of VIko county Indicate uoariv today (lint tho toll of the tornado which Htruck here yostorday would ho In criMiHwl to llfly. If tuny bo'sovoral daH Imforo thu exact number of (load will lie known iih uiHiiy tin) believed lo ho Inn led In thu ruins of their Iioiiidh. Tho prop erly loss will uxcuuil half u million. In addition to doHtioyliiK iihont WILSON TIAIIIUS MlllKll President Whis Sini.il'ij ti Diilihnaii of Oiiuha. (Ilf A. .. u r l( .JIiC. u,;zt WASHINGTON, ilrt"i!l- blent Ui' on t'",-'iar' j yj. c. Diiliiniiiii of Oma 3 u I "I ma ilccplj ill,trc' J tttSt leeched from Ai'jra a ft help any way?" '.All I. ...... .a I.. 1... ...... ftl ...I ..t I.mIMI...,m I.. .1.1. .Ho.. I.. .... """ " " " ''" ""iml lioiuiill Ol ; ", ". " """ ,,v .V "'"'"-1 Torro, llauto. I'ntlrluUm. n Hinall ...n . r. .'"n""i ". "' ,,0H,)wn Hlx mlliw hoiiIIi of Iihio was l-ol I'm,.." ?.'. tl'!",y "T"," " lwtryil nml lnturuiilnK territory wore Killed In the coIIhpmc or tlo I iluVHMtttled Diamond thenter. a moving picture j Tho ,nJ;iml w, ,,,,..,. n0 ut in.iua,.., f,.... .,., i .if. . lonnf. many of whom are In u Hor- .o.kmii i n " nrtyt.HKroei.,,,,,. ,.0,iiuo.i. Tho hoHpltalH are all h,'! '' l"0 Wr,'ek "f " ,01 nilwl to thelV capacity, nun iiumiij. ,, ',,.ii,,u I...II....U.. i'i,i,..i ...i Htorn, e, ... n'c.,ltim,l,i i.of tI,W ' KlIl HtrmilH. OVBPJ- l.OUHO wa lov "'VrAM".r' ,.L?',,.".rtl' (,',f ,n,,y- I'l'lHncufl nml autoH which woru nui in ...v u ,-, I i .ii" ii '". m vrimml Itno wirvlre rtmolmil tho .le- , " . ,r; ' ' "' ' ' " ' '"? vimlHleil dUlrlet. tho Injurwl had , IS' "f"'!!''1111 " ,"ll I wo hlockH hocnurn. Weio pnictlcally liupitHWihle fur llrelr ., -loi,,-!- w,i,.li hlneltuu tlio npparntim nml the Mioh hui-n.il Hi.im. .'.... .." ,,t",," wl"1" "lotlml ,l10 IK'DIM. hoIvch out. exiopt lii limtaiiceH whre the fiHiiii'K wore hrouhht nmlor eon ,mt.? sziisn "- - '"'" tho MiBHoiirl river at hIidiii (120.1 doliiK ionMlderhle danmue nt Conn-i (ii miirr. rim known dmul In (" uincll Itliiffs Ih nine ami n Hcoro were Injured, a heavy rain atorni mveil a lurun portion of tho city from liiiinlnit, (iienehliiR (lien which could not he put out hy tho de pa it men t or hucknt InlRndcu. The police wro iiiuiIiIh to prop eilv protect tho H.tilckou illntrlct and hoIiIImw from I'oit Omaha wbiv called out. The town In prui'tlcnlly under martial law. Thu village or lleuwiii, Diniiloo ami I'loroiice. hiiIiiii'Iik of Omalia. wbio practically wlpod out, it g 8uld. Only tho ract that a honvy rain rH saved ihe iiiana or wrnckago ami many lioillea from Iiiiriilnic. The Welmtor ireet teleplionn uta- iiou wi uii cniitulned a wore of i:mtsiv TowxiiiT Two Kumtii linn) nt Vtitanu' Mnv Itcnrli 1.1. Iiir ami uirf rr.iiicibir YIJTAN. Neb.. Manh SI- are known to ho iload cdl: lli.i'u.l llinl III, ilnnlh I'll t!M 1 5 Iiero. Tho Htorni liroko ul'i t !l ilnnnewi th.it rc-ldcnia cr" piiroil to Heck bIioUit acl u'l collarH. A relief train .'ji clamt arrived from l.l-c'at turuuil with some ot I 'I ii It Ih rumored tliat 1' ' lane rift inllcfl noiithcIO'a'l a. ho wiped oil" KID CltDMS ,IH. III. A. ,. I... 1 I - 1)1 I ''1 ur tunivirmv. M?r " 'A .......... ...I I I...I....1 ........... I ...iw... .. . - v niimni nun nun iisiiiiiiiih nmiiuii , m p llvt 1 IIP ill" llrun tliroimliout tho dolnia hut tlioyi ..,.,..,...,, vntioiial IUJCciI iv iniH teiiumnnci u homl or Nclirnska tcnJir! J i vice of the nod Crj' Ilyckucll nNo wlrcU c " where the Ftii'in rec rj !.,., ,,r I if., fcmterln't ' 21 .... ..i.......i i.i sond r( ' lie iiiiiiiiii i -" . to Oma' a with nurses J i iih noon aH pi' sih c STOItM LOSS IIIIAVV lll)f AMM.r!ll.l I'lKM lo I'HM llr Tliflo 1 CIIICAOO. .Mnrch 21. It Ih (inti mated that the iImiiihki' to tho wlroH from tho Htorin will iiKKroKnto $-'.-0(10,000. tho hcalBht loiM loleKraph ami telophono coiupnnloH hao Hiif fcred In MtorniH In thu hint live yoara. (.'AI.KSIU'lKi IS HIT. Seicrnl r.ulhlliiKs Deuioralieil Hut No One. Injured. Illr a iiikI l'rt id '. llr'Tlrai I I'l'JOKIA. III.. Mnrch 21 A tor nado utruck (ialnehurK, lllliiolx. to duy. Sovoral ilwolllngn wore do uiollRhcd, hut no one wn Injtiro.l. Oil II SSI'S M i Illy A- 1 OMAIIV Morelinul I it s(f '' Ma rib' .. Major W ' . I'lrm which hroka out In many of kIi-Ik wu Htruck and In n innnmni ihe v.re. koil liiil.dliit'K added to the twlntoil down. Several ulrl wore 'uii'rx. At s a. in., tno het avail- killed and many IiiJuioU iim- ik'uie plan- the iiuiiilior of (iovernor Morehoad Iuih nrrlvod i' d iwoun 10 ami 200. with not on a Hpeclal train. K-a t.'im 1 Injurel. . At HtilBtou ten or moru porsoiiH ' I lis w Hlwll'r... lofo ItoyTlml n) (jun,j '"" Bu"" , OMMIA. Manh 2 I Tho drat and The worm damauo was dono and iiiudple Htorni struck KnlHton, tho heaviest toll or llvoa occurred t roe iilcn Houth or Omaha, Bhortly in tho entern pnrt or Omaha leroie 0 h.Ht ovonliiK and inovod n the vicinity of Twonty-rourth t i a northOMtorly dlroctlon throiiKh and Lake Htreeta and ironi thoro e main portion of tho city, lonv- iiorthenHt to Slxteunth and Hlnnov in : lu Mi wako duath and dofitruc- itrunti U looliluiiro district and ii n. Tho uttirin'u path was olght th8 dttHtnictloii thoru whb trenum- nlle8 Ionic and from four to six iIouh. Whole hlocka of homos Vq"o picked up and ilasliod Into a shapu lean mass. St root' cars woro hurled rrom tho tracks ami demollshod. Hoinla Park, ono of tho host resl- moru porsona donco dlstrlcta In Omaha, was razod ami tlroH completed tho dostructloii. A KiiniKo at Fortloth and l-'nr-uum Htruuts wnn dnstroyoil and a Inrno strip of tonitory oast of that cornor was Furiously damnKod. Tho Illinois Contrnl lirldtfo ovor tho Missouri rlvor was doatroyod. Only u fow nniiioB or tho known dead and Injured aro nvnllahlo. lire roninilHsloiicr W', noon uninj "" " .... killed In ?"'"',',, 'I no list or Injured M roach seven liunun-u. aro inUslni.' . . Vnmir I)il 1 IHBII lSl" 3 lowing l,ro'la,nm'0omaM To tae I'ojile ol,OB:,. "A greot i '""'-, i """' ... . Tl The ' of J"? .it. linn.'l lleStrOJ'Cll with tho ossNauco Ilnrtman of jort 0 troops. ',n' '" ropert.' 0U1I1K l"" "'"" MIMBHIHHIflNMMHMMiMMMPMMMMffBIMiWVHW"? .aa. .. ... "wmwaamiwwmjimirm T'.Mmtiuammr mm . i vu.fci' tmm-'- . .1 . ' fl irranriniBirTwr ff imtbttt ztjr9A:, rmji'.iNiBHBHaMBKUBHi)aueiisiuam)Hvr ffiX$ -fujmlHinKERiKiiWtBMrwHnHHHkHHHIIK