The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, March 22, 1913, EVENING EDITION, Page 5, Image 5

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yE P G E WOOD jfjfiSjt
II issWV ( n nulow la given Iho tlmo nnd
mittgZS3ZE2j.J Ir f W S ho,Bllt of h,sli and low water nt
PhHTi i mrnmilff kj) 11, iyj lg ) MarBhflcld.
(ill .42.;; p-To Tll tIJcB aro Placed In the order
'KM! HeW KH 1 of occurrence, with tholr times on
mm sIfl lho nrst "no nnd heights on tho
'Ifert' I OH 11 SCCnnd lltlO Of onr.h ilnv! n rntnnnr.
. x3 II
& 'SS1 amid 1
J J ifrjssvu I m -ziirs.. 2 32 8,22 2.IC
I jtonwsrai) ll "Ir H m... ;.i 0.3 0.2
vy---lMtLSig Rv llfRfS 23 Mrs.. 3.0S 0.07 3.33
ScwiZZtfk JUL.(sLilllM& 1 'p... fl-u 0.0 0.0
KrSMP' il - - 2MirB.. n.-is y.r,3 4.21
WCU ' V "" i'l... 0.2 i.7 0.7
m , l I 2G lira.. 1.22 10.10 5.09 10.31
i 0 ' 1 Ft--- C-C 0.2 b.3 1.4
.-'1 9
j Perfect JSaJiseirs I
I Fuel Savere I
1 Absolutely Goaramiteed
Above Pattern $38.00 and other patterns to suit
your purse and purpose.
' . . .1.1 1 l-i. I VTM t
Ask your neignDor anu iui us bmuw 1 jj.
The Best
Values in
,e Stove
jXrlS' SNt f
Ask Us Everything Ym
Cam Think of
About the following investments, We
want you to investigate them; you will want
to buy one or more of them, if you're "In
the maikoti" ,
An attractive home in splendid loca
tion, $600 cash, balance In easy
monthly payments... $ 2,700
A central business lot, 50x100 7,750
A central business corner, 50x100.. 11,000
Another 10,000
Two splenriii siphlly, level lots in
South Marshfield, each 1 ,000
Lots in West Marshfield, near Com
mercial and 14th, each 350
I. . Kaoffinniaini s Co.
fe Aire Agents for
ie Fammoms
Arch Family
'Feinmedlv iFrw jsiTSlmmfRinifl!
Sold mnder a guarantee
Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co.
MAIN 298
h ,l'"'ersltJA'v P n Tolling of tho Freslimnn class rush nt
IIbb l .' 'ew Vork. tlin ovulation ,t nni) .mill lim-rolu nf
r?W In tliVu..,k '"""'"r and tho review of tho American bat-
ki ut0(llTn . ". niul ot,le' vorld-wldo events.
&'l'S Cofec.,,,,ni,,,K Western Ilmiiui.
NlW, ..V"ll"SIIPll ,v..Pi1.ln Sltl.
CS n,f "?'!!!? .co,iy-
oearts , ".'" '"' afternoon and evening. Admission, ioc, Never more.
was brought hero by President Green
of tho .Marshfield Chiunhor ot Com
morco for the purpose of having the
company hack homo building opera
tions hero to secure new houses for
tho Influx of strnngors.
Moe Today. Secretary Motlev Is
today moving tho offices of the
.Marshfield Clinnibor of Commerce to
tho second floor of tfie Tlrst Na
tional Hank IlulldluK.
Iluys Hm.ji Tho Myrtle Point
Enterprise reports that IJr. Ceo. M.
Dlx of Mnrslilleld is Interested with
Hen McMullen In the purchase of the
line Police ranch nenr Ilrldgo.
Clilniiiuii Loses. a telegrnni from j
Holso says Hint Slim Hnsnti. tlin linn.
Ison on consocutlvo liclRhts will ver '"" Chinaman, wns badly henten
Indlcnto whether It Is high or low!'11 n ,011 round go there by Jockey1
ttntor. For high wntor on tho bar, j Vomielt of Sa Prnnclsco Inst Mon-.
aiibHtrnct a hours 34 mlnutoa. lny-
S.39I u,,, ai .miii a worunian nt tno
-0.1 j c- A- Smith mill Hiifforod n severe
9.18, '"jury into yeutordny whllo working
0,j near tho electric crane. Ills foro-l
ft. 55 ' ll0.atl wns cut open, reulrlng sovornl!
Biuciius to close tho wound.
Ituys Cornel Oeo. II. Myers, who
recently moved hero from his South
Coos ltlvor rnncli nnd built n flno
homo on Klrod near Tenth, has pur
chased the southwest corner of Ninth
and Central from 13. L. llopson for
about $4, 1200. Tho property Is 50x
110 and will mnko an excellent bUo
for a fine apartment limine, wlitnli
I Mr. Myers expects to erect on It In
mo near luiure. uentioy and Jones
mndo the deal. Mr. HopBon bought
tho property for about $2,000 a llttlo
ovor a year ago.
Delays Trli Dr. J. T. McCornmc,
who wns expected hero shortly for
a stay with relatives nnd to look
after business IntnrontR. linn rlnlnvml
' his visit until Intor In April. Cnp
' tain T. L. Morse of Morgan Clty.I.a.,
Mrs. .McCormac's undo, will arrive
( In Uerkoloy thlu weok for a visit and
tho doctor has dolnycd his Coos Day
trip In ordor to see Cnptaln Morse
during his stay on tho const. Cap
I tain Morso Is well known to ninny
peopio on uoos uny as he has visited
hero nt different times.
licaves Today Archdeacon II. D.
of Mr, and Mis. J 13 Lyons, who
foimorly lived In Marshfield nnd
North Hend, .Mr Lyons having con
ducted tho Cooa Day Stenm Laun
dry here. Tho family Is now con
ducting n laundry at Montcsnno. It
noems tlmt Charles 13. Clark, ono of
tho proprietors of a rival laundry
theie, made some slurring remarks
about Mrs. Lyons, Don's mother, and
, the latter, although only 17 years
' old, jumped onto tho man and gave
him n sovoro thrashing. Clark had
Don arrested but when Judge lien
Sheeks heard tho story, he dismissed
the charge against Don.
' HAND DAXCI3 nt Eagles Hall,
LOST ladles' gold bar jilu. He
ward for return to Times olllco.
Ily Assoclntod Press
OIU30ON Occasional rain or
snow tonight nnd Sunday.
Northerly winds.
I'Ot'XD Three houve keyx. Own
er may Bccure snine nt Times of
fice by paying for this notice.
KOU HE.NT Light housekeeping
rooms, i;is North ::rd street.
For tho 21 hours ending nt
1:43 n. ni Murch 22, by llenj.
Ostllnd, special govornmont me
Icorologlcnl observer:
Maximum 4 0
Minimum 30
At 4:43 a. m 40
Precipitation 80
Precipitation sluco Sept. 1,
1012 40.18
Precipitation same period
previous year 40.73
Wind: Southeast; Haiti.
.Motorcycle Arrives Tho Dnyton
WANTED To buy small cash regis
ter, second hand or now. Call at
Illauco hotel or bar.
l-'Olt SALE Settings of white and
Huff Orpingtons, $1.50 per 13.
.Mrs. M. Justrom, South Coos Hlv-er.
LOST lllnrk Jlorocco wnllet con
taining prlvnto papers. Howard
for return to Times olllco.
Mnrshfleld resldouco property.
Will trndo on good ranch nnd
stock near school. C. N euro
tho Times.
r '"" id , ? ' i "renkwn- Chambers, who haH been visiting nt
tlw MnM th0 Kll"l church rectory for
tho Marshfield Ccler. several weeks nnd holding Lenten
Is !iiirolng Mrs. C. W. Mont- services, loft for Gardiner this
gomcry, who Iihb been Miilto III of morning, nnd whllo there will con
pnoumonln nt her home In West duct sorvlces In tho Episcopal church
Murshllold, is Improving. on Easter day, giving In nddltlon
Huys Auto Wnron Painter of "Ib llliiHtrntod lecturo on tho church
North Hend has placed nn ordor with " Oregon. Every ono spoko In
I. II. Tower for n "25" Studebnkcr blKhest terms of tho addresses
touring car to bo delivered In tho which tho Archdeacon delivered and
nonr future, nro hoping for his return to tho
To llulld Mouses H. 13. Abbott of Hay ut some futuro time,
tho Northwestern First Mortgngo Don loons Defender Tho World
Trust compnny, of Portland nrrlvod of Aberdeen, Wash., prints n story
hero today to spend a week on tho from Montcsnno which will bo of
Hay looking this section ovor with consldernblo Interest to Coos llnyltcs
a view of Investing heavily hero. He uh It Involves Don l.yoiiB, tho son
Dayton Bicycles
Coos King and Coos Queen
(Registry npplled for) i,
That word should bring a flood of recollections to some of
you groy-hnlred boys.
When wc move Into our own buildings in April, wc
will launch our trade mark
Coos King ani Coos Queen
Any article which carries this mark is guaranteed to
be goodnot by some mythical, indefinite person
thousands of miles awaybut by your townsman, the
proprietor of the Marshfield Cyclery.
The Marshfield Cyclery guarantee is already a known
quantity. We propose to keep it so.
We fully realize that the future success of our business
depends, wholly, solely and alone on the quality of the
service we give to our customers.
We shall endeavor to make COOS KING and COOS
QUEEN mean quality in every article so labeled.
Mr. Dort Peterson of Gardinor Is welcome to my check for
$10,00 if he will call for it. Thank you, Mr. Peterson, for COOS
FOIl HALE Full Mom! Hliode Jh
laud Red Cockerllls and 15 hens.
Enqulro nt Lewis' Confectionery.
FOR RENT Large, well furnished
room with bath. Flvo minutes'
wnlk from business section. Ref
erences. Inquire 70S North Sec
ond street.
WANTED Voung lady wviulil like
position In prlvnto family to work
for hoard nnd room, nights nnd
mornings, or ns companion. F.
W., Cnro Times.
FOR KALE Household furniture,
upstnlrs, 215 South Hroadway.
FOR RENT Furnished rooms, mod
em conveniences. 230 Market nve.
FOR HALE Settings of Slcllllau
Huttorcups or Good Luck fowl $3
por 13; Plymouth Rocks, Rhodo Is
land Reds nnd Drown Leghorns $ 1
por 13. Mrs. 13. Don McCrary.
FOR SALE Horse weighing about
I 1Tn fimiiiila Qnltnlili. ftt wrvr
on Hinull farm. Coos Hay Ico
nnd Cold Storage Co. Phono 73.
WANTED Stenographer. . Inquire
I nt depot.
WANTED Girl for housework In
I small family. Phone 1 07-J.
FOR HALE Eggs for hatching,
White Leghorns, McFnrland strain,
Rhode Island RcdB, Elliott strain.
C. 13. Jordan, Enstsldo.
FOR RENT Small ranch; Mock
nud equipment for salo. Phono
C2i North Hend.
WANTED Ono e)crlencl chain,
bornmld. Phones 2CQ-L or 324-R.
FOR SALE Rhode Island Red
eggs. C. M. Connor, Phone 320.
FOR RENT 2 furnished rooms, 910
and $G por month.. Nice location.
Address 13, Times olllco.
l'OR 8AL13 Ono Inunclf 20 feet; 8
II. P. Enqulro M. G. Coleman,
North Hend.
TOM HALL lett this afternoon for
Coqulllo on business.
MATT MATTSON of Catching Inlet
Is In town on business.
MISS MAHLE MILLS of Siimnor is
In Mnrshfleld for tho day.
CLAUDE HURT ot Hnndon Is spend
ing n few dayH In Mnrshfleld.
NINIAN WEI1STI3R Is In Mnrshfleld
today from North Coos ltlvor.
Inlet Is n town visitor today.
G. A. IIONEHRAKI3 of Ross Inlet
Is In town todny on bit Iness.
GEORGE ROOKE of North Coos
River Is In town on business.
Coos River Is In town todny.
W. E. HOAGLAND returned todny
from n business trip to Portland.
DR. C. C. TAGGART returned today
from n business trip to Portlnnd.
MRS. FRANK ROOD Is n Mnrshfleld
visitor today from North Coos
.MRS. HYRO.V HOnSnV nf llnaa In.
let Is In town today on business
nnd ptcasurc.
Is visiting friends nnd relatives
In town todny.
MRS. P. D. HLAKE of Catching In
let Is In town today to nttend
Gningo meeting.
from Myrtlo Point today for a
short visit on tho liny.
NEIL WATSON enmo to Mnrshflold
todny from Coos City nnd will at
tend tho Grange mooting.
on tho nrenkwater todny from a
business trip to Portlnnd.
nro In Mnrshfleld todny from
Loon Lnka vlHltlmr frlnmia
GEORGE TERRY of tho McDonald
te vnughnn Camp was a Marsh
field business visitor todny.
of North Coos Rlvor nro nttend
Inir Grnnun mpctlntr fmlnv.
WILLIAM SHOOK Is In tho city to-
(IllV from I .nm I.nlrn whom lin
Is teaching n term of school.
J. A. PATTISON returned todny
from Portlnnd whoro ho wnB cnll
cd by tho Illness of his father.
MRS. 13. L. HOIH3RTS and dnugh
tor Gladys, nre spending tho day
In town from their Catching In
let homo.
MRS. M. RESSEY nnd children of
Snloin enmo In on tho Hroakwn
tor this morning nnd mny locate In
Horrible Scandal in
The Chicken
Family !
FOR RENT Eight room house, or
tilthor floor singly and bath. Soo
John Ellorby after 0 o'c'ock.
Marshfield Cyclery
FOR BAhE Dry wood. Or nnd nU
dor, at Campbell's Wood Yard,
Ferry landing. Phoan 1M-L.
WANTED Twelve experienced min
ora nnd timber mon. Apply Boav
or Hill Coal Co.
Some of thoso Eastor chicks
that have boon hatched nnd
nro horo for your colobrn
tlon of tho festival havo gtv
ou rlso to tho report that
thoy nro only vory distantly
rolatod to tho Hon Family,
nnd that thoy aro inoro gooso
than chicken. Howovor, como
In and judgo for yoursolf.
And don't forget that wo
havo a full lino of tho vory
nicest and host candles you
ovor snw for Enstor.
Agents for
Phone 158-R
Agents for
172 N. Broadway
Easter Perfumes
and tollot waters direct from the manufacturers,
both Imported and domestic aro to bo found at tho
Loading Drug Store for Quality Goods. Wo kcop
only high grado lines fresh and properly kopt. A
nlco packago of porfumo makes an ncceptablo pres
ent, also a box of
Whitman's Famomis
nnd confections In sealed packages, You will find
thoso candles always como In sealed packages and
guaranteed fresh. Thoy cost slightly moro thnn other
brands, but they in alto up In quality what they lack
In quantity, Romombor It pays to trado at tho
store for solectod ngoncles and Quality Goods.
,es Want Ads. Bring Resuts.