THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, MARCH 22, 191 3. EVENING EDITION. , "" " "" ' ' i M,WWMIIMM,MM"M,IB",W,IB,II,MB,I,'BIB fc IWMMl JUST A NIGHT OF LAU JOIN u WITH Masonic Opera House us Tiiir'nBn AJ BENEFIT CQQS BAY CONCERT BAND 1 6Piece Orchestra 60 in the Cast ' patssi 1 v imFmaMrrmmm st j ' B'JilL Wednesday and Thursday March 26th and 27th l&BM! PvtPf ill 'HIvuIlL II : 111' w:k i Frothy, Light and Foamy, With Lilting, Catchy Music Dances, Songs, Sketches and Clean, Amusing Entertainment TICKETS AT "BUSY CORNER"- PRICES, 25c, 50c and 75c The Sign of SYNOPSIS OF TUB ANNUAL STATEMENT OF TUB GERMAN AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY STADDEN All; KINDS of PHOTOGRAPHIC WOIIK, Dromldo Enlarging and Kodak Finishing. finnriranrlw , .. ... . KW Y(f. N TUB STATB Or NEW YORK UUUUVdllUy " ,", '" ')' f December, 1012, made Clio liism-iiiii'u ('(tmsnls. toiler of the state of Oregon, piusiiaiil tit low. AlWflyS Amount of capital Htock paid up'. $ 2,000,000.00 . INCOME. 55 . ITomlUlllB received duiini? tlm v,,ni lii -...ul, tcJ7ni7nne Interest, dividends and rents received during' tho 'year! .. .' lloislsonioo income from other sources received during the year 1,73G,3C3.S8 Total Income.,, ,$U.218,8IS.G2 I mRlimiereMi.'vra i Losses paid during the year .'... $ 4.C7G. IS5.03 1'iviuuiiuB pain iiiinng the year on capital stock 000,000.00 commissions and salnrlcK paid during tlio year 2,376,399.19 inxes, lIcenseH nnd fees paid during tlio year 38G.G14.S3 Amount of nil other expenditures 2,094,922.87 PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY jgKXJ.UU.V OSTLIND, Consulting Engineer nnd 1 Aicliltcct. Fhonel Mni-shfleld, Ore. T M. WRIGHT, ' CONTRACTOR AND E.llm., 'WILDER PUY. .!? rurnls,10(l on request. If dir id "PMlflcatlona furnished ""Wired, An honest nl mmnn. Phono 12 .R. " teed, 0L,V'A LDMAN, ScWih J'ec,,n"'rhcraplst inline Swedish Massage, Medic 0'o i. . Gymnastics -iiiiimremcnts mono -103 Total expenditures $10,133,422.42 ... , , , ASSETS. Va no of real estato owned $ 2,470,000.00 Vnluo of stocks nnd bonds owned 10,174,451.00 Lonns on mortgnges and collateral, etc 108,800.00 Cash In honks and on hnnd 580,305. 55 Promlums In courso of collection nnd In transmission.... 1,700,171.81 intorost nnd rents duo and accrued 142.C3C.99 Total OBsots $21,238,425.35 Less special deposits In any stato (If nny thero bo).... 358.C30.00 Total assots admitted In Oregon Liabilities In excess of market vnluo of special deposits $20,879,795.35 LIAI1ILITIES. Gross claims for losses unpaid, less ro-liiBurnnco $ 820,524.99 Amount of unonrnod premiums on all outstanding risks. 8,44-1,179.00 Duo for commission and brokerage 41,447.00 All other liabilities. 355,870.12 J 5i sS. pOUj RILEV UALLINGER Rldno e. 1V.un,st nd Teacher EIi OSTLIN'D. R?tl Tncr nnd Repairer. mono 103-L, W StMIo. 237 So. Broadww j uuub IB'Li. S. TURl'KN, ARCIIITEOT - rsufleld. Oregon. D" W MORROW, 171 n,i Dentist. fitter "u"d,nK. over Grand -igrer. QuCft ihfwo 820 V,- CHANDLER, Rooim Architect. "SnS-11"'"1-" " A J HUMIRT'B e ara ll ern Dent1 IrIors. o'k on.hPPe.d t0 d0 h,Eh cla" lowest nrf rt nrt,ce at th0 ve,7 UiTJllT-. ExaHnatIon free. Ui? lint".1,' ?k miS" Pt -"- '"r ''"'cl. Phono ll?..T. EN VOI' QEn nov sAAT A srassEN- f delirVI, onicth,n8 sent for n4"-'E 120-L ible. "" uo . Charges reason-1 CHAS GRAVRY, I Total liabilities oxcIubIvo of capital stock of $2,000,- . 000 $ 9, CC2. 027.17 Total premiums In forco Dec. 31, 1912. leas reinsurance. $1C,G43, 800. 10 BUSINESS IN OREGON FOR TUB YEAR. Total risks written during tho year $ 8,824,474.00 Gross premiums received during tho year 128,990.05 Premiums returned during the year 20,432.00 Losses paid during tho year 50,084. 00 Losses Incurred during tho year .' . CC.047.00 Total amount risks outstanding In Oregon, Dec. 31, 1912 G, 490,290. 00 GERMAN AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY C. G. SMITH, Secretary. GENERAL AGENT FOR OREGON Harvey Wolls, No. 324 Chamber of Commorce Building, Portland, Oregon. RESIDENT AGENT Henry Songstacken. Marshflold, Oregon. Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. HENRY SENGSTACKEN, Mgr. Coqulllo Office Phono 191 Platting Lands a specialty. Farms Timber Coal and Marshfleld Ofllco 14-J. General Agents "EASTSIDE." TOOLS! TOOLS! TOOLS! CARPENTERS' MACII INISTS' MILLWRIGHTS' I . Wo carry all standard makes in a very complete assortment. The guaranteed kind that you can al ways depend on. We also have the largest line of BUILDERS HARDWARE to he found on Coos Bay. Everything we sell is sold on the guaranteed satisfaction plan. See us be fore buying. Ekblad's prices are always right. If EASTER SEES YOUR PLUMBING out of order words will not express tho Indignation of your wife. To avoid all such unpleasantness sup Pobo you have ub go over your plumbing and fix any llttlo thing that needs attention. Your water boiler, sink and bath room tnps, etc., nro likely to go wrong nt nny time. Have us attend to thorn so no such thing will happen on Easter of all days. Willey & Schroeder 303 North Front Street. PHONE 77-J Have That Roof Fixed NOW Seo COHTHELL PnONX 8121. New and Second Hand Furniture sold on tlio Installment plan. HARRINGTON, DOYLE & CO., 303 Front St, Phono 310-L Marshfleld, Or. Parties Desiring Monuments Erected Would do well to call at PACIFIC MONUMENTAL WORKS South Broadway and make selec tion from the largo stock now on hand. Air. Wilson has in his employ the only practical marble and granito i! cutter in Coos County. And nono a T& but the best work is turned out. GET YOUR JOB PRINTING DONE AT THE TIMES' OFFICE. I SOME PIONEER NEWS. (From the Coos liny Nows, publish ed nt Marshfleld, March 17, 1880. Slglln & noiintitt publishers. Mrs. Nonh Tripp is lying very lit nt Conlodo, The steamor GiihhIo Tolfnlr arriv ed on Monday. Work Is rapidly progressing or tho cribs, the rnurth one doing un der way. Horn At Ilnndon, March G, 1880, to tho wife of John ErlckRon. daughter. Tho Intely wrecked Emma Utter Is nearly ready to launch again, an good ns now. Prof. McCormnc will not tench af ter tho prcsont term, so wo nre In formed, hut Mrs. Rotnor will ron tlifuo tlio school. Tho Areata Is to ho laid up for repairs and changes. Fifty feot Js to be added to her length, bo wo aro informed. Cnpt. Dan Roberts hns tnkoii chargo of tho Centennial Hotel nt Utter City, whom tho travollng pub lic will find good accommodations. William Wlnsor of Port Orford cnlled nt our sanctum this weok. Mr. Wlnsor was formerly n resldont of Empire nnd Is well known on tho liny. Ho has been keeping a hotol nt Port Orford for a number ot years. F. G. Lockhart is superintendent of tho Eaglo mine. This Is tho ori ginal Lockhart mine. Tho sand In doing worked by n now process, with whut success wo cannot say. although wo hoar It is n decided improvement on the way horotofora practiced. Thoro was a social dance ot Flor ence, on tho Sluslaw, March Gth, Tho supper was glvon by Davy Morso, A. J. Moody, John Nolson and othors. Thoro was a good at tendance Including about twenty la dies. Tlio young men of Marshflold or ganized a baseball club last Satur day and elected tho following offi cers: President, Monroo Upton; vlco president, Owen Short; secre tary, Georgo Rotnor; treasurer, JaB. Hill. Send In your challenges; tho boys mean business. At tho mouth nnd along tho lower part of tho Sluslaw In Lauo coun ty thoro is a population of about 100 voters without nny pieclnct or ganization, Tho authorities In Lano should nttond to this matter as tho sottlors thoro aro very doslrous or nn organization. Tho fact is thoro should bo another coast county es tablished composed of a part of Douglas and of Lane counties. Nine ty miles to a county seat Is almost too Inconvenient. PXEl'MONIA FOLLOWS A COLD but novor follows the uso of Foloy's Honey and Tar Compound. It stops tho cough, heals tho sore and In flamed air passages and strength ens the lungs, The genuine Is In yellow package lth beehive on car ton. Refuse substltutis Lockhart & Parsons, Tho Lusy Coi nor,