The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, March 21, 1913, EVENING EDITION, Page 5, Image 5

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5 "
Copjrrliht llirt Sehiflhtr & Man
iO you want new clothes for
Easter Sunday ? Everybody
'decorates" for that day, or before;
10 reason why you shouldn't. You'll
ind the proper things for it here.
Hart Schaffner & Marx
Spring suits; new stylish models in
Spring overcoats ; the latest shapes in
Spring hats; the finest neckwear in
w patterns.
Woolen Mill Store
This storo In tlio homo of Hnrt Schaffnor & Marx Clothes.
tidks for MAitcir.
Below la given tho tlmo and
height of high and low water at
The tides arc placed In tho order
of nccuircnce, with their times on
tho first lino nnd heights on tho
second lino of each day; a compar
ison on consccutlvo heights will
Indlcnto whothcr It Is high or low
wntor. For high water on tho bar,
snbslrnct 2 hours 34 minutes.
Slillru.. 1.5(5 7.3C 1.57 8.01
JFt.. . 5.8 0.7 (i.2 0.1
22'HrB. . 2.32 8.22 2. 10 8.39
IFt. . (1.1 0.3 G.2 0.1
23.11th. . 3. OS 0.07 3.33 0.18
'Ft. . 0.5 0.0 CO 0.4
2 1 Ill's. 3.15 O.liS 4.21 0.5G
IFt... fl.O 0.2 5.7 0.7
25HI1H. 4.22 10.10 5.09 10.31
IFt. 0.0 0.2 6.3 1.4
Services Tonight Thoro will bo
Oood Friday sorvlces nt tho Norwe
gian Chapel tonight.
May Ho Reappointed It Is report
ed that SI Noah may bo reappointed
deputy game warden for this dis
trict. Mr. Nonh rotlred a year or
so ago after long service.
City i:pciisfH nills for tho city's
expenses allowed during tho first
two meetings of tho Mnrshflold city
council In March totalled about ?2,
100, according to City Recorder But
ler. Ciilrli Many Fish deorgo Smith
nnd A. 11, Davis roturned this morn
ing from n llshlng trip to tho lower
bay. They brought In COO poundB of
Bv Assnclatml Pros
ORIXION Oceoslonnl rain or i
bikjw tonight nnd Saturdny.
Hi Isle to high northwest winds.
For tho 2 1 hourg ending at
1.13 a. in., March 21, by lien J
OHtllnd, special government me
teorological observer:
Maximum 4 1
Minimum 34
At 1: 13 a. in 40
Precipitation 57
Precipitation slnco Sopi. 1,
1912 17.79
Precipitation same period
previous year 40.73
Wind: Southeast; Itnln.
In our now location, wo aro es
pecially prepared to cater to family
trade. Itegular meals or Bhort or
ders. Open liiy and night.
Hrondwny nnd Commcrclnl Mfld.
WANTKI) StenoKrapIior.. Inquire
r.t depot. I
WANTKI) Girl fur housework in
small family. Phono KI7-.T.
WANTKI) Confinement cases by
comitetent nurso. Uox 393, North
Bond, i
herring nnd other varieties to supply
tho local market.
KiinInIiIo Lots Sold. Jas. Hrooks,
a recent arrival on tho Hay. has
bought two lots near tho now Knst
sldo school houso from Anna Swcot
sor, tho deal bolng nindo through
Parker and Lenton.
Improve Rond Rond Supervisor
II. V. HolverBtott of Itoad District
I No. 11, Is planning to plunk over n
I hnlf a mllo of tho rond along tho
I upper North Fork of tho CoqulUe.
Ho will opon bids on tho work April
I 8. An eight-foot roadway will bo
, put In.
Pension Incrcn.sed Glen Aiken,
1 ono of tho oldest living residents of
ujos uny, lias Just been npprlsod that
his pension tins been lncrensod from
$8 to $20 por month. Mr. Aiken
served In Captain Harris compnny In
tho Itoguo Itlvor Indian war of 1885
and 188C.
W. W. Holland Retires W. W.
Holland announced ycBterdny that he
had decided to re tiro ns a shipbuilder
and Join his brother, Parker Hol
land, on tholr ranch on tho lower Co
qulllo. Ho will leave soon for there
and plans to mako tholr ranch ono of
tho best country properties In tho
Wedding Anniversary Frlonds of
Sonntor and Mrs. I. S. Smith aro In
receipt of announcements of their
twenty-fifth wedding nnnlvorBnry to-
. day. Thoio wuh no reception or cole-
brntlon of tho ovont, but the worthy
couple wero recipients of congratu
lations from their many friends.
Improve Bridge Plnns nro bolng
If you vwmt n gool Dairy or
Slock fm m st'o Fitzgerald or
Phone SJIBl, Marshfleld. For (lit;
llnmesrchcr Ho can show you
some of the best In tliu county'
ior who.
mndo by the Coos County court to
teplnnk tho Knstslde bridge, leading
to the ferry and strengthen the struc
ture. Reports nbout tho brldgo be
ing In a weakened condition have
been current for some time nnd the
county court hns asked for bids for
Improving It. Tho contrnct will bo
nwnrded April 8.
Teal Itofiivox Place Joseph N.
Teal of Portland, who Is known
on tho Hay through visits hero with
.1. W. Dennett, has finally declined
the offer of the position of assist
ant secretory of tho Interior, lie
was a candldnto for secretary.
Injures Hand Ocorgo Snydor se
voroly cut his right hnnd with a saw
this morning whllo cutting wood nt
his homo on Daniels Creek. He enmo
to Marshfleld nt onco nnd had tho
wound dressed by a physician. Tho
Injury Is a painful ono nnd will lay
him up for somo time.
Daughter Horn Word has been
received hero of tho birth of a Httlo
daughter to Mr. and Mis. Huron
Smith, March 1 1 In Ingnlls, Ind. Mr.
nnd Mrs. Smith resided In Mnrshllcld
at ono time nnd made many friends
during tholr short residence here.
Mr. Smith represented tho Fields
Museum nnd wns securing exhibits of
tho wood grown In this section.
Buys lloiuesltc C. H. Curtis of
tho Union Meat Company has bought
lots 1 nnd 2, block 3, First Addition
to Mnrshllcld, from tho Reynolds De
velopment Compnny. Tho tract Is
81 feet by 150 feet In length and is
located on the southwest comer of
Lockhnrt nvonuo and South Tenth
street. Mr. Curtis bought for tho
purposo of building his homo there
Postpone Celebration Owing to
tho Illness of his wlfo, Captain T. D.
Holland announced today that tho
big celebration of their thirtieth
wedding anniversary, planned for
this evening at tho Englo's hall, had
boon Indefinitely postponed. Ho re
gretted It very much as ho was anx
ious to hnvo all old friends unlto In
nn old fashioned good time, but ow
ing to Mrs. Hollnnd's Illness, they
wore compelled to postpono It.
Olson Returns A clipping from
a pnper at Urownsvlllo, Oregon, was
received by Tho Times todny. It
announces tho return of N. S. Ol
son, formerly of Coos liny, and F.
J. Laird and Urnnt llalllngor from
their trip to Old Mexico, It will
bo remomborcd that Olson wns In
Mexico City when tho Dlnz-Mndoro
troublo thoro was at Its height.
Thoy went to Inspect a mliio nt
Qunnnjuto in which somo Oregon
pooplo nro interested. They mndo
tho trip without encountering ser
ious trouble, desplto tho rebellion.
Hack to lloat. Nlghtwatch Lovl
Smith expects to quit tho police
forco soon and return to tho com
mand of tho Allco H. The night
Irish Crochet Club with Mrs.
Walter Hill.
Donco In Sumner Hall.
work Is very hard and ho feels Hint
no must gtvo his attention to tho
Ililng Car Trucks. Tho llroak
water will bring In a number ot
car trucks for the Smith-Powers Co.
.lodge Hull Better. Judgo Hall
was reported resting ensy today at
Mercy hospital. Onses bothered him
a little early today but later this
troublo ceased.
(range Dinner Tomorrow tho
Coos Hny Grange will hold a big
meeting nt tho Odd Fellows hall
and will servo n flno dinner for
tho townspeople nt tho hall nt noon.
Hunker I 111) Trouble. Reports of
a serious family Jar at Hunker III1I
reached Marshal Carter last night,
hut owing to Hint section bolng out
side tho city, ho could not mako any
arrest. A man on n celebration got
too boisterous. No damngo or harm
was dono boyond severely frighten
ing somo women.
( Kccmui-H Wheel H. 11. Wilson
has lccovered tho bicycle which was
stolen from him recently. AForgu
son hoy found tho whcol in tho
possession ot two Fcrndalo lads,
who claimed to havo found It hidden
in tho brush. It wns somuwhnt da Hi
nged. A pnrty nnmed Olson inform
ed tho polico yesterday that ho had
1 found a Peerless blcyclo which ho
wns holding for tho ownor. Num
erous thefts of bicycles hnvo been
reported recently.
FOR SALK Kggs for hatching,
Whlto Leghorns, McFnrland strnln,
Rhode Islnnd Reds, Klllott strain.
C. 10. Jordan, ICnstslde.
FOR ItKNT Tuo-room furnished
apartmout. Soo Nnsburg grocery.
Dayton Bicycles
FOR ItKNT Small ranch; stock
and oqulpmont for snlo. Phono
021, North Rend.
WANTKI) One experienced chain
bormnld. Phones 2G9-L or 324-R.
We Aire Ageoits foir
The Famrnoos
Arcln Family
A remedy for each aiHmemft
soldi umidler a guarantee
Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co.
Hit!'' ''W "111 sing "Tennessee Moon," Percy Wenrich's latest
EwnJn"! SAVI':U A "OM'AIl KAUNKD A strong drnnm on
SiS?pS'fl!"-A tunny comedy.
TOO Mivv . "EAUTS A drnnm of tho convict and love.
Bl8 i'lctur' VSCoi,c nml Vicinity An Irish comedy. Flno
Established Admission, loc, Never more.
"iifl, if r n
Poultry for Easter
Is becoming more and moro popular.
It la a welcome change from tho
heavy moats of winter. Wo havo
received for Easter feasting a lot of
tho choicest poultry wo over saw,
Just a look Is a tomptatiou. A
tasto of tholr tender flesh Is tho be
ginning of a feast Indeed.
Marshfleld Telephones North Rend
221-J Two Market CI
FOR HALK Rhode Island Red
eggs. C. M. Conner, Phono 320.
FOUND Foreign lodge pin. Owner
plenso Identify nt 'rimes olllco and ,
pny for this ad.
FOR BALK Thoroughbred Diwwi
Leghorn eggs for sotting. $1.00
for 1C. K. II. Curtis, North
Rond. f
FOR ItKNT Two well furnished
bodrooms with bath. References
roqulrod. It enro of Times or
Phono 387.
WANTKI) Young man, experienced
in olllco, tlmokooplng and storo
work wants position. Address C.
A. caro of Times.
WANTKI) A smart ninii for solic
iting. Must bo well acquainted.
Good monoy for right man. T,
caro Times.
FOR IlKNT 2 furnished rooms, 9IO
and ?0 por month.. NIco location.
Address E, Times olllco.
for rent In North Bond, chnnco,
caro of Times.
FOR SALK Ono launch 0 feet; 8
II. P. Enqulro M. G. Coloman,
North Rend.
FOR ItKNT Eight room house, on
either floor singly and uath. see
John EUorby after C o'o'ock.
FOR SALE Dry wood, flr and !
dor, at Campbell's Wood Yard,
Forry landing. Phoo lGilL.
WANTED Twelve experienced min
ers and timber men. Apply Beav
er IIIU Coal Co.
If you havo anything to sell, rent,
trade, or want help, try a Want Ad.
Norwegian Cheese
Just arrived a fresh shipment
of tho celebrated
Primost and Mysost
In 25c Bricks
Stauf f Grocery Co.
Phono 102
Mnskoy's "andlea.
Coos King nnd Coos Queen
(Registry applied for)
That word should bring n flood of recollections to somo of
you groy-hnlred boys.
When we move into our own building, in April, wc
will launch our trade mark
Coos King and Coos Queen
Any article which carries this mark is guaranteed to
be good not by some mythical, indefinite person
thousands of miles away but by your townsman, the
proprietor of the Marshfleld Cyclery.
The Marshfleld Cyclery guarantee is already a known
quantity. We propose to keep it so,
We fully realize that the future success of our business
depends, wholly, solely and alone on the quality of the
service we give to our customers.
We shall endeavor to make COOS KING and COOS
QUEEN mean quality in every article so labeled,
Mr. Bort Peterson of Qnrdlner Ib wolcomo to my chock for
$10.00 If ho will call for It. Thank you, Mr. Potorson, for COOS
Marshfield Cyclery
Agents for
Phone 158-R
Agents for
172 N. Broadway
Tho HAT that has tho CLASS
you will find nt tho VOOUK MIL
Mrs. B, Smith of Highland avenue,
who has boon ill, Is roportcd Improv
ing. D. A. Jones Is suffering from nn
Incipient attack of tho grip.
"Dol" Cathcart Ib down town to
day aftor a fow days slego with
bronchial troublo.
Potor Scott Is again ablo to bo
about aftor a two weeks' slego with
tho prevailing malady of grip.
Alee Carlson of Lnkosldo Is In
Mnrshllcld today en routo to San
Francisco to visit his Httlo dnughtor,
who recently had an oporation on
hor oyos. Tho operation was on
tlroly successful nnd tho Httlo girl
Ib gottlng along ntcoly.
Mrs. W. S. Turpou Is rnpldly re
covering from a sovoro attack of rhou
mutism and la grippe.
Mrs. K. S. Bargolt Is recovering
from a sovoro attack of la grlppo.
Mrs. A. T, Haines Is recovering
from a sovoro nttack of ptomnlno
urday noon, March 22, nt Odd Fol
lows hall. Fifty cents. TI0KKT9
OKIVKD. Free Dcllvory. I'HONB
your ORDKR to l'JIONIO 73-J.
Horrible Scandal in
The Chicken
Family !
Somo of tho80 Kastor chicks
that havo boon hatched and
nro horo for your colobrn
tlon of tho festival havo giv
en rlso to tho report that
thoy aro only vory dlstnntly
rolntod to tho Hon Family,
and that thoy aro moro geoso
than chlckon, Howovor, como
In and judgo for yourself.
And don't forgot thnt wo
havo a full lino of tho vory
nicest and best candles you
over saw for Easror.
faster Perfumes
and Whitman's
Famous Chocolates
and Confections
direct from the manufac
turer and guaranteed
fresh are to be found at
the store for quality goods
and Penslar Remedies,