MMIBMBILJF :"flr V- --. - ii . M THE COOS1 BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 1913. EVENING EDITION. III GQURI ,!.. L-j from PnESJSW I .' '.' V- .i,MHm' 'uo.'..:?i2:8c feSlSwd 100 k,,,!, nu iiriu. t,5,000 8l.lnglCBtforLuBkoo t . I i -!! inV roVlc cars $ J .00 2.1, Transportation Co., , (in icrapers ....... LU swi.'iato0; ,a;i.bor, setting up fSirr. miking soundings HMlh D-UU m Port Huron Ilov. Hill it. Mcreiiiiii'u " nfTock nuarry .... 10.10 Iibu, auto lilro for cx- roadi ......" u vaiinv Rent not. nub. cf toad mcotlngs ..113.80 IBM, lUTTOJinK, inin;hwi sro&io. CBiimnivs ,ii.i siter, leveling, maps, pro ber, tlewlng and mllo- us.m kilo, ilcwlng and miio- , .o-,uu it fha nman cooper ft Cherry Creek ronds 1&.UU Kmltfa. chalnninn Coopur 1 1 Cberry ureoK roans $30.00 . IlrlTftn Itllilil. .. ... IUfU ., .,,. 1 in flilptnfltt xr..iiu Irriib,' axman COO imm, axman u.uu 6r Crwlc Ifoaii. jdje, rodman $15.00 Iixaan -.uU fi,umn 8,75 it rhtlnman . 16. 00 MCagman 10.00 t axman i.uu rd.iimin on county rond iW. Laird's J1.G0 nn Works, wnshors, otc, Mm til. 10 RlUs Ktc, It. I). No. H. r.ffion, labor ,llWr L'll.DU tturjtr, labor and team ... 134.20 fcbarjer, labor and team 1 150.00 f. labor In, labor and team JTiO.OO lMrd. labor L 00 roo, labor 20.75 m, labor $8.00 Ikick. labor $20.00 tiei. labor $7. CO ruD. labor $24.35 non, labor $91.40 w.iawr $2.00 non. labor ir.i.r.n ltoa, labor $2C.00 FflOD. labor ntlil nnlnro P labor $047.74 aaranccd for la- : 15.80 '.labor ir.i 7r. Itrta. llbnr . tin ha 'In. labor .....'.'.$20.00 '". labor $10.00 trter. labnr n nr. Mee. labor .!!.'!.'$ 3 8.00 aird, labor $25.00 "'".labor $20.50 lr, labor $157.35 i. labor $2.00 ..... 120.00 rr'upsr. labor on tWW'-j $50.00 ., . ii. .o. H, Jnu. 4 Feb.. loin f'r, man ant team oi m fW, labor on bridge eViaboV'on road'72 , bOr fin rnn.l I n M. Ubor on bridge .'VpVr.'Voad work K Jbor on' road $37.90 ' ""or on bridge iSi'iVC $5o.oo ibor on road with ,rw. work on bridge nVa'VnV,- 220 " "" Hrw,',' . $73.50 willing lumber, etc. le.lVw'.,J. $30.00 Ki sL.a ?rl(JBO .$10.00 w;sPr. bridge work r ;" labor on road km."'' $25.00 i " aa and tenm - "U . law" ",'" 98-58 ; "w and orders laVn''-' 16.77 ..... -. uu rnnn tqc aa .in Tv,vr r;,"" """ef Ptllnr. iu'rV:: . rol and k7" ard fR-D.nv0brl?fo '$137.09 and . .$63.: .$ NT r.' Mile 2.50 2.50 2.50 15.00 13.17 10.00 4.37 2.50 2.50 15.00 4.25 Wt P. Uowron, bnlniico duo an Supsr. It. D. No. 1 $77.55 J, D. Be&uett, account Lusk bridge $400.00 IN RE SPECIAL ItOAD KUNDS. H. Larson, rotund 1911 void npe clal road tax, R. D. No. C $11.04 S. .W. Noah, refund 1811 void ape clal road tax, It. I). No. 0 $3.99 Coqulllo Valley Sentinel, pub no tice to contractors, It. I). No. 11 $4.35 Coqulllo Valley Sentinel, pub. no tlco to contractors. It. D. No. 12 $1.92 L. A. Lawhorn, serivces au special rd. mastor, R. D. No. 12 ..$0.00 L. A. Lawiiorn, scrviceu at) apodal rd. master, It. D. No. 30 . .$12.10 IN UK OFFICKHH MhhH. Clcrk'H Ollicc. M. O. Hawkins, drauirlitliiK town plats $192.50 Inoe F. nuucli, labor $118.50 Dorothy Watson, labor $141.00 Qcorgo O. L.encn, inbor on tnx rolls $21.00 Frank Iinriockor, labor on tax rolls $87.00 HlicrlfTfl onicc. It. W. Catton, labor $123.00 Frank Harlocker, labor $36.00 C. L. Kidder, labor $45.00 Dorr. Nichols, labor $90.00 A. M. lioUlon, labor ana servlnir pnpera $30.40 Coo. O. Loach, labor $129.00 Roy Morgan, labor $03.00 Claud L. Klddor, labor 39.75 Walter OordlnR, labor $3C00 W. W. Gage, oxponso In returning Akors and Lonnon $23.80 C, A. Gage, oxpenso In serving pa pers, etc. $11.90 Hcliool Supt. onirn. J. J. Cllnkonboard, oxponso ns member of Education l)d. . . $4.7K Grnco Williams, grading 8th grade MSS $9.00 Mlnnlo M. Hormaii, grading 8th grado MSS $9.00 C. A. Howard, grading 8th grado MSS $0.00 Raymond H. Raker, travelling ex penses us Co. Supt $20.70 F. A. Golden, salary and oxponso oh School Sprsr $108.39 Walter Culin, two mo. Hnlary as Health Oniccr $4 1.7S A. N. Gould, establishing gov't, cornors, etc $73.36 V. M. Hall-Lewis, salary ..nd ox penso ns Fruit Ins.. two mo. $125.80 County Court. J. I). Pointer, livery hire for court $2.50 Gono Wlckhnm, auto hire for court $4.00 John F. Hall, two mo. salary as Co. Judge, cash advanced, otc. $250.46 Goo. J, Armstrong, services as Co. Comm, etc $ 100.86 MbiCcllnncoiiH IUIIn. Coos liny Homo Tolophono Co., phono 231 and 431 $80.46 Coqulllo Laundry & Ico Co., laun dry for Ct. Houbo $ 1 9.65 Coqulllo Rlvor Klcctrlc Co., elec tric curont, two mo $21.80 W. G. Iirandon, wood for court houso $4.50 GlaaB & Prttdhommo Co., throo BIlIott-FIshor Ilk. Typewriters $395.00 Fuhrmnn's Pharmacy, supplies fur nlshod Ct. Houso $34.15 Coqulllo Dolivory & Transfer Co., hauling for Ct. Houso $.60 I. Govurtz & Sous ,two tables for Circuit Itnom $30.00 Typowrltor Kxchnngo & Supply Co. typewriter ribbons $1.50 James Watson, ensh advanced for Vol. 61 Oregon Roports ...$3.7G Sholloy & Kollog, making venti lator $5.00 J. J. Fox, making plcturo rack $22.60 J. D. Polntor. flvo tons conl $25.00 City of Coqulllo, water duos, two mo $12.00 P. D. Cunningham, Co., 1-2 lino cushion stamp $.55 J. W. Carter, Tolophono bills in Ro Edmunds $6.65 Burroughs Adding Machine Co., ono Burroughs add. mach. . . $441.00 Coqulllo Hardwaro Co., wronch, lights, glasses, etc $18.80 J. A. Lamb & Co., phone arm & desk sot, otc $24.10 A. n. Dick Company, No. 7743 mimeograph $45.50 Jull. W. W, Gage, board of prloonors, ' Jan. and Fob., 1913 $222.26 City Harness Shop, repairing shoos for prisoners $1.7G James Richmond, medical services rondored prisoners $11.50 IN UK RILLS CONTINUED OR NOT ALLOWED O. E. Marstors, damages to horso Injured on Catching Inlet bridgo, ciaim ?ou,uu, continued. Potorson Bros., damages on Myr tlo Polnt-Bandon road. claim 86.00 continued. State of Oregon: County of Coos: ss. I, James Wat son, County Clerk of Coos County, Stato of Oregon, ex-ofllclo Clork of tho County Court of said County and Stato, custodian of tho records, ar chives nud flies of said County, do horeby certify that' tho foregoing is n true and correct Statement of the amounts' ofi mils allowed, contlnuod or not allbwed, on the various Funds ofv the County aa audited by tho County Court of said County and State at the regular. .March 1913 term thereof, as ,tho same appear In tho Journals of said Court now in my office and custody. WITNESS my hand and the seal of. the County Court affixed this 15th day of March A. D., 1913. JAMES WATSON, County Clerk. TEACHERS PAV. r 'i,, t . . lftHiiV n. .. W,, -.A yU0;2,(l for road- '.""ace It, ;,,?-J,-0 r... 6 com. t $547i:ft The average teacher's wages throughout tho United (States falls short of.a dollar a day. No horse- iratnor.- who can bold his job is so- poorly "paid, No carpenter In steady employment earns so little. Slowly, very slowly, It Is dawning upon tho Amorican people that the education of their children is the most Important work they have In hand. If schools were what tuey ought to be, tha world over, no ar mietr would be needod and battle ships might bo used for codflshlng. Libby COAIiTiie Kind YOU have ALWAYB USED. Phone 73, t PacJT Just Another Week of the Real Fire Sal KAMMERER SAYS: "He is off for the markets and will bring back nifty togs for nifty fel lows. This week, the last week of the great bargain carnival take advantage. n $20.00 to $25.00 Men's Fine Suits $12.75 You know the class oC stuff T havu been handling No long shots or shoddies, but strictly high class cloth ing Every garment guar anteed all wool and made by the best makers in tho land. Take Advantage, $12.75 $4.50 to $5.00 Packard Shoes $1.65 Here is your chance. "Why have your shoes soled when you can get a new pair for the same price. Don't ex pect to find the very latesl, but you can expect io find the highest of quality. Take Advantage, $1.65 $1.25 Gray Merino Under wear. Take QHp udvautnge OUL $1.50 to $2.00 Cluott Shirts, weok 41.&U 25c All Wool Hose. Throo pnlr for. 50c 50c Mon's Flno Neckwear. On salo at, 1E ench'. $3.00 Men's Flno Dross Hats. Choice (TO OC each , 4.6 J $5.00 Packard Shoes, now on K. $3.75 Everything in Clothing, Furnishing Coods and Shoe Departments to be Sold at Bargain Prices, for This Week Only KVKItVHODY'S Ul'SV (UUPKXTKHS PLUMDKHS, PAINTERS AND .MYSELF TO .MAKE THIS PLACE THE .MODEL .MEN'S SHOP OF THE COMMUNITY. LAItGEIt SPACES, MOItE STOCK AND A STORE SECOND TO NONE IN THE STATE FOR THE CONVENIENCE OF .MY PATRONS. WILL HE WITH YOU AfiAIN IN A WEEK. UNTIL THEN, YOURS, ANXIOUS TO PLEASE, ' . . j ' ; THE TOGGERY trnaa Office Phone 582 Residence phone 941 Domald MaeKintosh HEAL ESTATE MRE INSURANCE Opposite Grand Theater BAND0N, ORE. Be Up To Date Onler your Suit from TAHn The Tailor and IvlU Dress Expert SI78 Front St. Upstairs. Everybody who has tried our Corona Blend Coffee Como Again. Thuiu's a reason. Coos Bay Tea, Coffee & Spice House 184 Market Ave. Phono 394-.T. McDonald's Auto Line To Hunker Hill, liny Park mid Flagstaff. Hourly trips with lmBscngois, pack ages nml freight. Leave your bun dles at tho Uusy Comer. Plmiic umIi'1'.s (o cither H:MI or HOH Coos Bay ss College Bookkeeping, Arithmetic, Pen manship, Spoiling, Commercial Lnw, HiihIiichh Correspondence, Shorthand, and Touch Typewrit ing. Positions waiting for graduates. Goodrum's Garage home of tho CADILLAC and fORD Auto Supplies for All Makes of Cars :tl7 (Villi al A v. Phono U7.1-L Unique Pantatorium THE MODERN DYERS. CLEANERS, PHESSEHS and HAT RENOVATORS Agent for I.NVwnnl II. Straim Jt Co., Flno Tailoring. Let us ninko your next suit. 255 CENTRAL. Phono 250-X For GOOD SHOES nnd Good Repairing at Right Prices, go to AUGUST OLESEN SIR South Ilronriivny. White Duck Button Shoes for Children. Also new Patont Leather Button Shoes for Ladles' and MIsbos', at The Electric Shoe Shop You Auto Call Foote PHONE 141-J NIGHT AM) DAY Stand front of lllunco Milliard Parlor TWO NEW CARS After 11 P. M. Phone 5-J. Residence Phono .H-J. Careful Drlvarx : Good Oars COOS RAY PLATE AND WINDOW GLASS CO. J. A. Goodwill and W. E. Sawyor. Plate, Art and Window Glass, Mir rors. Prismatic Glass. Mail ordors and phono orders given prompt attention. Estimates fur nished. Phono 70-L. 727 So, Broadway, Marshfleld. Buy Your Meats at the UNION MEAT MARKET AndYou Will Always Have Pure Wholesome Meats. 'Phone 58 I Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. HENRY SENGSTACKEN, Mgr. CoquilU Office Phone 191 Platting Lands a specialty. Farms Timber Coal and Marshfleld Office 14-J. General Agents "EASTSIDE." Union Storage Company W. A. Heard, Mgr. Export Packers. Carpets Cleaned. Furniture Packed, Shipped, Stained and Repaired, 382 Front St. Phono 100. Leovo ordors at Going & Harvey. Fisher Auto Service Win. Fisher, Proprietor, Phono orders to Hillyer's Cigar Stand, Phono 18-J. Aftor 11 p. m. phono 5-J. Night phono 181-R. Marshfleld, Oregon. Save That Bundle for Me A Buuaro deal and a clean shirt. I10I1 SARTER, Twin City Laundry City Auto Service Good Cars, Careful Drlvors and roaBonanlo charges. Our motto: "Will go nnywhoro at any time." Stands Dlnnco Hotol and Dlanco Cigar Store. Day Phones 78 and 46. Night Phone 46. RmKER fJOODALE. nrotirfnfnm W, S. I1ROWN $ A. II. HODGINS Marshfleld Paint (8b Decorating Co. Estimates Furnished. IMionn 1N7-L Marshfleld, Ore. Parker & Leaton Real Estate, Rentals and Insurance Lockhart Riilhlliig, Over Hub Cloth ing Store, Mai-hhficld, Ore. Twin City Laundry GOOD WORK GOOD SERVICE Not in any Combine. 8 Iioiiis uork for women. Our Agents cull anywhere. Phono L'OU.J. Phono 203-J I'll Call. Times Want Ads. Bring Resuts. JUST RECEIVED A largo shipment of Electric Cut Glass Shades. Call and boo our stock of glass ware. Wo also have some of the latest designs In Bhower fixtures, from two light to flvo. Everything In electrical supplies, Barnard & Langworthy Have your Job printing done at The Times office. First ClassWeaving promptly done at Gardiner's Rag Carpet .Factory Cor. Union and Montana Streot. Phono 131. North nond. Or. k modern DrlcB. . uildlug, L'loctrl3 Light. Steam Heat. Elpgantly Furnished Rooms with Hot and Cold Water. HOTEL OOOS O. A. Metlln, Prop. Rates: BO cents a day and upwards Oor. Rroadwav anil Marker Have your Jot) printing done at The Times office. SI