THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD. OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19, 1913 EVENING EDITION. RIGHT OF W NEWS OF DTI D OJ N OET H raise in 10 CELDBRATE North Bend Has Subscribed J $1500 for Fourth of July; Make it $2000 Now. J. A. Allen, rhalrninn of tlit so liciting committee of tlu North Hend Commercial cluli. has Inform ed A. II. Derbyshire, chairman of tho citizens' meeting which inntig urnti'il the Fourth of July celebra tion plan, that already over ll.'Ou has been subscribed to defray tho expense of the big event. Mr. Al len nlHo Htated tlinf a numnor 01 lending men had not yet been solle Ited and that he was confident tho subscriptions could be brought up to the $20i)0 murk. Thin will pro bably bo done. Another Fourth of .July meeting will be held In the North Henil Commercial club tonight to hear tho report of Hie soliciting commit tee and also to make further pinna for the big celebration .Inly ! and 5. It Is likely that other commit tees to take charge of the various phases of the celebration will be appointed tonight. PNEUMONIA HOT CKOSS lirS AT I.KIU lUltXIINii: IIAKKUV. Phone 11 L'-I IS FATAL 10 CHILD Little Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry O'Mara of North Bend Succumbs. Olle (V.Mara, the seveii-inonths-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hen ry O'Mara of North Itend, died last ('veiling after a short illness, Shu had been suffering from a severe cold which later developed Into pneumonia and spasms, l.tito yes terday, her condition becamo crltl- ..,1 Little Olive wns seven months mid six days onl mid tho host of friends of tho family will unite In extending sympathy to the boreav ed parents. iho funeral arrange ments will bo announced later. This is the llrst fatality from pneumonia on the Day in a long tlino although thero have been an unusually large number of cases within the last few weeks. Tho funeral will be held Thurs- ilnv nfturnnmi Ml " nVliwl: frntn the Marshfleld Presbyterian church. tile Kev. J. is. nui'Ki'iin ouiciniing. Mt fVMni'n Im MiiiiKi'liiliMiilent nf the Oregon l'ower Co. Their HMle daughters run name was unvo .Ma rie. UNDER ARREST IN NORTH BE10 Robert Lilleciuist Charged with Drawing Gun on Carl Olson Today. Hubert Lilleqiilst of North Hend wns urulgnod beforo .lustlco Sinister thero this afternoon on a warrant charging lilui with assault with a dangerous weapon. He did not en ter a plea and .lustlce Sinister gavo him until t o'clock tomorrow to plead, requiring a $r00 bond for his nppearance. The arrest followed some trouble at the North (lend Longshoremen's hall this forenoon. Sovernl were playing cards when Lllleqiilst enter ed. He had been drinking some and Btarted to talk to Carl Olson, one of tho players. The latter replied that ho was "to busy to talk to lilni." whereupon Mlloqulst h said to have pulled a revolver and uttered some threat. It seems that l.lllcqiiist has been trying to pick a quarrel with Olson for tho last few days over soino trouble, the exact nature of which has not been diveulged. HOT CIMISS WNS AT MM I) X HAItMIMJK HAKKItV. Phone 112-1,. COOS BAY DEVELOPMENT NEW NEW HOMES TO W 1 BE BUILT HERE BLANCO HOTEL Several Arrange to Erect Res idences in First Addition; Others Contemplated. Ono now residence hns been start oil and three others shortly will ho Btarted In First Addition, south of South Marshflohl. C. M. Conner of Conner & lloaglnud, has started tho construction of a line modern eight room house. 0. M. Hlnekey and his brnther-ln-law, W. Mason, aro also arranging to start new residences there. Homer Mauzey is making arrange jiients for tho erection of a modern bungalow there. Plans to lliiild. John Mossorlo yostorday closed a deal through I. S. Kaufman & Com pany for tho piirchaso of a corner, DOxl 115. at Hlevoiith and Commercial from (J. Carlson of Portland. Tho price Is understood to have been In tho neighborhood of IHHOO. It is said to ho Mr. Mesorlo's intention to erect somo modern houses on tho proporty in tho near future. To Illllld Houses. See, John .Motley of the Marshlleld Chamber of Conimerco today ro eolved a letter from It. 13. Abbott of tho Northwestern First Mortgage Trust company of Portland In which Jio stated thnt ho would arrlvo here on tho Hreakwator this week to look this city over with a view to erecting a number of houses horo to rent on easy terms or sell on the partial pay ment system. President Oreen has boon In correspondence with the com pany for somo time. (Will) OF THANKS. To the many friends, and espec ially to the F. O. Knglcs, Mnrshfleld Aerie, ritIS, and to US-It!, I. L. A., who by their kindly acts and words of sympathy lightened tho burden of my grief In the recont Illness mid death of my beloved husband, Albert Hansen, 1 extend my heart Jolt thanks, MHS. AMU3UT HANSKN. Many Changes Made in First Floor to Accommodate New Restaurant. Contractor Telnnder this morning began the remodelling of tho Illanco hotel, the putting In of a now front and .general Improvement of tho structuro for Kmorson Ferry, tho proprietor. Tho plans cnll for an ontlro eltora- t ton. tho olllco being changed so thut It will havo only nno-hnlf tho pros ent frontage but will extend further back. Tho entrance will bo on Front strcot directly In front of the pres ent stairway leading to the second lloor, the stairway will bo moved back. Hack of this will bo tho olllco and back of It tho cloak room and an entrance to the washroom. North of tho lobby and olllco will bo tho dining room and restaurant, which will have a good frontage on Front street and take In most of the present dining room. It Is stated that Manos Brothers, who formerly conducted tho big Oregonlan restau rant at Salem, will havo chargo of Iho now eating house. Theso changes with tho now plato glass fronts will make a big Improve ment In tho appearance of tho place. "F" O.N NICKi:i, l)F.FK.NIKI. Treasury Department Says Artist's Initial Is Not I'niisiial, WASHINGTON. March 10. Pro tests against t no Initial "F" of Ar tist Frazer appearing on tho new nickel, caused olllclals of tho Treas ury department to declare that this was customary on practically all tho coins of tho I'ultcd States and of other nations. On some foreign coins the artist's full name appears. NORTH BEND NOTES. ! Mrs. 15. A. Klckworth of Marsh lleld visited her daughter. Mrs. Ilobt. (ebhart of North llend yoMorday. The North llend city council did not meet this week but will hold a meeting next Tuesday night. Southern Pacific Closing Up for Last of Route Along Siuslaw Now. Kt'OICNK. March I".- Tho (iuiird says: "Quite a number of deeds to Wil lamette I'acllle right-of-way between tjio Not I tunnel and the coast were llled for record this afternoon. Illght-ol'-wny Agent lluell is fast closing up the deals for laud and there are only a few small pieces yet to secure. The grantors es named in the deeds llled today are ns follows: Chas. 11. Morgan, A. M. Richardson, Anna HoiTninn. O. W. llurd. Oluf Itlce. Ole P. ltlce. .1. V. Sutherland, Preston Ileexes, William S. Suther land. Charlotte .1. Cox. 15. A. Heech. Albert A. Damltlo, Geo. A. Illudley, (Hies Fowler, .1. It. l.asswell, Clara S. Walker, Fred N. Froderlckson, Charlotte 15. Wells, It. II. Clow and Peter S. Klce. A water tank Is being erected in the Willamette Paclllc material yards west of lllalr street for tho engines used In construction work on the W. P., after trains begin to run on the hitter line. A large number of railroad labor ers arrived from the north yesterday and today for work on tho Willam ette Paclllc. Twohy Pros, received a carload of oats today for their camps on the Coos liny line. OIIANTS PASS I.IXI5. AT Til 15 IIOTI5LS. A PIU5SII SUPPLY of FIU5SII OIA'MI'IA OYBT15HS JUST IU5 OI51VI5I). Freo Delivery. PHONH your OHD15K to 1MIONI5 73-J. Til 15 CHANI)U5U J. M. Nye. Jr., Coqulllo; A. 15. Mlchaolson. Port land; It. K. Fownder, Coqulllc; .loo Fosso, Conlodo; I5d Wilson, Port land; 15. M. Rosenthal, Portland; W. P. Ilrott, San Francisco; T. N. Prln gle, San Francisco; J. W. Wells. San Francisco; Win. (Inrrott, City; U. S. Jennings, San Francisco; 15. II, Mar tin. Portland; Mrs. C. Tlnimons, Han don; Frances Tlnimons, Handon; Ceo. 15. Towney, Myrtlo Point: II. J. Mcniarmld. Handon; 15. DoKenter. Portland; Mrs. 15. 15. Kendall, New York. LI.OYI) 1IOT15L Miss 15. Clark. Coa. ledo; Mr. and .Mrs.Win. Smith, Myr tlo Point; S. 15. Pallor, Topokn. Kan. 11I.ANCO HOTJ5L J. D.Colvin, Grants Pass Win Sliults, Coqulllo; S, S. Shields, Handon; J. N. Ilayllss. Co qnlllu; Tom McKlttrick, Portland. IIOTI5I. COOS (ieorgo Cllnkcn benrd, Daniels Creek; Taylor Slglln, Isthmus; S. It. Smith and wire. Mod ford; C. F. Hrookuinn, city; W. W. I.nwhorn, Coqullle. ST ! l- XSS I5.VS SHIP S A 1 1 ,S. Whaler to He Stocked at Ksqulumlt For llrlt Ish Cruise. SAN FRANCISCO. March 111. The old whalor Karluk, which has beon iiiirchased by Vlhjalmar Ste fanfiseu, discoverer of blonde 15s qulmaux, for a second voyage to tho Arctic, cleared from this port late Saturdny for Vnncouvor, II. C. The vessol will bo stocked at Esquimau for a threo years' cruise In tho Arctic seas. Stefanssen hopes to be led to unexplored country by his friends among the blonde Es quimaux. Tho Karluk Is now of Aniorlcan registry, but It is understood that a subsidy will bo neeoptod from tho Canadian government and tho Brit ish ring substituted for that or tho United States. City Sells .SMfMlim Worth if lloiiils to llulld I, hie to Sen. GRANTS PASS. .Man li lit. Th. $1! 0 (MUM) bond issue voted l the people of this city on December is Tor the purpose of building a mu nicipally owned rallrond from Grants Pass to the Illinois Valley, was sold yesterday to Terry, Hrlggs & Slayton of To'edo. Ohio, at pul pitis accrued Interest. The entire Issue goes to tho one firm. The council has been negotiating the sale of these bonds since Hie December election, but not until now was an acceptable hid received for them. Tho bonds bear ." per cent Interest. This isuo was voted to finance the llrst unit of the t-al'ro.ul that Is to bo built from Grants Pass to Crescent' City on the coast. The (list unit is to be extended from this city to tho Illinois Valley, and will he owned by the municipality. Right of way has already been secured to Hays Hill, a distance of 111 miles, and l!i! acres of terminal grounds within tho city of Grants Pass havo been nurebased. Tho money realized from this sale of bonds will be used In the purchase of steel rnlls and equip ment, crews now being at work clearing the right of way and get ting It ready for the graders. It Is expected that the road can he completed to Wlldervllle. on the Applegute river, by midsummer. M HOT CKOSS lll'.NS AT Mill) HAItMIK.'i: HAKKUV. Phono 112-L. fce&MMi The Band Boys' Minstrels At the Masonic Opera House March 26 and 27 Buy Your Tickets at "The Busy Corner" 25c, 50c and 75c LENTEN SERVICE Large Congregation Greets Archdeacon Chambers at Second Meeting. That "nothing succeeds like suc cess" is an old saying strikingly Illustrated In tho sorles or addresses which Archdeacon Chambers Is de livering in tho l5plscopal church on theso evenings In Holy Week. Last evening double the congregation or tho preceding evening, and practical ly occupying every seat In the edl llco, listened most nttentlvoly ns tho Archdeacon drew his lessons from the parable of the great sup per, which symbolizes the feast or tho Gospol and the excuses which woro made to got out of attending the supper typifying tho vain ex cuses which today aro niado on all sides by those who for ono reason or anothor stay away from God. Following the address tbnrn ivim n helpful meditation on tho conse quonces of these exensos, which tho speaker designated iib nothing less than sins of omission, ofton nioro grovlous in God's sight than sins or commission. Ono condition char acterized all theso consequences, namely, that In which tho Prodlgnl round hlniseir feeding nt tho swine troughs of tho world. The Archdeacon clnsmi iitu mi. dress by an Instruction In church history, carrying his hearers as fnr as tho Reformation, which will be continued at this evonlnuV uorvi,.n Tho subject for the address will bo "Whether It Ho Right,' and tho meditation, "Tho Forgiveness of Sins." Tho services nro Inspiring, ns tes tified to by tho Increasingly largo congregations, all of whom have felt greatly holped by tho Archdea con's forcible way of presenting tho facts of the Christian llfo. The ser vices aro brief and hearty and freo to all, Hl'YS COOS TIMHKH. F. R. Pendloron, one of Oregon's best known timber dealers, arrived ill Roseblirir this mnrnlni in o.,,i -- --.w ..., .w BFVtlVI n fow days looking after business inaners. nir. renuieton recently purchased considerable timber in Douclas and Coos cmmHna ,..i.ii. ho expects to hold until after tho coinpiouoii oi rno t'anaiua Canal. Roseburg Nows. Easter Tiime Is New Hat Time C i-k: M uui iic tiling ity SON STET VELOUR HATS Made in America by STETSON, Perfection in Style, Quality and Finish. We have a full line of these new Velour Hats, Come and Select Yours Before Easter, "Money Talks" Hub Clothing and Shoe Co. .MAHSHFII5I.H MYIITM5 POINT lUNDOll Have You a Bank Connection! Wo feel suro that there aro quite a good many personi la uli community who do not realize how great an advantage It It li have business relations wltu a good bank. I'pon such porsons wo wish to urge tho wisdom of tMti acquainted with tho olllcers of this reliable financial Imtltutlsa. As u depositor here, you will be In a position to get a Kt deal of valuable advlco and other assistance In your Unwclil and, business affairs lu addition to the use of the cuitowrj banking facilities. It will pay you In a great many wajs to become a rep'jr bank depositor am! customer. ThB First National Bank Of Coos Bay FLANAGAN & BENNET BANK Capital and Surplus $100,000 Oldest Bank in Coos County. Interest Paid on Time deposits. Taxes can be Paid at this Bank. zx Office Phone 582 Residence phone 9W Donald MacKimifosh HEAL ESTATE FIRE INSURANCE Opposite Grand Theater BANDON, ORE- TUB ItECORD PIIOTOGRAl'IIIN G AHSTIUOT COM1 t0 0 Havo photographic copies of all records of Coos reiu abstracts of titles, present owners, or any other JDiorw to real estntA fnrnlalm.l nn aVmt nntlrn. . .. llmn ' I1USIXESS OFFICE: 117 North Front St., MorsbfieJ u. W. J UWJSTjMfiSU