nsr mwmrn nmtiMfuitm6iHiHmitirflMVi THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19, 19 13 EVENING EDITION. "TTO V s t1 iiTfcV mii-At it mni i .' n. EaSBSa v.-c.a JM.1 t" wr Jj l y . n ' .' . Ifel 'ct .V7 V' . i j-: IKA m :wi. V'. e '!, 'E r.r.it ' '-i . J 11 L'm Cj ! f' M-WVMI i&tfitvsvvl ; rv lSttVl il' Xi'r?iVlivrtJ'f .-,? tFV P Copr'lcbt lUrt SfhifThtr & Mux 0 you want new clothes for Easter Sunday ? Everybody ecorates" for that day, or before; reason why you shouldn't. You'll the proper things for it here. Hart Schaffner & Marx i ring suits; new stylish models in ring overcoats ; the latest shapes in ring hats; the finest neckwear in patterns. Woolen Mill Store p! itore Is tho homo of Hnrt Schaffner & Marx Clothes. ORPHEUM TONIGHT ' 11. TOWIIlt win MuK " Just n Rrenm of You Dear." "IIRUT.VMTV," Blogrnpli, An adaptation from Oliver Twist show- lHe power for Kooa Iieltlutl the drnnin. pHEMAUKi:i) MAN" A strong drnmn. jHESOXO OF TUH SHELL VITA," A story of charity work. Established Admission, lov, Never more. 'SAriP! A effrtan-nfrss ,tmvo Fammomis NyaFs Family anediej Jeinniedy for each ailment uirader a. goairaotee Ntert-Parsons Drug Co. ONE "THE BUSY CORNER." MAIN 298 US rage Company I1,"'6 Packed rpei! ceaned. Bled .I-!?, Shinned. U$ "" "Paired. ' h'ftar: Umbrellas Covered at Marslifield Cyclery Dayton Agents. Phono IBS-It 173 Broadway TIDES FOR MARCH. Below la Riven tho Umo and height of high nnd low water at Yinrshflcld. Tho tliles are placed In tho order of occurronco, with tholr tltnos on tho first line and holghts on the second line of each day; a compni Isnn on consecutive heights will Indicate whether It Is high or low water. For high walor on tho bar, iitnstrnct 2 hours 34 mlnutoa 1!) IIih. IFt... 0 lll-H. . Ft.. . t I I IK . Ft . . r...ii; I !l Lis r..:t i.r.i; r..s n.r.i Ji.'iiT i.ri 7.30 0.7 12.00 0..11 n.s o.i 1.0 1 7.1!) 0.0 0.1 J. 57 8.01 0.2 0.1 BORN. COLEMAN To Mr. and Mm. M. O. Coleman of Aorth Hend at Mercy hoHpltal. Wodnosdny, March 17, a hoii Mother and child urn do ing nicely nnd Mr. Colemnn Ih about the happiest man In North llenil ' Cars Coining (Jeorgo Goodrum received a wire today stating that his delayed shipment of eight Ford antes would arrive on tho Bronkwa ter Friday. Will (ile Piny Tho Lltorary So (ley of the Maishllehl high school will present a program at tho high school tomorrow night. " A Caso of Suspicion." a playlet, will be tho fea ture of the program. KlnrlH Paper Dr. I.onch, a Bnn dnu socialist, has started a socialist paper called ".lustlco." In It, ho makes a hitter attack on Itev. Ilnrtrnnnft because the latter ob jected to socialist boolH being put In tho now nubile library there. Council Tonight The Marslifield city council will meet this evening to ennvass the returns of the special DAIRY AND STOCK FARMS. If yon want u good Dairy' or Stjiclt farm mo Fltgcrald or Phone :tl.1l, Mnihliflcld. For the lloinocokcr lie can show you some of the best In the county for halo. WANT ADS. WANTED Voun man experienced In olllce, timekeeping and store work wants position, Address C. A. care of Times. WANTKD f lunula aid at Chan- dler Hotel. WANTED (Jlrl for restaurant work. Apply K euro of Times. WANTKD A Miiart mini for solic iting. Must bo well acquainted. Good money for right man. T, care Times. WANTKD Two homestead relin quishments Immediately; good nnd cheap, llox J, Care TIiuob. WANTKD Saleslady at Lando's Dry ttoods Storo, Front stroot. FOR KKNT 2 furnished rooms, fjtlO and $0 por month.. Nlco location. Address K, Times olllco. FURNITURE FOR SALIC and lionse for rent In North Bond, chnnco, enro of TimcB. WANTKD Penides. HrliiK them to tho Golden Rulo storo nnd get good money for thorn. FOIt SALIC Loganberry roots !?:i.00 por 100. Address Mrs. M. P. Ta bor, North Bond. WANTKD Competent nurso wnnts conllnomont cases. Box 393 North Bend, Oro. WANTKD Girl or woman for gen oral housowork. Apply Mrs. W. II. Elekworth, Coos Bay Cream ory, Mnrshflold. FOR SALIC Incubntor and brooder. Inquire at 138 Third street. UTILITY niMCI) Buff Orpington eggs for hatching. Phono 294-X. . FOIt SALIC Ono launch 20 feet; 8 II. P. Enquire M. O. Coleman, North Bond. FOIt UICNT Eight room house, or cither floor singly nnd bath. Seo John Ellorby after C o'c'ock FOIt SALIC CHEAP If taken at onco, fluo launch Tourist. Also runabout automobile. Inquire D. O. Walcott. FOIt SALE Dry wood, flr nnd al der, at Campbell's Wood Yard, Forry landing. Phone lKrt'L. WANTKD Twelve experienced min ers and timber men. Apply Beav er Hill Coal Co. Norwegian Cheese Just arrived a fresh shipment of tho colobrated Primost and Mysost In 25c Bricks Stauff Grocery Co. Phone 102 Maskey's "andlcs. . I WKATIIKIt FOItKCAST. By Associated Press OREGON Haiti or snow to night and Thursday. Continued cool. Easterly winds. I LOCAL TICMPKItATUItK I KECOItD. I For tho 2 1 hours ending at I I- 13 a. in., March ID, by UenJ. I Ostllnd, special government me I trorologlcul observer; I Maximumu 10 I Minimum 39 I At 1:13 a. m II Pieclpltntlon 10 Precipitation since Sop;. 1, I 1912 17.03 Precipitation same peiloil I previous year 10.73 I Wind: Southwest; Hainy. election yesterday nnd to tnko up street improvements and other inn ulclpnl matters. Baseball Mccllnj; A mooting of the baseball fans will bo hold this evening at tho Chamber of Commerce to discuss arrangements for a team this year. Leave Tomorrow Tho following nro listed to leao by Draln-Gnrdlner stage In tho morning: L. T. Morgan, George It. Anderson, .lack WIol, Mrs. .lohansen and threo children and A. E. Nicholson. Hold Silver Medal Contest A class of contestants for W. C. T. U. Silver medal will compote this ovenlng at the Methodist Church In Mnrshtlohl. Tho contest Is under tho direction of Dr. B. B. Clarke. New Itcstiiuraiit Fred Knutlson. who lecently sold the lliiltlmore Cafe. Is arranging to open a tamalo and short order restaurant on Com mercial avenue In the quarters for merly occupied by the Merchants Cnle. New Stoic Messrs. I.lndberg and Uosoberg expect to have their now storo In Bunker IIIH ready for op ening about April 1. They wl'l have a largo general stock and plan to have ono of the best smaller storos on tho Bay. Coibus N Dead. Coroner Fred Wilson says that tho report In the Coqulllo Sentinel that J. C. Corhtts Is alive In tho Fan Creek country Is lucorivH l', the old Tiro wnrdeu and trappor having died n fow months ago tit Mercy Hospital. Mr. W'll hdu lrid charge of tho funeral here. Mr Corbus left no word about his fnnill.N and It was with dllllculty that the widow was located at .non roe, Otegon. Mr. Wilson has not heard from Mrs. Corbus since ho notiried her. Hcduce Wireless Bates Manager Drews oft ho Coos Bay Homo Tele phono company today received word that hereafter tho Wireless Station at Cape Blanco will accept commer cial m"sngcB for ships nt sen. Tho message also states that the rate has boon reduced from twelve cents to eight (cuts por word, and that no message for less than eighty cents will bo accepted. Tho Telephone company charges two cents por word between horo nnd Capo Blanco so that tho sorvlco will ho quite reason able now. Kinney's- Plan Major L. I). Kin ney has written to See. John Motley of the Mnrshllcld Chnmbcr of Com merce urging the opening of a public ity department for Southern Oregon In a room nt tho Multnomah, hotel, Portland. Ho says It should bo for all Southern Oregon, tho oxpenso pro rated. He estimates It would cost $200 por month to maintain It. Ho says ho would orgnnlzo tho de partment frco because ho wnnts to boost Coos Bny, ovon If ho Is soiling out his property. Ho wnnts tho Chambor of Commerce to uct on It. PERSONAL NOTES 1 W. H STFLL Is In town fiotn Allegany. JOHN KEIF of llayncs Inlet Is In town on business. 1C. L. HOIIEHTS of Catching Inlet is in town on business. MASON NOAH of North Coos HIor Is In town for the day. F. B. STUHG1S or lhuidon Is a Marshtlcld lsltor today. NED C. KKLL1CY or Coqulllo is look ing after business hero today. JESSE SMITH of South Coos Hlver 1 Is In town on business. MHS. E. E. DYICH or Daniels Creek siient yesterday In town. CHAS. MAIIAFFY Is In town today from North Coos Hlvor. PETEH atJILMAMS Is n visitor from North Coos Hlver today. CHAS. DUNCAN of South Coos Hlv cr Is In town on business. MAYOR JORDAN or Eastsido is a Marshlleld visitor today. C. C. MILLER of Tar Heel Point is in Murshfleld on business. E. A. GOULD nnd wife or Allegany are spondlng the day In town. MISS LENA MATSON of Catching Inlet Is visiting In town today. F. J. KOLSTAD Is In Mnrshllold to day from his Coos River home. NELS PETERSON or Templeton Is u business visitor In town today. C. C. WHARTON of Allegany Is In Marshlleld attending to business. MRS. W. A. LUSE of South Coos Hlv er was visiting relntlvos In town yesterday. FRANK 1IODSON and wife of South Coos River are lsltlug In Mnrsh llold today. HENRY FOURIER returned this morning from a business trip to I lay nes Inlet. HENRY WALKER, a lineman, re turned thin morning from a busi ness trip to I. arson Inlet. MR. and MHS. CHAS. SELANDER of Catching Inlet are In Marshlleld on business nnd pleasure. MISS OLLIB RICHARDS of Sum ner was In Marshlleld this morning on her way to North Bend. MHS. AUSTICD of Allegany returned to Marshlleld today accompanied by her dauguhter, Mrs. Edith Gor-manson. PROF. STOSS.MIC'STER of tho Coos liny Business College Is expected to return the last of the week from a trip to Salem. V. P. SANFOHD, who has boon liv ing In Marshlleld this past winter, loft todny for Loo, Oregon, where ho will resume ranch life. PAUL STEPHAN, who was formorly engaged In tho bnkory business horo nnd nt Coqulllo, loft yesterday for tho Wlllamotto Valley to Join Mrs. Stophnn, who has boon visit- A BEAUTIFUL HOME ON EASY PAYMENTS Homes can't often be had on easy pay ments in Marslifield, but wo have one, pret ty and comfortable, close in, with pleasant surroundings, splendid view, and all mod ern conveniences, on very easy terms, There is a forty foot lot, with an east front, and the house is well planned and of good bun galow design. The owner wants to sell by April first, because he- has to leave the city, He bought the place expecting to make it his perma nent home, If taken this month, it can be had for only $2700, on terms of $600 cash, and the balance at $25 a month, Let us show you this place, You will agree with us that it is very attractive, Quick Sales on South Marshfeld Lots Some choice building sites in the best neighborhood, at prices very much under the market, We don't say this without being prepared to prove it easily, Everybody knows that South Marslifield is one of the most desirable residence sections, No one can offer, you the bargains there that we can, I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. 177 FRONT STREET, - i - SOCIAL CALENDAR WEDNESDAY Ladles Auxiliary of the Presby terian church with Mrs. J. E. Burkhart. Methodist Ladles' Aid In tho church parlors. Prlcllla Club with Mrs. F. Grin-olds. lute lelatlves there. Mr. Stophnn will probably locate at Baudon on his tut tn ii. A. Y. MYERS of the Reynolds De velopment company. Is expected home In a day or two from a busi ness trip to San Francisco. MRS. E. E. KENDALL camo over to day from Baudon to lslt her son, J. C. Kendall. She has about do elded to erect a home nt Baudon. MHS. It. M. WIEDICR or Lakosldo left yesterday for Bhiidnn In re sponso to a message, staling Hint, her little grandson was quite 111 nt tho home of her dnughtor, Mrs. Tattle, In Baudon. .MRS. FREDERICK BROWNE, whoso husband hns charge or tho S. P. construction work nonr Gardiner, Is expected here today to visit nt the C. 11. Marsh homo nnd with other friends on the- Bny. IC. J. BAKER of Port Orford. chief deputy game warden of this dis trict and a good friend of tho honest sportsmuu, hut a W-rror to tho poachers, has been visiting friends In the city for u fow days. II. J. McDIAHMID rottimcd todny from Ilnndon. Do says that tho Baudon baseball fans nro waiting to see whnt the othor towns nro going to do about baseball before deciding whether to play all homu talent. Bnndou has n much strong er homo talent nggregntlon In sight this year than bIio had last season. IC. A. BUCKET or Coqulllo wns hero yesterday looking after the mount lug of Homo wild gnmo specimens, which ho Is hnvlng Truo Sallng do. Mr. Beckot Is said to ho llgurlng on engnglng In tho llquour busi ness In San Francisco during tho exposition, nnd will tnko his lino collection of trophies as a featuro of the decoration of his place. SENATOR ALBERT ABRAHAM of Rosoburg Is In Marshllohl on mat ters connected with tho possible transfer or tho logging business stnrted by hlnisolr and Mr. Do Keater near Bridge to tho Smith Powers company. Mr. Abrahams, while at Portland denied tho re port that ho was a candldato for tho appointment as U. S. District Attorney In Oregon. Judge Hall III Judgo John F. Hall last llluht Hllffonxl nnntlmr acute attack of apuondlcltls. It wnu stated mat be would ho tnkon to Mercy Hospital todny nnd,' "would probnbly undergo an operation. This Is the second attack ho 'has had within u row weoks. I Along the Waterfront. I Tho Nairn Smith nnd Adeline Smith sailed today for Oakland and Bay Point. Mr. Shields of Bnndon hns about closed a deal for tho purehnso of tho sea-going launch which Peter Scott, Sr opcrntod hero tho past year. Mr. Shields Is opening a tlsli market at Baudon nnd plans to do considerable deep son fishing, Tho Rohnrts which lost Its bnrgo of coal on tho Sluslaw bar night before last, had hard luck this trip. In going out horo Sunday she took a bit; sea and Is reported to havo lost considerable coal. The Ruby sailed today from Ban don for San Francisco with a cargo of lumber. .MID-WKKK TAFFY SALIC. TO MORROW. ASSORTED FLAVORS, 15e lb. LICWIS' Confectionery. HOT CROSS Bl'NS AT LEID & BARNIDGE BAKERY. Phono 112-L. Be Up To Date Order your Suit from TVfcrr The Tailor and JJJ Dress Expert 27H Front St. V'lwUtlw. TNE BAND GETS CITY SUPPORT Tho Tonnlnal Hallway can soil its franchlso to tho 8. P., Doc Straw Is still mayor, and wo havo put in an added supply of soda fountain fix ings to mako you a drink. Como in and havo somothlng. SARTER'S We Keep All Sorts But Recommend m&far j f . racTTni Kidney Pills We know what they will do PRICE 50c i '1yJkB lLmL n 'il 1