1', t THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19, 1913 EVENING EDITION. 3 Sm ie 4 The Sign of Good Candy Always AUTO f ARE 20c Round Trln Mwcon larshfield and North Bend IARSHFIELD NORTH BEND AUTO LINE Gorst & King, Props, UntsatBunker Hill Inner of county road. Ccntrnlly ICQ. viiij yw. AUG. FRISIAN nt now location rrontStr. Marslilicw OFESSIONAL DIRECTORY IeXJ.UII.V OSTIil.NI), Consulting Engineer nnti Auliltoct. Le io:yi Mnrshflchl, Ore. ). WUIGHT, CONTRACTOR AND I IILIlllH'.ll l .. !....! .. Knnltnot ..nirtnMilnna ftirn iniinii 31 anu Biutiii.n'o in - Ifrilred. An lioncat Job guaron I. m mil) rnunu imt-i PROGRESS IN GAS RANGE MANUFACTURE Each year manufacturers of gas ranges announce some new improvement in their product an added convenience a touch of luxury, These refinements do not increase the price of ranges you simply get more for your money. They do not make the ranges cook better nor more econ omically, It is merely the efforts of the manufac turers to keep pace with the public demand for ad ditional ease and comfort, Your present gas range will cook and bake just as well and just as economically as any of the iipw ones but if you have not been cooking with gas and have no gas range, don't fail to stop in at your dealers and see the 1913 models, Oregon Power Co, ANOTHER NAME FOR OREGON Telephone 178 Second and Central "Valentino State" Suggested in Rec ognition of Admission Day. (From Orcgonlnn) With other loynl OrcgoniniiH 1 lwiv.i r.tll n 1r.mil Intnroat lit tlin tinron- Inl dlBCUBslons iih to u suitable psau- donyni tor urcgon. nnti i uihik our Htnto hna n unliiio opportunity to choose n name both HlRiilHcent nnd approprlati'. Oregon was utlmlttutl to tlio Union February 1 I, 1 8UU. Why should she not ho "Tho Valentino Statu?" Hc hUIo designating tho most Important dato In her history, tho Idea of a girt Ih conveyed nml, certainly, ov urynno familiar with Orogon'H mai voloua diversity of rcsourcca will ngrco that she contributes richly to tho wealth of our nation. Tho torm "Wobfoot," as evidenced by dozens of lotters from eastern sources, has given widespread Im pression that tho rainfall Is exces sive and nover-endlng. "I am told It rains an tlio time mere, is n phraso of frequent occurrence In these communications. "Wobfoot" may appeal to us locally, but It car ries perverted meaning abroad. As for "licaver State," Oregon has nn mntintinlv iitioii tlio benvor. and many other states aro named for gamo or IIhIi, as "The Badger State," "Sticker State," "Wolverine State." Thoro is nothing truly distinctive In tho name. February 1 1 Is tho birthday of no other state than Oregon. Her re chrlstenlng, should tho Idea provo an appealing one, would bo soon accom plished with tho compelling co-operation of stato olllcialH In olllclal pub lications, tho press, commercial or ganizations and civic bodies. Again, why not "Tlio Valentine Stato?" W. L. CR1SSEY. Portland Commercial Club. lUVIA i:uma., (Mccliaiio J hcmplst atlflc Swedish Maasago, Medic. UilllllUHULtJ 1 8. Sixth St. I'liono 205-It- lEL OSTIiIXR, Pliino Tuner nml Honnlrcr. 1 8. Sixth Stroot. Phono 103-L Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. HENRV SENGSTACKEN, Mgr. Coqulllo Oinco Phono 191 Platting Lands a specialty. FarniB Timber Coal and Marshflold Oillco 1-1-J. Gonoral Agents "EASTSIDE." COOS HAY PLATE AM) WINDOW Mi.SS CO. .1. A. Goodwill and W. K. Sawyer. Plati', AW mill Window Glass, Mir- litis, I'rlsiiiatlo Glass. Mall orders and phono orders given prompt attention. EsHmntPH fur nished. Phono 70-L. 71!7 So. Broadway. Marshflold. ICIU, ItlliUV I1ALL1XGER rii.ulht. ami Teacher lidtnco-Studlo, 237 So. DroadwHj Phono 18-L. 7M. 8. TUHPKN, ARCHITECT Marshflold, Orogon. iR. W. MOHUOW, I m ucniiiii. lunniM illuming, over urnno Theater. Oillco Phono 1120. 0. CHANDLER, Architect, Kai 301 nml 302, Coko Building Mnrslifleld, Oregon. FAST AND CO.UMOD10US Steamer Redoido Equipped with wireless nnd siilnnnrloo licll SAILS FROM SAN FRANCISCO for MARSHFIELD MARCH 25, AT 3:00 P. M. All Passenger Reservations From Snu Francisco Must Ho Matlo M 805 Fife Ilulldlug. or Lombard street Pier. 27. All reservations must bo taken up 21 hours before nailing. INTER-OCEAN TRANSPORTATION CO. niinvm 44 O. i aicur.uiiUB.. mmiu Singer Sewing Machines Wo have thorn for rent or for unlo. Machines Repaired. Supplies nnd Needles for Salo. W. J. HIT., I.'M Park Ave. Marshfleld. Phono 280-X. . kR.A.j. iinmrnva Modern I)entl Purlors. Ii ire equipped to do high claei I ork on short notlco at tho very I lowest prices. Examination free. lUdjr attendant. Coko Dldb'., Opv ICtwdlor Hool. phone 11C-J. IF.V Vfllt 11MVH A M1.-QI.'V. CER 110V Soinethlng heat for M delivered Zlm PHONE 120-li m w'll do It. Charges roaBon- Of AS OHAVHY. R. J. MONTGOMERY 3l Estate and Insurance 244 North Front Street. THE NEW Steamer SPEEDWELL OAPT. nUKTlS, Mahtcr. Sails for San Francisco from Coos Bay Friday March 1 6, at 4 P. M. THE SPEEDWELIi la speedy nnd hns excellent pAsscngcr nccom ,no5tlons7 largo clean and 'alry'roon.s and electric lights and wireless. . , For freight and passage, npply, A. F. Kstabroolc Co. Tlllo (lunrnntco and AlhW Cfc, mini!? Santa Marina Hldg., San Francisco. Marshfleld. Parker & Leaton Heal Estate, Heiitnls and IiiMiranee Loi'lduirl Hiilldlng, Over Hub Clolli- lug Store, Marshfleld, Ore. Unique Pantatorium THE MODEHN DVKIIS. CLKANKHS, PHESSEHS and HAT HENOVATORS Agent for Emvard II. Btrnnsn Co., Flno Tailoring. tct um ntako your next suit. 2.15 CENTIIAIj. Phono 2B0-S Causes Much Disease Advlco nbout Stomnch Troublsa and how to relievo them. Don't neglect Indlcettlon, for it tnay load to nil Boris of 11U nnd com. pllcatiom. An eminent physician enco said that nlnoty-flvo P cunt , ol nil ills hnvo their orlclu In n dis ordered etorunch. Our cxpcrlcnco with rtexnll !) repsla Tublcts Icadl us to bcllevo " . t ..fit.. .i,.l InnAliililhllt remedies known for indlcestion nnd chronlo dytprp'la. Their iiiKr-Hlt; ents nm Bootlilwt to tho Inllanjed membranes ot tlio Momnch. KIcU in Peiwln nnd llisinutli, two of tlio Greatest dlueslivo uids known to medicine, tho relief they iiflord Is ytry prompt. Used pcwhtently nm rcaulnrly for n short time, they tend to rrllovo pains caused by Btomucli tlUorderj. Roxnll ItyBpcpsla Tuhlets help Insure henltliy nppotite, n d dlRes tion, nnd promote nutrition. As evidence of our faith In them, wo i ink you to try them nt our risk. If Hiey tlo not idvo cntlrii nutisfactloii. a ttill return tlio money you pu ; us vlthout question or formality. 1 lireo bIicb, 1!5 ccuU, CO cents nnd $1.00. You cau buy Rcxall Dyspspaln TablcW (a this community only ut our store: LOCKHART PARSONS DRUG CO. Tho IIuh Corner Mnrslifleld Tha $tvxall Stor Orcuon lurra IS n Jveian nvnro in nanny o-eir i.h nd city In tlio L'liltcd Ulstvs. C jud n;l Jlicturcs&framing Walker Studio Star Transfer Storage Co. S. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITH WIHELE8S SAILS FROM MARSHFIELD FOR. EUREKA FRIDAY, MARCH 21 AT 9:30 A. M. ROUND TRIP, $18.50 CONNECTING WITn THE NOItTII HANK IIOAM AT 1'OUTIiAXIl OUNr,hU NOUTII PACIFIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY'. . O. V. .MrflEUlUilv, Agenu Phono 41 FOR QUICK WORK, FOR PROMPT WORK, ' FOR GOOD WORK, Telephone the old reliable Coos Bay Steam Laundry We always deliver the goods. Phone 57-J Marshfield Thera Is a Itsisll fitoro In nearly e-enr town rH rliv In llio I'liltnl tttstri. Cj)td nn'l (Ireat lirltsln. There Is different It"" each ripeclolly Urtlitneil for ttia particular Ul for which It is recommended. Th R.iall Starts r America's CimIiiI Drug Storaa START SUNDAY ON HARD TRIP HOSEItritti PEOPIjE COMING TO COOS I1AV rXDEHGO PEItlliS TO SAVE i:PEXSE OF OVEIN liAXD JOL'HXEV. UOSElirilO. Mnrch lit. Tho lie vlow Buys: fnffvliur n pnrL'n nt Hnvnn hiininn luitiii'u nlwinl nonn nnniiiln nf liniiBO- hold Roods nnd provUloiiB, nnd two doKH and a cnt, tno HenioBoinnicn broihiTH' cnnvnHH-toppod houfloboat loft UoBobnrK Sunday mornliiB for Onrdlnur. 120 nillea diutnnt. Infonnntlon ronchod HosoburB thin mornliiK tlint tho voynRcrs had snfoly rcnclH'd the forkB of tho riv er, five inlloH bulow horo. Throo mlleB ludow thnt point, nt tho Wlnnlford plnco, nonr tho lower end of (liirdun Valley, Is one of tho most tlatiKorotiB werleB of rnplda in tho river. If tho bout enn ride these wnterB without nilshnp, Ub nhancca of eoinplotliiR the entire Journoy nro Rood. It 1b remembered, howovor, thnt n yonr uro tltrco men who eB rnved tho hkiiio Journoy In n skiff stolen In UosobtitK, ntror BhootltiR tho snino rnpldB nnd aovornl othors beyond, wero overturned near Elk- ton, iobu UliiK in two 01 mem ou Iiik drowned. ShnrliiR In the Ronerni opinion of tho public thnt tho chnncen of the SchlcRolnillch jmrty of complpt Iiir the voyiiRo without a fatality nro Hllm, County JiuiRO wnuncon nnd District Attorney Drown vlflltod tho plnco where tho boat Btnrtctl from Sunday mornlnR and requested that the children In tho party bo left bohlnd. Their mission fnllod. it Ib understood, howovor, thnt tho throo women nnd two children la tho pnrty will not nttotnpt to rldo In tho bont nt tho dniiRerous plnco. liiBtend they will dlsombork and mnko it dolour on land, leaving tlio two men to bnttlo with tho awlft curronta and JuttliiR rocks. SchleRclinllch brothers aro ex perienced bontmen nnd their liro Ioiir work as loRRors Hob well flt ted them for battlliiK with Bwlft and roiiRh wnlerfl. In tho Umpqtia. howovcr, tlioy have found a stream worthy of combat with tholr prow ess, and few persons acquainted with tho nature of tho river bellovo tlioy will bo nliio to reacn muir uu tlnntlon without Berloim mishap. The rnlnfnll of tho past 12 hours Is In their favor In thnt It will ralso the rlvor nnd thereby rendor tho rocks In tho rnplds Icsh ilanBerous. Contlnunnco of tho rain will bo nil .1... I.nllnr f.ir HlHIll. Economy, rnthor than vonturo somu spirit, prompted, tho -cnloRoI-inllchs to nttompt tho hazardous voynRO. OrlRlnally they Intended to so to Marshflold overland from thla city. Whon tlioy ascertained thnt they couldn't make- tho trip with their fnmllles nnd baRRnRo for leas than 7n they chatiRod their minds nnd decided to ro to Gardi ner by bont. Tho miitorlal for tho boat, which they built thoniBolvoB In three dnys. cost 30. Tho risk of life howovor, was not calcitlnlod. If they rench Gardiner tho men ...im ......i .,...invinnn(. In any of tho Will DvUIV lilw"v" . niiinoroiiH lumber nml 0KBlnK P1""1" there. Should they fall, thoy will. ro from thoro to Coo Day but not In tho houseboat; that would roqulro an ocean Journoy; thoiiRn many persons would Just a soon nt tompt to travel tho ocean In . tholr boat ns to undortako to pilot it Inwn tho Uinpqun. Twin City Laundry GOOD WOHK GOOD SERVICE Not In ny Comblno. H hours work for women. Our Agents cull anywhere. Phono u:sJ. and Prepared to dell kinds of haulln -u nouce. w meet all trnlne Boats nnd wialso have the latest Reynolds 'Unn nrar. W j.1 urantee our -wo't. '. H. Heiner, P r'innRH as-K. jo-J 1-T rop. aJvy and SeconcHand Furniture rin un u.o iniimoat Plan. BAIUUSGTOX, YLB & CO., 302 UVok st, JSgLMawlifleM, Or. Havelhat R0f Fixed A'- nOltTlELL EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME. SAILINGS FROM PORTLAND, Tuesday evening of each week nt 8 P. M. SAILING- FROM MARSHFIELD, Sattudiiys, Miucli Ifith, 12:0 p. ml March S2, 0 . in.; March lit), 2 l. n. Phono Main 35-L. J O. MILLER, ARcnt. First ClassWeaving promptly ilono nt Gardiner's Rag Carpet. Factory Cor. Union and Montana Street. Phono 131. North Pond, Or A modem BrlcB. .uildlug, Eloctrl: Light, Steam Heat. Elegantly FurntBhod Rooms with Hot nnd Cold Water. HOTEL OOOS O. A. Metlln, rrop. RuteHi BO rents a day nnd upwards Cor. Hroailwar und Market Low In price, IiIrIi In quality. Electric Irons Wo lutvo n few hPcnniWiuinl Irons In good unrkliiK condition u t ijil.75. New Irons, SS.ISO up. Coos Bay Wiring Co. Phono 237-J 1C3 N. Broadway WE WILL MAIL YOU 1 for each sot of old False Toot sont us. Highest prices paid for old Gold, Sllvor, old Watches, brokon Jewelry and Preclout Stones. Money Sont by Roturn Mall. Phllu. PincltliiK H Refining Co. Established 20 Years. 803 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. TO DENTISTS. We will buy your Gold Filling), Gold Scrap, nnd Platinum. Hlga eat prices paid. iNnra sii Steamer Washington Sails for San Prancisco from Coos Bay, With freight, only, FOR A GOOD WAT( II OR FIXE. JEWELRY E. C. BARKER JEWELER Flno Wutcli and Jewelry Repairing. 2Wl Front St.. Mnrslifleld. T. B. DOW. Agest. Ocean Dock. ALL KINDS OF JOB PRINTING DONE AT THE TIMES' OFFICE Do You Leave Your Doors Unlocked? You would not do that, and you should no moro be without lire In surance. Tho open door would admit the burglar, and tho lire fiend la Just as Insidious. He plays no favorites, but attacks In sured nnd uninsured property nllko. Don't risk your savings for tho small co3t of a policy. Oura nro. the safest nnd best. I. S. Kaufman (& Co. Fisher Auto Service Win, Fisher, Proprietor. Phono ordora to Hlllyer's Cigar Stand, Phono 18-J. After 11 P. m. phono 5-J. Night phono 181-R. MHi&hlleld, Oregon. OIL KING'S SOX IS HOST. Ii. R. Alderiuaii Guet of John !. Rockefeller, Jr., in Xew oik. PORTLAND, March 19.L. R. AJdormnn, suporlntondont of schools for Oregon, who s now In tho EnBt. Is tho guest of John D. Rock efeller. Jr.. whon In Now- YorK. Mr. Rockofollor wrote to Mr. Ai dormnn some tlmo ngo, saying Ho wished to hnvo him as his personal guest whon ho wns In tho hast. Mr. Rockofollor boenmo interest ed' in Mr. Alderman through a ro- nort filed by tno ureRou "" " SrintonZnt on homo credit syatom. "i'" .,... ., un mm! tho rouort. BOII1U iimu ( , ,.,, " ,i after which ho expressed the do- slro to become- pornoiiuuy v..i" od with tho writer. Havo your Job printing don it Tho Times ofnco. WhitcuciTButton Shoes for Clilldrcn. .i o. Pninnt T.cathor Button Shoes for Ladlea' nnd MlsseB', at The Electric Shoe Shop You Auto Call Foote PHONE 114-J NIGHT AND DAY Stand front of Illanco Illlllard Parlor TWO NEW OAnS After 11 P. M. " W. Residence Phone .8-J. Careful DrlverH .;. Good gam Save That Bundle for Me A squaro deal nnd n elenn shirt. ROD BARTER, Twin City Laundry Phono 203-J I'll Call. JUST RECEIVED A largo shipment of Electric Cut Glass Shades. Call nnd see our stock of glass wnro. Wo also hnvo somo of the Intest designs In shower fixtures, frnm Iwn lii'llt to flVO. Everything In electrical supplies. Barnard & Langworthy City Auto Service Oood Cnrs, uaroiui """" -"T reasonable chnrgea. Our motto. "Will go anywnore at any time. Stands Dlnnco Hotol and Dlanco Cigar Store. Day Phones 78 ana . Night Phone 4 0. nATtTCKU ft flOPDATiK rirotirlotor W. 8. DROWN $ A. H. HODGINB Marshfield Paint, (Sb Decorating Co. Estimates Furnished. Phono 1H7-Ti MarsUflelil, Or, :'H i J Ml Ii 9 Rl I 1 A