THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19, 1913-EVENING EDITION. 5iTT?rrmrc3,rc'' t?ir,BUJ7jn-j awTmri!ym STARTS THURSDAY, MARCH 20TH, AT 9 A. M. SHAP. Everylhircg Goes Regardless of Cost ST-fv is! a ,&.&' J2LL. & Our entire stock of suits, coats, dresses, ladies' misses' and children's furnishings must be sold by April 1 st, when our new home on Central Avenue will be completed. We will positively not move a dollar's worth if we can help it We have marked every article down to nearly nothing. Ladies will find bargains here that will astonish the most critical shoppers. Everything goes in this big sensational bargain event. as "r: $5.00 $22,00 New Silk g y a k Dresses OD $3&K1S $19,50 $25,00 Ladies' Chinchilla d g og $l2Udi"e"s"Blac"k $55 $ldW $785 $2XMi!!!s' $10.85 SI 5,00 Misses' jjjy og $lsVZZ.".$6.65 $9.85 $20.00 Ladies' Suits . . . $9,00 Misses' a v n e Coats $3.J&3 $"Sat .$1.50 s,85?u $4.95 $6,00 Girls' fl o otr Coats pv5.3 $sc0o0a!s: $2.50 $1,50 Petticoats, fV- On sale at 0 $4,50 Two-Piece rt Ofp Skirls tpJ.cSv $25.00 Ladies' Suits . . . $6.50 Two-Piece Skirts 25c Ladies' and Misses' Hose 35c Ladies' and Misses' Hose, all colors 10c Handkerchiefs, On sale at 25c Children's Hose, On sale at 25c Children's Shoulder Supporters - r rvn. 11 1 ioc diiK nose, 1 11 1 all colors.. $1 5.75 ...$5.39 l?c !9c 7c 17 c 13c 43c $30.00 Ladies; $1950 98c ..$2,89 12k 38c 18c 43c 38c $1,50 Combination Suits $1,50 Silk Petticoats On sale at 25c Ruching, yard. On sale at 50c Back Combs, On sale at 25c Back Combs, On sale aL 75c Belts, On sale at - 50c Belts, On sale at. $8.00, $9.00 and $10.00 White Serge Dresses $5.00 The Second Ave Ladies' Liiip 9 COOS H.W PAINT AM) WALL PAPER CO'S. 01,11 STAND. (mum Store Open Evenings $6.50 to $8.00 SILK KIMONAS Choice $3.83 COOS BAY TIMES M. O. MALONEY Editor niidTiii7 tfAN E. MALONEY Ncwh Editor Official Palter of Coos County. OFFICIAL PAP1.R OK Till: CITY OK MA RSI I FIE LP. HERl'CING TIIH PROBLEMS OK LIFE. AMONG THE SICK. A CONNECTICUT Yunltoo hns hi A vented u contrivance which ho cnllH ii "gnstograph'' to produce tlio sensation of eating and drinking when you havu no actual food and diiulc liofon you. The pantograph works on tho principle of tho phonograph, and a "sciiHn tlon recorder" tickles tho palnto with all tho delights of a goiiuino feast. It looks 111(0 a great thing lor our professional hnntiuottors, mid inny yet put the "food tniHt" If thoro Is a food trust- out of bus- ItlCBfl. In connection with Professor Mun. atorborg's enchanted relaxation chair, designed to do away with tho necessity of sleeping, It Boonm ua If sonio of tho toughest prob lems of llfo had hooii solved. AN 4c r those two nchlovoinonts. It should ho easy to Invent something which would licop uh an evon tem perature without clothes, and It on ly ronmliiB for Luther Hurbnnk to produco a cacttm that will Brow twonty-dollnr Kohl pieces in plnco of HplllCH. However, with' n gnstograph, n Munstorborg and no necessity ror clothing, there are boiiiu of ub who might mnnngo to pull through with out tho coin. i!1 WITH THE TOAST AND THE TEA GOOD EVENING. All powor Is tho icsult of tho npark of Inspiration prop erly applied, lie the spark and Bonio one will ho ready to sup ply all tho gasoline )ou can explode -tt-H-Dcnd men mako no sales. -It-tt- A rolling Btone gets tho hard luiocks. -It-U- Glvo a pretty girl a mirror lost uho got lonesome. I -tt-tl- ! Fow men bo llvo that when thoy rllo tho undertaker sheds tears. --- I A male novor realizes hnw inslg jnlVtcant he is until ho attends a wuITragetto nicotine i Tliough married to a cooking eiliool graduuto, many a ninn would uuiiui iigui wmii ei. i nelghhors ennhles you to overlook a -lot of hlg ones In youiself. , I -It-It- - Why iIoph a successful man al- F. A. Sacchl was nblo to he down ways glvo his friends tho samo brand today oftor being laid up for n few of advice that business? he uses In Ills' own -It-tt- everything's safe. dny as a result of an attack of blood poisoning. While ho has not fully recovered, ho Is much Improved. George Wulutcml Is recovering from tho grip. Lot It never bo forgotten that tho Mrs. Frank Mnrhoffer Is confined tliueB aro rotten rotton! to or homo on South Uroadwny by Tho chorus swells and Binltes our Rrlp and bronchitis. civic ear. i Tho young child of Mr. and Mrs. C. Wo'ru assured our wouhl-bo states- S. Hoffman of West Marslillold is men domogogues are, addlo roportod 111. pates, mon Mrs. James Forty of Flagstaff, Who glvo cause our nation's spee- who has boon so sorloiiBly III, Is re- : nnnq lii dv end to fear, Hut In criticizing men, seeking fa tal faults, and then Ilulldiug wldo with means tho crlt c'b art employs. It may prove that such conclusions Buffering from aro tho outcome of delu- la grippe and slous It must ho they've overlooked one point our boys! ported much Improved today. Gladys Forry Is reported 111 at tho homo of her grandparents In Itnilrond Addition or grip. Mrs. W. S. Turpen, who hns been a sovere attack of rhoumatlsni. Is re potted improving BERKELEY FRIDAY IS GOOD FRIDAY now for peculiar feature of la urinno has developed hero this spring and that ....,,, , ,s wl,at nearly all who havo had tho So you're told In books nnd now-, allmont have suffered nttnrif ct wows that wo'ro going to tho rheumatism boforo recovorlnL'. in bowwows, That our sun tho zeulth high fare well has kissed; Don't bollove It for a minute, thoro Is really nothing Inlt It's just twaddle from the foolish pessimist. If you're still Inclined to doubt, stop outdoors and look about; On tho lawns and lots and play grounds what a nolso! Thoro illsports tho coming nation t hero's the state in incuba tion Good old-fnshlonod, dirty faced, rampaging boys! Bomo cases, tho rheumatism has boen quito acute. Miss Julia Holms, clerk at Sar tor's, who has boon qulto 111, Is re ported improving rapidly. John Loinuro Is recuporating from n sovero attack of la grippe. .MILL KliKCTS OFK1CKHS. Coqulllo Yes, I know It happens sometimes that to all of us thero como times Manufacturing Company iiokw .liecuug, Tho Hnndon Recorder says; "Tho stockholders of tho Coqulllo Hlver Mnnufacturulng Company hold a special meeting nt Hnndon on Tues day afternoon. Tho olllcors of tho company aro: President nnd Mana ger, Georuo Colsondorfor: View Prosi. i . ii .. .... - Whon wo doubt our brighter "t,u' - f. "artiott; secretary and hopes will e'er mnturuo! ireasurer, jonn Nellson; Thoso gen- Hut when faith in men is shaken nnd ijomen togotlior with C. A. Smith of dismay its place has tnken. or,t nt1'. n'id W. nullard of Then n glnnco around our heart3 . """"rds, constitute tho board of dl- should reassure. reetoro. Tho othor stockholders In See the boys! While wo have such tl10 company aro I). A. McCloud, J. there's no need to worry '' Krononborg, F. S. Perry, II. L. much Houston. Chas. Ashton, O. A. Trow Lot tho present show its lack of brldgo, J. W. Mast, Lyons Johnson solid poise; ! Lumber Co. Leave your pessimistic humors, flout , all horrifying rumors COOS H.W GHANGK dlnnor Sat- Thoro's salvation In our hordes of , unlay noon, March 22, at Odd Fol romping boys. AKITAN KKACIIKS HAUHOIt. lows hall. Fifty cents. at HUSV COHNKIt. TICKKTS Looking A -tt-tt- jr little faults In your A Portland paper says: "With out' meeting with a nitshlp tho hull of the now tug Akutiui, bo-1 longing to the Alaska-Portland J Packers' Association, arrived at the plant of tho Willamette Iron and Steel works at 130 Monday morn-1 Ing. Tho Wallula brought the craft to tho Columbia river nnd tho Ock-l lnhonin from Astoria to tho local harbor. The holler and machinery1 will bo iBiitnlled In tho Akutnn at tho lllamctto Iron nud Steel works, She Is expected to bo ready to leave for the compau's salmon grounds on tho Nushugiik rlvor, Alaska, about May 1. Try Tho Times' Want Ads. Miss May Preuss Initiated by Sorority Portland Club Entertains Many. (Special to Tho Times.) I1KUKKLBV. Cal.. March in Miss Mao ProiiBS. '10. of tho Unl- vorslty of California, her frlonds will bo glad to learn. Is no longor. ono of tho small number of tho un Inltlnto of tho Oregon students at tho university. Miss ProiiBS wns recontly "rushed," and Is now a momiior of tho Alpha Omlcron PI sorority of which hor clnssmnto, Miss Nora Towor, Is also a soror ity Bister. Tho Alpha O's represent ono of tho oldest and most solidly oBtabllBhod of tho Amorlcan soror ities and Is n nntlonnl aBsocIatlon of widespread Influonco. This be speaks tho popularity of our homo students in caiirornln. Ono of tho most brilliant social affairs of tho Bonson at tno univer sity was tho recoptlon and danco glvon by tho Portland club of tho university of California to tho gen eral collogo public. Tho danco was hold at Codar and Arch streets In Horkoloy, at tho Hillsldo clubhouse. Tho club was roproaonted by most of tho Oregon students. All of tho ton or twolvo Coos Hay studonts aro mombors of tho Portland club, and most woro present. Tho Port land club, which Is composed of students in tho Unlvorslty from all parts or urogon, was established sovoral years ago to promote fel lowship and homo Interest among tho northern studnntn nf Hin uni versity. Quito n number of tho'lvir club mombors aro Idaho nnd Wash-1 uu Hot Cross Buns Wo nro propnrod to Biipply your wants If you will phono us your re quirements In town. Our delivery will bo going nil day. Gor your buns on the first delivery. Kvcr-ylliliiK In (ho Cake and Pastry Lino Is Hero. Plmne Ill-L. Coos Bay Bakery 77 Market Avenue. MarMiflcld. Kvoryhody who has tried our Corona Blend Coffee Como Again. Thoio's a reason. Coos Bay Tea, Coffee & Spice House 184 Market Avo. Phono 30-i-J. The Royal TONIGHT 1IICKOK & OTIS, Ill a one-act larco Comedy ami Songs, Coos Bay Bosiiraess College Hookkeoplng. Arithmetic. Pejj manshlp. Spelling. CommwW Law, Huslness Corrcsponden ; Shorthand, and Touch T)peru Ing. rositlons waiting for graduates. tngton students. HOT CUOSS 11CNS AT LKII) HAH.MDGK HAKKKV. Phone 112-L. Libby COAL. Tho Kind VOU have ALWAYS USED. Phono 73, racf Livery and Transfer Company. Times' Want Ads bring results. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. RETAIL DEPARTMENT LUMHER, LATH, SHINGLES, MOULDINGS, SASH AND DOORS. ROOFING PAPER, ETC. CUT THE FUEL RILL IN TWO 1IV USING OUR WOOD. PnONE 100. 183 SOUTH BROADWAY NEW PICTURES FOUR Entitled: Tho Poor Hoob and tho MUup. Fair M'etlier Friends. (Gnumont) Great Events. (Gaumont) Pychology of pear. (Thanhoiisor.) Always a Good Show for the Money I'olhw the Croml TO THE ROYAL. Lower Floor, inc. Halcony. 10c. McDonald's Auto Line To Runner Hill, Ray Park and Flngstnff. Hourly trips with passengors, pack ages and freight. Leave your bun dles at tho Busy Corner. Goodrum's Garage homo of the CADILLAC and FORD Auto Supplies for AH Makes of Cars 17 Central AM"" t,,e 'ScrsS'f And Is being thoroughly ; tod. Tho name w l D L"" "as thf hereafter It win " ..irrvrnr, DOTSO.V" Tho new Proprletres.S'SJ lar with tho 'oIbut8he best hOO qualinod to set up " hoUS; rnnk.l meals In the city. . 8 Phono orders to either 83-R or 208 qualltioa 10 set ,tv. Tha nc cooked meals In the i. nd will bo kept neat .ana . b0 wo nsk U that you Si or wcei a trial. Board ol j nI,BW Mrs. Hughes ami " proff Ttavo your job prntlDB Tho Times office. done i t HA Ph H U