..T l',Aitikf)iiiAikijtk- .ftwnUhiA j.ii;tfi,ii'i ,,nu r. ffi POKING SI POSTERITY IS MUCH BETTER THAN BOASTING ABOUT ANCESTORS ,itfr UTICliKH NOW IS YOUt TIME. ( irt f()11, lllltHIKllTllllOH Wllllt n,.;,! tli-t.i rsoJIuM,,! They A hiiiiiII ad In Tin Time want art' " column may bring ymi results nn mediately. Try one. nil crtrcl'- aii.'fflw MEMUEIl OF THE ASSOCIATED PItES fc58E2i :.i IXublMiid In lHja MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19, 19 13 EVENING EDITION SIX PAGES. K CoTcZlZSCM No. 208 lOL. AAA VI. as 'j'lio Coast man. afiwuii miiiwiun i (Unas U mmm mi urn --- " 'i - - -.. ..... '"-"nvHHnnMnasaa I PROPOSITIONS GARRY IN BAN IBFIELD SFtGIAL tLtCIION U-.!fK-&MPh.Dwl Deal uuBbiiuii "- -j Nearly Five to One. Lnd support WINS' Ainu "u nv nWr:p q Tn 1 Dl uw uii terminal Railway Plans of Ne gotiations Willi o. i . Given Results. ixirnov msi'ii's, Ml. II I. : hi;. K llrcail i l0" -j qii'-3tloF Yc3. "I" v' Tc! I .oHir Scrn m "- ' &T i tlovi' Kiimiimry hiiowh mo L "i tf i i iH'i.il advisory nloc- ca trlil in ."--""" " "" h. tallroril hH'muii mi L tf n 'I '' ""," r"r ,0 fee thlb "' "a'1" hi i i'ii u.v ii i!i core Ouin " to one. 1 1 " irl v.lc nn .'- '"''"K Im" mu thn oni-mirin or t lit pron I's total viiMiib hiii-iiKlli of the tj The Inv.t' number of voles tcm In was a surprise. .Many of ( t0t(3 8V(iril III '!' wiiiiniii. Tie Wr mnjorm In raven- of lliu .. .1 i.... it.... i.ltlt tit jr. tTElcai Mill way iil'iiiimk ' "" Djtltrn Pacific for the transfer of i tail itrniii irnntiilHO lo ti.o ini- t read uns more I""" iih'"ir '" n n!.....!!,... .ii. I lli.iu.k U'llfl Infll? I. S. I.IUIIJUIV1 41IIU III"""' .1 in, (tartlcularly ncllvi Interest In tlio r lit li now expected Hint tlio pro- pary noBoiiimoim noiwcon inn o companies win in- iiiibiuu.mi aim i fitly settlement of tlio matter !lri. In n general way, It Ih iJrntoo.l Unit tlio terms between e companies lnivo been agreed ca and tliai tiiey win no oi viiiu portancc to tlio city or Marsh 'i. Some of tlio conditions nt US to the transfer, ncrnrdlnu to jirtntly authentic icpnrts aro: Tlit the Southern Pacific coin- tt iti line from .Miirslirieni to c3 hv lit:. Ttit Marsliflflil lie ininlo tlio tor- luioitne KtiKcue llni1 twin 11 tin' il li ronMnnnil snnlli In l?nrikil 1 Sin Francisco tlint Mnraliflchl cade a dlvUlon point. Ttit the Sotitlicin Pacific hIioiib i ciTiiion lii'mliiiiii'UrM no limdo uinaiieui, iiiiib inclining uiat a M Dumber of train nml hIiiiii tun- ;:tl llll rCBliIc lioro. Tkat Coos Hay ho ullnwoil torm- f mei on irmiR-cnimiit'iunl Iiuh- h. t:e fame ns San I'lanclnco, i Aoseiea, rortlnml anil Sonttlo. l'hn nf Tm-mliiiil 1 S. Chandler, Konoral mnnagor i" lerminal Hallway, Ih tlio oii- aiooiaer, director or olllclal Ittecomiiany on tlio liny. Today iMieq mat no wns highly Krntl- vtr ine ouuoino or tlio olec- i althOUIfh hn linil rntlini. nutlnl- l(- ihe result. OwIijk to tlio j of Ms associate ho did not glilng out any extomloil -tlfnt at tlit. ii. ""Wr, he said tiuit tlio mnt- iraiii be hnndled with tlio - Verity iiractlcnhlo. Tlio Tor- ".wmpany mill tnko It ii) with withern Pacific Inimodlntoly ibsence of tlenorul Mann- ' Clllln flnrt I)k..i.i... o i.. C J. 1 1 9 fi-nn, 0.. I. '....! ,i,, " .ill oilll I'lUIIUIDCU E!r it some. I. !,iIeLMl "nwuy will pro- Kl ie ,lnes outlined horo rKnril nv i i-l ik. ( " u -i-iiiiiiiiy iioiiuh lnll.Som.,ieri' I'ntlflc nnd If I'lVo,., JaclIlc lfl unnlilo to I ik. Vweh u lB undoratood Ij ! Jerrall!al Knllwny will E ,"h Project nloiiK tho orl- rtotk o cahQ Ir l8 turned tttold m .5 . r5 fnclflc, tlio ti f .tuo Terminal Rail- iM in v,8 0I,Iy th0 nionoy Wr .::,', ""'""n won; ami i to,:"".1?" l !oreo. tlio ! to .Yi .!. b 'ro1" u, trnnBrer f l .1 e peoi,, ot th0 co-- taa ttotl 78ca u,ai tno rm' titcl IeM te"8 t0 transfer are .,., '," "m" Arno ' "titled hvn 0aklan. but A!? of tho !K of i th, e,et'tl0 o "" Per t ;"J coiunuut ,,tJWr?tn, B,,11"ort th0 ..WpwwK tiat 1 1"" v?' c'oso when t. vCt. but wh arry nuout E,.kDL?e? he made tho Cctea" h' or. ?- ... i ..' 0 havo .v. ' J'u,u will li .."buttons I, ,Vn.V. ' ",L. ' BiT!8?' Prowt. T1"'' 'ril'-ltjM Income REVISE TARIFF " IN A HURRY Democratic Leaders Hold a Conference to Insure Har monious Action on It. tllr Amoi Ifttpil I'rr. In ('mil llT Tlllim I WASHINGTON. Marcli in. Tlio (lulclc 1'ovIhIoii or tin' tiirlrr tilling lluuH acroptuhl( (o tin- Dcinociiuli' ll'lllll'I'H of lllllll lldllHl'rt oT ('i)IIKI('HK wiih tlio oliji'ot oT ii ((inforiMU'v call oil lor today, liotwi en ino iuiiI.Iiik tariff rovlHlonlHlH or t lie tmrly In tho Sonntt' and Ilouno. Tlio confor clirc wiih iIi'hIkiumI iih a iimvo to Ki't UiKutliiM' on a comnioii Ki'o'nul and Hinooth tho way for launchliit; the lli-Ht Dmnocratlc larirr In niauy yi'iirH, uiiilor a policy or wwlft and InirnionloiiH action. IMcHldont WIIhoii will ho In fro iiuoiit idiiforonro liori'tiftor with Iti'proHiuilntlvi1 I'uilorwood. Doino cratlc uiajorlty londiir In tho Hoiimo and Senator SIuiiiiouh. upon whom will Hill Iho clilor work of draw Iuk tlio tariff lilll. KS III1S OF LARGE FRAUDS Antonio Musica and Sons of New York Arrested on the Charge of Defrauding Many Institutions. Illv ii IaioI I'rfM lo .'ooi liny Tltnr. NHW OIH.HANS. March 10. ('Iiuir.i'd wlih ilofraudlni; hatihs In HiIh finiiitry and ICuropo out of ap proximately a million dollars, An tonio MiiHlcti ot Now York, and thri'o hoiih, (Iimii'ko, Arthur and Philip, were arroHtod today on tho Htcniucr lloredlii. Two ilaiiKhturH or tho oldnr .MiirIcii, I.oiiIho and (Jraco, woro iiIho dotalni'd. Tho part wan taken In custody Just hi'foro tliulr doparturo for Colon. Wlmn Hoarchod. $rU,0(l0 waa taken from Arthur .AIiimIch and $10. (Kin iimro from other inoinhurH of tlio party. .MiihIcii'h haKKiiKo will he Hoari'lifit and it Ib expected by tlio police that much more money nnd I valuable papem will ho recovered, j Tlio party will ho taken to Now I York at once. ;ivi:s lA.MihV itKt'oitn. Were I n--tl ct In Tin Iff WeiKhliiK I'l-aiids. Illv Ann imM I'iik lo i uo llaj Tlmw 1 NHW YOKK, March 111. Anton io MttHica, arrcBtud in Now Or leans, Is nearly 7o years old. Kor yoaru ho Iiiih beou an luiiorter of cheese. In nun tho Kovornmont charged them with unilerwelKlnt; fraudH, nml Philip, shloldlni; the ra ther, pleaded t;ullty and wan sen tenced to one year's Imprisonment. Shortly afterward his sentence was I commuted by President Taft. He- JturiiliiK to New York iikuIii he be I'lUiH) asoHclated with bin father In business. Hair kooiIh now becamo I their specialty nnd hanks for innuy i moiillm iieKotiRted their paper un- 1 til a recent repudiation of a draft. I Attachment of their property and chaiKCH of criminal mniilpualilon of Invoice! Involving hundreds of thou- snnds of dollars followed nml tliun flight of the entire family, luclud- lim tlio two ilniiKhters. I'l.A.V IS ADOPTMI). (Ilr A"o'llc-l I'ri.a lo Coon liar Tlmra.l WASHINOTON, A conference later between Senators Simmons, Hoke Smith, S. Williams. Ilimhcs and Chairman Underwood and other members or tho House Ways and MeiuiH Committee resulted In an tin dorstundliiK that the tarlh would he thoroiiKhly considered Jointly by the House and tho Senate commutes nnd President Wilson before the tariff revision actually begins In tlio House. PUTER TELLS iEST FL1G ISANIT? PLEA MACHINE YET SAVES IRDERER h i in Says He Has no Connection With Farrin and Bruschke in Deals. Several times In the columns of this nowepnpor my name has been mentioned with others In connection with timbor operations In this lo cality. I wish to ninko n Htntoinent niorely Hint 1 mny not bo misunder stood by my business friends In this city nnd to prevent either myself or anyone olso belnj; placed In a fnlso position. First, It was Btated that myself nnd Mr. 13. L. C. Fnrrln of Portland woro operntlnj: here together. I know nothing of Mr. Fuirln's business mat ters further than Hint It is probnhly only folr to Mr. Fnrrln nnd mysolf that It bo clearly stated that wo lmvo no business connection whatever. I do not wish to convoy tho Idea that my nnmo being connected with that of Mr. Fnrrln was In anyway harmful but tho Incorrect statement placed ub both In a false, position In vlow of tho fact that our timber dealings are of a different nnturo and aro absolutely without connec tion. In last evening's paper, Mr. Charles J. Druschko makes n statemont In which ho calls attention to tho fnct that his name was connected In tho nowspnpor with my namo nnd that of Mr, Farrin. Mr. lTruBchko de nies any connection with mo and states that ho does not know me. I wish to confirm Mr. Uruschke's po sition as wo have no connections and I hnve never mot tho gentleman. that thoy will arrango somehow to provide tho additional $1200 or $1500 needed for the band. It Is also expected that somo means mny bo provided for overcoming the provision In the city charter which is said to limit tho amount which the council enn appropriate for such purposes without having to wait for a special election to amend the charter. There Is a difference of opinion It Is said us to the restric tions In the charter about this. 21 Spoiled ltnllotx. Tho judges throw out 24 ballots ns defective, being Improperly marked. All ballots that wore not marked simply with a cross woro not counted. No one kept count of tho number of women voting, but It was said that fully one-third of the voters wero women. MW-AV13EK TAFFY RALK, TO MOllUOW. ASSORTED FIjAVOHS, English Army Has Perfected New Type That Is Far Ahead of All Others. (Ily A Ulii1 1'niM In ('mi May TItiicm. LONDON. March 1 !.- The llrlt IbIi army possesses the best aero plane In the world uud has secretly perfected a type of Hying machine far superior to any In possession oi other nations. This anuoiiucemeut was made today In the llouxe of Commons, by Colonel John Seoly, secrotnry of state for war. It caus ed a great sensntlon among the members. Secretary Seoly snld: "The great' problem ban been to secure an aer oplane that can fly nt both low and high speed. The Ilrltlsh army now has a machine which has benteu SO miles nu nour and which Is nlso able to reduco tholr speed to 10 miles an hour. An army bi plane passed yesterday all tests at an aveuigo speed of 91 Vj mile., per hour. Wo shall lmvo HO nero planes by next Mny. Wo lmvo de liberately rejected huge airships as being useless for wnr purposes. The army, however, Is devoting Its attention to small transportable, dirigibles." IS TO W MacArthur-Perks Superintend ent Returns Will Start 1 Big Tunnel. IS NOX-CO.MMITTAh. Mr. Dixon, who nrrlvcd yes I terdny via Florenco wns very I non-committal whon asked to I day about when ho expected to t commence actual operations In . Vni-Hi rtmiil ltn snld that he I preferred to wait a few days before giving anything out. I Sipt. Dixon of tho MacArthur, Porks company returned to North Uond Into yesterday from a trip to Eugene and Portland. Ho stnted that preparations woro made to rush tho construction all along tho lino between Coos Day and Eugono. It Is not stated Just when Mr. Dixon expects his construction equip ment in to start work In North Uend but It probably will be soon, as Ar chlo Phillips and his forco have com pleted clearing tho bulk of tho right of way. Mr. Dixon Is quoted as saying that Porter Brothers will start work this weok on the big tunnel noar Gardln or, some men doing somo preliminary work today. Close llov Factory Deal, It wns stated thnt the Southern Dnntfii. nml Owner Kern of tho North Dond Box Factory expected to close negotiations lor mu hk. of way through there today. .Mr. Kern has been Insisting that tho company buy tho factory outright, n. rntlinr flxlnir tho Iirlco for tllO right of way so near tho value ho fixes on the uox inciory mm jik. of way, that It would bo cheaper to buy tho whole thing. Just what today's negotiations will result In Is not known. .MID-WEEK TAFFY SALE, TO MOIMtOW. ASSOKTED FLAVOUS, Iflu lb. LEWIS' Confectionery. HOT CROSS HUNS AT LEID nitMitn i.ii:i,'ifv nnn i 7- Ralph Henry of Newport Is Found Not Guilty by Jury at Albany, Today. (Ilr AmwIiIM I'iwi lo Coon liny Tlnio. 1 A MIAN Y, Ore.. Mnrch '0.- -Not guilty by reason of Insanity." was the verdict of the jury In tho cubo of llalph Henry of Newport, chnrged with the murder of George Dodd, near Corvallls, Inst October. Tho Jury was out nine and onu-half hours. A board of alienists will he appoint ed to pass upon Henry's present men tal condition. TO I AS 5 GREECE MOURNS KING'S DEATH Queen Olga Swoons When She Hears News State ' Mourning for Yea!-. GEORGE PLANNED DEED WELL Alko Schinas Had Recently Returned to Saloniki from Residence Abroad. FIRED ON RULER AT DISTANCE OF SIX FEET Aid-de-camp and Body Guard Unable to Intervene in Time to Save Monarch. KING CONSTANT INK. (My Associated Prens.) JANINA. March 10. Con Htautlue, tlit) new KIiik of Greece, left for Sttlonlkl today after handing over to Geuernl DiiiikIIh the chief command of the Greek army. Conwtnntliie liui-Ht Into (earn when advhied of the tniKcdy. (Ilr AmoiUIM Trm lo Ctxx Da) llmn.l ATHENS. March 10. Queen Olga of Greeco Is too prostrated by the fato of her husband to sail for Sa loniki last night but she left today. When her sons, Prlnco George and Prince Andre communicated the news to her, she fell minting, but re covered from her swoon again. Phy sicians called to quiet her. All the princes and princesses of the royal family accompnnled their mother to Salnnlkl. State mourning has been ordered for a period of six months nnd population Is overwhelmed. All tho newspapers printed with black bor ders, long oulogles of the dead mon arch. The chambor nf deputies met today and Premier Venlzelos formal ly announced the death of King Georgo and tho succession of King Constantino. ASSASSIN AN A.VAUCIIIST. - I -4' WILSON SENDS CONDOMINCE. TO WEST COAST United States Will Have Men- of-War at Mexican Ports of Pacific Soon. (Iljr AMorlatcl I'mi lo Cool ll.y Tlmn-.l WASHINGTON, March 10. At tho Instance of Admiral Southor Innd, commanding the Pacific flcot, who has been watching from Guny mas the condition of the West Coast of Moxlco, the Navy Department has approved his recommondntlou that tho crulsors Callfomln nnd Maryland ho sent to thnt const. They nro now tit San Francisco. A considerable number of American citizens, disturbed by tho revolu tionary troubles In Souora are drift ing to tho coast towns. For this reason tho presence of a warship Is desired. Lower California Is re ported tranquil. The new governor, llilgndtc,. Gen oral Miguel Gomez, has assumed of. flee. Illy Amu Ulvl I'm to Coot Hay Time. NACO. Mnrch 19. Goneral OJe da'B federals, trapped by the state troops around Nnco, continue tho destruction of railways to tho south thus preventing the arrival of Ca bral's group of stato troops. Gen ornl OJeda's plight proved still more serious when It was made known todny that 21 C of his mon aro hold by the United Statos troops hero. OJeda had less than r00 whon ho defeated the state troops last weok. Antonio rtojas, a former Orozco general, Is reported with -100 mon near Cuiupas, 100 miles of this point. Ills position In the rovolt Is doubtful and resenting his Intru sion from Chihuahua stato, the stato troops aro on their way to drive htm back. ATTACK IS FOlt HIDDEN. United States Naval Commander Pie vents IJattlo on .Mexican Coast. IH AiOclat.4 I'rraa to Cooa Hay Tlmta. NOGALES, Mnrch 19, One thou sand fedornls aro entrenched at Em palme, opposite Guaymas, while the stato troops are mobilizing u strong rorco at Ortiz, a fow miles to tho north of tho Sonorn railway. It Is reported by refugees arriving hero todny that the United States cruiser Colorado in Guaymas harbor through Its commander, has forbidden, It Is sold, any bombardment of Emnlmo, where a largo American colony la located. POPE 1'IUM UElTEIt. Attends .Mass Today AVIth Other ItlilltlVCK. tny AMoclaled !' to Cooj nay Tlmn J HOME. March 19. Pope Plus to day for tho first time since his In disposition waB present at tjie col obratlon of mass outside his bod room. HIb sisters and nelce also at- Preslileut Cubh'H .Sympathy to Queen of Greece Today. Ilr Aa.oriatril I'mi to Cuoa Hay TIiiim.J WASHINGTON, March 10 Pres ident WINon's llrst net today wns to send a message of condolence to i. lo widowed queen of Uo line King George of Greeco, WA TTD W European Powers Expected to Insist on Speedy Termin ation of Hostilities. Illy A.iO.litM i'rraa to Cooa Hay Tlmca.) COLOGNE, March 10. European powers nro preparing to demand from tho Dulkau allies a speedy termina tion of hostilities In European Tur key, according to an Inspired dis patch from Ilerlln to tho Cologne Gazette. IS i American Bankers May Not Participate in Deal; Trou ble Over Direction. Illy AuoclatM I'rraa to Cooa Day Tluic.) WASHINGTON, March 10. Pres ident Wilson's statement or the ad ministration's attitude toward Am erican bankers' participation in tho Chinese, loan and foreign loans gen erally, has attractod widespread comment In tho discussion In ofll clal and diplomatic circles. Fol lowing closely upon tho statement came Intimations that tho negotia tions may now proceed as a five power affair without tlio American group. There aro Indications of dis cord nnd claims of tho various na tionalities for tho predominating In fluence In the nppolntmont of ad nilnlstiators of tho loan and for Its expenditure. ci.osi: mo smeiieil Cananea Smelter Must Shut Down For Ijick of Fuel. IHy Asaoi latoJ I'rraa to Cooa Hay Tlmca 1 TUCSON. Ariz,, March 10.- Tho smelter nt Cananea, Sonora, employ ing 4,500 men, must cIobo within a weok for lack of fuel, caused by cut ting tho Southern Pacific railway by ; (lly Associated Press. 1 NEW YOUK. March 10. - ' Aleko Schinas. nsttnsHln of King George, Is it iiihu ot education I nnd h confirmed anarchist, nc- j cording to Information obtained by Demetiiou N. Ilotassl. the Greek consul In this city. The 1 limn llllfHA.il ., wfiii.... iiurilnul 1 iiii.il ini.mi. ., niiiiMT; ..n"HIl I I the king, It Is snld, because j the Kovernmcut closed n school ' of anarchism which Schltius es tablished at Yolo, where Schl- i iiiih was born. Illy Aaa lalol I'rfM lo Coot Hay Tlnio. ) SALONIKI. March 10. Alko Schi nas. tho murderer of King George I. of Greece, appears to have llvotl much abroad, he returned to this city when It was occupied by tho Greek army after the surrendor of tho Turkish garrison. Promodltatlnn appears to have been established by tho fact that Schluns lurked In hid lug. He riiHhcil out when tho royal victim wns only six feet away and II red point blank Into the back of tho king. The shooting occurcd only a few yards from pollco hondquurtore. Lletuteiinut Colonel Frnuclouds, the king's nldo do camp, who was walk ing beside his royal master, Inimo dlntoly drow n revolver. Schinas tuurned to lire at Francloudls, but shot wild. Two Cretan military po licemen, who wore nctlng ns an es cort to the king, dashed at Schinas, pinioned his arms lieforo he could lire n gal n. Tho king hcciime unconscious Immediately after the shooting and died on his way to tho hospital, SHOCK TO OJ'EK.V MOTIIElt. Parent of English King Is Sister bf Slain Itiiler. Hy Aaao. laid ivna I. Cooa Hay Tlmra.) LONDON, March 10. Queen Mo ther Alexandra, sister of the mur dered King of Greece, has recovered from the llrst Hhock or hor broth er's tragic death and Ib giving her personal attention to the Hood ot sympathetic messages from ail mii-in or the world. King Georgo or Eng land joined her early today and re mained with hor several hours. MUCH SYMPATHY SHOWN. .Many Nationalities in Saloniki Unite In Tribute to Dead Huler. Illy Aaaorlale.1 I'rraa lo Cooa Hay Tlmn.J SALONIKI. March 19. Tho body of tho lato King Georgo of Greeco was embnlmod today and removed to tho palaco on a stretcher borne by his son, Prlnco Nicholas, and sov oral suporlor ofTIcors of tho Greek army. Tho stretcher wns followod by n strangely dlverslllod procession, consisting of regular troops, In enm pnlgn otitllt, o Ulcers In brilliant uni forms, clorgy, civilians, Cretans, Greeks, Mussulmans nnd pcoplo of tho various Ualkan races. On ar rival at thotpnlaco, military honors woro rendered. Tho body wns placed on a bier In the main chamber and the Greek metropolitan offered n. prnyor. As tho civil nnd military authorities fllod past, ninny of thorn burst Into tears. A guard of honor, consisting of Greek captains and priests, tho latter contlnunlly chant ing prayers, will bo stntlonod around tho body until It is removed ror burial. I THE WHEAT MAKKET IHy Aiaoilated Pma 10 Cooa Hay Time.. CHICAGO, Mareh 10. May wheat ?? 89 fi-8; July wheat & 891-8; and Soptember wheat S 88 7-8, PORTLAND, Ore., March 19. Wheat unchanged. TACOMA, Mnrch 10. Wheat unchanged, KEPOUT IN ESTATE OF LATE E. II. HAItltl.MAN NEWHUHGH, N. Y., March 19. The Orange county Inhorlrj.nce tnx appraiser has Hied his report of the estato of E. II. Ilarrlman, who dlod September 9, 1910, with Sur rogate Swazoy, nt Goshen. Tho not estate Is valued at $CS. 010,318.00. Tho transfer tax Is $(180,013.18. From this, tho es tato Is entitled to a deduction of live por cont, becnuso a preliminary transfer tax or $075,000 was paid to the state In Mnrch, 1910 Tho real estato Is valued at nearly $3, 000,000, whllo tho remainder, about $CC, 000,000, Is porsonal property. If you have anything to poI 'Rtl ys hope 15c lb. LEWIS' Confectioner; IIIUAIIMII) .fi